A Novel Butylated Caffeic Acid Derivative Protects HaCaT Keratinocytes From Squalene Peroxidation-Induced Stress

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Research Article

Skin Pharmacol Physiol Received: January 15, 2019

Accepted after revision: June 25, 2019
DOI: 10.1159/000501731 Published online: September 24, 2019

A Novel Butylated Caffeic Acid Derivative

Protects HaCaT Keratinocytes from
Squalene Peroxidation-Induced Stress
Dan Zhou Xinchu Weng
School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai, PR China

Keywords P-SQ-induced ROS generation as well as expression of in-

Peroxidized squalene · HaCaT keratinocyte · Caffeic acid · flammatory cytokines in the IL-1 family. This advantage in
Butylated caffeic acid · Antioxidant · Inflammation biological efficacy could have been attributed to BCA’s supe-
rior intracellular bioavailability due to its higher lipophilicity
compared with CA, as indicated by higher intracellular con-
Abstract centration of BCA. Based on this observation, we propose
Squalene is a major sebum lipid which is easily peroxidized using BCA as a functional antioxidant to prevent sebum lipid
by ultraviolet A (UVA) irradiation, generating products that from peroxidation and its detrimental effect to skin.
can stress keratinocytes. Prevention of squalene photooxi- © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
dation with antioxidants could potentially help defend skin
from environmental stress. Previously, we have systemati-
cally characterized butylated caffeic acid (BCA) as a more li- Introduction
pophilic alternative of caffeic acid (CA). The current study
aimed to test the hypothesis that the lipophilic property of The skin, the first and major interface between the
BCA makes it a good candidate as a skin antioxidant. The body and the external environment, protects the body
UVA-induced peroxidation of squalene and the antioxida- from various chemical agents and exogenous physical
tive activity of CA and BCA were measured for peroxide value carcinogens, including ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV-
and further characterized with ultraperformance liquid chro- induced oxidative stress is associated with acute and
matography coupled with ultraviolet and mass spectrome- chronic detrimental cutaneous effects, which may result
try analysis. Both CA and BCA showed strong antioxidant ca- in the development of skin malignancies [1]. Oxidative
pacity during squalene peroxidation under direct UVA chal- stress can be described as a reductant-oxidant imbalance
lenge. In HaCaT keratinocyte culture, BCA’s and CA’s impact resulting in the generation of excess oxidants or mole-
on the damage induced by peroxidized squalene (P-SQ) was cules which accept electrons. Reactive oxygen species
investigated through quantification of reactive oxygen spe- (ROS) are free radical derivatives of oxygen (O2)-contain-
cies (ROS) generation and expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1) ing molecules, including superoxide anion (O2–), hydro-
cytokines. Both BCA and CA decreased P-SQ-induced IL-1β gen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radicals (OH), singlet ox-
secretion in HaCaT cells. However, only BCA could reduce ygen (O21), and peroxyl radicals (ROO) [2]. ROS oxidize - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

© 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel Xinchu Weng

School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.

333 Nanchen Road

E-Mail karger@karger.com
Shanghai 200444 (PR China)
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E-Mail wxch @ staff.shu.edu.cn

nols, caffeic acid (CA; 3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid), the
O O natural antioxidant in many plants and fungi, has a wide
OH OH range of pharmacological activities including anti-in-
HO HO flammatory, antioxidative, immune-modulatory, and an-
ticarcinogenic effects [11]. CA has shown significant anti-
a b
inflammatory and antioxidative activity in skin cells in
previous reports [12]. CA is allowed to be added in skin
care products and cosmetics as an active ingredient, ac-
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of CA (a) and BCA (b). BCA, butyl-
ated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid.
cording to International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingre-
dient. Publications also studied the skin care effects of
various plant extracts containing CA and related cosmet-
ic applications [13]. However, CA’s carboxyl group in its
the unsaturated bonds of lipids in the sebum to yield lip- molecular structure contributes CA’s poor lipophilicity,
id hydroperoxides. ROS also generate toxic byproducts in which constrains CA’s biological efficacy and application.
cellular metabolism, leading to the oxidation of cellular Thus, a novel derivate of CA with considerable fat solubil-
macromolecules, such as membrane lipid, proteins, DNA, ity was developed as a new candidate substitute. Addition
and other components of the cell [3]. Numerous studies of a tert-butyl group at the 3-position in the phenyl ring
have demonstrated that environmental and human-gen- could improve CA’s lipophilicity according to structural
erated stressors, such as UV irradiation and hydrogen chemistry [14]. The new compound is butylated caffeic
peroxide, could enhance ROS generation in skin cells and acid (BCA; (E)-3-(3-(tert-butyl)-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl)
create an assortment of adverse impacts [4]. acrylic acid, BCA). BCA’s significant antioxidative capac-
Squalene, triglycerides, and wax esters are the major ity was validated with Rancimat experiment, deep frying
components of sebum lipids [3]. Sunlight exposure in- test, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scaveng-
duced the photooxidation of sebum lipids. Squalene is sus- ing assay in a previous report [14]. The chemical struc-
ceptibly peroxidized by ultraviolet A (UVA) irradiation tures of CA and BCA are shown in Figure 1. We therefore
due to the presence of its six double bonds [5]. Generation propose that BCA is a more potent antioxidant to be ap-
of squalene peroxides on the skin disrupts the skin barrier plied on skin to prevent squalene peroxidation.
function as an acute response and induces skin roughness In this study, the protective effects of CA and BCA
as a chronic response [1]. Squalene accounts for approxi- were first evaluated during the photooxidation process of
mately 13% of total sebum lipids [3]. Therefore, many squalene under UVA irradiation, and then actives were
studies have been carried out on the major components of applied in the HaCaT cells challenged with P-SQ. The two
squalene peroxides and their negative effects in skin cells. approaches provide a comprehensive view on their com-
Squalene monohydroperoxide is the primary peroxidation parative benefit against skin surface oxidative stress.
product of squalene, together with several byproducts,
when squalene is subjected to photooxidation [6]. It has
been reported that the concentration of squalene monohy- Materials and Methods
droperoxide in forehead skin increased by about three
times after 3 h of sunlight exposure [7]. Peroxidized squa- BCA was synthesized in our laboratory as described by Shi et
lene (P-SQ) has also been demonstrated to be involved in al. [14]. A spontaneously immortalized human keratinocyte cell
the pathogenesis of certain skin conditions such as skin line (HaCaT) was purchased from American Type Culture Col-
aging, cutaneous autoimmune disease, and skin cancer [8]. lection (Manassas, VA, USA). Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s me-
dium (DMEM) and Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) were
Natural and synthetic antioxidants have been studied
purchased from Gibco (Grand island, NY, USA). Fetal bovine se-
to prevent the photooxidation process of squalene [7]. rum (FBS) was acquired from Life Technologies (Carlsbad, CA,
Polyphenols exhibit a wide variety of biological effects, USA). One percent penicillin (100 U/mL)/streptomycin (100 μg/
such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotec- mL) were acquired from GE Healthcare Life Sciences (Boston,
tive, and so on because of their great capability of scav- MA, USA). A cell counting kit (CCK-8) was purchased from
Dojindo Laboratories (Kumamoto, Japan), and 2’,7’-dichloro­
enging free radicals and their antioxidative activity [9]. fluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA) was purchased from Sigma-
Polyphenols exert antioxidant capacity by scavenging ac- Aldrich Chemical (St. Louis, MO, USA). A human interleukin-
tive radicals to restrain the initiation or stop the propaga- 1β (IL-1β) ELISA kit was purchased from BD Biosciences
tion of free radicals chain reactions [10]. Among polyphe- (San Diego, CA, USA). A human IL-1α and human IL-1 receptor - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

2 Skin Pharmacol Physiol Zhou/Weng

DOI: 10.1159/000501731
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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antagonist (IL-1ra) ELISA kit was purchase from Luminex (Aus- 24 h incubation, cell viability was quantified according to the man-
tin, TX, USA). The RNeasy plus Mini kit was purchased from ufacturer’s protocol [16].
Qiagen (Valencia, CA, USA). The SYBR® Premix Ex TaqTM kit
was purchased from Takara (Dalian, China). All reagents and sol- Evaluation of ROS Generation
vents were of analytical grade. The DCF-DA method was used to evaluate the generation of
intracellular ROS [17]. HaCaT cells at a density of 1.5 × 104 cells/
Preparation of P-SQ well in 96-well plates were challenged with P-SQ applied together
A mixture of 2 mL of squalene and isopropanol (1:5; v/v) was with or without actives. Following 24 h of incubation, the cells were
irradiated with UVA at 2.09 J/cm2 using a UV crosslinker which incubated with DCF-DA (10 μM, in HBSS) for 30 min. Then cells
fitted with UVA-specific light source (UVP, Upland, CA, USA). In were washed three times with HBSS. Fluorescence intensity was
order to measure the antioxidant capacity of CA and BCA, these measured at Ex: 488/Em: 525 nm using a multimode microplate
two actives were added to the above squalene-isopropanol mixture reader (Tecan Inc., Männedorf, Switzerland).
at 0.02% (w/w), respectively. Afterwards, squalene samples were
irradiated for 0, 3, and 6 h, with or without antioxidant, before be- ELISA
ing collected for subsequent characterization. HaCaT cells in 6-well plates were treated with P-SQ together
with or without actives in HBSS for 24 h. After the treatment, su-
Peroxide Value Determination pernatants were collected and subjected to ELISA quantification
The peroxide value (POV) was measured as an index of oxida- of IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-1ra, according to the manufacturer’s in-
tion degree of irradiated squalene samples. Analysis of POV was structions.
performed according to a method adopted and slightly modified
from Wang et al. [15]. In brief, P-SQ was dissolved in 30 mL acetic RNA Isolation and Quantitative Real-Time PCR
acid-chloroform (3:2; v/v). Then, 1 mL saturated potassium iodide Total RNA was isolated from HaCaT cells after the abovemen-
solution was added and thoroughly mixed before 5 min incubation tioned treatment using the RNeasy plus Mini kit according to the
protected from light. After dilution with 100 mL deionized water, manufacturer’s protocols. The amount and quality of total RNA
the mixture was titrated against sodium thiosulphate. The POV were analyzed using a Nano Drop spectrophotometer (Thermo
was calculated as follows: Fisher, Waltham, MA, USA). Then mRNA expression was deter-
mined by quantitative real-time PCR using the SYBR® Premix Ex
X = [(V – V0) × N × 0.129] / m, TaqTM kit according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. PCR was
where X is the POV (%), V and V0 represent the volumes of sodium conducted at 95 ° C for 30 s, followed by 40 cycles of 95 ° C for 5 s
thiosulphate exhausted by the samples and the blank, respectively and 60 ° C for 34 s in an ABI 7500 real-time PCR system (Applied
(mL), and m is the mass of squalene. Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Reactions containing qRT-
PCR primer sets specific for human IL-1β (F: 5′-CTG TCC TGC
Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with GTG TTG AAA GA-3′; R: 5′-TTC TGC TTG AGA GGT GCT GA-
Ultraviolet and Mass Spectrometry Analysis of P-SQ 3′), β-actin (F: 5′-GGA CTT CGA GCA AGA TGG-3′; R: 5′-GAA
A Waters ACQUITY ultraperformance liquid chromatogra- GGA AGG CTG GAA GAG-3′), and YWHAZ (F: 5′-CCT GCA
phy coupled to Waters Quattro Micro mass spectrometry or a pho- TGA AGT CTG TAA CTG AG-3′; R: 5′-GAC CTA CGG GCT
todiode array detector (UPLC-UV/MS) was used for qualitative CCT ACA ACA-3′) were used as internal control for normaliza-
analysis of P-SQ (Waters, Milford, MA, USA). This method pro- tion.
vides high sensitivity to analyze the diversity between different
samples. The separation was carried out by a reverse-phase LC Analysis of Intracellular Active Concentration
column (Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18, 2.1 × 50 mm, 1.7 μm). The uptakes of CA and BCA by HaCaT cells were analyzed with
The mobile phase was methanol at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min under UPLC-MS according to previous reports [18]. Briefly, HaCaT cells
ambient temperature. A total of 2 μL samples were injected. The in 6-well plates were incubated with 200 μM CA or BCA for 8 or
MS analysis was operated using atmospheric pressure chemical 24 h. After the treatment, supernatant was collected and cells were
ionization in positive mode. The atmospheric pressure chemical scraped into 1 mL of 75% aqueous ethanol. Considering CA’s
ionization probe temperature and ionization source temperature property in UPLC-MS, cells treated with CA were redissolved in
were set at 300 ° C. The m/z detection was set at full mass scan mode deionized water after nitrogen blowing for UPLC-MS detection.
from m/z 300 to 900. The total analysis time was 4 min. The UPLC-MS analysis was performed with a Waters ACQUI-
TY UPLC BEH C18 column (2.1 × 50 mm, 1.7 μm) coupled to an
Cell Culture AB Sciex 6500 QTRAP MS (Framingham, MA, USA) equipped
HaCaT cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source operating in negative
FBS and 1% penicillin (100 U/mL)/streptomycin (100 μg/mL) at mode at 550 ° C. Mobile phase A was methanol and mobile phase
37 ° C in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO2. Cells B was 0.1% formic acid in water. The following gradient elution
were passaged every 2 days and kept at 90% confluency. program at a flow of 0.3 mL/min was applied: 0–2 min, 5% B; 2–
2.5 min, 95% B; 2.5–3 min, 5% B. The injection volume was 10 μL.
Cell Viability The source parameters were as follows: capillary voltage, 5,500 V;
Cell viability was determined using a CCK-8 kit. HaCaT cells capillary temperature, 550 ° C; curtain gas, 30 psi; nebulizer gas,
in 0.1% FBS/DMEM were seeded into 96-well plates at a density of 50 psi; turbo gas, 60 psi; MRM transition for CA, 179.1/135.2
1.5 × 104 cells/well. The medium was changed to treatment me- (CE = –25.0 V); MRM transition for BCA, 235.2/191.3 (CE =
dium containing P-SQ and actives 16 h post plating. After another –35.0 V). The total analysis time was 3 min. - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

CA and BCA Reduce Direct Peroxidation Skin Pharmacol Physiol 3

of Squalene under UVA Irradiation DOI: 10.1159/000501731
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Table 1. POV of squalene samples with or without actives during Table 2. Comparison of peak areas of squalene samples under 6 h
UVA irradiation UVA irradiation in UPLC

Irradiation Control With CA With BCA Content Blank P-SQ (6 h)

control with CA with BCA
0h 0.058±0.0028 0.058±0.0028 0.058±0.0028
3h 0.144±0.0037 0.095±0.0031** Peak 1 (Rt = 0.46) 161,050 308,223 239,256 182,653
Peak 2 (Rt = 0.66) 14,170 52,001 13,007 17,234
6h 0.167±0.0004 0.1412±0.0021## 0.1466±0.0011##
Peak 3 (Rt = 0.80) 34,001 38,005 15,130 18,081
Values are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 2 replicates). BCA, Peak 4 (Rt = 0.84) 17,230 39,492 9,317 1,441
butylated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid; POV, peroxide value; UVA, Peak 5 (Rt = 0.97) 138,351 183,922 304,604 213,924
ultraviolet A. ** p < 0.01 vs. 3-h control group; ## p < 0.01 vs. 6-h Peak 6 (Rt = 1.20) 67,082 242,324 47,785 71,480
control group.
The blank group was pure squalene, the control group irradiated
squalene. Squalene samples containing CA and BCA (0.02%, w/w)
were irradiated identical to the control group. BCA, butylated
caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid; P-SQ, peroxidized squalene; UPLC,
Statistical Analysis ultraperformance liquid chromatography; UVA, ultraviolet A.
Results were expressed as mean ± SEM. The data were analyzed
by one-way analysis of variance followed by Dunnett’s post hoc
comparisons to determine the significant difference between treat-
ment groups and the control group. Differences with a p value
<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Figure 3a, 40 μg/mL irradiated squalene was taken as an
example to analyze the effects of UVA duration. Within
4.5 h UVA irradiation, P-SQ products induced a consis-
Results tent increase in ROS level along with irradiation time.
Also, P-SQ from 4 and 4.5 h UVA irradiation showed a
CA and BCA Alleviated UV-Induced Squalene significant effect on ROS induction compared to the
Peroxidation blank group (p < 0.05). After 4.5 h, it was found that fur-
First, POV was measured to show the degree of squa- ther UVA irradiation dramatically decreased ROS gen-
lene peroxidation. As indicated in Table 1, UVA irradia- eration, probably due to the generation of secondary or
tion induced escalating levels of squalene peroxidation even tertiary metabolites. Therefore, when all factors
product with increasing irradiation time towards 6 h. The were considered, 4 h was selected as the preferred irra-
antioxidative potentials of CA and BCA were confirmed diation time. To study the effect of concentrations of
by their inhibitory effects on the peroxidation process of P-SQ, P-SQ with 4 h UVA irradiation was illustrated as
squalene. Next, UPLC-UV/MS was employed to further an example in HaCaT cells and subsequently used in fol-
verify the antioxidant effects of CA and BCA in the UVA lowing experiments. P-SQ from 4 h UVA irradiation was
irradiation period. Chromatography for each sample is added at different concentrations in the range of 4–80 μg/
shown in Figure 2, peak area value in the chromatography mL into the culture medium (Fig. 3b). It was found that
is listed in Table 2. There were significant differences be- ROS level was dose-dependently increased by P-SQ con-
tween the control group (squalene with 6 h UVA irradia- centration. Thus, 40 μg/mL P-SQ with 4 h UVA irradia-
tion) and the blank group (pure squalene). The antioxi- tion was used in follow-up cellular experiments as the
dant capacity of CA and BCA was also confirmed during standardized inducer to assess the moderating effects of
the squalene peroxidation process. CA and BCA effec- actives.
tively reduced squalene peroxidized products (peaks 1, 2,
3, 4, and 6). Effects of CA and BCA on ROS Generation in HaCaT
Model Establishment of P-SQ-Induced ROS in HaCaT The cytotoxic effects of CA and BCA on HaCaT cells
Keratinocytes were measured first. The cells were exposed to various
To understand P-SQ’s impact on HaCaT cells, various concentrations (1–500 μM) of CA and BCA for 24 h (data
UVA irradiation durations and concentrations of P-SQ not shown). Then, the nontoxic concentrations of CA
were characterized, with the generation of intracellular and BCA were used in HaCaT cells stressed by P-SQ to
ROS as the key endpoint for optimization. As shown in evaluate the cellular antioxidant capacity of actives. As - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

4 Skin Pharmacol Physiol Zhou/Weng

DOI: 10.1159/000501731
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1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Blank Control CA BCA


5 6







0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5

Fig. 2. UPLC of squalene samples with or without actives. The blank group was pure squalene, the control group
was irradiated squalene. Squalene samples containing CA and BCA (0.02%, w/w) were irradiated identical to the
control group. AU, arbitrary units; BCA, butylated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid; UPLC, ultraperformance liquid

shown in Figure 4, actives in the dosage of 10–200 μM had Effects of CA and BCA on IL-1 Family Cytokines in
no significant effects on the cell viability of P-SQ-chal- HaCaT Cells
lenged HaCaT cells. Hence, actives within this nontoxic The proinflammatory effects of P-SQ and the anti-in-
dose range were applied in subsequent cellular experi- flammatory potentials of the active compounds are shown
ments. The antioxidative capacity of these actives against in Figure 6. Protein secretion of IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-1ra
P-SQ-induced ROS escalation is show in Figure 5. We as well as IL-1β mRNA expression were assessed. As
observed that P-SQ caused a significant increase in ROS shown in Figure 6, there were significant increases in the
level in the HaCaT compared with the blank group. BCA secretion of IL-1α and IL-1ra as well as IL-1β secretion
dose-dependently ameliorated ROS level and completely and IL-1β mRNA expression in HaCaT cells under P-SQ
abrogated ROS at 50 μM, while CA demonstrated no sig- stimulation. For the anti-inflammatory effects of actives,
nificant effect on ROS generation (Fig. 5). only BCA, at 50 and 200 μM, was able to decrease all IL-1 - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

CA and BCA Reduce Direct Peroxidation Skin Pharmacol Physiol 5

of Squalene under UVA Irradiation DOI: 10.1159/000501731
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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200 200

* * *** ***
normalized to cell viability

normalized to cell viability

150 150 * **
ROS generation, %

ROS generation, %
100 100

50 50

0 0
Blank Control 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 7 Blank 4 80 4 20 30 40 80
(0 h)
Irradiation time, h Squalene, P-SQ with 4 h UVA irradiation,
µg/mL µg/mL
a 40 µg/mL squalene b

Fig. 3. Effects of UVA irradiation time of P-SQ (a) and concentration of P-SQ (b) on ROS generation in HaCaT
cells. Fluorescence intensities normalized to cell viability indicate ROS generation. Data are all expressed as per-
centage of the blank group. Values are means ± SEM (n = 6 replicates). P-SQ, peroxidized squalene; ROS, reactive
oxygen species; UVA, ultraviolet A. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 versus blank.

150 150

100 100
Cell viability, %

Cell viability, %

50 50

0 0
Blank Control 10 50 100 200 Blank Control 10 50 100 200
CA, µM BCA, µM
a P-SQ b P-SQ

Fig. 4. Effects of different concentrations of CA (a) and BCA (b) on cell viability in HaCaT cells challenged with
P-SQ. Data are all expressed as percentage of the blank group. Values are means ± SEM (n = 6 replicates). BCA,
butylated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid; P-SQ, peroxidized squalene.

family secretion and IL-1β mRNA expression induced by Analysis of Intracellular Active Concentrations in
P-SQ treatment in HaCaT cells. Under the same treat- HaCaT Cells
ment, CA decreased IL-1β secretion dose-dependently, Intracellular concentrations of CA and BCA were
but failed to show significant inhibitory effects on IL-1β quantified in order to test the hypothesis that the solubil-
mRNA expression and secretion of IL-1α and IL-1ra ity difference between CA and BCA affected their relative
stimulated by P-SQ treatment. efficacies in the cellular microenvironment. The concen-
trations of intra- and extracellular actives and recovery
rates were detected when 0.4 μmol actives were used in
cells for 8 or 24 h. As shown in Table 3, the results of the - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

6 Skin Pharmacol Physiol Zhou/Weng

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normalized to cell viability 200 200

normalized to cell viability

150 150
ROS generation, %

ROS generation, %
* * *
100 100 **
50 50

0 0
Blank Control 10 50 100 200 Blank Control 10 50 100 200
CA, µM BCA, µM
a P-SQ b P-SQ

Fig. 5. Effects of different concentrations of CA (a) and BCA (b) against P-SQ-induced ROS generation in HaCaT
cells. Fluorescence intensities normalized to cell viability indicate ROS generation. Data are all expressed as per-
centage of the blank group. Values are means ± SEM (n = 6 replicates). BCA, butylated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic
acid; P-SQ, peroxidized squalene; ROS, reactive oxygen species. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 versus control
(cells only treated with P-SQ). The difference of ROS level between the control and the blank group was analyzed
using the Student t test.

Table 3. Intracellular content of CA and BCA at incubation times of 8 and 24 h detected by UPLC-MS

Content 8 h treatment 24 h treatment


Cells, μmol 1.65±0.028×10–4 7.16±0.081×10–4** 4.30±0.036×10–4 1.30±0.137×10–3##

Supernatant, μmol 0.51±0.039 0.50±0.019 0.50±0.046 0.27±0.009##
Recovery, % 127.13±9.823 124.53±4.758 125.13±11.468 68.02±2.257##

Values are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3 replicates). BCA, butylated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid; MS, mass
spectrometry; UPLC, ultraperformance liquid chromatography. ** p < 0.01 vs. CA 8-h treatment; ## p < 0.01 vs.
CA 24-h treatment.

samples revealed that the intracellular concentration of bisphenol group [21]. This structure of CA is not condu-
BCA was superior to and nearly triple that of CA for both cive to the absorption and metabolism of cells in the or-
timepoints. The recovery rate of the BCA group within ganism. A tert-butyl group was introduced at the 3-posi-
24 h was only 68.02 ± 2.257%, which was significantly tion in the ortho-aromatic ring, thus BCA was synthe-
lower than that of the other groups (about 125%). sized as a lipophilic CA derivative [14]. Considering the
higher ability to release hydroxyl radicals and higher sta-
bility during the hydrogen transferring process, the tert-
Discussion butyl group was added at the 3-position instead of the 2-
or 6-position in the phenyl ring [22]. The modification of
CA, a plant-based phenolic antioxidant, has shown its structure has the following beneficial effects: (1) the tert-
chemical and biological activity as a promising antioxi- butyl group with a large steric hindrance speeds up the
dant in many publications [19, 20]. However, CA exhibits release of ortho-hydrogen; (2) it increases the compound’s
poor lipophilicity due to its high polarity increased by the lipophilicity; (3) it enables high yield and convenience for - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

CA and BCA Reduce Direct Peroxidation Skin Pharmacol Physiol 7

of Squalene under UVA Irradiation DOI: 10.1159/000501731
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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IL-1ra, %
IL-1α, %

50 200
100 *
0 0
Blank Control 50 200 50 200 Blank Control 50 200 50 200
CA, µM BCA, µM CA, µM BCA, µM
a P-SQ b P-SQ

200 2.0

Relative mRNA expression for IL-1β

150 1.5

(fold change)
IL-1β, %

100 * 1.0

50 0.5
0 0 ***
Blank Control 50 200 50 200 Blank Control 50 200 50 200
CA, µM BCA, µM CA, µM BCA, µM
c P-SQ d P-SQ

Fig. 6. Effects of actives against P-SQ-induced cytokine secretion of IL-1α (a), IL-1ra (b), IL-1β (c), and IL-1β
mRNA expression (d) in HaCaT cells. Data are all expressed as percentage of the blank group. Values are means
± SEM (n = 3 replicates). BCA, butylated caffeic acid; CA, caffeic acid; IL, interleukin; IL-1ra, interleukin-1 re-
ceptor antagonist; P-SQ, peroxidized squalene. * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001 versus control (cells only treated with
P-SQ). The difference of IL-1α and IL-1β secretion between each group was analyzed using the Student t test

synthesis [23]. BCA’s significant antioxidative capacity Peroxidation of squalene was confirmed and analyzed
has been validated in the lipid oxidation process in a pre- by POV measurement and the UPLC-UV/MS method;
vious report [14]. The efficacy of BCA against skin surface CA and BCA were able to inhibit the peroxidation pro-
oxidative stress was further investigated and compared cess and the production of P-SQ as expected. CA and
with CA in this report. BCA, as the free radical scavenging antioxidants, exhib-
Squalene, a main component of skin surface lipids, is ited their antioxidant capacity by catching free radicals
subjected to the peroxidation process under chemical and and delaying propagation of free radicals during the in-
physical conditions due to abundant double bonds in its duction period of the free radical chain reaction [9]. These
chemical structure [24]. Photooxidation products of results are consistent with previous reports which dem-
squalene have been proved to cause cell damage in HaCaT onstrated the effect of polyphenol on the stability of squa-
cells [5]. In this study, we investigated the antioxidant ca- lene and the performance of novel polyphenolic antioxi-
pacity of CA and BCA in squalene peroxidation under dants under storage and frying conditions [25]. Hence,
UVA irradiation and the potential roles of CA and BCA CA and BCA can both be considered as effective antioxi-
against P-SQ-induced damage and stress in HaCaT cells. dants against squalene peroxidation. - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

8 Skin Pharmacol Physiol Zhou/Weng

DOI: 10.1159/000501731
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Squalene peroxidation induced by UVA irradiation MS fragmentation regularity, but in line with the spec-
is a dynamic process and can result in different perox- trum of similar compounds containing a tert-butyl group
ides products. ROS is not only associated with oxidative in LC-MS [27]. Hence, this could have been the main rea-
damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA which leading to son behind the lowered recovery for BCA at 24 h. For
death and aging of cells, but also perturbs the redox bal- other groups, the volatilization of HBSS during incuba-
ance in cells. Thus, cellular ROS level is known to play tion may be responsible for >100% recovery. The differ-
important roles in certain pathological and physiologi- ence of intracellular levels between CA and BCA is con-
cal events. The establishment of an HaCaT model about sistent with the feature of the tert-butyl group, and there
P-SQ-induced oxidative stress in the cellular system is also accordance with the principle that substances with
was studied with ROS level as the key endpoint. The re- high fat solubility readily diffuse through cell membranes,
sults indicated that progressive UV-induced squalene which are phospholipid bilayers [28]. Therefore, we argue
peroxidation led to increasing stress when cells were that the lipid solubility of BCA allowed it to enter cells
exposed to P-SQ. Interestingly, after 4.5 h, a decrease in through the lipid bilayer membrane, making it readier to
ROS level was observed, which might be due to the pro- access lipid peroxides than CA.
duction of malondialdehyde and other aldehyde prod- Another common cellular stress response when ex-
ucts under excessive UVA irradiation [3, 7]. The reduc- posed to P-SQ is inflammatory reaction. Secretion of the
ing nature of malondialdehyde might have interfered IL-1 family, a highly active and pleiotropic proinflamma-
with the inducing effect of primary products of peroxi- tory cytokine, is directly involved in the pathogenesis of
dation of squalene. Dennis and Shibamoto [8] reported acne and plays a central role in mediating the link be-
that a maximum yield of malondialdehyde, as a decom- tween sebum peroxide and inflammation [29, 30]. Here-
position product of oxidized lipids, was obtained after in, we demonstrated that P-SQ elevated the secretion of
6–8 h irradiation, which was in accordance with the ob- IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-1ra, which is consistent with the
served decrease in ROS level with P-SQ irradiated for publication by Nakagawa et al. [7]. Besides, IL-1β mRNA
> 5 h. P-SQ increased ROS level in a dose-dependent expression was also quantified because the resulting IL-
manner in the range of 4–80 μg/mL in HaCaT cells. 1β protein level was determined by both mRNA tran-
Given the solubility of P-SQ in the HBSS culture sys- scription, translation, and posttranslational activation by
tem, we expect that the damage can plateau once reach- caspase-1 [31]. For actives, BCA decreased and even in-
ing the highest concentration, suggesting more physi- hibited IL-1β mRNA expression and IL-1β secretion as
ologically relevant 40 μg/mL dosage for ensuing active well as the secretion of IL-1α and IL-1ra dose-dependent-
evaluation. ly. However, CA only showed its dose-dependent inhibi-
While the two compounds showed similar direct squa- tion on IL-1β secretion and had no significant effect on
lene protection effects in the cell-free environment, only other cytokine expressions. IL-1α could regulate the in-
BCA decreased ROS generation dose-dependently when tracellular environment because it is localized in the cy-
CA and BCA were applied to P-SQ-stressed HaCaT cells tosol or cell membrane. In contrast, IL-1β is secreted and
at nontoxic dosages. Based on chemical nature of the works extracellularly. The commonality of IL-1α and IL-
compounds, we hypothesize that this discrepancy could 1β is that they release a variety of cytokine mediators of
be attributed to polarity, which rendered higher lipophil- inflammation and that they have competitive inhibition
ic potential for BCA due to its tert-butyl group [26]. To against binding of IL-1ra to IL-1 receptors [32]. Varia-
validate this hypothesis, intracellular contents of these ac- tions of the IL-1 family were uniform in the experiment,
tives were studied with UPLC-MS after incubating the which is in accordance with their changing tendency in
cells with equal amounts of CA and BCA for 8 or 24 h. most treatments in previous reports [33]. The activity of
The intracellular level of BCA was significantly higher caspase-1, which controls the activation and secretion of
than that of CA, regardless of incubation time. However, IL-1β posttranscriptionally, is a likely target for CA given
the recovery of the BCA group for 24 h was significantly the different results between protein and mRNA level of
lower than that of the CA group, which is worth discuss- IL-1β [34, 35]. CA depressed IL-1β secretion, but not IL-
ing but should not change the conclusion on its better 1α and IL-1ra secretion, and BCA had a better inhibitory
cellular bioavailability. The partial tert-butyl group in effect on cytokine expression. Whether it is relevant to the
BCA was easily detached or fragmented from the mole- different localization of IL-1 and intracellular distribu-
cule during the ESI-MS ionization if the compound was tion of CA and BCA influenced by lipophilicity remains
left in cell culture. It was not only in accordance with ESI- to be further studied. - 10/7/2019 3:30:23 PM

CA and BCA Reduce Direct Peroxidation Skin Pharmacol Physiol 9

of Squalene under UVA Irradiation DOI: 10.1159/000501731
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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In summary, we propose both CA and BCA as good Statement of Ethics
scavenging agents that can reduce direct peroxidation of
The authors have no ethical conflicts to declare.
squalene under UVA irradiation. However, the latter
demonstrated additional superior protective benefit in
HaCaT cells challenged with P-SQ. Such a difference in Disclosure Statement
biological efficacy could be a manifestation of the critical
role of lipophilicity that contributed to superior cellular The authors declare no conflict of interest.
bioavailability. Based on this observation, we conclude
that BCA is an attractive novel active for protection
against P-SQ-induced stress on skin. Future work will be Funding Sources
needed to further evaluate function, safety, and formula-
This research received no external funding.
tion compatibility before BCA can be applied in skin care
Author Contributions

Acknowledgment D. Zhou: formal analysis, investigation, methodology, and

writing of the original draft. X. Weng: conceptualization, data cu-
Many thanks to Gaosheng Shi for synthesis of pure BCA and ration, project administration, supervision, and manuscript re-
execution of the relevant characterization assay. view and editing.

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CA and BCA Reduce Direct Peroxidation Skin Pharmacol Physiol 11

of Squalene under UVA Irradiation DOI: 10.1159/000501731
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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