Writing Portfolio 1

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Success is often measured by wealth and material

possessions. Do you think wealth is the best measure of

success? What makes a successful person?
There are numerous definitions of "success" and being successful is vital to many
people. Some people think that wealth is the only factor defining whether a person is
successful. My way of thinking, I disagree with this assumption because I believe that
one's success is determined by if one can achieve his goal or not.

First of all, richness is not the best element to define people's accomplishments. This is
because there are some people who have a lot of money and luxury cars,......but they
are still unhappy. Therefore, it is a little unfair to say these people are successful.
Moreover, if someone can earn a large amount of money but he needs to sacrifice his
health for this, it can not be said as successful as well.

Furthermore, success can be defined as achieving one's goal. Individuals are different
from others and they have their preferences and different lifestyles. As a result, there is
nothing that can be used to judge someone’s success. For example, some people spend
almost their entire life doing charitable work and they just want to help as many people
as they can. In this case, money is not meaningful to them.

In conclusion, it is true that wealth is important because of its convenience, but it can
not be used for defined individuals that they are failures or successes. There are several
things that contribute to human accomplishment, the most important of which is
people's own efforts. In my point of view, People can be considered successful if they
can achieve the goals that they set for themselves.

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