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Review Attendance of Your Team - User Manual

1. View Attendance

Go to Ebandhan>HR Zone> Attendance

Please note that Myspace Username & password are to be used for Login. In case you forget
the password or to set a new password please click on ‘Reset Password’. On clicking submit
following screen will be displayed, click on Review.
On next screen, select options from drop down as per requirement. On selecting name of
employee his/her attendance shall be displayed. For getting summary of attendance of whole
team, simply click on Summary Report.

2. Editing attendance of your team member For editing attendance, click on edit tab in front of the
date for which attendance is to be modified.
Select Action - Here you have to select one option from Present, Tour and Absent which is to be
marked for employee. For marking off given to employee on account of election/ Bandh/ Strike,
please select relevant option from drop down. Put your remarks and click on submit.

On clicking submit, the record shall be updated.

Please note that whenever you mark leave for your Reportee, it should have been applied and
approved on Swayam.

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