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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Topic Math Range Page Range

Effect Of Resistance 01 - 06 05 - 09
Effect Of Inductance 07 - 15 10 - 14
Effect Of Capacitance 16 - 23 15 - 19
Transmission Line 24 - 34 20 - 33
Ferranti Effect 35 - 37 34 - 36
Most Economical Working Voltage 38 37
Kelvins Law 39 38 - 39
Effect Of Sag 40 - 54 40 - 52
Insulator 55 - 61 53 - 58
Effect Of Corona 62 59 - 60
Underground cable 63 - 89 62 - 82
Dielectric Stress
Insulation Reistance
Per Unit Method 90 - 103 85 - 97
Symmetrical Fault 104 - 126 98 - 114
Unsymmetrical Fault 127 – 161 115 - 168
Symmetrical Component
Sequence Diagram
CT & PT 162 - 169 170 - 178
Transformer Protection 170 – 177 179 -185
Alternator Protection 178 – 184 186 - 191
Relay 185 – 187 192 - 193
Circuit Breaker & Fuse 188 - 194 194 - 197
Power Plant 195 – 211 200 - 212
Variable Load on Power Sation 212 - 250 213 - 236
Tariff 251 - 263 237 - 243

। ।
Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।
Mridul (01645408848) ix।



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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Electrical design of 0verhead lines

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Resistance of a Transmission Line

That‘s means , Line loss = For single phase/Two conductor/Loop

Line loss = For three phase/One conductor Resistance .

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

0.775 eM©‡mw›UwgUvi cÖ¯’‡”Q`wewkó Zvgvi cwievnx gva¨‡g GK †dR UªvÝwgkb jvB‡b GKK cvIqvi
d¨v±‡i 3.3kV †Z m‡ev©”P KZ `~i‡Z¡ 200kW cvIqvi mieivn Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i? UªvÝwgkb `ÿZv
90% cwievnxi Zv‡ii Av‡cwÿK †iva 1.725μΩ-cm|

Ans : 13.6 km
02. PGCB – 2021
15MW ‡jvW 0.8 cvIqvi d¨v±‡i wZb †dR UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi ACSR cwievnxi gva¨‡g mieivn
†K›`ª n‡Z MÖnY Kiv nq| jvBb cwievnxi cÖwZwUi †iwR÷¨vÝ cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUv‡i 1Ω | jvB‡bi MÖnY
cÖv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR 132kv Ges UªvÝwgkb AcPq aiv nq 5% | jvB‡bi `~iZ¡ wbiæcY Ki|

Ans : 39.138Ω
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 3-†dR UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi †cÖiY cÖvšÍ 33kv, 50Hz Drcv`b †K‡›`ªi m‡½ hy³| MÖnY cÖv‡šÍ
30kv †Z 0.8 j¨vwMs cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 10MW †jv‡W mieivn w`‡Z nq| UªvÝwgkb `ÿZv me©wb¤œ
96% Gi g‡a¨ mxgve× ivL‡Z n‡e| jvB‡bi cÖwZ †d‡Ri †iwR÷¨vÝ wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 2.4 Ω
Ifvi‡nW jvB‡b e¨env‡ii Rb¨ A¨vjywgwbqvg‡K cÖ‡mm Kiv n‡”Q 20°c ZvcgvÎvq hvi †iwR÷¨vÝ
28.Ω| †U¤úv‡iPvi 60°c n‡j cwievnx c`v‡_©i †iwR÷¨vÝ KZ? ai 20°c G ZvcgvÎv mnM
0.00403/°c |

Ans : 32.51 Ω

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

05. BWDB-2017
2km 1960 Cu- 40°C
। 20°C Cu- 1.68
Ω-m 0.00393/°C

Ans : 18.5 x Ω
6.0 ও । ,

Solution :

Ans : 9 Ω
Resistance of a wire is r Ω . The wire is stretched to double its length, then its
resistance will be ?-[ r Ω, ]
Solution :

Ans : 4r
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

1 cm resistance0.15 ohm।
diameter 50% । ?
Solution :

Ans : 2.4 ohm

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Inductance, L = ( +4 )× H/m ,
Loop Inductance/Two Conductor Inductance /Single Phase Inductance.

Inductance, L = 0.5 ( +4 )× H/m

One Conductor Inductance /Per Phase Inductance.

Here, = Relative Permeability, d = Spacing between conductor

r = Radius of conductor. Relative Permeability for cupper 1.


Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU wm‡½j †dR jvB‡bi `ywU mgvšÍivj KÛvKUi 2 wgUvi `~i‡Z¡ Ae¯’vb K‡i| G‡`i cÖwZwU e¨vm
1.2 ‡mwg n‡j jvB‡bi cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUvi jyc BÛvKU¨vÝ †ei Ki|

Ans : 2.423 m H
GKwU wm‡½j †dR UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi `ywU mgvšÍivj KÛvKUi ci¯úi 3 wgUvi e¨eav‡b Ae¯’vb K‡i|
G‡`i cÖwZwUi e¨vmva© 1 ‡mwg| jvB‡bi cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUvi ‣`N©©¨i jyc BÛvKU¨vÝ †ei Ki, (K) hLb
KÛvKUi c`v_© Kcvi I wi‡jwUf cviwg‡qwewjwU 1 (L) hLb KÛvKUi c`v_© ÷xj I wi‡jwUf
cviwg‡qwewjwU 100 nq|

Ans : 2.381 mH, 12.281 mH

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

- -ও 2
। 1.24 1

Ans : 1.2 mH
10. SGFL-2021
GKwU w_ª-‡dR w_ª-Iqvi wm‡÷‡gi wZbwU Zvi wÎfzRvKv‡i Aew¯’Z Ges evû¸wji ‣`N©¨ 2m , 2.5m
Ges 4.5m cÖwZwU Zv‡ii e¨vm 1.24 †mwg n‡j 1 wK‡jvwgUvi `xN© UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi Rb¨ BÛvKU¨vÝ
KZ n‡e Zv wbY©q Ki| jvBb¸wj h_vwbq‡g Uªv݇cvwRkb Kiv Av‡Q|

Ans : 1.2742 mH

Ans : 1.11mH
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

230V 1.5 । 1.5

Ans : 2.219 mH

Ans : 1·36 mH/km

- ( ) 100 0.5
. .। । 120 GMR
ও GMD ।

Ans : 0.1284 H

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 0.536 µH

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Capacitance, C = F/m.

Loop Capacitance/Two Conductor Capacitance /Single Phase Capacitance.

Capacitance, C = F/m. One Conductor Capacitance /Per Phase


Here, = = Absulate Permitivity

= Relative Permitivity, ( For air 1)

Charging Current , = = A.

Charging Power, =√ sin =3 VAR. For 3 phase

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 0.4875 × µF
100 wK.wg `xN© GK †dR mieivn jvB‡bi cwievnxØq 2.5 wgUvi `~i‡Z¡ Aew¯’Z| cwievnx؇qi
cÖwZwUi e¨vm 2 †mwg| jvB‡bi K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 0.503 µF
GKwU GK †dR, 50 wKwg `xN© Ifvi‡nW UªvÝwgkb jvBb 1.5 wgUvi `~i‡Z¡ 5 wgwg e¨v‡mi `ywU mij
mgvšÍivj cwievnx Øviv MwVZ| hw` jvBb †fv‡ëR 66kv, 50Hz nq Z‡e I‡cb mvwK©U jvB‡bi PvwR©s
Kv‡i›U wbY©q Ki|
Solution :

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Ans : 4.506 Amp

3- †dR, 100 wKwg `xN© Ifvi‡nW jvB‡bi 2 †mwg e¨v‡mi cwievnx 2.5 wgUvi `~i‡Z¡ mgevû wÎfz‡Ri
wZb ‡Kvbvq Aew¯’Z| jvB‡bi K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 1..0075 µ F

Ans : 0·0096 µF/km

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।
Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU wZb †dR Ifvi‡nW jvB‡bi cwievnxÎq wPÎvbymv‡i emv‡bv| cwievnxi e¨vm 0.6 †mwg| jvB‡bi
cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUv‡ii K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 8.377× µF
GKwU wZb †dR, 50Hz,132kv Ifvi‡nW jvB‡bi cwievnxÎq 4 wgUvi `~‡i mgvšÍivjfv‡e emv‡bv|
cwievnxi e¨vm 2cm | jvBbwU 100km `xN© n‡j cÖwZ †d‡Ri PvwR©s Kv‡i›U Ges cvIqvi wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 0.89 µ F , 21.583 A, 4934.536 KVAR

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU wZb †dR 50Hz, 66kv Ifvi‡nW UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi cwievnxÎq 2 wgUvi I 2.5 wgUvi `~‡i
mgZ‡ji mgvšÍiv‡j emv‡bv| cwievnxi e¨vm 1.25cm | jvB‡bi •`N¨© 100 wKwg| wbY©q Ki-(i) cÖwZ
†d‡Ri K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ (ii) cÖwZ †d‡Ri PvwR©s Kv‡i›U Ges cvIqvi KZ?

Ans : 0.91 µ F, 10.89 Amp, 1244.894 KVAR

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।


(i) Short Transmission Line. (PGCB-21)

(ii) Medium Transmission Line. (PGCB-21, KGDCL-21)

(a) End Condenser Method.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
(b). Nominal T Method.

(c).Nominal π Method.

(iii) Long Transmission Line.

All law.

V. Exact Method.

) V. Approximately Method.

=√ W.

| | | |
% Voltage Regulation = .
| |

Transmission Efficiency , η = .

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU wm‡½j †dR 33kv,50 nvU©R Ifvi‡nW jvBb 0.8 cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 110kW cvIqvi cwienb
K‡i| jvB‡bi †gvU †iwR÷¨vÝ 10Ω Ges BÛvKU¨vÝ 50 wgwj †nbwi n‡j †cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR ,
cvIqvi d¨v±i ,cwienb `ÿZv Ges †fv‡ëR †i¸‡jkb KZ n‡e?

Solution :

Ans : 33072.6 V, 0.799 ( lag), 99.84 %, 0.22%

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU wkíKviLvbvq 3- †dR, 0.8 j¨vwMs cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 11kv jvBb n‡Z 1.1 MW cvIqvi MÖnY
K‡i| jvBb cwievnxi †iwR÷¨vÝ 2Ω I wiq¨vKU¨vÝ 3Ω n‡j mvwK©U WvqvMÖvg I †f±i WvqvMÖvg
Avek¨K wbY©q Ki- (i) ‡cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR, (ii) †cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi cvIqvi d¨v±i, (iii) cwienb
`ÿZv, (iv) kZKiv †fv‡ëR †i¸‡jkb

Solution :

Ans:11426 V, 0.792 (lag), 1131248.584 W, 97.23%, 3.872%

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 3 †dR, 50Hz, 16 wK‡jvwgUvi `xN© jvB‡bi gva¨‡g 0.8 cvIqvi d¨v±i j¨vwMs -G 11kv †Z
1M cvIqvi †jv‡W mieivn Kiv n‡”Q| jvB‡bi cÖwZ †d‡R cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUv‡i †iwR÷¨vÝ 0.03Ω,
BÛvKU¨vÝ 0.7mH †cÖiY cªv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR , †fv‡ëR †i¸‡jkb Ges UªvÝwgkb `ÿZv wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 11286.5 V, 2.6 %, 99, 384 %

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

27. PGCB-21

Ans : 319032.95V, 81.36 Amp, 97.154 %

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 111486.2769 kw, 0.88 (lag)

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 100 wK‡jvwgUvi `xN© 3- †dR 50 nvU©R UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi aªeKmgyn wb¤œiæct- cÖwZ
wK‡jvwgUv‡i cÖwZ †d‡Ri †iwR÷¨vÝ = 0.1Ω, cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUv‡i cÖwZ †d‡Ri wiq¨vKUªvÝ = 0.2Ω,
cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUv‡i cÖwZ †d‡Ri K¨vcvwmwUf mvm‡cU¨vÝ = 0.04 10-4℧ , jvBbwU 66kV, 0.8lag
cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 10MW †jvW MÖnY K‡i| bwgbvj 'T' c×wZi gva¨‡g wbY©q Ki-jvB‡bi (i) †cÖiY
cÖv‡šÍi Kv‡i›U, (ii) ‡cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR, (iii) †cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi cvIqvi d¨v±i, (iv) cwienb `ÿZv,
(V) kZKiv †fv‡ëR †i¸‡jkb |

Ans : 100.532∟-29.77 A, 69543.9 V, 5.37 %

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 3-φ, 50Hz mvB‡Kj mieivn jvB‡bi †iva, wiq¨vKU¨vÝ I mvm‡mcU¨vÝ h_vµ‡g 10Ω, 50Ω
Ges 10 10-4℧, hw` MÖnY cÖv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR ,kw³ I cvIqvi d¨v±i h_vµ‡g 66kv,20MW Ges
0.9j¨vwMs nq, Z‡e bwgbvj ''π'' c×wZi mvnv‡h¨ (i) †cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi Kv‡i›U, (ii) ‡cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi
†fv‡ëR, (iii) †cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi cvIqvi d¨v±i, (iv) cwienb `ÿZv, (V) kZKiv †fv‡ëR †i¸‡jkb |

Ans : 165727.58 V, 306.641∟-32 A, 0.7785 lag, 87.56 %, 25.55 %

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 100km , 3-φ cwienb jvBb 132kv,0.9 cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 20MW cvIqvi mieivn K‡i|
jvB‡bi cÖwZ †d‡R cÖwZ wKwg Gi †iva , wiq¨vKU¨vÝ I A¨vWwgU¨vÝ h_vµ‡g 0.2Ω,0.4Ω,I 2.5
10-6℧ End condenser method (i) †cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi Kv‡i›U, (ii) ‡cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi †fv‡ëR, (iii)
†cÖiY cÖv‡šÍi cvIqvi d¨v±i, (iv) cwienb `ÿZv, (V) kZKiv †fv‡ëR †i¸‡jkb |


Ans : 90.545∟-14.95 A, 136749.9 V, 0.955 lag, 97.59 %, 3.6 %

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 131·1 A
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

33.(a) SGFL-17
A 110kv, 50Hz, 3 phase transmission line delivers a load of 50MVA at 0.8
p.f lagging at the receiving end. The generalized circuit constants of the
transmission line are A=D=0.983°, B=11075°ohm, C= 0.000580°
mho. Find the voltage regulation, efficiency of the line.

Ans : 87427 V, 246 A, 48.6 MW, 82.3%

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।
Mridul (01645408848) ix।

(b) A 132 kV, 50 Hz, 3-phase transmission line delivers a load of 50 MW

at 0·8 p.f. lagging at the receiving end. The generalised constants of the
transmission line are : A = D = 0·95 ∠1·4º ; B = 96 ∠78º ohm ; C =
0·0015 ∠90º mho Find the regulation of the line and charging current. Use
Nominal-T method.

Ans : 30 %, 88.796 %

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

34. BWDB-18
GKwU jvB‡bi Kcvi jm GKB `~i‡Z¡ GKwU GKB cvIqvi UªvÝwgkb `yB Zvi wWwm wm‡÷‡g hw` jvBb
†fv‡ëR 300v †_‡K ‡e‡o 600V nq Z‡e Kcvi mvkÖ‡qi kZKiv cwigvb wbY©q Ki|
Solution :

Ans : 75%

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Ferranti Effect

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

35. GTCL-18
A three phase transmission line section has series impedance/mile of j0.01Ω
The line section is 100 miles long. If the supply end and receiving end voltages
(end to end) are 230kv & 230.15 kv respectively. Determine the power flow
through the line, if the sending end voltage leads the receiving end by 15° .

Solution :

Ans : 13700.45674 MW, - 1838.22 MVAR

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

36. PGCB-19
A transmission line has 4Ω inductive reactance. To improve the real power flow
by 10% how much capacitive reactance should be added in series?

Solution :

Ans : 0.346 Ω

37. PGCB-20
The angle between sending end and receiving end voltage of a transmission line
is 15°. If the power flow through the line is to be increased by 10%, what should
be the new angle between sending end and receiving end voltages of the
transmission line?

Solution :

Ans : 16.54°

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।


38.(i).(DESCO-22, RNPL-22,PGCB)
GKwU UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi gva¨‡g 250 MW,0.8 lagging. cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 30km `y‡i
cwienb Ki‡Z n‡e | G‡ÿ‡Î UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi myjf Kvh©Kix †fv‡ëR KZ n‡e?

Ans : 25 KV
GKwU 40kW, 0.8 j¨vwMs cvIqvi d¨v±‡i 100 km `xN© UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi Rb¨ m‡e©v”P
mvkÖqx †fv‡ëR wbY©q Ki|

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Ans : 43.46 KV

kelvins law
A। খ (20a + 20); খ 'a'
। (kWh) 5 ও
10 (Specific resistance)
1.732 ।
Solution :

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Ans : 1.74 cm^2

ও খ 2000A (A ।)
ও 8 %। খ 5
0.18 ও । (Full load)
60% ,

Solution :

Ans : 41.12 A/cm^2

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

MECHaNical design of 0verhead lines

Effect Of Sag

The difference in level between points of supports and the lowest point on
the conductor is called sag.

(i) Supports are at equal levels . (ii) Supports are at unequal levels.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

L = Length of span, w = Weight per unit length of conductor , T =

Working tension in the conductor. P = Middle point of length. H = Ground

Weight of ice , π kg/m.

Wind force, = wind pressure × [(d + 2t) × 1m] kg/m.

Weight of ice, = × × 1m kg/m.

√ kg/m.

Sag, S = m, , Vertical sag = S× m

= m, X= m

= m, m

= m, m

H=P Vertical sag – Insulator length . m ( Equal sag )

H= + Insulator length = + Insulator

length m ( Unequal ) For water level.

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU Ifvi‡nW jvB‡bi ¯ú¨vb 220 wgUvi| cwievnxi Zv‡ii cÖ¯’‡”Q` 3 eM© †mwg Ges cªwZ
wgUv‡ii IRb 0.85 †KwR| cÖwZ eM© †m.wg Uvb 2000 †KwR Ges †mdwU d¨v±i 2 n‡j Zv‡ii
m¨vM wbY©q Ki Ges `ywU Zv‡ii ga¨eZx© 132 kv |

Ans : 1.714 m
mgZj f‚wgi Dci GKwU UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi `ywU †cv‡ji g‡a¨ `yiZ¡ (span) 200 wgUvi,
cwievnx Zv‡ii cÖ¯’‡”Q` 2 eM© †m.wg Ges Gi †¯úwcwdK MÖvwfwU 8.8 | hw` Zv‡ii Kvh©Kix
†Ubkb 2500 †KwR nq Ges evZv‡mi †eM cÖwZ GKK †mwg •`N©¨ 0.025 †KwR nq, Z‡e
jvB‡bi Szj ‡ei Ki|

Ans : 3.52 m.

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

70 ও ।

0.8 5.9 2

Ans : 65.345 m

43.(DPDC-16, BFDC-16,PGCB-21, BDCCL-22,


Ans : 13.7 m

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 9.5 m
GKB mgZ‡j Aew¯’Z `ywU •e`y¨wZK †cv‡ji g‡a¨ `~iZ¡ 250 wgUvi| cwievnxi e¨vm 1.42 †mwg I
cÖwZ wgUv‡ii IRb 1.09 †KwR| cÖwZ eM©wgUvi Zv‡i 37.8 †KwR evZv‡mi Pvc Kvh©Kix Ges cwievnxi
PZzw`©‡K mgfv‡e 1.25 †mwg cyiæ eid Rgv Av‡Q|Kvh©Kix cxob cÖwZ eM©‡mw›UwgUv‡i 1050 †KwR|
cÖwZ NbwgUvi ei‡di IRb 913.50 †KwR| m¨vM Ges Dj¤^ m¨vM wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 11.2 m, 9.627 m

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 8·96 m, 5·37 m

GKwU Ifvi‡nW jvB‡bi `yB UvIqv‡ii ga¨eZx© `~iZ¡ 300 wgUvi| Zv‡ii cÖ¯’‡”Q` 3 eM© †mwg Ges
GK wgUv‡i cÖwZeM© †mwg cÖ¯’‡”Q` Zv‡ii IRb 0.7 †KwR| hw` Zv‡ii Kvh©Kix Uvb mnbÿgZv cÖwZ
eM© †m.wg G 1000 ‡KwR nq Ges Ifvi‡nW jvB‡bi Dci S‡oi MwZ‡eM cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 6 †KwR nq
Z‡e jvB‡bi m¨vM KZ n‡e?

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Ans : 7.858 m

GKwU UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi ¯ú¨vb 150m, cwievnxi †ÿÎdj 1.25cm² Ges cwievnx c`v©‡_i NbZ¡
4.9 MÖvg Nb †mwg| hw` cwievnxi cxob 1500kg/cm² Ges cwievnxi Dci 1.20cm cyiæ‡Z¡i eid
c‡o, cwievnxi Dci evZv‡mi Pvc 30 †KwR /eM©wgUvi, ei‡di NbZ¡ 0.91 MÖvg/Nb †mwg Ges †mdwU
d¨v±i 3 n‡j Dj¤^ m¨vM KZ|

Ans : 6.536 m
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

mgvb D”PZvwewkó GKwU UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi `ywU †cv‡ji Abyf‚wgK `yiZ¡ 275 wgUvi | cwievnxi
Kvh©Kix e¨vm 1.96 †mwg Ges cÖwZ wgUvi cwievnxi IRb 0.856 †KwR, Avwë‡gU †÷ªs_ 6080
†KwR| cwievnxi Pviw`‡K mgfv‡e 1.27 †mwg cyiæ eid R‡g Ges cÖwZ eM© †mwg Zv‡i Kvh©Kix
evZv‡mi Pvc 3.9 Mªvg I †mdwU d¨v±i 2 Ges cÖwZ Nb †mwg ei‡di IRb 0.91 MÖvg n‡j m¨vM wbY©q

Ans : 6.3 m,

GKwU UªvÝwgkb jvB‡bi wb¤œwjwLZ Z_¨vewj ‡`qv Av‡Q| Gi d¨v±i Ae †mdwU evwni Ki| ¯ú¨vb =
200 wgUvi ,cwievnxi cÖ¯’‡”Q`= 1.2 eM© †mwg,cwievnxi IRb= 1 †KwR/wgUvi, Dj¤^ Szj= 3.95
wgUvi, evZv‡mi Pvc = 82.5 †KwR/eM©wgUvi, †eªwKs cxob = 4220 †KwR/eM© †mwg

Ans : 4

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51. Similar PGCB-11

‡Kv‡bv b`xi `ywU Zx‡i Aew¯’Z `ywU UvIqv‡ii D”PZv cvwbi Zj n‡Z 40 wgUvi Ges 90 wgUvi |
UvIqvi `ywUi Abyf~wgK `~iZ¡ 400 wgUvi Ges cÖwZwgUvi Zv‡ii IRb 1.2 †KwR| hw` Zv‡ii m‡ev©”P
Uvb mnbÿgZv 5000 †KwR Ges †mdwU d¨v±i 4 nq , Z‡e b`xi ga¨we›`y‡Z ZviwU cvwbi Zj †_‡K
KZ Dc‡i _vK‡e?

Ans : 45.8 m

52. (a)
GKwU engvb b`xi Dci GKwU UªvÝwgkb jvBb cvwbi Zj n‡Z 40 I 90 wgUvi D”PZvwewkó `yBwU
UvIqvi Øviv wbwg©Z| UvIqvi `yBwUi Avbyf‚wgK `~iZ¡ 275 wgUvi, cwievnxi Kvh©Kix Uvb 1362 †KwR
Ges cÖwZ wgUvi Zv‡ii IRb 0.8 †KwR n‡j b`xi ga¨eZx© ¯’v‡b cvwb Zj n‡Z cwievnx KZ Dc‡i

Ans : 59.444 m

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Solution :

Ans : 55 m
†Kvb b`xi µwms G `yB Zx‡i `ywU UvIqv‡ii D”PZv h_vµ‡g 30 wgUvi I 60 wgUvi | UvIqvi `ywUi
Avbyf‚wgK `~iZ¡ 650 wgUvi | hw` Zv‡ii Kvh©Kix †Ubkb 1500 †KwR nq, Z‡e `ywU mv‡cv‡U©i
gvSvgvwS ¯’v‡b cvwb n‡Z KZ wgUvi Dc‡i _vK‡e?

Ans : 9.8 m
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

54. (a)

Solution :

Ans : 45.24 m

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Solution :

Ans : 14.38 m
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

An overhead line over a hill side with a gradient of 1 in 20 is supported by
two 30 m high towers. The horizontal distance between the towers is 300
m. The weight of each conductor is 1.492 kgf/m and the tension is 2200
kgf. The lowest conductor is fixed 6 m below the top of each tower. Find
the clearance of the lowest point of the conductor from the ground,
Solution :

Ans : 18.2 m
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Totall Phase Voltage , V = + +………..+

String Efficiency =

N = Number of Disc


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

5 BDwb‡Ui GKwU Bbmy‡jUi w÷ªs 100 †Kwf jvB‡b hy³ Av‡Q| kv›U K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ I wbR¯^
K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ- Gi AbycvZ 0.1 n‡j wbY©q Ki-(i) , (ii)
Bbmy‡jU‡i †fv‡ëR e›Ub, (iii) w÷ªs `ÿZv|

Solution :

Ans : 8 KV, 8.8 KV, 10.48 KV, 13.2 KV, 17.25 KV, 13.85 %, 15.24 %, 18.15 %, 22.87 %, 29.9 %
; 66.91 %

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 33 †Kwf Ifvi‡nW jvB‡b wZb BDwb‡Ui w÷ªs Av‡Q| cÖwZwU Bbmy‡jUi wcb I Av‡_©i ga¨eZx©
K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ, Bbmy‡jU‡ii wbR¯^ K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ Gi kZKiv 11 fvM| wbY©q Ki- (i)
(ii) w÷ªs `ÿZv|
Solution :

Ans : 5.52 KV, 6.127 KV, 7.408 KV 85.736 %

Pvi BDwb‡Ui GKwU Bbmy‡jUi w÷ªs‡qi cÖwZ BDwb‡Ui wbR¯^ K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ kv›U K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ Gi 10
¸b | (i) cÖ‡Z¨K BDwb‡U †gvU †fv‡ë‡Ri kZKiv KZ fvM †fv‡ëR e›Ub n‡e I (ii) w÷ªs `ÿZv
wbY©q Ki|
Solution :

Ans : 19.75 %, 21.734 %, 25.88 %, 32.62 %, 76.635 %

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

wZb BDwb‡Ui GKwU Bbmy‡jUi w÷ªs Gi cÖwZ BDwb‡Ui wbivc` Kvh©Kix †fv‡ëR 15 †Kwf| cÖwZ
BDwb‡Ui wbR¯^ K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ I kv›U K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ Gi AbycvZ 8t1| w÷ªs Gi m‡ev©”P wbivc` Kvh©Kix
†fv‡ëR I w÷ªs `ÿZv wbY©q Ki|
Solution :

Ans : 10.786 kv, 12.134 kv, 37.92 kv, 84.268 %

3 ও ।
( )ও 8 kV ও 11 kV।
: (i) ও (ii) (iii) ।

Ans : 0.375, 64.3 kv, 68.275 %

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

13.1 KV 11 kV ।

Ans : 59 kv


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Ans : 32·6%, 30·7%, 36·4%, 91·5 %

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Stress , g = volts/cm

Critical disruptive voltage, kv/Phase

P = Corona Power Loss.

F = Frequency .

d = Diameter of conductor.

r = Radius of conductor.

= Air density factor.

= Supply voltage .

= Irregularity factor.

= Breakdown strength of air at 76 cm of mercury and 25ºC = 30 kV/cm

(max) or 21·2 kV/cm (r.m.s.).

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

62. (i)

Ans : 144.8 KV


Ans : 0.06 kw

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


An underground cable essentially consists of one or more conductors
covered with suitable insulation and surrounded by a protecting cover.

Insulating Materials for Cables. Rubber, Vulcanised India Rubber

(V.I.R.), Impregnated paper, Varnished cambric, Polyvinyl chloride

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Classification of Cables. BUET, KUET

Cables for 3-Phase Service.

In practice, underground cables are generally required to deliver 3-phase
power. For the purpose, either three-core cable or *three single core cables
may be used. For voltages upto 66 kV, 3-core cable (i.e., multi-core
construction) is preferred due to economic reasons. However, for voltages
beyond 66 kV, 3-core-cables become too large and unwieldy and,
therefore, single-core cables are used. The following types of cables are
generally used for 3-phase service :
1. Belted cables — upto 11 kV
2. Screened cables — from 22 kV to 66 kV
3. Pressure cables — beyond 66 kV.

Dielectric Loss: Power loss occurs in the dielectric of a cable due to three
main causes.
(i) Conductivity of insulation. (ii) Dielectric hysteresis or dielectric
absorption. (ii) Ionization or corona.
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Single core cable : 1

Capacitance, = F/m. One Conductor Capacitance /Per Phase


Here, = = Absulate Permitivity

= Relative Permitivity of Dielectric Medium. (3 to 5)

D = Diameter of sheath
D = Diameter of Core

Charging Current , = = A.

Charging Power, =√ sin =3 VAR. For three


Dielectric Loss = √ =3 =3 Watt. For three


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

63.V.K metha exm

GKwU wm‡½j †Kvi K¨ve‡ji K›Uv±‡ii e¨vm 1cm Ges Af¨šÍixb kx‡_i e¨vm 1.8cm hw`
Bbmy‡jkb †ccv‡ii wi‡jwUf cviwgwUwfwU 4 nq Zvn‡j K¨vejwUi 1km •`N©¨i K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ
wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 0.378 µF
64. V.K metha exc

Solution :

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

65. BPDB-21 V.K metha exm

GKwU 33kv,50Hz ,3φ Underground cable 4km j¤^v Single core cable wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ
nq| cÖ‡Z¨K KÛv±‡ii dimeter 2.5cm Ges Insulation Gi radial thickness 0.5cm Ges
BÝy‡jk‡bi wi‡jwUf cviwgwUwfwU 3 n‡j †ei Ki| (i) K¨ve‡ji cÖwZ †d‡Ri K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ (ii) cÖwZ
†d‡Ri PvwR©s Kv‡i›U (iii) †gvU PvwR©s †KwfGAvi (KVAR).

Solution :

Ans : 11. 87 A, 678.46 KVAR

66. Ashfaq Husain exm

An 11 kV 50 Hz, single-phase cable has a diameter of 20 mm, and an
internal sheath radius of 15 mm. If the dielectric has a relative permittivity
of 2.4 and a loss angle of 0.031 radian, determine for 2.5 km length of the
cable: (a) the capacitance, (b) the charging current, (c) the generated
reactive voltamperes, (d) the dielectric loss, and (e) the equivalent
insulation resistance.
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Solution :

Ans : 0.822 , 2.84 A, 31.24 KVAR, 968 W, 0.125 M Ω

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

GKwU 3 †dR, 66kv,10 wKwg. j¤^v jvB‡bi K¨ve‡ji †Kv‡ii e¨vm 10cm Ges Bbmy‡jk‡bi cyiæZ¡
8cm| K¨ve‡ji c`v‡_©i cviwgwUwfwU 4 n‡j wbY©q Ki, (i) Cable Gi capacitance (ii) cÖwZ
conductor Gi charging current (ii) Dielectric loss, If open circuit power factor is
0.05. (iv) mgZzj¨ Insulation resistance Gi gvb wbY©q Ki|

Solution :

Ans : 2.327 µ F, 27.866 Amp, 159275.58 watt, 27.3 kΩ

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Three core cable :
The capacitance of a cable system is much more important than that of overhead line because in
cables (i) conductors are nearer to each other and to the earthed sheath (ii) they are separated by a
dielectric of permittivity much greater than that of air. Fig. shows a system of capacitances in a 3-core
belted cable used for 3-phase system.

The three cores are bunched together (i.e. commoned) and the capacitance
is measured between the bunched cores and the sheath.

Two cores are bunched with the sheath and capacitance is measured
between them and the third core.

the capacitance between two cores or lines is measured with the third core
free or connected to the sheath.

Charging Current , = = A.

= Core to earth capacitance, = Core to core capacitance, = Core to

neutral capacitance,

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

66 kv, 50 Hz, 100 . . . kx‡_i
0.25 µF 0.09 µF ।

Ans : 622.5 A
GKwU wZb †dR K¨ve‡ji cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUvi -G wZbwU †Kvi I kx‡_i g‡a¨ 0.63 gvB‡µvd¨vivW Ges
GKwU †Kvi I Aci `ywU †Kvi‡K kx‡_i mv‡_ hy³ K‡i Zv‡`i g‡a¨ 0.37 gvB‡µvd¨vivW K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ
cvIqv †Mj| hw` H K¨ve‡j 66kv,50C/s mieivn †`qv nq, Z‡e Gi 10 km-G PvwR©s Kv‡i›U KZ

Ans : 53.84 A

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

- K¨ve‡ji `ywU K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ ।
। 0.45´F ও ।
25km 33kv, - 50Hz ?

Ans : 134.67 A

Ans : 5.98 A
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Dielectric stress in a single core cable

Stress , g = volts/cm r.m.s or Peak value

Most Economical Conductor Size in a Cable :

= volts/cm.

r = Radius, D = Diameter of sheath,

d = Diameter of core,

= Radius Of Core,

= Radius Of sheath,

V = Phase to neutral voltage in a Peak value.

= Maximum dielectric stress,

= Minium dielectric stress,

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

72. V.K metha exm

GKwU 33kv wm‡½j †Kvi K¨ve‡ji †Kv‡ii e¨vm 1cm Ges wk‡_i wfZ‡ii e¨vm 4cm| BÝy‡jk‡bi
m‡e©v”P Ges me©wb¤œ †÷ªm †ei Ki|

Ans : 47.61 kv/cm r.m.s, 11.9 kv/cm r.m.s

73. V.K metha exm
- 40kV/cm (r.m.s)
10kV/cm (r.m.s). 2 cm. , - (i) (ii)

Ans : 3cm , 55.45 kv r.m.s

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 3·53 cm

Ans : 3·6 cm, 9·78 cm

76. (Ashfaq Husain )

Determine the overall diameter of a single-core cable and its most
economical diameter when working on a three-phase, 275 kV system. The
maximum permissible stress in the dielectric is not to exceed 15 kV/mm.

Ans : 81.32 mm

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Insulation resistance in a single core cable

D = Diameter of sheath,

d = Diameter of core,

= Radius Of Core,

= Radius Of sheath,

L = Length of cable,

= Spacific resistance of insulation.

R = Resistance of insulation in ohm.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

77.(BDCCL-22) V.K metha exm

GKwU wm‡½j †Kvi K¨ve‡ji KÛv±‡i e¨vm 1cm, Bbmy‡jk‡bi cyiæZ¡ 0.4cm Ges Bbmy‡jk‡bi
Av‡cwÿK †iva 5 1014 Ω-cm n‡j K¨vejwUi 2 wK‡jvwgUv‡ii Bbmy‡jk‡bi ‡iva wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 234 M Ω
78. BPDB-16,16
GKwU wm‡½j †Kvi K¨ve‡ji Bbmy‡jkb †iwR÷¨vÝ cÖwZ wK‡jvwgUv‡i 495MΩ| †Kv‡ii e¨vm 2.5cm
Ges Bbmy‡jk‡bi Av‡cwÿK †iwR÷¨vÝ 4 1014Ω cm n‡j Bbmy‡j‡k‡bi cyiæZ¡ wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 1.25 cm

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

20. GKwU 5 km `xN© wm‡½j †Kvi K¨ve‡ji Bbmy‡jk‡bi †iwR÷¨vÝ 0.4 MΩ K¨vejwUi †Kv‡ii
e¨vm 20 mm Ges K¨ve‡ji e¨vm 50 mm n‡j Bbmy‡jwUs g¨vwUwiqv‡ji †iwRw÷wfwU wbY©q Ki|

Ans : 13.72 Ωm

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Murray Loop Test :

Varley Loop Test :

Distance of fault , d = m , at any( murray or varley)

test & any condition.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 150 m

Ans : 250 m

Solution :

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Ans : 433 m

Ans : 15 km

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Solution :

15.20 ও - । খ
খ 60.80 ও ও ।
ও 16.80
ও ।

Solution :

Ans : 1447.37 m

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

ও , ( ) খ
' 'খ '1' খ খ , খ P = 10, Q =
80 S₁ = 2400 ও ; (খ) খ খ 2 খ
খ , খ P = 10, Q = 80 S₁ = 3400 ওহম। 5

Solution :

Ans : 2.614 Km
ও , ( ) খ
' 'খ '1' খ খ , খ P = 10, Q =
80 S₁ = 2800 ও ; (খ) খ খ 2 খ
খ , খ P = 10, Q = 80 S2 = 3800 ও । 5

Solution :

Ans : 2.4 Km

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

- । ও
?P=5ও Q = 10 ও । খ '2'
খ , খ ও 16
ও । খ '1' খ , খ ও 7ও ।
0.4 ও ।

Solution :

Ans : 10 Km, 7.5 Km

Allah Hafez
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A fault occurs when two or more conductors that normally operate with a
potential difference come in contact with each other. These faults may be
caused by sudden failure of a piece of equipment, accidental damage or
short-circuit to overhead lines or by insulation failure resulting from
lightning surges. Irrespective of the causes, the faults in a 3-phase system
can be classified into two main categories. (i) Series Fault/Open circuit
fault (One open conductor and two open conductor). (ii) Shunt Fault
(Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Fault)

Symmetrical faults - 5% . That fault which gives rise to

symmetrical fault currents (i.e. equal faults currents with 120°
displacement) is called a symmetrical fault. The most common example of
symmetrical fault is when all the three conductors of a 3-phase line are
brought together simultaneously into a short-circuit condition.

A common kVA which is taken as an arbitrary one is known as the base

kVA of the system.

= = A . Actual Method.

=√ =3 = VA.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Per Unit
90.EGCB-17, JGTDSL-21
A single phase 100 KVA, 1000/100 V transformer has equipment
impedance referred to high voltage side is (1+j2) Ω. Find the per unit
impedance of the transformer. ( 100 KVA, 1000/100 V
খ (1+j2) Ω .

Solution :

Ans : 0.1+j0.2 pu

91. PGCB -14

Convert 0.25 p.u. reactance of 500MVA, 18 KV to new p.u. reactance
having new bases of 100 MVA and 18 KV. (0.25 p.u
500MVA, 18 KV p.u. খ 100 MVA 18 KV

Solution :

Ans : 0.05 pu

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

92. NWPGCL-14
The reactance of a generator designed as Z, is given as 0.3 per unit based
on the rating 10 KV and 500 MVA. If base is changed to 20 KV, 100
MVA what is the new value of Z in per unit? (500MVA, 10 KV 0.3 p.u
100 MVA , 20 KV p.u ?)
Solution :

Ans : 0.015 pu

93.M.Sc. -13


Ans : 0.63 pu

150 MVA, 15 KV p.u ।
voltage 12 KV , p.u ।

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

10 MVA, 13.2 KV p.u


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

96. DPDC-20


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

97. (PGCB-18)
Draw per unit reactance diagram.

Solution :

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

98. (Stevenson Ex 6.7 ).

A three phase transformer is rated 400-MVA, 220/22- KV (Y-) . The
short circuit impedance measured on Low-voltage side of the transformer
is 0.121  and because of the Low resistance this value may be considered
equal to Leakage reactance. Determine per unit reactance of the
transformer and the value to be used to represent this transformer in a
system whose base on the high-tension side of the transformer is 100-
MVA, 230-kV .
Solution :

Ans: 0.0228

A 300 MVA, 3-phase, 132/11 kV, Delta/ Star connected transformer has
12% reactance. Find out the impedance of the transformer referred to the
low voltage side on 132 kV base.
Solution :

Ans : 0.0484 Ω

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

100.***(CPGCBL-18) Stevenson Ex 2.14

A transformer rated 200 MVA, 345 Y /20.5  KV. A balanced Y-
connected load rated 180 MVA, 22.5 KV, 0.8 power-factor lag to at
transmission line. Determine per unit impedance of the Load ,if the base
in the transmission line is 100 MVA, 345 KV.

Ans : 0.5354+j0.4015) pu

A transformer rated 200 MVA, 345 Y /20.5  KV. A balanced -
connected load rated 180 MVA, 22.5 KV, 0.8 power-factor lag to at
transmission line. Determine per unit impedance of the Load ,if the base
in the transmission line is 100 MVA, 345 KV.

Solution :

Ans: 0.5354+j0.4015
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

101.*** (Stevenson Ex 6.6)

(a)Three transformers rated as 25 MVA with k = 0.1 are connected as Y-
 with a balanced Load of three 1.8  -connected resistors. Assuming a
base value of 75- MVA, 66 KV for high voltage side, determine (i) per
unit value of Load resistance (ii) Load resistance referred to primary.

Solution :

Ans: 3.1 pu, 180 

Three transformers rated as 25 MVA, 38.1/3.81 KV are connected as -Y
with a balanced Load of three 0.6  Y-connected resistors. Assuming a
base value of 75- MVA, 38.1 KV for high voltage side, determine (i) per
unit value of Load resistance (ii) Load resistance referred to primary .

Solution :

Ans: 1.033pu, 60 
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Three transformers rated as 25 MVA, 38.1/3.81 KV are connected as Y-
with a balanced Load of three 0.6  Y-connected resistors. Assuming a
base value of 75- MVA, 66 KV for high voltage side, determine (i) per
unit value of Load resistance (ii) Load resistance referred to primary .

Solution :

Ans: 3.1pu, 180 

102. Stevenson Ex 2.15

A three-phase transformer rated 5 MVA, 115/13.2 KV has per-phase series
impedance of (0.007 + jO.075) per unit. The transformer is connected to a
short distribution line which can be represented by a series impedance per
phase of (0.02 + jO.10) per unit on a base of 10 MVA, 13.2 KV. The line
supplies a balanced three-phase load rated 4 MVA, 13.2 KV, with lagging
power factor 0.85. Draw per unit reactance diagram ,Choose 10 MYA,
13.2 KV as the base at the load.

Solution :

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103. Stevenson.
A 300-MVA 20-kV three-phase generator has a subtransient reactance of
20%. The generator supplies a number of synchronous motors over a
64-km transmission line having transformers at both ends, as shown on the
one-line diagram of Fig.The motors, all rated 13.2 kV, are represented by
just two equivalent motors. The neutral of one motor M1, is grounded
through reactance. The neutral of the second motor M₂ is not connected to
ground (an unusual condition). Rated inputs to the motors are 200 MVA
and 100 kVA for M1 and M₂, respectively. For both motors X 20%. The
three-phase transformer T₁ is rated 350 MVA, 230/20 kV with leakage
reactance of 10%. Transformer T₂ is composed of three single phase
transformers, each rated 127/13.2 kV, 100 MVA with leakage reactance of
10%. Series reactance of the transmission line is 0.5 2/km. Draw the
reactance diagram with all reactances marked in per unit. Select the
generator rating as base in the generator circuit.

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Symmetrical Fault
104.(Vk metha)(JGTDSL-21)Find out fault current & MVA.Where
fault occurs feeder point.(
ও )

Ans : 97·2 A, 11.111 MVA

105.(Vk metha) Find out fault current at generator terminal & draw per unit
reactance diagram.(

Solution :

Ans : 1012 A

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106.*** A 3-phase, 6000-KVA, 11-KV alternator has 10% direct axis

sub-transient reactance. It is connected to a 6000-KVA, 11/66-KV
transformer having 9% leakage reactance. A symmetrical delta connected
fault of impedance 12+j3  occurs between the lines near the H.V.
terminals of the transformer when the system is on no-load. Calculate the
current supplied by alternator.
Solution :

Ans : 1644.854 A

107. Calculate the short-circuit kVA if fault occurs at & .(


Ans : 16,440 kVA, 50,000 kVA

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108. (V.K metha) (BCMCL-20, DPDC-20, RPCL-19)

Find the short-circuit current & power that will flow into a complete 3-
phase short-circuit at F. ( F

Ans : 4330 A, 90 MVA

109. (Similar PGCB-20, NWPGCL- 21) Find the short-circuit current &
power that will flow into a complete 3-phase short-circuit at receiving end.
( ও )।

Ans : 288.675 A, 200 MVA

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110. (Gupta Exc-10.25) A 20-MVA, 11-kV generator having 15% reactance

and a 10-MVA generator having 10% reactance connected to a common
bus-bar. The bus-bar feeds a 30-MVA, 11/33-kV transformer with 5%
reactance. A 33-kV feeder takes off from transformer and has an
impedance of (3 + j15) Ω. If a 3-phase fault occur at the far end of feeder,
calculate fault MVA & fault current?
Solution :

Ans: 50.207 MVA, 878.42 A

111. *** (Gupta Ex-10.19) A generating station A has a short capacity of

1000-MVA. Another station B has a short circuit capacity of 650-MVA.
They are operating at 11-kV. Find the short circuit MVA when fault at
BUS ―A‖ if they are interconnected by a cable of 0.5 ohm reactance per
Solution :

Ans: 1176.47
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112. (V.K metha) The estimated short-circuit MVA at the bus-bars of a

generating station A is 1500 MVA and of another station B is 1200 MVA.
The generated voltage at each station is 33 kV. If these stations are
interconnected through a line having a reactance of 1Ω and negligible
resistance, calculate the possible short-circuit MVA at both stations.

Ans : 2064.61 MVA , 1834.5 MVA

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113.Two generators are connected to their unit transformer in the given

G1 : 20 MVA, 11 KV, 0.2 pu T1: 20 MVA, 11/110 KV, 0.08 pu
G2: 30 MVA, 11 KV, 0.2 pu T2: 30 MVA, 11/110 KV, 0.1 pu
Reactance of transmission lines 0.516 pu (based on 110 KV, 30 MVA). A
3-phase short-circuit occurs at the receiving end 110 KV bus bar.
Calculate the current supplied by the generators.

Ans : 1515.2 A, 2121.278 A

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114. Two generators rated 11 KV, 3000 KVA, having 20% reactance are
inter-connected by a 100 km long transmission line. The reactance of line
is 0.10  per km. the transformers near the generators are rated 6000
KVA, 11/66 KV and have 5% reactance. A 3-phase fault occurs at a
distance of 20 km from one end of the line when the system is on noload
but at rated voltage. Calculate (i) Fault MVA . (ii) Fault current supplied
by each generator.

Solution :

Ans : 26. 26, 695.45 A, 683.35 A

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115.** Find short circuit current & Fault MVA=? for a 3-phase short
circuit when fault voltage is 69-k


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Ans: 208.-19.95 A, 24.86

116. ***
A 3-phase, 6-MVA, 6.6-kV generator has a reactance of 0.1
(Gupta Exc-10.2)
pu . It is connected through a 6-MVA, 6.6/33-kV, 0.09 pu reactance
transformer to a transmission line having a resistance of 0.09 Ω/km and a
reactance of 0.36 Ω/km. A 3-phase dead short-circuit occurs at a distance
of 10 km from the transformer. The generator voltage at the time of fault is
7.2 kV. Find fault current in the generator.

Ans : 2727.95∠-88.646 A
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117. *** 5(a) ?


Ans : 17094 V, 444.16 A

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118.***(BIFPC-19) A synchronous generator is connected to a

synchronous motor by a line with impedance of jo.1 pu. The sub-transient
reactance of both generator and motor is j0.2 pu. If a bolted three phase
fault occur at the motor terminal. Determine the fault MVA. Assume the
voltage at motor terminal is 0.9 pu and system base is 100-MVA.


Ans : 675

119.***(a) (Stevenson Ex-10.2 )(BPDB-13) A synchronous generator

and motor are rated 30-MVA, 13.2-kV and both have subtransient
reactance of 20%. The line connecting them has a reactance of 10% on the
base of machine rating. The motor is drawing 20-MW at 0.8 pf lagging
and a terminal voltage of 12.8-kV when a symmetrical three-phase fault
occurs at the motor terminals. Find the Fault current=? & Fault MVA=?
Solution :

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Ans: 10603.353 A, 235. MVA

(b)***Stevenson Ex-10.2. A synchronous generator and motor are rated 30-

MVA, 13.2-kV and both have subtransient reactance of 20%. The line
connecting them has a reactance of 10% on the base of machine rating.
The motor is drawing 20-MW at 0.8 pf leading with a terminal voltage of
12.8-kV when a symmetrical three-phase fault occurs at the generator
terminals. Find the fault current=? & Fault MVA=?

Solution :

Vth = + (1127.63 36.87 ) j 0.5808

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Vth = 7016.71 4.28 V

MVAsc = 3 VF Isc = 3 7016.71 10067.59 = 211.925 (Ans :)

Ans: 10067.59-85.7 A, 211.924366

120. (V.K metha) Find out fault MVA.

Ans : 194·5, 66
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121. (V.K metha) Find out fault MVA

Ans : 173·31
122. (V.K metha) Find out fault MVA.

Ans : 74·962 MVA

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123. (V.K metha) Find out fault MVA.

Ans : 40

124. (V.K metha) Find out fault current.

Ans : 875 A
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125. **(V.K metha) (NWPGCL-17)

A 3-phase, 20 MVA, 10 kV alternator has internal reactance of 5% and
negligible resistance. Find the external reactance per phase to be connected
in series with the alternator so that steady current on short-circuit does not
exceed 8 times the full load current. (5% 20 MVA
10 kV ও
8 ?)
Solution :

Ans : 0·375 Ω

126.** (V.K metha)

A 3-phase alternator can supply a maximum load of 5000 kVA at 6600 V.
The machine has internal reactance of 6%. Find the reactance per phase of
the limiting reactor if the steady apparent power (kVA) on short-circuit is
not be exceed 5 times the full-load value.
Solution :

Ans : 1·22 Ω
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


Those faults which give rise to unsymmetrical currents (i.e. unequal line
currents with unequal displacement) are called unsymmetrical faults . The
unsymmetrical faults may take one of the following forms : (a) Single
line-to-ground fault – 70% (b) Line-to-line fault – (15%) (c) Double
line-to-ground fault – 10% . The great majority of faults on the power
system are of unsymmetrical nature; the most common type being a short-
circuit from one line to ground. The calculations of such fault currents are
made by ―symmetrical components‖ method.

Symmetrical Components

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Symmetrical Component
127. (V.K metha)

& Find out line voltage

Solution :

Ans : 223·6 ∠−26·56° volts, 213 ∠−99·89° volts, 338·57 ∠66·2° volts, 260.85∠24.91° volts,
547.7∠-108.44° volts, 414.4∠98.75° volts

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Obtain the symmetrical components for the set of unbalanced voltages Va
= 300∠-120°, V = 200∠90°, and V = 100∠-30°.
Solution :

Ans: 193.2∠-135 v, 86.94∠-84.896 v, 42.265 ∠-120 v

129. (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : 300 ∠0° A, 300 ∠−120° A, 0 A

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130. (V.K metha) EGCB-17, PGCL-17, AB-17

Solution :

Ans : 27·29 ∠4·68° A, 57·98 ∠43·3° A, 18·96 ∠24·9° A, 81·87 ∠4·7° A

131. (V.K metha) BGFCL-21

Solution :

Ans : 1 ∠60° volts, 3 ∠−120° volts, 0 volt

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132. (V.K metha) BPDB-15, DPDC-22

Solution :

Ans : (3 + j 1·33) A, (10·85 + j 10·13) A, (−1·85 − j 5·47) A, (3·35 − j 14·4) A, (5·7 + j 1·13) A,
(−14·2 + j 4·31) A, (−3·82 + j 4·34) A.

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133. (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : (i) 0 A, 90∠0° A, 0 A, 90∠240° A, 0 A, 90 ∠120° A, 0 A ; (ii) 30 ∠0° A, 30 ∠0° A, 30 ∠0° A,

30 ∠240° A, 30 ∠120° A, 30 ∠120° A, 30 ∠240° A
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134.** (V.K metha) MSc-19,16, BPDB-14,BCIC-22

Solution :

Ans : 0 A, 5·78 ∠−30° A, 5·78 ∠30° A, 5·78 ∠−150° A, 5·78 ∠150° A, 5·78 ∠90° A, 5·78 ∠−90° A

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Solution :

Ans : 60 ∠-90 A, 40∠ 90 A, 20∠ 90 A

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136.** (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : 4·41 ∠160·9°A, 4·41 ∠160·9° A, 4·4 ∠−160·9° A, 11·66 ∠60° A, 4·4 ∠−40·9° A, 11·66 ∠300°
A, 4·4 ∠79·1° A; (ii) 0 A, 20·2 ∠− 90° A, 7·62 ∠109·1° A
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137. BUET MSc-13

Solution :

Ans : 1.0264 VA

138.*** PGCB-19

Solution :

Ans : 102.86 MW

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139.** Ashfaq Hussain.

Solution :

Ans : 10245.78- j2777.9 VA

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Solution :

Ans : 136.879 ∠139.933 v 451.105 ∠54.603 v 0 480.754 ∠70.56 v 333.338 ∠163.741 v 569.611
∠-73.685 v 12.993 ∠70.651 v 9.009 ∠163.741 v 15.395 ∠-73.686

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Sequence Voltage & Diagram

Positive sequence Negative sequence Zero sequence

Va1= Ea- Z1*Ia1 Va2= - Za2*Ia2 Va0 = - (Zo+3Zn)*Ia0

Phase Voltage ; Line Voltage ;

Va = Va1 + Va2 + Va0 Vab = Va - Vb
Vb = Vb1 + Vb2 + Vb0 Vbc = Vb - Vc
Vc = Vc1 + Vc2 + Vc0 Vca = Vc – Va

In = Isc = If = 3I0 A . At any ground fault.

Ssc = √ *Vf*Isc VA . At any fault power.

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(Kotharai Example 10.3)Draw Zero sequence network

Solution :

(Kotharai Example 11.7 ) Draw Zero sequence network

Solution :

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Draw Positive, Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

D. (Kotharai Example 10.2)

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Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

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F. Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

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Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

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Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

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Solution :

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Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

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Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network

Solution :

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L.(Kotharai Example 12.12-)

Draw Positive , Negative & Zero sequence network .

Solution :

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(Kotharai Example 12.8 ) Draw reactance diagram.

Solution :

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Single Line to Ground Fault

Ia = IF, Ib = Ic = 0,
Ia0 = Ia1 = Ia2
Va = If*Zf, Vn = - In*Zn

In = Isc = If = 3I0 = 3I1 = 3I2 A ;

Ssc = √ *Vf*Isc MVA.
Healthy phase voltage Vb & Vc

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141. (V.K metha) APSCL-19, TGTDCL-18, SGFL-17, PGCB-20

Solution :

Ans : 6188 A
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142. (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : − j 2538 A, 4235 V

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143.(BPDB-2018, DPDC-22) A 20 MVA, 6.6 KV solidly

grounded Y connected generator has a positive sequence impedance of
j1.5 ohm, negative sequence impedance of j1 ohm and zero sequence
impedance of j0.5 ohm. If a single phase to ground fault occurs on phase
‗a‘ through impedance of j2 ohm. (i) Fault current (ii) Current in the
grounding inductor (iii) Voltage across grounding inductor.
Solution :

Ans : 1270.17∠-90 A, 1270.17∠-90 A, 2540 V

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144. (V.K metha) BWDB-18. NPCBL-17

Solution :

Ans : − j 6998 A
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145.*** (Gupta Ex 10.10) 30 MVA, 11 kV generator has Z1 = Z2 = j0.2

pu, Z0 = j0.05 pu Assume that generator neutral is solidly grounded and
the generator is operating at no load and rated voltage at the occurrence of
Line to ground fault. Calculate (a) Fault current. (b) Line to neutral voltage
at fault point (Post fault) . (c) Line to line voltage at fault point.
Solution :

Ans: (a) 10496.3 A; (b) 0, 0.882∠-100.89 pu (5.6kv) , 0.882∠100.89 pu (5.6kv) ; (c) 0.882∠79.11
pu (5.6kv) , 1.7322∠-90 pu (11kv) ; 0.882∠100.9 pu (5.6kv)
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146.** (Gupta Exc-10.22) A 3-phase , 10-MVA, 6600 v alternator with

earthed neutral has Z1 = 0.5 + j4.7 Ω, Z2 = 0.2 + j0.6 Ω, Z0 = j0.48 Ω It
supplies a 3-phase 3-wire cable having Z1 = 0.36 + j0.25 Ω, Z2 = 0.36 +
j0.25 Ω, Z0 = 2.9 + j0.95 Ω If Single line to ground fault occur at the far
end of cable, find (a) Fault current (b) Voltage of healthy phase at the
generator terminal (c) Voltage of healthy phases at fault point .
Solution :

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Ans: 1357.29-59.14 A, 1777.48 − 122.92° V, 1960-122.48 V , 2651.42 − 165.386 V ,

3251.2110.1 V,

147. (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : 1·284

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Three alternators operating in parallel have identical constants: X1=21%,
X2=12%, X0=10% Neutral of only 1 is grounded solidly; others have un-
grounded neutral. Calculate (i) Short-circuit current for line to ground fault
(ii) Short-circuit current for 3-phase fault

Solution :

Ans: 14.2857 p.u.,

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Line to Line Fault

Ia = 0, Ib+Ic = 0, Ib = - Ic = If,
Ia1 = - Ia2 , Ia0 = 0

Vbc = Vb – Vc = Zf*Ib, Vn = 0
Va0 = 0, Va1 = Va2

In = 0 , Isc = If = Ib
Ssc = √ *Vf*Isc MVA.

Healthy phase voltage Va

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149. (V.K metha) DESCO-19

Solution :

Ans : 9447·5 A

150.**(Gupta Ex 10.14, Exc 10.11) A 30 MVA, 11 kV generator has Z1

= Z2 = j0.2 pu, Z0 = j0.05 pu Assume that generator neutral is solidly
grounded and the generator is operating at no load and rated voltage at the
occurrence of Line to Line fault. Calculate (a) Fault current (b) Line
currents. (c) Line to neutral voltage at fault point (Post fault). (d) Line to
line voltage at fault point (Post fault).
Solution :

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Ans : (a) 6818.18 A, (b) 0, -6818 A, 6818 A ; (c) 1 pu (6.35kv), -0.5 pu (-3.1754kv), -0.5 pu (-
3.1754kv) ; (d) 1.5 pu(9.526kv), 0, -1.5 pu(-9.526kv)

151.* (Gupta Exc-10.9) An alternator has the following sequence

impedances: Z1 = j1 Ω, Z2 = 0.1+j0.2 Ω, Z0 = j1 Ω Line to neutral voltage
at the generator terminal is 1000 v. A fault between yellow & blue phase
occurs. Find (a) Fault current (b) voltage of healthy phase .
Solution :

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Ans: 1428.40∠-55.236 A, 371.39∠-21.8 v

152. (Nagrat Ex-11.4 ) Two 11-kV, 20-MVA, Y-connected generators

operate in parallel. The positive, negative and zero sequence reactance of
each being 0.18, 0.15 , 0.10 pu. The star point of one generator is isolated
and that of other is solidly earthed. If line-to-line fault on terminals of the
generators, Find (a) Fault current (b) voltage of healthy phase.
Solution :

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Ans: -j10.497 pu, -j11019.284 A, ; 0.909090 pu, 5.7735 kV.

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Double Line To Ground Fault

= 0, +

= = V, = V.
= =
, ,

+ =3

= = =3 A
=√ * * MVA.
Healthy phase voltage

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153. (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : j16 p.u.

154.Two 11-kV, 20-MVA, Y-connected generators operate in parallel .

The positive , negative and zero sequence reactance of each being 0.18,
0.15 , 0.10 pu. The star point of one generator is isolated and that of other
is solidly earthed. If double line-to-ground fault on terminals of the
generators, Find (a) Fault current . (b) voltage of healthy phase.
Solution :

Ans : (a) j9.6774 pu , j10158.66 A ; (b) 0.96774 pu, 6.14598737 V

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155. (Gupta Ex 10.15) A 30 MVA, 11 kV generator has Z1 = Z2 = j0.2

pu, Z0 = j0.05 pu Assume that generator neutral is solidly grounded and
the generator is operating at no load and rated voltage at the occurrence of
Double Line to Ground fault. Calculate (a) Fault current . (b) Line currents
(c) Line to line voltage at fault point (Post fault)
Solution :

Ans: (a) j15745.91 A ; (b) 0, 10414.94∠130.9, 10414.94∠49.1 ; (c) 0.5 pu (3.1754kv), 0, -0.5 pu
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156.*** (V.K metha)

(iv) Line to line fault. (-j 2944.84 A) & fault MVA are all fault. (37.53,
100, 73.2 , 60)
Solution :

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Compute the fault current in per unit for the following fauilts;

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Ans: 4.395 pu; 4.669 pu; 3.807 pu ; 4.979 pu

A generator is connected to a transmission line through a transformer. G:
75-MVA, 11.8-KV X1 = 17.5%, X2 = 13.5% T: 75-MVA, 11.8/66-KV
(delta-Y) X=10% Star point is earthed through 58 ohm resistance A fault
occur at the secondary side of transformer. Determine the fault current
when (i) 3-phase fault (ii) line to line fault (iii) Single line to ground fault
(iv) Double line to ground fault.
Solution :

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Ans: 2385.7 A; 2228.2 A; 643.77 ∠-11.5 A; 301.865∠175.67 A

159.**** (Gupta Ex 10.28)

A 33-kV bus bar has a 3-phase fault level of 1000-MVA. The negative and
zero sequence source reactance are 2 3 & 1 3 of positive sequence
reactance. The zero sequence source resistance is 60 Ω. A 30-MVA,
33/132-kV solidly grounded Δ/Y transformer having a reactance of j0.1 pu
is fed from 33-kV bus. Find fault current & fault MVA when fault at high
side of transformer (a) 3-phase fault (b) Line to ground fault (c) Line to
Line fault (d) Double line to ground fault
Solution :

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Ans: (a) 1009.34 A, 230.77 MVA ; (b) 1124.7083 A, 255.2 MVA ; (c) 909.091 A, 207.84 MVA ;
(d)1163.43 A, 266 MVA

(Gupta Ex-10.22) A 3-phase generator is connected to a star/delta
transformer via a line Generator: X1 = 0.1, X2 = 0.1 , X3 = 0.05 pu
Transformer: X = 0.05 pu Line: X1 = 0.4 , X2 = 0.4 , X3 = 0.8 pu Neutral
of G is grounded, Neutral of Transformer is grounded Find fault current &
voltage at fault point when fault at mid-point of line when 66 (a) Single
line to ground fault with Neutral of G is grounded (b) Single line to ground
fault with neutral of G is isolated (c) Line to line fault, find fault current
(d) Double line to ground fault , find fault current .

Solution :

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Ans (a) -j3.636; 0, 0.958∠-115.29 , 0.958∠115.29 ; (b) -j2.856; 0, 0.1078∠-126.59 , 0.1078∠-

126.59 ; (c) 2.8867 ; (d) j0.4

161. (V.K metha)

Solution :

Ans : 3·175 Ω, 1·056 Ω, 0·305 Ω

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Instrument transformers
(a) Current transformer (C.T.)

CT Body

CT symbol

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CT connection

Available CT Ratio Chart

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ও ৭A । ও ৫ /৫ ,

Solution :

Ans : 70 A
১ A । ৪ /১ ও ,
Solution :

Ans : 2.5 A

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৪ A ও ।
A । ও ? Delta
connected line.

Solution :

Ans : 34.64/1

৫ ১১ ও
Solution :

Ans : 40/1
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(b) Potential transformer (P.T.)

PT Body

PT symbol

PT Connection

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Voltmeter, Ammeter , Wattmeter, CT & PT connection.

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ও ও ১ V ।
ও ১১ /১১ ?
Solution :

Ans : 1000 v
১১ ?
ও ৬৬ /১১ ।
Solution :

Ans : 183.33v
৫ KVA , ৫ A ও
Solution :

Ans : 577.35/110
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ও । ও
১৫ V ও ১১ /১১ ও ৮A ও
১ /১ । ও .৮ ও ?
Solution :

Ans : 9.6 MW

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Transformer Protection

01. Single Phase Transformer Protection.

02. Three Phase Transformer Protection. (Merz-Price/Differential

Protection). ( BADC-20, DPDC-20, BCMCL-20, DPDC-19, BPDB-18)

(a) Delta - Delta

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(b) Star - Delta

(c)Delta - Star

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170. BCMCL-20, PGCB-18

A 3-phase transformer of 220/11,000 line volts is connected in star/delta.
The protective transformers on 220 V side have a current ratio of 600/5.
What should be the CT ratio on 11,000 V side ?

Ans : 1.385 :1
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Ans : 360 : 2.88


Solution :

Ans : 100/1

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A 3-phase, 200 kVA, 11/0·4 kV transformer is connected as delta/star. The
protective transformers on the 0·4 kV side have turn ratio of 500/5. What
will be the C.T. ratios on the high voltage side ?
Solution :

Ans : 18.18:8.66

A 3-phase transformer having line-voltage ratio of 0·4 kV/11kV is
connected in star-star and protective transformers on the 400 V side have a
current ratio of 500/5. What must be the ratio of the protective
transformers on the 11 kV side ?
Solution :

Ans : 18.18:5
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A 3-phase, 33/6·6 kV, delta/delta connected transformer is protected by
Merz-Price circulating current system. If the CTs on the low-voltage side
have a ratio of 300/5, determine the ratio of CTs on the high voltage side.
Solution :

Ans : 60:5

176. BPDB - 21
For a 20MVA, 132/33kV (Delta-Delta) substation, determine the most
suitable CT ratio on the primary side and secondary side.
Solution :

Ans : 100:1 & 400: 1

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A power transformer is rated 3-phase, 33/11KV, Δ-Yn11, 20 MVA at 50
Hz. The CTs in the HT and LT sides are rated 800:1 A and 3200:1 A,
respectively. Determine the secondary currents in the CTs of HT and LT
sides, if the transformer is supplied from a 33KV voltage source at rated
Solution :

Ans : 0.4374 A, 0.328 A

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Alternator Protection. (Merz-Price/Differential


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Solution :

Ans : 7.874%
179. NWPGCL-18, CPGCBL-18
A star-connected, 3-phase, 10 MVA, 6·6 kV alternator is protected by
MerzPrice circulating-current principle using 1000/5 amperes current
transformers. The star point of the alternator is earthed through a
resistance of 7·5 Ω . If the minimum operating current for the relay is 0·5
A, calculate the percentage of each phase of the stator winding which is
unprotected against earth-faults when the machine is operating at normal
voltage. ( 3- phase, 10MVA, 6.6KV Merz-price circulating
current principle protected ও 1000/5। 7.5
ও । 0.5A ।
stator winding unprotected )
Solution :

Ans : 19.69%
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Solution :

A 13.8 kV alternator has a ground relay pick-up current of 1A, a neutral
resistance of 30 ohm and a neutral CT rated 200/5. Determine the percent
of alternator unprotected winding.
Solution :

Ans : 15.06%

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A star-connected, 3-phase, 10 MVA, 6·6 kV alternator is protected by
circulating current protection, the star point being earthed via a resistance r.
Estimate the value of earthing resistor, if 85% of the stator winding is protected
against earth faults. Assume an earth fault setting of 20%. Neglect the
impedance of the alternator winding.
( 3- 10MVA, 6.6kV Merz-price circulating current
principle protected point r । 85% stator ও
protected । 20%
winding )

Solution :

Ans : 3·27 Ω

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A 10 MVA, 6·6 kV, 3-phase star-connected alternator is protected by Merz-
Price circulating current system. If the ratio of the current transformers is
1000/5, the minimum operating current for the relay is 0·75 A and the neutral
point earthing resistance is 6 Ω, calculate : (i) the percentage of each of the
stator windings which is unprotected against earth faults when the machine is
operating at normal voltage. (ii) the minimum resistance to provide protection
for 90% of the stator winding. ( 3- 10MVA, 6.6k
Merz- price circulating current principle protected।
1000/5A, 0.75A 6ও ।
খ খ stator winding unprotected ।খ
ও 90%

Solution :

Ans : 23·6%, 2·54 Ω

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A star-connected, 3-phase, 10-MVA, 6·6 kV alternator has a per phase
reactance of 10%. It is protected by Merz-Price circulating-current principle
which is set to operate for fault currents not less than 175 A. Calculate the value
of earthing resistance to be provided in order to ensure that only 10% of the
alternator winding remains unprotected.( 3- 10MVA, 6.6KV
10%। Merz - price circulating current principle
protected 175 A । ও
10% unprotected ।)

Solution :

Ans : 2·171 Ω

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185. BPDB-13, DPDC-14

A over current relay having a current setting of 125% is connected to a
supply circuit through a CT 400/5. What would be the pick up current?

Relay pick up current = Rated secondary current of C.T. × Current setting = 5 × 1.25
= 6.25 A

(Ans : 6.25)
A CT has 200:5 ratio. It's normal load current is 100A. The over current
relay is
operated if 120% of normal current is flown. How much current will be
needed in relay coil to operate the relay?


Relay pick up current = Rated secondary current of C.T. × Current setting = ×

100) × 1.2 = 3 A (Ans : 3 A)

Determine the time of operation of a 5-ampere, 3-second overcurrent relay
having a current setting of 125% and a time setting multiplier of 0·6
connected to supply circuit through a 400/5 current transformer when the
circuit carries a fault current of 4000 A. Use the curve shown in Fig.

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Ans : 2.1 S

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Circuit Breaker
188. BCPCL-12 , BTCL-22, BPSC-22, BREB - 23

Ans : 1500 A, 17496 A, 44614 A, 3S, 33kv

A circuit breaker is rated 2500 A, 1500 MVA, 33 kV, 3 sec, 3-phase oil
circuit breaker. Determine (i) the rated normal current (ii) breaking current
(iii) making current (iv) short time rating current.

Ans : [(i) 2500 A (ii) 26243 A (iii) 66920 A (iv) 26243 A for 3 sec]

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A circuit breaker is rated at 1500 A, 2000 MVA, 33 kV, 3 sec, 3-phase oil
circuit breaker. Determine (i)the rated normal current (ii) breaking current
(iii) making current (iv) short time rating current.

Ans : [(i)1500A (ii) 34·99 kA (iii) 89·22 kA (iv) 34·99 kA for 3 sec]


Ans : 17.96 kv, 12628 Hz, 453 MV /Sec

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Ans : 2 Kv/sec, 10 kHz



Ans : 866 kv
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Ans : 0.2 mm

Allah Hafez
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Power Plant

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196. PGCB-11
The Population of Bangladesh is 150 million. Its GDP is TK. 21200 billion
and Annual energy consumption is 642.17 GJ. Calculate Energy
intensity in Bangladesh.

Solution :

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Steam Power Station

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150 MW ও 7000 kcal/kg.
30% খ

Solution :

100 MW ও 6400kcal/kg.
30% ও 92%।
খ ।

Solution :

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75 MW ও 6400 kcal/kg
30% 80%।
খ ।

Solution :

Ans : 42000 kg

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ও খ 30 খ ।
5000 kcal/kg ও 300 ।
33% 90% , ।

Solution :

ও ও 20% ও - ও (kwh)
0.6 kg । ।

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202. NWPGCL-17
A generating station has an overall efficiency of 15% and 0·75 kg of coal
is burnt per kWh by the station. Determine the calorific value of coal in
kilocalories per kilogram.

Ans :[7644 kcal/kg]


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Hydro-electric Plant

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A hydro-electric generating station is supplied from a reservoir of capacity
5× cubic metres at a head of 200 metres. Find the total energy
available in kWh if the overall efficiency is 75%.

Solution :

Ans : 2.044 × kWh

A hydro-electric station has an average available head of 100 metres and
reservoir capacity of 50 million cubic metres. Calculate the total energy in
kWh that can be generated, assuming hydraulic efficiency of 85% and
electrical efficiency of 90%.

Solution :

Ans : [10·423 × kWh]

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

It has been estimated that a minimum run off of approximately 94 /sec
will be available at a hydraulic project with a head of 39 m. Determine (i)
firm capacity (ii) yearly gross output. Assume the efficiency of the plant to
be 80%.

Solution :

Ans : 28,770 kW, 252 × kWh

Water for a hydro-electric station is obtained from a reservoir with a head
of 100 metres. Calculate the electrical energy generated per hour per cubic
metre of water if the hydraulic efficiency be 0·86 and electrical efficiency

Solution :

Ans : 775 kWh

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Diesel Power Station

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Solution :


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Nuclear Power Station

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Gas Turbine Power Plant

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Variable Load on Power Stations

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A consumer has the following connected load:
10 lamps each of 60 W. 2 heaters each of 1000 W
Maximum demand 1500 W
On the average he uses 8 lamps for 5 hours per day, each heater 3 hours
per day. Find (a) average load, (b) monthly energy consumption, (c) load

The maximum demand on a power station is 100 MW. If the annual load
factor is 40% , calculate the total energy generated in a year.

The maximum demand on a power station is 200 MW. If the annual load
factor is 0.55, calculate the total energy generated in a year.
Solution :

Ans : 963600 MWh

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215. BOF-17, BEPZA-21, MOTJ-20

A generating station has a connected load of 43MW and a maximum
demand of 20 MW; the units generated being 61·5 × per annum.
(i) the demand factor and (ii) load factor.

A generating station has a connected load of 40 MW and a maximum
demand of 20 MW : the units generated being 60 × . Calculate
(i) the demand factor (ii) the load
Solution :

Ans : [(i) 0·5 (ii) 34·25%]

A generating station has a connected had of 600 MW and the maximum
demand is 450 MW. The energy generated per year is 2 × kWh.
Calculate the demand factor and the load factor.
Solution :

Ans : 0.75, 0.5074

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218. TGTDCL-21
A 100 MW power station delivers 100 MW for 2 hours, 50 MW for 6
hours and is shut down for the rest of each day. It is also shut down for
maintenance for 45 days each year. Calculate its annual load factor.

A 100 MW powers stations delivers 100 MW for 2 hours, 50 MW for 8
hours and is shut down for the rest of each day. It is also shut down for
maintenance for 60 days each year. Calculate its annual load factor.

Solution :

Ans : 25 %
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220. SGFL-21
Determine the maximum value of a load which consumes 600 kWh per
day at a load factor of 0.45. If the consumer increases the load factor to
0.65 without increasing the maximum demand, determine the consumption
of energy in kWh.

There are four consumers of diversity having different load requirements
at different timings
. Consumer 1,
Average load = 1 kW, Maximum demand = 5 kW at 8
Consumer 2,
Maximum demand = 2 kW at 9 p.m. Demand of 1.6 kW at 8 p.m.
Daily load factor = 0.15.
Consumer 3
Maximum demand = 2 kW at 12 noon, Load of 1 kW at 8 p.m.
Average load of 500 W
Consumer 4
Maximum demand = 10 kW at 5 p.m., Load of 5 kW at 8 p.m.
Daily load factor = 0.25
The maximum demand of the system occurs at 8 p.m.
Determine (a) the diversity factor, (b) average load and load factor of
each consumer, (c) average load and load factor of the
combined load

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A substation supplies power by four feeders to its consumers. Feeder no. 1
supplies six consumers whose individual daily maximum demands are 70
kW, 90 kW, 20 kW, 50 kW, 10 kW and 20 kW while the maximum
demand on the feeder is 200 kW. Feeder no. 2 supplies four consumers
whose daily maximum demands are 60 kW, 40 kW, 70 kW and 30 kW,
while the maximum demand on the feeder is 160 kW. Feeder nos. 3 and 4
have a daily maximum demand of 150 kW and 200 kW respectively while
the maximum demand on the station is 600 kW. Determine the diversity
factors for feeder no. 1. feeder no. 2 and for the four feeders
Solution :

Ans : [1·3, 1·25, 1·183]

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Solution :

224. CPA-17, PGCB-21

A diesel station supplies the following loads to various consumers :
Industrial consumer = 1500 kW ; Commercial establishment = 750 kW
Domestic power = 100 kW; Domestic light = 450 kW If the maximum
demand on the station is 2500 kW and the number of kWh generated per
year is 45 × , determine (i) the diversity factor and
(ii) annual load factor.

225. CPGCBL-18
The cost curve of a 600MW coal fired power plant is 0.003P ^ 2 + 6P +
500 $/hr/MW. What will be the cost to increase the output of the plant by
1 MW if it is operating at 100 MW? If the plant is dispatched for a
maximum of 500MW and its annual energy output is 3600 GWh,
determine capacity factor & load factor
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Solution :

226. NPCBL-19
A generating station is to supply four regions of load whose peak loads are
10 MW, 5 MW, 8 MW and 7 MW. The diversity factor at the station is 1·5
and the average annual load factor is 60%. Calculate : (i) the maximum
demand on the station. (ii) annual energy supplied by the station. (iii)
Suggest the installed capacity and the number of units.

227. RPGCL-17, PGCL-17

A generating station has a maximum demand of 25MW, a load factor of
60%, a plant capacity factor of 50% and a plant use factor of 72%. Find
(i) the reserve capacity of the plant (ii) the daily energy produced
and (iii) maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant while
running as per schedule, were fully loaded.
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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A generating station has a maximum demand of 20 MW, a load factor of
60%, a plant capacity factor of 48% and a plant use factor of 80% . Find :
(i) the daily energy produced (ii) the reserve capacity of the plant.
(iii) the maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was
running all the time ,
(iv) the maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was
running fully loaded and operating as per schedule.

Solution :

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Ans : [(i) 288 × kWh (ii) 5KW (iii) 600 × kWh (iv) 360 × kWh]

The maximum demand of a power station is 100 kW. The capacity factor
is 0.6 and the utilization factor is 0.8. Find (a) load factor, (b) plant
capacity, (c) reserve capacity, (d) annual energy production

Solution :

Ans : (a) 0:75, (b) 125 MW, (c) 25 MW, (d) 657000 MWh

230. PGCB-17, TITAS-18, BPDB-18, DPDC-20,

A power station has a maximum demand of 15000 kW. The annual load
factor is 50% and plant capacity factor is 40%. Determine the reserve
capacity of the plant.

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231. BREB-23
A generating station supplies the following loads : 15000 kW, 12000 kW,
8500 kW, 6000 kW and 450 kW. The station has a maximum demand of
22000 kW. The annual load factor of the station is 48%. Calculate (i) the
number of units supplied annually (ii) the diversity factor and (iii) the
demand factor.

Solution :

Ans : [(i) 925 × kWh (ii) 52·4% (iii) 1·9]

232. Similar…APSCL-16, ERL-17, NWPGCL-15,

BCS, MSc-12,MSc-17,
The yearly load duration curve of a power plant is a straight line. The
maximum load is 500 MW and the minimum load is 400 MW. The
capacity of the plant is 750 MW. Find (a) plant capacity factor, (b) load
factor, (c) utilization factor, (d) reserve capacity.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

233. BCIC-19, BPDB-14

The annual load duration curve of a certain power station can be
considered as a straight line from 20 MW to 4 MW. To meet this load,
three turbine-generator units, two rated at 10 MW each and one rated at 5
MW are installed. Determine (i) installed capacity (ii) plant factor (iii)
units generated per annum (iv) load factor and (v) utilisation factor.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

The yearly load duration curve of a power station is a straight line from 50
MW to 10 MW. Three alternators each of 20 MW are installed to meet the
demand. Determine (a) the installed capacity, (b) plant factor, (c)
maximum demand, (d) load factor and (e) utilization factor.
Solution :

Ans :(a) 60 MW, (b) 0.5, (c) 50 MW, (d) 0.6, (e) 0.833

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Solution :

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A power station has to meet the following load demand :
Load A 50 kW between 10 A.M. and 6
P.M. Load B 30 kW between 6 P.M. and
10 P.M. Load C 20 kW between 4 P.M.
and 10 A.M. Plot the daily load curve and determine (i) diversity factor (ii)
units generated per day (iii) load factor.

Ans : [(i) 1·43 (ii) 880 kWh (iii) 52·38%]

239. SGCL-20, KGDCl-21

Plot the load curve and find (i) maximum demand of individual consumer
(ii) load factor of individual consumer (iii) diversity factor and (iv) load
factor of the station.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A power station has the following daily load cycle :
Time in Hours 6 —8 8, —12 , 12 —16 , 16 —20 , 20 —24 , 24 —6
Load in MW 20 40 60 20 50 20
Plot the load curve and load duration curve. Also calculate the energy
generated per day.


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Plot the load duration curve from the chronological load curve shown in
Also Find out load factor.

Solution :

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242. CPGCBL-23
300 ও (i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

200 ও (i) (ii)
(iii) (iv) .
Solution :

Ans : 105.2 MW, 0.7, 0.526, 50 MW

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

150 ও (i) (ii)
(iii) (iv) .

A power station supplies the peak loads of 25 MW, 20 MW, and 30 MW
to three localities. The annual load factor is 0.60 pu and the diversity of the
load at the station is 1.65. Calculate (a) the maximum demand on the
station, (b) the installed capacity, and (c) the energy supplied in a year.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


247. EGCB-12. DWASA-17

Solution :

System Peak Demand = + +

= + + = 10.3 kW (Ans)

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

248. DESCO-19
A residential complex with 400 apartments, each of 10 kW load is built.
The complex also has common amenities of 40 kW load. The demand
factor, group diversity factor and peak diversity factor of the apartment
load are 0.4, 4 and 1.2 respectively. The demand factor, group diversity
factor and peak-peak diversity factor of the common amenities are load are
0.8, 1.3 and 1.1 respectively. Find the rating of the distribution transformer
if the power factor is 0.8. The transformer is cooled through Oil Forced
Air Natural (OFAN) cooling and allow 150% emergency loading

249. NWPGCL-19
A new load is to be added to a power station. There are two types of loads:
SMW and 10MW The demand factors are: 50% and 70% respectively.
The group diversity factors are 1.1 & 14 respectively. The peak diversity
factors of each type of loads are 0:45 & 0.30 Considering 4 %,
transmission loss, find the transformer rating for supplying the load.
Consider 0.8 p.f. lagging.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।


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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

Total charge = Tk (a + b × kW + c × kWh)

a = fixed charge made during each billing period. It includes interest and
depreciation on the cost of secondary distribution and labour cost of
collecting revenues,
b = charge per kW of maximum demand,
c = charge per kWh of energy consumed.

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

251. CPGCBL-16
A consumer has a maximum demand of 200 kW at 40% load factor. If the
tariff is Rs. 100 per kW of maximum demand plus 10 paise per kWh, find
the overall cost per kWh.

A consumer has a maximum demand of 100 MW at 60% load factor. If the
tariff is Rs 20 per kW of maximum demand plus 1 paise per kWh, find the
overall cost per kWh.

Solution :

Ans : [1·38 paise]

A consumer has an annual consumption of 2 × 105 units. The tariff is Rs
50 per kW of maximum demand plus 10 paise per kWh. (i) Find the
annual bill and the overall cost per kWh if the load factor is 35%. (ii) What
is the overall cost per kWh if the consumption were reduced by 25% with
the same load factor ? (iii) What is the overall cost per kWh if the load
factor were 25% with the same consumption as in (i) ?

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।
Solution :

Ans : [(i) Rs 23,400 ; 11·7 paise (ii) 11·7 paise (iii) 12·28 paise]
Daily load of an industry is 200 kW for first one hour, 150 kW for next
seven hours, 50 kW for next eight hours and 1 kW for remaining time. If
tariff in force is Rs. 100 per kW of maximum demand per annum plus 5
paise per kWh, find the annual bill.

Solution :

Ans : [Rs 50,258·5]

A consumer requires one million units per year and his annual load factor
is 50%. The tariff in force is Rs. 120 per kW per annum plus 5 paise per
unit consumed. Estimate the saving in his energy costs if he improves the
load factor to 100%.

Solution :

Ans : [Rs 13,692]

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

The maximum demand of a consumer is 20 A at 220 V and his total
energy consumption is 8760 kWh. If the energy is charged at the rate of 20
paise per unit for 500 hours use of the maximum demand per annum plus
10 paise per unit for additional units, calculate : (i) annual bill (ii)
equivalent flat rate.(Cost/kWh)

The maximum demand of a consumer is 25A at 220 V and his total energy
consumption is 9750 kWh. If energy is charged at the rate of 20 paise per
kWh for 500 hours use of maximum demand plus 5 paise per unit for all
additional units, estimate his annual bill and the equivalent flat rate.

Solution :

Ans : [Rs 900 ; 9·2 paise]

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

258. CPA-17, TGTDCL-22

Calculate annual bill of a consumer whose maximum demand is 100 kW,
p. f. = 0·8 lagging and load factor = 60%. The tariff used is Rs 75 per kVA
of maximum demand plus 15 paise per kWh consumed.

An industrial consumer has a maximum demand of 120 kW and maintains
a load factor of 80%. The tariff in force is Tk 60 per kVA of maximum
demand plus 8 paise per unit. If the average p.f. is 0·8 lagging, calculate
the total energy consumed per annum and the annual bill.

Solution :

Ans : [8,40,960 kWh ; Tk 76,276·8]

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Mridul (01645408848) ix।

A factory has a maximum load of 240 kW at 0·8 p.f. lagging with an
annual consumption of 50,000 units. The tariff is Rs 50 per kVA of
maximum demand plus 10 paise per unit. Calculate the flat rate of energy
consumption. What will be annual saving if p. f. is raised to unity?

The tariff in force is Rs 150 per kVA of maximum demand and 8 paise per
unit consumed. If the load factor is 30%, find the overall cost per unit at (i)
unity p. f. and (ii) 0·7 p. f.

Facebook group: EEE JOB CARE ।

Mridul (01645408848) ix।

The following two tariffs are offered : (a) Rs 100 plus 15 paise per unit ;
(b) A flat rate of 30 paise per unit ; At what consumption is first tariff
economical ?

A supply is offered on the basis of fixed charges of Rs 30 per annum plus
3 paise per unit or alternatively, at the rate of 6 paise per unit for the first
400 units per annum and 5 paise per unit for all the additional units. Find
the number of units taken per annum for which the cost under the two
tariffs becomes the same.

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