Bo Ward LFD

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 To obtain clinical experience in appropriate nursing procedures at the OB ward in able

to become a competent student nurse
 To further develop and improve my knowledge and skills through personal
experiences in earing and giving proper services to my client


 To be able to apply the knowledge I had acquired into practice and expose ourselves
to real-world hospital situations so we would know now to handle each condition and
be able to provide the patients with is the best care I could provide.
 To take vital signs in appropriate manner
 To do documentations properly
 To gain trust and cooperation from the client
 To asses the client logically and to formulate nursing diagnosis appropriate from the
findings I have gathered

During the very first time of exposure to the hospital, I had felt so much mixed emotions. The
excitement that I could, in some way, encounter things I had never encountered before. Fear
because it’s a new environment new people with different attitudes to deal with and of course
frightened because I might fail. For this experience, I can say that this was the time wherein i
was able to engage with the family and clients. I was really happy because I knew that simply
by being there, caring for my patients and witnessing their progress, I know somehow I
contributed to their development. All I can say about my duty is that I’m happy with the
result and had a great time doing it.
Every one was enthusiastic and interested to face the challenge of having a new patient while
on duty. I encountered different personalities. They were all good and cooperative. They are
all accountable for understanding various instances and the various patient interventions
required. They proved that they can use their skills and talents to apply what they have learnt.

She is so smart. She guides our actions and teaches us the best and most appropriate ways to
perform nursing tasks so that we become a competent healthcare providers. She wants us to
develop our discipline, show each other respect and act in manner appropriate for a nurse.
She made us laugh throughout the duties, which helped to calm our nervousness. She is very
observant and open to share the information’s that, we need to know in the OB unit.

Being affiliated in the hospital was a wonderful experience because I was given a chance to
learn more things that may help to enhance my skills. I have also encountered different cases.
I was able to provide the best care I could offer to my patient. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay
at the OB unit because I was able to learn so much, even in a short span of time. Obtaining
the patient’s initial vital signs, providing interventions and providing health education to help
them achieve or maintain a good health. I realized that you should always bear in mind that
before you do anything, you must ensure that everything will go according your plan,
correctly and completely. Learning by listening and acquiring new knowledge you have
learned in practical situations will lead you to your goal-oriented objectives that shall be
aided by our motivation in life, which will innervate our success in the future.

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