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3 - Coursework Tasks
Task 1: Complete the following table in your book.
Observable Characteristic that could be used to evaluate the current
SoE Theme
state (you can identify multiple).


Built Environment



Inland Water


Marine Environment


Task 2: Respond to question 1 in your book. Use the table below to fill the blanks
for question 2 - either cut this out or rule up a table in your workbook.

Theme Description


Considers the special features of the interface between ocean and land,
the challenges to coasts posed by climate change and management

Inland water

Deals with the extent and condition of Australia’s rich Indigenous,

natural and cultural heritage, the threats each faces from natural and
human processes, and the challenges of management.

Marine environment

Discusses the state of Australia’s cities and towns, and considers the
impacts of population and economic growth, and climate change on
our urban environments, and issues of strategic management
jurisdictions in a time of change.
Task 3: Complete question three in your workbook by using the website below and your
textbook (p272-275).

For each theme - also outline any significant change from the previous report (2011).

Task 4: Using the resource ‘TK’s Wilsons Promontory SoE Report’, complete a and b in
your books.

Task 5: Using Canva or another presentation tool (make it as visual as possible), create a
short summary presentation that;

A. Evaluates the current state of land, biodiversity and inland water themes at Wilsons
Promontory (positive aspects, negative aspects and overall judgement).
B. Identifies an observable characteristic that can be used for each theme to measure it’s
C. Describes a threat to each theme.

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