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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 12: Organizational Behavior

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyễn Thị Thu Huyền Student ID GBS200904

Class GBS0908A Assessor name Nguyễn Hạnh Tâm

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature
Grading grid
P3 P4 M3 M4 D2
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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Table of Contents
I. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3
II. Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others
1. An introduction of the team activity........................................................................... 3
2. Analyze facilitators and obstacles that the group faced ......................................... 3
3. What makes the team effective ................................................................................... 4
4. Apply teamwork theories to the team activity .......................................................... 4
III. Apply concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior to a given
business situation ........................................................................................................ 7
1. Apply 1 concept of leadership to the Unilever.......................................................... 7
2. Evaluate how a concept of leadership can influence the organizational
behaviors of the company in both negative and positive ways ..................................... 8
IV. In conclusion...................................................................................................... 8
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 8

I. Introduction
This report will be divided into 2 parts. One section shows how to demonstrate an
understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others, particularly in team activities
such as analyzing the facilitators and obstacles that a group encountered. How the
team leaders and members managed them and explaining what makes the team
effective or ineffective . Moreover, apply teamwork theories to your team activity.
Another part is to apply the concept of teamwork and/or leadership to the Unilever
company. Also, evaluate how a concept of teamwork and/or leadership can influence
the organizational behaviors of the company in both negative and positive ways
II. Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others
1. An introduction of the team activity
Captain Van Anh headed the gang of eight individuals, who also included Viet Linh,
Minh Hang, My Quan, Thu Huyen, Vi Co, Minh Duy, and Cam Quyen. The goal of the
team is to complete tasks related to team dynamics and organizational behavior. First,
the team establishes a fanpage with the topic "anti-sexual harassment" with the goal
of preventing and combating sexual harassment. With administrators' roles: My Quan,
Vi Co, Minh Duy, Van Anh, and editor: Cam Quyen, Thu Huyen, Minh Hang, Viet Linh.
Following that, the team will conduct an interview on the subject at work. This period
has changed. The supervisor of the whole phase is Van Anh. The content idea is by
My Quan and Vi Co.Viet Linh and Cam Quyen, who is the editor. The interviewers
are Minh Duy and Thu Huyen. Finally, Hang is a videographer.
2. Analyze facilitators and obstacles that the group faced
The most significant impediment is a lack of connection. Initially, the members are
likewise hesitant near one another and talk less. As a result, the team's progress is
slower than anticipated. For example, the leader assigned to the editor's side will
allocate four individuals to various areas of the post. Because of the absence of
interaction, they each do their own thing without discussion. As a result, the post lacks
both a link and clarity. Van Anh, the captain, aimed to handle the challenges in the
circumstance. Van Anh organizes the meetups in order for everyone to interact with
one another. As a result, members may simply collaborate.
There is one issue that no team can avoid. This is a case of personality clashes. The
difficulty will then occur when members engage with one another. There is a dispute
in the interview plan between the editor's side and the content side. The Editor wants
the middle section of the interview to go like this. However, the other viewpoint is
unreasonable. As a result, the two sides had a heated debate. Each side has their own
explanation. Even rehearsal had to be called off. As a result, additional members are
gathering to solve the situation. The other members gather for the meeting to discuss
the problem. Thus, we choose option: write the letter in a way that both parties can
comprehend it. Finally, it provides exceptional efficacy. The two parties were able to
reconcile and there were no issues. In the midst of the interview, we voted on the most
acceptable segment.
3. What makes the team effective
+ The group's aim is fully understood and supported by the members. Furthermore,
objectives are established the greatest possible fit between individual goals and group
goals, and goals are organized collectively so that all members are committed to
attaining them.
+ The team has competent team members. Effective team members convey the
essential information effectively by addressing the status of ongoing work. We will
clearly outline goals so that all team members understand what the team is striving to
do, allowing the team to effectively complete the project.
+ A team has an active dialogue so that individuals may share their opinions openly in
a firm; everyone must listen to each other's opinions.
4. Apply teamwork theories to the team activity
Task responsibilities have a big impact on whether a department is productive or
unproductive. This is demonstrated by the Tuckman team development hypothesis (
K. Jelphs, H. Dickinson and R. Miller, 2016).The Tuckman model, proposed by Bruce
Tuckman, is a typical strategy in laying the foundation for successful team
organization, and it is another key to the effective team welcomed by the team.
Figure 1(FPT GREENWICH,2019)

• Forming
Ms. Tam has assigned an assignment regarding team dynamics and organizational
habits to each team. As a result, the team was created, and everyone worked together
to attain the goal. The initial phase in the project is to construct a fanpage and choose
people to fill each roles on the fanpage. The next stage is to organize the
interview.Everyone is given the opportunity to express their thoughts in order to
generate a list of tasks to do. This creates a clear goal for the team to strive toward.
Furthermore, there will be less conflict.
• Storming
Storms are on the way. Stage two of five is regarded as the most crucial, but also the
most difficult to complete. It's also normal for team performance to suffer during the
storming period since members may differ (Calvello, 2021). However, because the
team used to collaborate in advance, the phase moves quite rapidly.Even if there is a
debate, it is just a small matter in task. As a result, the problem is solved quickly
• Norming
During this stage, team members begin to collaborate and adjust their habits and
attitudes in order to be collaborative with one another. They also start to build respect
for one another (Calvello, 2021). Furthermore, because some members' homes are
rather far, the team frequently holds online meetings. To ensure that everything works
smoothly and on time, we will discuss and report the status of the job to the group and
the team leader.
For the fanpage's activity,Editors will confer and compose the in a few days. The post
will then be reviewed by administrators to determine its suitability. Respond to the
commentor's queries
In the next activity,Van Anh is the interviewer's supervisor. My Quan and Vi Co will
be in charge of the show's writing. The interview is led by two MCs, Thu Huyen and
Minh Duy. Some interview questions are as follows:

- What do you think about Sexual Harassment

- Do you think that it is the crucial problem
- What would you do if you saw someone who is the victim of
Sexual Harassment
- Do you dare raise your voice to prevent this problem
- In your opinion,is there any way to put an end to this problem

Minh Hang, a member, accepts responsibility for taking a video. Finally, Cam Quyen
and Viet Linh are in charge of editing the videos to make them perfect.
• Performing
The next step is the performing stage, which is often the most harmonious work
atmosphere, where employees are pleased and excited, and team performance is at
an all-time high. The group has a clear and solid structure in place, and everyone is
totally dedicated to attaining the goals set. Everyone on the team, regardless of
function, is focused, purposeful, and aligned throughout the performing stage
(Calvello, 2021). For example, My Quan and Vi Co are not solely responsible for the
interview's content. Other members were required to come up with ideas and discuss
them together. My Quan and Vi Co will summarize it. This should generate a sense of
fairness among members and include all members in the organization throughout the
whole process, letting members know where they stand in the process.
• Adjourning
The adjournment step is the last but not least. Most, if not all, of the team's goals have
been realized at this point, which is also known as the termination, grieving, or ending
stage. The project is nearing completion, with last tasks and paperwork done. As the
workload decreases, team members are frequently removed from the assignment and
sent to a different project. Team members frequently debrief and evaluate what went
well and what may be improved for future projects. (Calvello, 2021)
Depending on the length of the project and the link developed, there may be a
ceremonial celebration of the work accomplished and the overall success of the
endeavor. (Calvello, 2021)
III. Apply concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior to a given
business situation
1. Apply 1 concept of leadership to the Unilever
Paul Polman has seen it all, rising to the helm of a failing global firm during the height
of the crisis. His powerful leadership is motivated by a deeper sense of purpose, which
Paul considers to be the most crucial characteristic of a leader. He has always been
of the belief that the single most crucial trait of a leader is to be driven by a deeper
sense of purpose. (Hull, 2021)

Figure 2(Unilever,2018)

Unilever has almost 155,000 workers worldwide and an annual revenue of more than
$51 billion, but fostering a feeling of purpose is the company's primary focus. More
than 34,000 workers have gone through an interactive training on purpose and
meaning, which helps them construct an individual purpose statement that ties to the
company's overall mission. Employees must go deep to find what inspires and drives
their activities, which might range from personal beliefs to prior experiences.
(Hougaard, 2021)
A deeper sense of purpose can appear in a variety of ways, but here are three ways
leaders can demonstrate their sense of purpose: (Morgan, 2020)

A deeper feeling of purpose is built in the concept of assisting people, both those
close to you and those all across the world. Paul feels that doing good and
connecting with others is especially vital in today's world, when trust has given way
to skepticism and cynicism. Employees at Unilever utilize their talents and
resources to improve the world by supplying resources and goods to emerging
economies and local philanthropies. (Morgan, 2020)
Caring for others and putting them first leads to authenticity. Being genuine is
expressing real feeling and proving that others matter via your words and deeds.
Paul feels that honesty also aids leaders in developing genuine relationships. Most
workplace interactions are shallow without authenticity, which is harmful to
cooperation, communication, and development. (Morgan, 2020)
A clear sense of purpose fosters resilience. Leaders who know what they are
working towards and anticipate long-term goals are not deterred by short failures.
Because their eyes are fixed on their higher mission, they can rapidly recover from
failure and learn from their mistakes. Resilience also aids in the development of
patience and allows leaders to see the broad picture rather than being locked in a
quarterly perspective. (Morgan, 2020)
2. Evaluate how a concept of leadership can influence the organizational
behaviors of the company in both negative and positive ways
• Pros
It ensuring that all staffs realize the importance of their task. Defining clear
objectives that satisfy a company's, department's, team's, or project's vision may
assist encourage and inspire devotion in all parts of a person's professional life.
(Team, 2021)
its provide employees' opportunity to apply their passions and interests to their job.
When employees watch their leaders get excited about a fresh viewpoint or goal,
they may get excited as well. Leaders who believe in their projects may persuade
others to do the same. (Team, 2021)
Having an effective transition strategy in place and preparing staff for the shift can
help to mitigate the move's effects. Its may help employees adapt by offering
additional assistance and building tools to streamline work procedures. Leaders
may also provide additional flexibility to their personnel during times of transition.
(Team, 2021)
It focuses on increasing employee engagement, which may motivate staff to be
productive and meet or exceed their objectives. Leaders may encourage staff by
using external or internal motivators. Employees who are motivated at work are
more likely to meet their production targets and be satisfied with their jobs. (Team,
• Cons
It requires the environment to communicate a lot with openness (Team, 2021)
It may place less emphasis on accomplishing short-term goals. This implies that
the strategy may be less regimented in its approach to long-term goals. Although
this provides for greater flexibility in how teams achieve their objectives, leaders
may need to balance their attention utilizing management tactics. (Team, 2021)
IV. In conclusion
The ways to exhibit awareness of how to effectively collaborate with others, particularly
in team tasks such as identifying the facilitators and hurdles that a group experienced
How the team leaders and members handled them, as well as why the team is effective
or ineffectual. Furthermore, apply teamwork theories to your team activity.,to apply
teamwork and/or leadership concepts to the Unilever firm. Also, consider how the
concepts of cooperation and/or leadership might impact the company's organizational
behaviors in both bad and good ways as indicated above. As a result, we have a better
understanding of team dynamics and organizational behaviors.
K. Jelphs, H. Dickinson and R. Miller, 2016. Working in Teams. 2nd Edition ed. s.l.:Policy
Calvello, M., 2021. FELLOW. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 5 2022].
Hougaard, R., 2021. Forbes. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 5 2022].
Hull, P., 2021. Transformational Leadership with Henna Inam [Interview] (21 4 2021).
Morgan, J., 2020. Medium. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 5 2022].
Team, I. E., 2021. indeed. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 5 2022].

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