COMP 010 Info MGMT Reviewer

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Lesson 1: Database Concepts

Data – facts, text, graphics, images, sound, video


Data is transformed into information. By themselves,

they are not relevant.

Information – data processed to be useful in

decision making.

It becomes actionable.

Data Hierarchy

Bit – the smallest unit of data; it has only two values

(1 – true, 0 - false)

Byte – 8 bits make up one byte, which represents one

character (examples: A, 1, ?)

Field – represents a combination of bytes that

Components of the Database Environment make up one aspect of a business object (i.e. student
number, student name); also called
CASE Tools – computer-aided software engineering
column/attribute (StudentID, StudentName,
Repository – centralized storehouse of metadata Address).

Database Management System (DBMS) – software Record – a collection of related data fields; also
for managing databases. referred to as row/tuple (relational algebra).

Database – storehouse of the data

Application Programs – software using the data.

User Interface – text and graphical displays to users File – a collection of related records; also referred to
as table.
Data Administrators – personnel responsible for
maintaining the database

System Developers - personnel responsible for

designing databases and software
Database – an organized collection of logically
End Users – people who use the applications and related data.

Other DBMS: varchar, char

Note: Use Date datatype for Dates for data validation.

Important to know your data so you can assign your

own data type.
Length – the maximum length of the value that each
– Central repository of shared data
attribute/column/field can contain. You must assign
– Data is managed by a controlling agent
the right length.
– Stored in a standardized, convenient form
– Requires a Database Management System (DBMS) Alphanumeric – 30-40

Database Management System (DBMS) Note: Not a good practice to put longer length
– is a collection of programs that enables users to (varchar 200) than proper length for the data.
create and maintain a database
Min – Max – It limits the actual value that can be
– a general purpose software system that facilitates
input at a particular attribute. It dictates the actual
the processes of defining, constructing,
value that a certain attribute should contain; stricter
manipulating, and sharing databases among various
constraint– while you are already assigning your data
users and applications.
type or length, this one gives you just exactly the
Metadata value that it can accept; can also use in
– descriptions of the properties or characteristics of alphanumeric.
the data, including data types, field sizes, allowable
Description – usually not necessary especially if the
values, and documentation.
name is descriptive by itself.
– data that describes the data.
Sample Metadata

The metadata is stored in a repository.


• Name the data name according to the

• It should be descriptive of the content. Don’t
give out A B C.
• Provide a table/data/attribute name which
would be reflective of its content.
• There should be no embedded space or any
special character except underscore.
• Usually begins with alphabetic character.
General this is what metadata looks like. Normally,
Data Types (This is already a form of constraint) data is not only put on just one table. Otherwise, it
will be prone to redundancy and anomalies. That’s
Generics: Alphanumeric, Integer, Decimal, Date
why we should break it down on more tables
depending on the data.

For example, ID could be more than one (multi- • A database is designed using data models
values) likewise, the source of income. This is which define the nature and relationship
another attribute which will have more than 1 among data.
possible value. For things like that, we must • The effectiveness and efficiency of a
understand the type of attribute and that will figure database is directly associated with the
when we’ll be doing our normalization. structure of the database.
Traditional File Processing Advantages of the Database Approach
• File processing system where data is stored • Planned data redundancy: minimal data
for each individual application in an duplication; improved data consistency.
organization. • Program data independence: allows data to
• Each department or area within an evolve without changing the application
organization has its own set of files, often programs; reduce program maintenance.
creating data redundancy and data isolation. • Improved data sharing: Different users get
• There is no overall map, plan, or model different views of the data.
guided application growth. • Increased productivity of application
development: developer can focus on
Example: Pine Valley Furniture Company
specific functions; provision of high level
productivity tools
• Enforcement of standards: All data access
is done in the same way.
• Improved data quality: constraints, data
validation rules
• Improved data accessibility and
responsiveness: Use of standard data query
language (SQL)
• Improved decision support: databases
expressly designed for decision support

Costs and Risks of Database Approach

Disadvantages of Traditional File Processing • Up-front costs: installation management
cost and complexity; conversion costs
• Duplication of Data: inefficient use of
storage space; data integrity may be • Ongoing costs: requires new, specialized
compromised. personnel; need for explicit backup and
• Program Data Dependence: excessive
program maintenance; lengthy development • Organization conflict: conflicts in reaching
of program. consensus on data definitions and
• Limited Data Sharing: no centralized storage
of data Range of Database Applications
The Database Approach Personal Databases – are designed to support one
user with a standalone personal computer (for
• An approach where data are logically stored
example: a desktop or a laptop computer).
in database, managed by a database
management system. Workgroup Databases (less than 25 users) – is
designed to support the collaborative efforts of such

a team; supported by two-tier client/server Object-relational (ORDB) – provide a middle

databases ground between relational databases and
objected oriented databases.
Department/Division Databases (between 25 to
100 users) – are designed to support the various
functions & activities of a department; supported by
multitier client/server databases.
1. Explain 3 advantages of a database approach
Enterprise Databases – is one whose scope is the
entire organization or enterprise. Such databases are 2. Differentiate data from information
extended to support organization-wide operation and
decision making. Arguably the most important type of 3. Research on differences between a relational and
enterprise database today is called a data an object-oriented database system.
warehouse. 4. Differentiate a repository from a database.
• data warehouse is an integrated decision 5. What can be found in a metadata. Give 5.
support database whose content is derived
from the various operational databases (such
personal computer workgroup & department

Evolution of Database Systems

• 1960 – 1980 – Flat Files

Flat Files - database system that stores data
in a single file or table; basically text files
where every line contains one record and
fields either have fixed lengths or are
separated by commas, whitespaces and
• 1970 – 1990 – Hierarchical
Hierarchical – data model in which the data
is organized into a tree-like structure;
confined to up to ‘one to many relationship’
• 1970 – 1990 – Network
Network – much like the hierarchical model
except that it permitted many to many
• 1980 – Present – Relational
Relational (RDB) – establish the relationships
between entities by means of common fields
included in a file, called a relation.
• 1990 – Present – Object-oriented
Object-oriented (OODB) – subscribes to a
model with information represented by
objects; encapsulates both data and
• 1990 – Present – Object-relational

Lesson 2: Database Development Process Purpose: To elicit and structure all information
requirements; to develop all technology and
System Development Life Cycle
organizational specifications

Deliverables: Detailed technical specifications of all

data, forms, reports, displays, and processing rules;
program and database structures, technology
purchases, physical site plans, and organizational

Database Development Activities:

• Logical Database Design

• Physical Database Design and Definition


Purpose: To write programs, build data files, test, and

install the new system, train users, and finalize
Purpose: To develop a preliminary understanding of a
Deliverables: Programs that work accurately and to
business situation and how information systems
specifications, documentation, and training
might help solve a problem or make an opportunity
Database Development Activities:
Deliverable: A written request to study the possible
changes to an existing system or the development of • Database Implementation
a new system that addresses an information system’s
solution to the business problems or opportunities. MAINTENANCE

Database Development Activities: Purpose: To monitor the operation and usefulness of

a system, and to repair and enhance the system
• Enterprise Modeling
Deliverables: Periodic audits of the system to
• Enterprise Data Model
demonstrate whether the system is accurate and still
• Conceptual Data Modeling
meets user’s needs
Database Development Activities:
Purpose: To analyze the business situation
• Database Maintenance
thoroughly to determine requirements, to structure
those requirements, and to select among competing Database Development Activities During the
system features. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Deliverable: The functionalities specifications for a PLANNING
system that meets user requirements and is feasible
to develop and implement. Enterprise Modeling
– analyze current data processing
Database Development Activities: – analyze the general business functions and their
• Conceptual Data Modeling database needs
– justify need for new data and databases in support
DESIGN of business.

Enterprise Data Model Database Implementation

– establishes the range and general contents of – Code and test database processing programs
organizational databases – Complete database documentation and training
– is an integrated view of the data produced and materials
consumed across an entire organization – Install database and convert data from prior
– a data architectural framework used for integration systems.
– it enables the identification of shareable and/or
redundant data across functional and organizational
boundaries. Database Maintenance
– Analyze database and database applications to
Conceptual Data Modeling
ensure that evolving information requirements are
– identify scope of database requirements for
proposed information system
– Tune database for improved performance
– analyze overall data requirements for business
– Fix errors in database and database applications
function(s) supported by database.
and recover database when it is contaminated.
Conceptual Data Modeling
Conceptual Data Model (CDM)
– Develop preliminary conceptual data model,
– Include high-level data constructs
including entities and relationships
– Non-technical names, so that executives and
– Compare preliminary conceptual data model with
managers at all levels can understand the data basis
enterprise data model
of Architectural Description
– Develop detailed conceptual data model, including
– Represent data from the viewpoint of the
all entities, relationships, attributes, and business
organization, independent of any technology
– Make conceptual data model consistent with other Logical Data Model (LDM)
models of information system – Includes entities (tables), attributes
– Populate repository with all conceptual database (columns/fields) and relationships (keys)
specifications. – Uses business names for entities & attributes
– Is independent of technology platform; describes
the data in terms of data management technology
Logical Database Design (Logical Data Model) which will be used.
– Analyze in detail the transactions, forms, displays,
Physical Data Model (PDM)
and inquiries (database views) required by the
– Includes tables, columns, keys, data types,
business functions supported by the database
validation rules, database triggers, and access
– Integrate database views into conceptual data
– Uses more defined and less generic specific names
– Identify data integrity and security requirements,
for tables and columns, such as abbreviated column
and populate repository.
names, limited by the database management system
Physical Database Design and Definition (Physical (DBMS) and any company defined standards
Data Model) – Requires a knowledge of the specific DBMS that will
– Define database to DBMS (often generated from be used to implement the database.
Two Approaches to Database and Information
– Decide on physical organization of data
Systems Development
– Design database processing programs.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• Detailed, well-planned development process.

• Time-consuming, but comprehensive
• Long development cycle

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

– Iterative process of rapidly repeating analysis,
design, and implementation steps until they converge
on the system the user wants; Utilizes prototyping.

Popular RAD method: Agile Software Development

• Scrum
• Kanban
• Lean
• XP

Agile methods mostly focus on the following key


• Satisfying customers is of foremost

• Develop projects with inspired contributors
• Interactions are best when done in person
• Software that works is a measure of progress
• Reflect and adapt on an ongoing basis
Core values of Agile are as follows:
1. What goes on during the analysis phase of the
• Individuals and interactions over processes system development life cycle?
and tools
2. What are the database activities involved during
• Working software over comprehensive the analysis phase of SDLC?
• Customer collaboration over contract 3. What is being done during the maintenance phase
negotiation of SDLC?
• Responding to change over following a plan 4. How does the maintenance phase help continue
RAD or Agile Software Development should be the cycle of system development?
considered… 5. Compare the traditional SDLC with the rapid
• When a project involves unpredictable and/or application development methodology of system
changing requirements development
• When most of the necessary database Activity:
structures already exist
1. Provide an example of an application you are
Prototyping Database Methodology and the developing from scratch, e.g. retail inventory system.
Database Development Process Prepare your database output in the analysis and
design phases of system development.

Lesson 3: Relational Data Model ▪ Contact number, E-mail

address (may have more than
Relational Data Model
• Represent data in the form of tables. • Stored vs. Derived Attributes
• A named, two-dimensional table is called a o Stored – value is provided by user
relation. ▪ Name
• Each relation consists of named columns and o Derived – value is computed or
an arbitrary number of unnamed rows. derived from another attribute/s
• A named column is called an attribute. ▪ Age (can be derived from
• Each row of a relation corresponds to a birthdate)
record that contains data. • Identifier – an attribute or combination of
attribute whose value distinguishes instances
Properties of a Relation of an entity type
1. It has a unique name o Must not change in value
2. No multivalued attributes are allowed in a relation o Must not be null
3. Each row is unique o Must be unique
4. Each attribute has a unique name ▪ Account number, PhilID
5. The sequence of columns as well as of rows is number, SSS number, Student
insignificant. ID number

Classifications of Attributes Relational Keys

Primary Key – an attribute or a combination of

• Required vs. Optional Attributes
attributes that uniquely identifies each row in a
o Required – must have a value
▪ Medical condition, attributes
pertaining to co-morbidities Composite Key – a primary key that consists of more
o Optional – may not have a value than one attribute.
▪ Provincial address, suffix
name • Example: combination (putting together) of
• Simple vs. Composite Attributes house number and street (when someone
o Simple (or atomic) – cannot be search using both house number and street,
broken down into smaller it should only get on record returned)
components Foreign Key – attribute used to establish the
▪ Age, ID number relationship between two tables. A foreign key in a
o Composite – has meaningful table/relation always points to the primary key of
component parts another table/relation.
▪ Name (can be broken down
into first name, middle and
last name), Address (street,
city, province, municipality),
Date/Time, E-mail Address,
• Single-valued vs. Multivalued Attributes
o Single-valued – attribute which has
only one value
Cust_ID is a foreign key in ORDER_T. It allows an
▪ Birthdate, SSS number, Sex
order to be associated with a particular customer in
o Multivalued Attributes – attribute
the CUSTOMER_T table.
that may take on more than one value

Integrity Constraints – rules limiting acceptable

values and actions, to facilitate maintaining the
accuracy and integrity of data.

• Domain Constraints
o Domain – is a set of values that can
be assigned to an attribute; a domain
definition consists of domain name,
meaning, data type, size and
allowable values for the domain
• Entity Integrity – ensures that every relation
has a valid primary key
• Referential Integrity – rule that maintains
consistency among the rows of two relations;
the rule states that if there is a foreign key,
either each foreign key value must match a
primary key value or the foreign key value
must be null.

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