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Ethical Protocols in Professional Practice in

Software Engineering
Jumana Noor Raima Rashid Rabail Shafique Satti
Software Engineering Department Software Engineering Department Software Engineering Department
Fatima Jinnah Women University Fatima Jinnah Women University Fatima Jinnah Women University
Rawalpindi,Pakistan Rawalpindi,Pakistan Rawalpindi,Pakistan

Abstract—Computer ethics play a vital role in impact of engineering ethics and solution, where they
building the character and reputation of a software will learn how to take ethical and proper decisions, to
engineer. In this paper we explain how software develop an understanding of safety and security, effect
engineering ethics reflect the work style of a software of decision on society, laws and regulation to work in
computing professional. Along with this, the paper a professional environment.
highlights the ethical issues faced by professionals in
The main purpose of the paper is to illustrate a
their practice and how they are dealing with them.
framework for engineers to connect their professional
The central purpose of this paper is to increase the
working styles with ethical responsibilities [3]. It
concern of SE professionals towards the ethical
enlighten the concept that professional knowledge is
codes of conduct in SE and justify their importance
necessary but implanting ethical approach results in
and significance in professional practices.
the success of any profession [4]. Each profession has
Keywords—ethics, computing professional, code of its main concerns, the figure below shows the main
conduct, professional practice concerns of the field of software engineering.

Software Engineering
What do you mean by ethics?
Ethics are the moral behavior that governs a person’s Social context of
behavior. They are basically socially acceptable Ethical and
behavior or a way to live with people. It helps us to liabilities
differentiate things from right to wrong, justice and
evil. Ethics applies moral within the society that can
either be professional, educational, political, religious, Violation to cyber Privacy and
entertaining, culture-related or even familial[1]. laws and confidentiality
As computers have become an important and vital part computer crime
in almost all the professional fields as well as have a
greater and stronger impacts in society. Now as the
technology is expanding rapidly, the responsibility of
Techniques to Intellectual
the professional who devote themselves in the analyze ethical property
different phases of software development i.e. discussions and
designing, analyzing, maintaining and evaluating is disputations
increasing and growing in short spans of time. [2]
Therefore the system designer must be aware that their
project is legally and socially applicable as well as it Fig1: Software Engineering concerns
conforms to the ethics of the profession. This must be
kept in mind so that their efforts will be contributing
in the well-being of community and profession by Moreover, the paper demonstrates that engineering
encouraging and indorsing the ethical approach. decisions totally relies on engineering and ethical
Ethics are and should be the main part of any protocols.
profession and different boards prefer that the
What does the term ethical protocols means
educational institute must take this responsibility of
according to software engineering?
providing students the environment to understand the
Computer Ethics is a set of rules that control the usage approaches and how it benefits the business and
of computers. It can also be said that they are the study customers [15].
of analysis on impact of computers and technology on But then In 2010, Allhoff prescribes that code of ethics
society and nature or the study of different decisions are not confined for some special field, they can be
under variety of policies and moral values that are made and implemented in various field and named the
morally acceptable in engineering domain [5].They ethics to applied ethics where he represented his views
are defined for every type of domain whether software in the light of science and engineering [16]. In 2011,
or medical etc. As the technology expands, systems R. Earatta explained the approach to develop
tend to have greater effect on society, hence these achievable and worthy software where they can design
ethics awakens the discussion of how much the system by changing some aspects of SDLC and
importance and significance computers have in taking some feasible steps like less paper and power
multiple areas such as AI and communication. consumption, low greenhouse gases depletion to make
This ethical behavior prepares the professional to take our system an environment friendly and sustainable
rational, unbiased and better decisions and promoting software product contributing to well-being of society.
a motivation to others to practice this behavior in their Later in 2013, Singh [17] defines ethics as a base for
work too. leading and controlling the socio-technical systems
With increasing automation, these software ethics will where the needs of shareholders and customers are
continue to play a vital role to report different issues given importance and are considered while taking
raised by newer technology. [6] major decisions.
In 2017, Galhotra comes up with new idea to test if a
software systems represents any type of
2. LITERATURE REVIEW discriminatory conduct, that technique was named
“fairness testing technique”. It helps us to focus more
The research paper is related to ethics, their on quality, privacy, security and effectiveness of the
significance and issues faced by engineers when software that are essential part of any system.
taking a decisions. M. Sgroe [18], in 2017, demonstrate the problems of
software engineering domain. Some of them are bugs,
IEEE and ACM worked together under a joint task theft, copyrights and patents and responsibility. These
force and produced an output called SECEPP issues are common but they are the ones that create
(“Software Engineering Code of Ethics and problems in further work. In the same year P. Wayner
Professional Practice”) [7]. [19] emphasized on some other obstacles and ethical
The logical and reasonable basis for ethics, their need dispute including the security and confidentiality of
and usage and how they will benefit the business and colleagues and customers.
stakeholders were discussed many decades ago by
Prior [8], Smith [9] and E. Lemmon [10] in 1958, 1960
and 1963 respectively. As ethical issues has also been 3. SIGNIFICANCE OF ETHICAL PROTOCOLS IN SE
discussed whenever ethical behavior and protocols are
discussed the above research was then pursued by Why learn professional ethics?
Anderson [11] in 1967 and in his research he
highlighted some problem in the logic of ethics i.e. its Professional ethics are basically proposed to enhance
reasoning about the rules and conduct, permission and the ability of professionals to think rationally, realize
rights. their respective responsibility and to reflect their
In 1991, Gotterbarn additionally illustrates that decisions critically according to ethics in their activity.
software engineers encounter some issues while There are multiple reasons as why to learn the
practicing the ethics in their line of work [12]. In 1996, professional ethics:
Henry and Pierce discussed that one’s own code,  To increase the understanding of ethics
workplace code and the formal code of conduct  Increase in the knowledge of other standards and
basically determines the proper and ethical behavior conduct
and how much they effect on the life and work of a  Making computing a service to mankind
professional [13].  Deliver a sense of competence and professional
In 2006, Boella et al. [14] depicts some advantages and accountability to others
significance of ethics and socially acceptable behavior  Providing tools and environment to take better
and propose that norms, rules and regulation in the decisions
occupation helps us to administer and organize the  Developing an intellect in people to provide
instructions and decision among negotiators. In 2009, comprehensive judgment and result
Hall discusses about the importance of good ethical  Identifying moral concerns
Ethics helps us to analyze, design, develop and organization and it is the responsibility of every
maintain the software for better and effective quality individual to respect and fulfil them. The code of
software. conduct in SE regarding ethics is the series of
“Systems engineers” basically have some guidelines which is to be followed by every software
responsibilities different from other fields:[1] professional. Every professional should confirm to
•The first responsibility of system engineers is to these code of ethics and consider their fulfillment as
confirm that the product of system totally depends an ethical as well as professional responsibility.
on customers’ needs instead of the engineers and
his company. Many science and engineering communities and
organizations publish their ethical code of conduct.
•Another responsibility of engineers is to supervise The content of their code may vary depending on their
and incorporate the work that differs from his origin and field but the sole purpose of all these
expertise which later results in better understanding publications is to provide an ethical guideline to
of various domains along with SE. engineering professionals and to ensure that they
Ethics creates trustworthiness and reliability among maintain professional as well as ethical standards in
shareholders within business. Following are some their professional practice [21]. These codes do not
advantages of ethics in business domain [20] only provide guidelines rather they also provide
support to engineering professionals in unpleasant or
Better Ethics Benefits Deals unexpected situations. However, they may not
Better ethics create and maintain a good environment produce a complete solution, but it will help the
in which the customers feel trusted and remain loyal to software engineer to generate the best possible
the companies. This loyalty provokes other companies solution through ethical judgment which is most
to start the practice and promote their organization in consistent with these code of ethics.
an ethical manner. The software engineering code of ethics followed
world widely are produced by the IEEE computer
Same Rules for Everyone society and the ACM. These are the two leading
When code of ethics are written for a company, it computing organizations who worked together and
becomes an obligation for all the members of the formed these code of conduct through a Joint Task
company whether he is a CEO or the lowest member Force. This code does not only states the do’s and
in the hierarchy. This helps us to build the overall don’ts of a SE professional rather it plays a vital role
vision and motto of our organization. For example, in educating both public and professionals regarding
Apple has made a set of rules for its company mostly the ethical principles followed in the field of software
based on trust, respect and privacy. The organization engineering. Along with this, the protocols defined in
promised to promote “business ethically, honestly, and this code are adaptable enough to cope with the
in full compliance with applicable laws and dynamic and demanding nature of the field of software
regulations.” engineering. It is the responsibility of each software
professional to not only commit to these ethical
Reporting avoidance to Higher Positions protocols and apply them in their professional practice
When a set of rules are defined, any one avoiding the but also consider any violation to this code as a serious
rules and regulations can be reported to the HR section offense.
so that the problem can be rectified before it gets worse
and lead to the decline of the organization. The ethical protocols stated below are the obligations
imposed on every engineer to maintain a certain
Responsibility and Remedy standard in their professional practice [22]. They
Written documentation makes it compulsory for should commit themselves to make software
people to follow rules, it means that when an employee engineering a respected and beneficial profession and
is not following the rules, the leader have a legal right ensure that their professional work and behavior is
to make a decision according to the ethics and laws influenced by these protocols.
and can even dismiss them for the problem. If the In accordance with this code of conduct, software
problem is negotiable, he has a right to compensate the engineers must follow and respect the following
criticism and complaints. defined protocols:-
 Software Engineers must serve in a way that
4. CONDUCT AND CODE OF ETHICS IN SE is beneficial for the public. They should not
Code of conduct refers to a set of rules that implies on cause harm or damage to anyone by taking
persons who are a part of a certain community or advantage of their technical skills or by
producing faulty software systems. They 4. ETHICAL ISSUES IN SE
should ensure that their work enhances the In this section we will discuss the ethical issues faced
quality of life and has positive effect on by the SE professionals. The major point highlighted
public. in this section describes what types of ethical problems
 Software Engineers should maintain a are encountered by software engineers and how these
healthy relationship with their client and problems are faced and overcome by them. It is not
employer. They should be honest towards necessary that an ethical issue in the field of software
their client and employer regarding their engineering is initiated by an SE professional rather it
competency and experience. Along with this can be initiated by anyone with weak ethical and moral
they should uphold a constructive and values [23]. It is then the responsibility of the SE
helpful conduct towards their client and professional to deal with the issue through an ethical
employer. approach with reference to the ethical protocols stated
in the code of conduct as the code of conduct is
 Software Engineers should strive to produce supposed to serve as a source of help and assistance in
products of highest quality within provided situations of ethical tensions.
budget and time. They should refrain from
generating a system which is faulty or Ethical issues are not only violations to the code of
harmful to others. The product produced by ethics in fact the domain of ethical issues ranges from
a good software engineer must meet the all sorts of immoral behaviors to illegal actions. The
specifications of the user along with the consequence for the miscreant is not a physical
standards of quality. punishment every time rather in most of the cases the
miscreant loses his credibility, respect and reputation
 Software Engineers must preserve [24]. A software engineer must not only be ethically
individual independence and integrity in strong but also he should be capable enough of
their professional judgment. They should knowing how to handle issues regarding ethical abuse.
evaluate systems honestly and should
provide appropriate feedback. Stated below are the ethical issues faced most
frequently by SE professionals in their practice:-
 Software Engineers should must adopt
efficient management skills. They should  Privacy concerns
encourage an ethical and positive approach Software engineers should respect and
towards the processes of development and honor the privacy of others. They should
maintenance of software systems. not misuse their technical skills to invade
 Software Engineers must struggle and the privacy of others. They should
streamline their efforts to enhance the maintain and confidentiality boundaries
reputation and integrity of their profession. and protect the private information of their
Their work and behavior should must reflect clients and employers from invaders to
a good and positive impression of the field make sure that their data is not misused in
of software engineering and they should not any sense.
prefer their personal interest over their  Trustworthiness
professional interest.
Software engineers should maintain such a
 Software Engineers should have a helpful reputation that their client and employer
and respectful approach towards their must be able to trust them. They should not
colleagues and should assist them in their lie to their clients and employers and
professional work. They must encourage should perform their duties honestly.
their colleagues to adapt these protocols and
apply them in their professional practice.  Unauthorized access or use of resources

 Software Engineers should adopt a lifelong Software engineers must encourage

learning approach and promote the same authorized access and use of resources.
approach to other SE professionals as well. They should penalize the culprit who
They should always be in a state of learning breaks this rule and illegally makes use of
new trends of technology and improving computing systems and resources.
their current abilities and understanding of
software systems.
 Copyright and patent issues success in their work. They should treat
everyone equally and justly.
Software Engineers should respect and
adhere to copyright and patent laws and
should encourage their colleagues to
All the issues stated above can be overcome and
influence their practice through these laws.
solved using the ethical protocols of code of ethics. It
As violations to these laws is not only an
can be clearly understood from the points presented
ethical violation rather it can cause heavy
above that all ethical issues may not be violation to the
fine or even sentence to jail the one
code of ethics but violation of code of ethics is an
violating it. It is one of the most important
ethical issue.
issue faced in the field of SE where people
make illegal use of software systems Ethical issues are considered more complex and
without concerning the copyright laws. complicated to handle than technical issues. With the
increase in technology, the issues related to the field
 Defective product are also increasing which involves all sorts of issues
Software Engineers should not produce including ethical issues too [25]. These issues cannot
any system that is defective. Before be eliminated completely but can be reduced by
approving the software product they spreading awareness among the public and
should perform a thorough testing of the professionals regarding the importance of ethics in SE
system to make sure that the system is and by encouraging the SE professionals to follow and
faultless and has a positive impact on its promote the code of ethics.
users. As the consequences of a defective
system can be disastrous and can cause
great damage to health and environment. 5. CONCLUSION
 Bribery and improper means of finance The increasing importance of software systems has
made computer ethics a very crucial part in our lives.
Software Engineers should refrain from The term computer ethics does not only refers to
bribery and all sorts of improper means of technical ethics rather it refers to ethics related to the
earning. They should not manipulate or behavior and professional practice of SE
con their clients and employers to make professionals. Software Engineers must act in a
extra profit for their personal benefit rather manner that enhances the reputation of their
they should remain fair and honest. As profession, thus for this purpose the IEEE and ACM
bribery is not only something unethical but joint task force produced a code of ethics which
also illegal and the professional may have defines a complete set of ethical protocols which a SE
to face serious consequences of this action. professional is liable to follow and promote.
 Protecting rights of clients and The aim of this paper is to enlighten the importance of
employees ethics in the field of SE and highlight the ethical issues
Software Engineers must implement and faced by professionals in their professional practice.
support policies which protects the rights The paper does not only states the issues but also
of clients and employees. It is the explains why such issues occur and in what way they
responsibility of every SE professional as can be taken down. The basic approach to be used to
a leader or head of an organization to overcome these issues is the use of ethical protocols
guarantee professional and moral rights to stated in the code of ethics. It then depends on the
employees working under him along with personal and intuitive judgment of the SE professional
the clients who are taking some sort of that how does he adapts to these ethical protocols
service from his organization. without violating them.

 Injustice and discrimination The overall impression of this paper is to encourage

the SE professionals to adapt an ethical approach in
Software Engineers must adapt a just their professional practice by following the ethical
approach and should avoid discrimination protocols of the code of ethics.
on the basis of color, caste, creed or
gender. For example, SE professionals
must not trouble any one just because they
personally dislike him/her or they should
not prevent someone from pursuing
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