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stop being a rescuer and dating or communicate with broken guys

Title: The Importance of Avoiding Relationships with Broken Individuals

Hey guys, my name is Nikita . I’m your personal mentor, adviser, psychologist and
just internet friend.

I introduce myself such a psychologist and your friend, but I have never said that
I’m your helper or that a will save you . No, because it doesn’t work in this way.
You and only you are able to help yourself.
But why are you continuing dating with broken people?
Why are you continuing helping your broken friend?
Usually you don’t even think about yourself and just help others, tolerate others,
respect others , but when it comes to you. You’re immediately stop to being
psychologist for yourself and doing nothing.

This article aims to shed light on the importance of avoiding friendship and
relationships with broken people and focusing on self-care and personal growth

Actually today I have discussed this topic with my followers on my Tik tok ,
because it was a mistake for a lot of people .
You know this type of boys or generally people who say
“I’m so bad, I’m broke and I’m not enough good for you”
It’s one of the most popular manipulation, so when you hear it , stand up and go
Do not try to convince him or her that he is a good person, that he is good enough
for you, that you will help overcome all difficulties and treat all mental pains
If even this person understands that he’s broke, so he better know himself than you

Understanding Brokenness:
Dating someone who is broken refers to entering into a romantic relationship with
someone who is emotionally unavailable and exhausted.
I feel sadness when someone tells me something like that, but I feel totally upset
when someone doesn’t understand situation and becomes a saver for others.
It is important to recognize that everyone has their own struggles, and problems
but dating someone who is deeply broken are going to get you nowhere.

Individuals who are emotionally broken often carry about issues from their past.
These issues can manifest in various ways, such as trust issues, communication
difficulties, or a lack of emotional closeness .

Prioritizing Self-Care and Personal Growth:

Choose self-care and personal growth. It allows us to focus on our own well-being
and invest time and energy into personal development. By prioritizing our own
emotional health, we create the opportunity to attract healthier relationships in
the future.

Choosing not to date broken individuals is not an act of judgment or fairness ;

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