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Grade 6 syllabus

Competency Competency Subject Content Learning No. of

Level Outcomes periods
1. Identifies the 1.1 Pronounces · Help students to identify the vowel and consonant sounds by Students will be 3
sounds of English words showing them different types of vowel –consonant able to identify the
English properly. combinations as shown below. long and short
Language vowel sounds and
· Get students to practice the pronunciation of them correctly consonant sounds.

· Help students to improve their spellings Students will be

able to pronounce
Long and short vowel sounds and consonant sounds (two letter, three two letter, three
letter, four letter, five letter and six letter words) letter, four letter,
five letter and six
an at bat has mat letter words with a
ten leg web jet hen mixture of
in it if pig sit consonants and
on top hot job rod vowel sounds
up us bun jug cup (long and short)
wax box fox six mix
car jar bar far tar

fir sir fur her

less mess toss loss hiss kiss

cuff puff muff off

bell fell well fill bill till dull gull doll
fast last past best nest test fist list dust just

stem step stop star still

back pack sack deck neck peck
pick lick sick cock lock mock
dash bash rash dish fish wish gush hush
shall shell ship shop

hand land sand

pond fond
bend send lend
bent sent lent tent went

ding king ring wing

dong song long
hung rung sung
bank tank sank
pink wink sink
there where hair fair
their wear hare fare etc

Different situations – words, word groups, phrases, sentences, rhymes,

tongue twisters
Eg. Hat mat rat …. Ham hat
Cat on a mat
Cat sat on a mat, a top in a pot, etc.

Activities – listen and read, listen and tick, listen and underline, listen
and tick, listen and circle, listen and show, read aloud, matching,
categorizing, games.

1.2 Reads aloud · Help students to read different types of texts (given in the text
different types of book) accurately and meaningfully. (with short pause (,) and Students will be
texts accurately long pause(.). able to read
and different types of
meaningfully Text types-tongue twisters, announcements, dialogues / conversations, texts accurately
instructions, news, stories, poems, role plays, speeches and meaningfully.
Activities– loud reading, acting out etc.

2.Uses 2.1 Uses capital · Help students to identify the words that should be capitalized. Students will be 3
Mechanics of and simple - First letter of a sentence able to use capital
Writing with letters - Pronoun ‘I’ and simple letters
Understanding Appropriately - Names of people and places ( Nimal, Maharagama, in a sentence
London, Sri Lanka) appropriately.

Text types- simple sentences, simple passages, simple dialogues,

poems, simple letters, notes etc on familiar topics.

Activities - re-writing, underline the errors, correcting etc.

2.2 Uses full · Help students to understand the importance of ‘Full stop’. Students will be 3
stop · Get the students to practice the use of full stop at the end of a able to use full
appropriately sentence. stop where
· Get the students to practice the use of full stop with necessary.
abbreviations. Eg. Mr. Mrs. Dr. Rs.10/-

Text types- simple sentences, simple passages, simple dialogues

Activities – Re – writing, correcting etc.

2.3 Uses · Help students to understand the importance of ‘Question Students will be 3
question mark mark’. able to use
appropriately · Get the students to practice the use of question mark question mark
where necessary.
Text types- Simple passages, simple dialogues etc. with questions

Activities – give questions and statements to classify, put question

mark or full stop, put the full stop/question mark in the given circles in
the passage, identify the place to put full stop/question mark and draw
circles, put full stop/question mark in the circle.

3. Engages in 3.1 Responds to · Help students to understand the term ‘announcements’ Students will be 2
active listening simple · Get the students to practice listening to various types of simple able to respond to
and responds announcements announcements at school level. simple
appropriately Eg. ‘Today grade six students do not have sports practise after announcements
school.’ appropriately.
· Text types - simple announcements at school level.
· Activities – Listen and respond to various types of

3.2 Listens and · Help students to understand the term ‘Instructions’ through Students will be 3
follows different types of activities. able:
instructions and · Get the students to practice listening to various types of simple - to follow
responds to instructions and follow them. instructions
requests accurately
· Eg. listen and draw - to respond to
Listen and colour various types of
Listen and trace the route requests
Games like ‘Simon says’ appropriately.
· Text types – simple instructions, requests
· Activities – listen and draw, listen and colour, listen and trace,
listen and do, listen and act, listen and find, listen and
completing a picture, listen and fill, listen and find the correct
order etc.

3.3 Listens to a · Get the students to practice listening to various types of simple Students will be 3
simple text for texts and to find specific information able to listen to
specific · Eg. Names of persons, animals, places, dates, days, months, and find specific
information years, etc. information such
as names of
· Text types – simple dialogues, stories, descriptions of people/ persons, animals,
places/ animals, processes (making a kite, fruit salad etc.) and places, dates, days,
events, songs, minutes of English Literary Association months, years, etc.
· Activities - matching, labeling a diagram, multiple choice,
filling the blanks/ filling a grid (answers should be given to
select), etc.

4. Building up 4.1 Uses · Help students to learn and use masculine and feminine forms Students will be 3
vocabulary masculine and of nouns appropriately able to identify the
using words feminine forms · boy – girl, brother – sister, father – mother, forms of masculine
appropriately of nouns grandfather – grandmother, grandson – granddaughter and feminine
and accurately appropriately king – queen, lad – lass, husband – wife, son – daughter nouns.
to convey uncle – aunt, wizard – witch, man – woman, postman – post
precise woman, policeman – policewoman, Students will be
meaning able to use
actor – actress, hunter – huntress, host – hostess, poet – poetess masculine and
emperor – empress, god – goddess, prince – princess feminine forms of
steward – stewardess, priest –priestess, giant – giantess nouns in sentences
Sheppard – sheppardess, master – mistress, tailor – tailoress appropriately.
traitor – traitoress, waiter – waitress,
gentleman – lady, husband – wife, monk – nun, bridegroom –
bride, hero – heroine

lion – lioness, tiger – tigress, he bear – she bear, tom cat – she
cat, dog – she dog
male female
camel - bull – cow
buffalo - bull – cow
crocodile - bull – cow
dolphin - bull – cow
elephant - bull – cow

hero – heroine, horse – mare, mule – mare, deer – buck/doe

cock – hen, peacock – peahen, sheep – ewe, duck – drake,
fox - vixen, goose - gander
· Text Types- simple folk tales, dialogues, playlets,
announcements, speeches, poems with animal characters,
passages with above words etc.
· Activities – matching, categorizing, puzzles, multiple choices,
filling blanks, games etc.

4.2 Uses terms · Help the students to learn and use terms referring to young Students will be 3
referring to ones of animals appropriately. able to identify the
young ones of words used to refer
animals bear – cub, lion – cub, panda – cub, tiger – cub, fox – cub to young ones of
appropriately leopard – cub, buffalo – calf, elephant – calf, camel – calf animals.
deer – calf, hippopotamus – calf, giraffe – calf, dolphin - calf
Students will be
duck – duckling, cod – codling, goose – gosling, fish– able to use such
fingerling, crocodile – hatchling, ostrich – hatchling, terms in sentences
cockroach – nymph, grasshopper – nymph, dragonfly – nymph
louse – nymph, pig – piglet, eagle – eaglet, frog – froglet,
hedgehog – hoglet,

cat – kitten, dog – puppy, fox – cub / pup, horse – foal/ colt,
donkey – foal, human – child/ boy/ girl, goat – kid
monkey- infant, kangaroo – flyer.

Text Types- simple folk tales, fairytales, play lets, speeches (animal
characters) poems, songs, passages with above words etc.

Activities – matching, categorizing, completing (sentences/ stories,

paragraphs with picture clues) multiple choices, filling the blanks,
games, any suitable listening, speaking, reading or writing activities.

· Help the students to identify synonyms and antonyms
Students will 4
4.3 Finds fat – thin, thick – thin, long – short, tall – short, big – small, be able to find
synonyms and large – small, happy – sad, beautiful – ugly, rich – poor synonyms and
antonyms for hot – cold , top – bottom, broad – narrow , Rrght – wrong antonyms for
given words high – low, fast – slow, wild – tame, domestic – wild, given words
good – bad, full – empty, rough – smooth, clean – dirty etc.
See Teachers Guide Grade 6

begin – start, end – finish, arrive – come, large – big,

small – tiny, pretty – beautiful, hard – difficult, shut – close
happy – glad, fast - quick etc.
See Teachers Guide Grade 6.

· Text Types- dialogues, role plays, simple folk stories, poems,

passages with synonyms and antonyms etc.

· Activities – matching, categorizing, multiple choices, finding,

filling the blanks etc

4.4 Uses affixes Help the students to understand the concepts of changing the word Students will be 4
to change the class and meaning of words using affixes - -un, -ful, able to use affixes
word class and -less, -dis, -ily, -ness , -fully, re- -un, -ful, -less, -
the meaning of dis, -ily, -ness ,
words Adj. – Adj. (opposite) -fully, re- to
(nouns, happy – unhappy honest – dishonest change the word
adjectives kind – unkind like – dislike class and the
adverbs and common – uncommon obey – disobey meaning of words.
verbs) lucky – unlucky connect – disconnect

verb – verb (opposite) Verb – Adj.

do – undo care – careless
tie – untie harm – harmless
button – unbutton cheer – cheerful
colour – colourful

Noun – Adj. Adj. – Noun

beauty – beautiful kind – kindness
mean – meaningful happy – happiness
sad – sadness
quick – quickness
neat – neatness

Adj. – Adv.
kind – kindly, careful – carefully
happy – happily careless – carelessly
sad – sadly beautiful – beautifully
neat – neatly meaningful – meaningfully
cheerful – cheerfully quick – quickly
lucky – luckily

Text Types- dialogues, role plays, simple folk tales, fairytales,

poems, songs, passages with words that can be added--un, -ful, -less, -
dis, -ily, -ness , -fully, re-

Activities – matching, categorizing, multiple choices, finding,

filling blanks, filling a grid etc

4.5 Forms the Students will be
plurals of nouns · Help the students to form the plurals of nouns adding –s, -es, - able to form the
en and vowel change plurals of nouns
Adding –s to the singular noun adding –s, -es, -en
girl – girls and vowel change
boy – boys etc.
Adding –es to the singular nouns ending in s, x, z, sh, ch, and ss
bus -buses
box – boxes
topaz – topazes
brush – brushes
church – churches
class – classes

Adding -en Vowel change –

ox – oxen tooth – teeth, foot – feet,
child – children man – men, woman - women

Text types – sentences, passages etc. with the nouns that can be
pluralized by adding –s, -es,- en and vowel change.

Activities – matching, completing, pluralizing the sentences with be

*Rules related to ‘y’ will be formally dealt with in grade 7.
5. Extracts 4
necessary 5.1 Uses visual · Help the students to study the pictures given in the text book to Students will be
information clues to derive derive the meaning of that particular text. able to study the
from various the meaning of picture given in
types of texts the text Text type – pictures related to each text, stories, passages, each text book to
advertisements, with pictures which help students to comprehend the derive the meaning
meaning of unfamiliar words. of that particular
Activities – Asking ‘wh’ questions related to the given picture which
help to derive the meaning of the text (orally), stories and passages
with pictures to complete them using words.

· Help students to determine the meaning of a new word by

looking at a picture and reading the sentence that comes with
the word.
· Help students to use both context and picture clues to
determine the meaning of new words.

5.2 Extracts · Help students to find specific information from a text. (nam Students will be 4
specific · es, dates, days, places etc. responding to questions with ‘Wh’ able to find
information from question words, what, when, where, who, which. specific
various types of information
simple texts Text types- notices, notes, letters- formal/informal, instructions, (names, dates,
messages, descriptions of places, people, things, events and process, days, places etc)
articles, minutes, advertisements. from various types
of texts.
Activities – comprehensive Qs, filling blanks, completing sentences Students will be
and simple passages, MCQ, true/false, matching, grid filling. able to read and
transfer the needed
information into
other forms.

5.3 Transfers Students will be

information into · Help students to transfer the given information into other able to transfer the
other forms forms. given information
into a grid,
Text types – pictures, notices, notes, letters- formal/informal, descriptions into
instructions, messages, descriptions of places, peoples, things, events pictures, marking
and process, articles, minutes, advertisements, stories, songs. maps, (read the
picture and write
Activities – Drawing pictures to a written text, transferring about it, read the
information to a grid, descriptions into pictures, marking maps, (read description and
the picture and write about it, read the description and draw etc. draw etc.

5.4 Reads and · Help students to understand poetic language, techniques, Students will be 4
responds to structure and messages given. able to identify the
simple poems - visual imagery – colours/size simple poetic
- auditory imagery – sounds that can be heard techniques
- metaphors- Eg. He is a lion/ My mother is a goddess mentioned.
- similes-Eg. He is like a lion/ My mother is like a goddess
- number of stanzas Students will be
- number of lines able to express
- rhyming words their ideas,
feelings, emotions
Text types- simple interesting poems on mother, father, brother, sister, in simple
grandmother, grandfather, country, pets, butterflies, birds, trees, sentences.
rainbow, clouds, rain

Activities- comprehensive questions on above poetic techniques and

students’ attitudes, drawing, matching, multiple choice qs, true/false
qs, reciting

5.5 Reads and · Help students to read simple folk stories, find the characters, Students will be 4
understands their dress, qualities, message expressed. able to identify the
simple folk characters, their
stories Text types – Andare’s and Mahadanamutta’s stories and children’s dress, qualities,
folk tales from other countries (written in simple sentences in direct message expresses
Students will be
Activities – simple comprehensive questions on characters, their dress, able to express
qualities, message expresses and students’ attitudes, drawing, their ideas,
matching, multiple choice qs, true/false qs, acting feelings and
emotions in simple

5.6. Extract the Text types- notices, notes, letters- formal/informal, instructions, Students will be
general idea of a messages, descriptions of places, people, things, events and process, able to extract the
text articles, minutes, advertisements. general idea of a
Activities – matching headings, matching sub headings
Eg. Myself – family, hobbies, school
My country – provinces, people, festivals

6. Uses English 6.1 Constructs Constructing simple sentences using - ‘Be’ verbs- Students will be
grammar for simple sentences Present tense- am, is, are able to write
the purpose of 1.Positive form; sentences using
accurate and singular plural ‘Be’ verbs –
effective 1st person- I am a student. –We are students. present tense -
communication 2nd You are a student. –You are students. positive form
3rd He is a student.-They are students.
She is a student.-They are students.
It is a cat. –They are cats.
Help students to learn as shown above.

Students will be
2.Question form – able to write
Am I a student? sentences using
‘Be’ verbs
Question form.

Students will be
3. Negative form – able to write
I am not a student. sentences using
‘Be’ verbs
Negative form.
4. Negative Question form Students will be
Am I not a student? able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs
Negative Question

Past tense – was, were Students will be

able to write
1. Positive - sentences using
I was a student. ‘Be’ verbs – past
tense - positive

2. Question - Students will be

Was I a student? able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs – past
tense - Question

3. Negative - Students will be

I was not a student. able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs – past
tense - Negative

4. Negative Question – Students will be

Was I not a student? able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs – past
tense - Negative
Question form
Future Tense Students will be
will be /shall be able to write
1. Positive sentences using
- I will be a student. ‘Be’ verbs – future
tense - positive

2. Question - Students will be

Will I be a student? able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs –future
tense - Question

3. Negative - Students will be

I will not be a student. able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs – future
tense - Negative

4. Negative Question – Students will be

Will I not be a student? able to write
sentences using
‘Be’ verbs – future
tense - Negative
Question form

‘have’ as a full verb Students will be
Present tense – has, have able to write
sentences using
I, You, We, They + have Has / have as a full
He, She, It + has

Help students to learn as shown in ‘Be’ verbs present tense.

I have a book. etc

There is/are Students will be

able to write
sentences using -
There is/are

Simple Present Tense Students will be

· Help students to express the everyday actions able to write
using simple present tense. sentences on daily
routine/ everyday
Positive - I eat rice. actions using
Negative – I do not eat rice. simple present
Positive Question - Do I eat rice? tense.
Negative Question – Don’t I eat rice?
(I, We, You, They + Verb 1+
She, He, It+ Verb 1+s/es /ies

(* Verb 1=eat ,verb 2= ate , verb3=eaten)

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,
multiple choice questions, matching (subject pronouns+ verbs)

Simple Past Tense Students will be

· Help students to express the past actions using simple past able to write
tense. sentences on past
actions / diary
Positive - I ate rice. entries using
Negative – I did not eat rice. simple past tense.
Positive Question - Did I eat rice?
Negative Question – Didn’t I eat rice?

(* Verb 1=eat ,verb 2= ate , verb3=eaten)

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,

multiple choice questions, matching

Simple Future Tense Students will be

· Help students to express the future actions using simple future able to write
tense. sentences on future
actions / using
Positive - I shall/will eat rice. simple future
Negative – I shall not/will not eat rice. tense.
Positive Question – Shall/ Will I eat rice?
Negative Question – Shan’t/ Won’t I eat rice?

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

plays, diary entries

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,
multiple choice questions, matching

Present continuous tense Students will be

· Help students to express the actions doing at the moment using able to write 3
present continuous tense. sentences using
present continuous
Positive-I am eating rice tense.
Negative –I am not eating rice
Positive Questions-Am I eating rice?
Negative Questions-Am I not eating rice?

(I+am+verb1 +ing
He/she/it+is+ verb1+ing
You/We /They +are+verb1 +ing)

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

plays, picture descriptions

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,

multiple choice questions, matching , describing pictures etc.

6.2. Uses Subject pronouns & Object pronouns Students will be

pronouns I me able to write
appropriately We us sentences using 4
You you subject and object
He him pronouns
She her correctly.
It it
They them

E.g. I am looking at you
You are looking at me
Text type
Role play, Simple sentences, Stories, Poems

Filling blanks/grids , making sentences using given table, multiple
choice questions, matching

· “May” and “Can” for permission and possibility.

· “May” for all persons (I, we, you, he, she, it, they) in the
6.3 Uses modals present tense and future tense. Students will be
meaningfully · “Can” for all persons (I, we, you, he, she, it, and they) in the able to use “may”
present tense and future tense. and “can” to 4
Can express possibility
Positive -I can come. and get
Negative – I can’t come. (can’t -cannot) permission.
Positive Question- Can I come?

Negative Question-Can’t I come?

Positive -I may go.
Negative – I may not go.
Positive Question-May I go?

Text type
Role play, Simple sentences, Stories, Poems

Filling blanks/grids , making sentences using given table, multiple
choice questions, matching

· a, an, some, this, that, these, those, my, your, a pair of, one,
6.4 Uses two etc.
determiners Eg. Students will be
A book, able to use
An ant determiners 2
Some books correctly.
This is a book.
These are books.
That is a book.
Those are books.
One book
Two books
A pair of shoes

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

plays, dialogues

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,

multiple choice questions, matching, looking at the picture and writing

I am- I’m
We are- We’re
6.5 Uses You are-You’re Students will be
contracted form He is- He’s able to use
She is-She’s contacted form in 4
It is-It’s speaking and
Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role writing.
plays, dialogues

Activities – identify the contracted forms, re- writing, matching,

filling grids, oral activities

6.6 Uses · Adjectives that formed under Competency level 4.4 Students will be
adjectives Colour( red, green, blue, etc.) able to use
Quality ( good, bad, beautiful etc.) adjectives
Size ( big, small, tiny, large etc.) appropriately to
Origin (nationality- Sri Lankan, Japanese etc.) describe nouns.

Eg. red pen, beautiful flower, small cat, Sri Lankan cricketer, two
puppies etc,

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

plays, dialogues 3

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,

multiple choice questions, matching, looking at the picture and writing

6.7 Uses · on, in, under, between, near, in front of, behind Students will be
prepositions able to use
appropriately Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role prepositions to
plays, dialogues describe the
Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,
multiple choice questions, matching, looking at the picture and writing

6.8 Uses
conjunctions · Help students to use ‘and’ as a conjunction to join nouns, Students will be
adjectives and sentences. able to use the
Eg: She is tall. She is fat. conjunction ‘and’
She is tall and fat. to join nouns,
adjectives and
Ayesha is a good child. sentences.
Rizvi is a good child.
Ayesha and Rizvi are good children.

I went to the canteen.

I ate a bun.
I went to the canteen and ate a bun.

Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role

plays, dialogues
Activities – match, join adjectives, nouns, simple sentences using

6.9 Uses adverbs · Help students to use adverbs to describe verbs. Students will be
appropriately Adverbs that formed under C.L.4.4 able to use adverbs
appropriately to
Text types –simple sentences, simple passages, poems, stories, role describe verbs.
plays, dialogues

Activities –Filling blanks, making sentences using given table,

multiple choice questions, matching, looking at the picture and writing

Eg. Ama sings beautifully.
Kuma runs fast.

Students will be
7.Uses English 7.1 Writes · Help students to write descriptions of; able to write
creatively and descriptions of Myself, my mother, my father, my friend, my teacher, my sister, my descriptions of
innovatively in people, animals, favourite person, cat, dog, elephant, parrot, butterfly, my pet etc., myself, my
written places and fruits, flowers, trees, objects in the classroom /home, school, my mother, my father,
communication things. classroom, my home, my village/ town. my friend, my
teacher, my sister,
Text types my favourite
Model essays(simple paragraphs) person, cat, dog,
elephant, parrot,
Activities butterfly, my pet
Guided writing, parallel writing, free writing, completing etc.,
fruits, flowers,
trees, objects in the
classroom /home,
my school, my
classroom, my 4
home, my village/
town using simple

· Help students to describe photographs, village fair, super Students will be

7.2 Describes market, classroom, cartoon pictures, playground, beach able to describe
pictures photographs and
Text types- the pictures of
Pictures and model descriptions village fair, super
market, classroom, 4
Activities – filling blanks, completing, guided writing, parallel writing cartoon pictures,
and free writing. playground, beach
using simple

· Help students to write - A letter to a pen friend , preparing an Students will be

7.3 Writes for invitation for a birthday party, letter to a friend inviting for a able to write
personal spend the day / to see Kandy perahara (procession), a letter a letter to a pen
purposes describing an experience had at different locations in Sri friend , preparing
Lanka. an invitation for a
birthday party,
Text types- model letters and invitations letter to a friend
inviting for a
Activities -Writing letters- Rearranging, completing, parallel writing, spend the day / to
sort out and write, guided writing , free writing see Kandy
(procession), a
letter describing an
experience had at 3
different locations
in Sri Lanka using
simple sentences.

Students will be
7.4 Writes · Help students to write instructions to - prepare a fruit salad, able to write
instructions wash a frock/ shirt, make a kite, make a vesak lantern, make a instructions to;
mask (using paper plates) prepare a fruit
salad, wash a
frock/ shirt, make
a kite, make a
Vesak lantern,
Text types -Dialogues, role plays make a mask
Activities- Rearranging, sort out and write, completing, numbering (using paper

Students will be
7.5 Writes · Help students to write simple compositions on sports, food, Sri able to write
simple Lanka simple 3
compositions on compositions on
different types of Text types- model essays, dialogues, stories, poems sports, food and
topics Activities - Rearranging, completing, parallel writing, sort out and Sri Lanka
write, guided writing , free writing

Students will be
7.6 Writes · Help students to write simple poems on my pet, my mother/ able to write
poems and father sister/brother/ grandmother/ grandfather simple poems on
stories Text types – model poems my pet, my
Activities – completing, sort out and write, parallel writing, guided mother/ father
writing, free writing sister/brother/

Students will be
8.Communi- 8.1 Introduces Help students to ; introduces with name, age, date of birth, hobbies, able to speak on
cates clearly, oneself to others addresses, father’s and mother’s name, student’s school, grade, best ‘Myself’ with the
fluently and friend, number of sisters and brothers information name,
concisely age, date of birth,
Text types – model speeches hobbies, addresses,
Activities – complete a form with above information, make sentences father’s and
on each, prepare a speech on ‘Myself’ mother’s name,
student’s school,
grade, best friend, 3
number of sisters
and brothers

Students will be
8.2 Uses simple · Help students to uses these expressions in different situations able to use simple
expressions in accordingly. expressions in
greeting, Eg. at the Classroom, at the sports meet, at a birthday party, at an greeting, thanking,
thanking, alms giving, at the dining table affirming, denying
affirming, in the situations of
denying classroom, sports
meet, birth day
party, alms giving,
at the dining table

8.3 Describes · Help students to speak about : Students will be

people , animals Myself, my mother, my father, my friend, my teacher, my sister, my able to speak about
and objects favourite person, cat, dog, elephant, parrot, butterfly, my pet etc., myself, my
using simple fruits, flowers, trees, objects in the classroom /home, school, my mother, my father,
sentence patterns classroom, my home, my village/ town. my friend, my
teacher, my sister,
Text types my favourite
Model essays(simple paragraphs) person, cat, dog,
elephant, parrot,
butterfly, my pet
fruits, flowers,
trees, objects in the
classroom /home,
my school, my 4
classroom, my
home, my village/
town using simple

8.4 Speaks on · Help students to speak on sports, food , Sri Lanka and any Students will be
familiar topics other interesting topics. able to speak on
sports, food and
Sri Lanka

8.5 Describes · Help students to speak on the things in the classroom, school Students will be
things in the · ( lab, library, playground) able to speak on
immediate Parts of home (bed room, living room and other rooms), home the things in the
surrounding garden. classroom, school
using adjectives ( lab, library,
Parts of home (bed 3
room, living room
and other rooms),
home garden.

Students will be
8.6 Uses simple · Help students to use “can”, “may” to show ability and able to use can and
structures to possession by using - my, your, Saman’s, mother’s etc. in day may in speaking.
show ability and to day activities. Students will be
possession able to use
possessive forms –
my, your, mother’s
etc. 3

8.7 Asks and · Help students ask to get personal information (name, age, date Students will be
gets personal of birth, address, hobbies, father’s and mother’s name, number able to ask to get
information from of sisters and brothers, school, grade, etc.) from others. personal
others. information (name,
age, date of birth,
address, hobbies,
father’s and
mother’s name, 3
number of sisters
and brothers,
school, grade, etc.)
from others

Students will be
8.8 Describes the · Help students to use prepositions - on, in, under, between, able to use
position of near, in front of, behind prepositions - on,
things in, under, between,
near, in front of,
behind to describe
the position.

Students will be
able to describe
8.9 Describes · Help students to describe photographs, village fair, super photographs and
pictures market, classroom, cartoon pictures, playground, beach the pictures of
village fair, super 3
market, classroom,
cartoon pictures,
playground, beach
using simple

· Help students to describe one’s daily routine /actions. Students will be 3

8.10 Speaks able to describe
about daily one’s daily routine
actions /actions.

Students will be
8.11 Describes · Help students to describe the things done yesterday, last week able to describe
past events and end etc. the things done 3
actions yesterday, last
week end etc.

Students will be
8.12Uses · Help students to use question words (what, when, where, how, able to use
question words why, who, which) to get information. question words
to get (what, when,
information where, how, why,
who, which)
to get information.

· Help students to use language in following contexts -at the Students will be
8.13 Uses sports meet , in the class room, at school, at the village fair, in able to use the
language in the kitchen, at the dining table, at supermarket, at a birthday language
variety of party, at an alms giving, in the garden, at the New year festival appropriately in
contexts the given situation

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