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Merry Rose DC.


Make a short reflection about the webinar. Answer the following questions using 2-3 sentences

1. What are the three things you most liked that the speaker discussed clearly?
- Her explanation of the benefits of parent involvement, including improved academic
achievement and better school attendance, resonated with the audience, grounding
the theoretical concepts in relatable scenarios and personal experiences. The
speaker effectively conveyed the vital role parents play in supporting their children's
education in the context of home-based schooling.
2. What are the two most important things you want to explore based on the discussion of
the speaker?
- Based on the discussion, two key points I'd like to explore further are the practical
strategies for enhancing homeschool partnership and the specific ways parents can
actively engage in their children's education. Understanding how to effectively
collaborate with schools and implement supportive measures at home, such as
homework assistance and fostering a positive learning environment, would greatly
benefit both parents and students. Additionally, delving deeper into the challenges
parents may face in balancing their roles as educators and caregivers in the context
of home-based schooling would provide valuable insights for addressing potential
obstacles and maximizing learning opportunities.
3. What is the one question that you want the speaker to answer if you were asked to?
- I would inquire about her personal experiences navigating the challenges of
balancing her roles as a parent and an educator, especially in the context of home-
based schooling. Understanding how she manages to effectively support her
children's education while fulfilling her professional responsibilities would offer
valuable insights and practical tips for other parents facing similar circumstances.

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