Speech About Jeepney Phase Out

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Speech about Jeepney Phase Out

Good afternoon 9-Maasahan and Ma'am Althea P. Rivera I'm Laureign Miguel C. Larga, here to provide
information about Jeepney phase out, exploring its impact on communities, livelihoods, and the future of
Filipino transportation.

REFERENCE 1 - mb News
As you have heard The Jeepney Phase-out is a major overhaul of how PUV franchises are granted and routes
are organized. The Jeepney Phaseout is just a small step in a larger plan called PUV Modernization, Jeepney
operators were given until the end of 2023 to join a cooperative, which will have two to three years to replace
their fleet with modern vehicles that are safer and less polluting, This leads me to my second point.

REFERENCE 2 - Philstar
Most jeepney drivers were affected, therefore in response, they did a loud protest in MANILA, Philippines —
Philippine jeepney drivers staged a noisy protest in the capital Manila on Tuesday over the government's plan
to phase out the smoke-belching vehicles nationwide and replace them with modern mini-buses. Many
jeepney drivers can’t afford the modernized jeepney since it costs 2.8 million.

REFERENCE 3 - Asianekkei
It does not take a genius to recognize that the existing system is not operating as efficiently as it should. Our
roadways are used by a diverse range of public transportation vehicles, many of which overlap in terms of
route, franchise, and service. Multicabs, which function as mini-jeepneys and transport large numbers of
passengers over short distances, are at the bottom of the scale. Then there are jeepneys that service a range
of routes.
throughout the country, whether from the most remote settlements to the nearest town or from metropolis
to city. UV Express vans, which began as point-to-point transportation services, have begun to operate like
jeepneys, occasionally picking up people on the way. Higher up are the minibuses which large buses connect
cities and, on longer trips, can traverse bodies of water.

In conclusion, the Information surrounding the Jeepney Phase-out and PUV Modernization in the Philippines is
complex and multifaceted. While the initiative aims to improve safety and reduce pollution, many jeepney
drivers and operators are facing challenges in affording the transition to modernized vehicles, leading to
protests and concerns about deepening poverty among affected communities. Despite government promises
of financial assistance, there’s still skepticism about the accessibility of support for small operators and
drivers. The issue underscores broader socioeconomic disparities and the need for inclusive policies that
consider the livelihoods of all stakeholders involved. Balancing modernization with equitable outcomes will
require ongoing dialogue and collaborative efforts between the government, transport groups, and affected
communities to address concerns and ensure a smoother transition.

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