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DAY 1 (March 12, 2024)

On March 12, 2024, the class gathered on the third floor with Ma'am Shobi. She's a fun teacher
who makes the classroom a comfortable and open space for us. The discussion centered around
the clinical interview, which Ma'am Shobi explained is the foundation of the therapeutic process.
It's a crucial space where clients can freely share their experiences and concerns. We learned
about building rapport through active listening, open-ended questions, and empathetic responses,
which are essential skills for connecting with people in our community. Ma'am Shobi also
introduced techniques used in the clinical interview, such as confrontation, paraphrasing,
reflection of feeling, and summarizing. She emphasized the importance of each technique and
showed us examples of how they're applied in real-life situations. The session concluded with a
better understanding of the clinical interview process and its significance in helping others.

DAY 2 (March 14, 2024)

On the second day of March 14, 2024, I started my morning by preparing things for the
afternoon activity. This involved cutting materials and editing names and profiles for the bulletin
board in the psychology department. Additionally, Ma'am Miranda requested me to deliver a
letter from her friend to the chancellor's office. In the afternoon, around 3:00 to 4:00, Ma'am
Shobi led a discussion. She presented examples and scenarios for our upcoming activity. The
activity was to either confront or paraphrase the given scenarios. It was an interactive session
where we learned through practical examples provided by Ma'am Shob.

DAY 3 (March 15, 2024)

On the third day, March 15, 2024, my morning was quite eventful. First, I attended Ma'am Jelli's
class with my friends Hariz and Bedro from 8:00 to 9:00. During the class, I volunteered to help
check some papers. Later, from 10:30 to 12:00, I joined Ma'am Shobi's class. She introduced us
to the WAIS-IV, which stands for Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition. She
explained the updated theoretical foundations, enhanced clinical utility, improved psychometric
properties, increased developmental appropriateness, and changes to the test structure and
subtests. We also discussed related tests like WISC-V and WIIAT, as well as projective tests,
where Ma'am Shobi showed us TAT cards and more. In the afternoon, Ma'am Shobi held a
similar discussion with another section, covering the same topics we discussed in the morning. It
was a thorough and informative session for everyone involved.

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