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Elements of Arts
1. Line- the distance between two points (or the path of a moving point), taking any form along
the way.
 Thin line
-appear frail as if they can break under the slightest pressure. (elegance & lightness)
 Thick line
-it gives the appearance of strength and allow a supportive quality to the lines around
them. (It stands out and grabs the eye’s attention)
 Vertical line
-straight up and down lines that are moving in space without any slant and are
perpendicular to horizontal lines.
 Wavy line
-lines that bend and change direction gradually. (feelings of comfort and ease)
 Zigzag line
-sharply alternate between moving up and down. (sense of tension or pain)
 Horizontal line
-straight lines parallel to the horizon that move from left to right
 Diagonal lines- straight lines that slant in any direction except horizontal or vertical.
2. Shape- the figure of a particular condition that outlines anything you can see
3. Value- application of lightness and darkness of a color, shading, and highlighting in an
4. Form- can be created by the forming of two or more shapes or 3D shape (cube, pyramid,
shape, etc.)
5. Color- hue, value, and intensity.
6. Space- positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of
7. Texture- refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.

Movements of Arts
1. Impressionism- short brisk strokes of bright colors used to recreate the impression of light
on objects.
2. Expressionism- Natural forms and colors are distorted and exaggerated. Heavy black lines,
strong colors.
 Neo-primitivism
-It was an art style that incorporated elements from the native arts of the South Sea
Islanders and the wood carvings of African tribes. Among the Western artists who adapted
these elements was Amedeo Modigliani.
 Fauvism
-Uses bold, vibrant colors and visual distortions
 Dadaism

-Characterized by dream fantasies, memory images. and visual tricks and surprises.
 Surrealism
-artists were dreaming, seeing illusions, or experiencing an altered mental state
 Social Realism
-Artists here uses artworks to protest against injustices, inequalities, immorality and
ugliness of the human condition
3. ABSTRACTIONISM- an objective art or non-representational art, painting, sculpture, or
graphic art
 Cubism
- Emphasized the flat, 2D surface of the picture plane, rejecting the traditional techniques of
 Futurism
-Emphasized the dynamism, speed, energy, and power of the machine and the vitality,
change and restlessness of modern life.
 Mechanical style
-Basic forms such as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together perfectly and
 Non-objectivism
-Do not use figures
4. Abstract Expressionism- They depict forms unrealistically or, at the extreme end, forms not
drawn from the visible world.
 Pop Art
Distinct Characteristics:
Range of work
-From painting, to posters, collages, 3D assemblages, and installations.
-Advertisements, celebrities, billboards, and comic strips.
 Optical Art
Distinct Characteristics:
-A form of action painting with the action taking place in the viewer’s eye.
-As the eye moved over the different segments of the image, perfectly stable
components appeared to shift back and forth.
5. Contemporary Art forms
 Installation Art
-Uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the viewer’s experience in a
particular space.
-Usually life-size or even larger. Installation can be constructed in everyday public or
private spaces both indoor and outdoor.
 Performance Art
-The actions of performers may constitute work. It can happen anytime at any place at
any length of time.
-It may include activities such as theater, dance, music, mime, juggling, and gymnastics.

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