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Announcements Sharon Christie All PEOPLES United Church

Sunday March 24rd, 2024, Welcome David Chuipka

Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church!
If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book. PALMtoday
Leading us in Worship SUNDAY
is Gerry Copeman
We meet in this historical church which has humble beginnings.
since 1927. May what we do in this time and in this place bring glory to
Good Friday Service at St Peters United Church
Friday March 29th
Annual Board Meeting with Barb today

Sudbury Secondary School - The Value Vault

The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS)
is used by students who need food, clothing and
small household items. Students who
use this program often live on their own PROCESSIONAL
and experience challenges as they try to
Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty! …
further their education.
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Our Prayer List Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty235
Nancy MacDonald, Pat Davies God in three persons blessed Trinity!
Gil Davies, Phil Christie, Helen Dudynsky WORDS OF WELCOME

E-mail “” On this Palm Sunday we come to re-experience Jesus’ entry into
Facebook @allpeoplesunited We come to join in the celebration and allow Jesus deeper into our
Christ who is for us, the doorway into the mystery of God
Upcoming Speakers We gladly walk as Christ walks before us, beside us, and through us
Join us for coffee, Tea
March 31th – Gerry Copeman into God
and Conversation following
We know Christ’s journey into the mystery of God continues, forever.
A the Service. Let us walk with Christ and journey into God’s mystery.
Thanks be to God. Amen
Opening Hymn VU 120 Oh Jesus I have promised
Hymn VU 127 Ride on, ride on in majesty
Creator of Heaven and Earth, we pray and come as we are to
remember and shout, Hosanna in the highest. Palm Sunday reminds
us that God through Jesus has entered our lives. As we take the time Offering Song (Sung by all)
to unite in Spirit the coming of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem, Jesus Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God.
enters our lives now during our time of need today as we pray for Thanks for the food we eat,
all of life’s creation. Hear us, loving God, as we pray that all your And for the friends we meet.
teachings, continue to make us the loving and blessed people we For each new day we greet
are. Jesus taught us about the path of love. Let your blessed love Thanks Be to God!
embrace all those, wherever they are, that need and require a
source of comfort and joy. And may we all journey along a humble OFFERING PRAYER
path —for the sake of unity, understanding, and the acceptance of As we make this triumphant entry into Jerusalem with Jesus, we
our differences, in love. With your gentle breeze, give us hope. We now offer our gifts to enter more deeply into the mystery of God.
pray for this in Jesus’ name in his way of peace and grace. Hosanna Knowing that it is in giving that we truly receive blessing.
in the highest. Amen. May these gifts offer comfort and hope to the vulnerable, oppressed
Adapted from Murray Pruden, Indigenous Minister Pacific Mountain Region and the forgotten people of this world.
May they experience the love of God in their hearts. Amen

CLOSING HYMN VU 149 When I survey the wondrous cross
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29 (VU p. 837 Part One, Three, and Four) Having celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, knowing full well that
while celebrating, Jesus’s heart was heavy with the threat of death.
Let us go in the spirit of celebration while carrying our struggles
and reach out to others so that their heavy hearts will be
All: This is the word of the Lord; Thanks be to God. transformed by and through the love of Jesus.
GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all)
Blessing: (in unison) BENEDICTION (Sung by all)
Glory be to the father and to the son,
And to the Holy Spirit… May the light and love of God May God’s sheltering wings,
As it was in the beginning is now, who Shines through her gathering wings protect you
And ever shall be Jesus, bless the child in each of May God’s nurturing arms,
you. His cradling arms sustain you
world without end. Amen
May God’s light and love And hold you in her love,
SERMON - continue to grow in you. and hold you in his love.

May you always remember

that you are

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