Pak Study Questions

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Pak Study Questions

Indus Valley civilization &

1. Discuss the advent and impact of Islam in Indian Subcontinent?
2. Describe the role of Muhammad bin Qasim in the Muslim
conquest of Sindh
3. What was the attitude of the Hindus towards Muslims before the
conquest of Sindh?
4. What was the effect of Muhammad bin Qasim's incursion on the
Buddhists of Sindh?
5. Did the conquest of Sindh have a cultural impact? Explain.
6. Write the causes and effect of the Arab Invasion on Sindh.
7. Write the causes of downfall of Dehli Saltanate.
8. Which Social Welfare institution were establish by Shar Shah Suri.
9. Who was Ameer Taimoor
10. Describe the un-Islamic steps taken by Akbar.
11. What were the causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire?
12. Did Akbar become an apostate? Give an account of his religious
13. Write down two reasons of Baber’s Invasion on India
14. Discuss the background of Battle of Plassy and establish the
British Rule
15. Who was the last ruler of Mughal Empire
16. What were the major features of Arab administration in Sindh?
17. What were the important features of Delhi Sultanate?
18. Discuss the downfall of Mughal Empire in Indian Subcontinent?
19. Write a note on East India Company.
20. What were the causes of the War of Independence in 1857?
21. Account for the rise of the British in India.
22. Write a note on colonial Economic Policy of British Government.
23. The British government brought which social change for the
reforms of Indian Society.
24. Discuss the Educational, Religious and political condition of
Muslims after the war of independence 1857
25. How did the British East Company transform itself into a colonial

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