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SR .

NO Gender Number of Percentage

1 Male 22 44
2 Female 28 56

Table 1: Number of Respondents on the basis of Gender.

Figure 1: Number of Respondents on the basis of Gender.


The table shows the number of responses by gender. In total, there were 50
responses. Here's a breakdown of the table:

 Male: There were 22 male respondents, which accounts for 44% of the total
 Female: There were 28 female respondents, which accounts for 56% of the total
Table 2: Number of Respondents on the basis of Age.

SR .NO Age Number of Percentage

1 Below 18 years 5 10

2 18 - 25 years 37 74

3 25 - 35 years 8 16

Figure 2: Number of Respondents on the basis of Age.


The largest age group of respondents falls between 18 and 25 years old. This age group
makes up 74% of the total respondents. There is a smaller group of respondents between
the ages of 25 and 35 years old, making up 16% of the total. The smallest age group is
below 18 years old, making up only 10% of the total respondents.
Table 3: Number of Respondents on the basis of occupation

SR .NO occupation Number of Percentage

1 Employed full – time 8 16

2 Employed part – time 5 10

3 Self – employed 2 4

4 Unemployed 2 4

5 Students 33 66

Figure 3: Number of Respondents on the basis of occupation


The table you sent shows the number of respondents by occupation in a survey.
There are five categories listed: employed full-time, employed part-time, self-
employed, unemployed, and student.

 Employed full-time: There are 8 respondents who are employed full-time, which
accounts for 16% of the total respondents.
 Employed part-time: There are 5 respondents who are employed part-time, which
accounts for 10% of the total respondents.
 Self-employed: There are 2 respondents who are self-employed, which accounts for
4% of the total respondents.
 Unemployed: There are 2 respondents who are unemployed, which accounts for
4% of the total respondents.
 Student: There are 33 respondents who are students, which accounts for 66% of
the total respondents.

The largest group of respondents are students, making up over two-thirds of the
total. There is a smaller group of employed respondents, with full-time employment
being slightly more common than part-time employment. There are very few
unemployed or self-employed respondents in this survey.

Table 4: Number of Respondents on awareness about stock market

SR. NO Responses Number of Percentage

1 Yes 45 90

2 no 5 10

Figure 4: Number of Respondents on awareness about stock market


o Yes: 45 respondents answered "Yes," which accounts for 90% of the total
o No: 5 respondents answered "No," which accounts for 10% of the total

Based on this table, it appears that a large majority of respondents (90%)

are aware of the topic.
Table 5: Number of Respondents understanding ??????????

Sr no Responses Number of Percentage

1 Excellent 4 8

2 Good 24 48

3 Fair 17 34

4 Poor 5 10

Figure 5: Number of Respondents understanding ??????????


o Excellent: 4 respondents answered "Excellent," which accounts for 8% of the total

o Good: 24 respondents answered "Good," which accounts for 48% of the total
o Fair: 17 respondents answered "Fair," which accounts for 34% of the total
o Poor: 5 respondents answered "Poor," which accounts for 10% of the total

Based on this table, it appears that most respondents (82%) are satisfied with the
service, with nearly half (48%) rating it as "Good". A smaller proportion (34%) rated
the service as "Fair", and only 10% rated it as "Poor". Overall, these results suggest
a positive sentiment towards the service.
Table 6 : Number of Respondents have traded in stock market before

SR NO Responses Number of Percentage


1 YES 23 46

2 NO 27 54

Figure 6 : Number of Respondents have traded in stock market before


 Yes: 23 respondents answered "Yes," which accounts for 46% of the total
 No: 27 respondents answered "No," which accounts for 54% of the total

In this survey, more people responded "No" (54%) than "Yes" (46%) to the question.

Table 7 : Number of Respondents believe about risk in stock market

Sr no Responses Number of Percentage


1 Agree 40 80

2 Disagree 10 20

Figure 7 : Number of Respondents believe about risk in stock market


 Agree: 40 respondents answered "Agree," which accounts for 80% of the total
 Disagree: 10 respondents answered "Disagree," which accounts for 20% of the total

Based on this table, it appears that a large majority of respondents (80%) agree with
the statement.
Table 8: Number of Respondents on awareness about financial instruments

Sr no List of financial Number of Percentage

instruments Respondents
1 Equity 47 94

2 Mutual fund 44 88

3 Bonds 29 58

4 Derivatives 28 56

Figure 8: Number of Respondents on awareness about financial instruments


The table you sent shows the number of financial instruments respondents in a
survey said they aware about and the percentage of respondents who said they
aware about that instrument. Here's a breakdown of the table:

 Equity: 47 respondents said they are aware about equity, which accounts for 94% of
the total respondents.
 Mutual funds: 44 respondents said they are aware about mutual funds, which
accounts for 88% of the total respondents.
 Bonds: 29 respondents said they are aware about bonds, which accounts for 58%
of the total respondents.
 Derivatives: 28 respondents said they are aware about derivatives, which accounts
for 56% of the total respondents.

Equity is the most popular investment among the respondents in this survey, with
almost all respondents (94%) indicating they are aware about this type of financial
instrument. Mutual funds are also a popular choice, with 88% of respondents
indicating they are aware about them. Bonds and derivatives are less popular but still
chosen by over half of the respondents (58% and 56% respectively).

It is important to note that some respondents may aware about more than one
financial instrument. For example, a respondent could are aware about both equity
and mutual funds

Table 9 : Number of Respondents participated in any workshop or seminar related to stock market

Sr no Responses Number of Percentage


1 Yes 28 56

2 No 22 44

Figure 9 : Number of Respondents participated in any workshop or seminar related to stock


 Yes: 28 respondents answered "Yes," which accounts for 56% of the total
 No: 22 respondents answered "No," which accounts for 44% of the total

In this survey, more people responded "Yes" (56%) than "No" (44%) to the question,
suggesting a positive reaction to the workshops and seminar.

Table 10 : Number of Respondents believe regarding stock market as important aspect

for financial literacy

Sr no Responses Number of Percentage


1 Yes 45 90

2 No 5 10

Figure 10 : Number of Respondents believe regarding stock market as important aspect

for financial literacy

The table shows the number of responses and percentage of respondents who indicated
they would or would not believe that knowledge about the stock market is important for
financial literacy. Based on this table, a large majority (90%) of respondents said they would
believe that stock market knowledge is important for financial literacy. Only a small
percentage (10%) disagrees to it .This suggests a very positive perception of stock market
among the respondents who were surveyed.

Table 11: Number of Respondents interested in learning more about the stock market
and investing

Sr no Responses Number of Percentage


1 Yes 33 66

2 No 5 10

3 Maybe 12 24

Figure 11: Number of Respondents interested in learning more about the stock market
and investing

The table shows the results of a survey that people interest towards learning more about
stock market and investing.

 yes: 32 respondents answered "Very Likely", which accounts for 64% of the total
 Maybe: 12 respondents answered "Somewhat Likely", which accounts for 24% of
the total respondents.
 No: 6 respondents answered "Not Likely", which accounts for 12% of the total

Based on this table, it appears that a large majority of respondents (64%) are very
likely to learn more about the stock market and investing . An additional quarter (24%)
of respondents are somewhat likely willing to learn . In total, this means that 88% of
respondents are likely to learn more about stock market . Only a small minority
(12%) are not interested. This suggests a positive response from respondents
regarding learning about stock market and investing .

Table 12: Number of Respondents facing barriers in learning about the stock market

Sr no List of barriers Number of Percentage

faced by Respondents
1 Time constraints 29 58

2 Complexity of 33 66

3 Lack of resources 19 38

4 Lack of interest 10 20

Figure 12: Number of Respondents facing barriers in learning about the stock market

The table shows the number of respondents who faced various barriers and the percentage
of respondents who faced each barrier. The most common barrier faced by respondents was
the complexity of information (66%). This means that nearly two-thirds of respondents found
the information to be difficult to understand. The second most common barrier was time
constraints (58%). Less than half of the respondents faced a lack of resources (38%) or a
lack of interest (20%).

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