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8 Saturday, February 17, 2024

Editorial Delhi

A chance to stop the laundry cycle of Pakistan’s elections

ith the results of last week’s Khan’s incarceration, the Pakistani courts have with their family members, not to mention
elections in Pakistan, voters there passed a slew of verdicts against the PTI, allowing Benazir Bhutto’s struggles after her father was
have delivered their politicians a cases against many PTI party members — some of hanged. While none of them is blameless for the
Brave new world unique moment in history — one
which could present the polity an opportunity to
them have quit politics rather than face repeated
arrests. The country’s media regulator had
crimes they have been charged with thereafter, it
is clear that those charges can vanish at the click
India must invest in fundamental change the endless cycles of the past. These already banned the PTI leader’s speeches from of the establishment’s fingers, when one of the
research to develop reliable drugs cycles have always brought those favoured by the Suhasini Haidar being aired on television. The Supreme Court also politicians is deemed serviceable or becomes the
military establishment to power in the country, endorsed the Election Commission’s decision to “laadla” (chosen son). Before he was disqualified

xpectations are high that a free trade followed by a period of tensions and fracture derecognise the PTI, and take away the party for corruption in 2017, Nawaz Sharif had been
agreement involving India and the Euro- between the military and the political rulers, the symbol (cricket bat), forcing the party to field all sentenced to life imprisonment in 2000 on
pean Free Trade Association (EFTA) is dismissal of that government, the appointment of its candidates as Independents. charges of hijacking and terrorism, and yet,
close to fruition. However, a bone of contention another, and then another election. Rinse, With the Independents surging ahead in most returned as Prime Minister in 2013. It would be
relates to intellectual property rights, and has repeat. seats despite all this, the counting of votes, which more pragmatic then, if all of Pakistan’s leaders
persisted as an issue since 2008. Switzerland and The consistency with which each of the is normally an exercise that takes some hours in were to decide to be on “the same page” with
Norway, which are prominent members of EFTA, periods of political governments in Pakistan has Pakistan, slowed down to a crawl. Days later, the each other, rather than with the military, and
host several of the pharmaceutical and biotech- met its end has produced three constants: first, Election Commission showed a three-way result, drop the practice of jailing the opposition when
nology companies that are responsible for sever- none of the country’s 30 Prime Ministers thus far reversing many of the early leads, which led to they are in power.
al of the drugs and therapeutics that underpin has completed a full term in office. Second, every the current tally where none of the parties has Third, given the state of Pakistan’s economy,
health care globally. The nature of the pharma in- current major political party, i.e., Bhutto’s enough to form a majority on their own; while the next government will need to adopt harsher
dustry — it costs much to discover a useful effec- Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Sharif’s Pakistan the PTI Independents have the biggest haul of reforms and measures to stay within the
tive drug and relatively little to make generic co- Muslim League (Nawaz), and Imran Khan’s seats, the single largest party at present is the International Monetary Fund’s programme that
pies of it — with demand that is far Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), has at some point PML. has mandated four priorities: severe budget cuts;
disproportionate to affordability, means that been the military’s “favourite” in an election. And Predictably, the PML and PPP have decided to return to market-determined foreign exchange
there is a constant tussle between the inventors third, each of those parties has by turn fallen out form a government together. The Election rates which will plunge imports; a tight monetary
and the generic-drug companies. Patenting, or of favour as well, and its leaders have found Commission will complete the formal notification policy to curb inflation, and structural reforms
an exclusive monopoly for a fixed number of themselves imprisoned or ‘exiled’ from the of these results over the next few days, after particularly for the energy sector. There is little
years to originators and a reciprocal right by go- country. which the Independents will have 72 hours to chance that any government, let alone one that
vernments to issue directions for ‘compulsory li- pledge allegiance to one or another political has not won the popular vote, will emerge from
censing,’ thereby selectively breaking such mo- A rotation of the same leaders party, or risk losing out on a further share of this process unscathed. The only way forward is
nopolies in the interest of public health, has

While previous decades after 1947 saw a few proportional seats for women and minorities for political parties to forge a common economic
brokered the peace and sustained the global political governments interspersed between (allotted on a pro-rata basis to parties). One can agenda.
pharma industry for decades. But new legal inno- military rule and martial law, since 2008, the be sure that each of the elected 93 members is
vations such as data exclusivity continue to invei- military has played its role without actually taking already receiving threats and incentives to break Fight authoritarian forces
gle themselves in free trade negotiations. Under over the reins of government. In this elaborate away from the PTI in order to produce the There are other lessons going forward for not just
this provision, all the clinical-trial data that con- game of master-puppetry, military chiefs have establishment’s desired outcome, and perpetuate Pakistan but also for other “hybrid” democracies
cerns the safety and efficacy of a drug generated had the support of all government arms and the the rinse, repeat laundry cycle of previous around the world, where governance comes from
by the originator firm becomes proprietary and judiciary, that have dismissed a number of Prime Pakistani elections. However, Pakistan’s polity a merging of democratic and authoritarian forces.
out of bounds for a minimum period of six years. Ministers in a series of conveniently timed still has a chance to take the unique moment that The first is that an electorate can never be taken
Permission to make a generic is possible if a coun- Supreme Court judgments. In 2012, PPP Prime Pakistan’s voters have provided them to change for granted. If voters are a part of the system,
try’s regulator can rely on supplied clinical trial Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was dismissed for the course of that history, and to break the cycle then no matter what propaganda, pre-poll
data to approve a drug. For this, generic makers contempt of court for refusing to reopen cases of the past. measures, or post-poll rigging are employed, it is
usually rely on the originator’s published data. against then-President Asif Ali Zardari, and in difficult to ensure 100% predictable outcomes.
The principle of data exclusivity is present 2017, PML-N Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was On the Pakistan voter Pakistan’s first elections in 1970 were able to
among European countries as well as in agree- dismissed over the Panama Papers leak about a To begin with, the importance of the Pakistani show just that, as the Awami League won the
ments involving many developing countries. London apartment. Given the limited number of voter’s actions cannot be downplayed, especially elections and insisted on forming the government
Were it to take effect in India, it could significant- players in Pakistan’s polity, however, the same those who came to vote despite the cynicism over even though Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was jailed.
ly hinder India’s drug industry which is also a ma- leaders are re-introduced into the political spin a pre-selected outcome. This is the voter who In choosing to muzzle the people of East Pakistan
jor exporter of affordable drugs. Indian officials cycle by the judiciary as well. So, Mr. Sharif was knew from past elections that their votes may not thereafter, its military rulers lost a large piece of
have rejected data exclusivity as a point of nego- able to return to Pakistan last year just in time for be counted and their mandate not respected, but their country.
tiations in the FTA, though leaked drafts of the elections because the cases against him were still chose to vote differently from what was Another significant outcome in 2024 is the
agreement suggest that it is alive. However, In- overturned, and Mr. Zardari’s PPP is essaying expected. If Mr. Khan wants to respect that vote poor showing by religious parties such as the
dia’s rise up the drug manufacturing chain in the another term for him as President if it enters into and thwart the establishment, then the answer is Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam- and Muttahida
last few decades means that it must invest in an a coalition deal for the next government. not to go it alone and sit in the opposition, but, Majlis-e-Amal, and the even worse performance
ecosystem that can conduct ethical drug trials Meanwhile, Imran Khan was dismissed after a instead, to find ways to be in the government. For of violent extremists such as the
and make new molecules and therapeutics from no-confidence vote in Parliament, which was Pakistan’s polity the PML-N and PPP, to form a government that Tehreek-e-Labaik, not to mention Lashkar-e-Taiba
scratch. The paradigm that drug development ordered by the Supreme Court (it had reversed still has an cuts out the PTI would be a travesty of the vote as chief Hafiz Saeed’s son Talha Saeed. The real
will always be expensive and confined to the his dissolution of the house and his call for well, as this was a voter who clearly rejected the lessons, however, are for the polity globally: in
West need not be permanent, as was seen in the
opportunity to
general elections in April 2022). Mr. Khan has use the unique previous PML-PPP government, also led by the larger laundry cycle of governance,
development of several novel technology ap- since been convicted on charges that range from Shahbaz Sharif (2022-2024), before the elections. democratically-minded leaders must learn to
proaches to developing vaccines in India during corruption to insurrection, and is also serving a
moment that Second, each of the three major parties and hang together against authoritarian forces, or risk
the COVID-19 pandemic. But as preparation, In- seven-year prison term along with his wife Bushra voters have leaders have suffered in more or less the same being hung out to dry sooner or later.
dia must invest substantially more in fundamen- Bibi for an “illegal marriage” (deemed provided, to way as the others. Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari
tal research to incubate the local drug industry “un-Islamic” by the courts). Apart from Mr. change course have an even longer history of being jailed along
into the future.

Scuttling opposition
Income-Tax department’s stalling of
The clear message in the Court’s ‘no’ to electoral bonds
Congress accounts seems political

he judgment of the Supreme Court of (RBI) Act says “only the RBI or the Central pass any Bill, which becomes law. There is no

n a politically loaded move, the Income-Tax India, on February 15, 2024, striking down Government authorized by the RBI Act shall concept of an independent vote in India and
department has raised a demand of ₹210 the electoral bonds scheme, is a landmark draw, accept, make or issue any bill of exchange ruling party members have to vote in favour of
crore in penalty and as dues from the Con- moment. Democracy requires transparency and or promissory note for payment of money to the the government unlike in the United States. This
gress, which the party says has effectively stalled the fact is that the electoral bonds scheme was bearers of the note or bond”. means that a few people at the top of a ruling
the operation of all its bank accounts. On the face opaque. The Government amended the RBI Act using a party can get almost any law they want passed. In
of it, the action seems disproportionate to the Voters in India have no idea who has been Trilochan Sastry Finance Act, and allowed under a new clause the case of electoral bonds, processes for public
charges, and an appellate tribunal has subse- funding political parties and the amounts given. is Chairman and 31(3), the central government to authorise any consultation, and discussions in Parliament were
quently allowed the political party to operate the In all leading democracies, transparency is the Founder, Association scheduled bank to issue electoral bonds. This not followed.
accounts on the condition that an amount of ₹115 basis of campaign funding. The Court has for Democratic amendment to the Finance Act too has been
crore is kept in lien until the case is heard next restored that transparency. Reforms (ADR) and struck down. The essence of the judgment
week. The party says it does not have such Professor, Indian The Supreme Court judgment can be
amounts in its current accounts. Just weeks be- Funding limits removed Institute of A well thought-out plan summarised as follows. The electoral bonds
fore the general election, the principal Opposi- There are other legal issues. The first is the limit Management We need to pause for a minute to understand a scheme has been struck down. All Amendments
tion party of the country finds itself restrained by on funding by a corporate house or organisation. Bangalore few issues. The Amendment to the RBI Act was to the RPA Act, the Finance Act 2017, and the
a central agency. It is worrying that this falls into Again, the world over, this amount is limited to passed in a Finance Bill as this does not have to Companies Act 2013 are violative of Articles 19
a pattern of enforcement agencies targeting those prevent undue influence on the government. We be passed by the Rajya Sabha. At the time of the and 14 of the Constitution. Article 19 refers to the
fighting the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). had such a provision in India before electoral introduction of the electoral bonds scheme, the right to information, and Article 14 to the right to
The Income-Tax department action against the bonds were introduced. The judgment says: “The ruling party did not have a majority in the Rajya equality, where arbitrariness in law is not
Congress relates to tax returns filed by the party chief reason for corporate funding of political Sabha and wanted to avoid a vote in the Upper permissible. These Articles are part of the
for FY2018-19. The party had missed the deadline parties is to influence the political process which House. But can any issue be inserted into a Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution,
of December 31, 2019 by about 45 days to file the may in turn improve the company’s business Finance Bill? Electoral bonds have nothing to do and cannot be violated. The Supreme Court has
returns. Of the receipts of ₹199 crore recorded in performance....” with the provisions for a Finance Bill. Again, a directed the State Bank of India (SBI), the sole
the income-tax returns, ₹14,40,000 was in cash, Electoral bonds also removed the earlier limits number of laws were amended to introduce the bank receiving funds in exchange for electoral
which the party says was given by its Members of on how much of its profits a company could electoral bonds such as the RBI Act 1934, the bonds, to stop issuing them. The SBI has to
Parliament and Members of the Legislative As- donate to political parties. The scheme even Representation of the People Act (RPA), 1951, the submit the full details of all electoral bonds that
sembly. The demand of a penalty of ₹210 crore is allowed loss-making companies to make Income Tax Act 1961, and the Companies Act have been issued so far, to the Election
for a 45-day delay in filing the returns, and a dis- donations. This could have opened the door for 2013. It was carefully thought-out. It was in Commission of India (ECI) by March 6, 2024. In
crepancy, if at all, of ₹14.40 lakh. The Income-Tax shell companies to be formed with the purpose of response to a Central Information Commission turn, the ECI has to publish this information on
department’s action appears high-handed and is channelling funds to political parties. The (CIC) ruling that political parties have to be its website within two weeks.
clearly meant to paralyse the Congress. Election Commission of India has said, “This completely transparent about their funding. The We need to note that two constitutional
This unusual I-T move came to light a day after opens up the possibility of shell companies being electoral bonds were introduced to bypass the bodies, the ECI and the Supreme Court, have
the Supreme Court of India expanded on the link set up for the sole purpose of making donations CIC ruling. But why are political parties afraid of acted in favour of democracy. The power of
between money and politics in a verdict that held to political parties.” This too has been reversed by transparency? judicial review of laws passed by Parliament on
the secretive electoral bond scheme to be uncon- the Court. The legal system remains opaque to the the basis of the Constitution is precious. We need
stitutional. Money has the power to influence pol- Democracies went through a phase of crony so-called ordinary citizen and voter. When four to applaud the Constitution and those who
itics, and disparity in access to funds can create capitalism, where big money funded political The landmark laws are amended to introduce a scheme that framed it.
political inequality and distort electoral out- parties. In return, laws, policies, schemes and judgment of the strikes at the root of democracy, namely The issue of money in elections, which
comes. The Court’s judgment echoed this in its incentives were made for the benefit of the Supreme Court transparency, layers of obfuscation are drawn includes the use of black money and bribing of
verdict which held the electoral bond scheme as donors. In a limited way, the Supreme Court’s over the scheme so that the citizen gives up trying voters using campaign funds and freebies,
of India is a
violative of fundamental rights. The BJP has judgment prevents this from happening in India. to understand it. But these are not technical remains. It is said that the price of democracy is
championed the scheme that allows anonymous There was an Amendment to the Finance Bill. reminder that issues. These are issues that affect the very basis eternal vigilance. The Supreme Court’s judgment
donors to contribute unlimited amounts to par- In any country, the central bank alone has the citizens need to of democracy. is the outcome of vigilance by citizens. We need
ties as an instrument to combat electoral corrup- authority to issue currency such as notes and be ever watchful This also raises fundamental issues in a political parties, but it is up to us to ensure that
tion. Stalling the bank account of the Opposition, bonds. Section 31 of the Reserve Bank of India in a democracy democracy. Any government with a majority can they work for the good of society and the nation.
regardless of the Income-Tax department’s alle-
gations, cannot be viewed as routine law enforce-
ment. Weaponisation of the law against political LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
opponents of the ruling party has become a se-
rious threat to India’s democracy. The brazen Electoral bonds verdict lauded RTI Act was/is being how the ruling party has got unconstitutional, the moot Minister's National Relief took nearly six years to see
partisanship of central agencies that target the The Supreme Court continually watered down is the lion's share of funds question is whether the Fund? the opacity of the electoral
critics of the government is undermining the pol- judgment striking down the for all to see. with how the same party earlier fund raisings are to Sitaram Popuri, bonds is nothing sort of a
itical system. The claim that all this is being done electoral bond scheme is P.R.V. Raja, has gone about financially be treated as illegal, and Bengaluru lesson for the court itself.
for fighting corruption and ensuring transparen- assuring to every voter who Pandalam, Kerala throttling NGOs and whether this money is The higher judiciary must
cy cannot be taken at face value. All stakeholders now feels that his/her right think-tanks. tainted. Also, will the funds Transparency in electoral now ensure better handling
must be accountable in a democracy, and the rul- to information about The top court is certainly S.R. Patnaik, pooled, unutilised and lying funding is one of the basic of critical cases which affect
ing party more so. When accountability is in- political funding has been the saviour of last resort for Bhubaneswar, Odisha in the bank accounts of the tools to ensure the healthy the health of democracy.
voked for scuttling the political activity of the Op- restored. But, the case also democracy in India. One parties be transferred to the functioning of a democracy. Kshitiz Bhardwaj,
position, that can only bode ill for democracy. contrasts how the much cannot help contrasting With the scheme now sovereign account or Prime That the Supreme Court Rewari, Haryana
Saturday, February 17, 2024 9

lence broke out in Haldwani, thrashed her hus-

band Rizwan, and took him away. She has neither
seen nor heard of him since. “Please ask them to
take me as well,” she pleads while sobbing. “My
husband is innocent. I can’t live without him.”
Firoza, whose nephew Mohd Shoib was bea-
ten by the police, claims that the participants in
the violence were not residents of Banbhoolpura.
At Abid Siddiqui’s single-storey house, located
200 metres from the demolition spot, a paper
pasted on the door announces that he saved the
life of a constable, Lakshmi, who was attacked by
the mob on February 8. It also provides her
phone number.
“I had saved the life of the constable when a
mob was beating her up. She was bleeding pro-
fusely. I pulled her into my house, gave her first
aid, and helped her rejoin her squad after the sit-
uation was brought under control. I had to paste
this paper on the wall after the police attempted
to pick me up as well,” says Abid. He alleges that
police action against men, women, and children
continued for days after the violence.

Taking a communal turn

Pankaj Upadhyay, the municipal commissioner
of Haldwani who was transferred to Udham
Singh Nagar days before the violence, says the an-
ti-encroachment drive will continue. He believes
that the violence was aimed at challenging the
state machinery. “Those who are calling the de-
molition an attack on a particular community
must know that our drive to free Nazool land has
been going on since May 2023. We have demol-

ished over 250 structures, including temples,
shops, and houses. We razed the famous Rokhari-
ya Baba temple in January. In Metropole, we de-
molished 164 houses built on Nazool land. We
will not bow down to rioters,” he says.
Condemning the violence, Sumit Hridayesh,
the Congress MLA from Haldwani, says everyone
involved in the violence must be punished. He al-
leges that the district administration and the Bha-
ratiya Janata Party (BJP)-led State government are
unnecessarily playing politics over the incident.
“I heard some officials saying that the violence
was an attempt to threaten the State which had
passed the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) a day ear-
lier. I found this vague and irresponsible. Why
Security personnel check motorists at the Banbhoolpura area of Haldwani in Uttarakhand four days after violence broke out in the city following the demolition of a mosque and school by the authorities. R.V. MOORTHY would only Haldwani’s Banbhoolpura, which has
many Hindus, and no other place in the State
have a problem with the UCC?” Hridayesh feels

Sticks, stones, and

ignored the intelligence inputs which had sug- that the administration was playing with religious
gested that tensions may flare up if the demoli- sentiments by going ahead with the demolition of
tion was carried out. the mosque without taking religious leaders into
Faheem Qureshi, a driver, too died that day. confidence.
But his son, Javed, says that the motive for the The violence, which the administration insists
killing was revenge. “My brother was not killed is not communal, has taken a communal turn in

bullet wounds
by the police or by rioters. Our neighbour, Sanjay other parts of the city. Nawab Khan, 48, who
Sonkar, has had an issue with us for a long time rented a house in the Chaupla Chauraha area,
over the construction of a wall. He got an oppor- says he was threatened to vacate the house by a
tunity to take revenge that day as shots were be- resident named Manu Goswami, who aims to be
ing fired from all directions,” he says. The family a politician. “Manu told me that Muslims will not
has submitted a written complaint to the police be allowed to live in Hindu-dominated areas. My
On February 8, municipal authorities in Haldwani, Uttarakhand, demolished a mosque and a madrasa claiming against Sonkar but no action has been taken so children have exams. Where will I go on such
far, they say. short notice?” Khan was finally forced to move
they were illegal structures. The consequent clash between the residents of the area and the police claimed the The Senior Superintendent of Police, Haldwa- out of the place on February 15 as the police is-
lives of five people and has left over 100 injured. Ishita Mishra reports on the incident and its aftermath ni, Prahlad Naryan Meena, says all the deaths are sued a challan to his landlord.
being investigated. It is during such an investiga- Goswami says he harbours no ill-feeling to-
tion that the police found that Prakash Singh, wards Khan, but if a Muslim lives in an area dom-
n the afternoon of February 8, Aman were burnt and around 100 police personnel who had also been included in the list of victims inated by Hindus, “it will create tension”.

O Hussain’s brother Anas, a student of

Class 8, was not at home when vio-
lence broke out in Haldwani, the lar-
gest city in Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, and a
gateway to Nainital, one of the most populated
We have
over 250
were injured. Several civilians received bullet,
stone, and cane injuries.
To maintain law and order, the authorities im-
posed a curfew in the area which includes at
least 8,000 homes and 50,000 people. They is-
on the day of the violence, was in fact murdered.
“Prakash was in a relationship with the wife of
a police constable,” says a senior police official in-
volved in the investigation. “He happened to
reach Haldwani on the day of the violence to
Ahrar Baig, a lawyer practising in the Uttarak-
hand High Court, says that Banbhoolpura has
been a “target” for some time. Last year, about
4,000 families, mostly Muslims and Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes living in a 2 km
hill stations of north India. Worried that Anas structures, sued shoot-at-sight orders. Paramilitary forces meet her. The constable shot him dead and threw stretch along the railway track in Banbhoolpura,
would get caught in the melee, his father Zahid were deployed, forcing residents, including his body near the railway tracks, about a kilo- were served eviction notices by the Indian Rail-
Hussain, a 48-year-old construction material sup-
including those whose relatives had been admitted in hos- metre from Banbhoolpura. Initially, it appeared ways on the orders of the High Court. The Rail-
plier, went looking for him. temples, pital, to remain confined within their homes. that he was also killed in the violence. Sabne behti ways claimed that the houses had been built ille-
“Minutes later, our neighbours told us that my shops, and Three First Information Reports were filed and Ganga me haath dhoya (everyone tried to benefit gally on its land. After weeks of protest, the
father was lying in a pool of blood,” recalls Aman. houses. We 5,000 unidentified people booked for rioting from the situation),” he says. residents moved the Supreme Court. The matter
“I took him to a clinic nearby. My stomach turned will not bow and arson. Malik was named as the main is now sub judice.
when I saw Anas lying there on a stretcher with a down to accused. A deserted city Baig is representing many families in this case.
bullet injury below his waist.” rioters Days after the violence, there are charred vehi- “During that time, the government told the High
That evening, Anas and Zahid bled to death. ‘He was shot in the back’ cles in every second lane of Banbhoolpura. The Court that there is no Nazool land in Haldwani.
They were two of the four people who died dur- UPADHYAY
When his father Mohd Israr, 55, was struck by a windows of the mostly small, single-storey, and Now it has demolished the mosque and madrasa
ing the violence that day. A fifth victim, who had Former Municipal bullet that day and admitted in the Sushila Tiwari poorly constructed houses are cracked or bro- saying the land is Nazool,” he says.
been shot, succumbed to injuries days later. Commissioner of government medical college, Mohd Suhail, 23, ken. The lanes are deserted. The stench from the According to an interim fact-finding report pu-
Leading up to the deaths was a single event. A stayed with him for five straight days. His mother ditches, which have not been cleaned, has forced blished by the advocacy group Association for
few hours earlier, on that cool afternoon in the Naseema, younger sister, and wife remained at everyone to cover their faces. The district admi- Protection of Civil Rights, Muslims across the
foothills of the Himalayas, municipal authorities home due to the curfew. As Internet had been nistration says the area has been cleaned and es- State are being targeted. The members of the bo-
proceeded towards the Banbhoolpura area with suspended in the area, the family could not even sential supplies provided to people. dy visited Haldwani on February 14, and conclud-
bulldozers and other heavy machinery to demol- call one another on video. On the fifth day, Israr, Most houses are locked from the outside; their ed that the violence was a result of “a steady rise
ish the Mariyam mosque and the Abdul Razzaq who operated a goods vehicle, died. occupants fled Haldwani when the violence in communal tempers...over recent years.” It
Zakariya madrasa. Scores of angry residents, in- Israr’s younger son Amaan is distraught. “My broke out. Many men have been picked up by the went on to say, “The State government...and rad-
cluding children, gathered at the spot to protest mother was brought to the hospital only to see police for interrogation or have run away fearing ical right wing citizen groups have together con-
against the demolition. The two structures were my father’s body,” he says. Amaan alleges that arrest. The women have stayed. tributed to a highly polarising narrative.... One
built decades ago on government land in an area the police fired the bullet that got lodged in his Hina Bibi, 24, is six months pregnant. She runs strand of this discourse is about creating Uttarak-
popularly known as Malik Ka Baghicha, which, father’s skull. from lane to lane asking for cooking gas. The pa- hand as a Devbhoomi, the holy land for Hindus,
the authorities alleged, had been encroached on The fourth victim of the violence was Mohd ramilitary forces guard every corner and she can- which would have no place for other religious mi-
by a contractor named Abdul Malik. Shabban, 22, who ran a grocery shop. Much like not take the risk of violating the curfew as she has norities. Other strands of this divisive discourse
The officials claimed that the demolition was how Hussain went in search of Anas on the day of left her two-year-old child at home. include unsupported extravagant claims of a se-
taking place as part of an ongoing “anti-en- the violence, Shabban went looking for his broth- Anam Ali, 28, is inconsolable. She holds the ries of jihads allegedly waged by the Muslim pop-
croachment drive”. The stated aim of the drive er Shadab, says Riaz Mohammed, his brother-in- hand of one child and carries the second in her ulation of the State including love jihad, land ji-
was to free acres of Nazool land in order to broa- law. “He was shot in the back,” says Riaz. arms. Anam alleges that the police barged into had, vyapar jihad, and mazaar jihad. One
den roads or build schools and bus stops. Nazool The victims’ relatives say the administration her house on February 10, two days after vio- consequence of this discourse has been calls for
lands once belonged to kings and were later ta- economic and social boycotts of Muslims.”
ken over by the British. After Independence, the In 2023, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar
British vacated these lands, but as there was no Singh Dhami launched a State-wide drive to re-
proper documentation of many parcels, they move encroachments from forest land under
came to be owned by the government. Nazool which over 500 mazaars (Muslim shrines) were
land is often leased out to entities for 15 to 99 demolished. The government says scores of tem-
years for public purposes. Uttarakhand has over ples were also razed. Dhami stated a few days af-
2.42 crore square metres of Nazool land. ter the incident in Haldwani that the situation
The district administration claimed that the was under control and a police station would
structures under their scrutiny were not regis- come up at the demolition site.
tered as a mosque and school and were illegal.
They contended that they had sent notices to the Those who suffer
“encroachers”, giving them an opportunity to In the medicine ward of the Sushila Tiwari go-
prove ownership of the land. When ownership vernment medical college, Shahnawaz Ahmed
could not be proved, the authorities decided to sits next to his brother Sarfaraz, 26, who was shot
proceed with the demolition “as per due pro- in the chest on February 8. Sarfaraz, a tailor, had
cess,” they said. gone to deliver clothes to a client near the demo-
The police, who were accompanying the offi- lition site when the incident took place.
cials, managed to disperse the crowd. The demo- Five days since he brought Sarfaraz to the hos-
lition began and the structures, one painted pital, Shahnawaz has been wearing the same
green and the other cream, turned into rubble. blood-soaked clothes. In his hurry, he forgot his
Minutes later, violence broke out. The police wallet. He barely has money to buy clothes or
claim that the residents began throwing stones, even eat two meals. He sleeps on the floor with-
while the men and women allege that the police out a blanket every night. “It is only the poor who
began to lathi-charge them. Violence surged and get punished every time, whether during a pan-
the mob allegedly set fire to a police station. Do- demic or an incident of violence,” he says. “It is
zens of vehicles, both government and private, Hina Bibi, 24, and the women of Banbhoolpura area say many men have been picked up by the police or have fled. R.V. MOORTHY better to die than to be poor in India.”
6 . bl . think



IDEAS. Can India be a global
Unfinished agenda

refining hub?
y aiming to become a global
refinery hub, India can turns
its disadvantage of
inadequate oil and gas
Transparency in poll funding remains a challenge production into an TIGHTROPE WALK. India will have to
advantage, with few countries planning
balance its growing energy needs,

T he Supreme Court is right in striking down greenfield refineries due to

electoral bonds for not being transparent. environmental concerns. growth ambitions and fiscal pressures
The country's refining capacity has
The judgment, however, does not help bring increased from a modest 62 million
more transparency into electoral funding in any tonne annually in 1998 to 254 MMTPA.
manner, whatsoever. The verdict has struck down But, India imports 85 per cent of its
crude oil supply. According to S&P
electoral bonds as unconstitutional by arguing that Global Commodity Insights, India's oil
it does not further the cause of electoral products demand increased 398,000
transparency by maintaining the anonymity of barrels a day, or 8.2 per cent,
year-on-year and 8,000 barrels a day
donors. In Constitutional terms, the court has said month-on-month in January (2024) on
that the citizen’s right to know in Article 19 (1) (a) the back of higher consumption of all
applies to electoral funding and supercedes privacy products except fuel oil.
To make India a refinery hub, there is
rights of donors in this case. a need to secure long-term crude oil
supply, given the domestic
However, electoral bonds, or an demand-supply mismatch. In fact, the
improvement upon it, that whittle down target set by Prime Minister Narendra
donor confidentiality could perhaps have Modi to reduce import dependence by
worked as a viable way forward in funding 2023, has long been missed.
Speaking at the 'Urja Sangam'
political parties transparently. Now, what conference in March 2015, Modi had GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO
the striking down of electoral bonds per se urged all stakeholders to increase the
implies is that the role of unaccounted hard domestic production of Oil and Gas to projects and older refineries having needs to add refining capacity to meet particularly the matured economies, and
cash in funding elections will come back reduce import dependence from 77 per almost lived their lives, India can the domestic oil demand.” difficulty in justifying new refining

into focus; the opaque role of corporates in cent to 67 per cent by 2022, the 75th become a supplier to the world. However, as some of the products capacity additions in a world where
anniversary of Indian independence. He “Basically, the balance of payment will constituting the oil demand, such as demand is declining from the later part
political funding will continue as always. further said that import dependence be in our favour,” said an observer. LPG and ethane, are mostly imported, of this decade,” he said.
However, the verdict will have served its should be brought down to 50 per cent new refinery capacity additions should Higher import dependency is
purpose if it triggers a fresh debate around by 2030. DEMAND GROWTH be lower than the demand growth, he definitely posing energy security
transparency in poll funding. On February 6, in his address at Premasish Das, Executive Director, said adding that “In our view, we expect challenges, however, some of that is
inauguration of India Energy Week Head of Oil Market Downstream that about 1.5 MMb/d of new capacity driven by the domestic demand growth
On the key points of law, the Court 2024, Modi said “Additionally, we have Research - Asia, Middle East, Africa & additions from 2022 to 2045 is required and is likely to be a "must-have", he
struck down the 2017 amendment to solidified our position as one of the CIS at S&P Global Commodity Insights, to meet the domestic and export added.
Section 182 of the Companies Act largest refiners globally, with our said “India is one of the major requirements.”
permitting unlimited political current refining capacity surpassing 254 economies in the world where total oil So how does India create a balance INDIA’S OPTIONS
MMTPA. By 2030, we aim to elevate demand is expected to grow through without disturbing its fiscal math, as So what should India do?
contributions. This welcome ruling India's refining capacity to 450 2045. In our view, India’s refined clearly we are more dependent on fossil Reviving domestic oil production, use
effectively brings back the earlier cap on MMTPA.” products demand is expected to grow fuels than before? of biofuels, and EV focus, while
corporate donations to 7.5 per cent of a Why is the government keen on from 5.4 million barrels per day Since greenfield refineries need long improving strategic relationships with
company’s average net profit in the last making India a refinery hub? (MMb/d) in 2022 to about 8.1 MMb/d in gestation period, will banks/FIs extend the major oil producers, and developing
three years. Here, the judgment has noted The likely reason is that western 2045 (i.e., an increase of about 50 per loans for them? strategic storage.
countries may not increase refining cent), almost reaching the peak demand. According to Das, “It is correct that Das cautions, “If new refining
the view of the Election Commission which capacity due to climate pressure, so “In comparison, the demand growth India’s import dependency for crude oil capacity additions are focused on export
had underlined that a provision prescribing India can tap this opportunity to supply in China and the world is likely to peak in has been growing with the decline in markets, that may not help the situation
a cap on corporate funding should be to them. this decade and is forecast to decline by domestic production and refinery and further challenge the net zero
introduced because unlimited corporate According to Ellen R. Wald, President about 18 per cent and 8 per cent capacity additions. It has increased from ambitions. If we look at Mainland China,
of Transversal Consulting and author of respectively, by 2045 from their peak around 80 per cent in 2010 to around 90 the country has restricted refined
funding increases the use of black money "Saudi, Inc.", “China pursued this demand. So, it is imperative that India per cent in 2022 and is expected to product exports and is managing the
through shell companies. Another strategy and it worked well for them. increase over the forecast period… It is refinery capacity additions to address
significant aspect in jurisprudential terms They have many independent refineries
Given the climate important to note that India is one of the the energy security concerns and net
is that the right to information in Article that export refined products across Asia. major exporters of refined products with zero ambitions. The country has
19(1)(a) has now been extended to political India is in a good position because it can change commitments, a net export close to 1 MMb/d in 2022. In developed a large strategic and
parties, not just candidates.
import Russian crude oil, refine it into
products and sell those products to
there may not be much theory, if India reduces its product
exports, the crude oil import
commercial crude oil inventory as well
to address the geopolitical challenges.”
On the question of whether the judges Western European consumers who scope for western dependency can be lower, but this is not But India cannot follow China’s path,
could have simply removed the donor cannot buy Russian refined products nations to increase a straightforward decision because of given its growth, jobs and fiscal
due to sanctions.” potential significant socio-economic pressures. The way out for India is to
confidentiality clause and retained the
Those in refinery business see it as a refinery capacity. India can impacts.” strike a balance between its diplomatic
scheme, the court maintained that balance between import and export of tap this opportunity and “As such, we expect the net exports of positioning and economic interests,
anonymity of the contributor was intrinsic crude oil and petroleum products. refined products will reduce over the while looking at all sources of energy
to the electoral bond scheme, which is Though major global refiners are become an exporter of forecast period owing to a decline in generation. There has to be a consistent
otherwise indistinguishable from other currently not spending much in new refined oil products demand in the other parts of the world, long-term strategy.
modes of contribution through the banking
channels. Justice Sanjiv Khanna underlined
the electoral trust scheme which accepts
contributions while also protecting donor
anonymity in a less restrictive manner. “In
a comparison of limited alternatives, it
Women are now stakeholders in development
(trust scheme) is a measure that best The focus on women in the interim Budget marks a new beginning for women’s empowerment and financial autonomy
realises the objective of Union of
India...without significantly impacting the Groups, which have over nine crore programs like ‘Har Ghar Nal Se Jal’, have
Rajiv Kumar women members. The success of helped raise the self-esteem of women
fundamental right of the voter to know,” Chavi Asrani Lakhpati Didi scheme has encouraged and reduced their back-breaking work
said Justice Khanna in his concurring the SHGs to extend their activities to load. Higher enrolment in tertiary
judgment. Companies can set up trusts to
rom empowering women to other promising areas like natural education, along with measures that
fund political parties. The Trust is required promoting women as principal farming, running of community services provide greater time from household
stakeholders in India’s centres, commercial bank chores, will further improve female
to provide particulars of its depositors and development marks a major shift in intermediaries and operation of drones. participation in the workforce.
the amounts donated to political parties, policy approach. The Interim Budget Under the PM-Kaushal Vikas Yojana,
including the names of the parties. But it 2024-25 reinforced the government’s FINANCIAL ACCESS until mid-2022 over 59 lakh women have
protects the anonymity of the donors commitment to ‘women-led These initiatives along with the success been certified, comprising of about 40
development’ — one of the six focal of financial inclusion programme have per cent of the total certifications.
vis-a-vis their contributions to the party. points of India’s G-20 presidency. contributed in empowering women NARI SHAKTI. Empowering women Under the PM-Mudra Yojana about 70
This could be the way forward in Nari Shakti (women power) for entrepreneurs specially in India’s rural per cent of loans have been sanctioned
transparent funding of elections. accelerated economic development was areas. improve with female enrolment in to women entrepreneurs; and around 80
recognised as one of the four pillars of Access to financial services betters higher education increasing by 28 per per cent of Stand-Up India scheme
Prime Minister’s policy agenda. The women’s control over household cent over the last decade. The Periodic beneficiaries are women.
other three are: uplifting Garib (poor) resources, and is the route to access Labour Force Survey of June 2023 For accomplishing Digital India’s
POCKET RAVIKANTH out of poverty; ensuring that Yuvas
(Youth) develop their fullest potential;
credit and insurance, and receive
benefits from government schemes
reports that female labour force
participation rate improved from 23.3
ambitious targets, 53 per cent of
beneficiaries of Rural Digital Literacy
and raising income levels of the directly into their bank accounts. per cent in 2017-18 to 37 per cent in Campaign were women. Under
Annadata (farmers). Together the four In her Interim Budget speech, 2022-23. PM-AWAS Yojana (Gramin), 26 per cent
GYAN pillars denote the key thrusts for Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman of the completed houses, are exclusively
future policy making. also expanded the Ayushman Bharat’s POLITICAL EMPOWERMENT in women’s name and 69 per cent are
Of these four pillars, Nari Shakti, medical insurance to all Anganwadi and The reservation of 33 per cent jointly in the name of wife and husband.
received special attention in the Interim Asha workers. parliamentary constituencies for The Interim Budget shows that good
Budget. Buoyed by the success of In June 2023, World Economic women marks a major step in this economics can also be good politics.
Lakhpati Didi scheme, which enabled Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report, direction. Let’s hope that this starts a much
one crore women to earn over ₹1.0 lakh ranked India 127 out of 146 countries, Initiatives like ‘Ujjwala Yojana’ reduce needed new trend in budget making.
annually, the target has been raised from highlighting the need for India to the drudgery of daily household work for
two to three crore women. The scheme combat the problem of ‘missing women’ women. Success of the ‘Swatch Bharat Rajiv is Chairman of the Pahle India Foundation (PIF),
relies on the agency of 83 lakh Self Help from the workforce. These rankings will Abhiyan', and implementation of Delhi. Chavi is Visiting Fellow at PIF

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

West Asian ties The acumen and stewardship shown Rail roko unjustified authorities to let go of commuters definitely an inducement for
This refers to your the Editorial in handling the issue is laudable. Apropos 'Farmers’ protest: Next without toll fees. incremental benefit. Any party
'Arabian delight' (February 16). It is K Venkatesan round of talks set for Sunday, The Punjab CM must have persuaded accepting such a huge amount loses
really delightful that India could sign Coimbatore farmers urge Centre to rein in the farmers from rail roko and toll its right to criticise others as being
a long term pact with Qatar on gas Haryana' (February 16), it was plaza protests. corrupt. The ruling dispensation
import. For gender sensitivity encouraging to learn that Union Let the Punjab and Haryana High tried to substantiate its action by
The arrest of eight Indian Navy It refers to ‘Menstrual leave will have Ministers and farmers decided to Court, which is already seized of this claiming this scheme as an effective
personnel in Qatar was beginning to positive spin-offs’. This sensitive meet again on Sunday to find a matter, take due cognisance thereof. tool to do away with Black money
hurt bilateral trade. issue needs to be looked at with solution to the demands raisedand SK Gupta but it proved to be a false claim.
Realising that India is the largest empathy and compassion. farmers have assured that they will New Delhi However, by doing away with
buyer of LNG, Qatar did not want to Women workforce are critical cogs not try to proceed to Delhi till the Electoral bonds one need not remain
lose, the latter started adopting a of the corporate world and a few next round of discussions. Welcome judgment complacent. The money power
soft pedalled approach in trade days of leave would not be a However, the ‘rail roko’ by farmers is The Apex court scrapping the employed in the elections kills
discussions which India encashed problem. unjustified as it will inconvenience to Electoral Bonds comes as a good democracy.
the opportunity in getting the India Inc needs to show sensitivity thousands of hapless train news for all those who stand for Election Commission should have a
release of navy personnel and in and empathy to the women commuters. democracy. The bonds were nothing fool proof monitoring system to
securing a long term contract of workforce to motivate them. Sadly, the protesting farmers also but a legalised scam. nullify the role of money in elections.
import of gas at much reduced price Bal Govind staged demonstrations at several toll Therefore a huge amount given to AG Rajamohan
resulting into a saving of $6b. Noida plazas in Punjab forcing the toll any person or a political party is Anantapur

Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by S. Ramanujam at HT Media Ltd. Plot No. 8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai-600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 - 7528

YK . . . . . . . . ND-NDE
FEBRUARY 17, 2024


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Barkha Dutt


Undermining Constitutional
the right to learn
Maharashtra wants to exempt private schools
idealism gets a
from RTE provisions. This will undermine
the law and diminish educational outcomes
boost from SC
he Maharashtra government’s decision to
conditionally relieve private unaided schools
specifically directed the SBI to match purchaser
of the Right to Education (RTE) obligation of The verdict on electoral bonds to depositor, all you may get is a giant data
reserving 25% of the seats in the early years suggests that the healthy and dump, as distinct from transparency, around
(nursery to Class 1) for students from economically which corporate gave which political party how
necessary tensions between the much money.
weak households goes against the spirit of the
landmark law. Through a gazette notification, the executive, judiciary and But it’s a start. And enough enterprising
journalists and rights activists should be able to
state’s education department has exempted private legislature are alive and well wade through the numbers and join the dots.
unaided schools within a kilometre of a government “Three cheers for Supreme Court,” said

t’s the triumph of idealism over Major General Anil Verma, of the Association
or government-aided school from the reservation pragmatism,” Subhash Garg, of Democratic Reforms, one of the main peti-
provision. former finance secretary of India, tioners in this case.
The RTE Act was introduced in 2009 for two told me as news came in of the And that’s the big takeaway of this story.
Supreme Court’s massive interven- To be honest, the debate continues over how
reasons: One, to maximise the demographic tion in striking down electoral elections should be funded. Garg held that The verdict scrapping bonds may have little to no impact on the outcome of the 2024 elections.
dividend from a largely young population and two, bonds as a way of political funding. Garg was electoral bonds were the least evil option of all But, given how jaded and cynical we often are about politics, this infusion of “idealism” surely
to address the failure of public education to deliver the economic affairs secretary when the bonds available options. Others have warned that this can’t hurt SAKIB ALI/ HT ARCHIVE
were first announced in 2017. In his book, We will take the country back to the days of cash
the desired learning outcomes. It envisaged a way to Also Make Policy, he describes how he moved under the table, with no record of contributors note submitted by attorney general R Venkatra- tion of a “weak judiciary” that has not, in his
use the private sector to remedy deficiencies in the from being a critic of electoral bonds — seeing and an even more opaque system of political mani was specific: “...Citizens do not have a view, asserted itself more strongly on the issue
government schooling ecosystem. The 25% them as “devious” initially — to being per- funding than the anonymity of the bonds ena- general right to know anything and everything of judicial appointments.
suaded by Arun Jaitley that bonds were prefer- bled. without reasonable restrictions… Right to know But if this verdict is juxtaposed with two
reservation provision was intended to serve the able to cash-funded politics. His memoirs also But as the debate continues over how politics is not a general right available to citizens.” The other important interventions from the top
larger goal of free and compulsory education for all chronicle the fierce clashes that took place over should be financed, the SC’s clear-eyed asser- SC concludes otherwise, placing the citizen’s Court — marching back the convicted rapists in
children aged six-14 years. This is being undermined, electoral bonds, describing then Reserve Bank tion of constitutional principles is why the ver- right to know as fundamental. “Information the Bilkis Bano case into jail and the scathing
of India (RBI) governor Urjit Patel as “combat- dict is being celebrated. Most significantly the about political funding would enable a voter to comments by CJI Chandrachud in the Chandi-
as Maharashtra’s move and a similar attempt by the ive and confrontational” over the issue. Patel decision of the bench, led by Chief Justice of assess if there is a correlation between policy- garh mayoral election (“We will not allow
Karnataka government in 2018 — which has been wanted the bonds to be administered only by India (CJI) DY Chandrachud, reaffirms a rights- making and financial contributions...,” the democracy to be murdered”) — one can see that
challenged in the courts — seem to suggest. RBI (not the State Bank of India) and for them based democratic order. Remember, during the order says. the healthy and necessary tensions between the
to be digital, not physical. This would have hearings, a key argument made by the Union Once again, to reduce the import of this ver- executive, the judiciary and the legislature are
Maharashtra’s decision seems to be driven by killed the essential feature of the bond as it was was that citizens do not have the right to infor- dict to its technicalities would be to underesti- alive and well.
fiscal considerations, which though not small — the conceptualised around the anonymity of the mation under Article 19 of the Constitution mate its spirit. What’s important is the Court’s The verdict scrapping the bonds may have
state owes ₹1,463 crore to private schools as fee donor. There was pushback from other institu- regarding the funding of political parties. A focus on the primacy of the citizen, whose little to no impact on the outcome of the 2024
tions as well. OP Rawat, who was chief election rights are placed ahead of the politician’s. It elections. Most people may never even read the
reimbursement for RTE admissions in the last 12 commissioner at the time, argued against the WHAT’S IMPORTANT IS THE resets the hierarchy of that equation. full judgment. There may be no easy answers to
years — must be weighed against the demand for anonymity the bonds enabled, calling the ‘opac-
COURT’S FOCUS ON THE The other reason the verdict is significant is the prickly questions of political funding. But,
subsidised schooling. Government data shows that ity’ as “dangerous for the democratic system”. because it reaffirms the SC’s own capacity to given how jaded and cynical we often are about
The Supreme Court (SC) clearly agrees. PRIMACY OF THE CITIZEN, push back, disagree and enforce checks and politics, this infusion of “idealism” surely can’t
demand from households that qualify as Guided by the principle of “open governance”, WHOSE RIGHTS ARE PLACED balances in the democratic order. The order hurt.
economically weak under RTE far outstrips supply the bench has not just struck down anonymous
AHEAD OF THE POLITICIAN’S. comes at a time when even much-respected And it is this idealism of constitutional pro-
— against 364,413 applications under the quota in political donations, it has asked for details of jurists such as Fali Nariman have said that priety that is being hailed.
these transactions to be published on the Elec- IT RESETS THE HIERARCHY India’s judiciary has typically been weak when
2023, just 94,700 received admission. Given this dire tion Commission of India website in three OF THAT EQUATION governments have been strong. Others like jus- Barkha Dutt is an award-winning journalist and
situation, the wisdom of the conditional exemption weeks. Garg argues that since the Court has not tice Madan Lokur have lamented the percep- author. The views expressed are personal
of private unaided schools seems unfathomable for a
state where one in three in the six-seven-year-olds

Time to explore public ELECTORAL BONDS SCHEME

cannot read letters of the alphabet, according to the and freedoms of the citizens. The Court drew
on Dharam Dutt v. Union of India (2003) to state
Annual Status of Education Report (Aser) 2022. NEGATED THE NOTION OF that no presumption of constitutionality can be
Critics of the RTE’s 25% quota argue that the POLITICAL EQUALITY. IT attached to legislation when it infringes on an
private sector must not be shackled with the
responsibility to address the failure of public
education. It is important to recall here the 2022
funding of polls in India ENSURED THAT THERE WAS
individual’s fundamental right under Article
19(1). It is now settled that the freedom of
expression takes in the right to information. It
is equally settled that a vote is an expression.
Supreme Court judgment that upheld the quota. he Supreme Court (SC) verdict on the negated the notion of political equality. It A WEALTHY POLITICAL Therefore, it follows that any legislation that
“Unaided private institutions, including those
imparting professional education, cannot be seen as
standing out of the national mainstream,” the Court
T Electoral Bonds Scheme (EBS) is one of ensured that there was no level-playing field
the most political judgments in recent between a candidate of a wealthy political party
times. While technically shattering the on the one hand and one fielded by an impover-
legal foundation of the scheme, it has also ished party on the other.
exposed the scale of big money in elections in In State of Uttar Pradesh v. Raj Narain (1975),
curtails a citizen’s right to get full knowledge of
corporate funding is vitiated.
The linkage between political parties and the
government formed by them is too obvious to
be explained. In SR Bommai v. Union of India
said. Maharashtra alone, though, can’t be put in the
the country. The SC has rightly emphasised the the SC held that “in a government of responsi-
THE OTHER (1994), where the SC held that secularism and
dock. In 2021, a decade after the RTE Act was rolled voter’s right to know by placing it over the Cen- bility like ours, where all the agents of the pub- federalism are basic features of the country’s
out, the National Commission for Protection of Child tre’s concern over the “donor’s confi- lic must be responsible for their con- tions on voters’ right to know, was rejected by Constitution, the Court also explored this fun-
Rights reported that just 16 states and Union dentiality”. duct, there can be but few secrets”. the SC by applying the test of proportionality. It damental connection. It said that a political
Amendments made to a few cen- In the same judgment, the Court held that unlimited corporate donation party has a duty to behave with a sense of con-
Territories were implementing the quota for tral enactments like the Representa- added that “the people of this coun- through electoral bonds sabotages free and fair stitutional responsibility. This principle should
disadvantaged children. Such delays could erode the tion of the People Act, the Compa- try have a right to know every public elections. The SC has now directed the authori- be all the more applicable in the context of
demographic potential, given that robust nies Act, the Income Tax Act and the act, everything that is done in a pub- ties to stop the issuance of electoral bonds. electoral bonds.
Reserve Bank of India Act permitted Kaleeswaram lic way, by their public functiona- The Court began hearing the case on Novem- To ensure that the electoral process is not
foundational literacy and numeracy are key to non-disclosure of voluntary contri- ries”. The present ADR judgment has ber 2. Just as it reserved judgment, a massive monopolised by corporate entities, advanced
learning outcomes in later years. Poor learning in butions to political parties. It was applied the principle in a concrete sale of bonds was announced. It is a relief that democracies are moving towards public fund-
earlier grades partly explains India’s high dropout Parliament that decided to place the political situation, directly confront- the repetition of such a process has now been ing of elections. A survey of 175 countries by
donor’s interests over the people’s ing the stronger limbs of the State, curtailed. While reserving the case for judg- International IDEA, an organisation that pro-
rates and low transition rates at the secondary level interests. According to a study by the Associa- namely the executive and legislature. ment, the Court directed the Election Commis- motes democracy, revealed that public funding
— 12.61% and 78.41% in 2021-22. tion for Democratic Reforms (ADR), between In the first-past-the-post system in India, sion of India (ECI) to collect data on electoral for political parties or campaigns is absent only
Aser findings over the years have made it clear that March 2018 and July 2023, 24,012 electoral political parties, not individual candidates, run bonds issued till September 30, 2023. Now, the in 47 of them, including India. This discrepancy
bonds valued at over ₹13,791 crore were sold in the show. The SC, in Union of India v. Associa- ECI has been directed to publish the details of needs to be corrected for the spirit of the SC
states must harness private sector capacity in school the country. tion for Democratic Reforms (2002) held that the bonds sold so far. verdict to prevail. Public funding of elections
education if the demographic dividend is to be The bare fact that an astounding amount of disclosure of the personal details of the candi- The Centre’s plea for judicial restraint as EBS and political parties, however, is a matter of
realised substantially — a higher proportion of close to ₹60,000 crore, according to a Centre dates such as assets, educational qualifications relates to economic policy was not accepted by legislative policy, not of constitutional adjudi-
for Media Studies report, was spent during the and criminal antecedents should be disclosed the Court. While dealing with the amendments cation. Almost all legal issues are essentially
children in Class III and Class VIII in Maharashtra’s Lok Sabha election in 2019 says it all. Elections while contesting elections. Despite such judi- made to the statutes, no presumption of consti- political and corporate funding of polls is no
private schools could read Class II level texts in 2021. in India have become a big industry where the cial urge for transparency, secrecy has been the tutionality was drawn by the court since the exception.
Given that the Covid-period learning losses are yet to voter is often reduced to a statistic. This practi- hallmark of corporate funding of political par- very process of elections was at stake. The
cally negates the idea of one person one vote, ties. Court found that the notion of presumption Kaleeswaram Raj is a lawyer at the
be recouped, states can’t afford to deliberately shrink which Babasaheb Ambedkar highlighted as the The Centre’s defence that EBS would curb cannot be delinked from democratic accounta- Supreme Court of India.
opportunities for discernibly better learning. essence of representative democracy. EBS black money, which is why there were restric- bility and constitutionally-guaranteed rights The views expressed are personal

interfaith marriage, caused a ruckus. For as I wrote recently, betrays exactly this sort { EDITOR’S PICK }
{ ANOTHER DAY } journalists, and my friends, Samar Halarn- of anxiety by making the failure to register
HT’s editors offer a book recommendation every Saturday, which provides history,
kar, Priya Ramani and Niloufer Venkatra- live-in relationships a criminal offence.
Namita Bhandare man, ILP was a platform for people to share The impulse to preserve the institution of
context, and helps understand recent news events
their love stories. Once launched, the stories family — and, by extension, marriage —
wouldn’t stop. extends to the judiciary too. The Supreme SECURING DEMOCRACY
In modern India, falling In a country where marriages continue to
be arranged within religious, caste, commu-
nity, class and astrological configurations,
this idea was more disruptive than it seems.
Court (SC) recently told a single woman that
the surrogacy laws do not apply to her as it
went against the idea of the Indian family.
Again, it was the SC that said marriage
In a blow to opaque electoral funding in India, the
Supreme Court struck down the Centre’s 2018
Electoral Bonds Scheme on Thursday. The Bharat-

in love can be a radical act Last year, the project was a finalist for a
global pluralism award. Even today, inter-
caste marriages can and do result in “hon-
equality could not be extended to the
LGBTQI community.
So, how do modern Indians fall in love?
iya Janata Party has asserted that the judgment
won’t affect its chances in the upcoming general
elections. The verdict highlights the importance
he’s from a Punjabi business family. ideas of soft-focus romance. our” killings. Even today, just 5% of all Indian There are dating apps, marriage brokers and the apex court places on the voters’ right to infor-

S He’s the son of a politician from Ker-

ala. She’s been married before and is
the mother of two; her younger daugh-
ter doesn’t hide her hostility towards him.
They marry anyway. The challenge now is
There’s the Dalit activist who meets the
dominant caste IIT graduate at the Narmada
Bachao Andolan. Then there are college
sweethearts — she’s Muslim, he’s Hindu —
who leave family and country to find refuge
marriages are inter-caste, according to the
India Human Development Survey. The fear
of interfaith marriage is so ingrained that at
least six Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled states
have laws that make interfaith marriage
interactions between men and women in cit-
ies. But in much of India, girls are still
policed by parents, their movements
watched and restricted in the name of safety.
If lucky, they get a final say in who their par-
mation and the principles of political equality in a
This week we recommend ‘Costs of Democracy:
Political Finance in India’ edited by Devesh Kapur
and Milan Vaishnav. Through extensive fieldwork
how to bring the family together. in each other. And gender is no bar, as two practically impossible. ents pick for them — but it’s usually an on political campaigns, surveys, and innovative
What does love in modern India look like? transgender people discover each other and In the wake of the brutal murder of a approval that is just a formality. data analysis, the contributors unravel the flow of
Fraught, defiant and frequently subversive, themselves in the process. Hindu woman by her live-in Muslim boy- If Love Storiyaan is radical, it’s because money in politics and the influence it asserts. As Costs of Democracy:
reveals Love Storiyaan, a limited six-part India Love Project (ILP), the Instagram friend in May 2022, the Maharashtra govern- falling in love often is. democracies come under increasing stress across Political Finance in
series on Prime Video. Don’t be fooled by its handle from which these stories are plucked, ment set up a full-fledged committee to the world, with growing inequality and increasing India: Devesh Kapur
Valentine’s Day launch. The series steers was launched in 2020 shortly after an ad by examine interfaith and inter-caste relation- Namita Bhandare writes on gender. political polarisation, the question of money in and Milan Vaishnav
determinedly away from any bubble-gum jewellery maker Tanishq, which showed an ships. Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code bill, The views expressed are personal politics is more pertinent than ever before. Year: 2018

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Trump is at odds with Nato — and reality

for America to abandon its treaty obliga- “One of the presidents of a big country which Mr Trump singled out as fair game impaired; it’s almost all speculation magical thinking.” Basically, he was
tions and treat Nato as a protection racket. stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t for Mr Putin — has spent six times as about the future. Yes, he’s made mis- unwilling to acknowledge an inconven-
These implications are important and pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you much on Ukraine aid, measured as a takes, although the two decisions that ient reality and continually minimised
alarming. But if you ask me, we haven’t protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re share of GDP, as the US has. got the most criticism — withdrawing the danger while amplifying quack
given enough attention to exactly what delinquent? … No, I would not protect So what’s going on here? Either Mr from Afghanistan and going big on remedies. Oh, and in case you’ve for-
Mr Trump said — and what it says about you. In fact, I would encourage them to Trump is telling an especially pointless spending — are actually looking justifi- gotten, Mr Trump still refuses to admit
his grasp on reality. do whatever the hell they want.’” lie or he’s confused about past events. able in retrospect. that he lost the 2020 election.
For Mr Trump often gives the impres- To use the language of intelligence It wouldn’t be the first time. As I said, But these mistakes, if they were mis- Unlike Mr Biden’s missteps, whatever
sion of living in his own reality. I’m not assessments, it’s highly unlikely that while we don’t know for sure that Mr takes, were the kind any president, no you may think they have been, Mr
talking about the fact that he lies a lot, this conversation or anything like it Trump’s many “sir” stories are figments matter how young and vigorous, could Trump’s mishandling of Covid and elec-
PAUL KRUGMAN although he does. My point, rather, is actually happened. of his imagination, we do know that, con- have made. tion denial were uniquely Trumpian —
that he often seems unable to tell the dif- It is similarly highly unlikely that the trary to his claims, one source said there’s On the other hand, consider how Mr the behaviour of a man who doesn’t like

here’s been widespread attention ference between self-aggrandising fan- likes of, let’s say, Emmanuel Macron and no way that police officers and court Trump reacted to the Covid-19 pan- to accept reality when it isn’t what he
on Donald Trump’s asserting that tasies and things that actually happened. Angela Merkel ever addressed Mr Trump employees were “crying” and apologising demic. Republicans have been remark- wants it to be.
he would refuse to defend Nato So here’s how Mr Trump’s repudiation as “sir.” to Mr Trump at his Manhattan court ably successful at pretending that the And does anyone think he’s improved
allies he considers “delinquent” and even of Nato went down: He didn’t make a By the way, while European nations arraignment last spring. Trump administration ended before the on that front over the past three years?
saying he might encourage Russia to straightforward case, which would have have probably been spending too little It’s notable that despite all the frenzy pandemic came to dominate the scene.
attack them. A lot of the conversations been arguable, that we’re spending too on their own defence, many have risen about Joe Biden’s age, I haven’t seen As the pandemic spread, Mr Trump The writer won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize
I’ve heard have focused on the policy much on defence while our allies are to the challenge of Vladimir Putin’s inva- many suggestions that he’s made bad responded, as The Washington Post put in Economic Sciences.
implications — on what it would mean spending too little. Instead, he told a story: sion of Ukraine. Notably, Lithuania — decisions because his judgement is it, with “denial, mismanagement and ©2024 The New York Times News Service


Pakistan Army &

has defeated his Army from a prison cell.
How, then, do we argue to the contrary
that democracy is, in fact, the loser in this
election? The simple argument that the
winning side is kept out, and a coalition of

art of elections losers will likely be installed, is only part of

the story.
The larger point is that the Army is still
so powerful that it can override the voter’s
This is the first time in its history that Pakistan’s people have will after losing an election.
Usually, it waited a couple of years or
risen to vote against the Army and defeat it. If this isn’t a three before pulling down an elected gov-
ernment. Now, it hasn’t even waited for the
win for democracy, how would you describe it? ink on the ballot papers to dry.
It lost the election despite manipulating

ell over a week since the Pakistan cahoots with it, disqualified the leading the playing field, changing the rules, doing
election results, we still can’t say contender and his party from contesting, to the counting process something that is a
who won or lost. Nor can we say sent him and his deputies to jail, and froze hundred times worse than the ball-tamper-
who’s going to form the government — the his symbol. They also brought back their ing of the Imran Khan era, and still failed
winners, the losers, or a combination of the new favourite, Mohammed Nawaz Sharif, to win. It still doesn’t matter.
winner and some or all of the losers. That who they had rudely and dictatorially If we go with the view that democracy
last scenario seems the likeliest. removed, jailed and exiled in 2018. Of won because the Army got defeated by the
As this tamasha plays out, it provides us course, the same judiciary that convicted, voter, how do we reconcile with the hard
with a breather to raise a more substantive jailed and disqualified him from public reality that the government that comes
question: Has democracy won or lost in this office has now reversed everything. will be even more subservient to it than
election in Pakistan? Since it is Pakistan, no surprise here. The any in the past?

Stir causes stirrings in Punjab politics Generally, it’s been accepted that each surprise was delivered by the voters,
election has strengthened the democratic who contemptuously tossed the Army/estab-
impulse in Pakistan, barring, of course, the lishment cues to defeat their chosen
The turn in Pakistan can easily be com-
pared with that of many Islamic nations in
West Asia during the Arab Spring. Many of
state, the BJP will be lucky if minister in the SAD-BJP as a consequence of the alli- odd “party-less” one (there were a few in the parties and preferred the “independents” these states had elections, some for the first
it scores even one. government, walked out of ance. They feel the BJP mix, but they were deemed king’s parties) under diverse symbols fielded by Imran time in their modern history, yet each
In the 2019 Lok Sabha elec- the SAD. “Badal saab key asli needs them in the Lok under General Musharraf in 2002. from prison. brought to power an ideology and political
tions, the BJP won two seats, vaaris hamare saath baithe Sabha, whereas the SAD can This is a Pakistani innovation in which This is a stunning political and moral force that the “system” found acceptable.
Hoshiarpur and Gurdaspur. It hain” (Badal saab’s real heirs take or leave the 2024 elec- dictators stage a facade of defeat for the Army. We These forces were deeply Islamist, pop-
contested in alliance with the are on our side). Prime tions. Their eyes are fixed on elections to give themselves now know that the ulist, anti-Western and conservative. In
SAD. But although its inde- Minister Narendra Modi had the Assembly elections three legitimacy and bestow upon “moral” doesn’t bother each case, either the military or a militar-
pendent vote share has remarked in the Lok Sabha years away (2027). themselves the right to the generals and the ised old establishment threw these out and
inched up since then, the about Mr Dhindsa’s exit, in A lot can happen claim, “but I am no dictator. “political” they can restored dictatorships. Think Egypt, Syria,
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), in mocking reference to family between then and now. For See, in my referendum, I just always “fix,” as they’re Algeria, Tunisia. Everywhere in this Islamic
PLAIN POLITICS power in Punjab, remains
highly popular.
rule in the SAD.
Now, the younger
instance, the killings of Sikhs
agitating abroad to get the
got 98.5 per cent votes”. That
was Zia in 1984 with his
doing now. None of this,
however, changes the
world the army was seen as a force of mod-
ernity and moderation. Pakistan is seeing
ADITI PHADNIS The last Lok Sabha elec- Dhindsa is reported to be in US and Canada to pressure Islamised referendum. fact that this is the first a replay of this.
tion in the state was for a consultation with his sup- the Indian government for a The next formal dictator time in its history that The fact is, however reprehensible this

inds carrying sus- bypoll for the Jalandhar seat porters to make his way back fair deal with the Indian after him, Musharraf in 1999, Pakistan’s people have subversion of democracy is, it might still
pended particulate
matter usually
in May last year. The BJP
polled 16 per cent of the vote,
to the SAD.
“There’s a word — anak.
state, was top of the mind
politically till about a month
refrained from calling him-
self chief marshal law admin-
NATIONAL INTEREST risen to vote against
their Army. This elec-
serve the interests of Pakistan and its people
better. The rest of the world, led by the US
blow towards Delhi from while the SAD got 18 per cent. It is untranslatable but ago in Punjab. But now it has istrator, or even President SHEKHAR GUPTA tion saw more than 70 — and even China — will be relieved if the
Punjab. This time, the They fought separately. The loosely, it means pride. Sikhs retreated. And right now, initially. He started out as per cent voting against Islamist-populists represented by Imran are
plumes from teargas shells AAP got 34 per cent of the will lose everything. But given the farmer agitation, chief executive. an indifferent 40-42 per cent pattern in the kept out. And certainly, Pakistan’s neigh-
used on farmers on Delhi’s vote share compared to 2.5 they will not compromise on the SAD reckons it is best to A hesitation about formal dictatorship past. All of this is a win for democracy. bours will be relieved. India will be the hap-
borders will likely cloud the per cent it had notched up in their pride,” said a senior not even be seen as negotia- had begun to grow among the Pakistani Imran was like a favourite son for the piest with a government fronted by the
vision of those in the the same constituency in the SAD leader. ting with the BJP. The more brass. Post-Musharraf, they have evolved an Army, who went prodigal on them too soon. Sharifs and back-stopped by the Army. At
Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) 2019 Lok Sabha election. The last round of “nego- the BJP and its affiliates crit- entirely unique doctrine where they can He confronted them with a new ideology: least it will be rational and not come
negotiating to revive the alli- Now, with farm stir #2, tiation” between the BJP and icise farmers, suggesting wield power without holding it, never mind Imranism, a destructive mix of conservative wrapped in a suicide vest like Imran Khan’s.
ance between their party the SAD is in no hurry to the SAD took place at the they have been infiltrated by who gets elected. The Army was no longer Islam, ultra-nationalism, economic pop-
with the Shiromani Akali
Dal (SAD) in Punjab.
In 2020, when the last
strike any deals with the BJP.
When Mr Dhindsa, once
number two in the SAD as
level of Sunil Jakhar, former
Congressman who joined
the BJP and became the
“foreign forces” and “anti-
nationals”, the better it looks
for the SAD in Punjab.
the conductor of an opera but the puppeteer ulism and an insurgency against the “sys-
behind the scenes. These hybrid govern- tem”. The Army’s General Headquarters
ments were also a unique Pakistani innova- (GHQ) was stumped.
T his leaves us with a third question, aside
from debating whether democracy won
or lost in Pakistan. Is a country ready for
round of the farmers’ agita- secretary general and a con- head of its Punjab unit. That Instead of getting dis- tion in global politics, until this latest elec- So far, they had dealt with politicians democracy just because it can hold elections
tion took place, SAD fidant of five-time chief min- was around six weeks ago. A tracted with the Lok Sabha tion. Or until the Army blundered in who were rational at least to the extent of when its institutions haven’t yet matured
supremo, the late Parkash ister and Akali patriarch survey by the BJP was cited elections, the SAD will likely choosing Imran Khan as their favoured pup- understanding self-preservation. Imran, and acquired the stature to protect it? Not if
Singh Badal, and S S Dhindsa Parkash Singh Badal, quit in negotiations in which it work to persuade disaffected pet in 2018. they were not designed to deal with, so they all they can do is play their Army’s subaltern
returned their Padma the party, ostensibly it was demanded six Lok Sabha Akalis to return to the fold That is the reason we ask the question: had to squash him. This election shows how and dutifully follow its orders, like the
Bhushan awards, protesting over its poor performance in seats, leaving seven for the and build up the party. That Irrespective of which party comes to rule spectacularly they failed. If the people of Pakistani judiciary and election commis-
the government’s treatment the 2017 Assembly elections. SAD. For the Akalis, this leaves the field free for the Pakistan, has democracy won or lost out in Pakistan rose and thumbed their noses at sion. A real democracy is founded on insti-
of farmers. The casualty of His real grouse was Sukhbir doesn’t work. Their thinking Congress and AAP in the Lok this election? I am giving you both options, the Army they revered all these decades, it tutions, nurtured over long, patient and
round two of the ongoing stir Badal’s promotion by his is, in an alliance, the balance Sabha space. If everything with arguments for each. is a victory for democracy. I’d say that irre- often painful decades. Until then, whether
will be an alliance between father. Mr Dhindsa resigned of advantage is with the BJP goes according to plan, a spective of how irrational Imran is, how democracy won or lost in an election will
the two parties. This means
that while the SAD might win
a seat or two of the 13 in the
as the party’s Rajya Sabha
MP, while his
Parminder, who was finance
— that party will add Hindu
votes to its kitty, while the
SAD will lose Jat Sikh votes
resuscitated SAD could
emerge as a central player in
Punjab in three years.
F irst, why democracy has won is easier destructive his politics for his nation and
to argue. The Army and the judiciary, how dangerous for his neighbours, espe-
unfortunately but characteristically in cially India, the bottom line remains: He
remain an academic question at best.

By special arrangement with ThePrint

Flavourful controversies Are virtual influencers impactful?

EYE CULTURE saalan (gravy), therefore adding depth
to the dish while regulating the cost.
Muslim bodies have denounced the UP
government’s recent move to ban the ists, language experts and code in their own hands while bene- Instagram bio proudly declares
BITASTA BASU Potatoes have found their way to most storage and sale of Halal-certified developers work together to fiting from all the value that her as “Your average not-so-aver-
recipes in Bengal. In Rajasthan’s meat- products, saying it infringes upon one’s design, animate and enliven influencers can create. Virtual age Southeast Asian Virtual Girl,”

ulinary authenticity has long eating communities, potatoes are right to eat what is permissible by faith. these characters, bringing them influencers have no ego, can be reflecting her unique identity.
been debated. What people eat added to gosht to increase the quantity Food has always been a source of to life such that they seem more cost-efficient, and will Maya made waves in the fashion
offers a window to their culture. and hence feed more mouths. contention in India. However, more approachable, affable, adorable never get caught up in a scandal. industry by unveiling the Puma
Food is an important medium for What is on our plate is often political. people are eating non-vegetarian food and emulatable. Virtual influencers are becom- Rider shoe, leaving an indelible
tracing and navigating the threads of Journalist and food blogger Shoaib than before. According to the National Among the pioneers in India ing so powerful that human mark in the world of virtual fash-
tradition. The “correct” tadka (tem- Daniyal in a podcast interview with Family Health Survey-5, in the 15-49 age is the virtual influencer Naina stars want to win their blessings. ion. Almost on the same lines,
pering with whole spices) has been satirist and content creator Anurag, The group, 83.4 per cent of men and 70.6 per Avtr. She is the brainchild of Avtr Rapper Timbaland said he Lucy, the brainchild of South
hotly debated — from college can-
teens to newsrooms. But what is an
Philosophy of Food, mentions how
there is no original or rightful recipe. He
cent of women eat non-vegetarian food
either daily or occasionally. But
YES, BUT... Meta Labs, and was introduced
to the digital realm in 2022.
would like to have Lil Miquela
appear in his next music video.
Korea’s Lotte Home Shopping,
serves as a metaverse virtual
“authentic” recipe? describes how ingredients are tweaked historically, meat eaters have faced SANDEEP GOYAL Embodied as a 20-year-old fash- Now you will ask who is Lil influencer primarily tasked with
The widely-loved butter chicken, for in different households every 100 reprimand, with utensils segregated to ion model from the small town Miquela? Miquela Sousa, or endorsing the brand’s products.

instance, has recently made headlines metres, thereby completely altering the prevent contact, and the prohibition of ntil very recently, the of Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh, better known as Lil Miquela, is a Portrayed as “forever 29 years
due to a lawsuit over its origins, with two idea that there exists one singular cow slaughter has sparked crimes term “virtual influencers” Naina relocated to Mumbai, nur- virtual robot model who has old,” Lucy embodies flawless
Delhi-based restaurants claiming to be definition of how one’s favourite dish rooted in faith and politics. was not much currency, turing dreams of making a mark worked with some of the top skin, long lustrous hair, and dis-
its creators. Both Moti Mahal, which looks, smells, and tastes. Recipes vary The Karnataka government also at least in India. But the tide has in tinsel town. Vibrant and viva- global fashion brands like Prada, tinct facial features.
was set up by Kundan Lal Gujral, and based on the availability of resources, recently found itself in a soup when the begun to slowly turn, with both cious, the ambitious Naina Dior and Calvin Klein. Since she The trend of virtual
Daryaganj, founded by Kundan Lal time, geography and one’s religion. distribution of eggs in school mid-day recognition as well as commer- invites followers to befriend her, launched in 2016, sweet-faced influencers is going mass too. A
Jaggi, assert that they were the What goes into our food is also meals became a subject of intense cial deployment becoming like her and follow her daily con- but provocative Lil Miquela has computer-generated version of
inventors of the dish. decided based on our standing in debate among politicians and quick realities over the past few quests on Instagram and amassed 2.8 million Instagram Colonel Sanders was created
While it is now up to the Delhi High society. I recently became cognizant teachers. The students, however, made months. But before we go any YouTube. Naina Avtr has been followers, major brand deals and last year by KFC to resonate
Court to settle the matter, the that adding salt to white rice — a their own choice. According to a report further, let us answer a basic sighted in past months at estimated annual earnings of with Gen Z audiences. The KFC
memories of butter chicken on my concept alien to me — inherently in The Indian Express, around 80 per question: Who or what are vir- Mumbai Airport and even more than $11 million. influencer partnered with Dr
palate have been different. The North signifies hierarchy in society. Salt adds cent of the mid-day meal beneficiaries tual influencers? spotted at a screening of Mission Brands have meanwhile Pepper, Old Spice, TurboTax,
Indian staple is sweet and tangy, but depth and flavour to the rice itself chose eggs over the alternatives — Virtual influencers are com- Impossible, leaving many fol- woken up to their own virtual and Casper, immediately com-
the butter chicken I grew up eating in without requiring a lot of bananas and chikki. puter-generated characters or lowers wondering on the real mascots — Daisy, the brainchild manding the attention of 1.3
Kolkata boasts a smoky, savoury, accompaniments, which remain Some are trying to bridge the divide. personas that exist solely in the nature of her virtual existence. of online luxury discount site million Instagram followers.
creamy, makhani (buttery) gravy. The inaccessible to marginalised An interactive performance, Come Eat realm of digital and cyberspace. Naina’s close competitor is Yoox, for example, hails from the Virtual Colonel soon went viral,
influence of the Awadhi style of communities. With Me, by Bengaluru-based theatre These virtual influencers resem- 21-year old KYRA. Launched in fashionable city of Milan, Italy. posting pictures of himself at
cooking is unmissable. Sections of our society have been artiste Sri Vamsi Matta explores identity ble real people and interact with 2022, she has nearly 241K fol- Presented as living a life of opu- the gym, boarding private jets,
Potatoes, meanwhile, have held penalised for their choice of food as it through the relationship of caste with their human followers, much lowers already. The brainchild lence, Daisy embodies elegance and posing with other virtual
their ground, especially in the debate goes against the idea of “purity”. At IIT- food. The audience is invited to sit and like human influencers. The of FUTR Studios, KYRA is a and sophistication. Modeled influencer friends, with each
over biryani. Celebrity chef Ranveer Bombay, where dining areas are unpack their experiences while influencers are meticulously “dream chaser, model and trav- after actress Hannah Gross, she post complete with brand spon-
Brar debunked the myth that the segregated for vegetarian and non- sharing a meal. It aims to reiterate that designed and have their distinct eler” who now even has her own has graced numerous high-pro- sorships and captions spoofing
humble aloo was added to flavourful vegetarian eaters, a group of students food isn’t homogenous and by sharing personalities, traits, nuances, assistant — a virtual human file campaigns, notably for some real-life influencers.
rice and meat due to the lack of staged a symbolic protest in September a plate many orthodoxies can be done idiosyncrasies, even back- called Sravya. KYRA is brand Calvin Klein and Tommy We in advertising in India
availability of the latter during Wajid Ali last year by eating non-vegetarian away with. stories, lineage and evolved savvy and has 15 campaigns to Hilfiger, captivating the fashion have still not woken up to vir-
Shah’s exile in Calcutta. The “truth” was meals at tables “reserved” for This may have a lesson for Bengal interests, that make them real, her credit for brands including world with her alluring presence. tual influencers. But the smart
the tuber was considered a novelty in vegetarians. The students were fined for and Odisha as they battle over the origin engaging and interesting to Titan, Morris Garages, and ITC. Similarly, Maya is a creation ones soon will.
India as it was a Portuguese import. this “indiscretion”. of rasgulla. Clearly, refraining from online audiences. Creators, The pitch for virtual of sportswear giant Puma, intro-
Although not as costly as meat, the The debate over the acceptability of getting entangled in such sweet UI/UX experts, artificial intelli- influencers is that they enable duced in 2020 as a self-pro- The writer is chairman of
potato soaks up all the flavour of the food also extends to Halal certification. conflicts is the best way forward. gence specialists, graphic art- marketers to keep more control claimed fashion model. Her Rediffusion

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The body is smart. It does not
discern between external stimuli
and stimuli from the imagination. Gloria
It reacts equally viscerally to both Anzaldúa


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HY are South Asians more sus- Are Indians genetically more predisposed towards risk factors compared to their non-migrant
ceptible to heart attacks? A study rural siblings. This suggested that changing
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN by researchers from University coronary diseases? Studies say it could be a mix of nature diet, physical activity and stress patterns as-
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. of Toronto, published on Febru- and nurture. We need focused research for clarity sociated with urban migration had a marked
— Ramnath Goenka ary 12, 2023 in the American Jour- influence on coronary risk, even when the

nal of Cardiology, throws up yet genetic background was similar.
another interesting observation Interestingly, recent studies in the US sug-
on this question. Comparing 60 South Asian gest that the nature of migrants also influ-

EC, GOVT MUST and 60 white European-origin adults, they

observed differences in blood cells of the THE SOUTH ences the acculturation pattern and behav-
ioural risks. While the migrants from India

ENSURE SANCTITY OF two groups. South Asians had less progeni-

tor stem cells and monocytes than the white
to other countries in the last century com-
prised a varying mix of semiskilled workers

patients. Further, the monocytes were of a and professionals, recent Indian migrants to
kind which caused inflammation rather the US have mostly been highly qualified

than the kind which helped to heal injured professionals. Migration to the US in the
day after the Supreme Court struck down the funding blood vessel walls. The authors suggest that 20th century occurred in a social milieu
greater propensity for blood vessel injury, when most Americans were consuming un-
of political parties through electoral bonds as unconsti- with diminished ability to heal lesions, may healthy diets and had coronary-prone life-
tutional, the nation’s largest opposition party claimed be responsible for South Asians exhibiting K SRINATH REDDY Author of Pulse to Planet. Distinguished styles. However, recent migrants are adopt-
the income tax department had frozen its bank accounts. a higher risk of heart attacks. Professor of Public Health, PHFI ing healthier living habits which are now
The development was brought to light by Congress treas- Reports of persons with South Asian eth- more popular with richer and more educat-
urer Ajay Maken, who said the IT department’s decision will nicity manifesting early onset and extensive ed Americans: better diets, more physical
prevent the party from participating in the upcoming Lok coronary artery disease first emerged in mi- activity, less smoking and stress-coping
grant Indians. In the 1950s, reports came practices of yoga and meditation. The inter-
Sabha elections, as it has no access to funds to pay salaries or
from Uganda and Malaya of higher levels of play of any genetic influence with a healthy
to finance the ongoing Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and other po- coronary artery pathology in autopsied per- lifestyle will manifest in this group.
litical activities. Though the Congress got relief from the IT sons of Indian origin compared to other eth- In India, too, we see different types of
Appellate Tribunal, which has allowed the party to operate its nic groups. Over the next 20 years, reports of gene-environment interactions based on
accounts until the final decision in the case, the severity of the higher and earlier heart attack rates among disparities in income and education, varied
department’s order has raised the opposition’s hackles. The IT South Asians came from the UK, Singapore, patterns of diet, physical activity and expo-
Mauritius, US, Canada, Fiji and other coun- sure to air pollution. However, efforts to
department’s decision tilts the electoral playing field, an issue
tries with large numbers of migrants. This reduce coronary risk must proceed on the
the Supreme Court tried to tackle while scrapping electoral was in comparison with white Caucasians, understanding that a predisposition
bonds. Opposition parties have also raised the issue of lack of Chinese, Malays, Africans and Hispanics. (whether polygenic or epigenetic) does
coverage by both public and private media, which has a simi- Explanations emerged through studies seem to provide the background against
lar effect on the electoral playing field. If they are denied ac- which observed that South Asian migrants which modifiable factors (diet, physical ac-
cess to funds too, the field gets decisively tilted against them had higher rates of diabetes and pre-diabe- tivity, smoking, stress, sleep, air pollution)
and the sanctity of the electoral process gets compromised. tes, insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and operate to manifest amplified or attenuated
liver, higher levels of body fat, less lean mus- risk. Physical activity, for example, signifi-
It is, therefore, important to ensure parties’ access to funds cle mass and more belly fat around the ab- cantly reduces insulin resistance in the
so that they can publicise their programmes and conduct dominal organs (visceral adiposity). Blood skeletal muscle and a healthy diet modifies
campaigns without any hindrance. At stake is the citizenry’s chemistry typically showed low levels of most of the biochemical risk factors.
ability to exercise their franchise in an informed manner. HDL cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides The recent Canadian study suggests that
Democracy suffers in the absence of an informed electorate. and elevated lipoprotein ‘a’ (Lp ‘a’). Within SOURAV ROY South Asians not only have higher incidence
the LDL fraction of blood cholesterol, the of diabetes but also have a lower ability to
Ensuring a level playing field where neither side has an un- highly atherogenic ‘small dense LDL’ sub- known to have an epigenetic imprint on gene Vellore. Visceral adiposity, low HDL and heal blood vessel injury, whether caused by
due advantage creates a virtuous cycle, leading to a truly fraction was more prominent than the less expression that predisposes to diabetes and high triglyceride levels were noted as risk diabetes or other risk factors. Since 90 per-
representative government. damaging ‘big buoyant LDL’ sub-fraction. coronary heart disease in adult life. While markers in both urban and rural popula- cent of South Asians and 60 percent of Cau-
The responsibility for ensuring equal access to resources Are all of these high-risk indices geneti- enabling an undernourished baby to con- tions, but were more marked in the urban casians in the study had diabetes, it is not
and voters lies with the Election Commission as much as it cally determined? The coupling of excess serve limited nutrients available for glucose- samples. Later, studies comparing Indians clear how much the blood cell abnormalities
coronary risk and high prevalence of diabe- dependant brain growth, lean muscle mass residing in India with similar Indian mi- are related to diabetes or to an earlier predis-
does with the government of the day. Twenty-three opposition
tes and pre-diabetes raised genetic predispo- is reduced (as muscles burn up glucose). grants in other countries—especially Pun- position that leads to coronary artery dis-
parties have sought an audience with the commission to sition as a popular hypothesis. The fact that This is essential for initial survival but can jabis and Gujaratis in the UK—revealed a ease irrespective of diabetes.
present their case for tallying all voter-verifiable paper audit these features were seen across different pre-dispose to a metabolic mismatch when rising rural-urban migrant gradient of cor- A comparative study of South Asians and
trail slips or VVPATs. The commission is yet to give them an climes and times of migration, from first the child later accesses more food. While this onary risk factors. This suggested that ur- Caucasians without diabetes will help to re-
audience. If concerns are being expressed by so many opposi- generation to third generation migrants, re- is a demonstrated risk pathway, it’s contribu- ban acculturation and altered living habits, veal to what extent the progenitor and mono-
tion parties regarding the electoral process, the commission inforced this hypothesis. However, strongly tion to higher coronary risk in different In- driven by rising incomes, were propellants cyte cell abnormalities are genetically pre-
predictive genetic markers could not be iden- dian population sub-groups is not clear. of coronary risk. This was reinforced by determined or are modifiable through
is duty-bound to address them. The Election Commission must tified. Even a cluster of candidate genes The migrant experience stoked interest in rural-urban migrant studies in India. Fac- healthy living habits. Till then, we may re-
listen to the issues being raised in order to remove any doubts could not account for more than 10 percent within-India studies. Population surveys tory workers in three Indian cities were call Mark Twain’s comment: “There is some-
about the sanctity of the electoral process. of variance. Higher risk of visceral adipos- conducted in early 1990s showed higher compared to their rural siblings, who stayed thing fascinating about science. A trifling
ity, insulin resistance and diabetes is also as- prevalence of coronary heart disease and on in the villages. Within five years of mi- investment of fact can generate vast returns
sociated with poor intra-uterine and early risk factors in urban Delhi and urban Vel- gration to cities for employment, the urban of conjecture.” (Views are personal)
GUV’S ASSEMBLY SNUB childhood undernutrition of a child. This is lore, compared to rural Haryana and rural workers had higher levels of many coronary (


INCE the DMK returned to power in Tamil Nadu in May


2021, its founder C N Annadurai’s view of governors has
been frequently quoted: a goat doesn’t need a beard, and a Bond verdict
state doesn’t need a governor. While states and governors, Ref: Landmark verdict levels playing field
viewed as the Union government’s representatives, have had for electoral funds (Feb 16). Accountability

their tussles throughout independent India’s history, recent years N an interesting case of conver- and transparency are hallmarks of a good
have seen opposition-ruled states raising the allegation that the gent evolution, people living at democracy. The Supreme Court’s decision to
post has been more politicised than ever before. Chief Minister altitudes over 4,000 metres in the scrap the electoral bond scheme is welcome.
M K Stalin on Thursday again levelled this charge against Tamil Andes have been found to have The court’s directives to halt bond issuance
independently developed almost PRATIK KANJILAL For years, the author has been speaking and disclose details of donations will go
Nadu Governor R N Ravi and said he would never be cowed down the same genetic response to easy to a surprisingly tolerant public a long way towards restoring trust in our
by such “childish behaviour”. The behaviour in question was mountain sickness as the Tibet- electoral process.
Ravi’s unprecedented move to refuse to read the governor’s cus- ans. The two genetic groups are divided by Tauqueer Rahmani, Mumbai
tomary address, prepared by the government, in the state assem- history and geography. Their gene muta- SPEAK EASY
tions differ slightly and occurred 20,000 Democratic choice
bly. The governor claimed he could not read the text as it con-
tained misleading statements and facts, although he did not years and 18,000 km apart, but their effect contrasting, and opportunities are re- way, and responses to treatment also differ. The introduction of electoral bonds in 2018
is identical: they permit humans to flourish stricted among humans, who can only be For instance, Ewing’s sarcoma is typically a disturbed the political playing field as
specify which statements were misleading or not factual. He said on thin air, reports a new paper led by El- compared with other humans. The human cancer of white boys, and rarely attacks col- the scheme favoured the ruling party. An
the House should not be a forum for “venting blatantly partisan ijah S Lawrence in Science Advances, the sciences are likely to celebrate the hardest oured girls. Until the early 2000s, the medical amendment to the Companies Act removed
political views”, a bewildering assertion regarding a space that journal of the American Association for when space aliens finally contact us. The and scientific literature dismissed race as the cap that barred companies from donating
is essentially political. However, he is right in stating that the the Advancement of Science. Interest in more different they are, the more opportu- “biologically meaningless”, but over time, it more than 7.5 percent of their profits to a
Speaker’s comments against him in the House after his refusal— convergent evolution which adapts to hos- nities they would provide to compare and has come to be seen as a useful guide. political party. These moves added
later expunged, but recorded in a Raj Bhavan statement—were tile habitats is more than academic, as the contrast humans with. If aliens turn out The discovery that two distinct races on to corruption.
human race braces for climate change. to be very human, it would be a great re- separate continents have adapted to high D V G Sankara Rao, Vizianagaram
unbecoming. Last year, the governor had skipped some portions
The adaptations in Tibetans and An- lief for politicians and diplomats eager for altitudes at the same genetic site is signifi-
of the address and added some extempore remarks; the House deans involve changes in the EPAS1 gene, a firm handshake, but a terrible let-down cant. The only other instance of such an Double standards
had adopted a resolution to take only the prepared text on the which is well-researched as a site of re- EPAS1 response is in the coelacanth, a type The BJP-led government introduced
records, following which he walked out. sponses triggered by hypoxia, the main of lobe-finned fish. The ‘living fossil’—and demonetisation in 2016 causing much hardship
Several scholars have reflected on the intrinsic tension in a cause of mountain sickness. The responses a favourite expletive of Captain Had- to common people in the name of checking
governor having to read a text prepared by the government. The include the production of more red blood dock—from the early Devonian period black money. A year later, it introduced
corpuscles and changes to blood vessels, to was only etched in stone from its discov- anonymous electoral bonds, thereby helping
governor could have opted to skip addressing the House rather
deliver far better perfusion and oxygena- ery in 1893 until 1938 when a live specimen convert black money into white.
than read a text—which had been shown to him in advance— tion than in other humans. Increased effi- was discovered in a fisherman’s catch in T Kailash Ditya, Hyderabad
that he disagreed with. Having agreed to make the address, his ciencies in the transport and metabolism of the Indian Ocean by the self-taught South
actions can only be viewed as vexatious at best and “blatantly oxygen allow the owners of these muta- African naturalist Marjorie Courtenay- Research funding
partisan” at worst. The House members are elected by the peo- tions to function well in high-altitude at- Latimer. It is surmised that in the 400 mil- Ref: Meagre funds, red tape hobble Indian
mospheres in which other people suffer lion-year lifespan of the species, it had science (Feb 16). The column highlighted
ple, the ruling party is put in office by the people; flawed as our
pulmonary and cardiovascular distress. In responded to an event which lowered oxy- the challenges faced by science researchers

democracy may be, disrespecting the House and government is Tibetans, the effects are epigenetic (work- gen concentrations in seawater. in India. Promoting quality research should
tantamount to disrespecting the people. ing through pathways outside the genome) Despite living 18,000 km apart, Now that it is known that the EPAS1 be a top priority for the government. In
Tamil Nadu is not alone in its travails with troublesome and do not seem to involve the coding sec- Tibetans and Andeans have gone gene is the device of choice for adapting to this regard, the government must increase
governors. Punjab, Kerala and Telangana are in the same tions of the EPAS1 gene that determine through a similar gene mutation hypoxia, it must be of interest in an over- funding, cut the red tape that delays the
which amino acids are expressed during crowded planet. The peopling of the seas disbursement of funds, and reduce the
boat, making it obvious that at least some of the constitutional
protein synthesis. ForAndeans, the genetic
that allows them to avoid altitude has been and will probably remain the influence of private players.
heads might be playing a political role. Repeatedly thwarting changes are in a coding region of the gene sickness. As humans brace for stuff of science fiction because home eco- P Prema, Thanjavur
the will of the people is less a means of earning the elector- they’re baked right into the genetic code. climate change, convergent nomics is too expensive. In comparison,
ate’s support, than one of extorting it. Are the two populations, in the Himala- evolution which adapts to hostile highlands freed of permanent ice look Broken dreams
yas and in the Andes, as unrelated as geog- more inviting. The glaciers of the Third Many brilliant researchers have left India
raphy suggests? The Tibetans are under- habitats becomes important Pole are melting at an alarming rate and unwillingly to pursue their work abroad.
Q U I C K TA K E stood to have derived their versions of the Pakistan has suffered unprecedented flood- The reduction in public funding of research,
gene from the Denisovans, the hominins dis- for scientists. In the absence of space aliens, ing as a consequence. More disastrous cli- delay in disbursing grants, and difficulty in
A LESSON IN DEMOCRACY covered in a cave in the Altai mountains in
Siberia. There is uncertainty because only
students of humanity and its products, like
culture and technology, have been restricted
mate and geological effects are bound to
follow, but the process could also make
procuring lab apparatus have indeed made
research very challenging. If corrective

HEN Virat Kohli walked off before being given out in a fragmentary material evidence of the group to comparing human variants. Race is of highlands habitable for humans who can measures are not taken, our youngsters may
has been found, much less than for Neander- two kinds. The kind discussed in opinion breathe thin air. And as governments and choose to abandon their research dreams.
World Cup match against Pakistan in 2019, it created a
thals. But it is not impossible to conceive pages is a cultural and political construct corporations develop a taste for manned Ravi Nair, Kollengode
quandary because replays showed he had not nicked the that while some of the Denisovan popula- based on ideas of intrinsic superiority and space missions again in which the volume
ball. Now, we have a Pakistani walking off the victor’s podium tion may have moved southwards from Si- inferiority. It is imaginary and disgusting. of oxygen to be carried or generated is a Foes, allies
after being declared a winner. Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman won a beria to leave genetic traces in India, others But the other form of race is biological and limiting factor, people who flourish at high Ref: Making space for strange bedfellows
seat in Karachi after securing more than 26,000 votes. But when may have moved east across the now-sub- very real. Evolution has separated groups of altitudes could be in demand. (Feb 16). As part of its efforts to dent
he discovered that the votes for his main opponent, an independ- merged Beringia into the Americas. people divided by history and geography There’s a political irony here. Close to 90 opposition unity, the BJP appears to be going
ent candidate backed by Imran Khan, had been reduced from The discovery that an EPAS1 variant in into biological races with distinct responses percent of Tibetans have a variant of EPAS1, about stitching alliances with parties whose
the Andes addresses hypoxia is both theo- to their environment. For instance, nut al- while only 9 percent of Han Chinese in the ideologies are at odds with its own. Though
31,000 to 11,000, he gave up his seat. Rehman’s renunciation is a retically and practically important. Theo- lergies are common in North America but region do. If China were to plan a Mars base, this might bring short-term gains, in the long
lesson in democratic decency. Can we hope to see such a day in retically, because science creates its tax- very rare in South Asia. Cancer doesn’t af- the minority Tibetans would have a genetic run it could prove counterproductive.
‘the mother of democracy’ too? onomies by a process of comparing and flict people from all racial groups the same edge in recruitment. (@pratik_k) R Sriramprasad, email


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Telangana) : T Kalyan Chakravarthy* Printed and Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., at H.No.6-3-1113/1, B.S.Makta Lane, Somajiguda, Near Grand Kakatiya Hotel, Punjagutta, Hyderabad – 500 016 and printed by him at Sakshi Press, Plot No.D-75 & E-52, Industrial Estate (APIE),
Balanagar, Medchal-Malkajgiri District, Telangana. Hyderabad: Vol. 48, No. 41. RNI Reg. No. 32179/77. Phone: 040-23413908. * Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
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O the year 2024, on the
desert plane of Abu
Dhabi, history performed what
dance in the realm of faith, reli-
has accepted the Jews and
adhered to the third of Prophet
$GGLWLRQDOO\6HFWLRQZDVLPSRVHGIRUDPRQWK shall not make any gravel image
kind were abandoned by all three
QDPHO\WKH)DUPHUV 3URGXFH7UDGHDQG&RPPHUFH whose inspiration Prophet Moses
ers to even attempt to have a
$JUHHPHQWRQ3ULFH$VVXUDQFHDQG)DUP6HUYLFHV$FWDQGWKH(VVHQWLDO&RPPRGLWLHV glimpse of God can ever be King Zayed has shown the Zayed has done. He can, how- but also a reversal of centuries
$PHQGPHQW $FWKDGEHHQSDVVHGE\3DUOLDPHQWLQ6HSWHPEHU countenanced by these faiths. courage that perhaps no ever, be sure that most Hindus of crusades and Ghaznavism.
'HVSLWHWKLVFRQFHVVLRQWKHIDUPHUVFODLPHGWKDWWKHLUJULHYDQFHVUHPDLQHGXQDGGUHVVHG The synagogue, church and monarch in history has. There will pray for his happiness as The temple, which of course
OHDGLQJWRWKHUHVXUJHQFHRISURWHVWVLQ$VWKHVWDQGRIIEHWZHHQWKHIDUPHUVDQG mosque have been limited to have been many kings who long as history is written. has the icons of deities, is also
being only prayer halls, unlike the have made history, have The opening of the grand rich with carvings, sculpted
WKH*RYHUQPHQWSHUVLVWVLWXQGHUVFRUHVWKHXUJHQWQHHGIRUPHDQLQJIXOGLDORJXHDQG Hindu temple, which is looked invented systems and legislat- Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi images and bass reliefs, includ-
FRQFUHWHVROXWLRQVWKDWDGGUHVVWKHFRQFHUQVRIWKHIDUPLQJFRPPXQLW\ZKLOHXSKROG upon as a residence of the divine ed path-breaking laws. It is, also has the potential to trig- ing those of animals and birds;
LQJWKHSULQFLSOHVRIGHPRFUDF\DQGVRFLDOMXVWLFH7KH*RYHUQPHQWZRXOGGRZHOOWR where the worshipper or follow- however, difficult to think of a ger schisms in the Abrahamic one could also liken it to a ver-
WDONWRWKHIDUPHUVUDWKHUWKDQEORFNLQJWKHLUZD\$Q\KLJKKDQGHGQHVVRQWKH*RYHUQPHQW V er is free to seek or meet the monarch who has reversed faith world, particularly Islam. itable museum-cum-zoo of
divine. Ramakrishna history and turned his back on However, this need not be nec- stone.
SDUWFDQEHFRXQWHUSURGXFWLYHDWWKLVMXQFWXUHDVLWZRXOGRQO\LQYLWHIDUPHUV·ZUDWK Paramahansa, Swami the past with such ease. For a essarily an unwelcome devel- Most important though, is
0RUHRYHUWKHUHLVDQHHGIRUJUHDWHUHPSDWK\XQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGVROLGDULW\IURPDOOVWDNH Vivekananda and Maharshi thousand years now, Islam opment. Not only will millions our Prime Minister’s central-
KROGHUVLQFOXGLQJWKHEURDGHUVRFLHW\DQGWKHPHGLD7KHYRLFHVRISURWHVWLQJIDUPHUV Aurobindo, for example, con- has chosen the path of taqlid of Hindus flock there, but ity in the act of worship
PXVWEHKHDUGDQGWKHLUGHPDQGVIRUMXVWLFHGLJQLW\DQGHPSRZHUPHQWUHVSHFWHG2QO\ fessed to having seen the divine. (orthodoxy)—minimal their inflow will also bring in through his performance of
Until now, this has been a funda- change—and has done its best C74C4<?;4F7827 billions of dollars as revenue the main aarti in the temple’s
WKURXJKGLDORJXHFRRSHUDWLRQDQGPXWXDOUHVSHFWFDQZHSDYHWKHZD\IRUDPRUHSURV mental difference between the to avoid ijtihad (reinterpreta- >52>DAB470BC74 from tourism and the business sanctum sanctorum. Modi is
SHURXVIXWXUHIRU,QGLDQDJULFXOWXUHDQGLWVIDUPHUV)DUPHUVZLWKJHQXLQHJULHYDQFHV Hindu and Abrahamic faiths; tion)—embracing new ways that flows from it. a practising and worshipping
QHHGWREHKHDUGOLNHDQ\RQHHOVH the latter have preferred to destroy when necessary. The objective 82>=B>5348C84B8B The Muslim world, which has Hindu, something that comes
idols rather than allow them to was to conserve the strength been negligent towards com- through clearly, whether at
distract the devotion of their and unity of Islam and not 0;B>A827F8C7 merce, as Prof. Timur Koran Kathmandu, Varanasi,
?82D1<; adherents. This fundamental gulf
of faith explains the catalogue of
allow it to dissipate.
When it came to numbers,
20AE8=6B of Duke University has
explained, will have a chance
Ayodhya, Rameshwaram or
Abu Dhabi. Bhakti is visible
iconoclasms that litters Indian therefore, Islam has been an B2D;?C438<064B to rectify this lacuna. This and convincing only when it
medieval history. expanding torrent. What King marvel of sculpture, which is emanates from the heart; oth-
That is why it appears incredible Zayed has done is to pick up 0=310BBA4;845B also a live and functioning erwise, it is nothing but the
to believe that any human being a hitherto untouchable aspect, 8=2;D38=6C7>B4 museum of the most exquisite enactment of a ritual without
can achieve two victories in the reinterpretation, and in doing carvings consecrated by the devotion. In Modi’s case, it is
course of only two years—the first so, has touched the hearts of >50=8<0;B0=3 confluence of the holy waters a phenomenon that needs no
at Ayodhya and the other now at 140 crore Indians, as Prime of the Ganga, Yamuna and evidence or convincing, a fact
Abu Dhabi. Ayodhya represents Minister Modi has said. How 18A3B*>=42>D;3 Saraswati (represented by I have been fortunate to wit-
the correction of the history of many Muslim hearts might 0;B>;8:4=8CC>0 white light) specially brought ness first-hand in my own
iconoclasm while the event at Abu have been irritated by this from India is precisely the edi- humble dwelling when a much
Dhabi reveals the nobility of remains to be seen. But the E4A8C01;4<DB4D< fice, platform and opportuni- younger Modi had graced an
King Zayed, the monarch of the notes emanating from this ty for that. occasion where holy figures
United Arab Emirates (UAE), in seminal event are likely to be 2D<I>>>5BC>=4 Prime Minister Modi’s inaugu- were present.
wiping off some of the tears of less than pleasant to a lot of ration and worship of this (The writer is a well-known
blood dripping from Hindu eyes, ears, around the Islamic world. sprawling and breathtaking columnist, an author and a
who, over the course of a millen- Pockets are easier to open; Hindu temple at Abu Dhabi is former member of the Rajya
nium, lost thousands of their tem- hearts are far more difficult to in a sense, not only the rise of Sabha. The views expressed
ples to iconoclasm. persuade, which is what King Sanatana Dharma in the desert are personal)

0³RWd]PaX´QTX]V^UUTaTSc^cWT=Pa\PSPaXeTa^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U³=Pa\PSP9PhP]cX´X]9PQP[_da ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C

Sir — Reports about some of the Lok
Sabha representatives remaining mum
throughout and not taking part in any \P[R^]U[XRcbXcdPcX^]b<^aTP]S\^aTPccPRZb
of its debates and discussions are dis- QhT[T_WP]cbPaTcPZX]V_[PRTX]eX[[PVTbP]S

Y]`QYb]U^d maying and eyebrow-raising. They are c^f]b PSY^X]X]V U^aTbcb  CaP]`dX[[XbX]V P]S
the people's representatives, chosen by RP_cdaX]V a^VdT T[T_WP]cb X] ^]T _[PRT P]S
C1B9;1970 the people for the people to voice their aT[TPbX]VcWT\X]P]^cWTaXb]^b^[dcX^]8cXb
constituency and do the needful. They P`dTbcX^]^UcX\TQTU^aTbdRWcaP]b[^RPcTS
liamentarians or just to increase the
LPSDLUPHQWLQ,QGLD$,LQWHUYHQWLRQRIIHUVDUD\RIKRSHIRUWKHP member tally of any party but are peo- [TbbSTbcadRcX^]^UfX[SP]X\P[bc^cWT^cWTa
ple's representatives in whom the com- TgcaT\T^UbcaTcRWX]VcWTR^]RT_c^UR^]bTa
n India, the prevalence of Technology Officer of Starkey, This innovative processor mon man has hopes, aspirations and ePcX^] 8c Xb TPbh U^a cW^bT X] Pa\RWPXab X]

I hearing impairment is a
significant concern, affect-
ing millions across various age
underscores the significance
of Genesis AI, which reflects
years of research and innova-
mimics the function of the
central auditory system, deliv-
ering unparalleled sound pro-
wishes to be fulfilled. The same repre-
sentative who wags his tongue with
promises and assurances during the
daQP] bdaa^d]SX]Vb c^ fPg T[^`dT]c X]
groups. According to the tion dedicated to enhancing cessing and clarity. Coupled election remaining mute once he reach- X]VX]cTaaPX]]TPaYd]V[TbXcXbP\PccTa^U[XUT

World Health Organization, the lives of individuals with with a Long-Lasting es the main platform where he's sup- X[S T[T_WP]cb WPeT QTVd] T]cTaX]V P]SSTPcW8]bcTPSP_Ta\P]T]caT\TShWPb
approximately 63 million hearing loss. The advanced Rechargeable Battery provid- posed to articulate and fulfill the needs aTbXST]cXP[ PaTPb X] <P]P]cWPePSh c^QTU^d]S
people in India grapple with features and cutting-edge ing up to 51 hours of usage on of his constituency is a matter of con- :TaP[P[TPSX]Vc^SP]VTa^db\P]P]X Dimple Wadhawan | Kanpur
significant auditory impair- AI to patients and hearing technology of Genesis AI a single charge, users can cern.
ments, emphasizing the crit- care professionals in India establish a new standard for enjoy uninterrupted usage Parties, national and regional, nominat-
ical need for effective inter- heralds a significant advance- excellence in hearing care. throughout their day. ing election candidates have to look into curriculum with an emphasis on indus- for Women were able to get any specif-
ventions and solutions. ment. This technology With a sophisticated Neuro Furthermore, integrated this matter earnestly. Leaders who can try partnerships and real-world skills. ic complaint from any victim alleging
Furthermore, with India's expands the functionalities of Processor boasting six times Health Tracking Sensors intertwine ideologies with the practical Although the future of higher education sexual harassment.
ageing population expected to hearing aids remarkably, the transistors and four times monitor activity levels, detect day-to-day life of the masses and voice is enigmatic, one thing remains sure: Hence the allegations are nothing but
double by 2050, surpassing transforming them from the speed of previous gener- falls, and track overall health for them should be given opportunities those who fail to adapt will be left high part of negative propaganda to deliber-
the number of children, the mere listening enhancement ations, Genesis AI delivers metrics, empowering users to to stand as members. It is high time and dry. ately tarnish the image of the state TMC
incidence of hearing impair- devices to discreet, multi- unparalleled sound process- proactively manage their well- major and minor parties shun such Sambhav Jain | Ujjain government. Women at Sandeshkhali
ment is anticipated to escalate, purpose health and commu- ing and clarity. Enhanced being. With enhanced sound 'mute spectators' and those who use the took to the streets complaining of sex-
highlighting the urgency for nication tools. “With Genesis sound processing facilitates processing capabilities, post just for selfish benefits. C5HE1<81B1CC=5>D ual harassment soon after Sheikh
proactive measures to tackle AI, we have greatly expand- improved speech understand- Genesis AI optimises speech M Pradyu | Kannur Sir — Due to criticism over the allega- Shahjahan, the accused mastermind
this pressing health issue. ed the capabilities of hearing ing in diverse environments, understanding and reduces tions of sexual harassment of women by behind the attack on ED (Enforcement
According to the 75th aids beyond expectations. It is t. Besides, new AI devices background noise, ensuring 19DB1>C6?B=C54E31D9?> absconding Trinamool Congress (TMC) Directorate) and CAPF (Central Armed
National Sample Survey the largest leap forward ever have fall alerts in them. If a clear communication in any Sir — As AI advances, its impact on the leader Sheikh Shahjahan and his asso- Police Force) personnel on 5 January,
(NSS) report of 2017-2018, in hearing technology, trans- patient wearing the device environment. Its innovative supply and demand sides of higher edu- ciates at Sandeshkhali in West Bengal's went underground. Even when
hearing disability was estimat- forming hearing aids from falls an immediate alert goes features and advanced capa- cation becomes more evident which North 24 Parganas district, the state's Governor C.V. Ananda Bose visited
ed in 0.3% of the Indian single-function listening to his near and dear who can bilities address the urgent leads to a significant shift in the sector. ruling party on Wednesday questioned Sandeshkhali earlier this week, several
population, with nearly half of enhancement devices into come for help. The AI-pow- need for effective solutions in AI-powered online learning platforms the timing of levelling such allegations. women were seen and heard on camera
them reporting an inability to discreet, multipurpose health ered devices are indeed com- mitigating the challenges are reshaping access to education by Raising this question, TMC spokesman complaining to him about sexual harass-
hear anything or only loud and communication tools,” munication devices, they posed by hearing loss, there- offering affordable and adaptable alter- Kunal Ghosh also alleged that this ment at the hands of Shahjahan and his
sounds. The objective should says Brandon Sawalich, would be translating the by empowering individuals to natives for conventional brick-and- "sudden outburst" of angst by the local associates. However, a huge police con-
be to mitigate preventable President of Starkey. AI inter- audio signals in the chosen engage fully in social and eco- mortar universities. As technology women is actually part of a conspiracy tingent imposed section 144. With this,
deafness, decrease the burden vention in hearing technolo- language enabling people to nomic activities. AI is offer- reshapes the job market, the adage "a hatched by the BJP, even if it is accept- all is not well between TMC and BJP in
of deafness to less than 1%, gy marks a quantum leap, communicate seamlessly. ing hope for a future where degree opens doors" is losing its lustre. ed that the women were silent for so Bengal.
and empower individuals offering unparalleled sound Genesis AI introduces a cut- accessibility and inclusivity Nowadays, employers are more interest- many years out of fear, why didn't the Bhagwan Thadani | Mumbai
with hearing impairments to clarity, advanced health-track- ting-edge Advanced Neuro are paramount. ed in individuals with real-world expe- local BJP leadership raise this issue ear-
lead economically and social- ing capabilities, and person- Processor, boasting six times (The writer is an editor of a rience instead of those with tradition- lier?“Neither the members of the West
ly productive lives. alized user experiences. the transistors and four times monthly magazine; views are al academic credentials. Bengal Commission for Women nor BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
The introduction of Genesis Dr Achin Bhowmik, Chief the speed of its predecessors. personal) Many universities are redesigning their those from the National Commission [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k541AD0AH &!!#

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n today's rapidly changing job ahead of the competition, even become highly valued and criti- It is the prime responsibility of

HDUO\ DLGV LQ WKLV HQGHDYRU E\ SURYLGLQJ SUHFLRXV PRPHQWV IRU market, skills development is of many traditional skill-based busi- cal for both employees and individuals to take charge of
IRFXVHGVDGKDQD VSLULWXDOSUDFWLFH IRVWHULQJDGHHSHUFRQQHF paramount importance. The job nesses are now actively seeking employers to remain competitive their skill development and
WLRQZLWKRQH VLQQHUVHOIDQGWKHGLYLQH market is constantly evolving due out AI and automation experts. and relevant. always adapt to the changing
to technological advancements, Professions are being transformed As technology continues to landscape of today's job market.
economic developments, and shifting by automation and artificial intel- reshape job creation and the As India approaches a transfor-
client preferences. To excel in this ligence, with certain jobs becom- implementation of AI and mative era, rethinking education
dynamic environment, people must ing obsolete and new opportuni- automation, deep data analytics and prioritizing on-the-job train-
adapt and develop new abilities. ties emerging in growing indus- across functions are driving these ing are crucial.
The future of work will not only revolve tries. As machines take over changes. The introduction of Embracing apprenticeships can
around hard skills but also encompass repetitive tasks, there is now a new technologies has compelled shape a workforce equipped not
holistic skills. India, with over 808 mil- greater demand for specialized businesses to reskill their work- only with theoretical knowledge
lion young workers below the age of 35, technical skills. Currently, data force. With over 54% of India's but also practical tech-based
needs to reflect seriously on the corre- science, artificial intelligence, workforce requiring reskilling, skills, essential for gaining a
lation between skills and employability,
potential versus realization, and ambi-
C>30H robotics, and machine learning
are the leading job creators. This
traditional jobs in manufacturing,
administration, and retail become
competitive edge and thriving in
the dynamic economic landscape.
tion versus support. The current skill C427=>;>6H0=3 means that job seekers must pos- obsolete due to automation, and Lifelong learning is paramount in
deficit of only 5% being formally skilled, sess a different set of skills to the workforce in these fields adapting to the evolving job mar-
and a focus on formal learning, leaves 3868C0;;8C4A02H remain competitive. must reskill to find new oppor- ket, where adaptability and cre-
graduates unprepared for the competi-
tive job market. Therefore, the shift
B:8;;B0A4 Today, technology and digital lit-
eracy skills are essential for most
Upskilling, on the other hand, is
ativity are highly valued.
Individuals must take charge of
towards holistic skill-based education, as 4BB4=C80;5>A employment roles. Programming the process of enhancing existing their skill development to remain
outlined in National Education Policy languages, data analysis, cloud abilities to meet the changing employable and excel in their
WHQFHUHFRJQL]HGWKHSURIRXQGUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKHUK\WKPRI 2020, is imperative for success. <>BC computing, and cyber security needs of a job function to be careers. The future of work
The primary goal of skill development
is to enhance sustainable employability,
4<?;>H<4=C expertise are critical as data-dri-
ven businesses must protect their
more effective and reliable.
Hence, a salesperson, for exam-
demands a blend of technical pro-
ficiency and soft skills, under-
XUDOF\FOHVLQGLYLGXDOVFDQDWWXQHWKHPVHOYHVWRWKHKDUPRQLRXV transition unskilled workers into formal A>;4B data from cyber threats. ple, may need to upskill in digi- scoring the necessity for contin-
IORZRIOLIHH[SHULHQFLQJHQKDQFHGZHOOEHLQJDQGFODULW\RIPLQG employment, and improve job quality Moreover, in this digital age, soft tal marketing to remain compet- uous self-improvement and adap-
)URPDSUDFWLFDOVWDQGSRLQWZDNLQJHDUO\RIIHUVQXPHURXVEHQH and livelihoods. The evolving job mar- ?A>6A0<<8=6 skills are more crucial than ever. itive. tation.
ILWVIRUSK\VLFDODQGPHQWDOKHDOWK ket demands skills that align with busi-
ness productivity. The impending job
;0=6D064B30C0 Communication skills, problem-
solving, creativity, and critical
Sustainable Employability :
Lifelong learning is an absolute
In conclusion, as India stands on
the brink of an era of transforma-
landscape in India requires a blend of 0=0;HB8B2;>D3 thinking are all essential to nav- necessity for adapting to the tion, it is vital to rethink educa-
advanced technical skills and softer, igating an automated world suc- ever-evolving job market. It is tion, give priority to on-the-job
EDODQFHDQGYLWDOLW\5LVLQJZLWKWKHVXQDOORZVIRUH[SRVXUHWRQDW transferable skills. It is crucial to provide 2><?DC8=60=3 cessfully. imperative to understand that training, and embrace apprentice-
early exposure to these skills during high
school to ensure that young individuals
2H14AB42DA8CH Those who can combine techni-
cal skills with these soft skills will
learning should not be confined
to formal education, as it holds
ships to shape a workforce that
not only possesses theoretical
0RUHRYHUWKHHDUO\PRUQLQJKRXUVSURYLGHDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUVROL are adequately prepared for the future 4G?4AC8B40A4 have a significant advantage in greater significance than ever knowledge but also has the prac-
WXGHDQGUHIOHFWLRQIUHHIURPWKHGLVWUDFWLRQVRIWKHEXVWOLQJZRUOG job market. today's job market. before. Continuous learning is the tical tech-based skills necessary to
,WLVDWLPHIRUVHWWLQJLQWHQWLRQVSODQQLQJWKHGD\DKHDGDQGFXO According to a World Economic Forum 2A8C820;0B In the current Asian job market, key to remaining employable and gain a competitive advantage and
report, by 2027, 69 million new jobs will
be created, while 83 million will be elim-
30C03A8E4= candidates with adaptable skills
are the most sought-after.
excelling in a career.
Furthermore, businesses highly
thrive in the dynamic landscape
of the country's economy.
inated. The era of generalists is giving 1DB8=4BB4B Employers demand individuals value individuals who can (The writer is a Co-Founder and
way to an era of specialists. The next few who can rapidly acquire new embrace change and seek out new MD of Orane International, a
,QWKH+LQGXWUDGLWLRQZDNLQJHDUO\LVQRWPHUHO\DULWXDOLVWLFSUDF years will witness significant demand for <DBC?A>C42C skills and apply them effectively learning opportunities. Adopting Training Partner with the
sustainability specialists, business intel-
C748A30C05A>< in a dynamic work environment.
Given the dynamic nature of the
a mindset of constant improve-
ment is an invaluable asset in a
National Skill Development
Corporation (NSDC), and a
WKH SXUVXLW RI KLJKHU WUXWKV $V WKH ZRUOG DZDNHQV WR WKH JHQWOH ligence analysts, and information secu- 2H14AC7A40CB job market, many job roles job market that values adaptation Network Member of India
rity specialists. become obsolete over time, and and creativity. Additionally, life- International Skill Centres (an
HPEUDFHRIGDZQPD\ZHKHHGWKHWLPHOHVVZLVGRPRI+LQGXVFULS In today's highly competitive job mar- new ones emerge. long learning can significantly initiative of GoI). Views
WXUHVDQGHPEUDFHWKHWUDQVIRUPDWLYHSRZHURIULVLQJZLWKWKHVXQ ket, there are still plenty of opportuni- Therefore, adaptability and the improve an individual's job sat- are personal)
7KHZULWHULVDVSLULWXDOJXLGHYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO ties for those with the right skills. To stay ability to reskill and upskill have isfaction and overall well-being.

ndia's agriculture sector, a vention and credit guarantee structure development was ties heralded a season of pros- application process, ensuring

I cornerstone of its economy,

affects the livelihoods of
over 55% of its population,
coverage, thereby laying a fer-
tile ground for growth and
development. With an ambi-
instrumental in reducing post-
harvest losses and improving
market accessibility for farm-
perity, sowing the seeds of over
24,000 agri-entrepreneurs.
Behind the scenes, a sympho-
that all parties have access to
a smooth, efficient mecha-
nism for their financial inter-
making it pivotal for national tious financial outlay of Rs. ers, contributing to an estimat- ny of strategies played out. The actions.As the story of the AIF
socio-economic development. One Lakh Crore, the scheme ed annual savings of 11 LMT AIF's online portal became the unfolds across India's agricul-
Despite being the world's sec- offered interest subvention, of food grains and a reduction digital soil where applications tural tapestry, it weaves a nar-
ond-largest agricultural pro- credit guarantees, and the con- of 2.7 LMT in post-harvest germinated and flourished. rative of hope and progress.
ducer after China, the sector vergence of benefits, opening losses of horticulture produce. Awareness campaigns blos- The scheme's legacy, marked
has faced challenges, particu- new horizons for farmers, Further, it is estimated that somed across social media, by enhanced infrastructure,
larly in post-harvest manage- 455@1;?0A44: cooperatives, and agricultural farmers can get 11-14% more while conclaves and exhibi- reduced losses, and empow-
ment and market accessibility. entrepreneurs. price for their produce due to tions spread the word far and ered farmers, promises a future
Recognizing these challenges, enhance farm gate infrastruc- As the wheels of the AIF infrastructure created by AIF. wide. Each initiative, like a where agriculture in India is
the Indian government, under ture, to diminish post-har- began to turn, the agricultur- The impact of the AIF has carefully tended crop, con- not just a means of survival but
the leadership of Hon. Prime vest losses, and to drive invest- al landscape of India started to been profound. In the vil- tributed to the scheme's bur- a thriving, vibrant sector. And
Minister Modi, launched the ment and innovation in the witness a remarkable transfor- lages, where the granaries geoning success. The AIF por- in this future, as the sun rises
Agriculture Infrastructure agriculture and allied sectors. mation. The fund sanctioned began to fill and the cold stor- tal led to the integration of over the fields, it illuminates a
Fund (AIF) in July 2020, aim- The AIF was not just an invest- Rs.37,653 Crore for 52,671 ages preserved the fruits of approximately 0.99 lakh bank land transformed, a testament
ing to revolutionize the sector ment; it was a commitment to projects till February 15th, labor, post-harvest losses branches and has 1.27 lakh to the enduring spirit of India
by enhancing infrastructure, change. With a targeted sanc- 2024, while disbursing dwindled. Farmers, armed registered applicants, the por- and its farmers, nurtured by
reducing losses, and promot- tion and disbursement span- Rs.23,000 Crores mobilizing including custom hiring cen- creation of 51,248 post-harvest with better infrastructure, tal stands as a unified platform the waters of the Agriculture
ing innovation. ning from FY 2020-21 to FY an investment of Rs 63,580 ters, warehouses, and cold and community farming found their produce fetching for beneficiaries, lending insti- Infrastructure Fund.
The objectives of the AIF 2025-26, the scheme was Crore in the sector. From the storage facilities, each a testa- assets, including 11,434 higher prices, their incomes tutions, and other vital stake- (The writer is an agriculture
scheme were clear and com- designed to offer a blend of lush fields of Punjab to the ment to the country's commit- Custom Hiring Centres, swelling like the monsoon holders involved in the economist a serial entrepre-
pelling: to mobilize medium to financial support mechanisms, vibrant farms of Tamil Nadu, ment to agricultural revitaliza- 11,284 Warehouses, and 1,549 rivers. The creation of over 5.1 scheme. It fosters transparen- neur and investor; views are
long-term debt financing, to including a 3% interest sub- a myriad of projects sprouted, tion. The AIF facilitated the Cold Store projects. This infra- lakh employment opportuni- cy and streamlines the loan personal)

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