Research Paper On The Cuban Missile Crisis

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Kennedy supplied a group of anti-Castro exiles with arms in order to invade Cuba and overthrow
Castro. However, the mission is a total failure since the Cuban army happen to be awaiting the
Cuban exiles inside the Bay of Pigs. Soviet freighter Volgoles carrying missiles away from Cuba on 9
November 1962. On the same night, a Western spy working in Russia got arrested. Russian ships
were unable to come to the Cuba and they had to return back to the own destination. The positive
outcomes of the event Assertion of United States Power Before the Crisis, Kennedy and the entire
America was suffering from a credibility loss, due to the failure by President Kennedy to overthrow
Castro in Cuba (Chayes, 1974). It would destroy the missiles before they were ready to use against
the US but destruction of all the sites could not be guaranteed. The source suggests that the crisis
occurred not because of the missiles on Cuba, but because of the US response to this. The suspects
involved in the plot varied inside the mafias to a single of Castro’s ex enthusiasts (Campbell 2009,
n.d.). Among the murder plots that really needed place is a strafe in Havana hotel by Alpha 66,
which easily easily wiped out several Cubans and Soviet technicians (Brenner 1990, p.121). On a
single hands, the united states. This is a biased view, as a US historian wrote the source. Introduction
The Cuban Missile Crisis The origins of the Cuban Missile Crisis can be found in 1959, when Fidel
Castro's supporters finally overthrew Batista's military dictatorship, which had been in power since
1953. Khrushchev agreed to remove missiles and Kennedy therefore removed blockade. It was the
major confrontation between the two countries in the Cold War, which dominated the middle of the
20 th Century. However the USSR lied about missiles and he had already issued them a warning- to
do nothing would show another sign of weakness. Once operational, these nuclear-armed weapons
could have been used on cities and military targets in most of the continental United States. Cuban
Missile Crisis Maps from Ball State University Libraries. The Cuban missile crisis better known in
Cuba as the October crisis, and the Caribbean crisis in USSR, occurred in October 1962 during the
era of the cold war. During Batista’s, the callous ruler of Cuba, regime, Cuba per person earnings was
two occasions more than other countries generally. Kennedy did non desire to hold a direct invasion
because it might go on like the Bay of Pigs invasion. Although Kennedy may have appeared to
triumph over communist Russia, as Source I tells us, this is not the case. For example New Orleans,
Dallas and Miami were in range for short-range missiles. Historical and contemporary causes of the
event The Cold War in 1962 was at its peak. Triumps and Tragedies of the Modern Presidency, 185-
187. Sekeris, P. (2006). Compelling in the Shadow of Power. Most particularly, the 1961 Bay of Pigs
affair was an attempted invasion of Cuba using the U.S. the other that endures formerly as being a
template of hopelessly conflicted agendas and striking incompetence. Khrushev sent Kennedy a
telegram offering to destroy all the nuclear sites if he would lift the blockade he had placed and to
agree not to invade Cuba (Clearly, 2009). Khrushchev also acted cleverly and was the first to talk
about peace, but the fact that he never had to make any big decisions as Kennedy had, does not
highlight his handling of the crisis. However, it would be four more years before substantial
withdrawals of American servicemen occurred. This, unlike an air attack, would not only get rid of
the missiles but also Castro and to make it viable the American army was ready to do this. This must
have been of great concern to Kennedy, because most of the USA, including Washington, was within
range of long or short ranged missiles based on Cuba. It ensured that there was diplomacy and
bargaining power between the two super powers.
He was highly disquieted because of the site was so close to America and besides the atomic
payloads had a grater scope of travel, cuban missile crisis research paper. Either view from the
sources can be argued successfully with the reasons I suggested. The 14,000 exiles landed at the Bay
of Pigs and where annihilated by 20,000 Cuban troops with more modern weapons. He envisioned
curriculum making should start with those. This expansion of Communism scared the USA as it went
against what their Constitution stood for: freedom. It examines whether the missile crisis can be
deconstructed and if so, what are the underlying scenarios that can be uncovered and how useful
this deconstruction can be to provide lessons about the relevance to public policy in the present day
and age. The relationship between Cuba and the Soviet Union deteriorated. Cuban Missile Crisis: The
Essential Reference Guide. Some people considered this to mean that the US has strategic superiority
over the USSR, and some may even say that Khrushchev was afraid of US retaliation if there was
war between the two sides. Also, if Khrushchev could manage to deploy nuclear missiles on Cuba it
would be a huge deterrent to the use of the American missiles, which could destroy all major Soviet
cities as they were positioned in nearby Turkey. Also, the attack would kill Soviet soldiers which
would enrage the USSR and possibly start an all-out war. In addition they competed in relation to
proper gaining (Billingsley p.6). Furthermore, the agreement caused the relation relating to the USSR
and China to condition no. We can also infer that Gromyko, the Soviet foreign minister at the time of
the crisis called the Americans imperialists about how they treated the goings on in Cuba before the
missiles were placed there. Both countries developed rockets that had nuclear warheads.
Nevertheless, the Soviet deployment of the missiles in Cuba brought about a change in the balance
of power. Anastas Mikoyan, the Soviet First Deputy Prime Minister, negotiated this alliance. Any
conflict between them was likely to involve the rest of the word, affecting every country that was
allied to either of them. He knew that if he attempted to destroy the missiles in Cuba, he would risk
setting off a global nuclear war resulting in mass destruction. The Kennedys’ met with the Russian
ambassador and mentioned removing all the missiles located in Turkey (Pfiffner, n.d). Before
Kennedy could reply to his letter, Khrushchev sent a different letter demanding the America’s
president to remove all their missile bases situated in Turkey (Chayes, 1974). Some people considered
this to mean that the US has strategic superiority over the USSR, and some may even say that
Khrushchev was afraid of US retaliation if there was war between the two sides. Cuban Missile
Crisis: The Essential Reference Guide. Using the BBC, the CIA along with the Cuban exiles created
greater than 600 plots to assassinate him. The blockade did not destroy the threat of the missiles on
Cuba, but it did stop more from getting there. How to cite Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Research
Paper Outline essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. However
the USSR lied about missiles and he had already issued them a warning- to do nothing would show
another sign of weakness. The tone of the source seems to also be fairly stern and serious although it
was taken after the event. Carrying out a Bay of Pig Invasion in 1961, the CIA planed many assassin
plots on Fidel Castro. The USSR were seriously behind in the arms race and at that time only had
missiles that could only strike the west coast of America. Cuban Missile Crisis: a Foreign Policy
Analysis 2019-02-01. When people think of a time where rebellious, free spirited people played a
part, the 1960s come to mind.
Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Research Paper Outline Essay Example. A lot of people in the Soviet
Union could not stand a leader who blinked when they were at war with the United States (Bloom,
2006). The crisis began when the United States discovered that just ninety miles from the coast of
Florida, the Soviet Union had set up nuclear missiles. As it says in source C, 80 million Americans
could be killed. He knew that if he attempted to destroy the missiles in Cuba, he would risk setting
off a global nuclear war resulting in mass destruction. The first impact was the rise in communication
relating to the US along with the USSR. When people think of a time where rebellious, free spirited
people played a part, the 1960s come to mind. Allison's 'Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban
Missile Crisis'. It had been the sheer info on Cuba, so near to the U.S. and within Communist regime,
that will drastically pressure the problems. This needed shape most dramatically when, on October
16th, 1962, President Kennedy was informed that aerial photographs taken using the U.S. military
revealed indisputable proof of Soviet missiles as established on Cuban soil. The US historian has
their view for a variety of reasons, the main one being that Khrushchev backed down. And finally
the USA had a strong navy and if this option failed, all the other possibilities could still be used.
Kennedy -- Leadership Qualities That Moved A Nation. For Kennedy too was wary of starting war
with the USSR.An argument for Soviet victory is that Castro was still in power after the crisis. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. This source proposes that if Kennedy ends the
blockade and doesn't invade Cuba, then Khrushchev would remove all weapons from Cuba. This is
because the writer was an important minister at the time, and it was published in the same year that
communist control was collapsing in Russia.Source F is a letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy,
written at the time of the crisis. Cuban missile cyberspace After audience with the secretary of
defence he decided for a umbilicus encirclement enchantress had the least reverberations in the
months to come. It is safe to say that their military and political confrontation has become a real
threat to the lives of millions of innocent people all over the globe. With this work, students,
policymakers, and other interested readers will understand the ramifications of the relationships
between industry, scientific and technological communities, the government, and society. Because
the finish of The Second World War, the build-from nuclear arsenals within both major forces had
fueled serious concerns in every single in regards to the ultimate intentions within the other. Ward,
were poised to launch air, naval gunfire, and amphibious strikes from the sea against Soviet and
Cuban forces ashore. Kennedy had become elected on the promise of getting tough with the
communists; he felt that Khrushchev had advantageously gotten one over him during the 1961
Vienna Summit (Clearly, 2009). Especially as he was seen as being a young and inexperienced
president by Khrushchev, and after his recent attack on the Bay of Pigs on Cuba to take the
Communist Fidel Castro away from the leadership of Cuba had failed devastatingly. These more
important issues are not really talked about in the two sources. 4. The Cuban missile crisis was settled
after thirteen days. It talks of how the crisis was a Soviet success as there was never a direct
confrontation. Based on many American scholars, the deployment of missiles in Cuba were
Khrushchev’s offers to test USA reaction for future war, to demonstrate the USSR nuclear brilliance
for that Soviet and Chinese governments, to assist the united states. He started looking, for ways of
countering this America’s lead (Sekeris, 2006). Source F was written at the time of the crisis, but it is
written by Khrushchev and also blames the US for the crisis. For thirteen days, the fear of impending
nuclear war continued until an agreement was reached for the removal of the weapons. But when the
Sovietss dinned that there was any Russian atomic base in Cuba and could non make a comprise.
Both sources take the view that their own country won the crisis, although the truth is somewhere
between what the. Negative outcomes of the Crisis Instead of increasing international prestige of the
USSR, Khrushchev did discredit Moscow’s ultimate commitment to their allies, most importantly
China (Chayes, 1974). However, after the second letter he sent to Kennedy, he was forced to back
down since Kennedy had promised to do everything he had asked for and he threatened him to
attack if the Soviet Union did not withdraw. In addition, it altered negligence worldwide reaction,
since the U.S. grew to become within the unfamiliar position that require thinking about an intrusive,
aggressive pressure, along with the Communist states were simpler regarded as victims. The problem
was much more complex than that, however, because the USSR had extended selected Cuba just as
one excellent site where one can base “defensive” forces. Clearly, there is a longstanding concern
within the U.S. maui nation might be subverted, and employed as being a nearby base for hostilities.
Today, that idea is often dismissed, calling for a general consensus on a topic, and that his
implications for the U. This is because the international political scene was more polarized during
that time with states aligning themselves with either the US or the Soviet Union. Khrushchev had the
nuclear weapons removed from Cuba, and the missile installations were destroyed, in return for a US
promise not to invade Cuba and the ending of the blockade. This dealt Castro a massive blow since
sugar was the livelihood of the economy of Cuba (Chayes, 1974). The first one was the failed
invasion at the known Bay of Pigs through the CIA backed Cuban exiles back in 1961 (Clearly,
2009). Kennedy had few choices but instead did not back down and lead the country through the
crisis. London: Oxford University Press. Cleary, P. (2009). The Cuban Missile Crisis: How close
were we to nuclear war. He started looking, for ways of countering this America’s lead (Sekeris,
2006). The Cold War and the desire to terminate the communist threat held by many Americans can
be seen as initiators in many ways to this crisis. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The US government
had secretly offered to remove its missiles located in Turkey. This was a really embracing mater
because they had lost a grate trade of figure of speechs to a lesser state. This is the main reason as to
why America discovered these missile sites in Cuba. With America stepping back of Soviet in the
Crisis, it managed to show once more that it would not back down from aggression (Sekeris, 2006).
On the same night, a Western spy working in Russia got arrested. This isn’t one of the task printed
by our professional essay authors. Round The month from the month of the month of january 1959,
Castro as well as the troops could overthrown Batista as well as the government. Although Kennedy
may have appeared to triumph over communist Russia, as Source I tells us, this is not the case. The
top map is from the Palgrave Concise Atlas of the Cold War published in 2003. The complexity of
Crisis makes the subject difficult to discuss and analyze without leaving out major milestones crucial
to the story. As Cuba was now a communist state they immediately became allies with others around
the globe, most notably the USSR. In December of that year Castro announced that he was setting
up a communist government, this was a very serious blow to America. This speculative wariness,
however, was altered into outright fear once the Castro regime made Cuba a Communist condition.
The primary reasons for the crisis were the Ussr hidden agendas along with the Cuban insecurity, that
was introduced on with the Usa. This may be because Gromyko is still putting the blame onto the
It also states that air strikes were being considered, but Kennedy must have turned this option down.
Source J is from 'Khrushchev Remembers', and it takes the other biased view that Khrushchev beat
Kennedy. This is because it was a letter written to Kennedy, so it reflects how Khrushchev wanted to
be seen.Both sources are of limited use, but they still provide insight into the crisis. Really, as
accurate because the 1962 military information was, the truth was much more dire: 80 nuclear
warheads were really within Cuba throughout the crisis, an indisputable fact not determined until
carrying out a settlement. The missile station in Cuba got built by the USSR so that Cuba would be
able to protect itself from the United States invasion (Cuban missile crisis, 2011). In December of
that year Castro announced that he was setting up a communist government, this was a very serious
blow to America. Both leaders were keen to avoid conflict, as it would be costly, impractical and
unpopular, yet neither leader wanted to back. Many historical accounts are similar to the events of
this Cuban Missile Crisis. An example of this is the fact that that Soviet ships didn't challenge the US
blockade around Cuba. Much of the information that is available today about the Cuban Missile
Crisis was not available to the people who needed it the most. This made Kennedy appear to be
decisive, and he wanted Americans to know this, as shown by source D. Missile Crisis” as President
Kennedy set up a blockade of Soviet ships to Cuba. Kennedy seemed weak because he could do
nothing to stop the building of the wall, despite his best efforts. May be the Americans were
suspicious of the new government requirement to leave the military base of Guantanamo, and even
the attempts to block it. Whereas source D is very stern and serious as it was a national broadcast to
the whole of the American nation and it was taken at the time of the crisis so there was more panic in
the air and a lot more tension. According to a Russian historian, Peter Kenez, Khrushchev’s ultimate
yield to America was downright humiliating for the entire Soviet Union (Chayes, 1974). When the air
strike couldn’t remove all missiles from Cuba, it might give you the Cubans time for you to deploy
missiles in the united states. Both leaders were frightened of how close they had come to a nuclear
war, as shown by Khrushchev's suggestion of di??tente in source H. The Bay of Pigs invasion was
the best Eisenhower administration plan, which needed action during Kennedy presidency (Wealthy
2003,p. 420). There’s been several causes of the causes of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. This was a slight
blow to the USA but things turned sour when the US refused Cuba’s ask for money to help build up
their economy. For thirteen days, the fear of impending nuclear war continued until an agreement
was reached for the removal of the weapons. Ward, were poised to launch air, naval gunfire, and
amphibious strikes from the sea against Soviet and Cuban forces ashore. Not only did the Premiere
want to alter the set balance of power, but he wanted to destroy America’s policy of containment,
specifically in Berlin and also Latin America (Chayes, 1974). Both sources put the blame on the US.
3ii. Sources E and F are both written by Russians who were important at the time of the crisis. Two
best nations on the planet were, essentially, dueling, and just diplomacy, fueled by inevitable
concerns of self-interest, would have been to prevent global disaster. Therefore, President Kennedy
as well as the advisors developed the naval blockade method so as to handle the Cubans (Wealthy
2003, p. 422). The top map is from the Palgrave Concise Atlas of the Cold War published in 2003.
This is not entirely true, as in reality the two leaders managed to come to an agreement to avoid
nuclear war. Also to over-react would be the biggest danger to world peace. In recent years, the more
scandalous aspects of his life have overtaken his historical significance, something that should be
remedied and his importance restored.

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