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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Dinh Tran Anh Khoa Student ID GBD210500

Class GCD1103 Assessor name Nguyen The Nghia

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature KHOA

Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 D2
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

IV Signature:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................4
I. Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques. (P5)...........................................................4
1.1. Analyze and evaluate data from my survey in the previous report.............................................................4
1.2. Evaluate the google form tool...................................................................................................................10
1.3. Evaluate how accuracy interview and survey............................................................................................10
2. Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and
meaningful conclusions. (P6).....................................................................................................................................11
2.1. Summary about your proposed system.....................................................................................................11
2.2. List of features for my proposed system....................................................................................................12
2.3. Advantages and disadvantages of my proposed system............................................................................12
3. Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and
performance. (P7)......................................................................................................................................................13
3.1. Logbooks....................................................................................................................................................13
3.2. Evaluation of the research result...............................................................................................................17

Table 2: Logbooks......................................................................................................................................................17
1. Introduction
The survey on Intelligent City Traffic Management Systems reveals important insights about how
people perceive urban traffic management and smart technology integration. While traffic congestion
remains a significant issue, more individuals are becoming aware of intelligent traffic systems.
Respondents generally believe these systems can reduce congestion, but privacy and reliability concerns
need attention. Effective technology implementation, awareness campaigns, and privacy solutions are
crucial for successful smart city initiatives.

I. Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques. (P5)
1.1. Analyze and evaluate data from my survey in the previous report.
The effectiveness of an interview is greatly influenced by both the interviewer and the interviewee. I
formulated a set of questions to elicit informative responses, drawing from diverse sources to guarantee
precision. Despite the collaborative nature of the project involving several individuals, I dedicated
significant effort to incorporate a range of perspectives for the utmost accuracy in the gathered

Presented below is a survey based on interviews with 100 individuals:

Reduce traffic congestion: 20% of respondents believe that the main goal of ITMS is to reduce traffic

Enhangcing Public Awareness: 20% consider increasing public awareness about traffic as a main goal.

Increasing parking spaces: 40% see expanding parking as an important goal.

Beautifying the urban landscape: Another 20% said that improving the aesthetics of urban areas is the
main goal.
Observe and conclude:

Increased parking was rated highest, emphasizing the importance of leveraging technology to improve
traffic flow.

Raising public awareness is also considered important, especially education and awareness about traffic

Reducing traffic congestion and beautifying urban landscapes plays an essential role in building a
comprehensive intelligent traffic management system.

Detailed and Clear Analysis:

Internet of Things (IoT): Dominates with 60% of the responses.

Virtual Reality: Receives 20% of the responses.

Blockchain and Augmented Reality each account for 10% of the responses.


Internet of Things (IoT) is the most popular technology in the field of intelligent traffic management for
real-time data collection.

Virtual Reality is also fairly common.

Blockchain and Augmented Reality are less favored.

Conclusions: Based on the survey results, we can infer that IoT is the preferred technology for real-time
data collection in intelligent traffic management. Other technologies such as Virtual Reality, Blockchain,
and Augmented Reality contribute to a smaller extent in this system. This information can be useful for
proposing enhancements to the efficiency and performance of intelligent traffic management systems in
future reports.

Identifying wilderness passes (40%)

Analyze social media trends (30%)

Predicting traffic patterns (20%)

Satellite movement monitoring (10%)


Some respondents (20%) believe that AI contributes to traffic optimization mainly through Predicting
traffic patterns.

Satellite movement monitoring received a negligible number of responses (10%), suggesting that many
people do not yet see its value in traffic optimization.

Identifying wildlife encounters and analyzing social media trends were considered more important,
receiving 40% and 30% of responses respectively, indicating that a large proportion of people in the
interview Consultants still do not believe in using AI in traffic modeling.

20% of respondents believe Big Data plays a role in curating street art installations.

Another 20% see its role in Analyzing large data sets to gain traffic insights.

30% of respondents think Big Data helps facilitate pet adoption services.

The remaining 30% believe that it supports the creation of virtual reality tours.


As such, there was equal emphasis on using Big Data to manage street art installations and analyzing
large data sets to derive traffic information, with both receiving 20% of the votes. . However, creating
virtual tours and supporting pet adoption services were also considered important roles for Big Data in
the project, each receiving 30% of the votes.

These conclusions provide a clear understanding of the supposed roles of Big Data in the Intelligent
Traffic Management System project from the perspective of survey participants. It can be used to guide
future project decisions and strategies.

Increased noise pollution: 20% response

Boost traffic congestion: 30% of responses

Increased public participation and feedback: 40% response

Encouraging illegal parking: 10% of responses


Based on this data, it can be concluded that users consider public participation and feedback to be the
most important factor in the success of smart traffic management systems, followed by incentives illegal
parking. However, it should be noted that these choices may not reflect the true goals of an intelligent
traffic management system. In fact, the main goal of this system is to reduce traffic congestion and noise
pollution, as well as prevent illegal parking. Public participation and feedback is important, but it must be
guided in the right direction to achieve this goal.
Inadequate street lighting - 30%

Security and privacy concerns - 30%

Excessive use of traffic signals - 20%

Promoting unplanned urbanization - 20%


A significant portion of respondents (30%) believe that Security and Privacy Concerns and Inadequate
Street Lighting are major challenges in deploying IoT devices in intelligent traffic management system.
Promoting Unplanned Urbanization and overuse of traffic signals were also concerns but to a lesser
extent, each receiving only 20% of responses. This indicates that while technical and infrastructure issues
are a concern, respondents are equally worried about the social and privacy impacts of deploying IoT
devices in governance. traffic management. This feedback can be valuable to policymakers and
technologists in addressing these concerns while designing and implementing such systems.

50% of respondents believe that such a system would “Encourage excessive vehicle emissions”. This
suggests a concern that more efficient traffic management could lead to increased vehicle use, thereby
increasing emissions.

10% of respondents think that the system could “Implement carpooling initiative”. Carpooling can
reduce the number of vehicles on the road, which can lead to lower emissions.

Another 10% of respondents feel that the system might “Ignore pedestrian safety measures”. This
response suggests a concern that focusing on vehicle traffic might neglect the needs and safety of
Finally, 30% of respondents believe that the system would be “Promoting single-person transportation”.
This could mean a shift towards personal vehicles or single-passenger public transport options, which
might not be as environmentally friendly as mass transit options.

It’s important to note that these responses reflect the perceptions of the respondents and may not
necessarily align with the actual impacts of an intelligent traffic management system. Further research
and analysis would be needed to accurately assess the potential environmental impacts.

1.2. Evaluate the google form tool.

Simplicity: Google Forms is often seen as a simple tool, particularly for making surveys and gathering
answers on the internet. It has an easy-to-use interface with a drag-and-drop feature for adding
different kinds of questions and options for customizing the design of the survey.


 Easy Access: Google Forms can be accessed from any device that has an internet connection,
which makes it handy for collecting data.
 Handling Data: Google Forms automatically puts together responses in a Google Sheets
spreadsheet, which makes managing and analyzing data easier.
 Personalization: Google Forms allows users to tailor survey questions, themes, and settings to suit
their research requirements.


 Security of Data: Although Google Forms has basic security features, there might be worries
about the privacy and confidentiality of data, especially when gathering sensitive details.
 Lack of Personal Interaction: Google Forms does not offer the personal interaction and
relationship-building that interviews do, which could lead to responses that are less detailed or
 Bias in Responses: There’s a chance of response bias, as participants might not fully participate in
the survey or give truthful information.

1.3. Evaluate how accuracy interview and survey.

To assess the accuracy of both interview and survey methods, several crucial factors must be
considered. In the case of interviews, participant selection plays a pivotal role in obtaining reliable
insights. It is essential to target individuals with relevant experience, expertise, or perspectives related to
the research topic, and techniques like purposive sampling or snowball sampling can contribute to this
process. Similarly, in surveys, the accuracy of results depends on selecting the right target audience.
Methods like stratified sampling or random sampling help ensure representation across relevant
demographics or groups.
Ensuring honesty of responses is another critical aspect. In interviews, establishing rapport with
participants and creating a comfortable environment encourages honesty and openness. However,
potential challenges like social desirability bias or reluctance to disclose sensitive information may still
arise. Surveys, on the other hand, promote honest answers through anonymity and confidentiality.
Despite this, concerns about response bias persist, especially if participants feel pressured to provide
socially acceptable responses.

Aligning expectations with results is essential for both methods. The accuracy of interview outcomes
depends on how well the research objectives align with insights gathered during interviews. Effective
questioning enhances the likelihood of meeting expectations. Similarly, survey results are accurate when
they reflect the intended research objectives and provide meaningful insights. Any discrepancies
between expectations and actual results warrant careful analysis.

Implementing improvement strategies is crucial in refining the accuracy of both methods. Conducting
pilot studies before the main research helps identify issues and allows for refinement based on findings.
Providing clear instructions transparently communicates research purposes and expectations to
participants, fostering trust and honest responses throughout the data collection process.

2. Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and

data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions. (P6)
2.1. Summary about your proposed system.
The Intelligent City Traffic Management System is a comprehensive solution designed to address
urban traffic challenges using advanced technologies like Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT). Its
primary objective is to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance transportation efficiency in
smart cities. Key components of this system include strategically placing traffic sensors, cameras, and
other IoT devices throughout the city to collect real-time traffic data. This information is then analyzed
using sophisticated algorithms to predict traffic patterns, identify congested areas, and support proactive
decision-making by city authorities. Additionally, the system contributes to urban planning by providing
valuable insights into transportation trends, enabling informed infrastructure development and effective
traffic management strategies. Overall, the Intelligent City Traffic Management System promotes
smarter, more efficient, and sustainable urban mobility solutions.

2.2. List of features for my proposed system.

Real-time Traffic Monitoring involves the continuous observation of traffic conditions throughout
the city using sensors and cameras. This real-time data feeds into Predictive Analytics algorithms,
enabling the forecasting of traffic patterns, congestion, and demand for proactive traffic management.
The system excels in Congestion Detection, promptly identifying congestion hotspots and incidents to
facilitate immediate responses. Adaptive Traffic Control is achieved through dynamic adjustments to
signal timings and lane configurations based on the constantly updated real-time data.
Swift Incident Management ensures a quick response to accidents and road closures, contributing to
the overall maintenance of smooth traffic flow. Route Optimization leverages traffic data analysis to
optimize both public transit and private vehicle routes, enhancing efficiency and reducing delays. Public
Transportation Integration is emphasized, aiming to seamlessly integrate schedules and routes to
encourage the use of alternative transportation methods.

Environmental Monitoring is a key aspect, focusing on ensuring sustainable mobility by continuously

monitoring air quality and noise levels. The system also incorporates user-friendly features such as Data
Visualization, providing interactive maps and graphs for easy interpretation of traffic conditions.
Reporting and Analytics are integral components, offering a comprehensive performance assessment
and identification of areas for improvement in the overall traffic management system. This multifaceted
approach to real-time traffic management demonstrates a commitment to efficiency, sustainability, and
user accessibility, aligning with the goals of a Smart City Traffic Management System.

2.3. Advantages and disadvantages of my proposed system.


 Informed Decision-Making: Valuable traffic insights empower city governments to make

informed decisions about infrastructure and traffic management.
Enhanced Traffic Efficiency: The system optimizes traffic flow, reduces congestion, and shortens
travel time, resulting in smoother and more efficient city traffic.

 Public Transport Integration: Connecting with public transport encourages sustainable mobility
and reduces reliance on private vehicles.
 Environmental Advantages: Effective traffic management reduces vehicle emissions, leading to
cleaner air and a healthier urban environment.
 Safety Improvements: By promptly detecting traffic incidents and implementing rapid responses,
the system enhances road safety and minimizes accident risks.


 Technology Dependence: The system’s effectiveness relies on the reliability of IoT devices,
sensors, and communication networks. Any technological errors or disruptions can impact its
 Implementation Challenges: Deploying the system across a large urban area faces logistical
hurdles. Legal barriers, stakeholder coordination, and public acceptance may delay or complicate
the implementation process.
 Initial Costs: Setting up an Intelligent City Traffic Management System involves substantial
investments in infrastructure, technology, and personnel. This financial burden can strain the city
 Privacy Concerns: The collection and analysis of traffic data raise privacy issues. Citizens worry
about surveillance and tracking of their vehicles, emphasizing the need for robust data protection

3. Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives

and own learning and performance. (P7)
3.1. Logbooks
Name: Dinh Tran Anh Khoa
Title: Intelligent traffic management system
Date: 09/01/2024 – 01/02/2024
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:
 Determined project goals and identified stakeholders.
 Established boundaries and goals of the project.
 Defined roles of relevant parties.
 Discussed project goals in a meeting. Points to consider:

 Completed tasks as per requirements.

 On track with the initial planning.
 No changes made to the project management plan.
 Identified the risk of task division conflicts and established fixed meetings as a solution.
Any risks and/or issues identified?
 Risk: Difficulty in dividing tasks correctly leading to conflicts.
 Solution: Look for any unforeseen risks or issues that could affect the project's progress or
timeline. Fixed meetings to agree on project goals.
Problems encountered
 Conflicts regarding project goals among team members.
 Remediate by explaining the strategies or actions taken to address the barriers encountered.
This may include seeking support from stakeholders, adjusting timelines or reallocating
resources, and arranging regular meetings for consensus.
New ideas and change of project direction
 No change in project direction.
 Direction justified by the need for agreement on project goals.
 No significant change in work direction identified.
Next steps for your work
 Importance of clear communication and negotiation in project management.
 Dealing with conflicts effectively.
Project plan status to date
 Accomplished
Date: 03/02/2024 – 04/03/2024
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:
 Produced a project management plan and a project charter.
 Established project charter and management plan including risk, cost, quality, scope, and
communication plan.
 Addressed scope and objective ambiguity through discussions with stakeholders.
 Completed tasks including project charter establishment.
 No changes made to the project management plan.
 On track with deadlines.
Any risks and/or issues identified?
 Risk: Difficulty agreeing on project terms due to conflicts.
 Solution: Additional discussions with relevant parties to clarify the project charter.
Problems Encountered
• Challenges in collecting accurate data to assess risks and identify stakeholders as well as limitations
in certain expertise needed to execute the project.
• Remediate by using alternative data sources and consulting with subject matter experts to address
concerns about data accuracy.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
 No change in project direction.
 Direction justified by the need for clear project terms.
What Have You Learned About Yourself Through Your Work?
 Improved negotiation skills.
 Enhanced ability to address scope ambiguity.
 Enhance data gathering techniques for more accurate risk assessment.
 Strengthen team capabilities through targeted skill development initiatives.
 Learned the importance of flexibility and proactive risk management in project planning.
Next Steps for Your Work
 Finalize stakeholder engagement strategies and communication plans.
 Refine project management plan based on stakeholder feedback and risk assessment
 Correct any omitted clauses in the contract.
Project Plan Status to Date
 Complete
Date: 05/03/2024 – 01/06/2025
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:
 Executed the research activities according to the plan, including data collection and analysis.
 Conducted quality assurance activities to ensure research validity.
 Communicated regularly with stakeholders, providing updates on progress.
Points to consider:
 Completed tasks including stakeholder approval.
 No changes made to the project management plan.
 On track with deadlines.
Any risks and/or issues identified?
 Risk: Stakeholder disagreements causing delays in approval.
 Solution: Encouraged productive dialogue and negotiation.

Problems Encountered
 Challenges in ensuring data accuracy and reliability for analysis.
 Difficulties in integrating diverse IoT devices and systems for seamless operation.
 Limited availability of certain expertise required for system optimization and testing.
 Resolve by documenting conflicts and reaching agreements. Deploy forensic data and quality
controllers to improve data accuracy and combine technical expertise and vendors to address
optimal system performance and streamlined processes recipe.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
 No change in project direction.
 Direction justified by stakeholder approval process.

What Have You Learned About Yourself Through Your Work?

 Learned the importance of adaptability and resilience in managing complex projects.
 Enhance collaboration and communication among team members to streamline project
 Invest in continuous learning and skill development to address emerging technical challenges
 Improved stakeholder management skills.
Next Steps for Your Work
 Continue system testing and optimization to ensure performance meets stakeholder
 Address any outstanding technical issues and refine system functionalities based on user
 Start reviewing the data after signing the contract.
Project Plan Status to Date
 On track with completing tasks.
 The execution phase activities have contributed to achieving the learning outcomes by
demonstrating effective project implementation and problem-solving skills. Continued vigilance
and adaptation will be necessary to maintain this trajectory.
Monitoring and Controlling
Date: 07/01/2025 – 28/05/2025
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:
 Reviewed documents and performed a literature review.
 Conducted research on healthcare and big data analytics.
Points to consider:
 All tasks related to monitoring and controlling were completed according to the project plan.
 Adjustments were made to address changes in project requirements and resolve issues
 Completed tasks including literature review.
Any risks and/or issues identified?
 No significant skills gaps were identified during this phase.
 No additional risks/issues were identified that significantly impacted the project management
Problems Encountered
 Difficulty in identifying relevant sources for analysis.
 Remediate by broadening the scope of the search and seeking expert advice while conducting
thorough quality checks and revisions to maintain the integrity of the research.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
 No change in project direction.
 Direction justified by research requirements.
What Have You Learned About Yourself Through Your Work?
 Enhance stakeholder communication strategies to ensure timely feedback and engagement.
 Implement more robust quality assurance processes for research activities.
 Improved research skills.
 Enhanced ability to seek assistance when needed.
 Learned the importance of proactive risk management and effective communication in project
monitoring and controlling.
Next Steps for Your Work
 Focus on completing research activities and preparing for the end of the project.
 Conduct a thorough review of project documents and stakeholder feedback, allocating
appropriate time to all activities during the monitoring and control phase.
Project Plan Status to Date
 On track with completing tasks.
 The monitoring and controlling phase activities demonstrate effective project management
skills and achievement of learning outcomes. Continued reflection and improvement will be
necessary for future projects.
Date: 29/05/2025 – 25/07/2025
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:
 Developed data analysis plan outlining methods and tools.
 Prepared to collect primary data.
Points to consider:
 Completed tasks including data analysis plan.
 No changes made to the project management plan.
 On track with deadlines.

Any risks and/or issues identified?

 No additional risks/issues were identified that significantly impacted the project management
 No significant skills gaps were identified during this phase.
Problems Encountered
 Challenges in developing data analysis plan.
 Overcame by collaborating with experts, conducted thorough reviews and revisions of project
documentation to ensure accuracy and completeness.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
 No significant changes in project direction were encountered during the closing phase.
 Direction justified by data analysis requirements.
What Have You Learned About Yourself Through Your Work?
 Felt challenged but confident in addressing and overcoming obstacles through proactive
 Improved collaboration skills.
 Enhanced ability to seek expert advice.
 Enhance documentation management processes to ensure completeness and accuracy in
future projects
Next Steps for Your Work
 Allocate appropriate time for all activities at the closing stage.
 Get started collecting primary data.
 Complete project documents and ensure proper handover to relevant parties.
Project Plan Status to Date
 On track with completing tasks.
 The closing phase activities demonstrate effective project management skills and achievement
of learning outcomes. Continued reflection and improvement will be necessary for future
Table 1: Logbooks

3.2. Evaluation of the research result.

Research Findings Evaluation:

The research outcomes generally met my expectations, offering valuable insights into the use of big
data and IoT in intelligent city traffic management systems. The study emphasized the effectiveness of
big data analytics in predicting traffic patterns, optimizing flow, and reducing congestion. Additionally, it
highlighted the role of IoT devices like traffic sensors and cameras in real-time data collection and
analysis. While the results provided a solid foundation, further exploration could enhance their

Knowledge Acquired:

Through this research, I deepened my understanding of intelligent city traffic management systems
and the integration of big data and IoT technologies to tackle urban traffic challenges. I gained insights
into various applications of big data analytics, including historical traffic analysis, predictive modeling,
and real-time monitoring. Furthermore, I recognized the significance of IoT devices for gathering and
processing traffic data, enabling informed decision-making by city authorities. Overall, the research
broadened my perspective on leveraging technology for smarter and more efficient urban transportation

Need to learn more about the following areas:

The research has given me useful insights, but there are still areas that require more investigation. To
start, it would be helpful to conduct long-term studies to understand how integrating big data and IoT
affects traffic management efficiency and urban mobility over time. Additionally, exploring the scalability
and compatibility of intelligent city traffic management systems in various cities and regions could offer
valuable information for broader implementation. Moreover, delving into the possible challenges and
ethical concerns related to data privacy and security in intelligent city traffic management systems is
crucial to ensure responsible technology deployment in urban settings.

Practicality and application:

The research outcomes possess practical significance, particularly in the realm of advancing traffic
management and prediction methodologies. This study not only offers immediate applications but also
presents a viable roadmap for future initiatives seeking to harness the potential of Big Data to enhance
the experience of road users. The practical implications extend beyond the present context, providing a
foundational guide for forthcoming endeavors aimed at integrating Big Data solutions into transportation
systems to benefit road users. As technological advancements shape the landscape of traffic
management, this research stands as a valuable resource for stakeholders, promising tangible
improvements in existing practices and envisioning the strategic evolution of data-driven solutions in the
field. In light of the challenges in urban mobility, the study contributes not only to immediate
enhancements in traffic-related processes but also lays the groundwork for a more sustainable and
efficient future in urban transportation, aligning with the ever-evolving landscape of technology and its

Personal reflection:

After conducting a survey with 100 participants, it is evident that the utilization of big data in
transportation is expanding and is likely to continue growing in the future. Quantitative research
indicates that while most participants lack awareness of big data, their understanding is gradually

In summary, the combination of qualitative and quantitative survey questions validates that the
responses align with expectations. The participants’ insightful feedback reinforces their suitability for the
Beyond survey analysis, this research provided valuable learning experiences. By referencing
research publications, we gained a deeper understanding of big data’s impact on the transportation
sector. Notably, implementing big data in transportation can significantly enhance environmental
sustainability and actively mitigate traffic congestion.

Furthermore, the project imparted essential lessons in project management, covering risk
management, cost control, project planning, and human resource management. Additionally, our
exposure to high-quality, reliable publications has enriched our knowledge of integrating big data into
traffic-related endeavors.

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