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Heat Transfer & Refrigeration and Air Conditioning


Experiment # 07

Submitted By:
Umar Siab khan
Roll # 42
BSME 19-23
Submitted to: Sir Ammar Ahmed

Department of Mechanical Engineering (Batch 2019-23)

Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences,
Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Table of Figures

Figure 1-1: A schematic diagram of simple vapor compression system ................................... 8

Figure 1-2: Distinction between low pressure side and high pressure side ............................... 9
Figure 1-3: A capillary tube ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 1-4: Schematic diagram of thermostatic expansion valve ............................................ 12
Figure 1-5: Standard vapor compression system and T-s diagram of cyle .............................. 13
Figure 1-6: P-h diagram of a vapor compression cycle ........................................................... 14
Figure 1-7: EM-872 refrigeration technology demonstration module ..................................... 14
Figure 1-8: P-h diagram for thermostatic expansion valve ...................................................... 18
Figure 1-9: P-h diagram for capillary tube (6m) ...................................................................... 19
Figure 1-10: P-h diagram for capillary tube (4m) .................................................................... 20
Figure 1-11: P-h diagram for capillary tube (2m) .................................................................... 21

Experiment 1. Performance Study of Vapor Compression System
(Forward Cycle)

1.1 Abstract
In this experiment working principle of the vapor compression cycle in real life conditions was
studied and performed and its applications were discussed. Vapor Compression cycle consists
of evaporator, condenser and compressor along with the expansion devices. In this experiment,
several expansion devices is investigated. Expansion devices are available in a variety of
lengths and one valve was included also. In this experiment, refrigerator R-134a used for the
cooling performance. The exit temperature of the refrigerant entering the evaporator section is
controlled by the length of the expansion devices. The gauges installed measure the pressure
before and after the compressor. The temperature sensors installed at each of the system's four
sites are used to measure the temperature. The coefficient of performance for cooling is
calculated using these temperatures. The cycle diagram is created on the P-H diagram to
indicate all of the refrigerant's distinct states. In the results table, enthalpy values of the cycle
for all four examples is shown. The calculated COP values demonstrate that highest COP is
achieved when the expansion device's length is the longest and when Expansion valve is used.

1.2 Learning Objectives
i. To revise the basic theory of vapor compression system.
ii. To understand the operation of basic components of vapor compression system
iii. To determine the performance of vapor compression system with different
expansion devices.

1.3 List of Equipment

i. EES EM-872 Refrigeration Technology Demonstration Module

1.4 Introduction
Refrigeration may be defined as lowering the temperature of an enclosed space by removing
heat from that space and transferring it elsewhere. The refrigeration process is carried out by a
device called a refrigerator. So a refrigerator is a device that extracts heat from a low
temperature reservoir and delivers to high temperature reservoir. Thus, in doing so the heat
engine provides us the positive work while in case of vapor compression cycle we have to
provide the input work for this system to work as we have to carry out this operation against
the forces of higher temperatures. This cycle has the four major processes these are
 Compression
 Condensation
 Expansion
 Evaporation

Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle is the most widely used refrigeration system. In this
system, the working fluid is a vapor. It readily evaporates and condenses or changes
alternatively between the vapor and liquid phase without leaving the refrigerating plant. During
evaporation, it absorbs heat from the cold body and this heat is used as its latent heat for
converting it from liquid to vapor whereas in Condensing or cooling, it rejects heat to external
bodies, thus creating a cooling effect in the working fluid.

1.5 Theory
Refrigeration may be defined as lowering the temperature of an enclosed space by removing
heat from that space and transferring it elsewhere. The refrigeration process is carried out by a
device called a refrigerator. So a refrigerator is a device that extracts heat from a low
temperature reservoir and delivers to high temperature reservoir. All the practical refrigerators
work on some fundamental thermodynamic cycle also called refrigeration cycle. The
refrigeration cycles may be broadly classified into two main categories,
(i) Gas based refrigeration cycles
(ii) Vapor based refrigeration cycles
In gas-based refrigeration cycles the working fluid also called refrigerant remains in gaseous
state throughout the execution of cycle and there is no change of phase at any point in the cycle.
The example of gas-based refrigeration cycles is air refrigeration cycles that are employed in
air conditioning of air crafts.
In vapor-based refrigeration systems, the working fluid (refrigerant) evaporates and condenses
during the execution of cycle. The vapor-based refrigeration cycles can then be further
classified into two subcategories,
(i) Vapor absorption refrigeration cycle
(ii) Vapor compression refrigeration cycle
The fundamental difference between absorption and compression cycle is that absorption cycle
uses heat as a source of energy while compression cycle uses mechanical work as the
fundamental source of energy. This mechanical work is provided by compressor.
Vapor compression refrigeration system is the most widely used method for air-conditioning
of buildings and automobiles. It is also used in domestic and commercial refrigerators, large-
scale warehouses for chilled or frozen storage of foods and meats, refrigerated trucks and
railroad cars, and a host of other commercial and industrial services. Oil refineries,
petrochemical and chemical processing plants, and natural gas processing plants are among the
many types of industrial plants that often utilize large vapor-compression refrigeration systems.

1.5.1 Refrigerants
A refrigerant is a medium that flows in refrigeration circuit and carries heat from low
temperature reservoir to high temperature reservoir. The refrigerants are broadly classified into
two major categories,
(i) Primary refrigerants
(ii) Secondary refrigerants

The primary refrigerant is that directly take part in the refrigeration of target space while
secondary refrigerant are those which are first cooled by primary refrigerant and then they are
used to cool the target space. The examples of primary refrigerants classified into four
(i) Halo-carbon refrigerants
(ii) Azeotropic refrigerates
(iii) Inorganic refrigerants
(iv) Hydro carbon refrigerants.

Halocarbons are a family of manufactured molecules consisting of hydrogen, carbon, fluorine,

chlorine, and/or bromine. The history of halocarbons, sometimes known as CFCs and Halons,
is tied to the development of refrigeration. The examples of Halocarbons include,
(i) R-11 (CCl3F)
(ii) R-12 (CCl2F2)
(iii) R-113 (C2Cl3F3)
(iv) R-134a (CF3CH2F) etc.
Azeotropic refrigerants are mixtures of refrigerants whose vapor and liquid phase maintain
identical composition over a wide range of temperature. The examples include
(i) R-500 = 73.8% R-12 (CCl2F2) + 26.2% R-152 (CH3CHF2)
(ii) R-502 = 48.8% R-22 (CHClF2) + 51.2% R-115 (CClF2CF3)
Inorganic refrigerants have been used even before the development of Halocarbons and are
still in use due to their thermodynamic and physical properties. The examples include,
(i) R-717 = NH3
(ii) R-729 = Air
(iii) R-118 = H2O
(iv) R-744 = CO2
Hydrocarbon refrigerant have been used in industrial and commercial application but the major
disadvantage is that they are highly inflammable and explosive. Due to these disadvantages
they are almost obsolete. The example includes,
(i) R-170 = C2H6
(ii) R-1120 = C2H4Cl3
(iii) R-1270 = C3H6

1.5.2 Basic Components of Simple Vapor Compression Cycle

Figure 1-1: A schematic diagram of simple vapor compression system

Vapor compression cycle based refrigeration system includes following four basic
(i) Evaporator
(ii) Compressor
(iii) Condenser
(iv) Expansion device
A simple vapor compression cycle based refrigeration system is shown in following figure, and
the function of each component is explained in coming section.
It must be noted that, depending upon the pressure of refrigerant, the vapor compression system
can be divided into,
(i) High pressure side
(ii) Low pressure side

Figure 1-2: Distinction between low pressure side and high pressure side

The low pressure side, as shown in figure basically consists of three components
(i) The refrigerant line connecting expansion device and evaporator
(ii) The evaporator
(iii) The suction line i.e. line between evaporator and compressor
On the other hand the high pressure side consists of,
(i) The compressor
(ii) The discharge/delivery line (line connecting the compressor exit and condenser
(iii) The condenser
(iv) Liquid line (refrigerant line connecting condenser exit and expansion device inlet)
The following section explains the function of basic components of standard vapor
compression system. Evaporator
Evaporator is a heat exchanger where a low temperature low pressure refrigerant flowing in
tubes absorbs heat from the target space. At the entry of evaporator, the refrigerant is coming
from expansion device and is characterized as two phase mixture of saturated liquid and
saturated vapors. The mixture is of low pressure and low temperature with low dryness fraction.
The most of the heat is absorbed by saturated liquid refrigerant is latent heat of vaporization
and then itself transforms into saturated vapors. The already existing vapors in refrigerant tubes
also absorb sensible heat but the share of sensible heat transfer is negligible. In standard cycle

analysis at the exit of evaporator it is assumed that saturated vapors are available to be delivered
to the compressor. Although in real case, a slight superheating is recommended before entering
into compressor as it ensures that no liquid droplets enter the compressor as the droplets may
cause pitting of compressor material during compression process. On the other hand
superheating also increases the work of compressor so a tradeoff is needed between the
economy of operation and life of compressor. Compressor
Compressor acts as the sole component of vapor compression refrigeration system. The
compressor basically serves two main functions,
(i) It serves the requirement of second law of thermodynamics i.e. it delivers work
input to the cycle so that heat may be transferred from low temperature space to
high temperature surrounding environment.
(ii) It acts to provide the continuation to the cycle of refrigeration system.
The low temperature-low pressure saturated vapors coming from the evaporator are
compressed and transformed into high pressure-high temperature superheated vapors. At this
condition they are able to deliver heat to ambient environment. Condenser
Condenser is a heat exchanger in which high temperature high pressure (Superheated
refrigerant) coming from compressor condenses into liquid phase. In standard vapor
compression cycle we shall assume that at the exit of condenser, the refrigerant at the exit of
condenser is saturated liquid with the pressure same as the compressors exit pressure. In most
of domestic and commercial applications the condensers are air cooled and in most of industrial
applications the condensers are water cooled. In fact the selection of type of condenser depends
on capacity of refrigeration system, type of refrigerant used and type of cooling medium used. Expansion Device
Expansion device also called throttling device separated the high pressure and low pressure
sides of the system. The functions of expansion device can be summarized as following,
(i) It reduces the pressure and temperature of refrigerant before being fed into
(ii) It maintains the pressure difference between high and low pressure sides.
(iii) It controls the flow rate of refrigerant into the evaporator.
Following are types of expansion devices used in refrigeration systems,
(i) Capillary tube

(ii) Hand operated expansion valve
(iii) Automatic expansion valve
(iv) Thermostatic expansion valve
(v) Float valves
As the apparatus being used consists of capillary tube and Thermostatic expansion valve, only
these two devices will be discussed. Capillary Tube
Capillary tube is used in small capacity refrigeration units such as refrigerators, water coolers,
room air conditioners etc. It is basically a copper tube of small internal diameter of varying
length. The inside diameter of capillary tube used in refrigeration applications is generally
about 0.5 mm to 2.25 mm. It is installed between in liquid line between condenser and
evaporator. A sample capillary tube is shown in following fig.

Figure 1-3: A capillary tube

A fine mesh screen is often provided at the inlet of the tube in order to protect it from
containment. The expansion process depends upon the geometrical factors of the tube i.e.
length (L) and diameter (D). The pressure drop is directly proportional to length and inversely
proportional to the diameter of the tube. So longer the tube and smaller the diameter, higher
will be the pressure drop inside the capillary tube. Thermostatic Expansion Valve
Thermostatic expansion valve also called superheat controlled expansion valve because
the actuation of valve is controlled by the superheat of refrigerant leaving the evaporator. A
Thermostatic expansion valve is shown in following fig.

Figure 1-4: Schematic diagram of thermostatic expansion valve

Thermostatic expansion valve consists of a feeler bulb attached with the refrigerant line coming
out of evaporator. This feeler bulb is a hollow from inside and is connected with diaphragm of
valve body with the help of a small diameter tube. The feeler bulb cavity and the tube is filled
with same refrigerant that circulates in refrigeration circuit. The opening and closing of spring
operated valve is controlled by evaporation and ultimately superheating of refrigerant inside
the evaporator. When the evaporator is subjected to higher heat loads the refrigerant becomes
superheated and this superheated refrigerant at the exit of refrigerant makes the refrigerant in
feeler bulb superheated due to heat transfer. The increased pressure inside the bulb and
connecting tube allows the diaphragm to give wider opening to spring operated valve thus
allowing more refrigerant to enter in the evaporator. Hence with the high heat loads in
evaporator, the thermostatic expansion valve increases the flow rate of refrigerant entering the
evaporator. Contrary to that when heat load and evaporator is decreased the reverse
phenomenon occurs, and the pressure on the diaphragm decreases thus decreasing the
refrigerant flow rate to the evaporator.

1.5.3 Thermodynamic Cycle and Property Diagrams

A standard vapor compression system along with its T-s diagram cycle is shown in following
figure, It consists of four thermodynamic processes, i.e.,
1-2 Isentropic compression in compressor
2-3 Isobaric heat rejection/compression in compressor
3-4 Isenthalpic expansion in expansion device
4-1 Isobaric heat addition/expansion in evaporator.

Figure 1-5: Standard vapor compression system and T-s diagram of cyle

The process 3-4’ is isentropic expansion process that occurs if the expansion takes place for
instance in nozzle or turbine. Keeping in view the low temperature ranges of the system the
installation of turbine in not feasible and also installation of nozzle is not recommended as
higher velocity may result in higher pressure drops. Therefore the expansion process takes
place in expansion devices such as capillary tubes or expansion valves. The expansion process
therefore is highly irreversible but thermodynamically isenthalpic.

1.5.4 Performance of Vapor Compression System

The performance of vapor compression system is measured in terms of a dimensionless
quantity called coefficient of performance (COP). The COP is basically a ratio of heat absorbed
in evaporator (QE) to the work input by the compressor (WC).
𝑄𝐸 𝑞𝑒 𝑄𝐸̇ 𝑄𝐿
𝐶𝑂𝑃 = = = =
𝑊𝐶 𝑤𝑐 𝑊̇𝐶 𝑊𝑖𝑛
The process of vapor compression cycle as shown in above figure can also be produced on
pressure-enthalpy (P-h) diagram of refrigerant. For the diagram shown above the P-h is shown
in following figure.

Figure 1-6: P-h diagram of a vapor compression cycle

From the P-h diagram, the expression of COP can also be written as following,
ℎ1 − ℎ4
ℎ2 − ℎ1

1.6 Experimental Setup

The apparatus is EES EM-872 Refrigeration Technology Demonstration module with facility
of three capillary tubes of same diameter but different lengths and a thermostatic expansion
valve. The apparatus is shown in following figure and the nomenclature of components is given
in next table.

Figure 1-7: EM-872 refrigeration technology demonstration module

1.7 Experimental Procedure
Procedure followed is given as
 The experimental setup is examined for flaws and leaks before master switch has been
 In the following stage, the compressor is turned on.
 All of the instruments, such as pressure gauges and temperature gauges at all the point
in the cycle are calibrated.
 The capillary tubes and other expansion devices (TX Valve) are tested. First TX valve is
 Temperature sensors are used to record the input and output temperatures of the
condenser and evaporator.
 The thermocouple sensors are used to detect the air temperature at the condenser and
evaporator output.
 These temperatures are used to calculate how much heat the refrigerant absorbs and
releases during passing through evaporator.
 Pressure gauges are used to measure the pressure at the compressor input.
 The pressure gauge is also used to measure the refrigerant outflow pressure after the
 Volume flow rate is measured during each expansion device.
 The cycle is plotted on the P-H diagram using these temperature and pressure
parameters for each expansion device. Determine the COP value
 The COP for actual observed values is compared to that estimated from enthalpy values
from P-h chart.
 Error is calculated between these two values. COP is determined and compared

1.7.1 Precautions
 The experimental apparatus is completely checked before turning it on
 The experimental apparatus is checked for leaks
 Make sure that all switches of the apparatus are off before turning on main power supply
 Stay away from the compressor and other electrical equipment
 Don’t touch any unnecessary part of the equipment
 Don’t go near the evaporator and condenser while it’s turned on as the cool and hot air
are released from these d

1.8 Observations
Table 1-1: Observations for experiment 1

Evaporator Condenser
High Low Temperatures Temperatures Power of Condenser Evaporator Refrigerant
Pressure Pressure Compressor Air Air volume flow
Device TE,in TE,out TC,in TC,out
(PH) (PL) (𝑊̇𝐶 ) Temperature Temperature rate

(Bar) (Bar) (OC) (OC) (OC) (OC) (watts) (OC) (OC) (Ltr/hr)

1 TX Valve
8 1.6 -1.6 11.3 75.3 31.0 725.9 25.4 5.9 40
2 Capillary
6.25 0.2 -18.5 13.4 65.5 21.0 568 19.7 13.9 20
3 Capillary
6.5 0.75 -14.3 13.4 62.7 22.4 642 20.9 13.1 30
4 Capillary
7 1 -7.9 12.8 57.2 26.2 707.5 22.6 10.7 40

Figure 1-8: P-h diagram for thermostatic expansion valve

Figure 1-9: P-h diagram for capillary tube (6m)

Figure 1-10: P-h diagram for capillary tube (4m)

Figure 1-11: P-h diagram for capillary tube (2m)

1.9 Calculations
Table 1-2: Calculations for experiment 1

Mass flow rate Compressor

Compressor Refrigeration
Sr.No Throttling device Flow meter Calculated work (from COP actual COP p-h diagram
power effect
(Kg/sec) (kg/sec) (watts) (watts) (watts)
1 TX Valve 0.013 0.015 726 2218 606 3.055 3.65
2 Capillary (6m) 0.0069 0.020181 568 1297 248.193 2.28 5.23
3 Capillary (4m) 0.01 0.0197 642 1850 368 2.51 4.95
4 Capillary (2m) 0.013 0.024812 707 2316 380 3.19 6.09

Sample calculations are performed for observations with capillary tube of 6m. From temperatures
and pressures, enthalpies were calculated and afterwards these enthalpies are used to calculate the
COP from P-h curve. Actual COP is calculated by using actual compressor power and refrigeration
power using flow rate and enthalpy difference between evaporators.
ℎ1 − ℎ4
COPP − h chart =
ℎ2 − ℎ4
COPP−h chart = 417−228.4 = 5.23

Now for actual COP, using actual compressor power.

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 × (ℎ1 − ℎ4 )

𝐶𝑂𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 =
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

0.0069(417 − 228)
𝐶𝑂𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = = 2.28
Errors between COP is:
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑂𝑃 = 𝐶𝑂𝑃 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ×100
𝑃ℎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡

5.23 − 2.28
= × 100 = 56.4%

1.10 Discussion and Conclusion

For every one of the four expansions, valve the cycle plots of P-h are displayed. The cycle charts
show that the refrigerant is in the super-heated area after compressor. When the degree of super
heat in the evaporator area grows, the feedback control system applies additional pressure on the
diaphragm of the Thermostat valve, allowing more refrigerant to flow and avoiding such a high
degree of super heat. For optimal performance, saturated vapor must be present at the compressor

For each of the four scenarios, the COP values are determined as illustrated. Due to higher
expansion lengths and hence lower temperatures, the COP value for the 6m capillary tube is the
highest, indicating a better capability for heat removal. i.e. before reaching super heat states, the
refrigerant can absorb additional heat. The TX expansion valve has the greatest COP
3.026 according in our data. The input and output temperatures of the condenser and evaporator
are used to compute the actual values.

The mathematical formula is provided in the sample calculations section. The COP values for this
actual (experimental) case are closer to that of the values obtained using the enthalpy values
obtained from the P-H plot. This shows the less error involved in our experiment. The apparatus
was working fine and was measuring the correct values for temperatures and pressures.

The COP values for the cycle are lesser as compared to the power the apparatus receives. This is
due to the less efficiency of the cycle or apparatus.

The reason for the low COP for the system may be

 Condenser and evaporator can be faulty due to long use.

 Compressor not being tuned or repaired for a long time
 Presence of persons near the equipment may cause variation in air temperature.
 Low level of refrigerant.
 In p-h diagram, there was a significant human error.
 Greater power consumption by the compressor
 The variation in the environmental temperatures

 COP increases when the system does not have to work for achieving the lower temperatures
 Readings taken when the system is not stable
 Feedback control system not working properly

The applications of Vapor Compression Refrigeration system are as follows.

 It is used in domestic refrigeration for keeping the food.

 It is helpful in food processing and cold storages.
 It is useful in Industrial refrigeration for chemical processing, heating and cooling.
 It is useful in Cryogenic refrigeration, Medical refrigeration, Transport refrigeration and
Electronic cooling.

The experiment can be said to be conclusive to some extent since a major portion of the results
depend on the approximation of the flow rate for the air and the refrigerator. The experiment
leads to the conclusion that in reality, using a shorter capillary tube reduces non-idealities in the
system and COP is higher than that obtained for a longer capillary tube under the same control
conditions. Moreover, the expansion valve seems to give the highest COP in theory (3.52) but
gives 3.029 in experiment which I believe is due to an error in value of power from wattmeter
and if we had time, this could have been verified. If this is the case than the expansion valve
would give the highest COP followed by 2m, 4m, and 6m capillary tubes in this sequence.


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