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Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
1 - 2 36 - 2 77 - 2
2 - 2 37 - 1 78 - 3
3 - 4 38 - 2 79 - 3
4 - 2 39 - 4 80 - 1
5 - 3 40 - 3 81 - 3
6 - 3 41 - 4 82 - 3
7 - 3 42 - 1 83 - 3
8 - 2 43 - 2 84 - 4
9 - 2 44 - 2 85 - 4
10 - 2 45 - 4 86 - 2
11 - 1 46 - 4 87 - 1
12 - 3 47 - 4 88 - 3
13 - 1 48 - 1 89 - 2
14 - 1 49 - 2 90 - 2
15 - 2 50 - 2 91 - 2
16 - 2 51 - 2 92 - 1
17 - 4 52 - 1 93 - 3
18 - 1 53 - 1 94 - 3
19 - 3 54 - 1 95 - 4
20 - 2 55 - 1 96 - 3
21 - 2 56 - 1 97 - 3
22 - 1 57 - 1 98 - 3
23 - 4 58 - 1 99 - 4
24 - 2 59 - 1 100 - 3
25 - 2 60 - 3 101 - 1
26 - 3 61 - 1 102 - 2
27 - 2 62 - 2 103 - 3
28 - 1 63 - 4 104 - 4
29 - 4 64 - 1 105 - 1
30 - 3 65 - 3 106 - 1
31 - 4 66 - 3 107 - 3
32 - 1 67 - 4 108 - 1
33 - 3 68 - 1 109 - 4
34 - 1 69 - 2 110 - 2
35 - 3 70 - 2 111 - 3
71 - 3 112 - 3
72 - 3 113 - 2
73 - 3 114 - 4
74 - 1 115 - 3
75 - 3 116 - 1
76 - 1 117 - 3
118 - 4
119 - 2
120 - 1
121 - 2
122 - 4
123 - 2
124 - 1
125 - 3
126 - 1
1. There are 10C5 ways of selecting 5 distinct digits. Once these digits are chosen, there is only 1 way of
arranging them in a decreasing order from the left to right. Hence 10C5. Hence [2]

2. The shaded figure is a rhombus. ∴ Each side =
sin θ
1 1
∴ Area = base × height =
× 1= Hence [2]
sin θ sin θ
3-6. A. Since we have only eight numbers, N5, N6, and N7, have to be zero (Because any number
cannot appear in the list 5,6 or 7 times)
B. Hence N7, N6, N5 = 0.
N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7
0 0 0
C. Now N0 ≥ 3.
D. If N0 = 3.
N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7
3 0 0 0
E. Any of N1, N2, N3 and N4 cannot take the values of 4 (or) 3 as per the logic of A. Hence at least
one of N1, N2, N3, and N4 has to be 0. Then N0 becomes 4.
N0 = 4.
F. N4 ≠ 0 because N0 = 4. Hence N4 = 1.
G. If N3 = 0
N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7
4 0 1 0 0 0
H. Now N1 = 2 then N2 = 1

N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7
4 2 1 0 1 0 0 0

3. Hence [4]

4. Hence [2]

5. Hence [3]

6. Hence [3]

7. N = log2002 11 2 + log2002 13 2 + log2002 14 2 = log2002 (11×13 ×14) 2

= log2002 2002 2
∴ N = 2 Hence [3]

k k
8. Let k = logN M = logM N ⇒ M = N , N = M
∴ M = (kkM ) i.e. M = M ⇒ k = 1

i.e. k = +1 or -1 if k = 1, then M = N which is not true

∴ k = −1 ⇒ M = N 1− i.e. MN = 1 Hence [2]

9. Let work efficiency of each shift is 10 units. The work is completed in 60days by working first
shift only. Total amount of work = 8 × 60 = 480.
Total average efficiency of the three shifts put together = 20. By working in all the three shifts the
work can be completed in = 24 days. Hence [2]
10. 1 1 1 1
b = log 2002 +log 2002 log + 2002 log+ 2002
2 3 4 5

= log2002 2 + log2002 3 + log2002 4 + log2002 5 = log2002 2 × 3 × 4 × 5

Similarly, c = log2002 10 ×11×12 ×13 × 14

∴ b − c = log 2× 3× 4×5
log 2002 = −1 Hence [2]
2002 =
10 ×11×12 ×13 ×14

11. Let the diagonals be d1 and d2

1 1 1
It is given that Area of rhombus = area of square. ∴ d d = × 25 ⇒ d d = 25 → (i)
1 2 1 2
2 2
Since diagonals of rhombus bisects each other perpendicularly, Using Pythagoras Theorem,

d2 d
2 2
2 2
= + + d22 = 100 (ii) Solving (i) and (ii) we get = Hence [1]
2 ⇒ d1 0.27
Alternately, short diagonal / long diagonal has to be less than 1. Obvious answer [1]
12. Let the number be 10x + y. It is given that 10x + y = 8 (x + y) i.e. 2x = 7y i.e. x = y
Since x and y are single digits the number is 72.Hence [3]

13. Let the money that Solomon has be N thousands.

N +1 = K × (L.C.M (10, 9, 8, 7) where K = 1,2,3..
N+ 1 =2520K
When K = 1, N= 2519. When K=2, N=5039. Hence [1]

14. a2 = d16; b4 = d16 c8 = d16

a = d8 b = d4 c = d2
1 1 14
( abc ) 3 ( d 8 .d 4 .d 2 ) 3 d 3 14 7
log 2 = log 2
= log 2 = 23 = 3 Hence [1]
d d d ×
15. Let the total amount of work be 20 units. Then rate of work of Sridhar and Amit is 2 units and 1
unit per day respectively. The work done by Sridhar in the first 4 days = 4units. The remaining
amount of work is 16 units. The work done by Amit in the next 12 days is 12 units. The work done by
Hari should be 4 units. The wages is shared by as per the amount of work done by each. Ratio of
work done by Sridhar, Amit and Hari = 4: 12: 4 = 1: 3: 1. Hence [2]

16. Let the speeds are interchanged after t hrs.

t + 420 − 60 × t = t + 420 − 90 × t + 1
90 60
42 − 6 × t 42 − 9 × t 1 14 − 2 × t 14 − 3 × t 1
= + ⇒ = +
9 6 3 2
28 − 4t = 42 − 9t + 6 ⇒ 5t = 20 and t= 4hrs.
17. The first digit of the 5-digit number must be 6. The remaining 4 digits can be arranged in 4! ways.
Hence [4]

18. 2002 = 2× 1001 and C, A, T can be any of 2, 1001, 1

i.e. C + A + T = 2 + 1001 + 1 = 1004
Hence [1]

19. The maximum number of students who can have unique marks is 101(having marks 0, 1,
2,…..100). Hence the minimum number of students who have not got unique mark = 140 –101 =
39. Hence [3]

20. 0 < a < 2 and a is an integer hence a= 1. The value of the given expression = 2. Hence [2]


Let there be 100 students.

Let 5x students learn Marathi.
∴ 2x students learn Hindi and Marathi.
19 students learn Hindi.
∴ 3(19 + 3x) students learn neither.
∴ 4(19 + 3x) = 100 ⇒ x = 2
∴ Number of students who learn Marathi = 5(2) = 10. i.e. 10% Hence [2]

22. No of students who learn neither = 3(19 + 3(2)) = 75. i.e. 75% Hence [1]

23. f(x) is a constant function as f 2 2 2

=- .Hence f(3001) = - Hence [4]
3 3 3

24. Since the second train has entered the platform completely, it has to cross the platform it has to
travel the length of the platform alone. So the time taken to cross the platform by the train is
1125 1125 ×18
= = = ×3 18 = 54sec.
5 75 × 5
75 × 18

x +1 +
x −1 5 applying componendo and dividendo,
x +1 − x −1 = 1
x +1 6
= squaring both sides and applying the componendo and dividendo,
x −1 4
x +1 36 x +1 9 13
x −1 = 16 ⇒ x −1 = 4 ⇒ x = 5

26. Let the test is started at 3 hrs x min. and completed at 5 hrs y min.
The duration of the test = 300+y-180-x min.= 120 – (x-y) min. The angle covered by the hour
hand in the first case is equal to the angle covered by the minute hand in the second
case. 90 + = 6 y → I In the same way The angle covered by the minute hand in the first case
is equal to the angle covered by the hour hand in the second case.150 + = 6 x → II
Subtracting I from II we get, 120 + y − x = 12 x −12 y ⇒ 13x −13 y = 120 ⇒ x − y =
Test duration = 120 - . Hence test was approximately 1 hr 51 minutes.
27. Suppose he started the test at x minutes past 3pm and stopped writing at y minutes past 5pm.
At x minutes past 3pm the minute hand and the hour hand were x minute divisions and
1 5+ minute divisions ahead of the mark XII respectively.
At Y minutes past 5pm, the minute hand and the hour hand were y minute divisions and
2 5+ minute divisions ahead of the mark XII respectively.
From the conditions of the problem,
y x
x = 25 + and y = 15 +
12 12
Solving both the equations we get,
62 29
x = 26 and y = 17 Hence [3]
143 143
The time he started the test must be between 3 hrs 25 min and 3 hrs 30 min. With this we can
eliminate the options [1] and [4]. Answer cannot be option [3]. Because he finished the test
between 5hrs 15 min and 5 hrs 20 min. Hence the answer is [2]

28. AB + BC + CA =(a + b + c) =2s

2s = a + b + c = a + (AC) + (AB) =a + (AY + YC) + (AZ + BZ)
= a + (AY + XC) + (AZ + BX) [ Tangents from an external point are equal].
= a + (AY + AZ) + a = 2a + 2(AZ) i.e. AZ = s – a Hence [1]

29. 2AZ1 = AZ1 + AY1 [Tangents from an external point are equal]
= AB + BX1 + AC + CX1 = AB + BC + AC = 2s ∴ AZ1 = s Hence [4]

30. BX = BZ1 = AZ1 – AB = s – c Hence [3]

31. Let the speeds of Varun and Smaran be V and S m/sec. respectively.
920 1040
Varun gave smaran 120 meters start but lost by 5 sec,. ⇒ = 5-
1000 1040
If Varun had given smaran a 5sec. Start he would have won by 40 metres. ⇒ = +5
Subtracting the first equation from the second we get, =10 and S=8m/sec
1040 920
Substituting S in the first equation, = +5=115+5=120sec . Hence [4]
V 8

32. Smaran takes 2min 10sec i.e. 130sec. Hence [1]

33. Varun will finish 10sec before Smaran. Hence [3]

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
34. (i) P(W) = (0) + ( )1 = = 0.5 (ii) P(W) = ( 0) + × = = 0.167
2 2 2 2 2 3 6
1 1 1 1 1 3+2 5
(iii) P(W) = × + × = + = = = 0.41
2 2 2 3 4 6 12 12
1 1 1 1
(iv) P(W) = (0) + × = = 0.25
2 2 2 4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2
(i) P(B) = × 1 + ( 0) = (ii) P(B) = × 1 + × = + = = = 0.66
2 2 2 2 2 3 2 6 6 3
1 1 1 2 1 2 3+4 7
(iii) P(B) = × + × = + = = = 0.58
2 2 2 3 4 6 12 12
1 1 2 1 1 3
(iv) P(B) = ×1 + × = + = = 0.75 Hence [1]
2 2 4 2 4 4

1 5 1
36. The net return for company Z = × (−60) + × (10 + 30) + × (3 + 45) = 16
4 8 8
1 5 1
37. The net return for company X = × (2.5 − 35) + × (10 + 35) + × (7.5 + 40) = 25.90
4 8 8
1 5 1
The net return for company Y = × (−60) + × (10 −115) + × (18 + 130) = −24 Hence [1]
4 8 8
38. The minimum overall return can be achieved when Rich buys a share of company Y or Z in
recession situation, buys a share of company Y in normal growth situation and buys a share of
company X in boom situation.
Minimum overall return = -60 –105+47.5 = -117.5 Rs. Hence [2]

39. 650,000 * 3 = 1950000 investment. Overall return = 2277500. Gain of 327500. Hence [4]
450 90
40. The ratio of the asset to that of turn over of the first quarter of 2002 – 03 = = Hence [3]
215 43

41. Division is by a negative number. Hence [4]

42. The debt turnover ratio for the first quarter of 2002-03 = = 1.16
The debt turnover ratio for the last quarter of 2003 –04 = = 0.95
1.16 − 0.95
Percentage decrease = = 18.1% Hence [1]

43. The debt for the first quarter of 2002 –03 is 250 and the debt for the last quarter of 2002-03 is 290.
There is an increment of 40.
The debt for the first quarter of 2003 –04 is 305 and the debt for the last quarter of 2003-04 is 350.
There is an increment of 45.
40 is 88. 88% of 45. Hence [2]

44. The percentage of students who have scored marks in the range of 0 – 20 is 20 %. The number of
students who have scored over 20 marks is 80 % of the total students. Hence [2]

45. We only have the percentage of the students who have scored less than 10 in each and every
section. There may be some students in common who have scored less than 10 in all the three
section. It is not possible to determine the number of students who have scored less than 10 in all
the three sections. Hence [4]

46 Hence [4].

47. Hence [4]

48. Hence [1].

49. Hence [2].

50. Hence [2].

51-55 From the directions,
Papers Delhi Bangalore Mumbai
TOI 1650 1200 2150
IE 250 80 150
HT 1350 0 50
Deccan 0 950 0
Hindu 415 685 415
Midday 0 0 835

51. Hence [2]

52. The least selling newspaper in the three metros put together is IE. Hence [1]

53. Hence [1].

54. Hence [1].

55. Hence [1].

56. Percentage of the student got selected in company A = 100× = 3.33 %
Percentage of the student got selected in company B = 100 3.57%
× =
Percentage of the student got selected in company C = 100 4.16%
Percentage of the student got selected in company D = 100 10%
× = Hence [1]
57. Number of students who qualified for GD of the Companies A, B and D is 80, 40 and 40
respectively. Minimum number of students who may have qualified for GD = 80. Hence [1]

58. From test for GD, the filtration level is high. Hence [1]

59. The number of student got the job offer from company A, B, C and D is 10, 5, 10 and 15
respectively. The minimum number of students who may have got the job offer is 15. The
maximum number of students who may not have got a job offer = 300 – 15 = 285 Hence [1]

60- 65
No of Nominations
Direction Script Actor Actress Lyric Music
Speel-burg 1 - 1 - 1 1 -
JackyeeChain 2 2 - 1 1 1 -
Olee-ver 1 - 1 1 - 1 1
Shyaam-aila 1 1 1 - - - 1

60. Hence [3]

61. Hence [1]

62. Hence [2]

63. Hence [4]

64. Hence [1]

65. Hence [3]

66. The cost will be minimum when the liquid is transported through the nodes A → C → E → H.
Cost of transporting 2 litres = 2[3+4+3] = 20 Rs. Hence [3]

67. The liquid to the node H can be transported only through the pipelines FH, GH and EH. The
maximum amount of liquid that can be carried from A to H through the above pipelines in 2 days
= 2 [3 + 2 + 2] = 14 litres. Hence [4]

68. The minimum cost can be achieved in the following way,

The cost for transporting 2litres of liquid through the nodes A → C → E → H = 20Rs.
The cost for transporting 1litre of liquid through the nodes A → C → E → F → H = 12Rs.
The cost for transporting 1litre of liquid through the nodes A → B → E → F → H = 14Rs
Total cost = 20 +12 +14 = 46 Rs. Hecne [1]

69-72 Names % of marks obtained in

different subjects
P 100 75 50 100
Q 50 100 75 50
R 75 50 100 25

69. Ratio = 2= Hence [2]
70. Since the total marks in each section are not given we cannot determine the answer. Hence [2]

71. R need to catch up 50 % of the marks in M compared to that of P. It takes 16 min. to catch up 5%.
The required time to catch up 50% is 160 min. Hence [3]

72. Hence [3]

73 – 76 According to [3] Mohan = 40 and according to [3] & [4]

Mohan Krish Vivek Raj

40 7x 2x

Since are only 5 students the student obtained more marks than Krish and less than Vivek is Jay.
Marks of Jay = 7x and according to [1], [2], [3] and [5]

Mohan Krish Jay Vivek Raj

40 60 70 80 20

73. Hence [3] 74. Hence [1] 75. Hence [3] 76. Hence [1]
Section 3
77. Refer 6th para where the author says “For it is ….keep up”. This entire para explains that Weber
failed to see the rate of change.

78. Refer 7th para “Problems will …. Professional skills”

79. Option [3] is not correct. According to the passage, there is no scope for creativity for a man
working for a bureaucratic organization. Refer penultimate para.

80. Only (i) is true. (ii) is not correct as nothing has been mentioned about levels of energy, and the
passage explains that people will perform specialized tasks.

81. (i) and (iv) are not mentioned anywhere. (ii) is the basic essence of the passage, and (iii) is
mentioned in para 8, 9 and also the last para.

82. The author talks about rock concerts and high input (over stimulating) environment, and just
before that he speaks about brain washing through under stimulation. Hence (3).

83. (i) has been explicitly stated by the author. (ii) has been indirectly mentioned in the penultimate
paragraph. Read the lines “The nature of sense….”. The author indicates that sea urchins lack a
nervous system, jelly fish has a primitive nervous system. In the same tone, even without stating it,
author indicates that man has to have a better nervous system due to higher level of evolution.
Hence (3).

84. Refer 3rd para, “Admittedly , the hippies…..”. Hence [1]

85. Consternation means dismay,

86. Refer last para. The author lists out a host on environmental and other issues that, according to the
author, finally moved the focus away from “ecstasy”.

87. Refer 2nd para last line. Hence [1]

88. Obviously 3. While there is no mention of definition of mysticism, there is again no mention of
increase in popularity of Yoga, etc. Again, no where it has been stated that youth started seeking
ecstasy only for the first time in around 1960.

89. Stated in 5th para. As the body…..the mind.

90. Refer 3rd para “Kamala had formed…..wolves do”.

91. The passage is analytical, as the author presents different view points on the subject interspersed
with his interpretations of the subject.

92. Refer 1st para 3rd line. 2 and 3 are wrong as they make generalizations using the words “All” ad

93. Refer last para. The author talks about the fear if ideation fails. And this ideation refers to
grouping, identity, etc. Hence 3.

94. First two lines gives the answer as 3.

95. The choice is between 2 and 4. 2 is not correct as it is not that the common man is not ready to
face the facts, but that he needs to be explained these by men of science.
96. Disinterested refers to scientists who are not biased by their commitment to government and
business houses which fund them. Hence 3.

97. Obviously 3. Nowhere is 1, 2 or 4 stated.

98. First paragraph. “Men of science…is put”.

99. The dilemma of the scientist is because would have no funds for science if he speaks out, and if he
does not, then he would always feel guilty.

100. In the passage, it is stated that science has lead to war. Nowhere it is stated that science has bought

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