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Business Plan

Business Plan
Group members: __________________________________
Work with your group and answer each question below to plan your business presentation.

Problem & Solution Summary

Describe very briefly why your business needs to exist. What problem do you solve for your customers? How
do you solve the problem presented above?
Problem: Unhealthy eating lifestyles are becoming more common, leading to an increased demand for
clean, healthy eating options.

Solution: Our business provides clean, high-quality and environmentally friendly food and beverage
products and services to help customers provide a healthy lifestyle.

How to solve the problem: We offer a wide range of clean dining products and services, from organic
foods to nutritious menus, sugar-free and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as special dining options. for
different nutritional groups such as vegetarians, anteaters, and people with food reactions. We are
committed to sourcing high-quality, preservative-free and artificial coloring-free ingredients, while also
providing sustainability through actions such as recycling and using eco-friendly packaging.

Market & Competition

Describe your target customers, market segments, and identify your key competition. Who will your
customers also consider?

Company & Product Description

Describe your company’s mission, product(s), and goals. What does your company aim to achieve? What
product does your company have? How can your company achieve the presented goals with that product?

Why us?
Write a brief overview of you and your team. Why are you the right people to build this business?
Pre-Presentation Checklist

Pre-Presentation Checklist
1. Format
 Do you have prepared slides (PowerPoint, Prezi, any other creative formats) to present?
 Can the presentation be presented within 8 - 10 minutes?
 Does each member have at least more than 2 minutes to talk?

2. Content
 Does your presentation have all four of the following components?
o Problem & Solution Statement
o Market Insights & Competitor Research
o Company & Product Description
o Investment Pitch

3. Language
 Is the language in the presentation appropriate language?
 Is the vocabulary in the presentation appropriate for your class level? Do you use any vocabulary
words learned in the textbook?
 Is the grammar in the presentation appropriate for your class level? Do you use any grammar
structures learned in the textbook?

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