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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, requiring a significant amount of time, effort, and dedication.

It involves conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and presenting findings in a clear and
coherent manner. Many students struggle with the complexities of writing a thesis, as it requires a
high level of academic writing skills and critical thinking.

One of the key differences between an argumentative essay and a research paper is the scope and
depth of research required. While both types of writing require you to present a thesis statement and
support it with evidence, a research paper typically requires more extensive research and a deeper
analysis of the topic.

In an argumentative essay, the main goal is to persuade the reader to agree with your point of view or
argument. You will present evidence and examples to support your thesis statement, but the focus is
more on convincing the reader of your position rather than presenting new research findings.

On the other hand, a research paper is a more comprehensive and in-depth exploration of a topic. It
requires you to conduct original research, gather data, and analyze findings to answer a specific
research question. A research paper often involves reviewing existing literature, conducting
experiments or surveys, and presenting your findings in a detailed and scholarly manner.

In conclusion, while both argumentative essays and research papers require you to present a thesis
and support it with evidence, the scope and depth of research required are key differences between
the two. Writing a thesis can be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, you can
successfully navigate the process and produce a high-quality paper. If you need assistance with
writing your thesis, consider ordering from ⇒ ⇔. They offer professional writing
services and can help you with all aspects of your thesis writing process.
The first reason is that you’re gazing at a blank screen and don’t know where to begin. Do anti-
discrimination laws reinforce discrimination. Is it wise to replace soldiers with machines and
artificial intelligence on battlefields. How can the emotional support of animals help in treating
mental problems? Significance of microchipping the pets. A good argumentative essay is one that
presents a well-reasoned and logical argument. If you are having a hard time figuring out how to
write an argumentative essay, we are here to lay down the basics and help you out with this struggle.
1. Understand the Format The very first thing that you need to ensure that you end up with a good
argumentative essay is making sure that you have a good understanding of how you will format the
essay. Try It Today. The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to
investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a
concise manner. An Argumentative Essay Template can help provide you with the framework you
need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust essay on hand. By participating in sports,
can children be kept out of trouble. This part must leave the most instant impact on the reader’s
mind so it should be effective and logical. An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument
for a particular thesis statement.The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds
up an evidence-based case for it. Argumentative Essay Planning Sheet Details
File Format PDF Size: 39 KB Download 9. Do standardized tests accurately measure academic
achievement. You should always make sure that you restate these main points and relate these to the
pieces of evidence that you have gathered. Write those down as you come across them, then think
about each for a few minutes. If a writer is making an assertion, they must provide evidence to back
it up. Argumentative Essay Topics Technology Are cell phones harmful to the human race. The use
of pronouns and synonyms avoids unnecessary repetition. It could be as basic or as in-depth as you
want, but an outline helps you get the blueprint of your entire essay onto paper while helping you
flesh out your inklings into ideas. Therefore, exclude any references older than 5-10 years whenever
possible. Argumentative research paper: Toxic Chemicals at Home Usually, people will refuse to have
an exterminator spray around their home to avoid harm chemicals around their loved ones, especially
children. Book(Hoot) it makes you happy it's funny it Teach you about friends. Grade. But it’s
challenging finding topics that both excite you and have a lot of research you can analyze. That can
range from a fairly basic five-paragraph essay to a multi-page dissertation. Find references from the
book to support your thesis or assertion. The Prompt. The Giver by Lois Lowry. Are test scores the
only way to judge the competency of a student. The two types of writing styles are fairly similar but
one difference that they do have is the fact that when it comes to argumentative writing, the pre-
writing processes, and the research that is involved is way more extensive. Determine which diet is
the most effective for a certain group of people (children or teens, adults, people with high
cholesterol etc.) The more specific you are in the group of people you select the higher the quality of
your argument. Tourist tax is mandatory to save cultural heritage. You could also look at issues to
help deal with mental illness etc.
Unique Argumentative Essay Topics Looking for some general argumentative essay topic ideas. Is
Barack Obama the first American president who made history. Here is a list of topics and tips to
help you decide on the perfect topic for your argumentative paper. Should teachers be allowed to
physically discipline their students. What are the pros and cons of making friends virtually.
Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students Is the current taxation system effective or not.
How to bring change in the education system of the United States. Argumentative essays are quite
similar to expository essays, but they differ in the amount of research that they demand.
Argumentative Essay Topics Education Parents should have an active role in their child's education.
A narrative essay can be either fictional or real-life. You hopefully want to write on a debatable topic
that will interest both you and your reader. Is age a major factor in relationship success or failure.
Effective Conclusion Finally, a good argumentative essay should have an effective conclusion. What
was the role of women in the movement toward revolution. Does standardized testing accurately
measure student progress. Make sure that this will help to wrap up the idea that you had in the
previous paragraph. As what has been discussed earlier, you want to make sure that the thesis
statement of your essay will end up being strong and you also want to make sure that it is a good
representation of what you stand for. Check for any problems. Making sure that everything is
formatted correctly will help to make your essays have more sense and become more logical. Are
online classes replacing traditional courses in schools. An argumentative essay requires you to decide
on a topic and take a position on it. Do you need to convince your readers of your viewpoint? You
should. Is co-education more advantageous than single-sex education. To create an effective
argumentative essay, the writer must provide a strong case for their position on any given topic. Use
Authoritative Sources and Good Evidence One good way to avoid fallacies is to use authoritative
sources the right way. Should school uniforms be mandatory in all schools. A good argumentative
essay has a strong yet brief and concise thesis statement that can be found in the very first paragraph
of the essay. Research different options and examine opposing points of view. Please include what
you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.
The more evidence you have, the stronger your case for change is, and why people need to act.
Should patients be entitled to request medically-assisted suicide in cases of terminal illness.
These were some of the most interesting essay topics. The use of pronouns and synonyms avoids
unnecessary repetition. Understand the method you will follow when writing. Good conclusion. You
want to make sure that the conclusion does not only restate or reiterate the main points of your
essay. Is confining wild animals within zoos a cruel practice. Are there any people who would say
it’s not a good habit. Are spy applications invading the privacy of users. What are the pros and cons
of making friends virtually. You should constantly maintain your essay’s tone ardent yet impersonal,
in addition to presenting solid proof. Social Issues Argumentative Topics Should male workers
receive paternity leave too. What is the best way to make a simple memo template. Some places, like
New York State, have free tuition at public colleges. Programming should be made compulsory for
all students. Think about people you know who have a talent for leadership. M.Ed., Education
Administration, University of Georgia. Check for any problems. Making sure that everything is
formatted correctly will help to make your essays have more sense and become more logical.
Argumentative essays also tend to become longer than five paragraphs if there is also a need to
discuss any subtopics in a detailed manner and if there are a lot of different opinions surrounding the
issue. Was slavery an inevitable part of the development of American society. You hopefully want to
write on a debatable topic that will interest both you and your reader. Take a step back. Give
yourself a day or two of rest after you have written your essay. To write a good argumentative essay,
select a debatable topic you strongly oppose. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to
investigate and discuss an issue. This means that it's best if you have a general interest in your
subject, otherwise you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. (You don't
need to know everything, though.) Part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning
something new. An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and take a position on it. C
ohesion Cohesive mechanisms ensure the order and external linking of ideas in the text. Make sure
that you also choose relevant facts and quotes from the scholarly sources that you are reading.
Should the Internet be censored by governments around the world. Here are the criteria we use to
choose a topic for argumentative essays: It has to be interesting to the writer. You can (and should!)
still present your own thoughts and use your writing voice, but if the paragraph doesn’t directly
address the argument you’re trying to make, rethink why that paragraph exists. In this type of essay,
you are not only providing information but also engaging in a persuasive and argumentative

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