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Thank you for reaching out. Please fill out this application form to move onto the next step...

* All questions are kept strictly confidential. *

* This is YOUR time to tell us about You.


There are no wrong answers.

What is your first name?

Last name?

What city do you live in?

How old are you?

What is the best number to reach you at?

Which email address shall we use? Do not worry; we're not going to spam you.

Have you worked with Destin before, or attended any of his events? Please describe.

Where did you first hear about the Sexual Self-Mastery Training Program?

What do you do for a living? Please describe

What things are you most proud of accomplishing to this point in your life?

How would you describe your level of sexual confidence currently?

What is your biggest sexual, intimate or relationship challenge you have with women (or men) that you’d
like to solve in the next 6 months?

Where you are at in the journey? What results you have achieved?

Why do you think you don't have what you want yet?

By mastering your sexual energy, what do you imagine the impact to be on your professional life and even
financial abundance?

Space is limited for this opportunity and I want to make sure it’s a good fit. Can you tell us why you would
be a good addition to this group?

If Sexual Self-Mastery is clearly the right program to help you achieve your personal goals, are you willing
and able to invest time and resources in this support now?

What else would be useful for us to know about you?

Are you committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve Extraordinary RESULTS?

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