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The tourism and hospitality industry is referred as the fastest growing industry. This is
inferred in terms of job opportunities, investment and earnings through foreign exchange. The
industry is also termed as high labour intense because the employment-investment ratio is
higher than any other industry. Employment opportunities are directly created in airlines
restaurants, hotels, cruise and travel agency through travel and tourism sector.
If INR1 million is invested, it creates 12.5 jobs in the manufacturing sector, 4 jobs in
agriculture sector and the majority of jobs, that is 89, is provided by the restaurant and hotel
sector. For creating a job in manufacturing sector, INR 79,000 investment is required. But
INR 11,200 is enough to create a job in hospitality industry. It is expected that by 2020, more
than 40 million people will be employed indirectly or directly by this sector against 20
million at present. This proves the potentiality of hospitality industry in India.


The projection of any industry across the world is depicted by the changes in the social,
technological, political, economic and scientific scenario. The sensitivity of the hospitality
industry is high and so the change in any division will have high impact on the whole
industry. The diverse natural beauty of India coupled with ancient civilization and culture is
hardly seen in any other part of the world. India has been a special place of attraction for the
tourists all over the world for years. This has made the hospitality industry a prodigy by itself.
After liberalisation, tourism was declared as the industry and this has changed the Indian
traditional image as a cultural destination to an image of diversified tourism products.
Tourism sector is affirmed as a high priority sector by the central and state government. The
hotel business is boosted due to the high potentiality in the growth of tourism industry. The
industry has a huge scope for earnings, large scale investment and employment. In the future,
it is expected that in order to meet the increasing demand, the supply should grow at a faster
rate. The hotel industry is anticipated to face a major issue in the supply side across the
metropolitan cities after three to four years. Three and Four star segments of major hotel

chains have decided to expand in smaller towns. When there is a stagnation of growth in the
cities, hotel chains rely on smaller towns for their growth.
The booming hospitality industry of India has malformed into an authentic silo of, food and
beverage, rooms, travel packages and health & business facilities. New players across the
globe are competing with the existing local players in order to provide world-class services at
prices to suit all classes of people. The growth of Indian tourism industry is directly
proportional to the hospitality sector’s growth.

Employee Retention
Indian Hotel industry is witnessing colossal thrives in recent years. The industry is facing an
imbalance between the demand and supply of staff, although many employees are joining the
industry every year. Most of the employees quit from their job due to various reasons
including long hours of work, non-satisfactory pay, etc. Other service sectors like airlines,
BPO􀯆s and banks attract the employees, as they offer better pay compared to hotels. The
major challenge faced by the hotel industry is to retain their valuable employees.


In the current scenario of the hotel industry, employee retention has become a foremost
concern for the employers. After training employees have the propensity to move to other
hotels for better prospects. Flexible timings, lucrative salary, career development and better
ambience are some of the factors which prompt an employee to look for a change. The
difference between a valuable employee and an employee who does not contribute to the
industry must be well understood by the management. The hotels should encourage the
employees by following sincere efforts to make them stay happy in the current hotel without
looking for a change. Employee retention plays a critical role in the success of hotel industry
as it creates a healthy work environment. The study aims in finding the strategies that will
attract, motivate and retain employees. It aims in identifying the factors of job based
determinants, job satisfaction and employee loyalty along with their impact on employee
retention that will result in increasing the intention of the employees to work for a longer
period in the hotels.
So this study is significantly important to understand various factors which remain helpful for
the job retention at the Hotel industry especially at the Nagpur city.

The study is conduct to help the hotel management to gather information on the causes of
employee turnover and solutions to the problem of low employee retention among the
employees of hotel industry. This study aims to increase the productivity of the hotels by
cultivating the employee loyalty. Smartness of the employees combined with their hard work
helps in increasing the productivity. Better service quality can be obtained only by satisfied
employees and this in turn increases the customer satisfaction. Therefore hotel industry
should maintain higher employee loyalty in order to reduce absence and turnover rate of the
employees. The study conducts to provide recommendations relevant for improving upon the
current measures taken to retain the employees in hotel industry.

The scope of the study is confined to hotel industry in hospitality sector across India. The two
five-star category hotels chose for study from Nagpur city. The study throws light through
valuable suggestions to increase employee retention level across the hotel industry. The study
can help the management to find different ways to attract employees to stay in the hotels. The
study has a contribution to any kind of industry because employee retention is a general one.
The study contributes to the management to know for what reasons the employees tend to
leave their jobs.
So this study contributes to all aspects of the employee retention and which will be useful for
researchers, employers, employees, teachers and students etc.




The objectives of the project is as follows
1. To examine the demographic profile and their relationship with job based
determinants, job satisfaction and employee loyalty among the employees of select
star category hotels of Nagpur city.
2. To determine the impact of job based determinants on job satisfaction among the
employees of select star category hotels.
3. To determine the impact of job based determinants on employee retention among the
employees of star category hotels.
4. To study the impact of job satisfaction on employee loyalty and employee retention
among the employees of star category hotels.

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between jobs based determinants and job
satisfaction among the employees of star category hotels.
Ha1: There is a significant relationship between jobs based determinants and job satisfaction
among the employees of star category hotels.

The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of research
design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools used for
analyzing the collected data.

Research Design
The research design is used for this study is of the descriptive type. Descriptive research
studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a
particular individual or a group.

Population – The study takes into consideration only for employees of star category hotels
from Nagpur city.
Sampling Unit –Employees of star category hotels from Nagpur city is considered for the
study. For study Radisson Blue hotel, Pride group of Hotel, Ashoka Hotel and Le-meridian
Hotel of Nagpur are taken.
Sample Size –
An appropriate sample size of 100 considered for study.

Sampling Technique
 Selection of respondent - A technique of random sampling is
administered for canvassing the questionnaire to the selected categories
of respondents i.e., employees of Radisson Blue hotel and Le-meridian
Hotel from Nagpur city.
Data Collection Method
 Primary Method
 Interview – In order to collect relevant information pertaining
to various concepts and literature about employee job retention
and satisfaction, an interview technique is administered for HR
managers of Radisson Blue hotel and Le-meridian Hotel.
 Questionnaire – Questions based upon various factors which is
responsible for job retention and satisfaction of employees are
to be administer to the target group i.e., employees of Radisson
Blue hotel and Le-meridian Hotel from Nagpur city. The
questionnaire framed in such a way that the answers reflect the
ideas and thoughts of the respondents with regard to employee
job retention and satisfaction. Combination of Multiple choice
questions and Likert scale type questions are administered for
designing the questions to get the measurable output from the

 Secondary Method – Journals, books, insurance company reports,
magazines, and articles are referred for strengthening the concepts of
employee job retention and job satisfaction.



After the brief discussion of research methodology in the previous chapter, the present
chapter gives a detail description of data analysis and interpretations related with the
objectives of the study.

The distribution of gender of the employees in star category hotels was analysed and the
results are presented in Table
Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent
Gender Male 96 96
Female 4 4
Total 100 100

The results show that 96.00 per cent of the employees of star category hotels are males, while
rests of the employees of star category hotels are females. It is inferred that the employees
taken for the study in star category hotels were mainly males as they constitute the major
workforce in most of the departments in the hotel industry.

The distribution of age of the employees in star category hotels was analysed and the results
are presented in Table.
Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent
Age Up to 20 years 2 2
21 to 25 years 26 26
26 to 35 years 36 36
36 to 45 years 31 31
Above 45 years 5 5
Total 100 100

The results indicate that about 36 per cent of the employees in star category hotels belong to
the age group of 26-35 years followed by 31.00 per cent in the age group of 36-45 years. 26
per cent of the employees are in the age group of 21-25 years. 5 per cent of the employees
belong to the age group of 46-55 years and 2.00 per cent of the employees are of less than 20
years. It shows that the majority of the employees in the star category hotels taken for the
study belong to the age group of 26-35 years.

Marital status
The distribution of marital status of the employees in star category hotels was analysed and
the results are presented in Table. It is clear that about 51 per cent of the employees in the star
category hotels are married, followed by employees who are single (45 per cent), divorced/
separated (2.00 per cent) and widow (2.00 per cent).

Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent

Marital Status Married 45 45
Unmarried 51 51
Divorced / Separated 2 2
Widow 2 2
Total 100 100
It is revealed that the majority of the employees in star category hotels taken for the study are

Number of dependents
The distribution of the number of dependents for the employees in star category hotels was
analysed and the results are presented in Table
Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent
Number of One 4 4
Dependents Two 49 49
Three 45 45
More than Three 2 2
Total 100 100

It is clear that about 49 per cent of the employees in star category hotels have two dependents
followed by 45 per cent of employees with three dependents. 2.00 per cent of the employees
in star category hotels have greater than three dependents and finally 4 per cent of the
employees have one dependent. It can be inferred that majority of the employees in star
category hotels taken for the study have two dependents.

Nature of residence
The distribution of the nature of residence of the employees in the star category hotels was
analysed and the results are presented in Table
Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent
Nature of Resident Owned 19 19
Rented 79 79
Leased 2 2
Total 100 100

The results reveal that 79 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels live in rented
houses. 19.00 per cent of the employees in star category hotels live in own house and 2 per
cent of the employees live in leased residence. It can be inferred that most of the employees
in star category hotels taken for the research live in rented houses.

Educational qualification
The distribution of the educational qualification of the employees in star category hotels was
analysed and the results are presented in Table. It is observed that 32 per cent of the
employees in star category hotels work after completing the schooling. 28 percent of the
employees are working in star category hotels after completing the bachelor’s degree,
followed by 27 per cent of the employees in star hotels who work after completing Master
Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent
Educational Schooling 32 32
Qualification Certificate course/diploma 13 13
Graduate 28 28
Post-Graduate 27 27

Total 100 100

Finally 13.00 per cent of the employees work after completing certificate course/ diploma. It
can be inferred that most of the employees taken for the study join the industry after
completing the schooling.

The distribution of the employees experience in star category hotels was analysed and the
results are presented in Table
Demographic details Classification No. of Respondents Percent
Experience in years Up to 5 37 37
6-10 26 26
11-15 32 32
>15 5 5
Total 100 100

It is clear from the results that 37 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels have
an experience of 0-5 years. The employees with 11-15 years of experience in hotel industry
are around 32.00 per cent. 26 per cent of employees in star category hotels have experience of
6-10 years and finally employees having experience of greater than 15 years constitute 5 per
cent. It can be inferred that most of the employees working in star category hotels are
experienced up to 5 years.

Job shift
The distribution of job shift among the employees of star category hotels was analysed and
the results are presented in Table. It is apparent from the results that 47 per cent of the
employees of star category hotels work in the afternoon shift, followed by 47 per cent of the
employees who work in the day shift. And 06 per cent of the employees of star hotels work in
night shift.

Job Shift No. of Respondents Percent

Day Shift 47 47

Afternoon Shift 47 47
Night Shift 06 06
Total 100 100

It can be concluded that majority of the employees in star category hotels work in afternoon

Hours of work
The distribution of the number of hours the employees work in star category hotels was
assessed and the results are presented in Table.
Hours of Work Per Day No. of Respondents Percent
8 4 4
10 78 78
Greater than 10 18 18
Total 100 100

It is clear from the above table that 78 per cent of the employees of star category hotels work
for ten hours a day, and 18 per cent of the employees work for greater than 10 hours per day
followed by 4.00 per cent of the employees who work for 8 hours a day. The table shows that
most of the employees taken for the study work for 10 hours per day.

Level of employees
The distribution of the level of employees working in the star category hotels was assessed
and the results are presented in Table. It is evident that 43 per cent of the employees taken for
the study from the star category hotels belong to the staff level. It is followed by 29 per cent
of the employees from manager level and 28.00 per cent of the employees from the
supervisor level. It is inferred that majority of the employees taken for the study belong to the
staff level.
Level No. of Respondents Percent
Manager 29 29
Supervisor 28 28
Staff 43 43

Total 100 100

Number of hotels worked previously

The number of hotels the employees have worked previously was assessed and the results are
presented in Table.

Number of Hotels Worked Previously No. of Respondents Percent

One 36 36
Two 28 28
Three 21 21
Four 09 09
More than Four 06 06
Total 100 100

It is observed that 36 per cent of the employees in star category hotels have previously
worked in one hotel. 28 per cent of the employees have worked in two hotels, followed by 21
per cent who have worked in three hotels previously. Then 9 per cent of the employees have
worked in four hotels and 6 per cent of the employees have worked in more than four hotels
previously. It can be revealed that majority of the employees taken for the study has
previously worked at least in one hotel.

Reasons for leaving the previous job

The distribution for the reasons on why the employees left their previous jobs were assessed
and the results are presented in Table. It can be assessed that 75 per cent of the employees left
their jobs for career advancement, 16 per cent of the employees left their jobs in hotel
industry for better pay, followed by 9 per cent of the employees who left their jobs due to

Reasons for Leaving No. of Respondents Percent

Career Advancement 75 75
Better Pay 16 16
Relocation 9 9

Total 100 100

It can be revealed that majority of the employees taken for the study in star category hotels
left their jobs and seek other jobs if they are not satisfied with the career advancement

Recruitment source for employees

The distribution of the recruitment sources for the employees in the star category hotels was
analysed and the results are presented in Table.

Recruitment source No. of Respondents Percent

Advertisement 04 04
Employee Referral 27 27
Private Agencies 02 02
Job Portal 10 10
Walk In 57 57
Total 100 100

It is observed that 57 per cent of the employees are recruited through walk in, 27 per cent of
the employees were recruited through employee referral, 10 percent of the employees through
job portal, 4.00 per cent of the employees were recruited through advertisement and 2.00 per
cent of the employees in star hotels were recruited through private agencies. It is concluded
that majority of the employees are recruited through walk in process.

Recruitment mode
The distribution of the recruitment mode of the employees was assessed and the results are
presented in Table. It is observed that 66 per cent of the employees feel that the recruitment is
centralised and 34 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels reveal that the
recruitment is branch wise. It is concluded that majority of the hotels considered for the study
follow centralised recruitment mode.

Recruitment Mode No. of Respondents Percent

Centralized 66 66
Branch wise 34 34
Total 100 100


The Job based determinants in star category hotels were analysed and the results are
discussed below:

Employee Agreeable Level towards Job Based Determinants

The distribution of the employee agreeable level towards job based determinants is presented
in Table
Agreeable Level of Job Based Determinants No. of Respondents Percent
Low 17 17
Medium 62 62
High 21 21
Total 100 100

From the table it can be interpreted that majority of the employees, that is 62 per cent have a
medium level of agreement towards the job based determinants in the star category hotels.
While 21 per cent of the employees have a high agreeable level towards the job based
determinants and 17.00 per cent of the employees have low level of agreement towards the

Percentage Analysis of Job Based Determinants

The results of percentage analysis of the star category hotel employees with respect to the job
based determinants are presented in Table.
It can be inferred that 34 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 21 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree regarding their fit into the job and the position they
are currently working.

While 6 per cent of the employees are neutral in their level of agreement, 21 per cent of the
employees agree and 18 per cent of the employees strongly agree that they fit into the current
job and position.
It can be inferred from the results that out of 100 employees, 35.00 per cent of the star
category hotel employees disagree and 25 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the
recognition of their functional efficiency by the star hotels.
While 13 per cent of the star category hotel employees neither agree nor disagree to the
recognition, 15.00 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of the hotel employees
strongly agree that their functional efficiency is well recognised by the star category hotels.

Job Based Determinants Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total

Agree Disagree
Job fit 18 21 6 34 21 100
Recognition of Functional 12 15 13 25 35 100
Pay policy and service 16 15 8 34 27 100
Promotion is based on 25 42 10 6 17 100
Variety of Responsibilities 26 31 12 13 18 100
Clear Career Path 13 16 8 38 25 100
Distinct position 20 11 11 53 5 100
Immense Opportunity for 19 15 6 34 26 100
learning and growth
High interpersonal and 12 48 13 12 15 100
guest relationship skills
Job Attractiveness 20 12 11 37 20 100
Autonomy and self-decision 15 15 7 44 19 100
Hard Skills and soft skills 9 13 16 35 27 100
High demand of experience, 14 15 11 35 25 100
skills and abilities

Management acts with 9 14 17 34 26 100
professional ethics

It can be inferred that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 34 per cent of the star
category hotel employees disagree and 27 per cent of the employees strongly disagree
regarding the hotel’s pay policy and service benefits. 8.00 per cent of the employees are
neutral with the policy, 15.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 16 per
cent of the employees strongly agree to the hotel’s pay policy and service benefits.
It is inferred from the results that 43 per cent of the employees agree and 25 per cent of the
star category hotel employees strongly agree that promotion is based on experience. While 10
per cent of the employees are neutral regarding this, 6.00 per cent disagree and 17.00 per cent
of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree that promotion is based on experience
The results indicate that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 31 per cent of the
employees agree and 26 per cent of the employees strongly agree that their work is really
hard as they are provided with lots of responsibilities. 12 per cent of the star category hotel
employees are neutral in their views relating to the responsibilities, 13 per cent of the star
category hotel employees disagree and 18 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that
their work is really hard and they are provided with lots of responsibilities.
Regarding the gaining of experience through challenging tasks leading to a clear career path,
the results indicate that 38 per cent of the employees disagree, 25.00 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the star category hotel employees are neutral.
While 16 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 13 per cent of hotel
employees strongly agree that they gain experience through challenging tasks which leads to
a clear career path. It indicates that 53 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree
and 5.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the work position and
responsibilities are distinctive in the hotel they are working and it is not common as other
hotels. 11.00 per cent of the employees are neutral to the distinctiveness, while 11 per cent of
the employees agree and 19 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree that
their work position and responsibilities are distinctive in their hotel compared to other hotels.
The results indicate that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 34 per cent of the
employees disagree and 27 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the immense

learning and growth opportunities provided by the hotels. While 15 per cent of the employees
agree, 19.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that their hotel provides immense
learning and growth opportunities, 6.00 per cent of the employees are neutral with their
From the results it can be inferred that 48.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees
agree and 12.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that their work requires high
interpersonal and guest relationship skills, while 14 per cent of the employees neither agree
nor disagree. 12 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 14 per cent of the
star category hotel employees strongly disagree that their work requires high interpersonal
and guest relationship skills
The results indicate that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 37.00 per cent of the
employees disagree and 20.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree
to the fact that the job is attractive and suits with the educational qualification. While 11.00
per cent of the employees are neutral towards the attractiveness and 13 per cent of the star
category hotel employees agree and 19 per cent of the hotel employees strongly agree to the
fact that job is attractive and it suits their educational qualification.
It is indicated that 44 per cent of the employees disagree, 19 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that their hotel entertains autonomy and self-decision
making in their work and 7 per cent of the employees are neutral in their decision. 15 per cent
of the star category hotel employees strongly agree and 15.00 per cent of the star category
hotel employees agree that the hotel entertains autonomy and self decision making in their
The results indicate that 35 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 27 per
cent strongly disagree to the fact that their work requires intensive hard skills and soft skills.
13 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree that their work requires intensive hard
skills and soft skills, 9 per cent employees strongly agree and 16.00 per cent of the employees
neither agree nor disagree.
It can be inferred that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 35 per cent disagree and
25.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the fact that their
experience, skills and abilities are of high demand in the hotel industry. 11 per cent of the
employees are neutral regarding the demand. 15 per cent of the employees agree and 14 per

cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree that their experience, skills and
abilities are of high demand in the star category hotels.
Regarding the management acting consistently with professional ethics to the employees in
star category hotels, the results indicate that 34 per cent of the employees disagree and 26 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree. 17 per cent of the employees are neutral in their
agreement with respect to the management acting consistently with professional ethics to the
employees in star category hotels. 14 per cent of star category hotel employees agree and 9
per cent of the employees strongly agree that the management acts in an ethical manner.


Gender and job based determinants
The relationship between the agreeable level of job based determinants and gender of the
employees is presented in Table. The results from the table indicate that out of 96 male
employees, 17 employees have a low agreeable level with the job based determinants, 59
employees have a medium level and 20 employees have a high level of attitude towards job
based determinants. Out of 4 female employees in star category hotels 3 have a medium level
and 1 employee have high agreeable level towards job based determinants.
Gender Agreeable Level of Job Based Total F-Value Sig.
Determinants Value

Low Medium High

Male 17 59 20 96 9.480 0.000
Female 0 3 1 04
Total 17 62 21 100

The F-value of 9.480 is statistically significant at one per cent level which indicates that there
is a significant difference between the agreeable levels of the job based determinants and the
gender of the employees
Age and job based determinants
The relationship between the agreeable level of job based determinants and age of the
employees is presented in Table. The results conclude that out of 2 employees below the age
of 20 working in star hotels, both of them have a medium level and none of them have a high

level of attitude towards job based determinants. Out of 26 employees in the age group of 21-
25, 4 employees have a low level, 16 have medium level and 6 employees have high
agreeable level towards job based determinants
Age Agreeable Level of Job Based Determinants Total F-Value Sig.
Low Medium High Value

Up to 20 years 00 02 00 02 3.992 0.000

21 to 25 years 04 16 06 26
26 to 35 years 07 22 07 36
36 to 45 years 05 19 07 31
Above 45 years 01 03 01 05
Total 17 62 21 100

Among 36 employees falling under the age group of 26-35, 7 employees have a low level, 22
employees have a medium level and 7 employees have high agreeable level towards job
based determinants.
In the age group of 36-45 there are totally 31 employees, Out of them 5 employees have low
agreeable level towards job based determinants, 19 employees have a medium level and 7
employees have high level. And finally in the age group of 46-55 where there are 5
employees, 1 employee have low agreeable level, 3 employees have medium level and 1
employee have high agreeable level towards the job based determinants.
There is a statistically significant relationship between the different age group and the
agreeable level with the job based determinants among the star category hotel employees,
which is relevant from the F-value of 3.992 at one per cent level of significance.

Employee Agreeable Level of Job Satisfaction
The employee agreeable level of job satisfaction is presented in Table.
Level of Job Satisfaction No. of Respondents Percent

Low 20 20
Medium 63 63
High 17 17
Total 100 100

Out of 100 employees working in star category hotels, 63 per cent of the employees working
in the hotels have medium level of satisfaction, 17 per cent of the employees have high level
of satisfaction towards their job and 20 per cent employees have low level of satisfaction with
their job.

Percentage Analysis of Job Satisfaction

The percentage analysis of job satisfaction is presented in Table. It is observed that out of 100
employees, 45 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels are disagree, 17.00 per
cent of the employees are strongly disagree and 7 per cent of the employees have a neutral
level towards the opportunity provided by the management to learn and use new skills and
talents. 13 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 18 per cent of the
employees are strongly agree with the opportunity provided by the management to learn and
use new skills and talents.
It is relevant from the results that 33 per cent of the employees are disagree, 23 per cent of the
employees are strongly disagree, 12 per cent of the employees are neutral, 18 per cent of the
employees in star category hotels agree and 14 per cent of the employees are strongly agree
with the non-biased selection of employees for training.
It is observed that 45 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels are disagree, 17.00
per cent of the employees are strongly disagree and 10 per cent of the employees are neutral
for the relationship with their subordinates. 13 per cent of the employees agree and 15 per
cent of the employees are strongly agree to the relationship with their subordinates.
The results indicate that out of 100 employees of star category hotels considered for the
study, 40 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of the employees strongly agree
with the job duration. 12.00 per cent of the employees disagree, 25.00 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree with the job duration and 12 per cent of the star category hotel
employees are neutral in their satisfaction levels.

Job Satisfaction Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total
Agree Disagree
Opportunity to learn 18 13 7 45 17 100
and use new skills
Non-biased selection for 14 18 12 33 23 100
Relationship with 15 13 10 45 17 100
Job duration 12 40 11 12 25 100
Work-Life balance 19 15 6 37 23 100
Job security and transfer 9 15 26 29 21 100
Sense of pride in the job 4 20 26 34 16 100
Relationship with 16 47 10 20 7 100
Leave policy 19 16 8 34 23 100
Relationship with Co- 16 47 10 20 7 100
Need based training 19 14 8 34 25 100
Career advancement 17 25 9 26 23 100
Challenges and 12 17 8 47 16 100
Safety and security 14 49 16 15 6 100
Scope of proving efficiency 16 18 10 33 23 100
Employment terms and 18 16 7 37 22 100
General prerequisites 10 15 12 51 12 100
Promotional opportunities 16 18 10 32 24 100
Recognition of contribution 16 14 7 43 20 100
Shift decisions 12 42 13 17 16 100
Grievance handling 14 19 10 33 24 100

It can be inferred that 37.00 per cent of the employees disagree and 23 per cent of the
employees are strongly disagree with the management support for the work-life balance. 6.00
per cent of the employees are neutral towards their satisfaction with work-life balance, 15 per
cent of the employees agree and 19 per cent of the employees are strongly agree with the
management support in the work-life balance.
It can be concluded from the results that 29 per cent of the employees disagree, 21 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree and 26 per cent of the employees are neutral in their
satisfaction levels with the job security and transfer policy in star category hotels. While 15
per cent of the employees agree and 9 per cent of the employees are strongly agree with the
management job security and transfer policy in star category hotels.
It is observed that 34 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree, 16 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree and 27 per cent of the hotel employees have a neutral
satisfaction level for the pride in doing their job. And 20 per cent of the star category hotel
employees agree and 4 per cent of the employees strongly agree and they get a sense of pride
in doing their work.
It can be indicated from the results that 33 per cent of the star category hotel employees
disagree, 23 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree and 5.00 per cent
of the star category hotel employees are neutral in the relationship with their supervisor. 19
per cent of the employees agree and 21 per cent of the employees strongly agree with their
satisfaction in the relationship with their supervisor.
It is inferred from the results that 35 per cent of the employees disagree, 23 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the employees in star category hotels are
neutral in their satisfaction levels with respect to the leave policy. And, 16 per cent of the
employees working in star category hotels agree and 19 per cent of the employees strongly
agree with the leave policy followed in star category hotels.
It is relevant from the results that out of 100 employees, 47 per cent of the employees agree
and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree with their relationship with co-workers.
10.00 per cent of the employees are neutral in their relationship with their co-workers, 20.00
per cent of the employees disagree and 6.80 per cent of the employees strongly disagree with
the relationship with their co-workers.
It is evident that 34 per cent of the employees disagree, 25 per cent of the star category hotels
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels have

a neutral satisfaction level for the need based training. 14 per cent of the employees agree and
19.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree with the need based training.
It can be seen that 9 per cent of the star category hotel employees have a neutral satisfaction
level for the career advancement opportunities provided by the hotel. 26 per cent of the
employees disagree, 23 per cent of the employees strongly disagree, 25.20 per cent of the
employees agree and 17 per cent of the employees strongly agree with the career
advancement opportunities provided by the hotel.
It is inferred that 47 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree, 16 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the employees have a neutral satisfaction level
regarding the challenges and opportunities provided by the star category hotels with respect
to their work. 17.00 per cent of the employees agree with the job level challenges and
opportunities provided by the star category hotels and 12 per cent of the employees strongly
Regarding the safety and security for the employees in the star category hotels, 49 per cent of
the employees agree, 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree, 16 per cent of the
employees disagree, 6.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagrees and 16 per cent of the
employees in star category hotels are neutral. It is apparent from the results that 33.00 per
cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree, 23 per cent of the employees
strongly disagree and 10 per cent of the employees have a neutral satisfaction level with
respect to the scope of proving efficiency in their work. 18 per cent of the star category hotel
employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree with the scope of proving
their efficiency in work.
It is inferred from the analysis that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 37 per cent of
the employees disagree and 22.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree with the terms
and conditions of employment provided by the star category hotels. While 7 per cent of the
employees are neutral with their satisfaction levels, 16 per cent of the employees agree and
18 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree with the terms and conditions
of employment provided by the star category hotels
It is observed that 51 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree, 12 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree and 12 per cent of the employees are neutral in their
satisfaction levels regarding the general prerequisites. 15 per cent of the star category hotel

employees agree and 10 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree with
general prerequisites.
It is indicated from the analysis that 32 per cent of the employees disagree and 24 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree with the promotional opportunities in the hotel. 18 per cent
of the star category hotel employees agree and 16 per cent of them strongly agree with the
promotional opportunities in the hotel, 10 per cent of the star category hotel employees are
neutral in their satisfaction levels.
The results show that 43 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 20.00 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree with the recognition of their contributions by the
management. 7 per cent of the star category hotel employees have a neutral satisfaction
levels, 14 per cent of the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree
with the recognition of the contributions towards job.
It can be inferred from the results that 41 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of
the employees strongly agree with the shift decision of the star category hotels. 17 per cent of
the employees disagree, 17 per cent of the employees strongly disagree and 13 per cent of the
star category hotel employees are neutral with the shift decision followed by the star category
With regard to the grievance handling procedure followed by the star category hotels to their
hotel employees, 34 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree, 24.00 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree, 10 per cent of the employees have a neutral satisfaction
level, 19 per cent of the employees agree and 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree
with their satisfaction on the grievance handling procedure.

Relationship between Demographic Variables and Job Satisfaction

Gender and job satisfaction
The relationship between the job satisfaction and gender of the employees is presented in
Gender Agreeable Level of Job Based Total F-Value Sig.
Determinants Value

Low Medium High

Male 19 60 17 96 7.654 0.000
Female 1 3 0 04

Total 20 63 17 100

The results from the table indicate that out of 96 male employees, 19 employees have a low
level of job satisfaction, 60 per cent employees have a medium level and 17 per cent
employees have a high level of satisfaction towards their job.
Out of 4 female employees in star category hotels 1 employee have a low level satisfaction, 3
employees have a medium level of satisfaction towards their job.
The F-value of 7.654 is statistically significant at one per cent level and it indicates that there
is a significant difference between the job satisfaction of the star category hotel employees
and the gender of the employees.

Age and job satisfaction

The relationship between the job satisfaction and age of the employees is presented in Table.

Age Agreeable Level of Job Based Determinants Total F- Sig.

Low Medium High Value Value
Up to 20 years 00 02 00 02 3.765 0.000
21 to 25 years 06 15 05 26
26 to 35 years 08 22 06 36
36 to 45 years 06 20 05 31
Above 45 years 00 04 01 05
Total 20 63 17 100

The results confirm that out of 2 employees below the age of 20 working in star hotels, and
both have a medium level of satisfaction towards their job.
Out of 26 employees in the age group of 21-25, 6 employees have a low level, 15 have a
medium level and 5 employees have high level of job satisfaction. Among 36 employees
falling under the age group of 26-35, 8 employees have a low level, 22 employees have a
medium level and 6 employees have a high level of job satisfaction. In the age group of 36-
45, there are totally 31 employees, out of them 6 employees have low satisfaction towards
their job, 20 employees have a medium level and 5 employees are highly satisfied.

And finally in the age group of 46-55 where there are 5 employees, 4 employees have
medium level and 1 employee have a high level of satisfaction towards their employment in
star category hotels.
There is a statistically significant relationship at one per cent level of significance between
the different age group of employees and their satisfaction levels with their job in star
category hotel which is relevant from the F-value of 3.765.

Percentage analysis of work culture in employee retention
The study reveals that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
23.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that
there is a shared commitment towards the values and vision in the hotel. While 11 per cent of
the employees have a neutral opinion, 16 per cent of the employees agree and 15 per cent of
the employees strongly agree that there is a shared commitment towards the values and vision
in the hotel.
It is inferred that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 22 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel management has an open and positive
While 10.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 17 per cent of the employees
agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel management has an open
and positive approach.
It is observed that 57 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 11 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel is clear regarding the
expectations from the employees. While 6 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
17 per cent of the employees agree and 9.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the
hotel is clear regarding the expectations from the employees.
It is evident that 54.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 10
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel
creates ways for employees to do everyday activities. While 8 per cent of the employees have
a neutral opinion, 12 per cent of the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotel creates ways for employees to do everyday activities.

It is indicated that 52.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 4
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree that family feeling is
cultivated in the hotel. While 10 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 27 per cent
of the employees agree and 7 per cent of the employees strongly agree that family feeling is
cultivated in the hotel.
It can be observed that 52 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
10.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the statement that there is a promotion of
integrity. While 8 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 21 per cent of the
employees agree and 10 per cent of the employees strongly agree that there is a promotion of
It is implied that 32 per cent of the employees disagree and 7 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that the hotel instills a sense of purpose and direction.
While 14 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 37 per cent of the employees
agree and 10.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel instills a sense of
purpose and direction.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total
Agree Disagree
Shared commitment 15 16 11 35 23 100
towards the values and
Open and positive approach 16 17 10 35 22 100
Clear regarding the 9 17 6 57 11 100
expectations from the
Creates ways for employees 16 12 8 54 10 100
to do everyday activities
Family feeling is cultivated 7 27 10 52 4 100
Promotion of integrity 10 21 8 52 10 100
Instills sense of purpose and 10 37 14 32 7 100

Percentage analysis of building employee relationship in employee retention

Table indicates that 41.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
11 per cent of employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel helps in solving
employees’ issues through counselling and mentoring. While 10 per cent of the employees
have a neutral opinion, 26 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotel helps in solving employees’ issues through counselling and
It can be inferred that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 14
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel
helps in building individual self esteem. While 11 per cent of the employees have a neutral
opinion. 28 per cent of the employees agree and 12.00 per cent of the employees strongly
agree that the hotel helps in building individual self esteem.
It is observed that 44 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 12 per
cent employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel builds team dynamics. While
9.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 21 per cent of the employees agree and
15 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel builds team dynamics.
It can be inferred that 42 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 20
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the constant communication
and transparency in the hotel. While 13 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
12.00 per cent of the employees agree and 14 per cent of the employees strongly agree that
there is a constant communication and transparency in the hotel.
The results obtained shows that 29.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels
disagree and 15 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the statement that there is
humour in the work place. While 14 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 25 per
cent of the employees agree and 17 per cent of the employees strongly agree that there is
humour in the work place.
It is indicated that 36 per cent of the employees disagree and 22 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel organises family picnics,
birthday parties and special events. While 14.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral
opinion, 16 per cent of the employees agree and 13 per cent of the employees strongly agree
that the hotel organises family picnics, birthday parties and special events.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total

Agree Disagree
Counselling and mentoring 12 26 10 41 11 100
Individual self esteem 12 28 11 35 14 100
Team dynamics 15 21 9 44 11 100
Communication and 14 12 13 42 19 100
Humour in the work place 17 25 14 29 15 100
Family picnics, birthday 12 16 14 36 22 100
parties and special events

Percentage analysis of management support in employee retention

It is evident from the Table that 36 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels
disagree and 22 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel encourage,
recognise and reward creativity and innovation. While 14 per cent of the employees have a
neutral opinion, 15 per cent of the employees agree and 13 per cent of the employees strongly
agree that the hotel encourage, recognise and reward creativity and innovation.
It is inferred that 41 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 14.00
per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel provides job flexibility.
While 11.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 20 per cent of the employees
agree and 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel provides job
It indicates that 30 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 22 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel defines work responsibilities and
accountabilities. While 25 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 12 per cent of
the employees agree and 11 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel defines
work responsibilities and accountabilities.
It is indicated that 31 per cent of the employees disagree and 17 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that the hotel provides ongoing performance feedback to
its employees. While 9 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 26.00 per cent of the
employees agree and 17 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel provides
ongoing performance feedback to its employees.

It is inferred that 36 per cent of the employees agree and 10 per cent of the star category hotel
employees strongly agree that the management ensures availability of equipments and
materials for the employees to do great work. While 12 per cent of the employees have a
neutral opinion, 35.00 per cent of the employees disagree and 7.00 per cent of the employees
strongly disagree that the management ensures availability of equipments and materials to do
It is indicated that 30 per cent of the employees disagree and 22 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that the hotel management adjusts work to fit their
abilities, strengths and talents. While 14 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 18
per cent of the employees agree and 16.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the
hotel management adjusts work to fit their abilities, strengths and talents.
It is evident that 30 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 21 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel motivates them to take initiative. While
9.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 29 per cent of the employees agree and
10.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel motivates them to take initiative.
It is inferred that 45.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels agree and 7 per
cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel reduces employee workload by increased
use of hotel management system. While 9 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
18 per cent of the employees disagree and 21 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that
the hotel reduces employee workload by increased use of hotel management system.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total

Agree Disagree
Encourage, recognise & 13 15 14 36 22 100
reward creativity and
Work flexibility 14 20 11 41 14 100
Defines work 11 12 25 30 22 100
responsibilities and
Ongoing performance 17 26 9 31 17 100

Availability of work 10 36 12 35 7 100
equipments and materials
Adjust work to fit abilities, 16 18 14 30 22 100
strengths and talents
Motivate people to take 10 30 9 30 21 100
Workload reduced by using 7 45 9 18 21 100
hotel management system

Percentage analysis of employee development in employee retention

Table indicates that 21 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 25
per cent of the strongly disagree to the statement that hotel provides incentives for inculcating
new skills. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 19 per cent of the
employees agree and 24 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel provides
incentives for inculcating new skills. It is observed that 42 per cent of the employees in the
star category hotels disagree and 10 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly
disagree that the hotel creates opportunities for new work learning. While 10.00 per cent of
the employees have a neutral opinion, 23.00 per cent of the employees agree and 15.00 per
cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel creates opportunities for new work
It can be inferred that 40 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 17
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel
initiates cross functional trainings and work rotation. While 9 per cent of the employees have
a neutral opinion, 20 per cent of the employees agree and 14.00 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotel initiates cross functional trainings and work rotation. It is evident
that 41 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 9 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel allots funds for employee career
related improvements. While 11 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 22 per cent
of the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel allots
funds for employee career related improvements.

The results obtained shows that 27 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels
disagree and 23 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotels
focus on providing individual skill learning. While 15.00 per cent of the employees have a
neutral opinion, 19 per cent of the employees agree and 16.00 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotels focus on providing individual skill learning.
It is indicated that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 18.00
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that employee
assistance programs are frequently organised and it helps in resolving their personal, financial
and legal issues. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 18.00 per cent of
the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that employee
assistance programs are frequently organised to resolve their personal, financial and legal
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total
Agree Disagree
Incentives for inculcating 24 19 12 21 25 100
new skills
Opportunities for new work 15 23 10 42 10 100
Cross functional trainings 14 20 9 40 17 100
and work rotation
Funds for career related 17 22 11 41 9 100
Focus on individual skill 16 19 15 27 23 100
Employee assistance 16 18 13 35 18 100
programs are organised

Percentage analysis of employee benefits and reward management in employee


Table indicates that 15 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
18.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel offers competitive
and equitable salary. While 11.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 48 per
cent of the employees agree and 8 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel
offers competitive and equitable salary.
It indicates that 47 per cent of the employees agree and 14.00 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly agree that the hotel offers them free meal on duty. While 12 per
cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 10 per cent of the employees disagree and 17
per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel offers free meal on duty.
It can be inferred that 47.00 per cent of the employees agree and 15 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that uniforms are provided and laundered free of charge by the hotel. While 12
per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 16 per cent of the employees disagree and
11 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the uniforms are provided and laundered
free of charge by the hotel.
It can be observed that 44.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels agree and
16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel management conducts free health
camp for the employees. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 14 per
cent of the employees disagree and 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the
hotel management conducts free health camp for the employees.
It is evident that 21.00 per cent of the employees disagree and 25 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree to the fact that flexible employee benefits are provided.
While 18.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 15.00 per cent of the
employees agree and 21 per cent of the employees strongly agree that flexible employee
benefits are provided.
It is inferred that 25 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels agree and 34 per
cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree that the reward system in the hotel is
flat rather than individual based. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
14 per cent of the employees disagree and 15 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that
the reward system in the hotel is flat rather than individual based.
The result indicates that 21 per cent of the employees in agree and 22.00 per cent of the star
category hotel employees strongly agree that the hotel provides complimentary hotel room
stay. While 13 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 26.00 per cent of the

employees disagree and 18 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel provides
complimentary hotel room stay.
The table reveals that 22 per cent employees strongly disagree to the fact that discounts on
the hotel services is provided to the family of the employees. 18.00 per cent of the employees
disagree and 25 per cent of the employees are of neutral opinion. While 16 per cent
employees agree and 20 per cent employees strongly agree that discounts on the hotel
services is provided to the family.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total
Agree Disagree
Competitive and equitable 8 48 11 15 18 100
Free meal on duty 14 47 12 10 17 100
Uniforms are provided and 15 47 11 16 11 100
laundered free of charge
Free health camp 16 44 12 14 14 100
Flexible employee benefits 21 15 18 21 25 100
Reward system is flat 34 25 12 14 15 100
Complimentary hotel room 22 21 13 26 18 100
Discounts of the hotel 20 16 25 18 21 100
services for the family

H01: There is no significant relationship between jobs based determinants and job
satisfaction among the employees of star category hotels.

Ha1: There is a significant relationship between jobs based determinants and job satisfaction
among the employees of star category hotels.

Regression analysis between job based determinants and job satisfaction

The results from Table below indicate that skill requirements, job etiquette and growth
opportunities are positively influencing the job satisfaction of the employees in the star
category hotels at one per cent level of significance.

Regression Coeficient t-value Sig

R 0.517 19.976 .000
Adjusted R2 0.514
F 176.989
N 100

From the regression analysis it is inferred that job based determinants have impact on job
satisfaction. Therefore, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship
between job based determinants and job satisfaction is rejected.
It depicts that there is a significant relationship between jobs based determinants
and job satisfaction among the employees of star category hotels
Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.




The results show that 96.00 per cent of the employees of star category hotels are males, while
rests of the employees of star category hotels are females. It is inferred that the employees
taken for the study in star category hotels were mainly males as they constitute the major
workforce in most of the departments in the hotel industry.

The results indicate that about 36 per cent of the employees in star category hotels belong to
the age group of 26-35 years followed by 31.00 per cent in the age group of 36-45 years. 26
per cent of the employees are in the age group of 21-25 years. 5 per cent of the employees
belong to the age group of 46-55 years and 2.00 per cent of the employees are of less than 20
years. It shows that the majority of the employees in the star category hotels taken for the
study belong to the age group of 26-35 years.

Marital status
It is clear that about 51 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels are married,
followed by employees who are single (45 per cent), divorced/ separated (2.00 per cent) and
widow (2.00 per cent). It is revealed that the majority of the employees in star category hotels
taken for the study are married.

Number of dependents
It is clear that about 49 per cent of the employees in star category hotels have two dependents
followed by 45 per cent of employees with three dependents. 2.00 per cent of the employees
in star category hotels have greater than three dependents and finally 4 per cent of the
employees have one dependent. It can be inferred that majority of the employees in star
category hotels taken for the study have two dependents.

Nature of residence

The results reveal that 79 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels live in rented
houses. 19.00 per cent of the employees in star category hotels live in own house and 2 per
cent of the employees live in leased residence. It can be inferred that most of the employees
in star category hotels taken for the research live in rented houses.

Educational qualification
It is observed that 32 per cent of the employees in star category hotels work after completing
the schooling. 28 percent of the employees are working in star category hotels after
completing the bachelor’s degree, followed by 27 per cent of the employees in star hotels
who work after completing Master degree. Finally 13.00 per cent of the employees work after
completing certificate course/ diploma. It can be inferred that most of the employees taken
for the study join the industry after completing the schooling.

It is clear from the results that 37 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels have
an experience of 0-5 years. The employees with 11-15 years of experience in hotel industry
are around 32.00 per cent. 26 per cent of employees in star category hotels have experience of
6-10 years and finally employees having experience of greater than 15 years constitute 5 per
cent. It can be inferred that most of the employees working in star category hotels are
experienced up to 5 years.

Job shift
It is apparent from the results that 47 per cent of the employees of star category hotels work
in the afternoon shift, followed by 47 per cent of the employees who work in the day shift.
And 06 per cent of the employees of star hotels work in night shift.
It can be concluded that majority of the employees in star category hotels work in afternoon

Hours of work
It is clear from the above table that 78 per cent of the employees of star category hotels work
for ten hours a day, and 18 per cent of the employees work for greater than 10 hours per day

followed by 4.00 per cent of the employees who work for 8 hours a day. The table shows that
most of the employees taken for the study work for 10 hours per day.

Level of employees
The distribution of the level of employees working in the star category hotels was assessed
and the results are presented in Table. It is evident that 43 per cent of the employees taken for
the study from the star category hotels belong to the staff level. It is followed by 29 per cent
of the employees from manager level and 28.00 per cent of the employees from the
supervisor level. It is inferred that majority of the employees taken for the study belong to the
staff level.

Number of hotels worked previously

It is observed that 36 per cent of the employees in star category hotels have previously
worked in one hotel. 28 per cent of the employees have worked in two hotels, followed by 21
per cent who have worked in three hotels previously. Then 9 per cent of the employees have
worked in four hotels and 6 per cent of the employees have worked in more than four hotels
previously. It can be revealed that majority of the employees taken for the study has
previously worked at least in one hotel.

Reasons for leaving the previous job

It can be assessed that 75 per cent of the employees left their jobs for career advancement, 16
per cent of the employees left their jobs in hotel industry for better pay, followed by 9 per
cent of the employees who left their jobs due to relocation.
It can be revealed that majority of the employees taken for the study in star category hotels
left their jobs and seek other jobs if they are not satisfied with the career advancement

Recruitment source for employees

It is observed that 57 per cent of the employees are recruited through walk in, 27 per cent of
the employees were recruited through employee referral, 10 percent of the employees through
job portal, 4.00 per cent of the employees were recruited through advertisement and 2.00 per

cent of the employees in star hotels were recruited through private agencies. It is concluded
that majority of the employees are recruited through walk in process.

Recruitment mode
The distribution of the recruitment mode of the employees was assessed and the results are
presented in Table. It is observed that 66 per cent of the employees feel that the recruitment is
centralised and 34 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels reveal that the
recruitment is branch wise. It is concluded that majority of the hotels considered for the study
follow centralised recruitment mode.


Employee Agreeable Level towards Job Based Determinants
From the table it can be interpreted that majority of the employees, that is 62 per cent have a
medium level of agreement towards the job based determinants in the star category hotels.
While 21 per cent of the employees have a high agreeable level towards the job based
determinants and 17.00 per cent of the employees have low level of agreement towards the

Percentage Analysis of Job Based Determinants

The results of percentage analysis of the star category hotel employees with respect to the job
based determinants are presented in Table.
It can be inferred that 34 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 21 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree regarding their fit into the job and the position they
are currently working.
While 6 per cent of the employees are neutral in their level of agreement, 21 per cent of the
employees agree and 18 per cent of the employees strongly agree that they fit into the current
job and position.
It can be inferred from the results that out of 100 employees, 35.00 per cent of the star
category hotel employees disagree and 25 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the
recognition of their functional efficiency by the star hotels.

While 13 per cent of the star category hotel employees neither agree nor disagree to the
recognition, 15.00 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of the hotel employees
strongly agree that their functional efficiency is well recognised by the star category hotels.
It can be inferred that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 34 per cent of the star
category hotel employees disagree and 27 per cent of the employees strongly disagree
regarding the hotel’s pay policy and service benefits. 8.00 per cent of the employees are
neutral with the policy, 15.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 16 per
cent of the employees strongly agree to the hotel’s pay policy and service benefits.
It is inferred from the results that 43 per cent of the employees agree and 25 per cent of the
star category hotel employees strongly agree that promotion is based on experience. While 10
per cent of the employees are neutral regarding this, 6.00 per cent disagree and 17.00 per cent
of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree that promotion is based on experience
The results indicate that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 31 per cent of the
employees agree and 26 per cent of the employees strongly agree that their work is really
hard as they are provided with lots of responsibilities. 12 per cent of the star category hotel
employees are neutral in their views relating to the responsibilities, 13 per cent of the star
category hotel employees disagree and 18 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that
their work is really hard and they are provided with lots of responsibilities.
Regarding the gaining of experience through challenging tasks leading to a clear career path,
the results indicate that 38 per cent of the employees disagree, 25.00 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the star category hotel employees are neutral.
While 16 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 13 per cent of hotel
employees strongly agree that they gain experience through challenging tasks which leads to
a clear career path. It indicates that 53 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree
and 5.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the work position and
responsibilities are distinctive in the hotel they are working and it is not common as other
hotels. 11.00 per cent of the employees are neutral to the distinctiveness, while 11 per cent of
the employees agree and 19 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree that
their work position and responsibilities are distinctive in their hotel compared to other hotels.
The results indicate that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 34 per cent of the
employees disagree and 27 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the immense

learning and growth opportunities provided by the hotels. While 15 per cent of the employees
agree, 19.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that their hotel provides immense
learning and growth opportunities, 6.00 per cent of the employees are neutral with their
From the results it can be inferred that 48.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees
agree and 12.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that their work requires high
interpersonal and guest relationship skills, while 14 per cent of the employees neither agree
nor disagree. 12 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 14 per cent of the
star category hotel employees strongly disagree that their work requires high interpersonal
and guest relationship skills
The results indicate that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 37.00 per cent of the
employees disagree and 20.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree
to the fact that the job is attractive and suits with the educational qualification. While 11.00
per cent of the employees are neutral towards the attractiveness and 13 per cent of the star
category hotel employees agree and 19 per cent of the hotel employees strongly agree to the
fact that job is attractive and it suits their educational qualification.
It is indicated that 44 per cent of the employees disagree, 19 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that their hotel entertains autonomy and self-decision
making in their work and 7 per cent of the employees are neutral in their decision. 15 per cent
of the star category hotel employees strongly agree and 15.00 per cent of the star category
hotel employees agree that the hotel entertains autonomy and self decision making in their
The results indicate that 35 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 27 per
cent strongly disagree to the fact that their work requires intensive hard skills and soft skills.
13 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree that their work requires intensive hard
skills and soft skills, 9 per cent employees strongly agree and 16.00 per cent of the employees
neither agree nor disagree.
It can be inferred that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 35 per cent disagree and
25.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the fact that their
experience, skills and abilities are of high demand in the hotel industry. 11 per cent of the
employees are neutral regarding the demand. 15 per cent of the employees agree and 14 per

cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree that their experience, skills and
abilities are of high demand in the star category hotels.
Regarding the management acting consistently with professional ethics to the employees in
star category hotels, the results indicate that 34 per cent of the employees disagree and 26 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree. 17 per cent of the employees are neutral in their
agreement with respect to the management acting consistently with professional ethics to the
employees in star category hotels. 14 per cent of star category hotel employees agree and 9
per cent of the employees strongly agree that the management acts in an ethical manner.


Gender and job based determinants
The relationship between the agreeable level of job based determinants and gender of the
employees is presented in Table. The results from the table indicate that out of 96 male
employees, 17 employees have a low agreeable level with the job based determinants, 59
employees have a medium level and 20 employees have a high level of attitude towards job
based determinants. Out of 4 female employees in star category hotels 3 have a medium level
and 1 employee have high agreeable level towards job based determinants.
The F-value of 9.480 is statistically significant at one per cent level which indicates that there
is a significant difference between the agreeable levels of the job based determinants and the
gender of the employees

Age and job based determinants

The relationship between the agreeable level of job based determinants and age of the
employees is presented in Table. The results conclude that out of 2 employees below the age
of 20 working in star hotels, both of them have a medium level and none of them have a high
level of attitude towards job based determinants. Out of 26 employees in the age group of 21-
25, 4 employees have a low level, 16 have medium level and 6 employees have high
agreeable level towards job based determinants
Among 36 employees falling under the age group of 26-35, 7 employees have a low level, 22
employees have a medium level and 7 employees have high agreeable level towards job
based determinants.

In the age group of 36-45 there are totally 31 employees, Out of them 5 employees have low
agreeable level towards job based determinants, 19 employees have a medium level and 7
employees have high level. And finally in the age group of 46-55 where there are 5
employees, 1 employee have low agreeable level, 3 employees have medium level and 1
employee have high agreeable level towards the job based determinants.
There is a statistically significant relationship between the different age group and the
agreeable level with the job based determinants among the star category hotel employees,
which is relevant from the F-value of 3.992 at one per cent level of significance.

Employee Agreeable Level of Job Satisfaction
Out of 100 employees working in star category hotels, 63 per cent of the employees working
in the hotels have medium level of satisfaction, 17 per cent of the employees have high level
of satisfaction towards their job and 20 per cent employees have low level of satisfaction with
their job.

Percentage Analysis of Job Satisfaction

The percentage analysis of job satisfaction is presented in Table. It is observed that out of 100
employees, 45 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels are disagree, 17.00 per
cent of the employees are strongly disagree and 7 per cent of the employees have a neutral
level towards the opportunity provided by the management to learn and use new skills and
talents. 13 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 18 per cent of the
employees are strongly agree with the opportunity provided by the management to learn and
use new skills and talents.
It is relevant from the results that 33 per cent of the employees are disagree, 23 per cent of the
employees are strongly disagree, 12 per cent of the employees are neutral, 18 per cent of the
employees in star category hotels agree and 14 per cent of the employees are strongly agree
with the non-biased selection of employees for training.
It is observed that 45 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels are disagree, 17.00
per cent of the employees are strongly disagree and 10 per cent of the employees are neutral
for the relationship with their subordinates. 13 per cent of the employees agree and 15 per
cent of the employees are strongly agree to the relationship with their subordinates.

The results indicate that out of 100 employees of star category hotels considered for the
study, 40 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of the employees strongly agree
with the job duration. 12.00 per cent of the employees disagree, 25.00 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree with the job duration and 12 per cent of the star category hotel
employees are neutral in their satisfaction levels.
It can be inferred that 37.00 per cent of the employees disagree and 23 per cent of the
employees are strongly disagree with the management support for the work-life balance. 6.00
per cent of the employees are neutral towards their satisfaction with work-life balance, 15 per
cent of the employees agree and 19 per cent of the employees are strongly agree with the
management support in the work-life balance.
It can be concluded from the results that 29 per cent of the employees disagree, 21 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree and 26 per cent of the employees are neutral in their
satisfaction levels with the job security and transfer policy in star category hotels. While 15
per cent of the employees agree and 9 per cent of the employees are strongly agree with the
management job security and transfer policy in star category hotels.
It is observed that 34 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree, 16 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree and 27 per cent of the hotel employees have a neutral
satisfaction level for the pride in doing their job. And 20 per cent of the star category hotel
employees agree and 4 per cent of the employees strongly agree and they get a sense of pride
in doing their work.
It can be indicated from the results that 33 per cent of the star category hotel employees
disagree, 23 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree and 5.00 per cent
of the star category hotel employees are neutral in the relationship with their supervisor. 19
per cent of the employees agree and 21 per cent of the employees strongly agree with their
satisfaction in the relationship with their supervisor.
It is inferred from the results that 35 per cent of the employees disagree, 23 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the employees in star category hotels are
neutral in their satisfaction levels with respect to the leave policy. And, 16 per cent of the
employees working in star category hotels agree and 19 per cent of the employees strongly
agree with the leave policy followed in star category hotels.
It is relevant from the results that out of 100 employees, 47 per cent of the employees agree
and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree with their relationship with co-workers.

10.00 per cent of the employees are neutral in their relationship with their co-workers, 20.00
per cent of the employees disagree and 6.80 per cent of the employees strongly disagree with
the relationship with their co-workers.
It is evident that 34 per cent of the employees disagree, 25 per cent of the star category hotels
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels have
a neutral satisfaction level for the need based training. 14 per cent of the employees agree and
19.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree with the need based training.
It can be seen that 9 per cent of the star category hotel employees have a neutral satisfaction
level for the career advancement opportunities provided by the hotel. 26 per cent of the
employees disagree, 23 per cent of the employees strongly disagree, 25.20 per cent of the
employees agree and 17 per cent of the employees strongly agree with the career
advancement opportunities provided by the hotel.
It is inferred that 47 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree, 16 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree and 8 per cent of the employees have a neutral satisfaction level
regarding the challenges and opportunities provided by the star category hotels with respect
to their work. 17.00 per cent of the employees agree with the job level challenges and
opportunities provided by the star category hotels and 12 per cent of the employees strongly
Regarding the safety and security for the employees in the star category hotels, 49 per cent of
the employees agree, 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree, 16 per cent of the
employees disagree, 6.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagrees and 16 per cent of the
employees in star category hotels are neutral. It is apparent from the results that 33.00 per
cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree, 23 per cent of the employees
strongly disagree and 10 per cent of the employees have a neutral satisfaction level with
respect to the scope of proving efficiency in their work. 18 per cent of the star category hotel
employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree with the scope of proving
their efficiency in work.
It is inferred from the analysis that out of 100 star category hotel employees, 37 per cent of
the employees disagree and 22.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree with the terms
and conditions of employment provided by the star category hotels. While 7 per cent of the
employees are neutral with their satisfaction levels, 16 per cent of the employees agree and

18 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree with the terms and conditions
of employment provided by the star category hotels
It is observed that 51 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree, 12 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree and 12 per cent of the employees are neutral in their
satisfaction levels regarding the general prerequisites. 15 per cent of the star category hotel
employees agree and 10 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree with
general prerequisites. It is indicated from the analysis that 32 per cent of the employees
disagree and 24 per cent of the employees strongly disagree with the promotional
opportunities in the hotel. 18 per cent of the star category hotel employees agree and 16 per
cent of them strongly agree with the promotional opportunities in the hotel, 10 per cent of the
star category hotel employees are neutral in their satisfaction levels.
The results show that 43 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree and 20.00 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree with the recognition of their contributions by the
management. 7 per cent of the star category hotel employees have a neutral satisfaction
levels, 14 per cent of the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree
with the recognition of the contributions towards job.
It can be inferred from the results that 41 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of
the employees strongly agree with the shift decision of the star category hotels. 17 per cent of
the employees disagree, 17 per cent of the employees strongly disagree and 13 per cent of the
star category hotel employees are neutral with the shift decision followed by the star category
With regard to the grievance handling procedure followed by the star category hotels to their
hotel employees, 34 per cent of the star category hotel employees disagree, 24.00 per cent of
the employees strongly disagree, 10 per cent of the employees have a neutral satisfaction
level, 19 per cent of the employees agree and 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree
with their satisfaction on the grievance handling procedure.

Relationship between Demographic Variables and Job Satisfaction

Gender and job satisfaction
The results from the table indicate that out of 96 male employees, 19 employees have a low
level of job satisfaction, 60 per cent employees have a medium level and 17 per cent
employees have a high level of satisfaction towards their job.

Out of 4 female employees in star category hotels 1 employee have a low level satisfaction, 3
employees have a medium level of satisfaction towards their job.
The F-value of 7.654 is statistically significant at one per cent level and it indicates that there
is a significant difference between the job satisfaction of the star category hotel employees
and the gender of the employees.

Age and job satisfaction

The results confirm that out of 2 employees below the age of 20 working in star hotels, and
both have a medium level of satisfaction towards their job.
Out of 26 employees in the age group of 21-25, 6 employees have a low level, 15 have a
medium level and 5 employees have high level of job satisfaction. Among 36 employees
falling under the age group of 26-35, 8 employees have a low level, 22 employees have a
medium level and 6 employees have a high level of job satisfaction. In the age group of 36-
45, there are totally 31 employees, out of them 6 employees have low satisfaction towards
their job, 20 employees have a medium level and 5 employees are highly satisfied.
And finally in the age group of 46-55 where there are 5 employees, 4 employees have
medium level and 1 employee have a high level of satisfaction towards their employment in
star category hotels.
There is a statistically significant relationship at one per cent level of significance between
the different age group of employees and their satisfaction levels with their job in star
category hotel which is relevant from the F-value of 3.765.

Percentage analysis of work culture in employee retention
The study reveals that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
23.00 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that
there is a shared commitment towards the values and vision in the hotel. While 11 per cent of
the employees have a neutral opinion, 16 per cent of the employees agree and 15 per cent of
the employees strongly agree that there is a shared commitment towards the values and vision
in the hotel.

It is inferred that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 22 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel management has an open and positive
While 10.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 17 per cent of the employees
agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel management has an open
and positive approach.
It is observed that 57 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 11 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel is clear regarding the
expectations from the employees. While 6 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
17 per cent of the employees agree and 9.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the
hotel is clear regarding the expectations from the employees.
It is evident that 54.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 10
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel
creates ways for employees to do everyday activities. While 8 per cent of the employees have
a neutral opinion, 12 per cent of the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotel creates ways for employees to do everyday activities.
It is indicated that 52.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 4
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree that family feeling is
cultivated in the hotel. While 10 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 27 per cent
of the employees agree and 7 per cent of the employees strongly agree that family feeling is
cultivated in the hotel.
It can be observed that 52 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
10.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the statement that there is a promotion of
integrity. While 8 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 21 per cent of the
employees agree and 10 per cent of the employees strongly agree that there is a promotion of
It is implied that 32 per cent of the employees disagree and 7 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that the hotel instills a sense of purpose and direction.
While 14 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 37 per cent of the employees
agree and 10.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel instills a sense of
purpose and direction.

Percentage analysis of building employee relationship in employee retention
Table indicates that 41.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
11 per cent of employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel helps in solving
employees’ issues through counselling and mentoring. While 10 per cent of the employees
have a neutral opinion, 26 per cent of the employees agree and 12 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotel helps in solving employees’ issues through counselling and
It can be inferred that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 14
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel
helps in building individual self esteem. While 11 per cent of the employees have a neutral
opinion. 28 per cent of the employees agree and 12.00 per cent of the employees strongly
agree that the hotel helps in building individual self esteem.
It is observed that 44 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 12 per
cent employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel builds team dynamics. While
9.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 21 per cent of the employees agree and
15 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel builds team dynamics.
It can be inferred that 42 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 20
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the constant communication
and transparency in the hotel. While 13 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
12.00 per cent of the employees agree and 14 per cent of the employees strongly agree that
there is a constant communication and transparency in the hotel.
The results obtained shows that 29.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels
disagree and 15 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the statement that there is
humour in the work place. While 14 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 25 per
cent of the employees agree and 17 per cent of the employees strongly agree that there is
humour in the work place.
It is indicated that 36 per cent of the employees disagree and 22 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel organises family picnics,
birthday parties and special events. While 14.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral
opinion, 16 per cent of the employees agree and 13 per cent of the employees strongly agree
that the hotel organises family picnics, birthday parties and special events.

Percentage analysis of management support in employee retention
It is evident from the Table that 36 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels
disagree and 22 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel encourage,
recognise and reward creativity and innovation. While 14 per cent of the employees have a
neutral opinion, 15 per cent of the employees agree and 13 per cent of the employees strongly
agree that the hotel encourage, recognise and reward creativity and innovation.
It is inferred that 41 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 14.00
per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel provides job flexibility.
While 11.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 20 per cent of the employees
agree and 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel provides job
It indicates that 30 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 22 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel defines work responsibilities and
accountabilities. While 25 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 12 per cent of
the employees agree and 11 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel defines
work responsibilities and accountabilities.
It is indicated that 31 per cent of the employees disagree and 17 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that the hotel provides ongoing performance feedback to
its employees. While 9 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 26.00 per cent of the
employees agree and 17 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel provides
ongoing performance feedback to its employees.
It is inferred that 36 per cent of the employees agree and 10 per cent of the star category hotel
employees strongly agree that the management ensures availability of equipments and
materials for the employees to do great work. While 12 per cent of the employees have a
neutral opinion, 35.00 per cent of the employees disagree and 7.00 per cent of the employees
strongly disagree that the management ensures availability of equipments and materials to do
It is indicated that 30 per cent of the employees disagree and 22 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree that the hotel management adjusts work to fit their
abilities, strengths and talents. While 14 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 18
per cent of the employees agree and 16.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the
hotel management adjusts work to fit their abilities, strengths and talents.

It is evident that 30 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 21 per
cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel motivates them to take initiative. While
9.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 29 per cent of the employees agree and
10.00 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel motivates them to take initiative.
It is inferred that 45.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels agree and 7 per
cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel reduces employee workload by increased
use of hotel management system. While 9 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
18 per cent of the employees disagree and 21 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that
the hotel reduces employee workload by increased use of hotel management system.

Percentage analysis of employee development in employee retention

Table indicates that 21 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 25
per cent of the strongly disagree to the statement that hotel provides incentives for inculcating
new skills. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 19 per cent of the
employees agree and 24 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel provides
incentives for inculcating new skills. It is observed that 42 per cent of the employees in the
star category hotels disagree and 10 per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly
disagree that the hotel creates opportunities for new work learning. While 10.00 per cent of
the employees have a neutral opinion, 23.00 per cent of the employees agree and 15.00 per
cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel creates opportunities for new work
It can be inferred that 40 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 17
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel
initiates cross functional trainings and work rotation. While 9 per cent of the employees have
a neutral opinion, 20 per cent of the employees agree and 14.00 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotel initiates cross functional trainings and work rotation. It is evident
that 41 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 9 per cent of the
employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotel allots funds for employee career
related improvements. While 11 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 22 per cent
of the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel allots
funds for employee career related improvements.

The results obtained shows that 27 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels
disagree and 23 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the statement that the hotels
focus on providing individual skill learning. While 15.00 per cent of the employees have a
neutral opinion, 19 per cent of the employees agree and 16.00 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that the hotels focus on providing individual skill learning.
It is indicated that 35 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and 18.00
per cent of the star category hotel employees strongly disagree to the statement that employee
assistance programs are frequently organised and it helps in resolving their personal, financial
and legal issues. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 18.00 per cent of
the employees agree and 16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that employee
assistance programs are frequently organised to resolve their personal, financial and legal

Percentage analysis of employee benefits and reward management in employee

Table indicates that 15 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels disagree and
18.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel offers competitive
and equitable salary. While 11.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 48 per
cent of the employees agree and 8 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel
offers competitive and equitable salary.
It indicates that 47 per cent of the employees agree and 14.00 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly agree that the hotel offers them free meal on duty. While 12 per
cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 10 per cent of the employees disagree and 17
per cent of the employees strongly disagree to the fact that the hotel offers free meal on duty.
It can be inferred that 47.00 per cent of the employees agree and 15 per cent of the employees
strongly agree that uniforms are provided and laundered free of charge by the hotel. While 12
per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 16 per cent of the employees disagree and
11 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the uniforms are provided and laundered
free of charge by the hotel.
It can be observed that 44.00 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels agree and
16 per cent of the employees strongly agree that the hotel management conducts free health
camp for the employees. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 14 per

cent of the employees disagree and 14.00 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the
hotel management conducts free health camp for the employees.
It is evident that 21.00 per cent of the employees disagree and 25 per cent of the star category
hotel employees strongly disagree to the fact that flexible employee benefits are provided.
While 18.00 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 15.00 per cent of the
employees agree and 21 per cent of the employees strongly agree that flexible employee
benefits are provided.
It is inferred that 25 per cent of the employees in the star category hotels agree and 34 per
cent of the star category hotel employees strongly agree that the reward system in the hotel is
flat rather than individual based. While 12 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion,
14 per cent of the employees disagree and 15 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that
the reward system in the hotel is flat rather than individual based.
The result indicates that 21 per cent of the employees in agree and 22.00 per cent of the star
category hotel employees strongly agree that the hotel provides complimentary hotel room
stay. While 13 per cent of the employees have a neutral opinion, 26.00 per cent of the
employees disagree and 18 per cent of the employees strongly disagree that the hotel provides
complimentary hotel room stay.
The table reveals that 22 per cent employees strongly disagree to the fact that discounts on
the hotel services is provided to the family of the employees. 18.00 per cent of the employees
disagree and 25 per cent of the employees are of neutral opinion. While 16 per cent
employees agree and 20 per cent employees strongly agree that discounts on the hotel
services is provided to the family.



The findings of this study hold specific suggestions for the improvement of employee
retention in the star category hotels. These suggestions are summarised below.
When there is an urgent need of recruitment by the hotels on situations like peak time, job
seekers are recruited as soon as they complete their schooling. They will not have a proper
training. So their satisfaction level with the job is less. They tend to quit jobs frequently when
they get even small pay rises because they don’t have the mentality to realise the value of the
job. In order to avoid these situations, hotels can recruit employees who are trained for the
specific job or hotels can train their employees before allocating the work. Hotels success
solely depends on customers. But the satisfaction of the customers is linked with the job
satisfaction of the employees. So when hotels satisfy their employees, it will automatically
lead to customer satisfaction and this will ultimately result in increasing the profitability and
productivity of the hotels. Employees should be given space and not be pushed. Opportunities
for growth coupled with positive environment for work, results in high job satisfaction.
Employees will be satisfied if the hotels provide them with good career development
opportunities. In order to increase the intention of the employees to stay in the hotels, a sense
of motivation should be nurtured among the employees. This will create a spirit of
enthusiasm leading to the increase of performance level.



The present study is carried out to study the employee retention among the employees of star
category hotel across India. The data and information were collected from 100 employees of
three, four and five star hotels about their attitude towards job based determinants, job
satisfaction, employee loyalty and employee retention.
The study clearly indicates that out of the most important attributes that contribute to the job
based determinants among different levels of hotel employees, monetary incentives or
benefits is not the real contributor. High demand of experience, skills & abilities, high
interpersonal & guest relationship skills, job fit, promotion based on experience, variety of
responsibilities and immense opportunities for growth & learning have greater impact on
employees. Monetary factor could not be ignored, though it serves as a crucial factor. The
major research finding is that in order to create job based determinants that motivate
employees to stay in the job, hotels should place emphasis on the key six contributors while
creating jobs.
The study clearly indicates that out of the most important factors employee recognition,
esteem, responsibility and autonomy the job gives them play critical role in contributing to
the job satisfaction of hotel employees. Training should be considered as an important factor
in satisfying the employees. The employees should be continuously updated with the new
procedures followed in other hotels across the world. The hotels should provide opportunities
to enhance skills of the employees and encourage them to use their skills.



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2. Research Methodology Methods & Techniques – Kothari C.R. publication – New
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1. Biswanath Ghosh 1998, ‘Tourism and Travel Management’, Vikas Publishing Private
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2. Dockel, A 2003, ‘The effect of retention factors on organizational commitment: An
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