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Batman Year One

Pages 10-13 Scene Study

Read through the four pages and answer the following questions:

1. Where does this scene take place?

2. What is happening in this area? Find two specific examples from the pictures that show this.

3. Why does Bruce Wayne intervene in this scene? Who is he defending?

4. Who does he attack? Is he successful?

5. How is Bruce Wayne taken by surprise?

6. What is happening to Bruce Wayne at the end of the scene?

7. What is the significance of the use of the colour pink in this scene? What do you think it is symbolising?

Now we will look at some sections in more detail.

Panel 1, page 10:

1. How is the eye drawn in panel 1? What are the vectors?

2. What figurative language does Wayne use to describe Gotham? Record a simile and a metaphor here:

3. What do these descriptions suggest about Gotham?

Page 11:

1. Find one example of each of the following techniques and describe its effect:

Technique Where is it used? What is the effect?


Unusual speech bubble

Implied Motion

Page 12:

1. Describe three ways the story of the fight is told in the pictures.

2. Describe one vector on this page. What is its effect?

Panel 6, page 13:

1. What information do the sound effects give to the reader?

2. How does the colour change in this panel? What does this suggest to the reader?

3. Why do you think Bruce Wayne and the sex workers have been drawn in black silhouette?

Write a TEXAS paragraph which answers ONE of the following questions:

1. How are visual techniques used to show problems in the city of Gotham in Batman Year One?
2. How are literary techniques used to show problems in the city of Gotham in Batman Year One?

T - Topic sentence – states what the paragraph is about.
E - Explain further what will be discussed. Why is it important?
X - Example that supports your ideas
A - Analysis – why and how does your example prove your point?
S - Summary – restate your topic sentence in different words, link to the next paragraph.


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