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NO. 01
PART 1: Questions 1-5
Choose the best answer A, B or C.

1 What must Samir do?

A find out if Josh is interested in going to the
B let Josh know if tickets are available for the
C contact Josh if he wants to go to the concert

2 A Passengers mustn't put any luggage near the

train doors.
B Passengers should remember to take all their
bags with them.
C Passengers with large suitcases may leave them
between the seats.

3 The main purpose of the email is to

A suggest something.
B apologise for something.
C recommend something.

4 A You must check you have chosen the right

petrol before filling your car.
B You can pay with cash or credit card after
filling your car with petrol.
C You shouldn't put petrol in your car without
checking you are able to pay.

5 A Lena wants Jake to give her a lift to Sonia's

B Lena thinks Jake should take some music to
Sonia's party.
C Lena would like Jake to bring something to eat
to Sonia's party.

Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020

PART 2: Questions 6-15
Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to complete the text.

When a company wants to increase the sales of a product, it will usually advertise. An advertisement
(6)………. us what products are available and it also (7)………. us to buy a particular product.

Today’s television advertisements (8)………. millions of people, but the first forms of advertising were
much more local. Market traders shouted out what they had for sale and large signs (9)……….
displayed outside shops. Modern advertising began about 150 years ago, (10)………. factories started
producing goods (11)………. large quantities. Before long, advertisements for a wide (12)………. of
products appeared in national newspapers.

Nowadays, we see many different (13)………. of advertisements. They can appear on the sides of
vehicles and on the clothes we wear as well as on television and radio. But the (14)………. of all
advertisements is the same. They try to (15)………. our attention and get us to buy a particular product.

6. A says B indicates C tells D announces

7. A approves B suggests C wins D persuades
8. A arrive B pass C reach D spread
9. A has B were C had D are
10. A which B whether C why D when
11. A in B at C for D by
12. A area B row C range D pack
13. A methods B kinds C systems D ways
14. A aim B plan C attempt D wish
15. A pull B achieve C bring D attract

PART 3: Questions 16-25

Look at the sentences below about the Lofoten Islands in Norway. Read the text to decide if each
sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, write A on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, write
B on your answer sheet.

16 On the first evening, the writer watched the sun set behind the mountains.
17 Ferries used to be the only way of crossing from one island to another.
18 It is necessary to reserve a place on a boat 24 hours before it leaves.
19 The boats hold up to five people.
20 The passengers in the boat saw some places where people no longer live.
21 The fisherman in the boat caught some fish for the passengers.
22 It is possible to see some of the original fishermen's huts in the museum.
23 The museum is open at weekends every day of the year.
24 There are fewer farms now than there were 30 years ago.
25 You need to change planes to fly from Oslo to the Lofoten Islands.

A Visit to the Lofoten Islands

We arrived in the Lofoten Islands in Norway on a bright July evening. At this time of year, the sun
never goes down so it never gets dark because the islands are so far north. We sat for hours, watching the
sunlight shining on the mountains across the water.
Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020
We spent the next few days exploring the islands in brilliant sunshine. We travelled by car, going from
one island to another by bridge or tunnel. These bridges and tunnels have replaced the ferries between the
largest islands.
One day we decided we would take a boat trip. They leave at 12 noon every day. You have to book the
day before or by 10.30 at the latest on the day of the trip. I'd booked the day before, not realizing that the
weather here can change quickly. I was warned that they needed a minimum of five passengers for the trip.
When we got up that day, it was raining hard but we set off, hoping other people had also booked. We
were lucky. When we got in the boat, the sun came out again and there were enough of us, all eager to see
the islands from the sea. We went past islands with ruined villages where nobody wants to live any more.
We also had the chance to catch our own fish which we could eat later on.
On our last day we visited the Museum of Lofoten Life. By the year 900 the islands were famous for
cod fishing. People sailed there in small open boats from other areas so they could make the most of the
fishing opportunities. All these visiting fishermen needed somewhere to stay and over the years many
fishermen's cabins were built by the water's edge. In the museum, some of these are on display as well as
fishing equipment, boathouses and traditional boats. In summer (June 20-Aug 20), it's open daily from
11am-5.30pm and during the rest of the year it's open from Monday to Friday 11am-3pm.
People on the islands have always made a living from fishing and farming. Fishing is still an essential
part of the economy but, although agriculture is still important in some areas, the number of farms has
decreased in the past 30 years.
I'd highly recommend a trip to the Lofoten Islands. The quickest way to get there is to fly from the
Norwegian capital, Oslo, to Bodo which is on the coast opposite the Lofoten islands and then take a flight
to Leknes on one of the northern islands. It is also possible to catch a ferry from Bodo to Svolvr which is
much cheaper.

PART 4: Questions 26-30

Read the text and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D.

Restaurant Manager
Laura Davy has been the manager at Quinto’s restaurant since 2001. Quinto’s is a popular restaurant
and often has as many as 500 customers in one evening. It is a big business to run but Davy says she
can’t imagine doing anything else.
Restaurant work was not what she intended to do. She started studying music at university but then
left to work in a restaurant. ‘My family didn’t agree with my choice but it was very clear to me that was
what I wanted to do.’ She did a bit of everything and learnt quickly. She started training as a chef but
soon realized she was better at restaurant management.
Davy now divides her time between the restaurant floor and the office. She sometimes regrets
spending so much time in the office and misses being with customers. ‘I have to arrive at the office
very early. There are always a lot of kitchen supplies to order and bills to pay before meeting staff. If I
have a really busy day in the office, I leave around 7, just before people arrive in the restaurant.’
Davy manages about 140 staff and knows how important they are to the business. ‘I don’t have
happy customers without good staff.’ She sometimes employs the wrong people but believes that
making mistakes is the only way to learn. ‘I’ve succeeded in building up a good team.’ However, staff
sometimes leave Quito’s to work in other restaurants or travel abroad. Davy accepts that she cannot
always keep staff. ‘If they’ve already made their decision, there’s no point saying anything. But if they
come back at a later date, I’m happy to reemploy them.’

Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020

26. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A give details of opportunities in the restaurant business
B compare a restaurant job with other choices of career
C describe what one restaurant manager’s work involves
D encourage young people to start a restaurant career
27. Davy’s choice of a restaurant career
A involved a change of plans.
B was approved of by her parents.
C was something she felt uncertain about.
D required her to do a management course.
28. What does Davy think about her working day?
A She likes to meet her staff early in the morning.
B She would like to spend more time with customers.
C She prefers doing office jobs to working in the kitchen.
D She enjoys being busy because the day passes more quickly.
29. What does Davy say about staff who decide to leave Quinto’s?
A She would not give them their jobs back.
B She doesn’t try to persuade them to stay.
C They are a bad influence on the rest of the team.
D They will benefit from working in other restaurants.
30. What would Davy say about restaurant work?
A I have to check there are no problems in the restaurant so I always make sure I’m there in the
B I’ve wanted to do restaurant work since I was very young. It’s a great career and I would recommend
it to anyone.
C It’s all about keeping customers happy. You need good staff for this so I make sure everyone stays
with us for a long time.
D I don’t always get things right and the work can be hard but I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.
I enjoy it too much.

Your English friend wants to buy a new mobile phone but isn’t sure which one to get.
Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should
• offer to go shopping with your friend to help him/her choose a phone
• suggest a day to go.
• say where you will meet your friend.
Write 50-70 words on your answer sheet.

C Write a 100-word passage to describe the summer in your country.

Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020

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