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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

Varcons Technologies is a Technology Organization providing solutions for all web
design and development, MYSQL, PYTHON Programming, HTML, CSS, ASP.NET, and
LINQ. Meeting the ever increasing automation requirements, Varcons Technologies
specializes in ERP, Connectivity, SEO Services, Conference Management, effective web
promotion and tailor-made software products, designing solutions best suiting client's
requirements. The organization where they have the right mix of professionals as
stakeholders to help us serve our clients to the best of our capability and with as per industry
standards. They have young, enthusiastic, passionate, and creative Professionals to develop
technological innovations in the field of Mobile technologies, Web applications as well as
Business and Enterprise solutions. The motto of our organization is to “Collaborate with
our clients to provide them with the best Technological solutions hence creating a Good
Present and Better Future for our clients which will bring a cascading positive effect in their
business shape as well”. Providing a Complete suite of technical solutions is not just our
tag line, it is Our Vision for Our Clients and for Us, We strive hard to achieve it.

To help our future engineers to understand the upfront research challenges of the
fast emerging technology age through advanced techno-skilled education.

All our Engineers are endowed to E-Learning, Technology adaptive, self-growth &
futuristic skills and making them prepared to the innovative world and generating leaders
for tomorrow.

Our value follows our own Learning Technology Model (LEARN-IT)
 Learning & Listening
 Excellence & Empowerment
 Adaptability & Accompany
 Respect & Responsibility
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 Notion & Nestle

 Integrity & Inspiration
 Teamwork & Timings

 Software Training and Development
 IEEE Projects
 Ph. D Guidance & Assistance
 Internship Program
 Manpower Consultation & Placement


 Current Industry 5.0 technology
 Practical Lab Session Experience
 Problem Solving Skills
 Webinars from industry
 Assistance after Internship
 Student Project Demonstrations
 Added Advantage in Portfolio
 Presentation Skills


 Career management
 Phase management
 Employee Guidance
 Project completion
 Communication skills
 Corporate skills
 Diplomacy & Teamwork
 Positive attitude
 Team Work

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Week 1 Activities
 Introduction to the Internship Program
 Selection of Internship Domain and Mini Project
 Introduction to the Full Stack Web Development –Part 1

Week 2 Activities
 Introduction to Frontend Development
 Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
 Libraries: React

Week 3 Activities
 Introduction to Backend Development
 Database Setup
 Libraries: Node.js

Week 4 Activities
 Implementation of Project
 Project Code Execution
 Results and Conclusions
 Report Preparation and Submission
 Internship Presentation - PPT

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

As per the regulations from various universities, we deliver the various levels of
internship training and development. The internship duration may be from 4 -8 weeks. We
provide solutions to the students that they can upgrade their knowledge and apply, convert
it into project development. We have proposed our internship program keeping in focus of
present demand of industry standards, so that we can make ready our students to fill the
gap between industry-academics and value added courses to enhance the skills which helps
them to build the strong career in the field of computer science.
An internship during college studies can help to enhance quality of higher education
and to improve skills & competencies amongst students. It helps to fill the gap between the
theoretical learning at class room and practical application at work place. It is also seen that
the student undergoing internships while their 3 years degree course are not able to perform
better in their regular exams because of time constraints. On the other hand, Internships
also help them to achieve higher professional competencies and excellence in their field of
interest and so that they can perform better in their future job with full potential knowledge.

3.1 Benefit of Internship

Finding work can be a real challenge, especially if you don't have any experience.
Yet to get experience you must first find a job. It is a nasty catch that can be difficult to get
around but an internship is a good way to do it. Internships provide work experience
opportunities to university students like me, recent graduates and people considering career
Universities encourage students like me to participate in internship programs
because they believe that there are many benefits that student’s get in a supervised real life
work environment in which they have the opportunity to put theory into practice. However,
most of the studies on internship programs have concentrated on the evaluation of the
benefits by looking at academic performance of students after attachment These studies
have shown that subsequent academic performance of students who return from internship
programs tend to be better than those who did not go for internship. However, have found
little evidence that internship programs help students to perform better in class. Apart from
possible improvement in academic performance, another benefit that students get is a
chance to acquire some generic employability skills, which help them to easily transition
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from the learning institution to employment. These employability skills include teamwork,
relationship building, leadership, human relations, presentation, communication, time
management, initiative, enterprise and abilities to problem solve and persuade. The students
also improve in their use of technologies, ability to take criticism, and to see the bigger
When job opportunities are hard to come by, students increasingly relied on
internships to differentiate themselves from their non-participating counterparts. It seems
employers are willing to give employment to a job seeker who has a working experience
even if it is in the form of internship attachment. The link between internship participation
and securing of a job sometimes tends to be taken for granted. Students expected to be
provided with full-time employment at the completion of the internship. Many students
enroll into degree programs without having a clear understanding of the profession they are
getting into. Participation in internship programs gives students a chance to know the
profession and a possibility of making a final decision on whether they are in the right
career path or not.

3.2 Gain Valuable Work Experience

An internship provides the opportunity to gain hands on work experience that you
just cannot get in the classroom. First time job seekers and career changers are not usually
desirable candidates, but companies are willing to train them as interns and give them the
experience they would need to get a job.
 Networking Opportunities
Internships are a great way to meet people in your field. Even if you have experience,
knowing people never hurts. An internship allows you to meet people who might help you
land a job later on and give you the contacts in the industry you are trying to break into. In
addition, references from people in the Research field will really add weight to your
 Apply Classroom Knowledge
An internship can be seen as the pinnacle of your undergraduate education and give you
the chance to use the skills you have learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. It is
a chance to prove the worth of your qualifications and to show that you can perform in the
role you has been given.
 Gain Confidence

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Getting experience is a great way to build your confidence. What's more, if you have an
impressive resume, you will be more confident in your chances of securing a job. After you
have done an internship, if an interviewer asks if you know how to do something, you will
not say “um, yes, I think I would be able to do that" but can say “absolutely" and supplement
your assertion with examples.

3.3 Non-Technical Outcomes

3.3.1 Personality Development
Personality development is defined as the relatively enduring patterns of thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another. The personality is the
typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique. When we say
that someone has a "good personality" we mean that they are likeable, interesting and
pleasant to be with. The dominant view in the field of personality psychology today holds
that personality emerges early and continues to change in meaningful ways throughout the
Everyone wants to be attractive to others. To that end, having a good personality is
vital - probably even more so than good looks. In fact, approximately 85 percent of your
success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately,
your personality determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you. While
good grooming and looks is part of it, the scope of personality development is quite broad.
It includes knowing how to dress well, social graces, grooming, speech and interpersonal
 It gives you more confidence.
 It makes you look more credible. Despite the saying that you do not judge a book
by its cover, people do tend to judge people by their clothing and how it is worn.
This does not mean buying expensive clothes. We all know people who look shabby
in expensive clothes. There are also people who look great even if their attire is
 It encourages people to interact with you. Studies have consistently shown that
people communicate more openly with people they are comfortable with. If your
hygiene and social graces.
 It enhances your capacity to lead and motivate. A person with a winning personality
will be able to motivate better.

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a) Verbal communication:
Also known as speaking, is an important form of communication in a healthcare
facility. Planning and organizing your thoughts is a critical part of verbal communication.
This involves thinking about who will receive the message and what you want to convey
Making notes before a phone call, having an agenda for a meeting, or researching
information you wish to give to someone in advance are all methods you can use to ensure
clear communication. According to motivational speaker and entrepreneur Mr. Pat Croce,
effective communication involves much more than choosing the right words. Mr. Croce
recommends five rules to incorporate while conveying a message, known as the 5C’s of

b) Clear
Speak in black-and-white terms to clearly state your message. Allow questions from
the recipient of your communication to ensure you are understood.

c) Concise
Do not ramble. Your important message can be lost in then on essential information
you include—get to the point.

d) Consistent
Make the message consistent at all times. If you are telling your supervisor about
an incident that you have observed, do not change your story to make it more dramatic.
Report your findings in a consistent, accurate manner. Do not tell one person what you saw
and later change your observations as you re tell the story to another person.

e) Credible
People can tell if your words are insincere make sure your message is real. Do not
heap praise on someone just because you want to win their favor. It is important that you
mean what you say.

f) Courteous
Words and phrases such as “hello,” “thank you,” “please,” excuse me,” and “I’m
sorry” are easy, effective ways to demonstrate respect. Being courteous when you

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communicate sets the right tone and attitude. Courtesy is mandatory in the workplace, even
if you are interacting with someone you dislike. Keep your personal feelings out of your
work interactions. Having an open mind during verbal communication is also very
important. Making assumptions about what someone is going to say before he or she speaks
might cause you to miss the essence of the message.
If you have had disagreements with the speaker, you might negatively translate a
message into your assumption about what you are hearing. Keeping an open mind and
listening respectfully without emotion is critical to open, clear communication. Personal
problems should not be brought into the workplace. Some people have a tendency to be
sarcastic, or use words that mean the opposite of what you feel, to express frustration or in
an attempt to be funny.

g) Public speaking
You may be called upon to give a presentation in class or in your role as about the
work done. Whether you are giving a short talk to fellow classmates or explaining a
procedure to fellow workers, there are several public speaking strategies to keep in mind.
 Be prepared. Practice your presentation several times. Know more about your
material than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories, and
conversation al language if relevant.
 Look at the audience and establish direct eye contact. Smile, develop rapport, and
notice if your audience looks like they are following what you are saying or if they
look puzzled or confused.
 Relax and slowly count to three before beginning to allow yourself time to calm
down. Don’t apologize for being nervous. Realize that people want you to succeed.
 Know your room. Arrive early to the venue and walk around the speaking area.
Practice using the microphone if possible, and make sure any visual aids you may
have are present and in working order.
 Remember to be concise and avoid a long, repetitive presentation. Be aware of signs
of lagging attention in your audience.
 Develop visuals if appropriate. You may use project visuals, handouts,
PowerPoint® presentations, or demonstrations. Visuals can effectively reinforce
your speech. Make sure any technology you might need to use for your visuals is
working before the presentation begins.

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 Be well acquainted with your topic. Reading continually from note cards loses your
audience’s attention. Write down key phrases, quotes, and stories in large letters on
note cards to jog your memory as you are talking. Show enthusiasm for your topic.
 Practice, practice, practice! Speak slowly and calmly, but louder than your usual
speaking voice (unless you are using a microphone).

3.3.2 Time Management

 “Time management” refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you
spend on specific activities. It may seem counter-intuitive to dedicate precious time
to learning about time management, instead of using it to get on with your work,
but the benefits are enormous:
 During internship Communication Challenges Anything that interferes with
communication can lead to a misinterpretation of your message. However, various
factors can interfere specifically with your ability to communicate verbally with
your patients.
 Patients such as the hearing impaired, some intellectually disabled individuals, or
a patient who does not speak your language pose challenges for verbal
communication, possibly requiring the use of a translator.
 Speaking may be difficult for a patient who has suffered a stroke or stutters badly.
In addition to these considerations, communication must be geared toward a
patient’s ability to understand.
 This often means substituting basic terms for challenging medical terms that could
confuse some people.
 Even if a coworker is translating for you, you can’t assume that a fellow employee
unfamiliar with your specific field will understand your use of technical terms. You
may want to simplify your language for both the translator and the patient.
 It may seem counter-intuitive to dedicate precious time to learning about time
management, instead of using it to get on with your work, but the benefits are
 communication must be geared toward a patient’s ability to understand.
 a patient who does not speak your language pose challenges for verbal
communication, possibly requiring the use of a translator.

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3.4 HTML
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to design web pages
using a markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language.
Hypertext defines the link between the web pages. A markup language is used to define the
text document within tag which defines the structure of web pages.HTML is a markup
language that is used by the browser to manipulate text, images, and other content to display
it in the required format. Example: Let’s see a small example of a simple HTML page that
displays the heading and paragraph Content. with HTML, authors describe the structure of
pages using markup. The elements of the language label pieces of content such as
“paragraph,” “list,” “table,” and so on.

3.5 CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to design the webpage
to make it attractive. The reason for using CSS is to simplify the process of making web
pages presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web pages. More importantly, CSS
enables you to do this independent of the HTML that makes up each web page.
There are three types of CSS which are given below:
 Inline CSS : In Inline CSS, we add the style to the tags using the “style” attribute
inside the tag which we want to design
 Internal or Embedded CSS: Internal CSS allows us to style our page by adding the
<style> tag inside the <head> tag. Inside the <style> tag, we add the design that we
want to give to our page.
 External CSS : External CSS lets us add style to our HTML page externally. We can
add our styles in a different file with extension .css and link this page to our HTML

JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most
commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow client-side script to
interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language
with object-oriented capabilities. JavaScript was first known as LiveScript, but Netscape
changed its name to JavaScript, possibly because of the excitement being generated by
Java. JavaScript made its first appearance in Netscape 2.0 in 1995 with the name

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LiveScript. The general-purpose core of the language has been embedded in Netscape,
Internet Explorer, and other web browser. Java (developed by Sun Microsystems) is a
powerful and much more complex programming language - in the same category as C and

3.7 React.js
React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook.
It enables developers to create dynamic, interactive web applications with ease. React
utilizes a component-based architecture, where UIs are divided into reusable and self-
contained components. These components manage their own state, making it easier to
maintain and scale complex applications. React efficiently updates and renders the UI by
using a virtual DOM, minimizing performance bottlenecks. It promotes a declarative
programming paradigm, where developers describe how the UI should look based on the
application state, rather than imperatively manipulating the DOM. React's ecosystem is
vast, with tools like React Router for routing, Redux for state management, and React
Native for building cross-platform mobile apps. Its popularity stems from its simplicity,
performance, and strong community support, making it a preferred choice for modern web

3.8 Node.js
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment built on
Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript code server-side,
enabling non-blocking, event-driven architecture for building scalable network
applications. Node.js utilizes an event loop model that handles concurrent connections
efficiently, making it suitable for real-time applications like web servers, chat servers, and
APIs. Its package ecosystem, npm, is one of the largest in the world, providing a vast array
of reusable libraries and modules to streamline development. Node.js is renowned for its
performance, simplicity, and versatility, empowering developers to create high-
performance, data-intensive applications with ease. It's widely adopted by companies
ranging from startups to tech giants due to its ability to handle high volumes of concurrent
connections while maintaining responsiveness and scalability.

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The System Requirements Specification document describes all data, functional and
behavioral requirements of the software under production or development. A functional
requirement document defines the functionality of a system or one of its subsystems. It also
depends upon the type of software, expected users and the type of system where the
software is used. Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that
can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.

4.1 Software Requirements

Frontend Technologies : HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Libraries : React.js

Operating System : Microsoft Windows 8/10/11

4.2 Hardware Requirements

Processor : 3.0 GHz and Above

Output Devices : Monitor (LCD)

Input Devices : Keyboard

Hard Disk : 1 TB

RAM : 8GB or Above

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5.1 Existing System
The Current System is a computerized system but which is maintained at individual
databases. The system doesn't provide complete online services like online reports and
centralized database. In the current all the data is maintained mostly manual and in Excel
Sheets. The data security and data accessing is very slow
 The existing system is mutually paper based and lacks standards.
 It requires manpower, so the existing system is very uneconomical.
 High Labor charges
 Increased time
 Increased uncertainty
 Data security is less

5.2 Proposed System

The proposed system aims to provide Real Estate with a platform to showcase their
work and attract potential clients. It encompasses several key features:
 The proposed system is developed using VISUAL STUDIO, JavaScript, and
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as a back end database.
 The proposed system deals with very popular World Wide Web [www] i.e, .Internet.
The data is used Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is very faster well designed tool to the
user for quick manipulation with it.
 The proposed system has better both input/output capabilities of each of the user
activities while interacting with the system.
 The user can have fast interaction with the system by inserting keywords at the
respective places, by clicking on the buttons or links etc.Searching feature is quite
faster than current system
 The most important feature of this system is online exhibiting the properties, This
saves time to visit the actual place where the property is located.
 Feedback feature is included which will helps in keeping attention on customers
needs and requirements.

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System Design is a process of planning a new business system or replacing an
existing system by defining its components or modules to satisfy the specific requirements.
Before planning, you need to understand the old system thoroughly and determine how
computers can best be used in order to operate efficiently. System analysis is conducted for
the purpose of studying a system or its parts in order to identify its objectives.
Designing and analyzing a real estate listing involves several key elements:
 Property Details: Start by gathering essential information about the property, such
as its type (e.g., single-family home, condo, commercial space), size (square
footage), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, location, and any unique features.
 High-Quality Photos: Include high-resolution photos of the property, both interior
and exterior, to showcase its appeal. Consider professional photography for the best
 Compelling Description: Write a compelling property description that highlights
its key selling points, such as nearby amenities, schools, public transportation, and
any recent renovations or upgrades.
 Pricing and Terms: Clearly state the price of the property and any additional costs
or terms, like HOA fees or property taxes.
 Floor Plan: If applicable, provide a floor plan to give potential buyers a better
understanding of the property's layout.
 Virtual Tour: Consider adding a virtual tour or video walkthrough to allow
potential buyers to explore the property remotely.
 Contact Information: Include contact information for the listing agent or broker,
along with convenient ways for potential buyers to reach out.
 Property History: If available and relevant, provide information on the property's
history,including previous sales and any renovations or upgrades.
 Neighborhood Information: Offer details about the neighborhood, including
nearbyschools, parks, shopping centers, and public transportation options.
 Market Analysis: Conduct a comparative market analysis (CMA) to determine
theproperty's competitive pricing based on recent sales of similar properties in the

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 Legal Disclosures: Ensure compliance with local real estate laws by including any
necessary legal disclosures, such as lead paint or asbestos warnings.
 Print and Online Marketing: Distribute the listing through various channels,
including real estate websites, social media, print media, and email marketing.
 Feedback and Analytics: Continuously monitor the listing's performance and
Internship report 2023-24 21 gather feedback from potential buyers to make
necessary adjustments.
 Negotiation and Closing: Once offers come in, assist in the negotiation process and
guide both parties through the closing process
 Evaluate Results: After the sale, analyze the listing's success in terms of selling
price versus listing price and time on the market to improve future listings.
Remember that theeffectiveness of your real estate listing depends on market
conditions, property quality, and your ability to adapt to buyer preferences.
Regularly update and refine your approach to maximize results

FIGURE 6.1 : Web Application Architecture

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Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new successful system and in
giving confidence on the new system for the users that it will work efficiently and
The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is
found to work according to the specification. It involves careful planning, investigation
of the current system and it constraints on implementation, design of methods to
achieve the change over and an evaluation of change over methods a part from
Two major tasks of preparing the implementation are education and training of
the users and testing of the system. The more complex the system being implemented,
the more involved will be the system analysis and design effort required just for
The implementation phase comprises of several activities. The required
hardware and software acquisition is carried out. The system may require some
software to be developed. For this, programs are written and tested. The user then
changes over to his new fully tested system and the old system is discontinued.

7.1 Code Implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Homeverse - Find your dream house</title>

- favicon
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml">

- custom css link
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/style.css">

- google font link
<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>



<header class="header" data-header>

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<address>22,New Town Yelhanka,near east west college of engineering</address>



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<button class="header-top-btn">Add Listing</button>



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<span>Real Estate Agency</span>


<h2 class="h1 hero-title">Find Your Dream House By Preethi</h2>

<p class="hero-text">
To find you a property that matches your requirements, My Property Boutique displays
properties for sale and lets you browse the best residential properties for sale in Bangalore as listed on
its website. With the backing of an experienced team of property experts who know how to leverage
technology, we examine the on-going trends in the real estate market of Bangalore. As a result, we are

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able to offer you useful property listings that are preferred by home buyers and investors alike at the
time of buying property in Bangalore (Yelhanka)

<button class="btn">Make An Enquiry</button>


<figure class="hero-banner">
<img src="./assets/images/hero-banner.png" alt="Modern house model" class="w-100">



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<img src="./assets/images/about-banner-1.png" alt="House interior">

<img src="./assets/images/about-banner-2.jpg" alt="House interior" class="abs-img">


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<p class="section-subtitle">About Us</p>

<h2 class="h2 section-title">The Leading Real Estate Rental Marketplace.</h2>

<p class="about-text">
Over 39,000 people work for us in more than 70 countries all over the This breadth of global
combined with
specialist services

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

<p class="about-item-text">Smart Home Design</p>


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<ion-icon name="leaf-outline"></ion-icon>

<p class="about-item-text">Beautiful Scene Around</p>


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<ion-icon name="wine-outline"></ion-icon>

<p class="about-item-text">Exceptional Lifestyle</p>


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<p class="about-item-text">Complete 24/7 Security</p>


<a href="#service" class="btn">Our Services</a>



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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website


FIGURE 8.1 : Home page

FIGURE 8.2 : About page

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

FIGURE 8.3 : Service page

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

FIGURE 8.4 : Property page

FIGURE 8.5: Blog page

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

FIGURE 8.6 : Contact page

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website


Today, every agent should consider real estate web development that may help support and
promote his or her business development. With a custom website, it is getting easier to
build trust and start closing as many commercial and residential real estate deals as never
before meeting all the customers’ needs and wants. All that was done previously has to be
now reviewed by skilled quality assurance engineers. As a result, it is ensured that the real
estate website is user-friendly and that it delivers a flawless experience to property owners,
buyers, tenants, and realtors visiting it.When bringing together a team of high-skilled
software engineers, you are multiplying your chances for success and getting a perfect
website in the end. Contribute to other people’s happiness and give them a free hand in
finding a perfect place to call home!

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Internship Report Template for a Real Estate Listing Website

 Real Estate | Property in India | Buy/Sale/Rent Properties | MagicBricks
 India Real Estate Property Site - Buy Sell Rent Properties Portal -
 W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
 Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers
 Fundamentals of Database Systems, Seventh Edition, Navathe, Pearson.
 The Complete Reference J2EE, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill.

Dept. of CSE,EWCE 28|P a g e

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