Cabizas - GCR Module 2

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Cabizas, Michaela Marie P.

BEED- 1 PC 121 (05819) TTHS 11:30 – 12:30 PM


Task 1. What are the 4 dimensions of global competence? Describe each.

1. Investigate the World: This dimension refers to the ability to understand global issues
and to recognize the interconnectedness of the world. It involves developing knowledge
of diverse perspectives, global systems, and the impacts of local and global decisions.
2. Recognize Perspectives: This dimension refers to the ability to recognize and appreciate
different cultural perspectives and values. It involves developing empathy and respect
for diverse cultures, beliefs, and ways of knowing.
3. Communicate Ideas: This dimension refers to the ability to communicate effectively and
appropriately across cultural and linguistic boundaries. It involves developing language
proficiency, intercultural communication skills, and the ability to adapt communication
styles to different cultural contexts.
4. Take Action: This dimension refers to the ability to take responsible and ethical action to
address global issues. It involves developing problem-solving skills, cultural competence,
and the ability to work collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds to
promote social justice, equity, and sustainability.
Together, these four dimensions represent a holistic approach to developing global
competence, which is increasingly important in today's interconnected and diverse world.

Task 1.1 GC 1
Global Competence Dimension 1 (GC1) is "Investigate the World". This dimension of global
competence focuses on developing the knowledge and skills necessary to understand global
issues and the interconnectedness of the world. GC1 involves a range of competencies, such as
global literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It also includes the ability to
recognize the complexity of global issues, the interconnectedness of local and global systems,
and the impact of cultural, political, economic, and environmental factors on global issues. GC1
emphasizes the importance of developing knowledge and understanding of diverse
perspectives, global trends, and global systems in order to address global challenges effectively.
By developing GC1, individuals can become informed and engaged global citizens who are able
to contribute positively to the global community.
Task 1.2 GC 2
Global Competence Dimension 2 (GC2) is "Recognize Perspectives". This dimension of global
competence focuses on developing the ability to recognize and appreciate different cultural
perspectives and values. GC2 involves developing empathy, respect, and understanding for
diverse cultures, beliefs, and ways of knowing. It also includes the ability to recognize and
challenge cultural biases and stereotypes, and to reflect on one's own cultural identity and
worldview. GC2 emphasizes the importance of developing intercultural competence, which
involves the ability to communicate and interact effectively and appropriately with people from
diverse cultural backgrounds. By developing GC2, individuals can become more inclusive, open-
minded, and respectful of diverse cultural perspectives, which can enhance relationships,
promote cultural exchange, and contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious global

Task 1.3 GC 3
Global Competence Dimension 3 (GC3) is "Communicate Ideas". This dimension of global
competence focuses on developing the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately
across cultural and linguistic boundaries. GC3 involves developing language proficiency,
intercultural communication skills, and the ability to adapt communication styles to different
cultural contexts. It also includes the ability to use digital technologies and media to
communicate globally. GC3 emphasizes the importance of developing clear, concise, and
culturally appropriate communication skills in order to build relationships, facilitate
understanding, and collaborate effectively across cultures. By developing GC3, individuals can
become effective communicators who are able to interact successfully with people from diverse
cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and who can contribute to the exchange of ideas and
information on a global scale.

Task 1.4 GC 4
Global Competence Dimension 4 (GC4) is "Take Action". This dimension of global competence
focuses on developing the ability to take responsible and ethical action to address global issues.
GC4 involves developing problem-solving skills, cultural competence, and the ability to work
collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds to promote social justice, equity, and
sustainability. It also includes the ability to analyze and evaluate the impact of one's actions on
local and global communities. GC4 emphasizes the importance of developing a sense of
personal and social responsibility, and of using one's skills and knowledge to make a positive
contribution to the global community. By developing GC4, individuals can become effective
agents of change who are able to address global challenges and to promote a more just,
equitable, and sustainable world for all.
Task 2. What are the 3 dimensions of globalization? Explain each.
1. Economic Dimension: The economic dimension of globalization refers to the increasing
interconnectedness and interdependence of the global economy. It involves the free
flow of goods, services, capital, and technology across national borders, as well as the
growth of multinational corporations and global supply chains. The economic dimension
of globalization has brought about significant changes in the world economy, including
increased competition, specialization, and the creation of new markets and
2. Political Dimension: The political dimension of globalization refers to the increasing
interconnectedness and interdependence of global politics and governance. It involves
the emergence of global institutions and frameworks for cooperation and decision-
making, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and regional
organizations like the European Union. The political dimension of globalization has
brought about significant changes in the way in which political power is distributed and
exercised, as well as the ways in which global issues are addressed and resolved.
3. Cultural Dimension: The cultural dimension of globalization refers to the increasing
interconnectedness and interdependence of global cultures and ways of life. It involves
the spread of ideas, values, beliefs, and cultural practices across national borders, as
well as the emergence of global cultural forms and hybrid cultures. The cultural
dimension of globalization has brought about significant changes in the way in which
people understand and experience the world, as well as the ways in which they express
their identities and interact with others.
Together, these three dimensions of globalization shape the ways in which the world operates
and influence various aspects of human life, from the economy to politics to culture.

Task 2.1 Dimension 1

The first dimension of globalization is the economic dimension. This dimension refers to the
increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the global economy. It involves the free
flow of goods, services, capital, and technology across national borders, as well as the growth of
multinational corporations and global supply chains. The economic dimension of globalization
has brought about significant changes in the world economy, including increased competition,
specialization, and the creation of new markets and opportunities.
Task 2.2 Dimension 2
The second dimension of globalization is the political dimension. This dimension refers to the
increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of global politics and governance. It
involves the emergence of global institutions and frameworks for cooperation and decision-
making, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and regional organizations
like the European Union. The political dimension of globalization has brought about significant
changes in the way in which political power is distributed and exercised, as well as the ways in
which global issues are addressed and resolved.

Task 2.3 Dimension 3

The third dimension of globalization is the cultural dimension. This dimension refers to the
increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of global cultures and ways of life. It
involves the spread of ideas, values, beliefs, and cultural practices across national borders, as
well as the emergence of global cultural forms and hybrid cultures. The cultural dimension of
globalization has brought about significant changes in the way in which people understand and
experience the world, as well as the ways in which they express their identities and interact
with others.

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