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6 Thursday, February 15, 2024

Editorial Delhi

Rescuing grace from disgrace

he words ‘customary’ , ‘ceremonial’ reader of the speech. interruption (which I was expecting) and I
and ‘ritual’ are employed to describe The High Commission was ‘duly’ approached noticed throughout when I looked in her
Farming consensus the addresses of the President of India
to our Parliament at its opening
and specimens of Her Majesty’s speeches
obtained, all of which went to show President
direction that Rabri Devi was listening attentively
and with the greatest dignity. After the ceremony
The Centre must address grievances sessions each year and, likewise, to characterise Venkataraman’s memory to have been spot on. was over, Nitishbabu said to me that it was the
of farmers through talks those of Governors when they address the But, sadly, the suggestion made to the first time in his experience that a Governor’s
Legislative Assemblies in their State capitals. Gopalkrishna government of the day that the British practice be Address to the Assembly had gone off without a

armers from Punjab, in their thousands, India being the land of largely unquestioned Gandhi considered for adoption in New Delhi was not single interruption, and he thanked me for it.
have assembled at three points along the custom, ceremonials and rituals, these addresses heeded. “Why are you thanking me?” I said to him. “The
is a former Governor
border with Haryana, where they have of the Head of State have also become part of the President K.R. Narayanan, in office from speech was not mine, it was yours.” I will not
been stopped from marching to Delhi. The prot- life of our polity. The President of India and 1997-2002, was no less painstaking with the detain the reader with his rather overwhelming
esters are demanding legally guaranteed MSP for Governor arrive with ‘due’ fanfare, perform the drafts. We on his team (I was Secretary to the reply.
crops, debt waiver, cancellation of international ceremony of which the officiating ‘priest’ is the President) would marvel at his being able to spot To conclude: turbulence in the House is not
agreements impacting the agriculture sector, and Speaker or Chairman, and depart feeling greatly phrases with subtle connotations which would be new. Unseemliness has been seen in them for
a minimum pension of ₹5,000 for farmers and relieved that it is over. best rectified. It gave me no small happiness to decades. But controversy over Governors’
agriculture labour. Some of these demands were The speeches or addresses of the Head of State see officers of the government acknowledge the addresses in Assemblies are now rising in
raised during their earlier protest in 2021-22, for these occasions, following British practice, are pertinence and propriety of changes that ‘KRN’ frequency and velocity, with Governors, whose
which was called off after the BJP-led central go- drafted by the government of the day. They are directed us to convey. Needless to say, the dignity is inseparable from that of the edifice of
vernment withdrew three controversial laws that not written by the President of India or Governor, changes suggested were so patently un-biased the state and the government bartering
had sought to reform the agriculture sector. The but only read out by them. The drafts for these and good that they were accepted not just accusations and counter-accusations.
protest now is spearheaded by the SKM (non-pol- are received in their offices generally very close to without demur, but gratefully.
itical), a splinter group of the body that had led the event and require them to be gone through Where the problem lies
the earlier protest. The split signifies fissures in against a tight time frame. This in itself makes the A cameo from Kolkata The root of the problem lies in the foundational
the interest groups across Haryana, Punjab and suggesting of changes by them difficult. In Kolkata, as Governor of West Bengal dichotomy of one agency writing the speech and
western U.P. and Rajasthan. There are at least (2004-2009), it was my privilege to suggest, on a another reading it. Professor A.R.
three other strands of protests gathering A thought that was worth pursuing few occasions, some changes to draft Addresses Venkatachalapathy published not long ago a fine
strength. Farmers in western U.P. affected by the R. Venkataraman, the President of India from to the Hon’ble Legislative Assembly and Chief book, Who Owns That Song? — about the rights to
Jewar airport project and Yamuna Expressway 1987 to 1992, was fond of saying, with his Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee invariably Subramania Bharati’s ‘nationalised’ works. One
are up in arms. In Haryana’s Sonipat, farmers are characteristic smile, to staff (I was his Joint accepted them. On the first such occasion, when may, following that, ask of the Governor’s
protesting land acquisition for power cables. The

Secretary), “When I am asked to read these he had accepted the suggestion at once, there Address ‘Who Owns that Speech?’ The one who
original SKM and several trade unions have called Addresses, I feel like saying ‘Rashtrapati Bhavan’ was a slip. On the night before the ceremony, I writes it or the one who reads it out? Subject to
for a national rural and industrial strike on Febru- and sitting down!” He went through the drafts of noticed, to my dismay, that the printed text correction by constitutional experts, I believe that
ary 16, with overlapping and additional demands the Addresses he got from the Government of the which had just come to me, had not carried out the Address of the Head of State to the Legislature
that include the repeal of four labour codes. day line by line and word by word. And he — not the change. The matter was important enough for is an ornament of convention, not a condition
The government has opened talks with the so much we on his staff — would mark out those me to bring it to Buddhababu’s attention over the precedent for Bills becoming law. If it was, then
Punjab farmers, but a legal guarantee of MSP ap- he felt needed modification. I do not recall a telephone. He said to me, “I am to blame. Let me the business of a House that has not had the
pears unlikely. The police in Haryana and Delhi single occasion when his responses were not see what I can do but rest assured it will be Governor’s Address read out in full, or in
have stopped the farmers more than 200 km accepted in toto. But there was one ‘move’ of his done.” Was there enough time to re-print tokenistic part, would become invalid. That is not
away from Delhi as they are resolute that the which did not go through. hundreds of copies of the Address? There was the case. Address or no Address, the Legislature
farmers will not be allowed near the border of He asked us, shortly after he assumed office, to not. The Chief Minister did the next best thing. continues its work.
the national capital where they had laid siege in contact the Indian High Commission in London He had a piece of paper pasted over the Since political polarisation between the Centre
2021-22. The MSP-based procurement by the FCI to find out what the form of Her Majesty’s paragraph concerned, on each and every copy, which appoints Governors and the State which
has been the bedrock of food security, but the ‘Throne Speech’, delivered at the opening of the overnight. elects the Chief Minister is, to all appearances, set
case for its reform is strong. Surplus producers of sessions of the two Houses each year or This, of course, drew more attention to the to accelerate in the visualisable future, a way out
grain have benefited from the MSP scheme, but immediately after a general election, was like. It paragraph than its appearance in print would has to be found. I believe President
the scheme bypasses subsistence farmers in was his distinct impression, he said, that the have done and Opposition Members of the Venkataraman’s suggested solution gives us that
poorer regions. This uneven geographical spread speech prepared by Her Majesty’s Government is Legislative Assembly found cause to explode. way out. If all concerned agree that the Head of
of procurement has also led to unsustainable very brief, merely outlining the outer contours of Buddhababu told me later that day, “If the matter State need read out just the bare outline of the
farm practices in some areas, while farmers in policy and the legislative business proposed for comes up formally in the House I will say frankly legislative business ahead, the Address will then
other regions of the country are always on the the session ahead — and nothing more. That, he that you had suggested an important change, that belong to neither its drafter nor its reader but to
edge of penury. All this calls for a revamping of With political
said, is how it should ideally be with the opening I had agreed to it, but due entirely to my its rightful owner-listener, namely, the collective
the public support for farming, which is essential of Parliament in India, in place of the long speech polarisation oversight it could not be carried out in time and body of Legislators. Presidents and Governors
for reasons that include national food security. that is read out in extenso to a progressively tired between the the next best thing was done… I will lay the facts will, I think, be relieved with such a
This can be achieved better through wide politi- gathering of Hon’ble Members of Parliament, Centre which on the table.” This was political civility. rearrangement.
cal consultation and by encouraging the benefici- followed by an equally long translation into Hindi appoints Occasion arose for me to officiate as the But what of the governments? Will they be
aries of the current system to diversify produc-
or English as the case may be. President Governors and Governor of Bihar ( January to June 2006). ready to forego the chance to air their
tion and increase productivity. The political Venkataraman’s chief concern was the saving of Exactly as now, Nitish Kumar was Chief Minister, accomplishments and plans? They would need
the State which
undertones of the protest on the eve of the Lok time and the avoiding of tedium. But he was also heading a coalition of the Janata Dal (United) and convincing that the Motion of Thanks that follows
Sabha election also cannot be overlooked. The elects the Chief
aware of the gain from such a reform in terms of the Bharatiya Janata Party, with Rabri Devi being the address is where that airing is best done — as
farm sector needs a new model of public sup- the avoiding of interruptions and the other Minister set to Leader of the Opposition. The draft for the it is, in British Parliament.
port. It cannot be left to the mercy of the market. phenomenon which has come so unfortunately accelerate, Governor’s Address was unexceptionable and It will take an innovative and self-denying Chief
The government should lead the efforts to create to be associated with legislatures’ opening there could be written in flawless Hindi which was, for me, a Minister to start the reform to rescue a custom,
a national consensus on this question. ceremonies — tension between the writer and a way out pleasure to read out. There was not one ceremony and ritual of grace from disgrace.

Pension concerns
A hike in minimum pension will help A demand that could hamper gender equality
the lower strata among the retired

he recommendation of the Central Board

he Sabrimala temple issue was one that menstruation to be ‘impure’. that disparities creep in. Women in Japan are less
of Trustees of the Employees’ Provident ruled our collective consciousness. It was The most recent National Family Health Survey likely to be employed (even with the same
Fund Organisation (EPFO) for a 0.1-per- unfathomable that menstruating women (NFHS) report has highlighted how approximately credentials) than men, and are often paid lesser.
centage-point increase in provident fund (PF) de- were deemed ‘unfit’ to enter a temple. Echoes of 50% of women between the ages of 15 to 24 in Let us assume that we have in place paid leave
posits for 2023-24 should not be surprising, as it ‘menstruation is not a disease, but a natural India continue to rely on the use of cloth for for periods. Now comes the implementation.
is in tune with what the EPFO did last year. Ho- phenomena’ could be heard all around. This was menstrual protection. Experts caution that Who is to say when such leave would be taken
wever, the recommended rate of 8.25% is 0.4-per- a case that highlighted the ongoing struggle to Damini Chopra reusing cloth can increase the risk of contracting rightfully, and when they would be misused?
centage points lower than in 2018-19, a pre-elec- eliminate discriminatory practices related to multiple infections, attributing this practice to a Further, who is to say which enforcement
is an actor and
tion year like 2023-24. If cleared by the Union menstruation, and to promote gender equality. humanitarian combination of insufficient awareness and methods would be acceptable, when used by the
Finance Ministry, it will involve the transfer of a The demand for paid leave for menstruation societal taboo around menstruation. Girls are employer? In 2020, 66 girl students in an institute
record ₹1,07,000 crore to EPF members. But the works to undermine it. often compelled to leave school or face social in Bhuj in Kutch, Gujarat, were forced to strip to
development has not pleased those with a long- Menstrual cycles can be challenging — almost exclusion during their menstrual cycles. check who was menstruating. This mirrors an
standing demand for an increase in the minimum debilitating for some — but to collectively label all Arguments in favour of paid leave for incident in 2017 in Muzzaffarnagar, where 70 girls
pension of ₹1,000. When in the opposition, the those belonging to a gender without considering menstruation will claim that granting special in a residential school were compelled to undress
ruling Bharatiya Janata Party had demanded that the potential adverse effects, is trivialising the status to menstruation would aim to create by staff to check for menstruation.
the pension be raised to ₹3,000 (the UPA govern- women empowerment movement. subject awareness. But this would only magnify
ment had proposed ₹1,000 a month). On coming it. It could turn out to be another well-meaning A fight that continues
to power in 2014, the BJP carried out faithfully, On the global gender gap step, but one that ends up widening the gender In the recent past, women have fought to be on
with effect from September 2014, what was final- The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap gap inadvertently. the front line in a war. The Supreme Court of
ised by its predecessor, benefitting approximate- Report 2021 says that the gender global gap has India even urged the government to enable equal
ly 20.5 lakh pensioners. Months ago, the Finance widened (instead of shrinking). In the current The case of Japan evaluation of women, and to have them undergo
Ministry had rejected a proposal to double the situation, it would take the world 135.6 years to There are countries such as Japan that provide the same standards of testing as men. In
minimum pension amount, citing a “huge rise” achieve gender equality. Looking at it specifically leave for painful menstruation- but it is mostly response, the government argued that women
in the budgetary support needed under the Em- at the workforce level, a woman earns 84 cents unpaid, and unused. Women claim that they are are not suitable for ground combat roles. Women
ployees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995. There is for every dollar that a man makes. The reluctant to avail this leave and ‘broadcast’ that in corporate organisations are fighting for pay
one more component in the budgetary support participation of women in the labour force is they are on their period, for the fear of sexual that is the equivalent to that drawn by their male
which refers to the Central government’s contri- significantly lower than that of men, and even harassment. This is the situation (today), even counterparts.
bution at 1.16% of wages up to an amount of fewer women hold leadership positions. If one Paid leave for though this policy was introduced in Japan more As a woman, I understand the issue and am
₹15,000 a month. For FY2024-25, the Ministry adds mandatory paid leave for periods to this, it menstruation than seven decades ago. Data show(s) that a mere empathetic towards period pain and symptoms.
has projected ₹10,950 crore as budgetary sup- would end up further dissuading companies from may create 0.9% of women in the workforce avail menstrual But I am averse to terming it a blanket biological
port against the revised estimate of ₹ 9,760 crore hiring women. leave days in Japan. As per the World Economic disadvantage. Recognising the diverse nature of
for the current year. The Finance Ministry calcu-
awareness on
If the government ratifies ‘special status’ for Forum’s ranking in 2019, Japan ranked 121 out of menstrual experiences is essential. Tailoring
lates that a 100% rise in the minimum pension menstruating women, it validates the social the subject but 153 in terms of gender equality. It has slipped to support and being accommodative on a
would be more than the proportionate increase stigma around menstruation. It would exacerbate could end up the 125th position in 2023. It is interesting to note case-by-case basis promotes inclusivity, while also
in the overall budgetary support as numerous period shaming in a country where large swathes widening the that though young women in Japan have higher addressing the individual needs of those
pensioners had received much less than ₹1,000 of people (both men and women) consider gender gap education levels than men, it is in the workforce navigating their (difficult) periods.
as monthly pension till 2014.
Describing the EPS as a “Defined Contribu-
tion-Defined Benefit” social security scheme, the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
government said in the Rajya Sabha that all bene-
fits were paid out of accumulations through con- Protest and response the agitation is politically compensation or placement place and releasing them in terrain near jungles, it is a which hurt a lot if stung by
tributions, and as per the fund’s valuation as on Drones being used to fire motivated. is quite insufficient. Instead, another is no solution. It is matter of life and death. a bee.
March 31, 2019, there was “an actuarial deficit.” teargas shells onto the Balasubramaniam Pavani, a permanent remedy has to a question of time before M.R. Anand, In a project implemented in
However, this argument has been virtually de- protesting farmers and the Secunderabad be found. The attempts of such translocated animals Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh an elephant corridor, a
molished in the EPFO’s annual report (2022-23). placing of formidable forest officials to resume their activities. We team built a fence made of
Notwithstanding its reasons not to hike the mini- barricades to impede their Animal crossing catch/capture an elephant have swung from one I recently came across a beehives and connected to
mum pension, the government must note that progress are extreme steps. Wild elephants have begun in the area, despite being extreme, of mindless documentary on YouTube, a wire. If an elephant tries
the difference between the minimum and origi- Farmers are not criminals. entering residential areas in equipped with sophisticated destruction of wild animals, by Planet Wild, which to cross, it touches the wire,
nal pension was about ₹970 crore for 2022-23. So, The Government should, on Mananthavady, Kerala, equipment, have gone in to the other extreme, of describes a natural way of which disturbs the bees.
the doubling of minimum pension is no strain. priority, listen to the woes leading to dangerous vain. stretching the concept of preventing human-elephant This project helps protect
There are other key issues too such as equating of farmers in all sincerity man-animal conflict J.K. John, conservation. conflict. Based on a project crops, safeguards
the amount of spouse pension on a par with what and seriousness. Let the situations. The Forest Mumbai It is easy for those in arm implemented in Tanzania to residential areas and also
a member-pensioner gets. In the case of higher ‘feeders of the nation’ be Department and politicians chairs in urban protect the majestic results in higher incomes in
PF pension, the rules have been framed after the heard. There have been should realise that human More and more attacks by surroundings to wax creatures, it highlights how terms of honey processing
2022 Supreme Court judgment wherein most of many unfortunate instances life is more important or wild elephants are taking eloquent in defence of “elephants are afraid of and distribution.
the pre-2014 retirees would not be covered; there of farmer suicides in the more precious on earth place in villages and towns rogue elephants and man bees”. Even though States in India need to
are around four lakh such applications for higher recent past. Let the than anything else. As the adjoining forests. eaters. elephants have a thick skin, study this project in earnest.
pension. A more expansive approach to PF pen- Government not hide under Bishop of Mananthavady Tranquillising and capturing For helpless poor people they have weak spots Shafna Basri K.,
sion matters will help senior citizens. the pretext of saying that has said, mere rogue elephants at one who eke out a living in (mouth, ears and trunk) Chennai

Thursday, February 15, 2024 7

Does trust in national government matter? A scheme that is bleeding hospitals dry
The Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhati has become a burden for the government

lobally, there are many Raghav Gaiha were gunned down. could be curbed by an
countries where low A more compelling independent judiciary, this has not
levels of trust coexist is a Research manifestation is the absolute state. happened, as was seen in the surance Agency of Kerala. AB-
with stable democracies Affiliate, Population An example is the dilution of Supreme Court’s ruling on STATE OF PLAY PMJAY was launched by the
and several others where distrust Aging Research Article 370 in August 2019 and the Ayodhya and its rejection of a Centre in 2018. When the
Centre, University of
is so pervasive that democracy bifurcation of the State of Jammu probe by a Special Investigation C. Maya State chose to re-launch KASP
Pennsylvania, U.S.
barely survives or simply dies. and Kashmir ( J&K) into two Union Team or the Central Bureau of in alignment with AB-PMJAY

India as the world’s largest Territories — J&K and Ladakh — Investigation of Adani’s acts of ublic hospitals in Kera- in 2019, there was concern
democracy faces a trust deficit but Vidhya largely under the Central malfeasance, in favour of the SEBI la are paying a heavy that given the low share of the
opinion is divided on the survival Unnikrishnan government’s jurisdiction. This probe moving at a snail’s pace. price for the State go- Centre, Kerala would end up
of democracy. We argue that the is a Lecturer in
violated the constitutional Another critique points to vernment’s administrative in- paying a huge premium, espe-
current Bharatiya Janata Party Development requirement that the Centre damage of the economy and polity efficiency in running Ayush- cially because of its high mor-
(BJP)-led National Democratic Economics, University consult an affected State before by the NDA, but also measures man Bharat-Karunya Arogya bidity burden and strong
Alliance (NDA) may damage of Manchester, U.K. redrawing its boundaries or that partly offset the negative Suraksha Padhati (KASP), the health-seeking behaviour.
democracy in India. changing its constitutional status. impact and likely impart health insurance scheme co- cines from private outlets. Kerala’s troubles with KASP
Under NDA rule, persistent Vani S. Kulkarni Data show that the number of short-term legitimacy. These vering nearly 42 lakh families. Even the government’s Karu- began in 2020 when the go-
questioning of the survival of militant deaths after 2019 in J&K is include new welfare schemes for The scheme that wins Kera- nya fair price medical shops vernment agreed to SHA’s pro-
democracy has dominated the is a Research nearly double that of the relatively the poor — of which the Ujjwala la laurels from the Union do not have adequate stock. posal to move the scheme
Affiliate, Population
political discourse in recent years. calmer years of 2011 to 2015. The scheme and the Swachh Bharat Health Ministry every year for According to the latest edi- from the insurance mode to
Studies Centre,
Specifically, with the aggressive University of
number of forced Internet Mission have had the most providing free medical treat- tion of National Health Ac- the trust/assurance mode,
pursuit of Hindutva, unprovoked Pennsylvania, U.S. shutdowns peaked in 2020. significant impact — as well as ment to the maximum num- counts (2019-20), Kerala has wherein the financial liability
brutality against minorities, Ironically, the Supreme Court continuing the most popular ber of people is draining the the highest per capita out-of- of settling claims falls on the
especially Muslims and Dalits, and upheld the dilution of Article 370. schemes of the Manmohan State’s coffers and leaving pu- pocket expenditure (OOPE) in government in the absence of
heavy-handed suppression of the The opacity of the state is Singh-led governments for food blic hospitals severely short of the country at ₹7,206 despite an insurance company. The
freedom of speech and press have instrumented by controlling the distribution, rural employment, funds. According to a state- being one of the States with claims expenditure, which
undermined the trustworthiness media, suppressing dissent, and and affordable housing. Whether ment by the government in the highest per capita govern- used to be contained at
of democracy. A related question withdrawing national surveys that short-term legitimacy was the Assembly last week, it ment expenditure on health. around ₹700 crore in the insu-
is whether the loss of trust has raise concerns about rising accomplished is not self-evident as owes private and public hospi- KASP, a scheme meant to free rance mode, touched ₹1,563
reduced well-being. A third is economic distress and cast doubts there were glaring shortfalls. tals ₹1,128.69 crore as reimbur- people from the burden of crore in 2021-22 and ₹1,629

whether these inferences are valid on the exaggerated achievements sement for free treatment gi- healthcare expenditure, is crore in 2022-23. The State
and whether India’s democracy is of the government. The National Life evaluation ven to KASP beneficiaries. now an indirect cause of in- ends up spending 82% of this
at risk. With the national election Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 None of these studies, however, The State’s finances have creased OOPE in Kerala pri- total health insurance expen-
looming in the horizon, these was one such survey. Soon after its focus on trust as the mediator been in the red for several marily because the govern- diture because the National
questions have high priority. findings were published, the between autocratic policies and months now. Public hospitals ment has not paid due Health Agency gives a fixed
Director of the International survival of democracy. Trust in the have been experiencing an diligence to the model of premium to all States (₹138
Transformation of the state Institute of Population Studies, the NDA is high, presumably because acute shortage of drugs, con- health financing it adopted. It crore-₹150 crore to Kerala)
In a succinct exposition of how the nodal agency to provide of an overwhelming majority of sumables, and implants such also did little to ensure that without taking into account
Indian state has been coordination and technical Hindus in India, but declined as stents, as pending pay- the State Health Agency (SHA) inter-State differences in
transformed, Milan Vaishnav and guidance to the NFHS, was between 2018 and 2021. Besides, ments running into hundreds had the necessary technical health service delivery. Also,
Madhav Khosla (2021) focused on suspended, and subsequently our analysis, based on the Gallup of crores have forced pharma expertise to run KASP, or that while the Centre pays the pre-
three manifestations: the ethnic resigned. Similarly, the results of World Poll Survey for India companies to stop all supplies there were adequate checks mium for some 22 lakh BPL fa-
state, the absolute state, and the the National Sample Survey on covering 2018-21, shows that the to public hospitals. Private and balances. milies, the State extended
opaque state. Although familiar consumption expenditure in decline in trust reduced life hospitals are exiting the The Comptroller and Audi- health insurance benefits to
individually, these add up to a 2017-18 were scrapped as leaked evaluation. Specifically, a unit scheme in the face of mount- tor General’s recent audit re- an additional 20 lakh families.
robust critique of the NDA rule. data revealed that the real reduction in trust is associated ing bills that the government is port on Ayushman Bharat- Public health experts point
In 2019, an amendment of the monthly per capita expenditure with a 0.77 reduction in life yet to reimburse. Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya out that the problem is not
Citizenship Act, 1955, declared had actually fallen. evaluation. As income growth Earlier, public hospitals Yojana (AB-PMJAY) pointed with KASP as such, but the un-
that Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, decelerated and food prices and could tide over such exigen- out that KASP was being run professional manner in which
Sikhs, Christians, and Parsis, who Other shocks unemployment rose, the political cies by utilising a hospital de- by SHA without proper medi- SHA is running the scheme. A
arrived in India from Afghanistan, Equally worrying are the shocks to crisis deepened — a case in point is velopment society’s funds for cal, death, or claim audits and robust claims monitoring me-
Pakistan, and Bangladesh before democratic functioning of the failure to resolve the political the local purchase of drugs. no financial discipline, result- chanism, a high level of tech-
2014, could receive an expedited Unless Parliament. In December, 146 MPs crisis in Manipur. While some But now, due to the fiscal cri- ing in huge cost overruns and nical expertise, and financial
pathway to Indian citizenship. repressive and were suspended from Parliament scholars are adamant that Indian sis in the State and the over- a high rate of overdue claims. discipline are necessary to run
Muslims, however, were excluded. autocratic after they demanded that the democracy is already dead or dues from the government un- Kerala had been efficiently any health insurance scheme
A serious failure of this Act is that policies are government, specifically the Home dying, and others are cautious or der KASP, hospitals have no running its own health financ- in a sustainable manner. The
it is limited to religious identity Minister, speak about the security uncertain, we believe that, unless funds to purchase drugs or for ing schemes, inclusive of good government is ignoring the
but not whether a person has
reversed, the breach in the Lok Sabha. Without these repressive and autocratic development activities. tertiary care packages too, in fact that KASP is unsustaina-
suffered persecution. This violates survival of these MPs, three draconian policies are reversed — a daunting Superintendents of hospi- the insurance mode since ble in its present form and is
the constitutional principle of democracy criminal Bills were passed. challenge — the survival of tals say they are helpless as pa- 2008 through its own agency, pushing public hospitals to
secularism. Violent protesters seems bleak Although these manifestations democracy seems bleak. tients are forced to buy medi- the Comprehensive Health In- the brink of financial ruin.

Confidence in the economy just shy of pre-pandemic levels F R O M T HE A RC HI V ES

Over 40% feel the economic situation is worse, with a similar share pessimistic about employment scenario

new orders received by 803 manu- U.S., U.K. offer to
facturing companies surveyed by
the RBI. The quarter-on-quarter Solzhenitsyn
The Hindu Data Team growth of new orders received
turned positive in Q2FY24 ( July- Washington, Feb. 14: The U.S. Secretary of State,

he share of urban consum- September 2023) after being in the Dr. Henry Kissinger, told newsmen yesterday
ers who were pessimistic negative in Q2FY23. Chart 2 also that the Soviet writer, Mr. Alexander
about the Indian economy shows the response of a survey Solzhenitsyn, who was deported to West
continued to decline in January conducted in 1,040 manufacturing Germany, would be welcome in the United
2024, with less than half of them firms about their order books. It States if he wished to take up residence.
saying the economic situation has shows the share who said new or- Dr. Kissinger said he was afraid American
worsened compared to a year ago. ders increased. Close to 38% of reactions to the expulsion of the writer could
Chart 1A shows the responses companies said their order books affect the U.S. Government’s freedom to carry
from a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) increased in the latest quarter. out detente policies with the Soviet Union.
survey conducted across 19 major Chart 3 shows the results of the The British Prime Minister, Mr. Edward
cities between January 2 and 11. RBI’s survey that captures the Heath, yesterday invited Mr. Solzhenitsyn to
When asked to comment on their growth in the services and infras- come to Britain if he wanted.
current perception about the eco- tructure sectors. The latest data Meanwhile, Mr. Solzhenitsyn said last night
nomic situation, 40.2% said it has are for October-December 2023. In that he was held in a Moscow prison before
worsened. This is the lowest share the survey, 528 companies were being deported to West Germany. In a brief
since the pandemic outbreak. The asked to comment on their turnov- statement to reporters after his arrival at the
share was mostly similar to the er. The chart plots the net res- week-end retreat of the German Nobel Prize
37.5% who said the economic sit- ponse — the difference between winner, Mr. Heinrich Boell, Mr. Solzhenitsyn
uation has improved (not plotted those who said it increased and said he had no previous information that he
on the graph). These levels are those who said it decreased. A pos- would be taken to West Germany.
much closer to the figures before itive number points to a higher After making his statement to more than 100
the pandemic. share of companies recording an reporters and television cameramen, he smiled
Chart 1B shows that 41.3% of increase in turnover and vice-ver- broadly and waved both his hands, clasped
the respondents were pessimistic sa. In the latest period, 48.2% of together, like a prize-winning boxer.
about their current employment service sector companies reported Police then put barriers across the gateway
scenario. Notably, since November that their turnovers increased, leading to the yard of Mr. Boell’s 19th century
2022 the share has remained be- 35.9% reported that there was no farm house.
low the 50% mark. Due to the eco- change, and 15.9% said their tur- Mrs. Solzhenitsyn said in Moscow to-day that
nomic slowdown in 2019 and the novers decreased. So, the net res- she had still not received any official word of the
pandemic that followed, a majori- ponse was +32.3% points. The action against her husband and could not speak
ty had remained pessimistic since chart hints at a recovery in the tur- of her plans. She said yesterday that her
July 2019, but that has changed. nover of both the service and in- intention was to be with her husband but did
Chart 1C shows that 22.1% of frastructure sectors after a decline not say how or when it would be accomplished.
the respondents were pessimistic in July to September 2023. Howev- The official announcement had said that Mr.
about their current income levels. er, if compared to the year-ago pe- Solzhenitsyn’s family could join him. - Reuter.
This is the lowest share since the riod (October-December 2022), UPI reports: The German writer, Mr. Boell
pandemic outbreak, and is only the numbers are inferior. told newsmen to-day that Mr. Solzhenitsyn
marginally higher than the pre- Chart 4 plots the results of the would probably set off somewhere other than
pandemic levels. RBI’s quarterly bank lending sur- West Germany but had yet to decide where to
Worryingly, over 90% of the res- vey. Senior loan officers were go.
pondents continued to say that the asked to assess loan demand. The
price levels of commodities have latest data are for October-Decem-
increased (Chart 1D). This share ber 2023. The chart shows the net
has remained above the 90% mark response. The demand for loans in A HUNDRED YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 15, 1924
for three years now. agriculture continued its down-
Optimism among consumers is turn, while demand in the infras- Water power in Bombay
now almost touching pre-pandem- tructure sector was also poor. As
ic levels as the degree of pessi- has been the case for a while now, Bombay, Feb. 14: According to the
mism about the economy, jobs, demand for retail loans continued recommendations of the Indian Industrial
and income levels has declined. to grow at a faster pace, while de- Commission, the water power possibilities of the
High prices, though, are still a sore mand for loans in the manufactur- Bombay Presidency were surveyed by Mr. P.L.
point. ing and service sectors were mid- Bowers whose report just issued shows there are
Chart 2 shows the growth in dling. eighteen schemes worth detailed investigations.
Delhi Thursday, February 15, 2024
● ●


Text&Context 0
Defence Ministry signs Wholesale price The MPs to get a Rajya Number of children The number of
deal with firm for index-based inflation Sabha renomination born in West Bengal Indians deported by
remote control guns eases in January from the BJP jail in last four years the Maldives

1,752 0.27 4 62 43
in ₹ crore. The in percentage. The There are 28 outgoing BJP Members Most of the women inmates The Maldives has deported
Ministry of Defence wholesale price index of Parliament (MPs) from the Rajya who gave birth were pregnant 186 foreigners in total, after
signed a contract (WPI)-based inflation Sabha. Many BJP leaders, including when brought to prison, the accusing them of crimes like
with Advanced Weapon Equipment India eased to a three-month low in January, seven Union ministers such as Bhupender Supreme Court has been informed. The visa violations and drug offences,
Limited, Kanpur for the manufacturing and due to the moderation of food prices . In Yadav, have not been renominated amid apex court had taken note of the allegation according to Male-based news outlet
supply of 463 indigenously built 12.7 mm January 2023, it was at 4.8%. and in strong indications that many may contest about women prisoners in West Bengal Adhadhu. PTI
stabilised remote control guns. PTI December 2023 it was 0.73%. PTI the Lok Sabha elections. PTI getting pregnant while in custody. PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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The illusion of change in Pakistan


While the election results may favour Imran Khan and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, the Establishment will have its way again, holding the turf and
encouraging the formation and functioning of a unified government


D. Suba Chandran 쑽
The first key takeaway from
The story so far: the Pakistan elections is that

akistan’s recent election was the vote belongs to the PTI and
considered a crucial one that Mr. Khan, even though the
would lead to a stable party did not have a level
government with a clear playing field.
mandate, end political instability, and
start a process of political healing at the 쑽
national level, especially in Punjab. The Despite the odds, the
Establishment (the military-dominated PTI-backed candidates won 93
deep state) expected the elections would seats for the National
end the Imran revolt and the Pakistan Assembly, 18 more than the
Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) experiment. People PML-N. The PTI has secured
expected the election process, polling and over half of these seats from
the final announcement to be free, fair Punjab (around 50),

anything but the above.

and transparent. The 2024 elections were

According to the results of the National

Assembly, the PTI-backed independent
supposedly the PML-N’s home

However, whether the vote is
candidates have won 93 seats, followed by
against its plan or not, the
the Pakistan Muslim League (PML)-N (75),
Establishment will continue its
the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) (54), the political engineering. And
Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)-P (17) political parties will fall in line;
and the rest by smaller parties and those who refuse, will face the
independents. The PML-N, PPP and wall and the jails, as Mr. Khan’s
MQM-P may gain a few more reserved case shows us.
seats (60 for women and 10 for
minorities) depending on the seats they
have won. Unfortunately for the PTI, it
would not get that share, as its candidates
contested as independents. What do the
above numbers mean for the Parliament
and national politics?

The vote belongs to Imran Khan

The first key takeaway from the elections
is that the vote belongs to the PTI and Mr.
Khan, even though the party did not have
a level playing field. Mr. Khan has been In limbo: A banner with a picture of the former Prime Minister Imran Khan outside the party office of PTI, in Lahore, Pakistan, on February 9. REUTERS
arrested and charged with numerous
cases and just before the elections, two PTI. However, both these things have not intact and are likely to form a government the provincial assembly, the PPP and JUI-F
court verdicts barred him from contesting happened. independently in these two provinces. have secured 11 seats each, followed by
in elections. The Establishment, pursuing This brings us to the second factor of the PML-N (10), PTI-backed independents
methods to discipline Mr.Khan for the these elections — that the Establishment Continuing political instability (6) and others (13). Regional parties have
May 9 riots in 2023, forced most of the will still call the shots. Ironically, it should The fourth takeaway is that the political been protesting against the results on
second-rung PTI leaders to leave the still be happy that the PML-N has no instability of 2023 will continue into 2024. charges of rigging.
party. In Punjab, Jahangir Tareen absolute majority and has to work on a During 2021-22, the PML-N and PPP came
launched the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party coalition to form the government in together with a few other parties to form Regional parties losing relevance
(IPP) to dent the PTI’s presence in Islamabad and Lahore. An element of the Pakistan Democratic Movement Sixth is the curious case of regional and
Pakistan’s largest province. Similarly, in political instability will work in the (PDM) to overthrow the PTI government. religious political parties in the 2024
the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) region, Establishment’s favour. Whether the vote Eventually, the coalition overthrew Mr. elections. At the national level, except for
Pervez Khattak, another confidant of Mr. is what it wanted, or against its plan, the Khan’s government in April 2022, the MQM-P (14 seats for the national
Khan and PTI’s former defence minister, Establishment will continue its political resulting in Shehbaz Sharif becoming the assembly and 28 for the Sindh provincial
formed a faction. In a final blow, the engineering. And political parties will fall Prime Minister, with support from the assembly), no other regional party from
Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in line; those who refuse, will face the PPP and others. The PTI took to the the Sindh, Balochistan and KP have made
debarred the PTI from contesting as a wall and the jails, as Mr. Khan’s case streets against the PDM, creating political an impact. The Grand Democratic
party (on the pretext of the party’s failure shows us. instability in Pakistan. Alliance (GDA), Awami National Party
to hold intra-party elections), and However, the situation hasn’t changed (ANP), Balochistan National Party (BNP),
removed the “bat” symbol. With most of Nawaz’s diminishing returns much. Now the PPP and PML-N have and others from the three provinces have
his trusted lieutenants leaving, multiple The third aspect of the elections is the agreed to form a government at the made little or no impact. The PML-Q from
cases charged against him, and he himself Nawaz factor, or rather the lack of it. national level, along with other political Punjab could win only three for the
incarcerated, it was an arduous task for Nawaz Sharif came back to Pakistan on parties minus the PTI. The outcome of national assembly.
Mr. Khan to find candidates to contest, the Establishment’s approval. The plan this deal, looks more like PDM 2.0. The Equally important is the case of
keep up morale and ask his cadres to was that Mr. Sharif’s return would PTI, the Jamaat-e-Islami ( JI) and a few religious political parties — JI, Jamiat
vote. increase the PML-N’s chances and dent other regional parties have already Ulema-e-Islam ( JUI-F) and the newly
Despite all the above odds, the PTI’s, especially in Punjab. However, the announced filing cases in courts, formed Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP).
PTI-backed candidates won 93 seats for return of Mr. Sharif has not catapulted the renouncing the results, and taking to the The JI could not win a single seat for the
the National Assembly, 18 more than the PML-N back into the driver’s seat — either streets. national assembly; its emir — Sairajul Haq,
PML-N. The PTI has secured over half of at the national level or in Punjab. Except Eventually, the Courts will have to taking responsibility has announced his
these seats from Punjab (around 50), for a few seats in Balochistan and KP, interfere in cases on the election results. resignation. The JUI-F has survived with a
supposedly the PML-N’s home ground. In most of the seats won by the PML-N come With the PML-N and PPP in few seats for the national assembly (03),
KP also, the PTI has swept, with other from Punjab. Even in Punjab, the PTI has government, PTI in the streets, cases in and a few for the provincial assemblies of
political parties securing seats in single won almost equal seats for the national the courts, and the Establishment to KP and Balochistan. The TLP could secure
digits. Though the PTI may not form the and provincial assemblies. The PML-N will decide a unified government, it is not just only one seat — that too for the provincial
government, the 2024 election clearly be unable to form a government in PDM 2.0, it will be 2023 2.0, a assembly from Punjab. Therefore, for the
belongs to Mr. Khan and the party. Punjab without the others’ support. At continuation of the political instability of time being, both regional and religious
the national level, discounting the 2023. parties (perhaps except the MQM), are
What the Establishment wants, it gets reserved seats, the PML-N had won only The fifth factor is regarding provinces. likely to remain provincial.
The election results should see the ten more seats in 2024, vis-à-vis the 2018 In KP and Sindh, there is clarity in To conclude, the Establishment will
Establishment’s best-laid plans crashing. elections. verdict. People have voted for Mr. Khan hold the turf. Despite the PTI-backed
The mandate is clearly against what it While one could understand the and the PTI in KP. Similarly, in Sindh, the candidates gaining more seats, a cursory
wanted. Many in Pakistan consider the PML-N’s performance in the 2018 PPP has swept the province for national overview of the elections will reveal the
pro-Imran vote as that against the elections with Mr. Sharif exiled and the and provincial assembly seats, while same at both the national and provincial
Establishment. The Establishment would Establishment favouring Mr. Khan then, MQM-P has retained its stronghold in level.
have wanted the PML-N to win, especially its 2024 performance, especially in Karachi. Balochistan, as usual, has seen D. Suba Chandran is a Professor and
in Punjab, and expected its pre-election Punjab, needs introspection. Compare it mixed results, with no single party having Dean at the National Institute of Advanced
political engineering to dent the with the PTI and PPP, both of which have substantial numbers — both for the Studies at Bengaluru and coordinates
widespread support for Mr. Khan and the their home turfs — the KP and Sindh — national and provincial assemblies. For “Pakistan Reader” at NIAS.
Thursday, February 15, 2024 11


Know your
K. Subrahmanian

“Ms. A. Swarnalatha, Bhopal, wants to

know the difference between ‘emergence’
and ‘emergency’.”
“ ‘Emerge’ means ‘to come out or
appear from inside or from being hidden’.
From the enquiry, it emerged that he
Clamping down: People protest against the arrest of NewsClick’s editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha and Amit Chakravarty on October 5, 2023 in Bengaluru, India. GETTY IMAGES was the murderer.
He emerged as a great novelist at the

Emergency, then and now: the long


age of 20.
‘Emergence’ means ‘action of
His emergence as a leader was totally

reach of unbridled power unexpected.

‘Emergency’ means ‘an unexpected
and dangerous happening which must be
dealt with at once’.
You must take the patient to the
As is clear in the case of Prabir Purkayastha, Fahad Shah, Aala Fazili and scores of others, mere acts of dissent are leading to arrest under stringent emergency ward.
laws. India may not be under a declared Emergency now, but it feels like 1975 all over again In case of fire, you must all leave
through the emergency exit.
When there was breakdown in law and
Srinivasan Ramani that provokes people to take arms and His wife, Maneka, was a student at the has been arrested, just like the journalist order, the government declared a state of
resort to violence”. It also made School of Languages at JNU and when she Fahad Shah was, on UAPA charges for his emergency.

t has been more than 126 years observations on how UAPA was being had gone to attend classes the same day, work in Newsclick after the organisation ‘Emergent’ means ‘in the early state of
since the famous “open letter” applied and made remarks on the need she was asked by the student union was subjected to several raids and existence or development’.
titled, “J’Accuse” by journalist and for circumspection by agencies of the leaders to boycott classes in protest searches in the last three years for alleged A lot of assistance must be given to the
writer Emile Zola was published in state when enforcing this provision. against the Emergency. Despite the offences related to its funding. emergent nations of Africa.”
the newspaper L’Aurore on its front page It was not uncommon for the British Additional Division Magistrate initially Despite getting relief from a lower “Mr. T. Balakrishnan wants to know the
which pointed to the unlawful arrest of colonial state to arrest dissidents, even declining to issue a warrant for this court and the Delhi High Court on matters meaning of ‘have the last laugh’.”
French Army General Staff officer Alfred members of the press, who were critical “arrest”, the then Lieutenant Governor related to the Enforcement Directorate “ ‘To have the last laugh’ means ‘to win
Dreyfus over trumped up charges of of it in India. That several prominent instructed him to issue a warrant because and the Income Tax department, an argument after earlier defeats’. Others
espionage. Zola was later prosecuted for Indian public figures who were subject to the issue involved the “PM’s house”. This Newsclick was subject to a whole set of may laugh at a person when he fails once
libel and had to flee to England to avoid this harassment were also connected to led to the arrest and incarceration of fresh allegations related to a “terror case or several times. He will laugh when he
being arrested. the freedom movement, led to the Prabir Purkayastha for over a year, under with Chinese links”. finally succeeds. This phrase became
The letter, the article and Zola still reasonable “freedom of expression” being the draconian Maintenance of Internal An editorial in The Hindu called the FIR
popularised in 1937 with the publication
serve as inspiration to those committed to guaranteed in India’s constitution and Security Act (MISA), first in Delhi’s Tihar registered by the Delhi police as a “vague of the song ‘They All Laughed’ by George
question the all-powerful state in its also undergirded press and media Central Jail and then in Agra where he amalgam of sweeping accusations that do and Ira Gershwin:
demonising of dissent and its use of freedoms. But these came under the spent nearly a month in solitary not actually disclose any offence, leave They all laughed at us and how!
power to browbeat and punish those who severest threat during the Emergency. confinement. alone one of terrorism”. Yet, Prabir is still But Ho. Ho, Ho!
are critical of it. in detention under the UAPA, as he awaits Who’s got the last laugh now?
Just last Tuesday, a telling statistic was The turning point Remembering the ordeal judicial hearing on the case. Similar expressions are: He who laughs
released by the government. As many as Quite a few books have been written Prabir recalls this ordeal in greater detail As Prabir’s case and that of a score of last laughs best. He laughs best that
5,023 cases of sedition were filed between about the Emergency, but a fairly recent and goes on to recount the days spent in others who have been booked under laughs last.”
2018 and 2022 under the Unlawful one deserves mention. Gyan Prakash’s jail during the Emergency in his memoir, draconian laws for their mere acts of “Ms Sumathi Prasanth, TM Maistry
Activities (Prevention) Act. If trends from Emergency Chronicles: Indira Gandhi and Keeping up the Good Fight that was dissent recently shows, India might not be Street, Tiruvanmiyur, Madras, wants to
2018 to 2020 are considered — of the Democracy’s Turning Point, published in published recently. After his release from under an Emergency today, but the know the meaning of ‘baker’s dozen’.”
4,690 people arrested, only 149 were 2019, drew from archival records, jail, Prabir went on to become a situation faced by dissenters and activists, “ A baker’s dozen is thirteen. When
convicted — a case can be made that this published material, films and interviews successful power engineer while also specifically those opposed to religious heavy penalty was levied against bakers
was less for prosecution for the said crime to capture the political crisis in Indian wearing several hats as a publicly minded fundamentalism today is not any who cheated their customers by selling
and more persecution and this trend democracy that led to the Emergency. Left activist. dissimilar. lightweight bread, bakers gave one loaf
extended to the next two years. We use The book sets itself apart by not looking He was one of the founder-members of As Gyan Prakash points out in his extra to avoid heavy fines. This was in the
the term “persecution” because getting at Emergency as an anomaly in India’s the Delhi Science Forum, which among book, today’s regime, “supported by 17th century England. An extra loaf was
bail for cases filed under the UAPA is post-Independence democratic history, other things played a vital role in ground troops, which Indira [Gandhi’s] given to be on the safe side. ‘To give one a
enormously difficult. but links it to the dynamics of India’s promoting science and rationality besides Emergency rule never enjoyed, and a baker’s dozen’ is an idiom which means
popular democracy as it played itself out taking up causes such as compensation largely compliant and corporatised ‘to give one a sound thrashing, to give one
Draconian provisions since Independence. It makes the case for the victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, electronic media, which did not exist in all the thrashing he deserves and one
Take the example of Fahad Shah, editor of that the Emergency marked a turning and intervening in public debates on 1975–77… enjoys unprecedented power. It stroke more’.
the website ‘Kashmir Walla’, who was not point in India’s political history, science and technology policy. He was is equipped with the powers of the He was mad at his behaviour and gave
only granted bail but cases against whom eventually paving the way for caste recently chair of Knowledge Commons, a administrative state, including the law him a baker’s dozen.
were set aside by the Jammu and Kashmir politics and the rise of Hindutva. body dedicated to promoting against sedition under the British-era This idiom is rarely used these days.”
High Court in November 2023. He was in Interestingly, the book begins with the dissemination of knowledge beyond Section 124A, preventive detention, and “Ms Sunita Nandalan and Ms Savita
custody after charges were framed under ordeal faced by a then Left student intellectual property, and played a vital the Armed Forces Special Powers Act for Nandalan, Manikpur, Thane district, want
many offences including the UAPA. Shah activist in Jawaharlal Nehru University role in the Free Software Movement of use in the so-called “disturbed” areas… to know the difference between ‘compel’
and another scholar, Aala Fazili, were ( JNU), Prabir Purkayastha, during the India, an organisation that promotes the Today, there is no formal declaration of and ‘impel’.”
booked under the UAPA in a “narrative Emergency, on September 25, 1975. He use and implementation of free and open Emergency, no press censorship, no “ ‘Compel’ means ‘to make a person or
terrorism” case which alleged that a was “abducted” by the Delhi Police in source software in the country. Prabir is lawful suspension of the law…Today, the thing do something by force, on oral
write-up they came up with in 2011 was what was a case of mistaken identity — the also founder and editor-in-chief of the courts, the press, and political parties do persuasion, or orders that must be
aimed at “spreading terrorism and police had set out to arrest the then JNU alternate news and analysis website, not face repression. But they appear obeyed’.
creating a false narrative”. Students Union President Devi Prasad unable or unwilling to function as the He was compelled to do it.
The J&K High Court tore the case apart, Tripathi after receiving a complaint from gatekeepers of democracy in the face of Impel’ means (especially of an idea,
observing that there was no material to no less than then Prime Minister Indira In jail, again state power spiked with Hindu populist feeling, etc.,) to drive someone to take
suggest that “the article has any content Gandhi’s son Sanjay Gandhi. Ironically, today Prabir is in jail again. He ressentiment.” action. ‘Impel’ has generally the
connotation of inner compulsion.
I was impelled to go and seek his advice.
Nobody compelled me to do it.
I was impelled to do it.”
Please send in your answers to
Published in The Hindu on February 12,

India has several traditional games and sports, most of which have been played
for thousands of years. Here is a quiz on some of them
Venkataraghavan Srinivasan Questions and Answers to the previous day’s daily
quiz: 1. A fatwa ordering the execution of this writer
X was issued by the Supreme Leader of Iran, for this
QUESTION 1 book, in 1989. Ans: Salman Rushdie; The Satanic
What is the primary objective for the participants in Jallikattu? Verses
X 2. On February 14, 2018, this South African politician
QUESTION 2 tendered his resignation over corruption allegations.
The ancient Indian sport “Mallkambh” combines gymnastics and Ans: Jacob Zuma
martial arts. What is the apparatus used in Mallakhamb primarily 3. This social media platform was launched in 2005 by
made of? these three former employees of PayPal. Ans:
X YouTube launched by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley,
QUESTION 3 and Jawed Karim
A popular board game in India, Pachisi is believed to be the 4. Gregory Hines is known for this. Ans: Tap dancing
predecessor to which modern board game? 5. This English economist is known for his theory that
X said the power of population is indefinitely greater
QUESTION 4 than the power of the earth to produce subsistence for
Modern Polo is believed to have originated in Manipur. What was the man. Ans: Thomas Robert Malthus
original name of Polo in ancient India? Visual: Identify this film, the actor and his character. For feedback and suggestions for
X Ans: The Silence of the Lambs; Anthony Hopkins Text & Context, please write to
QUESTION 5 X plays Dr. Hannibal Lecter
Known for its unique chase and dodge style, in Kho-Kho, how many Visual question: Early Birds: K.N. Viswanathan| Rajmohan. V| Prashant with the subject ‘Text & Context’
players from each team are on the field during a match? Identify this sport. MURALI KUMAR. K Nain| Varun Gautam| Sahil Tukdi
6 . bl . think




States of the Union

ith farmers in parts of
northern India
Rhetoric over resource-sharing does not help the Union protesting, the
Government is under

T hree southern States — Karnataka, Kerala and pressure to provide a

Tamil Nadu — have raised a red flag against legal guarantee for minimum support
prices (MSP) for crops. It is one of the
the Centre over revenue sharing by the latter. trickiest issues among the charter of
Some of the complaints of the States – the higher share demands put forth by farmers, who
of cesses and surcharges in gross tax revenue shrinking concede that the issue has not found a
solution in the past 75 years.
the divisible pool, the revenue sharing formula of Without looking into the merits or
finance commissions rewarding States which have not demerits of this demand, it is pertinent
controlled population or raised their incomes – are not to look at what will happen if the legal
guarantee is provided for MSP. One, it
without merit. will lead to more disputes between
farmers and traders, resulting in cases
That said, the 15th finance Commission did with the police and courts piling up. SHASHI SHEKHAR KASHYAP

well to introduce a weightage of 12.5 per cent

Ensuring MSP for farmers

Two, traders could refuse to buy
for ‘demographic performance’, to offset to produce from farmers in places where
some extent the weight of 15 per cent and 45 guarantees are in place. Punjab passed
laws to guarantee MSP but that was that.
per cent for population and ‘distance’ from Nothing was heard thereafter, while a

through ‘put options’

highest per capita income, respectively. There section of the trade said they would
is scope for these issues to be resolved refrain from purchasing in the northern
amicably, without irresponsibly upping the State.
ante. The States can make a representation Third, India could fall foul of the
World Trade Organisation with its MSP
before the 16th Finance Commission, which procurement already under scrutiny.
has just been constituted. The total transfers The Congress and other Opposition A WIN-WIN. While farmers are guaranteed MSP even if prices fall below
to States (devolution plus grants) was parties have jumped into the fray to say
the support level, for the Centre it will be a less expensive option

estimated by the 15th Finance Commission they will guarantee. But the issue is they
haven’t even attempted it in the States
three years back at over half the divisible pool they rule. about futures trading. It is here that the farmers. The “put options” binds the Considering this proposal will not
for the 2021-26 period (41 per cent ‘untied’ Be that as it may, there can be a way Centre can look at NCDEX’s pilot buyer who “strikes” and not the seller. cost the Centre much except the margin
devolution and the rest grants). Fiscal stress out provided the Government, officials, project in which it helped 41 farmer Therefore, farmers are guaranteed the that has to be paid upfront to enter
in crisis years may have impacted grants, for farmers and their leaders look at other producer organisations (FPOs) to take MSP even if prices fall below the support trading. Even this will be for a limited
ways to try and ensure farmers across part in “put options” trade with the aid level. period only. Once farmers learn the
which the Centre cannot be blamed. States the country get MSP for the 22 crops of SEBI. After the project ended, a few Kiran Devi, a women farmer from a ropes of derivatives trading, they will
also need to realise that release of grants or that the Centre announces every year. FPOs are now trading in “put options” Bihar village representing choose to go on their own eyeing higher
loans can be done only after following due on their own. non-governmental organisation Jeevika, income.
processes. They need to monitor the end use A WAY FORWARD Raste’s argument for “put options” had explained the concept to budding
of performance-linked funds better. States The way out could be getting farmers to strategy is that it can be a good civil servants at the Lal Bahadur Shastri ISSUES TO ADDRESS
go in for “put options” trading — insurance against the MSP for crops as National Academy of Administration a However, there are a couple of things
also need to improve their own revenues, something that has been said in these there is no price insurance for the year ago. Devi has not been educated that the Government needs to seriously
besides cutting down on irresponsible columns before by Madan Sabnavis growers. Farmers lose nothing by taking much but the point is if she can consider. One, it has to end the ban on a
expenditure, be it unfunded subsidies, ( part in “put options” as they need not understand, so too can others. slew of agri-commodities derivatives
freebies or promises such as shifting to the old Options). NCDEX MD and CEO Arun sell their produce below MSP. Also, if Nabard, Maharashtra and Andhra which was imposed from December
Raste has been batting for farmers prices rise above MSP, they can come out Pradesh are seriously examining the 2021. If derivatives in agri-commodities
pension scheme, which will hit future fiscal taking part in put options trade to of the “put options” by foregoing the issue of initiating farmers or FPOs in trading is to be suspended or banned ad
capacities. supplement the Centre’s efforts to margin money they pay and sell at a “put options” trading. The Centre would hoc, such policies are not bound to work.
States can look at measures to augment ensure MSP for farmers. Probably, higher price. do well to take note of this and probably Two, there is a fear such a move could
their own taxes wherever there is room to do farmers can enter “put options” at the examine its feasibility. trigger inflation and consumers would
MSP fixed by the Centre for the crop BOOSTING PARTICIPATION What the Centre has to do here is to be affected. This is something that
so, including a review of motor vehicle taxes, they produce. One way governments can get farmers subsidise the margin payment for the policymakers have to tackle.
including green tax. States’ inability to This method can be used by the to take part in this trading is by helping “put options” as was done in the According to experts, one way of
increase their own non-tax revenue has been a Centre to even ask procurement or funding FPOs to do it on behalf of the NCDEX pilot by SEBI. testing this could be to try and work this
constant pain point. While mineral-rich States agencies such as the Food Corporation At the same time, asking procurement out with basmati rice since the Punjab
such as Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha of India to buy for the central pool. And The “put options” binds agencies to enter “strike” options to government has been talking about
have a non-tax revenue between 4 and 6 per
cent of GSDP, larger States such as Tamil
Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat it is here, the Centre gets to ensure MSP,
while at the same time could find ways to
cut down its expenses on procurement
for the central pool.
A participant in “put options” trading
the buyer who “strikes”
and not the seller.
Therefore, farmers are
procure grains to ensure buffer stocks
purchase target can be met even as
sowing begins.
The Centre has already initiated
measures to directly link maize (corn)
guaranteeing MSP. Or even one of the
State governments that can come
forward to help farmers through FPOs.
NCDEX, Nabard and the Maharashtra
government were to work out a similar
earn less than 1 per cent of their GSDP from
non-tax revenue. According to RBI, share of
has to only pay an upfront charge or guaranteed the MSP even farmers with ethanol producers, who project for turmeric. That seems to have
premium of 4-5 per cent. Farmers are will procure the coarse grain at MSP. been put in cold storage with turmeric
States’ non tax revenue share in their total chary of taking part in “put options” if prices fall below the Such efforts can complement “put prices soaring on lower production and
revenue has declined from more than 12 per trading as they are yet to be convinced support level. options” efforts. short supplies.
cent in the period between FY04 and FY09 to
7.6 per cent in the period between FY21 and
FY23. Water and electricity tariff reforms
could boost non-tax revenues.
The southern States feel unrewarded for
achievements in population control and
India joins the race for lithium reserves
income growth, and understandably so. But it Strategic international engagements are key to ensure reliable supply of critical mineral
is wrong for them to argue that they get far
less by way of taxes than what they contribute ecosystem hinges on securing reliable National Aluminium Company Ltd,
to the Union, because a Union is based on Srejita Nandy supply chains for critical minerals like Hindustan Copper Ltd and Mineral
Siddharth Nema lithium. Exploration and Consultancy Ltd.
resource-sharing between strong and weak
According to the International Energy India signed an MoU with Australia's
regions. Besides, the southern States have

ndia's rising energy demands has Agency, China’s share of processing is Critical Minerals Facilitation Office
benefited from the north by way of cheap placed a significant emphasis on close to 60 per cent for lithium. China (CMFO) in June 2020, followed by a
labour supply and even minerals. But there are securing sustainable and clean has made significant investments in detailed agreement between KABIL and
some specifics here that can be addressed. For energy resources. With the global overseas assets in Australia, Chile, DRC, CMFO in March 2022. This partnership,
impetus towards renewable energy and and Indonesia. backed by a joint investment
instance, Karnataka’s share has fallen the the electrification of transportation, the In July 2023, the Mines and Minerals commitment of $6 million with equal
most steeply of all States between the 14th and importance of lithium as a key (Development and Regulation) partnership, focuses on joint due
15th Finance Commission, from 4.7 per cent component in lithium-ion batteries has (MMDR) Act 1957 was amended diligence for lithium and cobalt assets in
to 3.6 per cent of the divisible pool. This can be become paramount. through the MMDR Act 2023 to increase Australia.
debated, but not in rhetorical terms. India has set an ambitious target of exploration and mining of critical In January, KABIL and Argentina’s
achieving a 500 GW capacity of minerals with an objective to achieve LITHIUM. Crucial for green energy state-owned “Catamarca Minera Y
Contentious issues regarding devolution can non-fossil fuels-based energy and self-sufficiency. Presently, the two REUTERS
Energética Sociedad Del Estado” signed
be brought up before the new finance panel. reducing CO2 emissions by 1 billion blocks of lithium reserves, one each in an agreement for exploration and
tons by 2030. Significant increase in Jammu and Kashmir and Chhattisgarh, estimated at 130 thousand tonnes with development of 5 lithium brine blocks in
electric vehicle adoption is required to are up for auction for a composite Australia being the largest producer Catamarca province of Argentina.
achieve this goal. license. Besides domestic exploration, followed by Chile, China and Argentina. India has joined the Mineral Security
India currently has a limited presence India needs to bolster its international While Australia was the largest Partnership (MSP) in June 2023,
in the global supply chain for Advanced engagements and undertake joint exporter of unprocessed lithium (raw becoming the 14th member alongside
Cell Chemistry (ACC) technologies. The exploration activities for ensuring material) accounting for a global share countries like the US, UK, Canada,
government has introduced the uninterrupted access to these critical of 82.1 per cent in 2022, China was the Australia, South Korea, and Japan. India
Production Linked Incentive Scheme minerals. largest importer accounting for a global may need to devise a strategic funding
for the ‘National Program on Advanced The US Geological Survey has share of 84.6 per cent. mechanism for co-financing projects to
Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage’ estimated the global resources of secure strategic minerals like lithium in
with an outlay of ₹18,100 crore, with the lithium at 98 million tonnes (mt) in INDIA’S MOVES order to support domestic
goal of achieving a manufacturing 2022. Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile, India leverages diplomatic ties for manufacturing of batteries necessary for
capacity of 50 GW Hour of ACC battery collectively referred to as the Lithium strategic mineral collaborations with the growth of the EV ecosystem.
storage. Triangle, account for roughly 53.1 per resource rich countries through the
However, building a robust domestic cent of the global lithium resources. The Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL), a joint The writers are economists with India Exim Bank. Views
lithium-ion battery manufacturing global production of lithium in 2022 was venture with equity contribution of expressed are personal

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.
Farmers’ protest Supreme Court appointed expert see the Centre failing to work out the embraces green buildings as a norm, attract heavy penalties.
The nation is yet again facing panel on new farm laws. They cannot modalities finalising fixing MSP for given substantial reduction in costs. Kosaraju Chandramouli
agitation by some farmers with cherry-pick. the various crops. Not only this, it is Given the looming threat of global Hyderabad
several demands. The use of physical V Vijaykumar also surprising as to why the leaders warming and climate change, people
force in the protest against the Pune of Samyukt Kisan Morcha could not will not grudge the additional costs GI Tag Pak Basmati & FTA
nation seems unreasonable muster support to their issues from incurred in green construction. Apropos “Is EC trying to help Pak get
especially when the government has With reference to news report other farmer groups even after more The movement should start with GI tag for Basmati?” (February 14).
taken steps to discuss with them and ‘Haryana police use teargas shells than 2 years? urban local bodies by implementing With India in a much stronger
find solutions. Their main demand (February 14)’, it is important to Punjab farmers should not exploit the concept of green buildings in the position than Pakistan and several
seems to be MSP guarantee. This has note here that unlike the earlier their proximity to Delhi to create construction of government nations keen on an FTA with India,
big implications for the exchequer. demands of 2021, waiver of bank chaos and unrest on highways. projects. including EU members, India must
Ultimately the burden will have to be loans also has been included now. Katuru Durga Prasad Rao Authorities issuing permission can take strong exception to EC offering
borne by the common man/taxpayer. To take the first shot, Congress Hyderabad promote energy efficiency, and GI tag for Pak Basmati rice, keeping
The nation cannot be muzzled into president Mallikarjun Kharge has water conservation. Indian allocation on hold.
accepting such demands. Farmers promised to implement ‘kisaan Nyay Green construction Also, permissions for the private Also the EC must consider the
also demand implementation of the Guarantee’ if voted to power, Apropos the news item “Go green projects following the green building current political turmoil in Pakistan
Swaminathan Commission conveniently skipping ‘waiver of bank with near-normal project costs” norms should be accorded before coming to a decision.
recommendations. Then they must loans’. (February 14), it is high time the expeditiously, with the provision that Rajiv Magal
also accept recommendations of the At the same time, it is unfortunate to construction sector wholeheartedly any violations of agreed terms would Halekere Village (Karnataka)

Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by S. Ramanujam at HT Media Ltd. Plot No. 8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai-600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 - 7528

YK . . . . . . . . ND-NDE
think . bl . 7


Lifting apparel exports

Identifying lucrative markets, brand building will help
Mithileshwar Thakur
AI: Maximising
ndia’s apparel export curve
has flattened and plateaued
over the years,
notwithstanding the abundance
minimising risks
in raw materials, presence of
entire value chain in each textile
fibre and the world’s second
largest spinning capacity. It’s both
baffling and worrying. However, VITAL. Capacity enhancement
not bogged down by
not-too-encouraging trend over
the years, the apparel industry has continue to be lacking scale, FUTURE SHOCK. India must carefully navigate its AI future with trust
taken it upon itself to defy the expertise and technology. Even
trend and raise the bar by setting the garmenting segment is largely
an ambitious target of $40 billion fragmented, unorganised and
by 2030 AD. dominated by MSMEs. The
government should roll out GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO

KEY STRATEGIES another version of

The following strategies may production-linked incentive for drug to a patient? Or, an AI sensor that find its way into everything — from income. They even receive royalties
enable industry to reach this: all types of garments with lower maintains crop temperature and soil doling out loans, to deciding whom to when the data they create is resold.
Alignment of exports with the investment limit as the moisture was hit by a cyberattack? hire at a business, to even predicting Stories like these demonstrate that an
market demand: Out of the top 15 investment threshold in the With the sheer volumes of data AI is who’s more likely to commit a crime. ethical and inclusive AI industry is
apparel products which are high current version of PLI for ingesting, the technology could indeed possible and within reach.
in global demand, Indian exports manmade garments and fabrics is ARUNDHATI BHATTACHARYA eventually start thinking, creating and DIVERSITY IN DATA
worth mention are only in respect not suitable for apparel industry. acting on its own. And that would send Given how life-changing these decisions HUMANS IN FRONT, CENTRE

of 5 as against 11 by Bangladesh, Capacity creation will strengthen rom farmlands to corporate us down a slippery slope. can be, it’s imperative that the AI models AI has many potential uses. But let’s
14 by Vietnam and 9 by Turkey. the value chain and also help the offices to hospitals and Being vigilant is key. In Salesforce’s we use are foolproof. And that starts remember that its ultimate purpose is to
This indicates that India does not industry achieve economy of beyond, AI is taking India by latest iteration of generative AI with ensuring that the data used to train assist humans — make us more efficient,
manufacture apparel products scale, thereby making Indian storm. In Telangana, for snapshot research — titled ‘The AI isn’t biased, false, unsecured, toxic, or augment our intelligence — not replace
having high global demand and products cost-competitive example, over 7,000 chilli Promises and Pitfalls of Generative AI at incomplete. human supervision altogether.

has largely been pushing exports Diversification: Remaining farmers are using customised AI-based Work’ — the data revealed that global But who gets to decide if the data is Let’s also not underestimate the value
of products it is good at and has largely confined to a select few weather and crop advisories to optimise workers are forging ahead using good or bad? We all bring biases to the of the human touch. We’re all social
core competence in. That will markets and products have their agricultural yield. Even the quality generative AI, regardless of their table which, if unchecked, can be beings who rely on each other to survive
need to change sooner rather than proved to be the ultimate bane for of their produce is tested and certified company protocols. The study indicates reflected in the algorithms we write. A and thrive. When Covid-19 took away
later. the apparel exports sector. Top 10 through AI algorithms, to help them that 84 per cent of Indian workers would skin-cancer detection algorithm that’s that sense of connection with its
The strategy should be to countries contribute 74 per cent price their products better. consider inflating their generative AI been trained primarily on lockdowns and social distancing, the
identify every country and its top of India’s RMG exports. Last year, Meanwhile, in fields like education skills to secure an opportunity. lighter-skinned individuals may not psychological fall-out was huge. So, even
imported commodities where the US, EU and UK accounted for and medicine, AI has the potential to Also, 53 per cent of Indian workers say accurately detect cancer in darker skins. as we use AI to automate more tasks,
India has low share, ascertain 34.5 per cent, 28.2 per cent and personalise the care and attention given their company does not have clearly An AI recruitment tool that’s been let’s not do that at the cost of human
compliance issues in that market, 8.8 per cent of Indian apparel to each individual. Imagine the defined policies for using generative AI taught that most people in a particular interactions — be it with our customers
undertake the exercise of cost exports, respectively. This kind of implications of that in a country as large at work. We don’t want to give away all job are men, may only favour male or our colleagues. AI should actually free
comparison with competing extreme dependence on fewer as India with people with different our power to AI, or become so reliant on applicants. us up for more human engagement, not
countries, carry out disability markets makes Indian RMG biochemistries, diets, and medical the technology that we’re no longer Hence, the need for a diversity of less.
analysis of the relevant exports extremely vulnerable to needs, as well as different academic using our minds. The goal should always perspectives — both in the data that’s Generative AI hallucinations are a
cluster/company and then economic interests and learning speeds. be to stay one step ahead — to be fed into the AI algorithms, and in the concern, but not necessarily a deal
identify and take required steps to downturn/stagnation/turmoil in Till now, a one-size-fits-all approach smarter than the AI. teams of people who work on them. This breaker. Design and work with this new
overcome these challenges. these economies. may have been the only practical option is especially important in India with its technology, but keep your eyes wide
Brand building: As it stands, Thankfully, PLI for MMF in medicine and education. After all, we WHERE DO WE START? diverse cultures, cuisines, religions, and open about the potential for mistakes.
the existing capacity in garment fabrics/apparels and the have just one doctor for every 854 Today’s deep learning and generative AI landscapes. If we aren’t accounting for When you’ve used your sources of truth
manufacturing is insufficient to government’s FTA engagements patients, and one teacher for every 24 models can process far more data than all that diversity in the data we use to and questioned the work, you can go into
meet the projected target. So, the with non-traditional markets will students. But with AI, doctors could ever — a lot of it unstructured. What’s train AI, then we’re only going to your business dealings with more
only plausible option seemingly is largely address the issue in the potentially customise treatments to more, AI models have become a lot exacerbate the inequities that exist. confidence.
to increase the unit value near future. Disappearance of each patient’s unique medical and easier to query. The more data we feed Take language, for instance. India has Regulation will also be key in
realisation (UVR) for our exports European brands and possibilities lifestyle profile. Teachers could tweak them, the more they learn, and the more 22 official languages and many more strengthening AI trust and
of apparels and garments, which of rupee trade have created a educational curricula and objectives to powerful they get. indigenous ones. But most of them accountability. So too will global
in turn is possible only through window of opportunity for India suit each student’s learning needs. Going by current trends, AI will soon aren’t adequately represented in AI collaboration.
proper branding of Indian apparel in Russia. The possibilities are tremendous. But models due to the lack of training data. AI isn’t limited by geographic
products. E-commerce: It and can play so are the risks. Non-profit start-ups like Karya are boundaries. It can impact everyone
In a country as diverse as
Brand image can be improved
through strategic marketing and
by obtaining certifications and
accreditations for the
an instrumental role in
accelerating the growth of apparel
external trade, especially from
MSMEs who form a vast majority
AI is still so nascent that we’re just
beginning to understand the dangers it
India, the data fed into AI
algorithms must also be
looking to change that by engaging
native language speakers to create voice
and text datasets that can then be used
to build more linguistic-inclusive AI
everywhere. Only when countries work
together to share their resources and
knowledge, can we truly unlock the
potential of AI, while keeping its risks in
manufacturing units and giving of the sector. could unleash. What if a car’s diverse, otherwise the models. In the process, Karya’s workers, check, and building a positive digital
adequate emphasis on meeting The e-commerce route can take AI-powered steering system who hail from some of the poorest and future for all.
stringent quality standards. apparel exports to a higher malfunctioned on a busy road? Or, an AI existing inequalities will most marginalised communities, have
Massive effort should also be growth trajectory. There is, algorithm recommended the wrong only worsen the chance to earn a supplementary The writer is CEO & Chairperson, Salesforce India
made to turn some of the top however, the need to ease
Indian brands into global brands regulatory compliances, raise
through enabling policy support. value cap and create separate
Capacity creation: India’s customs code for e-commerce
impressive spinning capacity is shipments.
not matched by weaving and
processing segments, which The writer is Secretary General, AEPC
When promoters stray from the path of moral uprightness
P Saravanan promise of innovation and prosperity. of passion, perseverance, and a touch
thehindu businessline. A Paul Williams But their journey, far from ending in
happily-ever-after, often took a tragic
of daring. By promoting responsible
leadership, aligning incentives, and

n the glittering arena of business, turn simply because their moral empowering stakeholders, one can
TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY. promoters shine as the driving compasses spinning wildly out of collectively pave the way for a more
force behind success. Their vision, control. ethical and sustainable business
February 15, 2004 drive and decisions shape the destinies The cautionary tales of fallen landscape. To foster a truly ethical
of companies and the stakeholders. promoters serve as harsh lessons, approach, one must break free from
Indian investments pay off for US MFs Yet, beneath the blinding spotlight of reminding us that even the most short-sighted strategies and forge
Domestic mutual funds in the US have benefited from investing in India, says a achievement, a shadow sometimes dazzling ascent can end in a transparent partnerships, built on
PR Newswire release. The news release says the average domestic mutual fund lurks. This shadow is not of failure, but precipitous decline if ambition mutual respect and open
in the US with at least 10 per cent of their assets invested in India stocks of a different kind of misstep: a moral outpaces integrity. Unbridled egos can communication, with those who fuel
returned 65.40 per cent in 2003. During the same period, Sensex and Nifty ETHICS. Shouldn’t be compromised
failing. distort reality and foster a dangerous the success.
gained about 74 per cent. Understanding the reasons why belief in one’s own invincibility, This ensures power imbalances are
promoters sometimes stray from the leading to the dismissal of ethical the fallout extends far beyond their minimised and ethical conduct
New certification norm worries MF distributors path of moral uprightness is the key to considerations on the path to own chambers and their downfall becomes the natural path. Cultivating
Distributors of mutual funds are perturbed by the new certification preventing these stumbles. ever-greater market share. shatters trust in the entire ecosystem, a long-term focus within the
requirement for its staff members. Under the recently announced SEBI From meteoric ascents to fiery The relentless pressure for making every success, a suspect. organisation is key, as it encourages
guidelines, all employees who are engaged in sales and marketing function and crashes, the stories of once-passionate immediate returns can transform even Investors become wary. Employees responsible, value-driven relationships
investor relations, including call centre employees, have to obtain certification promoters who succumbed to the the most level-headed leaders into feel disillusioned, their loyalty replaced with resource providers, replacing the
from Association of Mutual Funds in India by September 30. seductive shadows of unethical short-term optimisers, sacrificing by cynicism. Growth becomes stunted, pursuit of immediate gains with a
practices are cautionary tales etched in long-term sustainability for the innovation suffocated, and long-term commitment to shared sustainability.
Hudco roped in for Gridco loan plan the annals of business. fleeting thrill of getting into earnings vision sacrificed at the altar of
Power sector reforms in Orissa is set to get a major fillip with Hudco agreeing These individuals, initially fuelled by management. short-term gains. Moreover, their Saravanan is a professor of finance and accounting at
“in principle” to subscribe to a Grid Corporation of Orissa Ltd first phase term unwavering passion and ambition, Ethics, in this warped calculus, greed tarnishes the very narrative of IIM Tiruchirappalli, and Williams is an analyst at Sernova
loan programme of ₹600 crore in its entirety. The Gridco loan programme built empires that shimmered with the become an unnecessary expense. But entrepreneurship, built on the bedrock Financial
enjoys the State guarantee of ₹1,000 crore.


1. Treating with disfavour (12) 2. Deduce, gather (5) 1. Providing Pa's about and not thinking well of it (12) 2. If turning fine, right to gather it (5)
8. For; on the side of (2,6) 3. Period before 8. Pro is well thought of (2,6) 3. The coming end VAT is involved with (6)
9. Recess at east end of Christmas (6) 9. Where the church is concerned, it's the 4. Take it one will gamble recklessly to get in t
choir (4) 4. Dive, immerse in East End (4) he pool (6)
11. Protective garment (5) water (6) 11. Where the aircraft may be standing in front of the 5. Encroach on mine? Pig might! (7)
12. Area of land attached to 5. To encroach (7) proscenium (5) 6. Mechanic to bribe with £500 (6-6)
building (7) 6. A mechanic (6-6) 12. Sufficient reason for them to be left in a 7. His PRO can't : I'm turning to man-hating (12)
13. Sail against the wind (4) 7. Hating mankind (12) coffee pot (7) 10. A cunning person to trot to the dance (3)
15. Pour with rain (4) 10. Reynard (3) 13. To baste or give it a hammering (4) 14. Religious house converting coven to the
19. Fail to follow suit (7) 14. House of nuns (7) 15. To encounter a reverse, yet be very fruitful (4) New Testament (7)
20. Consumed (5) 16. Get old (3) 19. Irene guessed one was about to apostatise (7) 16. Starts as good example of the era (3)
22. Mass of stonework (4) 17. Infrequently (6) 20.The food is gone, so tea is taken two ways (5) 17. Models are not often changed (6)
23. Very lovable (8) 18. Carrier, 22. Sort of glass found sticking out to sea? (4) 18. The man with the cheque is an Indian
24. Where livestock is messenger (6) 23. A bad role to be played, yet so worthy of love (8) body-servant (6)
auctioned (6,6) 21. Furniture item (5) 24. Where the bidding starts low? (6,6) 21. The index board (5)


ACROSS 1. Marble 8. Roman 9. Objects 11. Sardines 12. Ambit 15. Nave 16. Odd 17. Adze 19. Scabs 21. Sideways 24. Selfish 25. Grain 26. Killer
DOWN 2. Album 3. Beehives 4. Eats 5. Prude 6. Omen 7. Ants 10. Salad days 12. Arno 13. Watchful 14. Less 18. Swing 20. Baste 21. Sago 22. Dean 23. Seek

YK ... . . . . . . ND-NDE


reforms. One imperative for higher growth was said to
NEW DELHI | THURSDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 2024 be fiscal consolidation. We are far removed from the
mandated objective of a 3 per cent fiscal deficit as a
External exposure percentage of GDP and 60 per cent for public debt.
“Big bang” reforms — privatisation, greater free-
dom to hire and fire, overhaul of land acquisition
Foreign flows will demand strong fiscal management rules, among others — have been conspicuously

he White Paper recently presented by the Union government emphasised absent. Judicial and administrative reforms are also
how economic conditions had improved over the past 10 years under the areas where progress has lagged behind aspiration.
And yet, neither the lack of fiscal consolidation nor
National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, compared to the two
the absence of “big bang” reforms has come in the

Growth sans ‘big

terms of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) regime (2004-14). As this way of three years of growth of 7 per cent-plus.
newspaper has argued in this context, there is little debate that conditions have Many analysts will say that the present growth
indeed improved significantly over the past 10 years, but public debt and the general momentum largely represents a rise from the low
government deficit remain elevated. In fact, the headline fiscal deficit, expressed as base of the Covid period and cannot be sustained.

bang’ reforms
a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), for the Union government in 2023- The finance ministry’s review does not seem to think
24, according to the Revised Estimate, was at 5.8 per cent, compared to 4.5 per cent so. It suggests that growth could rise above 7 per cent
in 2013-14. However, this is largely because of the Covid-19-related disruption. after 2030 but gives no indication that this requires
Although the UPA government also dealt with the implications of the 2008 global “big bang” reforms.
Instead, the review indicates that such an outcome
financial crisis, which led to a significant expansion in the fiscal deficit, the economic
impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was much more severe.
India’s economic resilience shows incremental would ensue from less drastic reforms that are already
happening: Investment in physical and digital infras-
Besides, there are at least two qualitative distinctions in the way government reforms are more effective tructure; improved balance sheets at both corporations
finances are managed. First, the quality of reporting has improved, particularly and banks; technology transfers through growing for-

after the pandemic, and the Union Budget is reflecting the actual expenditure. he Indian economy’s recovery after the Covid and a significant derailment of the global economy, eign direct investment; investment in human capital;
Until a few years ago, the government used off-Budget borrowing to fund expen- shock of 2020-21 has been remarkable. Who as many had forecast. The US and its European allies and an improved investment climate.
ditures. Second, the quality of expenditure itself has improved considerably. would have thought India’s gross domestic prod- chose to impose a price cap on Russian oil supplies, A possible counter would be that serious reforms
The Union government’s capital expenditure, for instance, has been pegged at uct (GDP) growth would exceed 7 per cent thereafter instead of an outright ban on these. This had the effect could take growth to an even higher level, say, 8 per
3.4 per cent of GDP in 2024-25. This will not only help the economy, in general, for three consecutive years? There is now the prospect of making oil available at a reasonable price to buyers cent. This is wishful thinking. It is hard to see the
but also give flexibility to the government in terms of containing expenditure of achieving a 7 per cent growth in 2024-25 as well. while limiting the revenues accruing to Russia. fiscal deficit dropping below 5 per cent in the near
The growth of 9 per cent in 2021-22 is under- The government’s response to the Covid shock, future. India’s growing economic clout will require a
over time. As private investment picks up pace, the government can reduce
standable. It represents a bouncing back from the as the review notes, was distinctive. In comparison matching increase in its military capabilities. This
capital expenditure and focus on consolidating its finances. Capital expenditure decline in GDP in the previous year. The surprise is with the fiscal stimulus in other economies, India’s means defence expenditure alone could add 1 per-
as part of total expenditure (net of interest payments) was 28 per cent in 2023- the growth rates of 7 per cent in the next two years. stimulus was modest and contained a large compo- centage point to the fiscal deficit. The phasing out of
24, compared with 16 per cent in 2013-14. These growth rates, remember, have happened nent of capital expenditure, not transfers for con- fossil fuels and investments required to meet climate
Meanwhile, the NDA government’s revenue expenditure has grown at a slow under adverse international conditions. sumption. Localised lockdowns and nationwide vac- change commitments could add another percentage
pace compared to that of the UPA government. This is partly because of effective In both 2022-23 and 2023-24, India was faced cination helped contain infections. point to the fiscal deficit. The fact that India has pro-
management and better targeting of subsidies. As the White Paper underscored, with the Ukraine conflict and high interest rates in Regulatory forbearance in banking has contributed duced a respectable growth rate despite high fiscal
revenue expenditure grew by a compound annual growth rate of 9.9 per cent during the advanced economies. The fallout of these was a significantly to the positive outcomes. Such forbear- deficits and public debt reduces the incentives for
the NDA’s two tenures, against 14.2 per cent in the previous 10 years. At a broader deceleration in global growth. For ance is frowned upon as merely “kick- politicians to conform strictly to the Fiscal
much of this period, inflation in ing the can down the road”. The Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.
level, it is also worth noting that deft management on the external front by the
India too remained at an uncom- Reserve Bank of India showed that As for “big bang” reforms, a parliamentary major-
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) increased the policy space for the government. However, fortably high level and required regulatory forbearance, if practised ity, we have seen, is not a sufficient condition for these
despite all the positives, the need for fiscal consolidation cannot be overstated. For monetary tightening. imaginatively, can be effective. The reforms to happen. Successive governments have
instance, the Government of India bonds will be added to the emerging market In November 2022, many analysts banking sector, which was under understood that reforms must be consistent not just
bond index of JP Morgan. Given that assets worth about $230 billion follow the warned that we faced exchange rate stress even before the Covid shock, with macroeconomic stability but also with political
index, about $23 billion is expected to come to India. Some other global indices are and balance of payments challenges saw a reduction in the gross non-per- and financial sector stability, and considerations of
also reportedly considering the inclusion of Indian bonds. similar to those of 2013. Some analysts forming assets to 3.2 per cent of out- national sovereignty.
The increased flow of foreign money will naturally reduce the pressure on saw the exchange rate of the rupee standing loans in September 2023. “Big bang” reforms remain politically contentious;
domestic savings to finance the fiscal deficit. While this would lead to a lower cost plummeting to below ~85 to the dol- This is an outstanding achievement. we are about to witness another siege of the capital by
of money domestically, it would increase the need for greater fiscal discipline and a lar. They advised the government to
put in place measures to deal with
FINGER ON THE Over years of dealing with natural
disasters, such as flood and earth-
farmers who had earlier succeeded in getting farm laws
repealed. Achieving faster GDP growth requires a pace
lower deficit. As RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das rightly noted last year in this context,
index inclusion is a double-edged sword. Foreign ownership of government bonds
any contingency that might arise. PULSE quake, India has developed consider- of bank credit growth that can be destabilising for the
None of this came to pass. The able expertise in disaster manage- banking system. Greater openness to reforms may lead
will increase over time, which would demand better and predictable fiscal manage- Indian economy has seen off the chal- T T RAM MOHAN ment. Repeated bouts of economic to faster growth but every nation is now more careful
ment. Shifts in index weighting can lead to large outflows, which will also demand lenges of the past two years with stress have contributed to a similar about what and how much it is importing from whom.
agile forex management by the RBI to avoid excess currency volatility. Higher foreign aplomb. The finance ministry’s review of the Indian expertise in dealing with economic disaster. Whichever way you look at it, sustained growth of
flows in the debt market will be an addition to the list of reasons why India needs economy ascribes the economy’s resilience to the poli- Policymakers now have a set of effective toolkits at 7 per cent seems to be the optimal outcome for India.
strong fiscal management. cies pursued during and before the Covid shock. their disposal for dealing with balance of payments, The record of the past three decades suggests that this
That is true, but one must recognise that the exter- banking and financial markets crises. can happen with incremental, not “big bang”, reforms.
nal shocks have not been as severe as feared. The Economists and analysts had insisted that growth

Digital future Ukraine conflict did not quite lead on to an oil shock would be stuck at 6 per cent or below without serious

New features will increase digital currency adoption

Jamshedpur model of urbanisation
he Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been issuing the central bank digital
currency (CBDC) on a pilot basis since late 2022. Based on blockchain

technology, in the retail segment, CBDC-R was launched within a n the heart of Jharkhand, nestled amidst lush green- Services Company (JUSCO), a Tata enterprise, was the entry of private players seems like an opportunity
ery and enriched with the bounty of nature, lies established to manage civic amenities. Despite Tata’s for competent management and effective governance.
closed user group (CUG) comprising participating customers and mer-
chants. The CBDC-R pilot currently enables person-to-person and person-to-
merchant transactions using digital rupee wallets. Armed with the experience
thus far, the RBI has now proposed to enable additional use cases like pro-
Jamshedpur, a city that stands as a testament to deep involvement in a city named after its founder,
India’s industrial ingenuity and urban planning. some people resisted Tata’s growing presence in civic
Founded by the visionary industrialist Jamsetji matters because the company mainly focused on areas
Nusserwanji Tata in 1907, Jamshedpur, or Tatanagar, where its employees resided and ignored other regions.
Private sector engagement in urban governance
is frequently praised for bringing efficiency, inno-
vation, and investment into the public domain. In
Jamshedpur, the Tata Group’s management of
grammability and offline functionality, which could not only increase the adop- as it is affectionately known, was conceived with the To this end, a public interest litigation was filed against urban utilities through JUSCO exemplifies the
tion of the digital currency but also help attain public policy goals. As the central dream of establishing India’s first planned industrial the Tata Group in 2018. People demanded that local potential for delivering high-quality services, rang-
bank explained in its announcement, “programmability will permit users like, city. Unlike the sudden and unplanned urban expan- bodies be set up, which would be accountable to their ing from water supply and waste management to
for instance, government agencies to ensure that payments are made for defined sion that occurred in many Indian cities, Jamshedpur’s people in place of a “private” city, to ensure that devel- street lighting and road maintenance. These models
benefits”. This means that certain built-in rules will impose restrictions on the genesis was rooted in sustainability and community opment is equitable in the region. suggest that private actors, motivated by managerial
usage of money. welfare principles. The city’s development has always At the same time, Jharkhand’s government efficiency and accountability to their stakeholders,
With such features, the government would be able to ensure that the money been intrinsically linked to the Tata Group, starting couldn’t ignore what Tata had done for the entire can solve the persistent issues afflicting municipal
with the establishment of Tata Steel, Asia’s first inte- region, nor was the company willing to relinquish governance in many Indian cities, such as ineffi-
is used for the intended purpose. For instance, if the government or any other
grated steel company. control. A solution had to be sought, and it looked ciencies, project delays, and poor maintenance of
agency is making transfers to school students in the digital currency for buying This industrial venture necessitated the creation like the best approach was to have Jamshedpur urban infrastructure. However, a challenge emerges
books, it will be used only in bookshops. Depending on the design, if the money of a city around it to accommodate the workforce, turn into an industrial township in accordance with when private entities, despite their proficiency and
remains unused for a given period, it can return to the sender’s account. This leading to one of the earliest examples of a corporate the special provisions of the Indian Constitution. expertise, operate in areas critical to public welfare
will ensure that the money is spent in the desired manner. It will also reduce the township. The city was designed with wide roads, plen- This would involve the creation of a municipal without being directly accountable to the public in
risk of fraud. Such functions can also be used by private firms to meet specified ty of green spaces, and residential areas council comprising representa- the same way elected bodies are. Critics contend
expenditures like fuel costs and business travel expenses of employees. Aside close to the workplace, principles that tives from Tata Steel, the local that this scenario can result in a governance model
from the use in retail segments, improved functions can also increase adoption modern urban planners advocate for government, and residents. This where decisions affecting community well-being
in financial markets. The other important aspect touched upon in the RBI state- today. In fact, the city’s growth has been model would significantly differ are made behind corporate doors, potentially
ment was regarding the offline usability of CBDC. It will enable transactions in marked by its ability to adapt and from earlier industrial townships marginalising the needs and voices of the less influ-
evolve. From the expansion of the steel with negligible local participation ential stakeholders.
areas with poor or limited internet connectivity.
industry to the diversification into other or representation, such as in To reconcile the advantages of private sector effi-
If properly implemented, both these functions can improve the spending sectors such as manufacturing, services, Rourkela and Salem. ciency with the necessity for democratic governance,
efficiency of the government and enhance citizens’ welfare. It is often debated and IT, Jamshedpur has continuously Industrial towns are recognised it is vital to establish comprehensive frameworks for
whether the government should provide price subsidies or do cash transfers. The reinvented itself. This adaptability has as special economic areas that offer accountability, transparency, and public participation.
recent experience in India suggests that cash transfers are more efficient. been crucial to its sustained growth and concessions in legislation and other This involves defining the roles, responsibilities, and
Programmability in the digital currency will further tilt the balance in favour of
cash transfers with a fair amount of certainty that the money will be used for the
relevance in the ever-changing econom-
ic landscape of India. CONURBATION incentives to private entities for the
establishment of economic units,
boundaries of private actors in urban governance to
ensure they enhance, rather than replace the functions
intended purpose. It is also worth noting here that programmability will not end Despite the planning, Jamshedpur AMIT KAPOOR & BIBEK DEBROY with the aim of facilitating com- of urban local bodies (ULBs); implementing mecha-
fungibility. As explained by RBI officials at a recent press conference, fungibility has not been immune to the challenges mercial operations. An industrial nisms for public oversight, such as citizen advisory
of urbanisation. Rapid industrial growth town is characterised by a lack of boards, public audits, and open forums for feedback
will be on hold only for a limited period, which will allow it to fulfil the purpose.
has brought with it issues like pollution, waste man- economic diversification, with the majority of eco- and grievances, to ensure that private entities act in
Given the digital infrastructure India has created over the past few years, agement, and water scarcity. The city, however, has nomic value being generated by one or a small num- the interest of the general public; and developing part-
particularly in the area of payments, the possibility of using the CBDC could be tackled these problems head-on through innovative ber of interconnected industrial businesses. nership models that include ULBs in the decision-mak-
fairly substantial. To be sure, implementing such programmes on scale will take solutions and a commitment to sustainability. Tata What is happening in Jamshedpur opens up a ing process, ensuring that the expertise and efficiency
time. Often the financially excluded are also digitally excluded. The use of the Steel and other industries have adopted cutting-edge debate on the entry of private actors into urban gover- of private actors are utilised without compromising the
CBDC requires basic digital literacy and access to a mobile phone. However, since technologies to reduce emissions and have invested in nance and ensuring democratic accountability. Even authority and accountability of elected bodies.
the CBDC is still in the pilot stage, the experience of extending usage and func- water harvesting and recycling initiatives. though the 74th Amendment Act ensures decentrali-
tioning will inform the RBI to make necessary changes before it is issued at an The management of urban growth has been another sation of power to urban local governments, the lack Kapoor is chair, Institute for Competitiveness, India and
increased scale. The experience of the RBI will also be carefully watched by other challenge. The city has witnessed a population surge, of devolution of power, instances of corruption, and lecturer, USATMC, Stanford University; x: @kautiliya.
which has put pressure on its infrastructure and inadequate resources with the local bodies imply that Debroy is chairman, Economic Advisory Council to PM; x:
large central banks that are studying the possible issuance of CBDCs.
resources. In response, the Jamshedpur Utilities and these bodies are often ineffective. In such a scenario, @bibekdebroy. With inputs from Jessica Duggal

The deadly business of restricting immigration

a rival trans-Atlantic shipping trust; and America was a lucrative business.
Jacob Schiff, who contributed millions Between 1881 and 1914, Mr Ujifusa
of dollars to facilitate the passage of writes, some 10 million immigrants
Russian Jews to European ports and bought tickets for the trip across the
constant in American life, anti- publicly condemn them. For Lincoln, much credit here. Immigration westward to America. Mr Ujifusa’s Atlantic. Ballin accumulated a personal
immigrant rhetoric often grows harsher, the primary goal was to build as large advocacy, an element in the Republican central character is Ballin, one of the fortune equivalent to $55 million today.
and campaigns to close the US border and powerful an antislavery political platform that aimed at promoting richest, most powerful and well- Mr Ujifusa’s thoroughly researched
intensify, when more non-Protestant party as possible. And he succeeded in business interests by increasing the size connected German Jews on the and beautifully written history ends
immigrants seek entry to America. From doing so. As the Know-Nothings fell of the workforce, lowering labour costs continent and a sometime confidant of tragically with the outbreak of World War I
1845 to 1854, famine and political apart, divided between Northerners who and lessening union influence, was the Kaiser. Ballin recognised early that in and the suspension of steamship service
turmoil brought almost three million were antislavery and a Southern wing never a major concern for a president order to increase the flow of immigrants across the Atlantic. Ballin died in 1918. In
BOOK REVIEW European immigrants to these shores, that was not, the Republicans absorbed fighting a civil war. Lincoln signed the into and out of Hamburg, he would have the years that followed, Congress passed a
the majority of them Irish and German within their ranks enough Know- 1864 “Act to Encourage Emigration” into to segregate them from the city’s series of restrictive laws including the
DAVID NASAW Catholics. Some 400,000 people arrived Nothings to elect Abraham Lincoln law, but the Bill was permanent Immigration Act of 1924, which cut off
in 1854 alone. president. Lincoln repealed three THE LAST SHIPS FROM residents, who pathways from which millions of Jews

ears that the immigration of non- That year, secret BROUGHT FORTH ON eventually evolved years later. HAMBURG: Business, feared that an had once been able to escape.
Protestant “lower races” would societies of anti- THIS CONTINENT: into “an This is roughly Rivalry, and the Race to ongoing invasion of As a result of quotas put in place in
weaken, if not destroy, America’s immigrant, anti- Abraham Lincoln and immigration where Steven Save Russia’s Jews on Eastern Europeans the mid-1920s, hundreds of thousands,
moral fibre, prosperity and peace are as Catholic Know-
American Immigration advocate.” Mr Ujifusa picks up the the Eve of World War I would bring chaos perhaps millions of Jews were left
old as the Republic. As the prolific Nothings made their Author: Harold Holzer Holzer directs our thread in The Last Author: Steven Ujifusa and cholera. trapped in lands where they and their
author Harold Holzer tells us in Brought political ascent and Publisher: attention to Ships From Publisher: To ease families would, within less than two
Forth on This Continent, his exhaustive scored huge electoral Dutton Lincoln’s 6,100- Hamburg. Most Harper anxieties, Ballin decades, perish in the ghettos, killing
account of Abraham Lincoln and 19th- victories across the Pages: 456 word “Annual studies of European Pages: 365 erected and staffed fields and gas chambers of Nazi-
century immigration politics, Harrison nation. (When asked Price: $35 Message to immigration during Price: $32 crossing stations occupied Eastern Europe.
Gray Otis of Massachusetts took to the what they were Congress” from this period begin at along the border Here is another truth as old as the
floor of the newly established House of talking about in their 1863, in which he Castle Garden or Ellis Island, after the where his customers were policed, Republic: Anti-immigrant policies have
Representatives in 1797 to declare that meetings, the Know-Nothings routinely called for government “attention and boat has pulled into harbour. Mr Ujifusa examined, bathed and deloused before consequences that reach far beyond the
he did “not wish to invite hordes of wild answered, “I know nothing.”) Northern support” for the “tens of thousands of provides us with the missing back story, they were placed on trains headed to a borders of the receiving nation.
Irishmen, nor the turbulent and Know-Nothings were anti-immigrant persons, destitute of remunerative the long trek across Europe, the journey self-contained emigrant village ghetto
disorderly of all parts of the world” who and antislavery. occupation,” who yearned “to emigrate across the ocean and the people who that the shipping magnate had The reviewer is the author of The Last Million:
might “come here with a view to disturb Lincoln, Mr Holzer makes clear, to the United States if essential, but very made it possible: Albert Ballin, the established on an island near Hamburg. Europe’s Displaced Persons From World War
our tranquillity.” detested these nativists. But, a cagey cheap, assistance can be afforded them.” managing director of the Hamburg- Stuffing impoverished immigrants to Cold War. @2024 The New York Times
While xenophobia remains a politician above all else, he refused to Mr Holzer may give Lincoln too America line; JP Morgan, who organised into steerage holds for passage to New Service
FEBRUARY 15, 2024


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Gopalkrishna Gandhi


Lost in the Posthumous-isation

MSP debate
Challenges facing agricultural policy go
of the Bharat Ratna
The national honour Ratna, 18 of them posthumously. I posthumously. Of the 18 Bharat Rat-
beyond the minimum support prices debate should be bestowed stress “so far” because over the last nas that have been awarded posthu-
few days, the recognitions have been mously, his score is seven. The next
on people when they coming thick and fast and before this highest being that of Rao — three.

bunch of farm unions have resumed their column goes to print, we may well The numerics over, I move to what Fifty three individuals have so far been decorated with the Bharat Ratna, 18
protests demanding that the Centre are alive, and not have news of more. may be called semantics. of them posthumously, among them Charan Singh (right) and Vajpayee PTI
introduce a law to offer guaranteed when they are holding Before I say more on the subject, Two developments have affected
some statistics. the Bharat Ratna scheme’s original of its posthumous prime ministerial garlanding oneself. If posthumous
minimum support prices (MSP). The protest high public office The fifty three individuals have lustre: One, the posthumous-isation of recipients can VP Singh and Chandra conferrings raise questions of omis-
is generating more noise due to restrictions on been conferred by successive presi- the decoration. To take this develop- Shekhar be left out? And Bihar’s late sions, incumbent conferments raise

highways than the nuances of agricultural policy in his column has been dents but with the PMs concerned ment first: This was enabled in 1955 chief minister Karpoori Thakur hav- questions of commissions. Maulana
spurred by the award, being, in almost all of them, the prin- through Government of India Gazette ing been conferred it, can CN Annad- Azad is believed to have said when
India. While representatives of the Centre, including posthumously, of the Bha- cipal “mover”. The tally of the ratnas Number 222 dated January 15, 1955, urai and the incomparable EMS Nam- offered the Bharat Ratna while he was
the agriculture minister, are trying to resolve the rat Ratna on three individ- (jewels) per PM is: Nehru (1947-1964) making its retroactive operation valid. boodiripad be forgotten? Nearer our a Cabinet minister: “Hum dene vaalon
situation through dialogue, it is extremely unlikely, if uals — Chaudhary Charan including the one to himself, 13; Gul- One may infer from the circumstan- times, M Karunanidhi and Jyoti Basu? mein hein, lene vaalon mein nahin.”
Singh, PV Narasimha Rao zarilal Nanda’s transitional incum- ces surrounding it that the posthu- Acharya Vinoba having got it posthu- (We are the ones who confer, not the
not impossible, that any law offering guaranteed and MS Swaminathan – all three bency (1966), one; Indira Gandhi’s mous application was meant to be mously, can the acharyas, JB Kripal- ones on whom it is conferred).
MSPs for all crops can even be considered since the wholly deserved and entirely laudable first prime ministership (1965-1977), more of an exception than the rule. It ani and Narendra Deva be forgotten? I would like to round off by saying:
fiscal implications of such a law would subsume a and indeed, “saluted” by the Opposi- including the one to herself, three; took more than 10 years for this Jayaprakash Narayan and Nanaji Let in-lifetime recognitions be the
tion Congress. The only question the Indira Gandhi’s second prime minis- “relaxation” to be operationalised. Deshmukh, political thinkers, having norm for the Bharat Ratna, the post-
very large part of the budget. conferment raises is: Why were they tership (1980-1984), two; Rajiv Gandhi That was done when President Rad- got it, posthumously, should not EVR, humous option being the exception.
That said, are the farmers being irrational in not honoured with the Ratna all these (1984-1989), two; VP Singh (1989- hakrishnan conferred it, the first post- the Periyar? And let no “giver” dream of becoming
demanding a guaranteed MSP? This question must years, whether by the two United Pro- 1990), two; Narasimha Rao (1991- humous one, on Lal Bahadur Shastri The stormy petrel Aruna Asaf Ali the “receiver” until she or he has
gressive Alliance governments or the 1996), six; IK Gujral (1997-1998), four; within hours of the then PM’s death in having got it, can the no-less-if-not- relinquished office. Grace, independ-
be answered in the wake of a systemic viability crisis two National Democratic Alliance Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1999-2004), Tashkent on January 11, 1966. It took more “stormy” Kamaladevi Chatto- ent of office, bedecks the ornament.
in Indian agriculture in past decades. Not being able (NDA) ones? Surely these three Rat- seven; Manmohan Singh (2004-2014) 10 more years for the second posthu- padhyay remain omitted? Congress- The internationally esteemed and
to get remunerative prices for their crops is at the nas deserved to be told in their life- three; Narendra Modi (2014-) ten. mous Bharat Ratna to be announced men may scream at the thought but nationally respected former PM, Man-
time that a grateful nation regards The maximum number of Bharat by PM Indira Gandhi. She had chosen which socialist and democrat would mohan Singh was recently praised by
core of this crisis, which is only becoming worse them as indeed that, officially! Ratnas (13) stands awarded in the ten- former Congress President K Kamaraj have Rammanohar Lohia be forgot- PM Modi in Parliament. Perhaps he
with climate-induced shocks becoming more Indira Gandhi, daughter of the then ure of the (so far) longest serving PM, for the honour — something she may ten? This is the “trouble” with retro- was offered the Bharat Ratna and
frequent. While asymmetry in the economic power Prime Minister (PM) Jawaharlal Nehru, closely followed by the next not have done in his lifetime. spectivity and the political impulses of with characteristic modesty, he
Nehru wrote to C Rajagopalachari, highest number (10) in that (so far) of The posthumous application of the power. How many omissions do you declined. But may not those many
of producers and buyers (local traders or corporates) the first Bharat Ratna, on August 15, our present PM, Narendra Modi. Bharat Ratna with very Congressist notch up against the commissions? who have seen him as a “ratna” have
has made things worse for farmers, the 1954: “We are all so happy that you are Allowing that the scheme itself came roots has now come to stay and has in The second development that has the satisfaction of greeting him on its
government’s proactive approach to control food the first Bharat Ratna. You have been into existence in 1954, in terms of recent times, overtaken the “in-life- affected the ratna’s lustre is the touch becoming official?
widely recognised as a ‘ratna’ of Bha- “density” the score of the two PMs, time” ones. Of the 10 Bharat Ratnas of ego on it. Both Nehru and Indira
inflation via policies such as export bans has not rat for many years but it is a good Nehru and Modi, is the same – 10 in 10 conferred under Modi-led NDA gov- Gandhi would have added to their and Gopalkrishna Gandhi, a former adminis-
adequately helped. Be that as it may, most experts thing that it has been made official!” years. ernments, seven have been posthu- the ratna’s lustre if they had not trator, and diplomat, is a student of
agree that food inflation is too sensitive an issue, Fifty three individuals have so far But where PM Modi leads is in the mous. Questions of “deservability” accepted it during their incumben- modern Indian history.
been decorated with the Bharat number of Bharat Ratnas awarded arise inevitably. In the swelling ranks cies. Their getting it was almost like The views expressed are personal
both for poor households, and by extension, the
political fortunes of the government of the day, to be
left to the vagaries of the free markets. What does
this mean for the desired course of agricultural
policy in India? On the Kyiv front, the { KAO KIM HOURN } SECRETARY-GENERAL OF ASEAN

A just and forward-looking agriculture policy
should focus on three things. One, securing farm
incomes is essential to reducing India’s poverty and
inequality challenge as the sector still employs
West is losing ground It is certainly the right of India.
But we have to focus on assisting
kraine’s President Volodymyr Zel- to Ukraine. This EU aid, however, is geared
almost half of India’s workforce. Two, the allocation
of precious fiscal resources in agriculture must
strike a careful balance between short-term income
support and long-term sustainability and growth.
U ensky recently replaced his top mil- primarily toward meeting Ukraine’s eco-
itary commander, General Valerii nomic needs, keeping its government run-
Zaluzhnyi, with General Oleksandr ning and infrastructure afloat: It can do lit-
Syrskyi, an experienced Ukrainian ground tle to meet Ukraine’s war effort against Rus-
forces commander. This change at the apex sia’s rejuvenated military campaign.
the people of Myanmar. We
should not penalise them.
on the Centre’s decision to suspend Free Movement Regime
And three, agricultural policy should seek a healthy between India and Myanmar

of Ukraine’s military leadership is signifi- Ukraine’s military has not captured any sig-
interaction of farmers and larger food markets cant as Kyiv is reeling under military pres- nificant territory since the final months of
sure from the Russian forces at this stage of 2022.
rather than make the latter completely redundant in the war. A former commander of the Three developments at the level of tactics
production decisions. Ukrainian forces, Syrskyi is not a com- are starting to unravel the Kyiv military
Whether or not India can have such a policy will pletely anonymous or non-controversial campaign. First, the possible loss of the city
choice as he is considered responsible for of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine, which the
depend on a sustained political engagement with all
Rethink road safety, look
failing to defend Bakhmut, which came at Russians are poised to capture. Russian
stakeholders in Indian agriculture including the the price of considerable Ukrainian combat artillery strikes are already outgunning and
millions of farmers. Animated debates and protests casualties. Nevertheless, he is widely even outnumbering Ukraine’s artillery capa-
respected for his command competence bilities around Avdiivka and other areas on

at behaviour of people
about legal MSPs guarantees are a red herring that which he demonstrated in the the frontline. Second, Ukrainian
distract from this larger challenge. robust defence of Kyiv following air defences are depleting rapidly,
Russia’s full-fledged invasion of preventing Kyiv from defending
Ukraine in late February 2022. To and intercepting Russian missiles
his operational distinction, he and drones that are devastating lobally, two people die every minute muters and a reduction in carbon emissions.

India-UAE relations
added another feather to his cap
— the successful counter-offen-
sive mounted by Ukrainian
ground forces that led to the cap-
Harsh V
critical infrastructure. Third, as
the delay in Congressional funding
persists, Ukrainian air defences
cannot intercept Russian jets exe-
G due to road traffic crashes. The 2023 This can be categorised as the avoid-shift-
World Health Organization report improve (ASI) framework, which simply
notes a slight decrease in the num- means, avoiding growth in vehicle kilome-
ber of road traffic deaths, yet road safety tres travelled, shifting trips to safer and more

look beyond diaspora ture of Kharkiv, liberating it from

Russian control. Despite the
heavy bloodletting involved in
cuting strikes against targets in
western Ukraine, which they were
able to do earlier. Strategic grid-
remains a persistent global health crisis with sustainable modes like public transport, and
over 3,200 people losing their lives every sin- improving the condition of transport in
gle day and pedestrians, cyclists and other terms of safety, time, cost and comfort.
defending Bakhmut, Syrskyi’s lock and policy paralysis in Wash- vulnerable road users bearing the brunt of it. Speeding initiates deadly crashes. The
o say that the Ahlan Modi (Welcome Modi) event

strengths outweigh and offset that ington are seriously threatening Citizens are usually blamed for a crash. faster the vehicle travels, the greater the pos-
in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday was a grand event single blemish on his operational not just hard-won military gains, However, this mindset fails to assess if the sibility of a crash and the consequences for
would be an understatement. The carefully and command record. but imperilling the defence of ter- road design is safe to begin with. Humans the people involved. Every 1% increase in
At the strategic level, the North Kartik ritory in western Ukraine, which make mistakes but should not lose their lives mean speed produces a 4% increase in the
curated spectacle and the temple inauguration the next Atlantic Treaty Organization Bommakanti would have been hard to conceiva- for it. Evidence suggests that the fatal crash risk and a 3% increase
day were evidence of the deepening friendship between (Nato) member countries are bly fathom even a few months ago. most effective way to prevent road in the serious crash risk. Speed
India and the UAE. Both nations perceive a confluence becoming increasingly divided Given the ammunition and deaths is a systematic approach management in India, unfortu-
over support for Ukraine. This has mani- ordinance scarcity facing Kyiv and the that shifts the responsibility of nately, involves reviewing and
of interests in the relationship. With Indian diaspora fested itself, especially in the case of the imperative to conserve strength for future safety from the individual to the revising speed limits based on the
amounting to 3.5 million, the UAE has been a major United States (US) failing to complete the battles, Ukrainian forces may be compelled policymakers, engineers and peo- intended speed at which the
source of jobs, and thereby remittances. And that has delivery of a robust military aid package for to give up territory in the east and fall back ple designing the roads. Pawan driver should drive and not the
Ukraine. Republican members of the House on positions that are more vital, especially The “safe systems approach” Mulukutla design speed that the road per-
been a key prism through which New Delhi has viewed of Representatives have blocked a $110 bil- in the west of the country. Disheartening adopts a holistic strategy of mits. A more nuanced approach
Abu Dhabi. The big shift that has taken place in recent lion aid package for Kyiv. This presents a and even demoralising as this may be for designing roads based on how where speed management goes
years is that the relationship has become independent serious problem for Ukraine’s war effort Ukraine, it is the most credible option avail- people behave. Most of the roads beyond assessment by focusing on
against Russian military advances. As a able now, unless Washington overcomes the in urban India today are designed critical elements like looking at
of domestic politics, and reflects the churn in global result of the gridlock in the US Congress, deadlock on Capitol Hill that would lead to primarily to improve traffic flow, the design of the road, the way
politics as well as transformations in West Asia. Kyiv has been compelled to ration the use of the release of funds to service the desper- while most people in India either people move and what causes
New Delhi sees Abu Dhabi as a gateway to West Asia ammunition and ordnance, rendering its ately needed assistance Kyiv requires. walk, cycle or use public trans- motorists to speed in the first
defences weaker and halting the possibility It is no wonder that Russian President port. place would enhance safety signif-
and has cultivated the Emirates as such: In 2015, Prime of any sustained advances the Ukrainian Vladimir Putin seems more convinced than Providing space for pedestrians Tanushree icantly.
Minister (PM) Modi became the first Indian PM to visit forces might make against Russian posi- ever that time is on his side and all he has to to walk, stop and cross safely can Venkatraman Road safety demands a para-
Abu Dhabi in three decades, and he has since visited tions in eastern Ukraine. These develop- do is wait out the US where Donald Trump also help reduce conflicts between digm shift towards a more com-
ments come against the backdrop of is already suggesting he would “encourage” pedestrians and vehicles and prehensive and proactive
the UAE seven times. In 2022, both countries signed a Ukraine’s failed counter-offensive, which Russia to attack any Nato member that fails improve traffic flow. Simple elements like approach. By adopting a holistic strategy
free trade deal promising to double bilateral trade to was launched last July and is now gravely to pay its share of the organisation’s budget. refuge islands, median refuges (places for that considers human behaviour, designing
$100 billion. The optics apart, the two countries and perilously compounded by the possibil- In his recent interview with the former Fox people to stop before crossing), pedestrian streets with pedestrian safety in mind and
ity of losing American military aid. Ukrain- News journalist Tucker Carlson, Vladimir crossings, and signages can be provided to promoting sustainable modes of transport,
concluded eight agreements, including on energy, and ian battlefield performance and successes Putin confidently asserted that Russia is enhance safety and minimise conflicts we can mitigate the persistent global health
digital transactions. They also signed an hinge on American military aid. As Jake “ready for dialogue” and “willing to negoti- between vehicles and pedestrians. Countries crisis of road traffic crashes. It is time we col-
intergovernmental framework on the India-Middle Sullivan, US national security advisor ate” because he views this as a moment like Sweden, which adopted this approach lectively commit to rethinking road safety,
(NSA), made clear: “There is no alternative when the tide of war seems to be turning in from 1994 onwards were successful in reduc- acknowledging it as a shared responsibility
East-Europe Economic Corridor, even though the war to these (American) funds.” his favour and Nato beginning to realise that ing road fatality rates by 55% (1994-2015). It that can only be addressed through collabo-
in Gaza is casting a shadow over its future. Consequently, Ukraine runs the risk of defeating Russia on the battlefield will be is also estimated that more than one million rative, systematic and innovative
The India-UAE partnership also has to be seen in the losing additional territory, let alone recov- impossible. From this position of strength, deaths could be avoided annually if coun- approaches. The lives saved, injuries pre-
ering the region of Donbas and Crimea, Putin can argue that “sooner or later this tries were to adopt this approach. vented and communities strengthened will
backdrop of a churn in the region where most Gulf which make up 20% of Ukraine’s territory will end in agreement”. Road safety in our cities can also be serve as a testament to the transformative
States are eyeing a future beyond fossil fuel and a that Moscow seized in 2014. This would be Ukraine’s military campaign is indeed fal- enhanced by reducing the total volume of power of adopting a holistic and forward-
strategic regime guaranteed by the US. India, with its a direct consequence of aid drying up com- tering but it is also the West’s political strat- vehicle kilometres travelled, which will thinking perspective on road safety.
pletely with Kyiv conceding greater Russian egy that is unravelling. reduce the risk of crashes and provide safer
consistently high growth, is seen as a safe investment gains in the western part of Ukraine, which access to pedestrians and cyclists. An Pawan Mulukutla is executive programme
destination, and a source for essentials. History, it presently controls. The only silver lining Harsh V Pant is vice president for Studies at increased emphasis on shifting to public director, Integrated Transport,
diaspora and soft power are enablers in furthering this is that the European Union (EU) aid of 50 Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi. transport will help reduce the exposure to Clean Air and Hydrogen, WRI India and
billion euros to Ukraine has been released Kartik Bommakanti is senior fellow, National everyday risks for drivers, passengers and Tanushree Venkatraman is programme
relationship, and Delhi has been smart to ride the following Hungarian leader Viktor Orban’s Security and Defence, ORF. other road users. The co-benefits also communications manager, WRI India.
wave. decision to lift his veto on further assistance The views expressed are personal include increased physical activity for com- The views expressed by the authors are personal

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14 ThursDay, 15 February 2024



There is no discord over India’s

growth and employment trends
Barring a covid-induced aberration, employment has been growing in line with the economy’s rise

which data is available is 2021-22. and 1.3 million, respectively. There

Between 1997-98 and 2003-04, the is a clear slowdown in manufacturing
economy created 51.3 million jobs. If employment growth between 2008-09
reduced to an interval of five years and 2013-14. Between 2013-14 and
between 1998-99 and 2003-04, it is 2018-19, employment growth in manu-
46.5 million. Agricultural employment facturing declined by about half-a-mil-
went up during these two periods by lion. So, it stands to reason that the
around 13.8 million and 13.7 million, decline in agricultural employment,
respectively. Between 2004 and 2014, which was of the order of 17.8 million,
V. ANANthA NAgeswArAN employment growth was 27.9 million, was absorbed by services and other sec-
is chief economic advisor to the split roughly as 18.5 million between tors, given that the economy as a whole
Government of India. 2003-04 and 2008-09 and 9.4 million added 13.1 million jobs. Corporate bal-
between 2008-09 and 2013-14. Agri- ance sheet stress, particularly in manu-
cultural employment declined by about facturing, showed up in the decline in

Our youth don’t favour

38 million in the full 10-year period, the sector’s overall employment in the
split between the two periods at 14.6 five-year period between 2013-14 and

y May, we will have learnt that million and 23.4 million, respectively. It 2018-19. Encouragingly, that decline
India’s economy has grown by is as it should be in an economy trying has reversed. In 2021-22 alone, manu-
more than 7% annually in real to move from being dominated by the facturing added 4.3 million jobs. The

all elections held in sync terms over the last three years. If the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) turns out to
be right in its expectation of 7% growth
in the financial year beginning April
primary sector to secondary and terti-
ary sectors. The compounded annual
contraction rate (CACR) was (-)1.6%.
The CACR was (-)1.2% between
recently released Annual Survey of
Industries for 2021-22 reinforces this.
The revival of manufacturing employ-
ment is a good augury. It reflects the
2024, then it will be the fourth year in a 2003-04 and 2008-09 and (-)2.0% end of corporate balance sheet woes,
row of 7% or more growth. This is no between 2008-09 and 2013-14. the sector’s willingness to hire and the
A sizeable demographic chunk of India is largely unconvinced of ‘one nation, one poll,’ as mean achievement in a post-covid Between 2013-14 and 2021-22, the fruits of our infrastructure build-out.
growth-challenged era in which coun- economy created 82.6 million jobs. But The services sector added 33.1 million
the latest YouGov-Mint-CPR Millennial Survey reveals, and it’s easy to understand why tries are struggling to shake off their there is a twist in the tale. There was jobs between 2003-04 and 2013-14.
fiscal stimulus and its after-effects such nearly a 40 million increase in farm But, in the eight years between 2013-14
as higher inflation. employment in 2019-20 and 2020-21 and 2021-22, it has already added 41.1
The oft-heard counter is that the taken together. Excluding that, employ- million jobs. It must be noted that

here are some things the Bharatiya ments capture this clash of views, such a pro- fruits of growth have not been evenly ment growth creation is still an impress- employment growth in manufacturing,
Janata Party (BJP) can take for nounced tilt can’t be pinned on a question- distributed and that employment gen- ive 42.6 million in the eight years from services and agriculture and allied sec-
eration in recent years has been disap- 2013-14 to 2021-22. The huge bulge in tors won’t add up to total employment
granted. Such as its hold on the naire bias. Indeed, it is best interpreted as a pointing. First, on inequality, it is farm employment in those two years growth in the KLEMS database because
so-called Hindu vote, no matter sign that democracy by and large outweighs important to consider government reflects the covid-induced reverse it leaves out sectors like construction.
how defined, and its poll prospects thrift as a value in the judgement of millennials taxes and transfers. Cumulative direct migration. That this was an aberration The message is that the employment
bumped up by the popularity of and Gen-Zers. Even if they don’t profess a transfers of government benefits, both can be gleaned from the fact that creation engine was humming and in
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Among other political version of Keynes’ “paradox of thrift,” in cash and kind, are more than ₹34 tril- between 2013-14 and 2018-19, farm good health despite the balance sheet
lion, with hundreds of millions of bene- employment declined by 17.8 million, at woes of the corporate sector before
such assets, India’s ruling party could list its about how penny wise needn’t be pound wise, ficiaries. State governments offer their an annual CACR of (-)1.7%. This down- covid struck. That derailed it for a cou-
appeal among bulge-bracket youth, especially their response suggests a good grasp of what share of benefits as well. A systematic trend resumed in 2021-22. Employment ple of years, but normal service appears
those who came of age after the economy was elections held in sync would imply for federal- study of all government transfers and in agriculture fell by 1.5 million, revers- to have resumed in 2021-22. Data for
opened up: those born between 1981 and 1996
(called millennials) and those born after that
(Generation Z). As found by the latest Millen-
ism and the basic principles of representative
government. For all the savings of time and
other public resources that the idea promises,
their impact on household purchasing
power is needed before one can con-
clude that inequality has worsened.
When it comes to employment, we
ing the trend of the previous two years.
It is a reasonable guess that this contin-
ued in 2022-23 and 2023-24 as well.
Coming to manufacturing, between
2022-23 and 2023-24, once available,
should confirm that.
Notwithstanding this encouraging
picture, there is no gainsaying that
nial Survey conducted by Mint in alliance the lives of various state legislative bodies, should let the data speak for itself. The 1998-99 and 2003-04, employment creating skilled and more formal jobs,
with YouGov and Centre for Policy Research each elected for a five-year term, cannot be cut RBI-KLEMS database now gives us growth was 7.3 million. In the 10 years and jobs with social security benefits,
(, BJP support was expressed by short at an arbitrary moment to kick off such a more than 40 years of data to analyse between 2003-04 and 2013-14, it was is important. Much has been accom-
almost half its national sample of 12,544 urban practice. Perhaps President’s rule imposed all economic growth, productivity growth, about 5 million, and the split between plished, but much remains to be done.
income shares, etc. The last year for the two five-year periods was 3.7 million These are the author’s personal views.
youngsters drawn mostly—and evenly—from across in one go could do it, but, as rules exist
those two electorally significant age cohorts. for the use of this harsh device, this would be
Sure, this slice of Indian youth has a well-to-do a ‘nuclear option’ whose validity under the
skew (by design), but the proportion in favour Constitution is sure to be challenged. Elected
of the BJP is noteworthy all the same. Not only state governments, after all, cannot be turfed
is it more than its Lok Sabha 2019 vote share of out at the Centre’s convenience. Moreover,
37.4%, it’s way above the inclination shown to voluntary dissolutions of state assemblies are
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Vol.8 No.42 `4.00 in Delhi­NCR/`5.00 outside Delhi­NCR 24 PAGES

Arvind Kejriwal says

any other political party. Yet, although the BJP unlikely in the absence of a political consensus.
AAP not anti­business >11
EDUCATION: IIMs see improvement in
campus placement >11

finds youth backing on many issues that are And so long as opposition parties suspect that
AVIATION: Capa report says airlines may
order 400 aircraft in 2014 >19
WSJ: Japan growth figures disappoint >21

salient in today’s politics, every stance it takes poll synchrony will work in the BJP’s favour,
SENSEX 20,464.06 Æ 97.24 NIFTY 6,073.30 Æ 24.95 DOLLAR `61.86 æ `0.07 EURO `84.73 æ `0.18 GOLD `30,850 Æ `230 OIL $109.04 æ $0.04

Economic growth

does not strike a chord with the young. As the letting it count on Modi’s appeal in every ballot FM chants growth mantra Shift in
B udget speeches are
usually a mix of staid
numbers, policy moves
If there is one theme
FM manages to cap and political grandstand-

without investment in
that emerges stronger ing. But there is also a sub-
tle subtext that helps us
from the others from
fiscal deficit at 4.6%
gauge the mood of the gov-

survey reveals, notable dissonance hovers over booth, they can’t be expected to sign on. There
this mini­budget, it is ernment at that time.
that of growth The latest speech by fi-
nance minister P.
Chidambaram was cau-
B Y A NIL P ADMANABHAN B Y A SIT R ANJAN M ISHRA penditure refers to all other tious despite a spirited de- spending such as on defence, fence of the government’s
························· ························· subsidies, salaries and interest record before the coming
NEW DELHI NEW DELHI payments. Plan expenditure national elections.

human development is
out the United Progres-
F inance minister P. was reduced by 14.4% to `4.7 “In the 10 years that I

the ruling party’s advocacy of central and state may yet be another way it can happen, but it’s
sive Alliance’s (UPA’s) Chidambaram ensured trillion in 2013-14 from the have been in the North
achievements, which, that a fiscal deficit of 4.8% was budget estimate, although not Block, I have seen the best
aggregated and averaged over the “red-line” as he once de- all of this was the finance min- of times and difficult
a decade, are no doubt impres- scribed it, by ensuring that the istry’s doing, but a reflection of times,” a sober
sive, and give in to populist actual number came in at 4.6% the inability of some ministries Chidambaram said. Com-
tendencies, or pragmatically of gross domestic product to spend money on substantive pare this with the under-
work to bequeath better cir- (GDP), although analysts programmes. current of optimism in his
cumstances to his successor, pointed out that at least some The government aims to ap- last budget speech for the
who could well be from a rival of this had to do with maths. pease international credit rat- first Manmohan Singh gov-

elections held in synchrony under the slogan also crucial to ask how long all these states can
political dispensation—that A significant portion of the ing agencies and the captains ernment: “The four years

was the choice before P. reduction in government of finance and industry with to 2007-08 have been the
Chidambaram. spending came from a reduc- the lower-than-budgeted fiscal best years so far but, may I
Presenting his ninth budget tion in Plan expenditure, deficit in 2013-14, Subrat Das, say with humility, that the
on Monday—this is an interim which could affect growth in executive director, Centre for best is yet to come.”
one, a vote-on account; and the medium term, and some Budget and Governance Ac- The fascinating shift
the number makes him the more came from deferring countability, said in a state- from latent hubris to philo-
man who has presented the around `35,000 crore oil subsi- ment. “However, this fiscal sophical acceptance tells
second highest, after the late dy to the next fiscal which consolidation has been

of “one nation, one poll.” stay in lock-step, given how often local govern-
us a lot about how much
Morarji Desai who did 10— could increase the fiscal bur- achieved solely on the basis of things have changed on the
Chidambaram fell short on den on the next government. compression of crucial devel- ground since an economy
both aspects. Plan expenditure is the opment expenditure as the
coasting along in the fast

Still, if there is one theme money spent on creating as- government’s poor record in lane crashed against harsh
that emerges stronger from the sets through centrally spon- stepping up the tax-GDP ratio reality. The shift in mood is
others from this mini-budget, How three stakeholders are impacted by the interim budget sored programmes and welcome.
it is that of growth, the only schemes, while non-Plan ex- TURN TO PAGE 2®
sustainable way India can ad-
dress its structural problems.

On the survey’s opinion panel, 63% agreed ments fall apart and fresh polls are needed.
The sharp fall in growth to less Several populist moves have been announced, targeting
than 5% hit tax revenue, and women, young people, farmers and people from the
with expenditure continuing to scheduled castes.
rise, resulted in a spiralling A venture capital fund to provide concessional finance to
deficit. The key to reversing scheduled castes with an initial corpus of R200 crore
the tide lies in revving growth.
And going by the numbers, An additional R1,000 crore to be provided to a fund set up
that seems to have been to prevent and combat violence against women

with the proposition that “Democracy is Separate polling cycles are a reflection of
done—in some measure. In Exemption from service tax for loading, unloading, packing,
the first quarter of 2013-14, the storage and warehousing of rice
Indian economy expanded by
4.4%. In the second quarter, it
Extension of a moratorium on education loans
did by 4.8%. Chidambaram
said he expects it to grow by INDUSTRY
4.9% for the full year, and
pointed out in a subsequent
Companies have been lobbying for a stimulus package to

interaction with reporters that spur growth and also measures to encourage local manu-
facturing. The government has obliged, temporarily, and in

stronger when we have elections at multiple federalism at work, not a strain on India. Slo-
this means a 5.2% growth rate
in the second half of the year. small measure.
Indian companies grew their A 3-6 percentage points cut in excise duties across vehicle
sales and profit at the fastest segments such as two-wheelers, cars and commercial
rate in six quarters in the three vehicles
months ended 31 December,
Mint reported on Monday.
Local mobile phone makers to pay central excise duty of
1% duty while importers to pay countervailing duty at 6%
TURN TO PAGE 3® on cellular phones that retail at less than R2,000

levels with different frequencies,” with just gans that start with “One nation,” like the one
A reduction in excise duty on capital goods by 2
percentage points to 10%, helping power project
equipment manufacturers

The interim budget wasn’t entirely devoid of measures that
would please consumers.

37% opting for “I think having separate elec- crafted for GST adoption (“One tax”), do have a
The excise duty cuts could result in lowering the prices of
several products, including cars, most consumer durables,
mobile phones and even soaps

> Mark To Market: Cues from the interim budget >P14
> Mark To Market: Excise duty cut on capital goods a mirage >P14

tions at different levels is a waste of resources ring to them. In electoral matters, however,
> Mark To Market: Lower prices may not translate into higher demand for soaps >P14
> Mark To Market: Excise cuts alone may not tempt consumers >P14
Mint is also available for R8 with > Mark To Market: Investors pick and choose auto stocks >P14
Hindustan Times in Delhi-NCR only > Views: Fiscal tasks for the next government >P22

and time.” Given how aptly these two state- discretion would be the better part of valour.


An ISI okay for luxury labels: What’ll we think of next?

Industry insiders say the latest quality certi- they deserve, at the ground level, a lengthy report this week on a government review of radically speeded up our green transition.
RAHUL JACOB fication move on shoes is directed at imports certification process is likely to lead to an the targets and achievements in different But, the illogic is richer still. This week,
from China. So much of our industrial pol- inventory build-up of expensive shoes. An PLI sectors found that investment in most the Wall Street Journal reported that China
icy, from import licensing for computers to Indian exporter of expensive women’s shoes had been more than anticipated. Notable is on course to meet its target of capping
shutting the door on trade agreements that to Europe says he has never faced a similarly exceptions are arguably the most labour-in- greenhouse gas emissions six years before
would make us part of East Asia’s supply arbitrary certification regime overseas. He tensive sectors, ranging from textiles to schedule. “China installed 217 gigawatts of

eports this week in Mint on the gov- chains, is influenced by this goal with little says it has already meant that inventory has automobiles and auto components, where solar power last year alone, a 55% increase,”
ernment’s new quality-control orders effect thus far on our bilateral trade deficit run up ahead of the New investment is a fraction of according to WSJ. “Wind energy installation
on high-end luxury shoes from Louis with China. Delhi decree taking effect. what was targeted. last year was more than the rest of the world
Vuitton and Christian Dior included the gem Treating the relatively small imports of The irony is that Indian Arbitrary There are other anoma- combined.” There are many problems with
that the shoes certified appropriate for pam- stilettos as collateral damage in this larger shoe factories in Bhiwandi lies: the 12 successful suit- China’s command-and-control economic
pered Indian women’s feet would be man- battle overlooks the huge benefits from and elsewhere have been mandates of ors for PLI subsidies for system: in the past decade or so, President Xi
dated to have an ISI stamp (a sign of Indian these luxury brands that are increasingly ramping up production, solar photovoltaic modules Jinping has ratcheted up arbitrary state
Standards Institute approval) to embellish seeking to use India’s gifted artisans. Less not least because there is
quality and include—wait for it—11 with actions, targeting tech firms one moment

is a Mint columnist and a

them. This sounded like a comic skit of the
new licence raj, written not by Kafka but by
than a year ago, a show by Christian Dior,
which has collaborated with Mumbai-based
plenty of business serving
the local Indian market.
other diktats partners from China. Now,
it has always seemed silly to
and foreign consulting firms the next, while
also seeking to deflate China’s property bub-
former Financial Times foreign
those who made Carrie Bradshaw and her
love of swanky Jimmy Choo shoes a key
atelier Chanakya School of Craft, at the
Gateway of India was a free advertising blitz
It is, of course, too early
for a thorough cost-benefit
constrain India’s me that given the abun-
dance of sunshine India is
ble, a more defensible goal. Still, China’s
transition to green energy is yet another East
theme of the TV series Sex and The City. for Indian craftsmanship, with its photos analysis of the production- economic blessed with, it should be so Asia-style miracle of industrial policy.
Such certification is impractical. As hap- splashed across the Western luxury press. linked incentive (PLI) reliant on coal-fired power There remain plenty of opportunities for
pens so often, it is unclear what it’s protect- Influential Vogue and the Financial Times’ scheme. But the whiplash prospects plants that add to our air India in shifts of production away from
ing, since Indian footwear factories over- HTSI glossy magazine devoted cover stories effects on business of such pollution problem. A quick China, but our bureaucracy may need a
whelmingly focus on the mass market. Just to it. Work from India was described as arbitrary firmans from remedy would have been to mindset shift. Reading the new certification
recently, Maruti Suzuki’s R.C. Bhargava said “mind-blowing” and “insanely detailed New Delhi, which include the now some- allow Chinese imports, but we alleged China rules for high-end shoes, I wondered if the
that his company had no problem with a free haute couture textiles that are magicked up.” what diluted licensing regime announced was dumping solar panels here. Now, the Indian-made leather slippers that women
trade agreement with the EU as Maruti’s cars Aside from the reputational damage to the last year for foreign-made computers and cartwheel of public policy has come full cir- often wear with sarees, and which almost cer-
were more than competitive on value-for ease of doing business and growing collabo- countless tariff increases over the past few cle: New Delhi will in effect be subsidizing tainly contribute to knee problems, would
-money with European cars. In any case, the rations between European luxury brands years, must eventually be part of that com- Chinese solar firms after having blocked now be mandated to have cushioning and
prospective buyer for a Benz or a BMW is and Indian artisans that will hopefully get putation. In fairness, there has been plenty imports of solar panels that were subsidized arch support worthy of a Birkenstock. I would
unlikely to be sizing it up against a Baleno. the artisans the recognition and revenues of interest in PLIs. A Business Standard by Beijing. Freer imports would also have guess not.
LIVEMINT.COM VIEWS ThursDay, 15 February 2024
New Delhi 15


There is plenty that ails India’s Millennials and Gen Zers are
prone to money dysmorphia
index of industrial production These generations must resist needless anxiety over their finances

The IIP is old and rusty but GST data can be used to formulate an indicator that offers a better picture of economic change


is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering
personal finance.

is a former chief statistician of India.

ever hesitant to rebrand an exist-
ing phenomenon, millennials and
their Gen Z ‘frenemies’ are admit-

he index of industrial production (IIP) ting to having ‘money dysmorphia’— Distorted notions of one’s financial status
has in recent years been coming under which is a feeling of insecurity around can be a problem ISTOCKPHOTO
increasing criticism for not being rele- their financial situation even when the
vant for contemporary users. A recent true picture reveals little cause for con- easily overshadow the reality that the
op-ed in Mint (‘India’s IIP is losing its cern. Some 43% of Gen Z and 41% of mil- American economy is pretty healthy, at
relevance as a lead indicator of eco- lennials say they suffer from a flawed per- least for now.
nomic growth’)( is a good example. ception of their finances, according to a The challenges facing younger adults
These criticisms are valid, and to better under- recent Credit Karma study. While it might are real. But they can lead to an unhealthy
stand the disaffection, it is useful to review the sound like just another form of anxiety narrative in someone’s head that says the
manner in which the series is constructed.
Divergent paths induced by TikTok feeds of short videos, other shoe could drop at any moment; that
The IIP is one of the oldest statistical products The IIP matches Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) findings around the start of every series but then the gap money dysmorphia is a real problem that another pandemic will arise and force you
produced by the National Statistical Office, dating widens with each passing year can cause someone to make poor or ill-in- to live off of savings for months, or that
500 Annual growth in IIP under different series (in %)
back to pre-independence. The index is collected formed decisions. you won’t ever be able to buy a house on
through a large number of source agencies, many Having a financial perspective rooted in top of your student loan payments, never
of which have their roots in the administrative ASI 93-94 series fear rather than fact is nothing new. Those mind being able to have children one day.
machinery which evolved in the 1950s’ ‘command 400 of us with grandparents belonging to the And not to point fingers too much, but our
economy.’ Many of these agencies have lost their 341.0 ‘Greatest Generation’ [as the World War parents may have helped solidify these
relevance over the years. For some, supplying data IIP 93-94 II generation of American citizens is often fears with the money behaviours they
for the IIP seems to be the only reason for their 300 described in the US] will recognize the modelled in our youth.
ASI 04-05 10
continued existence. Depression-era scarcity mentality. Adding to the anxiety are images on
The article referred to above points out that IIP 182.4 7.8 A scarcity mentality is a valid way to social media featuring people showing off
IIP 93-94 4.6
growth does not match India’s real GDP growth. 200 IIP 04-05 154.9 experience the world. An upbringing in luxury consumer goods, flying first class to
ASI 11-12 IIP 11-12
This is not just a problem with the current IIP 5 which finances were tight will have a life- expensive destinations and dining in
series, but has in fact been a problem for at least the long impact on how one thinks about and notoriously difficult-to-book restaurants.
last three revisions of the IIP series. In each revi-
sion, there have been a few years of overlap. In
overlapping periods, growth in the new series
tends to be higher than that of the old series (the

IIP 11-12 0
IIP 04-05
interacts with money. The trouble with
money dysmorphia is that it can distort the
thinking of someone whose lived experi-
ence is not one of scarcity but of stability.
Younger consumers are inundated with
such content. Living in a big city brings
displays of wealth into your day-to-day
experience. You can see the Birkin bag on
only exception is the two years after the 2008 1994-95 2021-22 -5 This is not to suggest that all Gen Zers the street or note the legit Supreme
2005-06 2016-17
financial crisis). Source: Mospi, Office of the Economic Advisor, author calculations and millennials were raised in financially hoodie or Cartier Love bracelet.
Another way to see the IIP’s dampened growth stable homes and have continued to a It’s easy to see why 45% of millennials
performance is to compare it with the Annual comfortable, middle-class existence. Both and Gen Z surveyed for the Credit Karma
Survey of Industries (ASI). The attached graph not capture new establishments coming up. Addi- series is launched. Establishments that close generations have been dealt blows in study reported being obsessed with
takes data from three IIP series’ (base years tionally, the closure of old establishments leads to during the period of revision are simply substi- terms of experiencing ‘once in a lifetime’ becoming rich. When you start with a pes-
1993-94, 2004-05 and 2011-12) and compares non-responses. The IIP’s January 2024 press tuted in the exercise. or ‘generation-defining’ events at young simistic assessment of your own future, it’s
them to the ASI. For this comparison, the graph release observes that the final revised estimates for There is a felt need for an accurate high-fre- ages. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that hard to imagine that your finances will
takes the value of output from the ASI, deflates it to August 2023 had a weighted response rate of 95%. quency indicator of manufacturing output. In the more than 40% of both generations report improve in the normal course of your life
constant prices (using the wholesale price index), Keeping in mind that non-responses are concen- absence of this, people rely on indicators like the having money dysmorphia and 48% of and career.
and expresses it as an index for the comparable IIP trated in the manufacturing segment, which has a Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) which is not Gen Z say they feel left behind financially Yet instead of being in a constant state
base years. In each one of these, we see that after a weight of approximately 77% in the total IIP, the quite an indicator of output. The GST system by and 59% of millennials feel the same. of unease, millennials and Gen Z could
few years the divergence between IIP and ASI non-response is significant. In contrast, ASI data contrast, is a rich source of high-frequency infor- One major shift for both generations ground themselves by doing the math on
becomes quite marked. reveals that between 2011-12 and 2021-22, the mation about the economy and can be used to con- compared with previous ones is the con- what amount of money would make them
An implication of this divergence is that esti- number of factories increased by as much as 15% struct an indicator which would be far superior to stant access to information, both in the sleep easier. Fixating on a nebulous goal
mates of value-added in the quasi corporate and (and about 5% since 2017-18). Thus, we see that the the current IIP. Virtually all manufacturing estab- news and on social media. Gen Z espe- like ‘getting rich’ isn’t helpful compared
household segments of the economy are under- IIP is losing out on newer factories and is unable to lishments file monthly returns to obtain input tax cially has never lived in a world devoid of with putting numbers on a page and a
estimated in the early estimates of GDP. account for changes in the item mix. credit, giving details of both output and value a 24/7 news cycle or social platforms and timeline in place.
The reason we observe this behaviour in the IIP The graph does, however, show that in years added by the HSN code. It is possible to put in place search engines allowing you to fact-check People who admit to experiencing
is the manner in which it is constructed for the close to the base year, the IIP manages to track ASI mechanisms to extract information to give indica- anything in an instant. The eldest mem- money dysmorphia are already acknowl-
manufacturing segment. For the base-year exer- reasonably well. tors of growth in production and value added with bers of Gen Z were only 10 when Apple edging that their perceptions of their own
cise, establishments are identified and arrange- Part of the reason for this is that IIP revisions far greater accuracy and timeliness compared to launched the first iPhone. The oldest mil- finances are not necessarily backed by
ments are put in place to obtain monthly produc- take place after a substantial gap. This is because of the IIP. Just as the department of commerce lennials were 26—personally, I’d just facts. This in itself is a good first step. But
tion data of specified items from these establish- the time taken to release ASI data (though this has releases monthly merchandise trade data, it is graduated high school. the reality is that this mentality has no sim-
ments. The establishments and specified items are been reducing over the years) and the time it takes possible to conduct this exercise without compro- Millennials and Gen Zers keep hearing ple cure and can last a lifetime. Financial
chosen based on their importance in the base year to establish a protocol for collecting monthly data mising commercial confidentiality. how tough we have it. How hard and therapy, or hiring a well-vetted financial
manufacturing profile. In subsequent months and through 14 different source agencies (with all the The above is an example of how putting GST expensive it is to buy a home. How much planner could help. But some people might
years, the same list of establishments supplies implied bureaucratic red tape this entails). Each data to statistical use would enable a much richer it costs to raise children and secure child consider an even more radical move and
monthly production data. This method of data col- of the revisions took at least 5-6 years. The long and faster appreciation of economic change in care. How big corporations, once seen as stop paying attention to the social media
lection, which ‘freezes’ both items and establish- process of launching a new series implies that the India, which would help policymakers intervene beacons for young, ambitious people, are content that sparked their unwarranted
ments, has some inherent problems. Firstly, it does problem of non-response kicks in only after the more effectively. now slashing jobs. These headlines can anxiety in the first place. ©BLOOMBERG


The digital subversion of classical capitalism won’t last

takes-all contests, with each firm trying to This phase created an enormous amount Proponents of these developments char- angel investors and tech entrepreneurs gen-
ROHIT PRASAD achieve a critical mass of subscribers in the of private wealth, driven by sharp spikes in acterized this inflow as ‘patient capital’ that erated a fresh flow of capital for digital start-
earliest possible time. the valuation of corporations and residential did not require firms to show profits or even ups, thus creating a self-perpetuating cycle.
But social networks and e-commerce plat- property, and the mushrooming of off-shore revenues in the near term. However, while The consequence of this model of digital
forms are not the first examples of industries tax havens. Starting from 1979, while startups were given long lead times for prof- capitalism is the creation of winner-takes-all
with network externalities. The plain old tel- incomes of the top 1% in the US more than itability, the investors themselves did not markets characterized by extreme competi-

yju’s, once the darling of India’s digital ephone service also became more valuable tripled, those of the next 19% increased by have to exercise much hermetic patience. As tion and volatility. The dotcom bust of the
economy with a valuation of $22 bil- for each subscriber with every new connec- less than two times. There the liberal consensus led to 2000s and the churn experienced by com-
lion in late 2022, is attempting to raise tion. Similarly, the traditional video-tape was a remarkable differ- a relaxation of the rules put panies like Byju’s are prime examples of the
money at a valuation that’s a small fraction of industry also exhibited this property; the tri- ence even within the top Sustainable into place after the Great new nature of competition.
that today. Through its roller-coaster ride, umph of the VHS format over Betamax 0.1%, with the top 0.01% Depression to curb specu- Of course, the consumer who gets access to
one thing has remained constant: in its resulted from an earlier attainment of criti- doing far better than the digitalization lative investment, the stock a raft of digital goods and services is not com-
13-year history, it appears to never have been cal mass, not a superior technology. Why did next 0.09%. Thus, by the market boomed. The Nas- plaining. However, ordinary citizens suffer in
profitable. This is standard for internet com- the business model of telephone or video- 1990s, the US possessed a
calls for a return daq stock market index that their roles as workers or entrepreneurs. As

is a professor at MDI Gurgaon

panies. Amazon did not make profits in its
first 6 years. How have we arrived at this
cassette recorder companies never get
decoupled from earnings in the way the
small cohort of extremely
wealthy people.
to principles is based on a portfolio of
technology stocks exhib-
digital businesses take over traditional brick-
and-mortar industries like retail and educa-
and the author of ‘The Last
Dance of Rationality: Making
model of ‘digital capitalism,’ a system where
valuations are independent of firm profita-
businesses of internet companies has?
This is the story of a liberal consensus, a
These people wanted to
stay in touch with new
of capitalism ited a three-fold increase in
just 19 months spanning
tion, only firms with deep pockets can sur-
vive. As global investors set up digital firms,
Sense of an Unravelling World bility for long periods of time? phase of market-led growth which began in developments and provide under which August 1998 to March local small businesses lose out. In 2021-22,
Order’ Many would ascribe the phenomenon to the 1980s, helmed by the charismatic figures mentorship as technology 2000. There was a spate of foreign direct investment in India was 2.7% of
the internet being characterized by network of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margaret boomed with a new gener- profits matter Initial Public Offerings GDP, nearly 24% of it in computing and soft-
economies, the phenomenon of benefits to Thatcher in the UK. A rightward political ation of entrepreneurs at (IPOs) of technology com- ware services. Such developments spell good
users increasing with the addition of new shift, growth of automation and outsourcing the helm. And, of course, panies. In November 2015, news for Indians as consumers, but less so for
subscribers. For instance, a social network of jobs to China led to a weakening of the they wanted to keep multiplying their Facebook crossed $300 billion in market Indians as productive members of the econ-
such as Facebook becomes more valuable labour movement in advanced economies. wealth. Hence, vast sums of wealth were capitalization, overtaking the 123-year-old omy. Sustainable digitalization requires a
for each user with an increase in the number In parallel, multinational corporations channelled through angel networks and pri- GE after only 11 years of existence. Early- return to classical principles of capitalism
of users on account of the increasing num- (MNCs) had a dream run of 25 years, during vate equity firms to enterprises in the ‘new stage investors cashed out from these IPOs under which profits matter.
ber of people that can be reached. Therefore, which the contribution of corporate profits economy.’ This kind of wealth was not avail- if they had not already cashed out in funding Of course, in the Indian context, we also
the argument goes, competition on the increased from 7.6% to almost 10% of global able back in the days of the plain old tele- rounds (usually 3 to 4 in number) that pre- require a competitive telecom industry. But
internet must inevitably resemble winner- gross domestic product (GDP). phone service. ceded the IPO. The vast wealth accruing to that’s a story for another day.

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He who can listen to the music
in the midst of noise can Vikram
achieve great things Sarabhai


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EAR 2024 is important for In- While parsing through growth projections, we need to look cent of India’s GDP. No reliable estimates
dia—the country is headed for exist for a state’s income, as opposed to
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN general elections. In the course closer at a number of underlying factors. One of them is GSDP. This can make a difference in states
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. of 2024-29, the term of the new the heterogeneous growth among our states with substantial net out-migration. GSDP
— Ramnath Goenka government, India will cross the growth rates can be volatile. Over time, they

GDP threshold of $5 trillion and need to be smoothened out and the results
become the third largest econo- are function of the time period.

my in the world. Indeed, India will ap- Consider real GSDP growth rates for


proach a GDP of $7 trillion. This year, be- 2012-2022, where aggregate growth for In-
ing roughly half-way between 2000 and dia was 6 percent. The states fall in neat


2047, is a convenient point to take stock buckets: 10 percent plus: Mizoram; 8 per-
about the future trajectory. cent plus: Gujarat; 7 percent plus: Tripura,

By the time the new government’s term Karnataka; 6 percent plus: Haryana, Mad-
ends, the world will also be approaching hya Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, Andhra
the deadline for the Sustainable Develop- Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, Andaman &

ment Goals or SDGs. Most countries have Nicobar, Arunachal, Tamil Nadu; 5 per-
HE Defence Research and Development Organisation will slipped from those the targets, though In- cent plus: Delhi, Himachal, Chhattisgarh,
be signing a memorandum with the All India Institute of dia has slipped less than others. Growth Rajasthan, Puducherry, Uttarakhand, Ut-
Medical Sciences to prepare a unique weather-suscepti- is correlated with improvements in social BIBEK DEBROY Chairman, Economic Advisory Council tar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Chandi-
bility database. Such a database would be essential for sector indicators. In the medium term, to the Prime Minister garh, Punjab; 4 percent plus: Jammu &
designing equipment for the armed forces for deployment what growth trajectory is India on? a) Kashmir, Manipur, Maharashtra, Kerala,
5.5-6 percent; b) 6.5-7 percent; or c) 7.5-8 West Bengal, Nagaland; 3 percent plus:
in varying weather conditions. While this exercise is defence-
percent. The differences between a, b and Goa; and 2 percent plus: Meghalaya.
specific, a larger, more challenging one to map a disease predis- c blow up exponentially. Hence, to move from one growth trajec-
position profile of the entire Indian population is an urgent Any projection requires a set of as- tory to another, the performance of many
need. Such profiling would go a long way in improving health- sumptions—real growth rate, inflation, states will have to improve. This is in terms
care delivery through evolved protocols for a more effective rate of population growth, total factor pro- of growth rates. Since states vary in size,
disease management. Disease predisposition mapping would ductivity increases and the rupee-dollar all states are not equally important in con-
help in understanding which sections of the population in exchange rate. For instance, before Covid, tributing to India’s GDP. In descending or-
the Economic Survey for 2018-19 stated, der of importance, the major ones are Ma-
which regions are more prone to what diseases. As a part of the “Given 4 percent inflation, as the Mone- harashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh,
exercise, genetic studies would also reveal their likely predispo- tary Policy Framework specified by the Karnataka and Gujarat. These five states
sition to cardiovascular diseases, cancers and diabetes. government for the Reserve Bank of In- account for 47 percent of India’s GDP. Mi-
This would allow for better planning to assign and distribute dia, this requires a real annual GDP zoram, growing at 10 percent plus, has a
the health apparatus for quicker treatment protocols. Comple- growth of 8 per cent.” relatively low impact, compared to West
A more recent report by SBI Research Bengal growing at 4 percent plus.
mented by the telemedicine network—which developed after
states, “The path taken since 2014 reveals Heterogeneity among states comes
the Indian Space Research Organisation deployed the first na- that India is likely to get the tag of the 3rd across in a host of other indicators. First,
tionwide satellite-based service in 2001 to take digital health- largest economy in 2027 (or 2027-28)…. At in achieving the SDGs, there is a differ-
care to all corners of the country—one can assess the future this rate, India is likely to add $0.75 trillion ence between Kerala and Himachal at
improvement in healthcare services. While disease-specific every 2 years, implying that India is all set the top, and Jharkhand and Bihar at the
mapping among sections of the population has been done over to touch $20 trillion by 2047, at least on cur- bottom. Second, states differ in multi-di-
rent numbers. Behind this surge, India mensional poverty and the extent to
the years, a countrywide exercise to understand the degree of needs to grow at a CAGR of 8.4 percent till SOURAV ROY which there has been a decline. Third,
predisposition to communicable and non-communicable dis- 2027 (in dollar terms). This translates into the commerce ministry has a LEADS re-
eases has not been done. 11.0-11.5 percent nominal GDP growth per it in the ranks of developed economies... As about the inflation rate, which is unlikely port that measures logistics ease across
Non-communicable diseases have emerged as the leading annum (in rupee terms), which is eminent- per the most preferred scenario, India’s since the RBI has a tolerance band of 4-6 states. Fourth, the department for pro-
cause of death in India. At least 60 percent of all deaths in the ly achievable with a 6.5-7 percent growth real GDP is projected to grow in the 6-6.4 percent. They can arise from differing ex- motion of industry and internal trade
rate.” This doesn’t state the per capita in- percent range over the period 2022-23 to change rate assumptions, factoring in gauges states on their business reform
country are caused by non-communicable diseases; among them, come in 2047 directly. But with a projected 2047-48, although with a moderating dec- total productivity changes. They can action plans. Fifth, the NITI Aayog has
80 percent are caused by just four—cancer, cardiovascular dis- population of 1.7 billion in 2047, one can adal growth profile... The projected GDP in arise from differing assumptions about an export preparedness index for states.
ease, chronic pulmonary disease and diabetes. A pre-Covid sur- deduce that the per capita income would $ trillion terms shows an average annual population growth. But more often than Most exports originate in Gujarat, Ma-
vey found that inactive lifestyles and questionable diet trends be short of $12,000. growth of close to 8.4 percent over the fore- not, they arise from different projections harashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and
had rendered up to 61 percent of Indian women and about 47 In contrast, there is a study done by cast period (2022-23 to 2047-48).” about the real rate of growth. A differ- UP. In rankings, the coastal states of
Ernst and Young in March 2023, which When thinking about such projections, it ence between 6 percent and 6.5 percent Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka
percent of Indian men unhealthy. A range of diseases—both
states: “In the most preferred scenario, In- is important to bear in mind an obvious may seem to be that of a mere half a per- and Gujarat do well. But among the larg-
communicable and non-communicable—can be brought under dia is likely to cross the critical thresholds point. These terminal goals are in current centage point, but that difference blows er states, Jharkhand, Bihar and Chhat-
the scanner if people’s predisposition in various regions is pro- of $5, $10 and $20 trillion in market ex- US dollars, not constant US dollars. In con- up over time. As an economy grows, the tisgarh lag behind.
filed by taking into consideration their genetics, immunity, life- change rate terms in 2027-28, 2035-36 and stant US dollars, a goal may seem impossi- rate of growth slows over time. It only goes on to underline that India is
style, diet, water quality and exposure to air pollution. Health- 2044-45, respectively…. India’s per capita ble. In current US dollars, it is achievable. India’s growth is an aggregate of growth a Union of states. When they prosper, the
care of the people is as crucial as—if not more—the defence of income in market exchange rate terms is In principle, differences in projections delivered by its states. The combined state nation does. (Views are personal)
expected to cross $13,000 by 2044-45, putting can arise from different assumptions GDP or GSDP roughly accounts for 97 per- (
the land. The government’s vision for a Viksit Bharat cannot be
complete without it. A thorough disease predisposition scan
would be the first step towards it.

Ref: Odisha vet strike needs govt intervention
S Karnataka looks forward to Budget 2024-25—Chief Min- (Feb 14). The unavailability of doctors at
veterinary clinics in Odisha is concerning. In

ister Siddaramaiah’s record 15th budget—it can expect the
OR a society built upon the prin- the absence of medical care, 9,000 animals are
guarantee schemes to go into their second year. The guar- ciples of justice and human reported to have died and many more could
antees cost the exchequer about `60,000 crore a year and rights, the treatment of prison- die. The government should take measures
benefit approximately 1.30 crore families—at an average ers becomes a critical measure to ensure that animals are given the care
payout of `4,000 a month. Fulfilling the promise is no mean task of its commitment to these val- HASAN MOHAMMED Tamil Nadu State Public Prosecutor they need even during the strike.
and the government has been mopping up resources from all sec- ues. Like other human beings, JINNAH Sharon Junita, Bengaluru
tors. It increased the excise and stamp duties and is looking at new prisoners are also entitled to
rights, but their rights are frequently Revive KSRTC
avenues to fuel its schemes. Property tax from Bengaluru citizens infringed upon. tee dating back to 1980, such as implement- rected the formation of a committee, which Ref: Promote public transport in Kerala for
is a big source and the Bengaluru Bruhat Mahanagara Palike A recent Supreme Court intervention ing alternative sentencing like community proposed an amendment to Section 15 of the equitable mobility (Feb 14). For long, Kerala
(BBMP) has been directed to ensure that all defaulters pay up, addresses the substandard treatment of service and establishing a national prison Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 1982, recommending governments have ignored the Kerala State
along with arrears and interest. Having a tax collection target of prisoners, emphasising their entitle- policy, remain unfulfilled. the temporary release of detenus based on Road Transport Corporation or KSRTC. There
`4,412 crore for 2023-24, an increase of around 50 percent over last ment to the fundamental rights despite Budget utilisation is another area of con- humanitarian considerations. have been protests by KSRTC staff over salary.
year, BBMP began its collection drive last year. It has issued no- incarceration. Prisoners, recognised as cern. Prison authorities spend an average of Adoption of technology is also important. The buses are also in poor condition. The
humans with constitutional rights, retain `10,474 per inmate annually, covering food, Artificial intelligence start-ups employ fa- government should take steps to revive
tices for 46,318 properties since November 2023, sealed over 10,603
these entitlements even during confine- clothing, medical expenses, education and cial biometrics to conduct tests on Indian the service and increase its frequency at a
shops and commercial establishments in the past six months, fro- ment, as established in State of Andhra welfare. Despite a budget of `6,818 crore, faces. The integration of this biometric iden- time when the number of private
zen bank accounts and is now impounding defaulters’ vehicles. Pradesh vs Challa Ramkrishna Reddy. only `5,958 crore was spent in 2019-20 on tification system with criminal justice de- vehicles is booming.
The drive has run into controversy, with citizens rushing to The Supreme Court has underscored that partments aims to enhance efficiency and V K S Krishnan, Kumbakonam
the high court to protest against the tax demand notices and stop the prisoners, whether convicts, undertri- coordination. The Supreme Court is setting
als, or detainees, maintain their human- up an integrated criminal justice system that Transport plan
drastic measures, complaining that the tax tabulations are ‘un-
ity and constitutional rights, including will link the police, courts, and prisons on Ref: Promote public transport in Kerala for
scientific’ and high. The court has provided temporary relief, the right to life, throughout their incar- one platform to facilitate real-time informa- equitable mobility (Feb 14). The number
ordering BBMP to de-seal properties and conduct a fresh inspec- ceration. The prison system in India faces tion exchange, including FASTER (Fast and of private vehicles on Kerala’s roads is
tion. The opposition BJP has seized the moment and warned of multiple hindrances in ensuring these Secure Transmission of Electronic Records), high, leading to traffic snarls that eat into
a protest across Bengaluru if BBMP fails to stop harassment of rights are not infringed upon. a new electronic system to transfer e-authen- productive working hours. There is also the
citizens. Under pressure, the government is mulling reducing One of the issues is overcrowding. Prison ticated copies of bail orders to prisons to en- issue of pollution. The state government
must improve public transport services and

congestion, notably among undertrials, is a able faster release of undertrials.

penalties and giving citizens more time to pay up. Such a tax significant issue in India. Data from 2021 The Madras High Court has implemented create awareness among the public regarding
drive was much needed for the city: many citizens undervalue shows a 9.5 percent drop in the number of India’s prisons are overcrowded an E-Bail Module to expedite the bail process the benefits of using it.
their properties, paying lower taxes by registering their proper- convicts housed in prisons, but a substantial and understaffed. Ensuring from the application stage. The Indian gov- Dharmarajan A K, Thalassery
ties as residential units, but renting them for commercial use; 45.8 percent rise in the number of undertri- ernment is also working to enhance the cohe-
als from 2016 to 2021. This is a cause for con- prisoners’ rights and providing sion of the criminal justice system through Farm politics
and they still expect world-class infrastructure.
cern. President Draupadi Murmu stressed them with a transformational the implementation of e-prison initiatives The Congress is backing the ‘Delhi Chalo’
In its first year in office, the government has implemented its
during her National Law Day address that environment would require the under the Model Prison Act of 2023. march by farmer unions to gain votes.
guarantee schemes with success, but has little to show by way building more prisons isn’t a sustainable so- Healthcare is another area where the use If they are concerned about the plight of
smart use of technology and
of development, which is suffering due to lack of funds. Already lution. The Chief Justice of India also pro- of technology can significantly enhance the farmers, they should implement measures
handicapped with a central tourniquet on its fund flow, the Sid- posed a one-time prisoner release for decon- full use of the allocated budgets well-being of the incarcerated. Implement- that support farmers in the states where
daramaiah government cannot afford to ignore development at gestion and urged collaborative efforts ing video-based telehealth consultations can they are in power. The three farm laws that
the cost of populist schemes, nor can it go back on its guaran- between the judiciary, government, and law prison services, leading to shortages of med- streamline healthcare services, cutting costs were repealed in 2021 would have brought
enforcement to reduce court backlogs and ical staff, particularly mental health profes- by eliminating the requirement of a large enormous benefits to the farmers.
tees. As a new fiscal year begins, it must look at plugging reve- adjournment practices. sionals. This underuse underscores the medical workforce while providing real- K R Venkata Narasimhan, Madurai
nue leaks, weeding out fake beneficiaries and reclaiming gov- While fast-track courts aim to expedite pressing need for reforms. Kerala, Tamil time diagnoses by trained professionals.
ernment properties to bulk up its kitty and keep its boat afloat. proceedings, addressing the prevalent ad- Nadu, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh have shown AI can be used to monitor inmates. For Soften stance
journment culture is vital for enhancing a comparatively greater investment in pris- example, the Uttar Pradesh Police uses Unfortunately, the police in BJP-ruled Haryana
efficiency of the criminal justice system. To oners’ welfare. This commitment has led to JARVIS (Joint AI Research for Video In- used tear gas and water cannons on protesting
Q U I C K TA K E address the issue of overcrowding among the vocational training of inmates, resulting stances and Streams), an AI-powered audio farmers. With opposition unity in tatters, the
undertrials, another solution is the provi- in the production of goods to be sold in the and video analytics platform, for monitor- BJP is confident of keeping power. However,
PROMOTE RESISTANT SEEDS sion of anticipatory bail.
Another significant challenge is the short-
market. Tamil Nadu has reported the high-
est sales of goods made by inmates.
ing inmates. AI-based video analysis also
streamlines parole processes by analysing
such a brutal crackdown was unwarranted.
The government should soften its stance and

age of prison staff. Despite a sanctioned Furlough for prisoners aims to strengthen prisoner conduct, potentially reducing over- pursue another round of talks with farmers.
ETEOROLOGISTS have spelt out the trouble in store for staff strength of around 91,181, the current family bonds and mitigate the negative im- crowding. Electronic ankle tags can further K S Sundaram, Coimbatore
Indian farmers this year. El Niño, the disruptive weather strength stands around 63,578. This shortfall pacts of long-term incarceration. Despite the help monitor prisoner movements.
formation that brought us a warmer 2023, is expected to complicates the task of effective manage- absence of specific provisions in the Prisons Correctional facilities must ensure the Sorting seats
continue till June 2024. This is likely to put India’s wheat crop ment, often resulting in the neglect of cru- Act of 1894, Section 59 of the Act empowers growth and transformation of the prisoners Ref: Just one seat, Cong doesn’t even deserve
in peril. Many institutes under the Indian Council of Agricul- cial aspects like the mental health of prison- states to formulate rules for parole and re- so that they can reintegrate smoothly into it in Delhi: AAP (Feb 14). The INDIA bloc’s
tural Research, including the Institute of Wheat and Barley ers and ensuring that they are housed under wards for good behaviour. However, superin- the society once released. Providing ample unity has suffered yet another jolt with the
humane conditions. The deaths of 1,995 pris- tendents often fail to grant emergency leaves educational opportunities—as shown by Aam Aadmi Party offering just one seat to
Research at Karnal, have been producing seeds that can with- the Congress in Delhi. With only a couple of
oners in judicial custody during 2022, with for significant life events. The case of Me- Tamil Nadu, where elementary and higher
stand weather’s vagaries. But their use has been patchy. It is time 159 attributed to unnatural causes, high- hraj vs the State of Tamil Nadu deliberated education is offered to of inmates—is essen- months left for the Lok Sabha elections, the
for a nationwide exercise to promote the seeds of the future. Our lights the need to increase the manpower. on the provision of granting leave for emer- tial for preparing them for a successful reen- Congress has its back against the wall.
food security depends on it. Recommendations of the Mulla Commit- gencies and conjugal rights. The court di- try into society. (Views are personal) S Sankaranarayanan, Chennai


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Telangana) : T Kalyan Chakravarthy* Printed and Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., at H.No.6-3-1113/1, B.S.Makta Lane, Somajiguda, Near Grand Kakatiya Hotel, Punjagutta, Hyderabad – 500 016 and printed by him at Sakshi Press, Plot No.D-75 & E-52, Industrial Estate (APIE),
Balanagar, Medchal-Malkajgiri District, Telangana. Hyderabad: Vol. 48, No. 39. RNI Reg. No. 32179/77. Phone: 040-23413908. * Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.

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      #        )  he Uniform Civil

 *+$,             Code (UCC), in the
       ,-   $%       news again now after
"           $.     & the Uttarakhand gov-
               $ ernment passed a bill
in the assembly for enacting a
/012      #    $       & law, must be looked at as a
  ,-       $        ) reform of women’s laws.
      $,    Regrettably, everyone comment-
#  !"    &   & ing on it appears to treat it as a
Hindu-Muslim issue. A few
 3   *#  4  5  experts have gone so far as to
 $6  *   (   *# imply that the UCC is an attempt
  7      $    to impose Hindu law on
  3  8 *#      & Muslims, who have long adhered
only to the Sharia law. Muslim
    ,-)     scholars in India often brag that
  96       4      Prophet Mohammad thought
               of the welfare of women before
          $ Hindu rishis and Christian
popes. He gave women proper-
% 5        & ty rights, which the adherents of
           & other religions did not until
   $:         much later.
    $6           This claim isn’t wrong; Hindu
women obtained the right to
,-   &           $'   inherit property as late as 1955
  *#           when the Hindu Code Bill was
          $6   !"  passed. That doesn’t mean a paradise for men, even if there was no need for the hus- for reunification, it is the wife
      ; 4         polygamy should persist into women have to suffer fear like band to pay any alimony. who has to suffer the humil-
the 21st century. Muslim apolo- in hell. The Prophet had been Shah Bano was a victim of this iating punishment of sleeping
                     & gists often argue by asking how a genius in psychology; he flaw. with an alien man. What
      <  $       4   many Muslims have more than attracted the man in what has A minimum age of 18 for the could have been the justifica-
          $6   ,-       & one wife. That is not as relevant been a man’s world for cen- girl before nikah has been tion while drafting the Sharia?
             "     & as the man having the legal turies. It is this genius that has proposed in the bill recently When it comes to distributing
right to marry and divorce as assured the continuous spread passed by the Uttarakhand property or any other assets,
      4          many times as he wishes. It is this of Islam. It is only during the assembly. Otherwise, the cri- boys and girls were treated as
       $%         4       threat rather than the existing last few decades that the faith terion has been puberty, separate categories. Girls
         $        reality. Even if this threat does has started facing resistance. which could be 8, 9 or 10 jointly got half of what the
                  not materialize into reality more Until then, Islam brought years. How very young an age boys got. It is altogether a tale
than once in a thousand mar- wonders to its men, even if its ' ()  +- to marry off a girl! The ques- told by a senior cleric who had
             $6   4   riages, its existence is like a womenfolk have had to sur- tion of education or vocation- a punch of venom against the
010 -2-+-36
             8    Damocles’ sword on the heads of
innumerable wives, all their
married lives. The fear under
which many wives spend most of
vive in an atmosphere of ten-
sion and fear.
It is not only that divorcing a
wife has been an easy matter
'+ 7+ 0#1-(
1 +-(  +-
al career did not arise. On top
of this was the Damocles’
sword hanging on the girl’s
head. What wrong had the
female gender. Why? Only the
early history of Islam can tell
us about the sociological cir-
cumstances that prevailed,
! their lives is tantamount to cru-
elty, and a punishment to inno-
for a husband. For the wife
seeking a similar separation,
-2( +6 womanhood of Islam done to
deserve such a potential fate?
which justified such discrim-
ination against the women-
cent women who have commit- she has the difficult option of +-3-'0((--" One cannot also forget nikah folk.
ted no crime. In contrast, a khula, which is long, bother- halala, which is more unfor- A man once came to Prophet
Pakistani woman is at peace some and expensive. On the 23 +-+0 (" tunate than any of the other Mohammad to seek his advice
until her husband actually asks other hand, the man’s privi- #1(1 humiliations. If after divorce, as to whether he should
for a divorce, which has to be lege was expensive. By mere- the same spouse decides to marry a woman of status and
sanctioned by the district mag- ly pronouncing the word  (10++ remarry, there is an extraor- great beauty. The Prophet
istrate; no divorce is valid with- ‘talaq’ (divorce) three times dinary procedure. The explicitly forbade him, saying:
out magisterial approval. over less than three months, ('08 7  woman has to first marry “Marry only those women
A Hindu friend of a Muslim he could literally throw his 2 + 02' another man and this mar- who are loving and prolific,
would possibly sympathize with wife out of the gate, with all riage has to be consummated. for I wish you to outnumber
the protest against a uniform civil her children. And the women Thereafter, they must divorce. all other peoples through
code provided he had witnessed were mostly untrained for Only after that, the woman them” (Kitab Al-Nikah; No.
any Islamic bigwigs reform or any special vocation. What can remarry her first husband. 2045).
modernize Muslim laws in India. could they do to feed them- The word “halala” stands for (The writer is a well-known
But there has been no attempt to selves and their children? making something halal or columnist, an author and a
do so. The clerics have preferred Owing to the system of legitimate. Divorce is mostly former member of the Rajya
taqlid (orthodoxy) to ijtihad meher, which is payment by at the husband’s initiative, as Sabha. The views expressed
(reinterpretation). Life must be the man at the time of nikah, we have seen above, and yet, are personal)

! &     )      *  + /0 & 1    +23  
Sir — Winning and losing is part of the =_^[UiVUfUb^UUTcQddU^dY_^
"   game but the way one loses is something
that matters. How our U19 cricket team lost
the finals to Australia after playing so won-
 : 6 %! Q[[ % %\
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#   derfully and formidably throughout the   %%$  $$$
tournament, is something that needs to be %! % % $$9!$%$:6%!$9\
%#$  !: % $$$
studied and analysed seriously so that such
   debacles do not happen in future. The U19 +&! 9 !$=%!&:$ % $\
  /    team has very talented and energetic %$ 2"%! %%% \
&$%$ %!%! $%$ %%    
players like Uday Saharan, Adarsh Singh,
   ).     Sachin Dhas, Musheer Khan, Saumy 0!9 &&   %  6:%%!%$
Kumar Pandey, Raj Limbani Naman !:%9 & $% %! 6=\
cience has been domi- and rules to protect women in or status, every Indian woman Tiwari and many others who have a very $  % :&& :%%!= !\

S nated by the male gender

since its origin. Even the
image of a scientist is always
the workforce, many
instances of female research
scholars being exploited sex-
in science can update their
details in their portal. The
various Sections in the portal
bright future. Still, despite having such a
strong team to lose the finals is a matter
of concern. It is high time the players

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$%6=%!$ %!$9&%!=
$6 %!$  $9%%%$\
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depicted in the male gender ually and mentally go unno- include Icons - Awardees & understand that the game of cricket is also &    %    %! $%  : %2"\9: 9: $$%\
in media. The disparity is ticed. Most of the successful Directors, Secretaries a game to be played with the mind. The  $ :  0!9 &&  $%%   $ $ %$ %%9%!&$$:\
even evident in the way our women scientists we see today Academy Presidents; Faculty; more brilliantly the brain works and the  # % %& %! % $  $ :%9 $!% &$6 $% $%\
media covers the achieve- are those who have come out Research fellows- Postdocs, more the patience shown the team can taste %! $%%$   %! $% %6 $  %=  :%9 : 9  %6  & 
ments of male and female sci- campus IIT Zanzibar, of this glass ceiling. JRFs, SRFs, Technical Staff; success. It is high time that the BCCI focus " :62"! $%=%! %!9$
entists. In spite of this public through Prof. Preeti In order to promote science Students-PhD Scholars, on mind games and imparts mental train- & $ % = $ $!   &$  Ganapathi Bhat | Akola
shaming, many notable Aghalayam. and bring down the gender Research Interns, Graduates, ing for the players with mental techniques
female scientists have made According to recent statistics, gap, we need to connect with Pos t g r a du ate s , so that mind-boosting can result in desired
their mark in the history of India has a total of 56,747 these unfortunate groups and Undergraduates; WiS success. tiable, fuels perpetual desires. Instead of close to Paris and having a population of
science from 1900 BCE to the female researchers, which is develop policy guidelines to Entrepreneurs, Startups, M Pradyu | Kannur cherishing contentment, the less privileged about 2,000, voted, with 54 per cent of them
present day. 16.6 per cent of the total support them. It is at this Business & Science succumb to incessant spending, enriching voting in favour of the new anti-tech mea-
While many male scientists researchers in the country. juncture we need to appreci- Administrators; STEMM 9=@13D?63?>CE=5B9C= advertisers' coffers. sures. Now villagers in Seine-Porte will no
made it to the history of This is very low compared to ate the effort of National background professionals in Sir — The simplicity of yesteryears has Valentine’s Day, a modern mass brainwash- longer be able to publicly scroll on their
Indian science, very few advanced countries. The gov- Science Academies’ (INSA, alternate careers like science yielded place to gross consumerism due to ing scheme, reduces the profound emotion smartphones as part of the mobile crack-
female scientists can be ernment of India has imple- IASc and NASI) in coming journalism. “liberalisation” and “globalisation” which of love to materialistic gestures—lavish down.
observed on the long list, and mented women-specific out with SWATI, or Science It can facilitate connections have brought a drastic change in the gifts, restaurant dinners, and public displays The new rules ban everyone within the vil-
that, too, is due to the initia- schemes to provide opportu- For Women: A Technology & between women in different lifestyle of the society. Individuals, who of affection. Succumbing to this market- lage limits from walking and scrolling at
tives by the government in nities to women scientists Innovation Portal. The Portal stages of their careers, provide were careerists and earned high degrees driven frenzy, people measure love by con- the same time, as well as browsing while
recent times. The premier sci- like the Women Scientists is a complete interactive data- mentorship opportunities, have got flooded with new money. Almost sumerist standards. The merchants of love eating in restaurants, cafes, and shops and
entific organisation CSIR, Scheme-A (WOS-A), base and the first of its kind and offer resources for profes- the whole erstwhile middle class has been profit, turning a heartfelt connection into sitting on benches in local parks. Also
which leads 38 national insti- Consolidation of University in India, which is developed, sional development. By high- promoted to the status of rich. Costly cars, a tragic display of commercialism. applicable to parents waiting outside of
tutions, had to wait more than Research through Innovation hosted and maintained by the lighting the accomplishments high-end villas, air travel, foreign tours -- Kajal Chatterjee | Kolkata schools. If not today then tomorrow the
75 years after independence and Excellence in Women National Institute of Plant of women in science, it can - all norms of luxury have been easily acces- whole world will have to be saved from the
to get a female Director Universities (CURIE) pro- Genome Research (NIPGR), help challenge gender biases sible to the “successful” lot. In contrast, life C=1BD@8?>514493D9?> addiction to smartphones. Because due to
General till Dr N Kalaiselvi gramme and the Gender New Delhi, under the leader- and stereotypes. The database has become a hell for those who have Sir — This had to happen. If not today or this people are becoming sick mentally. The
took charge in 2022. Advancement for ship of leading women scien- will act as a repository for missed the bus of "liberalisation". Despite tomorrow, like in the village of Seine-et- era of interaction and conversation
Unfortunately, ICAR, which Transforming Institutions tist of the country, Dr. Subhra future researchers and inspire a lack of resources, they will have to splurge Marne in France, public use of smart- between people is coming to an end.
heads 113 research institu- (GATI). Even after providing Chakraborty, Director, young females to take up money on luxurious items on the demand phones will have to be banned in every vil- Anyone you see sitting in a bus, train or
tions, hasn’t found a female various schemes for promot- NIPGR, New Delhi. The por- challenging roles in science. of disgruntled family members. Right lage, town, locality, city and district of the park is either watching a video with full
Director General to date. ing women in science, very tal is open to the public, and (The writer is an adjunct from newspapers to TV to hoardings — world. Mobile addiction is slowly making sound or making a video for social media.
Similar is the case with IITs, few stick to the scientific every female researcher can faculty at the National it is a call for enjoying luxuries all the way. not only children but adults but also the Jang Bahadur Singh | Jamshedpur
which found its first female profession in the long run. join through the link Institute of Advanced Vested interests redefine luxuries as "neces- elderly victims of its addiction. Just like the
director in 2023, and that too It is very unfortunate that Studies, Bangalore, views are sities," ensnaring even the financially lim- intoxication of alcohol makes us addicted    ' (
only in the new overseas even after having schemes Irrespective of their position personal) ited. Consumerism, boundless and insa- to it. About 277 of these villagers, located !

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een in the backdrop of 250 million getting their eligible quota (120 mil- comes to around 270 million. But, through a network of fair price

   $:   &  A)  
   $ persons coming out of poverty dur- lion AAY beneficiaries: 7 kg a the government hasn’t done any- shops (FPSs) spread all over the
ing the last nine-and-a-half years of month; 700 million non-AAY ben- thing to exclude them. country.
incumbent government (as per a eficiaries: 5 kg per beneficiary a Sadly, a large number of poor do not When over 60 million tons of food
recent report released by Niti month) under NFSA for free. This have access to free food. The pre- grains (quantity distributed through
Aayog), Prime Minister Narendra Modi has will continue till 2028. sent list of beneficiaries is based on the FPSs) are available in the sup-
faced flak from the opposition parties for The 820 million beneficiaries the 2011 Census even as the 2021 ply chain with zero price tag (prior
his decision to continue with supply of free include 250 million who have come Census hasn’t been done yet. If one to January 2023 also the price was
ration under the Pradhan Mantri Garib
Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) scheme
for five years (it was announced by Modi
during a poll rally in Chhattisgarh late last
year). They question the logic of supplying
out of poverty. The Prime Minister
doesn’t want to exclude them. He
bases it on the premise that ‘some-
thing could go wrong in the future’
pushing them into poverty and
were to go by the Supreme Court
directive to take into account the
population during 2021 instead of
the present coverage, the govern-
ment would have to give free food
ridiculously low at Rs 2/3/1 per kg)
it is an open invitation to dubious
operators to siphon off and sell in
the open market raking in a
moolah. The PDS scam in West
free food even to those who have crossed therefore, need continued support. to 100 million more persons. Bengal involving diversion includ-
the poverty line. Modi has taken strong This will be tantamount to extend- Doing a back-of-the-envelope cal- ing smuggling to neighbouring
exception to it. ing the benefit perpetually as a day culation, giving free food to a mil- countries of subsidized or free
"  9*  $<      $ While replying to the debate on the Motion 3 ( will never come when the govern- lion persons increases food subsidy food grains meant for NFSA ben-
6      $6            of Thanks to the President’s address in the ment would think otherwise. by Rs 200 crore per annum. Adding eficiaries worth tens of thousands
   $       )     $6
just concluded budget session of the 8-'" - Analyzing the factors contributing 100 million to the beneficiaries list crore currently under investigation
Parliament, he opined that one can’t rule out to 250 million persons coming out will entail an additional subsidy bur- by the central agencies provides a
            & the possibility of such persons slipping back -^7"- +- of poverty, the Niti Aayog has den of Rs 20,000 crore annually. A classic example.
      $4 <        & into poverty and leaving them in the lurch opined that the supply of subsi- rational move would be to exclude This mechanism also enables the
 .   $%     7  G   $< by denying access to food (albeit free) in
("-0-38 () dized/free food under the NFSA the undeserving beneficiaries to government to use state agencies to
     .    $%       such a scenario could have devastating con- -(-2 7 3 -0  was a major factor. In other words, make way for those who are wait- extend price support to farmers.
   $           & sequences for their ability to meet both ends the former is largely predicated on ing in the queue so that subsidy is Under an ‘open-ended’ procure-
  $H        $%      $ meet. Hence, he asserted, there was a dire -'123 continuing with the latter. And, the kept in check. But, in view of the ment system, it buys from farmers
need for retaining them in the beneficia- +0-'+3- moment the supply of free food is stance taken by Modi, this is high- unlimited quantities - far in excess
,  <              ries’ list. The argument suffers from infir- withdrawn, these persons will auto- ly unlikely. of the requirement under NFSA -
  $1C$1C mities. ' () ( +- matically slip into poverty. Is this There is also a lingering question of at MSP. This leads to burgeoning
6                   At the outset, let us look at some facts. Prior what Modi was alluding to in the what the beneficiaries should pay. stocks with the agencies, high car-
    $.         to April 2020, the Union government was _--0 + Parliament? The NFSA legislation enacted in rying costs, ballooning food subsidy
 $<           & giving food mainly wheat/rice/coarse cere- 0 0 "1 0-# Another scenario could be: that a 2013 required them to pay Rs 2/3/1 bills and hassles of defending our
  <)   $%       als at a heavily subsidized price of Rs 2/3/1 certain number say ‘X’ have gen- per kg for wheat/rice/coarse cereals. subsidies at the WTO.
  $6            $6  &
per kg to around 820 million beneficiaries (7+-7   ( uinely come out of poverty; that It froze these rates for three years. The Centre should go for a complete
covered under the National Food Security their income is now adequate to Since 2016, there has been no legal overhaul of its food subsidy pro-
)              <)& Act (NFSA). There were two types of ben- 8 -'2 +- enable them to buy their food bar on increasing the price. Yet, not gram under NFSA. It should
  $6                & eficiaries. needs at market-determined high- only the price hasn’t been increased, exclude from the beneficiaries list
   <)    $ $  <#   As part of the Antyodaya Anna Yojana
0 (7- -( 1 er prices; hence they no longer need but Modi - the government has those who are better off. It can
  $6           $%  (AAY), the poorest of the poor households " 6 + 0 0 free supplies under NFSA. In such reduced it to zero. Are these mam- update the list at regular intervals to
    <        & (HH) got 35 kg of food grains per HH each cases, the government must not moth persons (read: 820 million) so adjust for their changing income
$-             $:  month or 7 kg per person per month tak- + )+1( -1 retain them in the beneficiaries list poor that they can’t pay even a frac- status (this should take care of
ing 5 members per HH. There being 24 mil- merely on the presumption that tion of the cost of making it avail- Modi’s concern in relevant cases). To
<      $    & lion AAY HHs, persons getting 7 kg a ‘something could go wrong’. able (in the case of wheat at Rs 2 per address other major problems of
  7 $     $%     & month were 120 million (24x5). The rest There are millions of undeserving kg, it was 1/15th)? misuse, storage, high cost and so on,
              700 million people got five kg a month. In beneficiaries under the NFSA. This There are concerns over the man- it should disband the existing sys-
 $6      9!      addition to this, from April 2020 – was recognized way back in 2015 by ner of administering the food sub- tem of purchase, handling and dis-
 8@6   G $B%      $* December 2022, each of the 820 million the Shanta Kumar Committee sidy scheme. Under the existing tribution by the state agencies;
  8@6     G   $B& & beneficiaries got 5 kg per month for free which had recommended that the mechanism, the Union govern- instead, transfer the subsidy to the
   7            $  9.   under the PMGKAY to mitigate the hard- people eligible for subsidized food ment directs the Food Corporation beneficiary’s account using the DBT
ship inflicted by the Corona – pandemic. under NFSA shouldn’t be more than of India (FCI) and other state agen- (direct benefit transfer) mecha-
       <       & $  From January 2023, even as the addition- 40 per cent of the population cies to procure food from the farm- nism.
     $ al 5 kg for free under the PMGKAY has against the extant coverage of 59 per ers at MSP and organize its free dis- (The writer is a policy analyst,
7KHZULWHULVDVSLULWXDOWHDFKHUYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO been withdrawn, all 820 million persons are cent. The excess of 19 per cent tribution to the beneficiaries views are personal)

)0 $    

n the serene village of would not only empower Government announced a places a strong focus on elec- through an integrated climate change initiatives. reinforces the country's com-

I Gauripur, whispers of
change floated in the air.
Priya arrived with news that
households but also con-
tribute to significant savings,
estimated at Rs 18,000 annu-
phased blending of com-
pressed biogas (CBG) in
compressed natural gas
tric mobility, with plans to
expand and strengthen the
electric vehicle (EV) ecosys-
approach, this initiative
underscores India's commit-
ment to holistic environmen-
Advocacy for Green
Budgeting as the third pillar
of issue-based budgeting
mitment to a cleaner, green-
er future. In conclusion,
India's Interim Budget 2024
the sun was set to become the ally, by selling surplus solar (CNG) for transportation and tem. The large-scale rollout of tal management. processes is emphasised to emerges as a landmark in the
villagers' steadfast compan- electricity to distribution natural gas (PNG) for domes- e-buses, supported by pay- Finally, while controversial, ensure the alignment of nation's quest for a net-zero
ion. The Interim Budget 2024 companies. The Council on tic purposes. In this respect, ment security mechanisms, is the budget also allocates financial allocations with economy.
promised to solarise rooftops, Energy, Environment, and a new scheme for bio-manu- set to decarbonise the mobil- resources to set up a coal gasi- environmental goals. With a holistic approach
bringing free electricity to Water (CEEW) suggests that facturing and bio-foundry ity sector and position India fication and liquefaction Moody's Investors Service encompassing solar energy,
every home. The village, once '#  this effort could support the aims to promote eco-friend- as a potential hub for EV capacity of 100 million met- has also praised the interim offshore wind potential, sus-
accustomed to dimly lit installation of 20-25 gigawatts ly alternatives. The govern- manufacturing. The ric tons by 2030. This move budget for its fiscal restraint tainable transportation, and
evenings, now stood at the budget emphasises solar ener- of rooftop solar capacity. ment further aims to announcement of a signifi- aims to reduce imports of and commitment to fiscal environmental conservation,
threshold of a solar sympho- gy adoption, offshore wind With India standing fourth strengthen the electric vehi- cant INR 1 lakh crore corpus natural gas, methanol, and consolidation goals. The the budget lays the founda-
ny that would illuminate lives potential, and other sustain- globally in renewable energy cle ecosystem by supporting is expected to attract private ammonia, providing India rooftop solar scheme, off- tion for a resilient and envi-
and usher in a sustainable able practices, marking a sig- installed capacity, this move manufacturing and charging investment in clean energy with energy security amid shore wind energy projects, ronmentally responsible
dawn. nificant milestone in India's is poised to leverage the infrastructure, thereby innovation and research. global shifts towards cleaner and emphasis on electric future. The initiatives out-
In a groundbreaking move journey towards a greener country's extensive coastline encouraging the adoption of Moreover, introducing the energy sources. mobility position India as a lined are not only crucial for
towards a net-zero carbon future. One of the flagship of about 7,600 km, especial- e-buses in public transport Blue Economy 2.0 scheme, In this respect, while applaud- key player in sustainable mitigating climate change
economy by 2070, Indian announcements involves the ly off the coasts of Gujarat networks. This strategic move the budget focuses on cli- ing the budget's green initia- development. but also position India as a
Finance Minister Nirmala solarisation of rooftops for and Tamil Nadu, where an aligns with India's commit- mate-resilient activities and tives, experts urge an increase The global recognition of leader in the global transition
Sitharaman unveiled key ini- ten million households, aim- estimated 70 gigawatts of off- ment to achieving 50% sustainable development in in allocation to the Ministry India's achievements in towards sustainable develop-
tiatives during the Interim ing to provide up to 300 shore wind potential has been cumulative electric power coastal areas. Prioritising of Environment, Forests, and renewable energy capacity, ment.
Budget 2024, outlining a units of free electricity each identified. Similarly, to installed capacity from non- restoration, adaptation mea- Climate Change (MOEFCC) as highlighted by the (The writer is the founder of
comprehensive strategy to month. The Finance Minister address emissions from the fossil fuel-based sources by sures, and expanding coastal to reflect the expanding man- International Renewable Earthood views
combat climate change. The highlighted that this initiative transport sector, the 2030. The budget therefore aquaculture and mariculture date for environmental and Energy Agency's statistics, are personal)

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