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The story is about the explorers finding a green community off Alaska's coast.


hidden city is contrasted sharply with the explorers' technological lives. With the help

of the citizens and the mayor, the city generates power with solar panels and wind

power. At first, the explorers are attached to their devices, after a while, they then

reluctantly put it away.

The conflict in this story revolves around a proposal for a luxury resort put forward

by explorers. and the city's value(which is about nature). Mayor Harmony invites

everyone to take part in the community and explore its offerings for a more enriching

experience. The conflict showcases the struggle between the explorers' reliance on

technology and the city's dedication to promoting human interactions and

environmentally sustainable living.

During the visit, the explorers notice the absence of devices, and it questions how the

community functions. Residents, once tech-obsessed, share their journey to a simpler

life, emphasizing communal responsibility for power usage. The explorers, initially

bothered, nod in understanding as they witness the positive impact on the city's

residents. The story is about the relationship between technology and nature. It

emphasizes the importance of making real connections and practicing sustainable

habits. The story shows how these practices can transform people's lives.

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