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Giving expanded definition of words


Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

EN10V-IIIa-g.13.9, EN10V-IIIb13.9, EN10V-IIIc13.9
In this lesson, you will give expanded definition of a word and apply
common approaches in writing an expanded definition of a word.

1. Define the term expanded definition
2. Identify the purposes of writing an expanded definition
3. Enumerate and use various approaches in expanding definition of a word
4. Construct an informative speech using expanded definition.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Activity Name: Define Me!
Listed below are words that are commonly used by your peers. Select only 5
words that you find interesting. After selecting, define your selected words using your
own definition without using other references like dictionary.
pandemic trending Vlogger legendary
quarantine follower share binge
barter Social Media My day Shoppee
Frontliner group chat Netflix thread
new normal Livestream subscribe retweet
Selected word no. 1: _______________
Own Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Selected word no. 2: _______________
Own Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Selected word no. 3: _______________
Own Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Selected word no. 4: _______________
Own Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Selected word no. 5: _______________
Own Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Process Questions:
1. How were you able to define your selected word without the help of any reference?
2. What do you think is the importance of defining a word?

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Expanded Definition
• also called extended definition
• a type of technical definition that is used when a certain word or phrase needs
to be explained with much detail or to be defined in a particular context or situation may be a
few sentences or several pages long. In many instances, a certain word or concept cannot be
explained in just one sentence. In writing an academic paper, for example, you may need to
define certain terms in your own words for readers to understand the terminology.
Purposes of Writing Expanded Definition
1. To explain the history of a word or term
Philosophy is the study of beliefs and ideas about truth, knowledge, and the nature and
meaning of life. The term is coined from the Greek words “Phylos” and “Sophie,” which mean
“love” and “wisdom,” respectively. Thus, the term philosophy means “love for wisdom.”
2. To illustrate an abstract concept with the use of concrete examples
Beauty is not only the pleasantness of an individual’s outer appearance but also the
kindness of that individual’s character and personality. A person is said to be beautiful if he or she
not only has a good-looking face but also a good heart.
3. To clarify the meaning of a term in a particular context
Cells are the smallest basic unit of any living thing. A cell is composed of a cytoplasm,
which is enclosed by a membrane, as well as a nucleus, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. Each of
these small parts have specific functions that are necessary for life.
4. To explain the basics before the discussion of the main subject matter
Light pollution is artificial light that is interfering, misdirected, and excessive. Just like
other forms of pollution, massive light pollution has negative consequences. It disrupts ecological
communities or ecosystems and has adverse health effects on human beings. Moreover, it


interferes with astronomical studies, washes out starlight in the night sky, and wastes much
needed energy.
Approaches to Writing Expanded Definitions
1. Using Visual Aids
Some authors use visual aids such as graphs, charts, diagrams, pictures, and drawings in
making an expanded definition. With visual aids, a concept or a process can be much easier for
the readers to understand. Also, visual aids can benefit visual learners, who learn better when
they see something illustrated or demonstrated.

Freytag’s pyramid is a visual tool that is used to illustrate the structure of a narrative. This
tool is named after its creator, Gustav Freytag, a 19th century German novelist. In the form of a
pyramid, this tool helps in analyzing the plot structure of stories or dramas. Freytag’s pyramid
uses a five-part system: exposition or the start of the story, rising action or the series of conflicts in
the story that lead to the climax, climax or the turning point of the narrative, falling action or the
action that occurs after the climax, and resolution or the conclusion of the story.
2. Giving the History of the Word or Term
In an expanded definition, the author may explain the origin of a word or term. The
readers can gain insight from the formation of the word or term, and from its original meaning
and usage. The origin of the word could give the readers a clear understanding of its modern-day
meaning, function, and uses.
The term barbaric is used to describe a behavior or act that is unruly, rude, and cruel,
which often leads to savagery. The word barbaric is derived from the word barbarian, which
originated in Ancient Greece and refers to non-Greek-speaking people such as Egyptians,
Phoenicians, and Persians. The ancient Romans transformed the use of the said term, which
became a reference to foreigners who do not observe Greek and Roman traditions. Thus, the term
barbaric expanded to mean an attack on cultures that are considered to be “civilized.”
3. Comparing and Contrasting Ideas
To compare and contrast things is to look at their similarities and differences. By making
comparisons, it is easier for the readers to understand the meaning of a word or a term.


Freedom, as opposed to confinement or enslavement, is more than just the right to do
things as one pleases. It also means thinking and doing things in a responsible manner so that
everyone will have an equal opportunity for life and the pursuit of happiness.

Let’s Apply
Using the selected approach, construct an expanded definition of the
following given words.
word = mythology, approach = Giving the History of the Word
Mythology (from the Greek mythos for story-of-the-people, and logos for word or speech,
so the spoken story of a people) is the study and interpretation of often sacred tales or fables of a
culture known as myths.
1. word = Venn diagram, approach = Using Visual Aids
2. word = Economics, approach = Giving the History of the Word
3. word = netizen, approach = Comparing and Contrasting Ideas

Let’s Analyze
Read the following meaning then analyze the purpose of each written
expanded definition. Write only the letter that represents your answer.
A - To explain the history of a word or term
B - To illustrate an abstract concept with the use of concrete examples
C - To clarify the meaning of a term in a particular context
D - To explain the basics before the discussion of the main subject matter
_____1. COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’
for virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel
coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family
of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold.
_____2. The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 amends the Human Security Act of 2007. It expands the


definition of terrorism to include acts intended to cause "death or serious bodily injury to
any person," "extensive damage and destruction" to a government facility, private
property or critical infrastructure and when the purpose of those acts is to "intimidate
[the] general public," "create an atmosphere or message of fear," or "seriously
destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, economic and social structures of the
country." Those found guilty face life sentences without the chance of parole.
_____3. A franchise is a type of license that a party (franchisee) acquires to allow them to have
access to a business's (franchisor) proprietary knowledge, processes, and trademarks in
order to allow the party to sell a product or provide a service under the business's name.
_____4. Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one
person by another — or the belief that another person is less than human — because of
skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the
basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and
legal codes.
_____5. In architecture, a turret a small tower that projects vertically from the wall of a building
such as a medieval castle. Turrets were used to provide a projecting defensive position
allowing covering fire to the adjacent wall in the days of military fortification.

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Select three persons from your household that will act as your
interviewees. Then, you will ask each interviewee to give their expanded
definition of a certain word. After you gather all the answer needed, assess the
purpose and approach used by your interviewees in giving their definition.
Word no. 1: Family
Name Expanded Definition Purpose Approach

Word no. 2: Freedom

Name Expanded Definition Purpose Approach


Let’s Create
Are you familiar with a youth ambassador? A youth ambassador is a young
agent, representative and/or steward for the charity for which he or she works.
Youth ambassadors have been introduced in order to promote participation, or spread goodwill
or knowledge. In this task, you will perform as one.
Goal: You are designated as youth ambassador of your school. Your task is to compose a 10-
minute informative speech promoting the importance of personal hygiene.
Role: You will act as a youth ambassador giving an informative speech to your peers.
Audience: The target listeners of your speech are the students of San Antonio National High
School Parañaque from Grade 7 to 10.
Situation: Due to the continuous escalating cases of COVID-19, the Department of Education
released a memorandum enforcing all schools to designate an official youth ambassador
that will promote proper hygiene in an approach the target audience can easily relate.
Product Performance: Compose an informative speech that promotes proper hygiene .
Standards: Rubrics for scoring
• Focus & Details: There is one clear, well focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed
and accurate information. (25 pts.)
• Organization: The introduction is inviting, states the main topic, and provides an overview of the paper.
Information is relevant and presented in a logical order. The conclusion is strong. (25 pts.)
• Application: Various approaches in giving expanded definitions are observable. (25 pts.)
• Voice: The author’s purpose of writing is very clear, and there is strong evidence of attention to audience. The
author’s extensive knowledge and/or experience with the topic is/are evident. (15 pts.)
• Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, &Spelling: All sentences are well constructed and have varied
structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. (10 pts.)


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