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Omareyah International Schools

Summary of
Chapter 4 of the 1st Paper

The First Islamic Community

Subject: Islamiyat (0493)

By: The 9th Grade students

Edited and checked out by:

Muhammad Sukhni

Student Name: Grade: __________

Omareyah International School

Mothers of the Faithful

• Almighty Allah has acknowledged the highest status of the wives of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH), all other women of the world, as the Mothers of believers.
• Wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) will also remain the Prophet (PBUH)'s wives
in the Paradise.
• Every mother of faithful and her life, is the role-model for Muslim women of
every age.

Khadijah (RA): By Maya Muhammad

Khadija was born in 555 A.D she’s the daughter of a successful merchant Khuwaylid Ibn Assad, a leader
of the Quraysh tribe in Makkah , She inherited her father’s skills at a time in history when society was
male-dominated and dangerous place .after her father’s death , she became a successful businesswomen
, She had a good reputation of fair-dealing and high-quality goods.

Khadija’s Marriage to Prophet (PBUH)

Khadija was married twice before her marriage to the Prophet (PBUH). Both of these marriages produced
children and both left her widowed. Khadija knew about the character of Muhammad, She was interested
of his experience managing caravans on the trade routes accompanying his uncle, Abu Talib. So, she
hired him for her trade. She fell in love with him after she touched his honesty, she asked him to marry
her. Prophet (PBUH) accepted that proposal, she was 40 years old when she married Muhammad. Prophet
(PBUH) was 25.

َ ‫ت فَأ َ ْغ‬
‫ض ْبتُهُ يَ ْو ًما‬ ْ َ‫ قَال‬. " َ‫ص ِدقَاءِ َخدِي َجة‬ْ َ ‫شاةَ فَيَقُو ُل " أَ ْر ِسلُوا بِ َها إِلَى أ‬
‫َّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم إِذَا ذَبَ َح ال ه‬ ِ ‫سو ُل ه‬ ْ َ‫ قَال‬،َ‫شة‬
ُ ‫ت َو َكانَ َر‬ َ ‫ع ْن‬
َ ِ‫عائ‬ َ
. " ‫َّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم " إِنِي قَدْ ُر ِز ْقتُ ُحبه َها‬ ُ ‫فَقُ ْلتُ َخدِي َجةَ فَقَا َل َر‬
ِ ‫سو ُل ه‬

'A'isha reported: whenever Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬slaughtered a sheep, he said: Send it to the
companions of Khadija, I annoyed him one day and said: (It is) Khadija only who always prevails upon
your mind. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said: Her love had been nurtured in my heart by Allah

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Khadija was the first person on earth to accept Muhammad as the final Prophet (PBUH) of God and
accept the revelations and the Holy Quran. She was greeted with “Salam” (peace) by Allah himself as
well as the Angel Gabriel. She put herself in the face of danger to stand by the Prophet (PBUH)
Muhammad as the people of Makkah started to interrupt and stop his mission. Khadija is an important
female figure as one of the four 'ladies of heaven', alongside Asiya, Maryam, and her daughter Fatimah

In Islam, whether rich or poor, one’s financial condition is a test. Khadija gave her earnings to the poor
and to the orphans, to the widows and the sick.

Khadija continues to inspire people to this day who revere her for taking great care of the Prophet (PBUH)
of Islam and for showing the world. Through her behaviour, what a pious, modest and courageous woman
can accomplish! The example she left for mankind remains timeless.

The death of Khadija

Muhammad forever remembered Khadija with affection, gratitude and love. During her illness, he kept
a nightlong vigil nursing her, comforting her and praying for her. He told her that Allah had promised
Eternal Bliss to her, and had built for her a palace of pearls in Paradise. Her death filled Muhammad's
heart with sorrow. Khadija died on the tenth year of the Proclamation of Islam, in so called (The year of

Ayesha (RA): By Noor Omar

The closet wife to the Prophet (PBUH) some might say his favorite, not only the wife of the Prophet
(PBUH) but daughter of the first caliphate Abu baker brought up in an exceptionally modest environment,
she married the Prophet (PBUH) in the 10th year of the Prophet (PBUH)hood, also being the most well
educated out of his wives.
It was narrated that Anas said: "It was said:
'O Messenger of Allah, which of the people is most beloved to you?' He said: "Aishah.' It was asked,
'And among men?' He said: 'Her father.'"
. " ‫الر َجا ِل قَا َل " أَبُوهَا‬
ِ َ‫ قِي َل مِ ن‬. " ُ‫شة‬ َ " ‫اس أ َ َحب ِإ َليْكَ قَا َل‬
َ ِ‫عائ‬ ِ ‫َّللا أَى النه‬
ِ ‫سو َل ه‬
ُ ‫قِي َل يَا َر‬
She was a great scholar and superior in knowledge and even greater that even the closest companions,
and this was acknowledged by everyone including the Prophet (PBUH).
Ayesha was an admirable character with strong features yet feminine, in the same time, she should be an

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example for woman all over the world that she managed to attract the Prophet (PBUH) himself.
She had done many acts to help the growth of Islam such as freeing 67 slaves and she was very
companionate with all of them and treated them well and treated everyone else with such grace. She used
to also help in battles such as in Uhud like serving the wounded water while accompanied in several of
the Prophet (PBUH)’s battles, as well as the farewell last pilgrimage of the Prophet (PBUH).
The Prophet (PBUH) spent the last of his days in her apartment where he was buried, years later Ayesha
passed away at the age of 70 on 17th Ramadan 58th A.H. and was buried at Jannat- al-baqi

Umm Salamah (RA): By Ammona Abu Ghali

Umm Salama, was born in Mecca, became the eldest of all of Muhammad's wives. She was the highest-
ranking wife of Muhammad, only behind Khadija. Her elevated status among the rest of the wives was a
result of her presence in many wars, and her defense of the household of Muhammad.
Her personality:
• She always held the utmost respect for Prophet (PBUH) Mohammad.
• She was known in society for her intelligence, political savvy.
• Umm Salama was a woman most gifted in judgment.
Umm Salma was unique in her practical knowledge of human psychology. On the occasion of the Treaty
of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked the people to sacrifice animals. Due to great anguish at
the apparent conditions of the Treaty, the people could not be persuaded to make sacrifice. The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) went inside with anger, where Umm-e-Salama was present, she advised him not to press
anybody for the sacrifice, but do it as a precedent for all. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) took the advice,
made sacrifice, took off his 'Ihram' and got his head shaved. On seeing this, everybody followed and the
problem was solved.
She was extremely beautiful and was very modest and generous. She was well-versed in jurisprudence
(Islamic laws). on the occasion of the last Hajj, Umm Salama accompanied the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
despite her illness. She narrated about 400 Hadith.
She was the last of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s wives to die. She died in 63 A.H., at the age of 84. She
was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

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Hafsa (RA): BY Hiba Al-Hazineh

Hafsa was the daughter of Umar the second Caliph and was born in Makkah, five years before the advent
of Islam. She accepted Islam along with her husband and parents. She migrated first to Abyssinia, and
then to Madinah with her husband. In the battle of Badr her husband received injuries and eventually was
martyred. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself proposed and married her.
She was very keen to acquire knowledge of religious matters and was very pious. She is ranked second
to Ayesha in knowledge. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
"She is the one who fasts during the day and who stands during the night for worship."
She was the custodian of the first manuscript of the Holy Quran, which is known as Hafsa's script. She
died in 45 A.H., at the age of 63. She was buried in Janat-ul-Baqi.

Descendants of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had all his descendants from his four daughters, (Zaynab, Ruqayyah,
Umm Kulsoom and Fatima, however the famous and the largest chain of the descendents are the
offspring of Fatima and Ali (RA)

Children of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had six children from Khadija, and a son from Maria Qibtiya.

1. Qasim
2. Abdullah
3. Zaynab
She was the eldest daughter. She married Abul Aas who only accepted Islam just a year, after she passed
away in 8. A.H. She passed away from a wound she had received, while on the Hijra to Madinah. She
had two children Ali and Umama
4. Ruqayyah
She was first married to Utba, son of Abu Lahab. She did not live with him and he divorced her. She then
married Uthman and migrated with him to Abyssinia and finally settled in Madinah. She died in 2 A.H..
after an illness.

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5. Umme Kulthum
She was first married to Utaibah, another son of Abu Lahab. He divorced her In 3 AH, she married
'Uthman when his first wife, Ruqayyah passed away She died in 9 A.H.
6. Ibrahim

7. Fatima
Fatima was born five years before the Prophethood (PBUH). She was the daughter of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH), wife of Ali, mother of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain. She was brought up and trained in the
family of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and acquired knowledge and wisdom from her father. The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) loved her very much. He used to say:
"Fatima is a part of me, whoever annoys her annoys me, and whoever harms her harms me."
Fatima most of all resembled her father in her looks, character, behavior. At the demise of Khadija, she
was almost six years old. After the death of her mother, he always looked after the comfort of her father
at home. She would wash the blood off his sacred face and dress his wounds and encourage him with her
sweet conversation.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) accepted Ali’s request to marry Fatima. In the 3rd year of Hijra, the first son
was born to her. who was named Hassan' One year after the birth of Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain was
born. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) loved them very much. One year after the birth of Imam Hussain,
Zaynab and 'Umme Kulthum were born.
Hazrat Fatima's genius is considered to be an example of a Muslim woman's adherence to noble traits.
She is a perfect example of how a daughter, a wife, and a mother should act, while keeping her decency
and pure character. She also shows us the role of Muslim women in social fields within the limits of
religion and virtue.
Fatima passed away six months after the sad demise of her father, in 11 A.H., at the age of 29 years.

Grandsons of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Imam Hassan (RA)
Imam Hassan was the eldest son of Ali and Fatima He was born in Madinah, in third year of migration.
When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) received the happy news of the birth of his grandson, he came to the
house, recited Azaan and Iqamah in his right and left ears, respectively, and named him 'Hassan.

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He was blessed with the gracious patronage of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who taught him great qualities
and adorned him with tolerance, intelligence. He was very courteous and humble. Through his cordial
attitude and hospitality, he never let the poor and the humble feel inferior to him when they visited his
After the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Imam Hassan worked devotedly to propagate the sacred
and peaceful religion of Islam. After the martyrdom of Ali, he was made the fifth Caliph of the Islamic
state, but due to the political uncertainty, rivalry and disloyalty to the Caliphate by various Muslim
groups, he entered into a peace treaty with Mu'awiyah on terms to save Islam and stopped a civil war
among Muslims.
Imam Hassan was poisoned and martyred in 50 A.H. He was 48 years of age. He is buried in Jannat al-

Imam Hussain (RA)

Imam Hussain was born in the 4th year of Hijra. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited Azaan and Iqamah
in his right and left, and on the 7th day of his birth, he performed the ritual of Aqiqah.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) loved him so much that he said:

"‫َّللاُ َم ْن َأ َحبه ُحسَ ْي ًنا‬

‫" ُحسَيْن مِنِي َو َأنَا م ِْن ُحسَيْن َأ َحبه ه‬
"Husain is part of me and I am part of him. May Allah love those who love Husain.

After the death of Muawiyah, the Imam Hussain refused to swear allegiance to Yazid; because he was an
immoral and ruthless man with no sense of justice. As a result, he retired to Madinah where he led
secluded life. Even here he was not allowed to live in peace, and was forced to seek refuge in Makkah,
when too he was badly harassed. The people of Kufa had written innumerable letters and sent envoys to
Imam Hussain to come over and give them guidance in faith. They were tired of the tyrannical rule of
Yazid. Imam Hussain accepted the invitation and took his family members. His journey to Kufa was
intercepted by a detachment of Yazid's army: the commander had orders to redirect the Imam to camp in
the desert plains of Karbala, on the banks of the river. Euphrates. In order to avoid bloodshed, Imam
Hussain chose not to resist, and followed the directions He and his companions were forced to camp at a
great distance from the river, which was the only sourced water in the area.

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Later on, water supply to the Imam's camp was cut and the torture of thirst and hunger started. Imam
Hussain's camp consisted of women, innocent children including babies and some male members of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s family. Imam Hussain sent out from his camp, one after the other, companions
to fight and sacrifice their lives in the way of the Lord. Lastly, on the 10th day of Muharram in the year
61 A.H., Imam Hussain came into the field and the forces of Yazid martyred him.
Imam Hussain presented practical evidence of divine values such as peace, justice. nobility and freedom

Four Rightly- Guided Caliphs

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (RA): By Zaina Alomar
He is Abdullah Ibn Abi Quhafah, who is called Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, the son of Um Khayr (Salma) and
Abu Quhafah. He was born in 573 A.D, and he belonged to Banu Taym tribe.
Abu Bakr was the father of Aisha Prophet (PBUH)’s Mohammad (PBUH) wife, he also was the closest
person to the Prophet (PBUH) (PBUH), and the one who led the Islamic nation after him.

Abu Bakr was the first man to accept Islam, and he was called Al-Siddiq because he was the first one to
believe the sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) about his midnight journey to Jerusalem. The unique
distinction he had among all Companions was the company of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during his
migration journey to Madinah and stayed with him in the cave of Thaur for three nights.
Prophet (PBUH) says about him:
ً ‫" َو َل ْو ُك ْنتُ ُم هتخِ ًذا م ِْن ُأ همتِي َخلِي‬
َ ‫ َأبَا بَ ْكر َو َلك ِْن َأخِ ي َو‬، ُ‫ال َال هت َخ ْذت‬
." ‫صاحِ بِي‬
"If I were to take a Khalil, I would have taken Abu Bakr, but he is my brother and my companion” (in

Abu Bakr was a wealthy man who always supported Islam financially, he used to free slaves, and used
to participate in all Muslim wars, and he was the reason of most companions’ conversion in the first time.
And on the Tabuk Expedition, Abu Bakr Siddique gave everything in the way of Allah, and he paid
money for the plot of land for the Masjid-e-Nabawi.
In the 9th year of Hijra when the first Hajj took place, Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent Abu Bakr as his deputy
to teach the people the Hajj rites and rituals. He also led the congregational prayers during the illness of
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in 10 A.H.

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On the occasion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s demise, he showed remarkable self-control and gave his
most effective and historical address. He participated in digging the grave, bathing and lowering the body
of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) into the grave.

'Umar Bin Al-Khattab (RA): By Farah Abdulhadi

Umar was born in 583 A.D., in the 13th year of the elephant. He was a member of the Banu Adi family,
a Quraish sub-tribe. He was the son of Khattab, a well-educated businessman.
The nickname of Umar was Abu Hafs. 'Umar was a learned and studious man, as well as an equitable
and prosperous trader. He was robust and powerful, and he enjoyed archery, horseback racing. Umar was
well-known in Mecca for his riches and demeanor. He was one of the few Makkans capable of reading
and writing.
In the sixth year of Prophet (PBUH)hood, Umar converted to Islam. His acceptance offered support to
the impoverished and vulnerable Makkans. Umar was so brave that he made an open announcement of
his faith before the non- believers of Makkah.
He stood by the side of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in every difficult situation. He fought alongside the
Blessed Prophet (PBUH) in all conflicts. In the Tabuk Mission, he donated half of his fortune to the Holy
Messenger for the sake of Islam.
A'isha reported Allah's Messenger as saying:
“There had been among the people before you inspired persons and if there were any such among my
Umma Umar b. Khattab would be one of them”.
َ‫ َقا َل ابْنُ َو ْهب تَ ْفسِي ُر ُم َحده ُثون‬. " ‫األ َم ِم َق ْب َل ُك ْم ُم َحده ُثونَ َفإ ِ ْن يَ ُك ْن فِي ُأ همتِي ِم ْنهُ ْم َأ َحد َفإ ِ هن عُ َم َر بْنَ ا ْل َخ هطابِ ِم ْنهُ ْم‬
ُ ‫" َق ْد َكانَ يَ ُكونُ فِي‬
. َ‫ُم ْلهَ ُمون‬

Umar proposed supplication of Athan wordings and presented the Islamic Calendar. He was one of the
Spiritual Revelation's Scribes. He mastered the complete Sacred Quran.

Uthman Bin Affan (RA): By Minna Al-Rikabi

Uthman was born in the year 576 A.D in Makkah. He belonged to the sub-tribe Banu Umayyah, which
belongs to Quraish. His father, Affan, died before Islam and he had a mother named Arwa. His father
was a great merchant, and Uthman grew up in a very rich family.

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Uthman learned to read and write at a very young age and grew up to be one of the top food merchants
in the entirety of Arabia. He was popular and respected among the Makkans.

He was: 1. Humble, 2. Modest, 3. Kind, 4. Honest, 5. Patient and 6. Did not drink or gamble even before
he was introduced to Islam. He accepted Islam after his close friend, Abu Bakr, convinced him to.

After accepting Islam, he faced a lot of hate and was tortured. One of the most significant moments was
when his uncle tied him with ropes and beat him. His family disowned him, in the hopes that he would
renounce Islam. But Uthman remained faithful and unshakable in the face of all the opposition and
Uthman had a very strong relationship with the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) liked him
so much that he allowed him to marry his daughter Ruqayya. He was a loyal companion of the Prophet
(PBUH) and accompanied him in every battle, often ready to sacrifice his life in the name of Islam if
necessary. He had the honor of writing the divine revelation.
He migrated with his wife to Abyssinia to escape the persecution of Quraish. Later, they migrated to
Madinah. He started his business again there, and became a leading merchant.
He was nicknamed “Zunnurain, (possessor of two lights)” after he married Kulthum, one of the Prophet
(PBUH)’s daughters, following his wife’s (Ruqqaya’s) death. Another nickname he was given was “Al-
Ghani” for spending his wealth helping the Muslims.
Allah's Messenger ‫ﷺ‬said:
. "‫" إ ِ هن عُ ْث َمانَ َر ُجل َحيِي‬
(Verily Uthman is a person who is very modest)
He contributed a lot to Islam, from setting slaves free, to ensuring food and provisions were given to the
Muslims during the three years of social boycott by Banu Hashim. He purchased the surrounding land
around Masjid-e-Nabawi after it became too small to accommodate the large number of Muslims. His
efforts and kindness were deeply appreciated by the Prophet (PBUH).

Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA): By Hala Al-Zuhiri

Ali was born in Makkah and raised by his father Abu Talib along with the Prophet (PBUH) which build
a strong relation with them both. He was the cousin of the Prophet (PBUH) and later become the son in
law for the Prophet (PBUH) as he married the Prophet (PBUH) daughter “Fatima Zahra”, so, he was the

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father of the grand sons of the Prophet (PBUH) Al Hassan and Al Hussain.
He was the first Child to convert to Islam, Ali was served as a deputy and envoy for the Prophet (PBUH),
and became one of his most trusted subordinates. Ali was much known for his wisdom and loyalty for
the Prophet (PBUH). Learning from the Prophet (PBUH), he became one of the official scribes of Islam.
The outstanding quality of him was bravery that was shown on his feats in battle. Ali participated in
almost every major battle of early Islamic history as the standard-bearer of the army, he was a part of
Battle of Bard, And a year later at the Battle of Uhud where the Muslims suffered a stinging defeat, Ali
stood by the side of the Prophet (PBUH) who was hurt and vulnerable, risking his own life while acting
as his mentor's. These are few examples that appraise his courage, devotion to Islam, and skill in battle.
Many sayings of Prophet (PBUH) were narrated about him, one of them is:
Prophet (PBUH) was heard saying on the Day of Khaibar: I would certainly give this standard to a
person who loves Allah and his Messenger, and Allah and his Messenger love him too. He (the
narrator) said: We had been anxiously waiting for it, when he (the Holy Prophet (PBUH)) said: Call
'Ali. He was called and his eyes were inflamed. He applied saliva to his eyes and handed over the
standard to him, and Allah gave him victory. (The third occasion is this) when the (following) verse was
revealed: "Let us summon our children and your children." Allah's Messenger ( )‫ﷺ‬called 'Ali, Fatima,
Hasan and Husain and said: O Allah, they are my family.
َ‫ َف ُأتِي‬. " ‫ َقا َل َفتَ َطا َو ْلنَا َلهَا َف َقا َل " ا ْدعُوا لِي عَ ِليًّا‬. " ُ‫َّللاُ َو َرسُو ُله‬ ‫َّللا َ َو َرسُو َلهُ َويُحِ بهُ ه‬‫ال يُحِ ب ه‬ ً ‫الرايَ َة َر ُج‬ ‫َوسَ ِمعْتُهُ يَ ُقو ُل يَ ْومَ َخ ْيبَ َر " ُأل ْع ِطيَ هن ه‬
‫َّللاِ صلى هللا‬ ‫ت َه ِذ ِه اآليَ ُة { َف ُق ْل تَعَا َل ْوا نَ ْدعُ َأ ْبنَاءَنَا َو َأ ْبنَاءَ ُك ْم} دَعَا َرسُو ُل ه‬ ‫الرايَ َة إ ِ َل ْي ِه َف َفتَ َح ه‬
ْ ‫َّللاُ عَ َل ْي ِه َو َل هما نَزَ َل‬ ‫صقَ فِي عَ ْينِ ِه َودَ َف َع ه‬َ َ‫ب ِ ِه َأ ْر َمدَ َفب‬
. " ‫عليه وسلم عَ ِليًّا َو َفا ِط َم َة َو َحسَ ًنا َو ُحسَ ْي ًنا َف َقا َل " ال هلهُمه َه ُؤ َال ِء َأ ْهلِي‬

The Ten Blessed Companions

The ten blessed companions are those close and true followers of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) who were given the good news of entry into Paradise, during their life-time.

Talha (RA) By Ahmad Al-Kalaldeh

Talha was born in Makkah his name is Talha ibn Ubaydullah. He was taught to read and write early on
in his life and he was very generous that earned him the nickname “jawwad” and “fayyaz” and he was
extremely hospitable and he was never prideful and arrogant, he was also very forgiving.

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He was tortured by his elder brother when he joined Islam at the age of 17 so that he would renounce but
that hadn’t affected Talha’s faith if anything it strengthened his connection to Islam and Allah.

In the time of Uhud, Talha plunged into the enemy and pushed them away from the Prophet (PBUH),
who was injured by Quraish’s attack. He turned back to the Prophet (PBUH) and helped him a little
further up the mountain and put him to lie on the ground. He then he repeated his attack and successfully
repulsed the enemy. Talha was there bleeding. He had numerous cuts, from swords, spears and arrows.
His foot had been cut and he had fallen into a hole where he had laid unconscious.

Prophet (PBUH) says about him:

'Talhah and Az-Zubair are my neighbors in Paradise.'"

" ‫" َط ْل َح ُة َوالزبَ ْي ُر َجا َراىَ فِي ا ْل َج هن ِة‬

He died in the battle of camel like a warrior, where he was shot in the foot by a poisonous arrow which
had been fatal, he did at the age of 64 and was buried in basra.

Zubair (RA): By Danial Abdat

Zubair bin Al-Awwam was born in Makkah, where he belonged to the Banu Asad and was a nephew of
Khadija. He was a cousin of the Prophet (PBUH) (PBUH). His mother made him a brave and strong
person by letting him suffer many hard experiences.
He was one of the early converts. He accepted Islam at the age of 16 and suffered for the sake of Islam.
He was very patient and his steadfastness bore the polytheists. He was one of the people who willingly
joined the Prophet (PBUH) in his social boycott. He then migrated to Abyssinia in 615 A.D., then to
Madinah. He married the elder daughter of Abu Bakr, Asma.
Zubair was in all the battles beside the Prophet (PBUH) and was one of the bravest in battle of Badr, that
they called that day “The day of Zubair”. He also participated in the conquest of Makkah and led a
battalion of the Muslim army in the battle of Hunain. The Prophet (PBUH) even mentioned him in a
hadeeth saying:
"Every Prophet (PBUH) used to have a Hawari (i.e. disciple), and my Hawari is Az-Zubair bin Al-

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." ‫ي الزبَ ْي ُر بْنُ ا ْلع َ هوا ِم‬ ِ ‫" إ ِ هن ِل ُك ِل نَبِي َح َو‬

ِ ‫ َوإ ِ هن َح َو‬،‫اريًّا‬
‫ار ه‬

After the death of the Prophet (PBUH), he greatly supported the first three caliphs, and Umar even made
him a leader to a 4000 Muslim soldier army who were sent to Palestine.
He died while preforming his prayers in battle of camel at the age of 64. He loved the Prophet (PBUH)
so much and was always ready to follow him. He was kind, God fearing, and generous towards the poor.

Abd Al-Rahman bin Auf (RA): By Abdullah Burghul

Abd Al-Rahman bin Auf, was born in Makkah in 581 A.D. He belonged to Bani Zuhra, a sub-tribe of
the Quraish. Abd al-Rahman bin Auf emigrated the two migrations, and the Messenger gave him the glad
tidings of Paradise, so, he is one of the ten blessed companions.
He witnessed the Battle of Badr and participated in all the battles with the Messenger (pbuh).
Abd Al-Rahman lavishly spent his wealth in the way of Allah. He earned a lot of wealth from his business
and farming. But he never showed miserliness in spending it in the way of Allah. Once he distributed 700
camels laden with eatable things among the poor Muslims. On the demand of the Holy Prophet (PBUH),
he once gave half of his wealth. After the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) he was the one who looked
after the mothers of the faithful.
Abd Al-Rahman was one of the men who worked as a Shura Council to choose who would assume the
caliphate after Omar Ibn Al-Khattab.
Abd Al-Rahman died in Medina in 32 A.H, and he was buried in Al-Baqi’.

Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas (RA)

Sa'ad was born in about 592 A.D in Makkah. He belonged to Banu Zahra tribe. Sa'ad learnt reading and
writing at an early age. He also mastered the art of archery. He accepted Islam on the preaching of Abu
Bakr, but after accepting Islam he underwent a lot of torture and persecution, but he showed a lot of
courage and steadfastness. But when the persecutions of the Makkans crossed every limit, Sa'ad had to
migrate to Madinah.
He stood by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in every difficult situation. He participated in all the battles and
the expeditions, which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) undertook in his lifetime. During the battle of Uhad,
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was heard as saying:

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"O Sa'ad! Shoot the arrows; may my mother and father be sacrificed on you."
Sa'ad also fully supported the four Caliphs of Islam. However, he was more active during the Caliphate
of 'Umar who made him the Commander-In-Chief of the army. He was sent to fight with the Persians.
He defeated the proud Persian Empire.
Sa'ad was an embodiment of a number of good attributes. He accepted Islam when it was extremely hard
to do so. He belonged to a rich tribe but left everything for the sake of Islam. He was steadfast and
courageous. He had great love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) also liked him.
He spent the last years of his life in Madinah where he died in 55 A.H

Saeed bin Zaid (RA): By Gaith Yusuf and Sadeen Abuzaid

Saeed bin Zaid (RAD) was born in Makkah in 593 A.D. He was the parental cousin of Umar (RAD).
Saeed bin Zaid’s father was Zaid, and his father was the only person in Makkah who did not believe in
idols and did not worship them before Islam, but he sadly died before Islam.

Saeed bin Zaid (RAD) was 15 years when he accepted Islam. He was a quick acceptor, therefore he was
tortured and persecuted by the Quraish, but he had patience. He married to Fatima (RAD), the sister of
Umar (RAD). He proved to be a source of great help to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah. He
participated in all battles and expeditions of The Holy Prophet ((PBUH) except the battle of Badr.

Saeed bin Zaid was by nature the most humble, simple and precise. He would never wish for fame and
reputation. Saeed bin Zaid was known for his extreme intelligence, therefore he counted amongst the
great Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He narrated 48 Hadiths from the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Saeed bin Zaid continued his support for the Caliphs. He
fulfilled and completed all responsibilities that were given to him. He led a very quiet and ascetic life in
Madinah. Omar (RAD) made him the leader during the conquest of Syria.

He sadly passed away in 673 A.D and he was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. He died at 80 years old.

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Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (RA): By Laith Yusuf

Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah was born in Makkah in 570 A.D. He belonged to Bunu Fahar of Quriash.
When Abu Ubaidah grew up, he became a merchant. Abu Baker invited him to embrace Islam, Abu
Ubaidah accepted and he became a Muslim at the age of 29. He is the ninth to convert to Islam. He
underwent a lot of tortures and persecution of the Quraish.
Abu Ubaidah was a good advisor of the holy Prophet (PBUH). He wholeheartedly participated in the
battles which were fought in the times of the Prophet (PBUH). He even killed his own father in the battle
of Badr, who was fighting in the Quraish side. He also helped the Prophet (PBUH) when he was Injured.
The Prophet (PBUH) Mohammed gave him the title of Ameen-ul-Ummat (The honest of the nation) and
"Every nation has an Amin (i.e. the most honest man), and the Amin of this nation is Abu 'Ubaida bin
ُ ‫ َو َأ ِمينُ َه ِذ ِه‬،‫" ِل ُك ِل ُأ همة َأمِين‬
." ِ ‫األ هم ِة َأبُو عُبَ ْيدَةَ بْنُ ا ْل َج هراح‬
Abu Ubaidah was one of the greatest generals of Islam, He was free from vanity and pride and was
extremely God-Fearing, simple, humble, just, kind and a great supporter of equality. He was even soft-
spoken and soft-hearted.
Abu Ubaidah fell victim to a deadly plague and sadly died in 639 A.D. He was buried in Jordan.

Scribes of the Divine Revelation

• The scribes of the Divine Revelation “Kuttab Al-Wahi” were the most learned,
brilliant in memory, skilled in writing and fast in communication and trustworthy.

• They were 40 in number but each one of them was not required to remain
present on every occasion of the revelation.

• The main Scribes were: The Four Rightly-Guided Caliphates, Abdullah bin
Mas'ud, Zaid bin Thabit and Ubayy bin Ka’b

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Zaid bin Thabit (RA) By: Yasin Sabha

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit was born in Madinah, and embraced Islam at the early age of 11. he was among
the seniors of the scribes of the revelation, he was one of the Huffaz of the holy Quran and have a
humongous favor upon all of the Muslims of this era and all of the eras.
Ziad bin Thabit was a master, and could speak multiple languages and the Prophet (PBUH) asked him to
learn Hebrew, so, he can communicate with Jews.
He was a secretary for the Prophet (PBUH) until he died. After the Prophet (PBUH) died, he took a major
role in compiling the whole Holy Quran, he was made the head of the board to record the correct version
of the holy Quran. He made the first version of the Quran compiled during Abu Bakr caliphate time. In
the era of Uthman, he prepared copies based on the first version.
Zaid bin Thabit rested in peace when he developed the age of 56 years old leaving behind a legendary
and phenomenal legacy to be taught among humanity till the judgment day.

Abdullah Bin Masud (RA) By Salma Masoud

One of the close followers who took up Islam on the fourth year after the first call in Makkah, he had
important acts, which helped in the growth of Islam like:
1. Endured torture from the Makkans
2. one of the early Muslims to recite the Quran publicly
3. One of the early converts who moved to Abyssinia

Abdullah was a very closer follower of the Prophet (PBUH) in a very literal way copying everything the
Prophet (PBUH) (PBUH) did from appearance to acts, he used to follow the Prophet (PBUH) and keep
accompany trying to help the Prophet (PBUH) as much as possible.
As result he was a good reciter of the Quran and one of those who understood it in a very spiritual way,
leading him to be recognized by the Prophet (PBUH). He was a strong contributor in all the battles with
the Prophet (PBUH) and is known for having part in killing Abu Jahl during Badr the said to be authorizer
of 848 different traditions.
Abdullah bin Masud died during Othman’s caliphate around 32-33 A.H.

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Prominent Companions during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet


Prominent Companions were those true followers of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) prominent in
accepting Islam, and sacrificed a lot for the sake of Allah. They were of immense help to the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his mission.

Bilal (RA)
Bilal was a Negro by birth. He was the first slave and seventh convert to Islam. He was the slave of the
cruelest person of Makkah. Umaayya bin Khalaf. The call for belief in One Allah and the teaching of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) had such a deep effect on him.
Umaayya bin Khalaf inflicted much torment and torture on him. He used to lay Bilal on the burning sand
of the Arabian desert, and put a heavy stone upon his back.
Abu Bakr was passing by when he heard the call, 'Ahad! Ahad!". He saw the painful condition of Bilal
and was grieved: he purchased Bilal from his master, after paying a heavy price and set him free.
Bilal migrated with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to Madinah, where the Holy Prophet (PBUH) constructed
the Holy Masjid. Bilal was entrusted with the duty of announcing the Azaan five times a day. He was
with him in all the military campaigns. He killed one of the greatest enemies of Islam. Umaayya bin
Khalaf, in the battle of Badr. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) & entered the Kabah after the conquest of
the city, Bilal had the honour of accompanying him.

Bilal followed the footsteps of the Prophet (PBUH) of Allah throughout his life. In course of time, he
was elevated to a position of great esteem in society.
The first Caliph Abu Bakr never kept Bilal away from him. All of Bilal's counsels which he offered to
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) or to the First Caliph, or the Second Caliph, were accepted.
Bilal died in 20 A.H. in Damascus and was buried there. The life of Bilal contains several lessons. He is
a glorious example of the respect, honor and elevation to high positions in Islamic society, and for those
who have full faith in Allah.

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Abu Huraira (RA): By Essa Mazen

Personal Information:
• Name: Abdullah bin sa’ad Aldows
• Date of birth: (6-8) years before Hijra
• Death: Year 59 A.H
• Year of accepting: 7 A.H
Abu Huraira was one of the most famous companions, and he was known for memorizing Hadiths, he
stayed in an area built near Masjid-e-Nabawi which were called “Suffa”, and dedicated himself to the
learning of the holy Quran and the hadiths.
Many companions were amazed at the number of Hadiths he memorized, and whenever he couldn’t
understand a particular thing in the Hadith, he would go and ask the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Abu Huraira underwent much hardship and difficulties as a result of his dedicated search for knowledge.
He was often hungry and destitute. The time came when the Muslims were blessed with a great wealth.
Abu Huraira eventually got his share of wealth, he had a comfortable home and a wife and a child, but
this turn of fortune did not change his personality neither did he forget his days of destitution.
And during the Caliphate of Omar, he was appointed as the governor of Bahrain. He was spending all of
his free time praying and reading Quran.

Hamza Bin Abd-Al-Muttalib (RA)

He was the uncle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) He was fond of wrestling and hunting. He had great love
for the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Once when Abu Jahl abused and insulted the Holy Prophet (PBUH), He
hit him on his head.
Afterwards, he declared his conversion to Islam. His conversion strengthened Islam to a great extent.
Hamza migrated to Madinah for the cause of Islam. He fought courageously in the battle of Badr and
killed the father and brother of Hind. Hind hired a slave named Wahshi, to avenge the death of her father
and brother. Wahshi ambushed Hamza and killed him in the battle of Uhad. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
gave him the title "Chief of the Martyrs"

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Ja'far bin Abi Talib (RA)

He was a cousin of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and an elder brother of Ali. He was an early convert to
Islam and migrated to Abyssinia because of the violent persecutions of the Makkans. When the Makkans
requested Negus to send Muslims back to Makkah, Ja'far explained the Muslim beliefs to the King Negus
in an eloquent manner. King Negus was highly overwhelmed by his speech and refused the request of
Makkans. Jafar joined Muslims in Madinah in 7 A.H. after the Khayber expedition. The Holy Prophet
(PBUH) was very pleased to see him.
Ja'far died in the battle of Mu'ta in 8 A.H. while fighting against the Roman army. The Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is reported to have said that Allah has granted him two wings in place of his hands so that he
flies about in Paradise wherever he likes.

Abu Sufyan (RA)

He was one of the chiefs of Banu Umayyah. He was a rich merchant of Makkah. He violently opposed
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his mission. Although the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had married his daughter
Ummu Habibah, even then Abu Sufyan remained hostile to Islam. He was responsible for the battle of
Badr, because it was he who asked for the help from Quraish when he was returning with his caravan
from Syria. He led the Makkan army in the battle of Uhad and in the battle of Trench.
At the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) granted him special status. He converted to Islam
at this time, and took part in the Battle of Hunain and Siege of Ta'if. His daughter Ummu Habibah is
amongst the Mothers of the Faithful. He related over a hundred Hadiths. He died in 32 A.H at the age of
83 in Makkah.

Abu Talib: By Muhammad Thabit

Abu Talib was the uncle of the Prophet (PBUH) and the one who took the responsibility of looking for
the Prophet (PBUH) Muhammad after the death of his grandmother and father. He was defending the
Prophet (PBUH) from Quraysh’s hostility. He was an Important trader in Makkah.
On his deathbed, the Prophet (PBUH) asked him to say one word that would benefit him in the afterlife,
but he did not say it. Prophet (PBUH) said that he would receive the lightest torment in the hell. After the
death of Abu Talib and Khadja, Prophet (PBUH) was so sad that the year of their death called “the year
of grief”, Allah gave the Prophet (PBUH) the journey of Isra and Miraj to overcome his grief.

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Muhajreen and Ansar (RA): By Zaid Abbas and Abdullah Thaher

Muhajireen is derived from Hijrah, which is not a mere migration from one's homeland for settlement
in another place for safety or betterment. Muhajreen are emigrants who migrated from Makkah to
Madinah for the pleasure of Allah. Ansar means the one who helps, and it is generally used for those
believers who were early residents of Madinah, and who welcomed the believers migrating from Makkah
under the command of Allah and his Prophet (PBUH).
The Prophet (PBUH) established brotherhood between Muhajreen and Ansar, they were put under an
obligation to assist one another, such as some examples Prophet (PBUH) instituted brotherhood 'Ali ibn
Abu Talib, and also the Prophet (PBUH) uncle Hamza became the brother to Zayd.
Ansar of Madinah welcomed with love and affection whoever came to them from amongst the Muhajreen,
and gave them the authority over their homes, furniture, land and animals. And they always preferred
their brothers over themselves in every way.
Ansar had shown a great deal of generosity towards their Emigrant brothers which made the ties between
them all stronger. The Ansar offered them money and property and shared everything with them, they
traded and farmed together too, like 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Auf used to sell butter and cheese, but Abu
baker worked in farming the land given from Ansar.
Holy Quran speaks of the Muhajreen and Ansar, Allah was well-pleased and they were well-pleased with
Allah and for them Allah has prepared gardens of Paradise underneath which rivers flow, wherein they
shall dwell forever and that is the Supreme achievement from the life of this world, Allah says about the
‫ٱّلل َ َو َرسُو َل ۥٓهُ ُأ ْ َٰو َلئِكَ ُهمُ ٱل َٰ ه‬
َ‫ص ِد ُقون‬ ُ ‫ض َٰ َو ٗنا َويَن‬
‫ص ُرونَ ه‬ ۡ ‫ٱّللِ َو ِر‬ ۡ ‫لۡل ُف َق َر ٓا ِء ۡٱل ُم َٰهَ ِج ِرينَ ٱ هلذِينَ ُأ ۡخ ِر ُجو ْا مِن ِد َٰيَ ِره ِۡم َو َأمۡ َٰ َو ِل ِه ۡم يَ ۡبتَ ُغونَ َف‬
‫ض ٗال مِنَ ه‬
For the poor emigrants [there is a due share] who were driven out of their homes and their properties,
seeking Allah’s bounty and pleasure, and helping the cause of Allah and His Messenger. It is they who
are the truthful.
And regarding the Helpers, He states:
‫ُوره ِۡم َحا َج ٗة ِم همآ ُأوتُو ْا َوي ُۡؤثِ ُرونَ عَ َل َٰ ٓى َأن ُف ِس ِه ۡم َو َل ۡو َكانَ ب ِ ِه ۡم‬ ِ ۡ ‫َوٱ هلذِينَ تَبَ هو ُءو ٱلدها َر َو‬
ُ ‫ٱۡلي َٰ َمنَ مِن َق ۡب ِل ِه ۡم يُحِ بونَ َم ۡن هَا َج َر إ ِ َل ۡي ِه ۡم َو َال يَ ِجدُونَ فِي‬
ِ ‫صد‬
َ‫صة َو َمن يُوقَ ُش هح ن َۡف ِسِۦه َف ُأ ْ َٰو ٓ َلئِكَ ُهمُ ۡٱل ُم ۡف ِل ُحون‬
َ ‫صا‬
َ ‫َخ‬
As for those who were settled in the city [of Madinah] and embraced Islam before them, they love those
who migrated to them, and find no covetous desire in their hearts for what they were given. Rather they
give them preference over themselves even though they may be in dire need. Whoever is protected from
the covetousness of their souls, it is they who are successful.

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