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1. Injuries may happen anytime, anywhere. List at least 3 factors that can
cause injuries while engaged to any sports activity:


- Extreme sports: This may include bungee jumping, rock climbing, and
even those extreme rides found in the entertainment industries.
- Reckless driving: This includes driving too fast, drag racing, and driving
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Excessive physical activities: This may include too much physical
exercise, heavy weight lifting, etc. that may result in both repetitive strain
and body injuries.

2. Explain why they can lead to injuries.


Most of the activities I mentioned in question number one are actually

injurious, not only to you but to any person that is around during the wrong
time and wrong place. These actually are human factors, which in reality
can be avoided. Here are some reasons on why they can cause or lead us
to injuries.

The biggest reason reckless driving is bad is that it is dangerous

and can quickly result in a collision that causes death or serious, life-
threatening injuries.

For one thing, there is very little data on injuries and deaths from
extreme sports individually or in general. Common injuries from
participating in extreme sports range from ordinary gashes and wounds to
broken bones, frostbite, concussions, and brain damage. These activities
are hazardous and risky. Extreme athletes put their lives in danger on a
daily basis due to the nature of the activity. Even when all the safety
precautions are taken, plenty of things can go horribly wrong.

It is important that you enrol in a fitness program run by experts since

undertaking physical activity on your own can lead to mistakes and can
even cause you to injure yourself. While you do not require any formal
training for basic physical activities such as running and jogging, it is
important that you enrol in a fitness program so that you can try out various
advanced physical activities with expert training. Moreover, with a fitness
regimen, you should be able to scale up your exercises over a period of
time rather than attempt to do it all in one go. The fact remains that most
people can injure themselves and several have done so while undertaking
physical activity so it is important that you choose to pace yourself, follow
directions accurately and seek medical treatment should you become
injured in the process.
3. How are knowledge and skills important in applying appropriate first aid
techniques to an injured official or athlete?


First aid techniques or skills are very important to an injured official or

athlete because it enables you to assist the person who becomes injured in
the event of an accident or emergency situation until help arrives. If an
accident were to happen in the workplace, in your home or in a public
space, to an athlete on site, or being a helpless witness to an emergency
situation can potentially worsen the situation. First aid knowledge and skills
could help you in various ways.

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