Research Paper Drinking Age

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Struggling with your thesis on the topic of the drinking age? You're not alone.

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It can also stop underage drinking by creating more laws towards the people who sell to minors.
Throughout this speech I will try to persuade you to believe that the United States should lower their
drinking age to 18, and begin educating teens on consuming alcohol responsibly. During school ages,
children need to have a fully functional developing brain in order to be successful student. One
could argue that if the MLDA was lowered to 18, drinking would not be such a taboo topic and kids
would not feel as pressured to drink in social situations. However, in my opinion, these arguments
are illogical. Not only this but alcohol related problems in youth also turn out to be very expensive.
The pattern of findings was consistent with past research on the relationship between alcohol, social
information processing and aggression as well as with behavioural studies of the alcohol-aggression
link. Almost every college and high school students are of the opinion that the drinking age limit in
the U. Supporters of decreasing the drinking age blame the steps of the federal government to push
states for increasing the minimum drinking age have increased the excitement with drinking to even
greater levels. A Drinking Permit Should Replace the Minimum Legal Drinking Age. Other benefits
include the aspect of reducing accidents and youths fatalities just to mention a few. Alcohol
Research: Current Reviews 2012; 34 4:432-440. In this case, lowering the drinking age isn’t such a
bad idea, There. That is the reason why drinking age must be lowered to 18 because an 18 year old
individual is considered to be an adult in United States because 18 is the legal age of adulthood in
United States. A sample of 82 participants (50% women) was randomly assigned to either an
alcohol, placebo or control group. The sweetened beverage no longer contains caffeine, but each 23.
Under such circumstances, nobody can argue drinking as a private matter. On a related note, 76% of
bars have sold alcohol to obviously intoxicated patrons, and about half of drivers arrested for driving
while intoxicated (DWI) or killed as alcohol-involved drivers in traffic crashes did their drinking at
licensed establishments (“Drinking Age”). We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and other animals are kept in dark rooms in. If consumed alcohol
interferes during the development stage chronic problems can occur such as having a greater
susceptibility to addiction, dangerous risk-taking behavior, memory loss, depression, violence,
suicide, and reduced decision-making abilities. Engs Ruth. “Why the drinking age should be
lowered: An opinion based upon research” March 20, 1998. Web. April 20, 2014. The challenge in
higher education: confronting and reducing substance abuse on campus. The amount of students at
colleges under the age 21 are more likely to be binge drinkers, which means they have more than five
drinks in a row. Research substantiates the contention that the legal drinking age should remain at 21.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Binge drinking is growing
among teenagers in America at present and as result of that they are engaged in many aggressive
activities. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The drinking age is fine, if
anything is should get raised. In May 2001, Jenna Bush was fined 52 US dollars along with eight
hours of community service and six hours of alcohol awareness classes since the authorities found her
holding a glass of beer (United States Office of National Drug Control Policy, 24-26).
Since the law was passed, there has been a decrease in car accidents, but a very high increase in
excessive, irresponsible drinking. So many arguments were cited in favour and against the lowering
of drink age in America. It happened in the past, it is happening now and it may happen in future
also. In my opinion it should be decreased because if we are classified as an adult and we are
allowed to get married. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,
97,000 college students aged 18-22 report experiencing alcohol related sexual assault or date rape. It
is the duty of the government to take necessary actions to punish those who supply liquor illegally.
We find that the probability an individual reports having consumed 12 or more drinks in the past
year increases at age 21 by about 6. Bob Lynn the state representative of Alaska also argues that the
drinking age should be lowered for at least 18 year olds in the military. For instance, an article
showed: “This effect implies individuals who already have a right to legally purchase and consume
alcohol tend to but it for their younger peers.” (“Minimum age limits Worldwide”). The imbibing age
should be raised to 21 so that pupils in college can concentrate on school and academic surveies. The
debate about increasing the drinking age received media attention in the summer of 2011 after the
twin daughters of President George W. Drinking at a young age can cause short-term problems and
well as long-term problems in preteens and teenagers. Discussion United States, Indonesia,
Kazakhstan, India, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, United Arab Emirates, Palau, Solomon Islands, American
Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Marina Islands, and Fiji are the only countries,
which have raised their dinking limit to 21 years instead of 18 years. Our government should keep
the drinking age at 21 because it saves more lives. This paper will argue if there is any benefits to
moving the MDLA, what those benefits could be, or if the MDLA should remain at 21 because of
the potential damage that could occur to teenagers when moving it to 18. From supposedly being a
government spy to being lost at sea, there have. Though there have been several calls for the
reduction of the drinking age, it is a bad idea. However, during the late 1960s and 1970s, due to
drafting of young individuals to the war and the growing trend of liberalism, almost all states
decreased the minimum drinking age to 18 years. The argument against changing the legal drinking
age has many issues. The more people know about the problem the more people will work together to
stop the problem. It condones young people drinking and increases their chances of being involved
in alcohol related incidents. Some of the negative repercussions that were being associated with
having a low drinking age of 18 included the numerous accidents that were happening as well as the
rise of alcohol binges (Heather and Stockwell 39). As a parent many are worried about their children
and want to make sure they will not ruin their life with alcohol related problems. People would argue
if they are old enough to vote for the person who runs the country, then what’s the difference in
choosing the responsibility of drinking. A minority of the adolescent population may intentionally
dispute to jurisprudence. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The reason would be
that if underage drinkers could consume alcohol they would not have to be forced to drive from
authorities. In other words, they are not taking decisions to operate weapons and therefore immature
decisions to use weapons can be eliminated. Should the drinking age be 21 or should we lower it to
18. These questions bring up solid points, however, with a legal drinking age of 21 decreasing traffic
accidents, underage drinking, and reducing the detrimental effects alcohol has on the brain, there’s
reason to keep the age the same.
It should be noted that teenagers who join army work under the control of matured military officers.
For a few years now more recently question being, should the drinking age be lowered to eighteen.
Kiesbye, Stefan. Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Lowered. This will promote pupils to
concentrate on their academic surveies. The point here is that if eighteen years is really the age where
the human brain is mature enough to take its own decisions then there is no point for the government
and lawmakers to interfere in lives of its people. Second, lowering the drinking age might influence
eighteen year olds to buy alcohol for younger teenagers. This is due to the fact that no matter if there
is and MDLA or not adolescents will still drink. For example, in California the real drunk driving
limit is.08 blood toxicity levels, but even if a person is below a.08, but they are still above.01 then
that individual is still considered under the influence and they are still given a ticket (Fell). Drinking
before the brain is fully developed can cause memory loss and frequent attention spasms. It could
also cause very different behavioral issues to occur. Congress got around this by tying highway
funds to drinking age. After getting their license teens are more prone to car accidents without
having alcohol in their system, so adding alcohol makes this risk go up. Our experts will write for you
an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. The communities that are
apart of this project have shown a 40 percent reduction in alcohol related fatal crashes (Holder 2).
Because of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, some Americans can put themselves in
front of terrorists with machine guns, but not a Heineken” (Blanche). This has been an ongoing
controversy in the United States as to whether the drinking age should be lowered from years-old to
years-old, argumentative essay on drinking age. McCardell believes that we can solve the drinking
age issue. Based on my view, drinking age in United States should not be lowered to 18 because of
health related issues and safety concerns such as motor vehicle accidents. Give us your email address
and we’ll send this sample there. All binge drinking related problems reduced a lot after drink age
has been fixed at 21. That would come from legalization.”In 1982 we accepted appointment to the
Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving and agreed to chair its Education and Prevention
Committee. It should be noted that in most of the European countries, the drink age is 18 whereas in
America, the authorities are not allowing the people to drink until they reach 21 years of age. This
clearly shows that adolescents are more likely to imbibe to the extra with no consideration for long-
run effects. Argumentative essay on drinking age Arguments supporting the legal drinking age being
set at 21 include: letting the brain fully develop before exposing it to damaging effects of excessive
alcohol use, keeping those aged in a safe environment, and reducing traffic deaths for those under 21
The main argument against a lower drinking age is that it is a risk to public safety. Several college
students find a way to consume alcohol whether they are of age or not. Furthermore, by the age of
14, over 41 percent of the children in United States, regardless of their background have had at least
one drink. At the end of the day bars, liquor stores, and clubs are in it for the money. Thus, within
the same state some youths were allowed to drink legally when they turned 18, while those born just
a short time later had to wait until they turned 21. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration
and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. So, question is does the drinking age need to be lower.

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