Paint Failures Causes&remedies

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Techdata Sheet Jun 1982 82-08 Paint Failures-Causes & Remedies Recognizing the type of paint failure encountered in the field along with under- standing its cause and how to remedy it can lead to early correction and/or major re- ductions in maintenance costs while main- taining the overall appearance of our Naval Shore Establishment at a highly acceptable level. All paints eventually fail by weathering, especially exterior weathering, However, pre- mature failure is a costly problem that occurs all too frequently. This document addresses this problem by describing the condition and, DESCRIPTION SAGS, Algo caled rune or curing, Excess ow of ORANGE PEEL. Hil, valleys orange OVERSPRAY. Alto called dey sory Dry, lat, pebbly surface, CCORWEBRING. Thin, stingy ais, site weblike particle. its probable cause, and then giving a method of remedy. When paint failures related to applica- tion can be immediately recognized, modifi- cation of application conditions can result in an immediate remedy. When failure is recognized after the paint has cured (with or without weathering), the paint will have to be removed to the substrate if the damage exposes the substrate; if the failure is re- stricted to the paint surface (i.2., involves color, gloss, or texture), it can usually be corrected by applying another coat. Specific types of failure are listed below. cause REMEDY Spray ain too cose to wor {00 much thinner; 190 much pit ahd most spray can aint: oF surface toa hardor tions. Attar cue, snd and apy ‘Hort to had ine, nother coe Paint 120 viscous: aun 00 Before cue, brush out excets ‘ote towurfsce; solvent evapo: paint and moelly spray cond rated 100 fast: o aie rasan. After cure sand and Solvent waporating 0 2 vinyl and chlorinated [Approved for public release; dsribution wnlimited, DESCRIPTION PINPOINT RUSTING. usta {at pnnotes or nolaays CHECKING. Narrow Drank, ‘tually short, in tapecat that (CRACKING. Deep cracks in UNDERCUTTING, Blistering ancfor peeing of pine were ‘eons sel i using DIRT UNDER PAINT. Peeling ‘et ia in pa fi DELAMINATION, Peeling fomundercat a subsirae PIGMENT OVERLOAD. Aso call plement Host. Motiad IRREGULAR SURFACE DETERIORATION. Deterora: tion stooge, corners, reves, cause Pinnoling or t00 high a ste surface prtile for costing ‘cee. Limited pein Hexibtity: too igh 2 comperature. Pin shrinkage: Himited fa: {especialy zinccieh pants or appladicured st 00 high ‘corrosion produet orm ‘ining an iting pain, contaminated surface, spray, for work ae Sepacaton/itting of pint ‘rom enalky subsvate ot smooth, poor-bonded under Critica pment level axcaedea sometimes by tinting white pine rather than tnt bas Difficult to cont stan configurations that permit nd air. i REMEDY Use noligay detector for early erection af pinhoos apply ‘detional oats aftr macnanical ‘rast leaning Sand of machanically emove nother coat. Sand, bs, oF mechanically remove total paint and apy ary datacion of oefact with holy detector and correction se inne pigrants in San or machanically amove all loosa aint, ces and foughen smooth surface, and fii cot. Roun aps: it we sams snd evens: avoid configura contaminants; provi dainape DESCRIPTION CRATERING. Also calls pitting. Small uniform iner- FIs EVES. Separation or puliog apart of wet film co roads underlying Finish oF BLUSHING. fat nah wien ‘milky appearance. UNEVEN GLOSS. Nonunitorm shaun, suny spo. FADING, Color changes leaguers. WRINKLING, ough eink BLISTERING. Small ro ‘oxen oF unbroken Bubble PINHOLING. Tiny, doep hoes exposing substrate cause Ale pockos wrapped in wat fim ‘ring soraving. Application over ol, et, tile, or incompatible Coating. Moisture condensation in high hhumiaicy with fast aveparaing or unblanced thinner in seray application. ‘Nonuniform flim hick change during curing oF paint ppled over soft or mat uncer Lrtravioae ine egradaion; ‘oF moisture Behind pit fi, Surface skinning over uncut paint because of too much thickness and/or too warm \woather, especially wth a base paint Solvent entrapmant oil, moliture or alt-conteminatad suites of cathodic aibonding, Insutfcint pain srayatomi- seted pament. REMEDY Sand or bast emeoth fines and app adtonal cous Sand oat amove: brush epi arash cant plus topcoat ‘Sand orbit amove:respray with earch aga 0 Allow to dey and apply another tinsh coat under aceopratie tanditions fr maletare anc ham -Repaint and avs posible oureas of moirurs. ‘Serapa off winktes ad apply ‘inner cou: aaidintnss sunlight. sccleate solvent 0 Segue cleaning of surfoce Contamination: proper lve of cathoae protection, uncured, brush aut and apy ‘atonal ost, 1 cured, apply tational coat. DESCRIPTION PEELING FROM GALVANI2. ING. Paling of peony bonds ABRASION DAMAGE Mechanical damage FOULING DAMAGE. Peneta: tiom or paling by action of marine fouling creas, MUD CRACKING. Osep, leaguer cracks a with died PEELING OF MULTIPLE (COATS, Peeing of hatvy ain bulasup trom subetra PEELING OF THICK, INFLEXIBLE PAINT. Paling at thick pant trom PAINT APPLIED TO DAMP SURFACE. Heavy wining MOISTURE DAMAGE, Pasting ‘of paint by underiying moisture cause cor axhesion of pant to zine coat se [alsa aluminum). Psi! damage by abrasion las moa, Barmacies, et. panetrating sot coatings (3, oa a ‘esling ocrly bonded paint. ‘A clatively inte coating pplite too thickly aspecilly ‘commen wth inorganic ins Stress fom weuthring [eanuaction of total stem! Stress fom cura, weathered leonuacte) paint exceeds adhesion to subetrate Moisture on substrate distorts REMEDY Remove loos pant and oracend according to Taba 16 of Appar D4 of NAVFAC MO-110, abrasion o impact-resistant ant with one tougher oF more ‘adherent ute entfouing pnts foe teutng conta Remove coting and abrasivaly last ste! before eappiying at lessor thicker: sandng/mechaniee cleaning may be aeceptasie on older substrates, aint and appiy flexible aint (eg latex: extansive, rape, Sanda, mechanically or suscate belore recoating Remove by seaping or nding and e091 under dry con Use wedges beeen aaacent lap board, went, te for ‘migration lean pinted vant DESCRIPTION EFFLORESCENCE DAMAGE, Pain isbonding ard paling by VINE PENETRATION OF PAINT. Vine tnd MILDEW GROWTH, alack fungal growth (CHALKING EROSION. Gradual hing af nih GRAFFITI, Painted wordt or graphics. BLEEDING, Brown staining fof aint an aephalt or con, tar pavement or coating PAINT/RUBBER BUILO-UP (ON AUNWAY STRIPES, PAVEMENT STRIPE EDGE CRACKING. Crtcking of ‘pavement, slurry ssl oF pane ‘ong 20g of painted mark cause Moisture dough conea, smasoney, or brick pets up {olube salts and deposi therm an the surtage trom the inter lan be on of building. Vineet cota to srt shat canis perarat pane foesupoor. Miccooranime aro, aspcilly fo damp, shaded pein, defeing and cared Degrdation of coating resin by sunlight leaving leate residue; especialy bad teh thin coats, epoxies, and sub- straws whore chalk ie fraquently removed Vandals sinting surfaces, pecially with bray cans, Organi solvent in wet paint or fai phat sales biwminous material ana caus it co mia through pant In touchdown aan, ould-up st rubbar Hom alert irae raguiresFequentcepanting CConwaction of paint curing caring atl eatharng and

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