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NO. 02
PART 1: Questions 1-5
Choose the best answer A, B or C.

1. A You can try on up to three items of clothing at a time.

B The store’s three changing rooms are located on the
first floor.
C You should go to customer services to exchange more
than three products.

2. A You should inform the club if you cannot train at the

arranged time.
B There are changes to the training times because of
pool repairs.
C Training is at the same time as it was before the pool

A This offer is available for a short period.
B This offer is limited to regular customers.
C This offer is on products that are less than £50.

4. A Monica regrets going to the exhibition at the art

B Monica thinks it cost too much to get into the art
C Monica is glad she made the effort to visit the art

5. A This office takes bookings up to one month before

B If you leave something on a train, you have one month
to collect it.
C Passengers can store property here for one month
before they travel.

Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020

PART 2: Questions 6-15
Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to complete the text.

A lucky picnic
When I was a child we used to go to my grandmother's house. We often had a picnic in a wood which was
(6)………. of wild flowers. We always used to go to the (7)………. place. One day when we had finished
our picnic, my mother noticed that she had (8)………. her ring, (9)………. had her initials inside it. We
looked everywhere for it and we carried on until it was dark and we had to give (10)………. Thirty years
later, I was on holiday with my own children and we (11)………. the same wood. We decided to have a
picnic there. It was my son who made it a lucky day. He was bored with the picnic (12)………. he started
digging a hole (13)………. a tree. Suddenly, he (14)………. up a ring. It had some writing inside it and we
all (15)………. it was my mother's ring. She was really happy when we gave it back to her!

6 A busy B full C complete D crowded

7 A single B same C similar D alike
8 A lost B stolen C disappeared D missed
9 A where B whose C which D who
10 A back B away C out D up
11 A realised B came C found D met
12 A because B but C although D so
13 A on B under C between D at
14 A held B took C looked D came
15 A persuaded B agreed C promised D recommended

PART 3: Questions 16-25

Look at the sentences below about working on a children’s summer camp. Read the text and decide if
each sentence is correct or incorrect. Write A for the correct sentence and B for the incorrect one.
16 Each summer camp offers the same sports facilities.
17 Some children leave their summer camp after the day-time activities have finished.
18 You must be qualified to do any work with children at the summer camps.
19 If you work in the camp kitchen, you may not need to work evenings.
20 It is possible to choose who will interview you.
21 You can apply for a summer camp job on the internet.
22 Job offers are for a maximum of nine weeks.
23 You will be told which camp you are working at on your arrival in the USA.
24 You may have to pay more than $100 for your visa.
25 If you stay in the USA after your job finishes, you have to book your own return flight.

Summer jobs in your children’s camp

Camp America is an organization that runs over 12,000 children’s summer camps in the USA. All
the camps are in the countryside and some are in areas of outstanding natural beauty. Different types of
camps are available. While some are designed mainly for sports activities, others are suitable for
children with different interests. Accommodation is provided at the majority of camps but some
children attend during the day and return home in the evening.
Camp America offers a variety of summer jobs for young people. Some allow you to work directly

Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020

with children teaching sport, dancing or arts and require relevant qualifications. There are other jobs
working with children, however, that do not require special skills or qualifications. In these roles you
help to run activities and take care of children after organized events have finished.
If you do not want to work with children, there are other jobs available such as office work, laundry
work and food preparation. You do not have responsibility for any children in these roles, so you often
have more free time in the evenings.
You can make paper or online applications for summer camp jobs. To complete a paper application
you need to write to us requesting a form, which you then need to complete and return. We will send
you a list of interviewers located in your area and you need to select one to arrange a convenient time
for an interview. You can apply online by visiting our “How to Apply Section” on your main website.
Here you can fill out your application form and select an interviewer.
There are certain general requirements that all applicants must meet: you must be 18 years of age or
older, speak fluent English, and be able to provide two references. It is also essential that you are
available for work for a minimum of nine weeks, and be able to leave for the USA no later than June 28
and return no earlier than August 24.
If you are successful at interview, we will inform you immediately where you will be working in the
USA. We will also help you with your visa application. This involves attending an interview at the US
embassy in your home country. You will also have to pay the embassy fee for visa applications. The fee
is currently $100 but can increase without notice.
We arrange your free return flights and your transfer by bus from the airport to your summer camp.
While you are working at the camp you receive pocket money and free accommodation and food. You
may choose to travel around the USA once your work has finished. If you inform us, we can arrange a
later return flight.

PART 4: Questions 26-30

Read the text and questions below. For each question, write the correct letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet.

Liam Killeen
Liam Killeen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and has
had both successes and disappointments in that time. His worst moment so far was during a recent World
Championship. His front tyre started to lose air in the last part of the race and he finished fourth. This was
not the first time he'd been unlucky. In a previous race, it was raining heavily and he crashed his bike just
minutes after the start.
He often gets nervous before a race but thinks that this is a good thing. 'Nervous energy makes you go
faster and on the day, it's all about winning. The important thing is to stay positive.'
Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs: They make all the difference. You have to be really fit to get
ahead.' He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this
makes the start easier: You can get into the front group more quickly'
Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. `I'm still
quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so I've got enough time to achieve my dream. I
know the Olympics are hard and I'll have to produce my best performance yet. But I feel confident.
Liam trains for 30 hours a week -always outside-and he reaches speeds of 65 kph. He thinks that
cycling professionally is the best job in the world and would recommend it to anyone. His advice to people
starting to race is, `Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster.'
Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020
26 What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A encourage people to cycle as a hobby
B give details of Liam's cycling career
C compare cycling with other sports
D explain why Liam became a cyclist
27 What happened towards the end of one of Liam's races?
A He fell off his bike.
B The weather got really bad.
C He was involved in an accident.
D There was a problem with his bike.
28 Liam prefers a race that
A includes some hilly ground.
B has a lot of riders taking part.
C attracts less experienced riders.
D allows him to get ahead at the end.
29 What does Liam say about the Olympics?
A He thinks he will perform badly.
B Most riders will be younger than him.
C The race is longer than he is used to.
D He is looking forward to the challenge.
30 Which of the following would Liam say about cycling?
A I think everyone should start cycling. You don’t need to train very hard to get good at the sport
and it’s great fun.
B I often get nevrous before a race and I think that makes me perform badly but I don’t intend to
give up.
C I know it’s not possible to win every race but I love cycling. I plan to continue the sport for quite
a few more years.
D I have to cycle at least 4 hours a day. To get faster I’ll have to do even more and I don’t know if I
have enough time for that.

You have left your jacket at an English friend's house.
Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should
• say which room you left the jacket in
• describe the jacket
• ask what time you can collect it.
Write 50-70 words on your answer sheet.

Write a 100-word passage to describe your holiday trip.

Mid-term test for B1 – English section, 2020

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