Unit 05 Professional Writing

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Unit 05: Letter writing (10/05hrs)

5.1 What is a letter?

We write letters to share information. The history of letter writing runs back to the earlier
dates of human civilization.
There are two major types of letters.


Formal Informal
letters letters

Letter of Cover Letter of Letter of Letter of

request Letter complain apology inquiry

5.2 Format of a personal/informal letter

1. Sender’s address,
2. Date

3. Salutation

4. Content of the letter/ Body of the letter

5. Conclusion

6. Name/ signature

5.3 Format of a Formal letter

1. Sender’s address
2. Date

3. Receiver’s Name, Designation and address

4. Salutation

5. Topic

6. Content of the letter

(introduction, reason, request for action)

7. Conclusion

8. Complimentary close

9. Signature
10. Name
11. Designation

5.4 Personal letters –
We write personal letters to express happiness / sorrow / exchanging news
e.g. I was very happy to / delighted to / glad to / hear that…
Here’s an example.

54, Blum Street,

Colombo 5,

Dear Revon,
I was delighted to receive your letter. Sorry for taking so long to write you a reply letter.
How are you doing? How is your life in university? Have you made any new friends?
My life in New Zealand interesting. Let me tell you about it.
These days I’m trying to adapt with the culture and the climate in New Zealand. I met
a sweet old couple, who helps me lot in co-coping up with things. Yesterday was my
first day at the university, Unfortunately, I could not find a friend to talk to yet. The
University is rich with facilities. I love the library. I wish you were here, so we can read
together. Tomorrow we’re going to have presentation sessions. Hope I will be able to
score good. actually, there are many things I can write about. But I think I’d better stop
here. I’ll be waiting for a quick reply from you.
Yours loving,

Common Starting expressions

 How are you getting on?
 How are you?
 I was delighted to get a letter from you.
 Thank you very much for the last letter.
 I was very sad/happy to hear that you….

Common endings
 Give my love/ kind regards to your family.
 Please reply soon.
 I’ll be waiting for a quick reply from you.

1. Imagine that you re the receiver of the above letter and write a reply to Reshith.
2. You’re planning to go on a trip to Galle. Write a letter to invite you best friend to join
in the trip.
Do not forget to give mention the important things about the trip, such as when,
where, how, with whom etc.
5.5 Formal Letters
There are different types of Formal letters.
Letter of Request

XYZ Institute,

Kandy Rod,




Ministry of Education.

Dear Madam/ Sir,

Request for A New Computer Lab

I am writing to you regrading an essential facility in our Higher Educational Institute. The world is
now walking parallel to technology. Hence, it is important for the students to experience
technology in their learning and practice. The lecturers and the student face a lot of inconvenience
due to the lack of computer facilities in the institute. Therefore, our institute is in strong necessity
of a computer lab.

I would be much obliged if you could make necessary arrangements in addressing the said matter
and provide adequate facilities to the students and the academic staff.

I should be glad if you would give this matter your kind consideration.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully


M.D. Perera


XYZ Institute
Letter of Inquiry

XYZ Institute,

Kandy Rod,



The Manger,

Singer (pvt) Ltd,


Dear Sir,

Inquiry regrading Laptops

This is with reference to the advertisement published in the “Daily Mirror” dated 6th June 2019
about a collection of brand new laptops.

The academic Staff members of our institute has decided to buy new laptops for their academic
proceedings. Therefore, we would like to know more about the laptops models, sizes, colors, pries
and features.

We would also like to have details regarding terms of payment, service and guarantee period.

We would also like to know when these items can be examined. Looking forward for a quick

Thank you

Your faithfully,


K.L. Jones


XYZ Institute

Common Starting Expressions

 I’m writing to you regarding the….
 I write to you regarding …..
 I wish to inform you bout
 This is with reference to the advertisement/ letter/ dated…..
 I write to express my gratitude for….
 Please accept my sincere apology/ thanks for……

Common endings
 I would be much obliged if you could give your kind consideration on this matter.
 Please be kind enough to consider this matter….
 Looking forward for a quick reply.
 Please make necessary arrangements to address the said matter.

1. Imagine that your institute received new computer lab facilities. Write a letter to thank
the secretary for taking prompt actions.
2. You re the secretary of the school’s Nature club. The club is going to organize a nature
campaign. Write a letter to invite the Minister of Environmental affairs to host be the
chief guest of the event.

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