English Module Week 2 Quarter 1

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1. A.
2. B.
3. B.
4. C.
5. C.
6. B.
7. A.
8. B.
9. A.
10. C.



1. As a stimulant, caffeine can boost energy levels and make you feel
sharper. Caffeine is one of the major ingredients in coffee. Caffeine
increases alertness by interfering with certain chemical processes in the
brain that regulate the sleep-wake cycle. However, once the body
completely metabolizes caffeine, it can make people feel tired. The rate at
which a person’s body metabolizes caffeine varies depending on genetic
and lifestyle factors. People who drink coffee every day may develop a
tolerance to caffeine’s stimulant effects, which means that they need to
drink more of it if they want to experience similar results. So if I drink coffee
tonight, I won’t be able to sleep well.
2. Good study skills can increase your confidence, competence, and self-
esteem. They can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines. Good
study skills can improve your ability to learn and retain knowledge.
Students who use effective study skills may feel their work and effort is
more worthwhile. Studying will help you to retain information well, rather
than just listening in class. Because studying involves reading and
comprehension which helps you to pass academic tests and helps you
move on to the next grade level. So if you definitely study before the exam,
then you’ll certainly pass.
3. A female is a mother because they have a womb, which then makes her
physically capable of childbirth. A mother is someone who has children and
cares for them wholeheartedly. To get pregnant: A woman's body must
release an egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation). The egg must go
through a fallopian tube toward the uterus (womb). A man's sperm must
join with (fertilize) the egg along the way. So if one will be a mother, she’ll
certainly be a female.
4. If you have an upcoming exam that you have not studied for, then you
might be seriously concerned about passing it. While studying well in
advance of an exam is the best strategy for success, you may still be able
to pass an exam if you did not study. When you haven't studied, the
chances of passing are critically low because your mind is not refreshed
with the terminologies of the subject you are studying. Not studying can
also become a habit and in the long term will affect your scores drastically.
So it means if you don’t pass, it means you didn’t study hard enough.



1. Zero Conditional Type
2. Second Conditional Type
3. Third Conditional Type
4. First Conditional Type
5. First Conditional Type



1. 0
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1
5. 3
1. I’d feel very angry if someone touches my things without permission.
2. If I didn’t pass the exam, I will try my best next time.
3. Would you bunk classes if you are not interested in attending classes?
4. They’d be much happier if I wasn’t here.
5. Would you mind if I have some of your food?
6. Could you wait if I go?
7. You could catch a cold if you wear showy clothes in this weather.



“The Corona crisis”

The arrival of the COVID – 19 pandemic was quite unexpected. The

urgent announcement to declare a lockdown in every place in the whole
world was very shocking. A lot of the citizens were taken aback by what
was happening because they were not ready for it. Despite being able to
create and distribute the vaccines all over the world the cases of COVID –
19 still keep on increasing. Up until when do we need to see the citizens
suffer from this? Just what is the part that we kept on missing? If the
number of cases of COVID – 19 keeps on increasing, will our world end?
I’ve been thinking a lot, and the conclusion that I came through was, If only
the people don’t lack personal hygiene or discipline to their selves, our
situation will not have been the same. If only they could just improve these
little things that we kept on reminding them about, a lot of people will most
likely be saved. If only they will do these full-heartedly and not half-
heartedly, our situation will probably be safer than it is now. If they believed
that personal hygiene is their duty, at least the causalities will have been
less. There are a lot of ways that I can recommend how you can survive
and heal as one in this pandemic.

We are always getting reminded that we should always follow safety

protocols. If we follow the safety protocols, we will probably help the
government a lot just by doing so. Here are some examples of safety
protocols that we need to follow. First is social distancing, wearing of face
mask, and face shield, and lastly washing or sanitizing your hands. We all
know that the Coronavirus is very deadly to the point where we should be
conscious of every step we took outside as safety precautions. A lot of
people are bothered about why we have to follow a lot of protocols or rules
during this pandemic. The answer is for us to be away from danger or for
us to be away from being infected. If we are away from danger or be away
from being infected, we will most likely not suffer or have the disease called
COVID – 19. We have to take care of ourselves because taking care of
ourselves is already a big help even though it may sound like a small favor
that you always do to yourself. We shall not be infected so easily. The
government or establishments that a lot of people came to must be always
strict in implementing the quarantine procedures and be accurate in contact
tracing. If they are not strict in implementing it, a lot of people will get
infected and it will cause panic. We must be always clear or vivid so that
we won’t panic in emergencies. These actions can help a lot of front liners
on how they will manage the ongoing pandemic. The key points to this are
on how the people will cooperate and on how they will conduct their
disciplines among themselves and also doing this things by yourself is okay
but sometimes you might feel lonely being alone so you should know how
to rely on someone, you should recognize the time on when you will need a
shoulder to lean on.

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

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