Research Paper On Organisational Culture

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Title: Mastering the Challenge: Crafting a Thesis on Organisational Culture

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is often likened to scaling a mountain – it's a daunting
task that requires perseverance, dedication, and skill. When it comes to delving into the depths of
organizational culture for your research paper, the challenge only intensifies.

Understanding and dissecting the intricate layers of organizational culture demands meticulous
attention to detail, extensive research, and critical analysis. From exploring the historical evolution of
organizational cultures to unraveling the complex dynamics within modern workplaces, every aspect
requires thorough examination and thoughtful interpretation.

One of the greatest hurdles in crafting a thesis on organizational culture is the vast amount of
literature and theories surrounding the subject. Navigating through the myriad of scholarly articles,
books, and case studies can be overwhelming, often leaving researchers feeling lost in a sea of

Moreover, conducting empirical research to gather relevant data adds another layer of complexity.
Designing surveys, interviews, or experiments that effectively capture the nuances of organizational
culture requires careful planning and methodological rigor.

Additionally, synthesizing and synthesizing the gathered data into a coherent narrative that
contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge is no small feat. It demands not only
analytical prowess but also a keen understanding of the broader implications of your findings.

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numerous resources available, finding reliable support tailored to your specific needs can be a
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Times of need require that members come together to aid their peers in creating a sense of belonging
to one another while feeling welcome to the new merger. Part-time employees are eligible for a
similar plan called Choice Plus. To what extent can managers influence the culture of their
organisation. Vol: 5; No: 2; pp: Lewis, organizational culture essay, Dianne. If you are the copyright
owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Scholars can use
them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. You would
either stomp, point at them, gently tap their shoulder or wave your hand to get their attention. A
seamless and smooth transition to a merger relies on the ability of the HRM, human resource
managers, in making initiatives for the recruitment, structure and of the company’s workforce while
ensuring a seamless cultural change. What are the symbolic elements of culture? More items.
Property rights outline the rights and duties of each internal stakeholder. A workplace with strong
beliefs, values, behaviors, ideas and expectations define an organization. These questions are
designed to assess the workplace and everyday working life of the people within it. Within the same
organization, marketing and manufacturing departments often have different cultures such that the
marketing department may emphasize innovativeness, whereas the manufacturing department may
have a shared emphasis on detail orientation. Employees are empowered to resolve customer
problems in ways they see fit. For Later 100% 100% found this document useful, Mark this
document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful
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A positive connection has been shown linking organisational commitment to the number and type of
stories told. What do the most successful people here do differently than everyone else. Despite
getting financial results such as doubling the sales of the company, many of the changes he made
were criticized. Such proactive behavior on the part of employees who share company values is likely
to emerge frequently in companies with a service culture. The branches feature coffee for customers,
Internet kiosks, and withdrawn funds are given on a tray along with a piece of chocolate. Daimler
employees were used to being part of an elite organization, evidenced by flying first class on all
business trips. Costco provides a range of benefits, such as a 401(k) plan, to its employees. For
example, imagine a company with a culture that is strongly outcome oriented. This activity helps a
group of leaders understand how they each think about the cultures within their teams, and helps
them reach an understanding on what they would collectively like their future culture to be. Noticing
this tendency, a baggage handler notified his superiors about this problem, along with the suggestion
to load first-class passenger luggage last. The structural style is particularly effective for organizations
that require growth, so leaders must carefully consider which framework to utilize. Despite having
28% fewer stores, Costco surpassed Sam’s Club in sales in 2003 by 21%, resulting in a 34% increase
in their stock value the following year. T hese cultures prevent quick action, and as a result may be a
misfit to a changing and dynamic environment. You can use it for research and reference purposes to
write your own paper. Journal of Organizational Excellence, Spring Schein, E.
Are there healers from your community who might also be able to help you. In 2007, Southwest
surpassed American Airlines as the most flown domestic airline. However, it is also difficult to
establish an organisational culture. The functionalist approach rests on the assumption that particular
types of institutions, such as kinship or government, are motivated by the same basic factors and
oriented toward the same basic ends in all human societies in which they are present. So the term
organizational tradition refers to the perception of the personnel which creates a sample of basic
assumptions being located or evolved by way of a collection of people because it helps them address
their outside and inner problems, so it’s far taken into consideration to valid after which it’s far
taught to new contributors of the agency for them to perceive, assume and feel in a sure manner.
(James, et ol 2011). Historically, there are many definitions about organizational culture, which
different literatures offer different definitions. By entering your email address, you agree to the
PayLoadz Terms of Service. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all
donated by helpful students. A research paper on culture could also explore how culture intersects
with other social and political factors, such as gender, race, class, and nationality. There are many
factors that contribute to the development of organizational culture, including the values and vision
of the organization's leaders, the history and traditions of the company, and the diverse backgrounds
and experiences of its employees. In this research three factors; participative environment, diversity
and flexibility are studied with their impact on organization culture. For example, within a largely
bureaucratic organization, an enclave of innovativeness and risk taking may emerge within a single
department. A shared vision should be integrated with members holding the same value systems.
Members of an organization should be made to feel the oneness of purpose and a sense of belonging
to that organization. At the same time, some outcome-oriented companies may have such a high
drive for outcomes and measurable performance objectives that they may suffer negative
consequences. While culture assessments are very useful, they only explore a current state and a
desired future state. Many businesses in Hong Kong adhere to ethical theory, establishing ethics
codes to ensure successful transactions and regulate behavior beyond legal requirements. The
participative theory involves involving others in the decision-making process to achieve common
goals. Psychology plays a vital role in employee's commitment to the organization. Mergers are
particularly made for the purpose of synergy. At the heart of your organization's culture is a set of
commonly shared values.. Look at your hiring practices. Organizational Behaviour: Global and
Southern African Perspectives, organizational culture essay. This calls for leadership to adopt the
best course of action in carrying out an organization’s tasks. Asmany as 68 employees used a
saturated sample so that 68 samples wereobtained. Management researchers have been quick to point
out the. The company's mission is “to continually provide our members with quality goods and
services at the lowest possible prices.” (Costco). Costco prides. As a result of these policies, the
company benefits from a turnover rate lower than the industry average. The company pays
employees above minimum wage, offers health care and tuition reimbursement benefits to its part-
time as well as full-time employees, and has creative perks such as weekly free coffee for all
associates. Thus a company maintains its strategy and improves its position in the market. Ultimately,
they all aim to help teams learn about their organizational cultures. Daimler employees were used to
being part of an elite organization, evidenced by flying first class on all business trips.
Internal accounting control is a system that is used to safeguard and encourage sound management
practices within an organization both financially and in general. Part-time employees are eligible for
a similar plan called Choice Plus. The leadership models can be categorized into two main
frameworks: the managerial grid and the four framework approach. What would make this company
a better place to work. As a result of these policies, the company benefits from a turnover rate lower
than the industry average. A workplace with strong beliefs, values, behaviors, ideas and expectations
define an organization. Full description Save Save Essay on Organisational Culture by Sander Kaus
For Later 80% 80% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 20% 20% found this
document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print Download now Jump to
Page You are on page 1 of 17 Search inside document. Costco is a membership-only warehouse club
based in the United States. For example, logger, aircraft pilot, fishing worker, steel worker, and
roofer are among the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States. Introduction A key element
that holds sway in decision making in an organization is its culture. Despite having 28% fewer
stores, Costco surpassed Sam’s Club in sales in 2003 by 21%, resulting in a 34% increase in their
stock value the following year. Which question would be appropriate small talk in a being culture.
Impact of organizational Culture on Decision Making Strategic leadership calls for the creation and
maintenance of organizational characteristics that bring about collective effort. Culture can also be
influenced by external factors such as the industry in which the organization operates and the
broader societal and cultural context in which it exists. In other words, in these cultures employees
are engaged in their jobs and personally invested in improving customer experience such that they
identify issues and come up with solutions without necessarily being told what to do. The unique
culture that every organization displays has an affect on its ability to remain profitable. Enter your
email address below in order to get paid out via PayPal when a sale occurs. In this research three
factors; participative environment, diversity and flexibility are studied with their impact on
organization culture. An organization’s core competencies should be focused for it to stay afloat in a
competitive market. These values and norms influence the way employees interact in an
organization, their standards of behavior and an organization’s interaction with its environment
(Sekaran 2004). A weak organizational culture calls for extensive reliance on procedures, and
organizational bureaucracy in implementing its objectives and reaching its goals, leading to reduced
innovations, and reduced employee motivation. It is vital to integrate an organization to its
environment through the decision making process. These subcultures differed depending on the level
of danger involved and the type of background experience the individuals held, including “crime-
fighting street professionals” who did what their job required without rigidly following protocol and
“anti-military social workers” who felt that most problems could be resolved by talking to the parties
involved. What truly sets him apart is his ability to bring compassion to a big-box chain like Costco.
For example, Umpqua Bank, operating in the northwestern United States, is known for its service
culture. In order to achieve this, the top control have to make alternatives about the right or suitable
thing to do. Conclusion Leadership should be well versed with an organization’s culture, be it when
a change in strategy occurs, or a merger takes place, understand the cultures and subcultures to make
the best strategic decisions for the good of an organization. Based on the results of the analysis,it
turns out that the research results prove that all hypotheses are acceptedbecause Organizational
Culture and Work Motivation have a positive andsignificant effect partially and simultaneously on
OrganizationalCommi. Does the compliance program have enough support and investment to
function properly? More items. 21 Dec 2021. Zappos places a high value on providing excellent
service to its customers, and this is reflected in the way its employees are trained and the policies and
practices that are in place.
Get the reader’s attention with a “hook” or grabbe. However, he remains focused on pleasing
customers and employees rather than satisfying these critics. A convenient sample made up of Two
hundred (200) participants was randomly selected from private and public institutions in Uyo, Akwa
Ibom State. Situational variables like stress and organizational culture can hinder a leader's ability to
achieve goals. The most important organizational culture essay of this organizational culture essay is
that companies can take measures to increase their competitive advantage by managing their
organizational culture, organizational culture essay. In companies that have a safety culture, there is a
strong commitment to safety starting at management level and trickling down to lower levels. M. B.
Herzog Electric Inc. This activity helps a group of leaders understand how they each think about the
cultures within their teams, and helps them reach an understanding on what they would collectively
like their future culture to be. People and organizational culture: A profile comparison approach to
assessing person-organization fit. Culture is to the individual what the fingerprint is to the finger:
different every time and it is this uniqueness which makes Culture such a hard medium to pin down
as our experience of it is always different. Organisational Culture In Hotel Industry Essay Example
2022-11-07. This type of research could involve conducting interviews with members of the culture,
observing and participating in cultural events and rituals, or analyzing cultural artifacts and texts.
These subgroups have different identifiable characteristics in an organization, by classifying
themselves on the basis of social primary workgroups, occupational skills, and age. These
organizations truly live the mantra that “people are their greatest asset.” In addition to having fair
procedures and management styles, these companies create an atmosphere where work is fun and
employees do not feel required to choose between work and other aspects of their lives. They assign
tasks to subordinates and authorize them with responsibilities. By entering your email address, you
agree to the PayLoadz Terms of Service. Biases are bound to exist ranging from cognitive to
personal biases. The minimum time our certified writers need to deliver. Many Americans, for
instance, would feel disgust and possibly even nausea at the mere prospect of consuming live grubs.
A closer examination of each service culture reveals still greater cultural differentiation among
occupational specialties, specific units within the service, and between line and staff personnel.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Defined as shared values and beliefs that are in direct opposition to
the values of the broader organizational culture, and countercultures are often shaped around a
charismatic leader. The HRM, human resource managers, should ensure effective quality
management initiatives based on a thorough knowledge of organizational behavior, cultural values
and norms, and the diversity of the strategy, a core factor in change management initiatives. Strong
cultures can be an asset or a liability for an organization but can be challenging to change. Learning
More We’ve also written briefly on the Denison culture survey as well as the organizational culture
triangle, fearless feedback, crabs in buckets and different types of organizational cultures. Schein
bring to view a detailed analysis on how subcultures are formed from different subgroups and
specific subgroups. There should be a shared vision, mission and goals. The different ways of
thinking and behaving in these two companies introduced a number of unanticipated problems
during the integration process. This graphical representation describes managerial behavior. A
workplace with strong beliefs, values, behaviors, ideas and expectations define an organization.
Differences in culture may be part of the reason that, in the end, the merger didn’t work out.
The predictor variable of interest in the study was organizational culture, and the dependent variable
of interest was organizational commitment. This type of research could involve conducting
interviews with members of the culture, observing and participating in cultural events and rituals, or
analyzing cultural artifacts and texts. Apple Spotify Others Sources This post is based on our
experiences delivering culture change activities in the world of work. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The
managers can be classified as a chameleon that is ready to adapt to their surroundings. The incorrect
shape can doom all different market-pushed tasks within the employer to failure. Excellent
communication is essential for achieving organizational goals, while poor communication can lead to
conflicts and poor performance within an. This solution was successful in cutting down the wait time
by half. The company pays employees above minimum wage, offers health care and tuition
reimbursement benefits to its part-time as well as full-time employees, and has creative perks such as
weekly free coffee for all associates. As such, it is now assumed that there needs to be certain levels
of stability and a history of accomplishment in order for an organizational culture to be successful.
There is a link organizational elements and the interplay elements, so any other intention of this
research is to absolutely define that link, and this have to also cover wherein organizational culture
comes from. Report this Document Download now Save Save Organizational Culture and Its
Evolution in Organi. For example, during the merger of Daimler AG with Chrysler Motors LLC to
create DaimlerChrysler AG, the differing strong cultures of each company acted as a barrier to
effective integration. While culture assessments are very useful, they only explore a current state and
a desired future state. In an interesting study, researchers uncovered five different subcultures within
a single police organization. Not all collections of employees generate a working organizational
culture. Summary by The World of Work Project Organization Culture Assessment There are many
different examples of “cultural assessment” questionnaires that are used in different industries and
for different purposes. There should be a shared vision, mission and goals. An organization's
structure is in reality an extremely powerful control technique, as the alternative to structure will
automatically favor some groups and put others in trouble. Threads of intersection and distinction:
Joining an ongoing conversation within organizational communication research. This undertaking
envisages setting objectives, introducing employees in an organization to the new culture resulting
from a merger, integrating the culture and the new organization to the environment. What do
functionalists see as the functions of culture. The Effect of Culture on Change Negative impacts are
mostly felt when leaders initiate changes in institutions with unproductive cultures. By entering your
email address, you agree to the PayLoadz Terms of Service. It was also analyzed the relationship
between these four types of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction dimensions (Relationship,
Reward and Nature of work). Jim Sinegal and Jeffrey Brotman have successfully built a company
that prioritizes customer satisfaction and employee well-being, distinguishing itself through its
emphasis on generosity, kindness, and ethical practices to gain an edge over competitors. People with
similar cultural values should know each other’s aspirations and interests. Pay particular attention to
the mission statement, blog and careers section. Its bureaucratic culture is blamed for killing good
ideas in early stages and preventing the company from innovating. For example, Southwest Airlines
Company facilitates a team-oriented culture by cross-training its employees so that they are capable
of helping each other when needed.
Pay particular attention to the mission statement, blog and careers section. I look forward to my
families annual trip to Georgia every ye. The third framework is the political framework where
leaders act as advocates and focus on building partnerships using persuasion and prioritizing their
own interests. Costco is a wholesale multinational corporation that operates as. The rights given out
in an employer have an effect on the worker’s conduct and motivate organizational individuals
(Jones, 2004). From Career Development to Diversity and Inclusion, Wells Fargo strive to nurture a
culture of caring and it strives to make its environment a place like home for customers and
employees (Wells Fargo, 2019). Van Wart (2005, p.201) argues that no single leadership style can be
universally effective because success depends on factors such as follower traits, environmental
aspects, and leadership styles. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. For
example, imagine a company with a culture that is strongly outcome oriented. These may include
things like how decisions are made, how information is shared, and how conflicts are resolved. Thus
organizational culture is vital in driving an organization into achieving its goals. Introduction A key
element that holds sway in decision making in an organization is its culture. The Manager makes her
decisions and in some cases had to review those decisions to accommodate the opposition from the
senior staff. Organizational Culture: The Walt Disney Company elationship between the design of
your selected organization and its organizational culture The Walt Disney Company is a popular
company in many homes all over the world because of the magical treatment given to visitors. With
staff cooperation and the shared vision of the Manager and her Assistant Managers will ultimately
aid meeting the company's, as well as, the customers' needs. In Southwest’s selection system,
applicants who are not viewed as team players are not hired as employees. In organizations with a
positive organization culture, employees are rewarded for their performances and there is no
discrimination in whatever aspect whatsoever. Report this Document Download now Save Save
Organizational Culture Term Paper For Later 78% (18) 78% found this document useful (18 votes)
11K views 20 pages Organizational Culture Term Paper Uploaded by acidreign AI-enhanced
description Organizational culture is the personality of the organization. The different ways of
thinking and behaving in these two companies introduced a number of unanticipated problems
during the integration process. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. This could
include studying the history, traditions, and customs of a particular culture, as well as examining
how these elements have evolved over time. Once you’ve gained some consensus and agreement
over what the desired culture is for the organization, you should facilitate a conversation focused on
identifying activities or changes that can be undertaken to move the organization towards the
desired culture. Asmany as 68 employees used a saturated sample so that 68 samples wereobtained.
The company's mission is “to continually provide our members with quality goods and services at the
lowest possible prices.” (Costco). Costco prides. Conversely, situational theory suggests that leaders
should consider situational variables and choose the best course of action accordingly. The
company's culture specifies the decision-making authority, controls and procedures. This also
generates a strong organizational culture and calls for a concerted effort in the part of administrators
in ensuring formal decisions based on formal and informal structures within an organization. This
inspires motivation and confidence in the organization. Conclusion Whether prior theories or
particular uses of the term carried misguided implications or not, anthropologists continue to
recognize culture as an indispensible consideration in the analysis of human social life.. The life of
American people has been made easy by automation, through time saving. Heather Whitestone:
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becoming deaf may cause people to not achieve very much throughout their lifetime or it could give
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