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Audience with Sir Tristan: Say the stuff shown on 5etools.

Mention that it is an
honor to be in the presence
of the Count of Gardenia, the warrior of the archfey.
Mention how he had called upon the adventurers due to the last group had never

Cursed labyrinth: Instead, the group will see the lost knight and he will say if
they can survive
the skeleton maze they will be worthy of information
the group will kill all the skeletons in the maze to get The Lost Knights
He says he knows their quest is to slay a great monster. The knight explains that
the Cursed Labyrinth
is not in our world. It is built in a demiplane.
The thessalhydra has found a way to push through it to a place called the Upside
The Lost Knight shows the characters how that is done,
but warns that this is a one-way passage—they'll have to find a different way home.

Warrior: who the fuck knows

Orca: Lil lost nigga that grew up in the feywild

Fink du Fleur: known as the Count of Gardenia, has a sprite named Snitch from 18th
birthday who is
dead loyal to both Fink and the Lady Fíee-Tête.
Basically the Archfey decreed that the thesselhydra was performing
intellectual property theft so she set the death penalty
with fink being her cease and desist (or death) letter

Fetu Weow: Bounty hunter who adopted 2 children. one was a drow who escaped the
cultists of john sacrifice.

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