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PLOS ONE Intra-urban mobility of migrant street children

the research assistants. We are grateful to the street children and youth and other stakeholders
who volunteered to participate in this study.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Mulekya Francis Bwambale, Paul Bukuluki, Cheryl A. Moyer, Bart H. W.
van den Borne.
Formal analysis: Mulekya Francis Bwambale.
Funding acquisition: Mulekya Francis Bwambale, Paul Bukuluki, Bart H. W. van den Borne.
Investigation: Mulekya Francis Bwambale.
Methodology: Mulekya Francis Bwambale, Paul Bukuluki, Cheryl A. Moyer, Bart H. W. van
den Borne.
Project administration: Mulekya Francis Bwambale.
Resources: Mulekya Francis Bwambale, Paul Bukuluki, Cheryl A. Moyer.
Supervision: Paul Bukuluki, Cheryl A. Moyer, Bart H. W. van den Borne.
Writing – original draft: Mulekya Francis Bwambale.
Writing – review & editing: Mulekya Francis Bwambale, Paul Bukuluki, Cheryl A. Moyer,
Bart H. W. van den Borne.

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