PDF Writing 2024

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‫‪UNIT‬‬ ‫‪PAGE‬‬ ‫المواضيع‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫وصف شخص‬
‫‪GIFTS OF‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫كيف يمكن لآلباء و التربويين تشجيع الشباب لتطوير مواهبهم في عدة مجاالت؟‬
‫‪YOUTH‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫أهم القيم التي يجب على الشباب اكتسابه‬
‫مواهب الشباب‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫أبرز بعض األسباب و النتائج صراع األجيال و اقترح بعض الحلول‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫أبرز بعض أسباب و نتائج التدخين بين التالميذ‪ .‬اقترح بعض الحلول لهذا المشكل‪.‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫بعض إيجابيات الفكاهة‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫مع أو ضد الفكاهة داخل الفصل‬
‫‪HUMOUR‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫قصة مضحكة‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫إيجابيات مشاهدة األفالم الكوميدية‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫ملخص فلم‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫اهم وسيلة للتعلم بالنسبة لك‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫أسباب و حلول الهدر المدرسي‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫أسباب و نتائج و حلول األمية‬
‫التربية‪/‬التعليم‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫بعض إيجابيات التعلم‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫إيجابيات تعلم اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫نتائج و حلول قلة المياه‬
‫‪SUSTAINABLE‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫أسباب و حلول التلوث‬
‫‪DEVELOPMENT‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫تجربة شخص التحق بدروس محو األمية‬
‫التنمية‬ ‫‪13‬‬ ‫كيف يمكن تنمية المناطق القروية‬
‫‪13‬‬ ‫دور الجمعيات في دمج الشباب في تنمية المجتمع‬
‫‪14‬‬ ‫مساهمة المرأة اقتصاديا سياسيا و اجتماعيا في تنمية المجتمع‬
‫& ‪WOMAN‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬ ‫إيجابيات و سلبيات عمل المرأة خارج البيت‬
‫‪POWER‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫المرأة بين الحاضر و الماضي‬
‫المرأة و القوة‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫إيجابيات تعلم المرأة‬
‫‪15‬‬ ‫قصة مرأة ناجحة‬
‫‪16‬‬ ‫وصف مناسبة احتفالية‬
‫‪CULTURAL‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬ ‫وصف حفل زفاف‬
‫‪VALUES‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬ ‫دعوة صديق لزيارة المغرب‬
‫القيم الثقافية‬ ‫‪17‬‬ ‫وصف مكان‬
‫‪18‬‬ ‫األماكن و األنشطة التي يمكن االستمتاع بها خالل العطلة بالمغرب‬
‫‪18‬‬ ‫إيجابيات و سلبيات التكنولوجيا الحديثة‬
‫‪ADVANCED‬‬ ‫‪19‬‬ ‫موقع التواصل االجتماعي المفضل عندك‬
‫‪TECHNOLOGY‬‬ ‫‪19‬‬ ‫نصيحة لصديق مدمن على اإلنترنت‬
‫التكنولوجيا الحديثة‬ ‫‪20‬‬ ‫إيجابيات و سلبيات الدراسة عن بعد‬
‫‪20‬‬ ‫أفضل اختراع بالنسبة لك و لماذا‬
‫‪CITIZENSHIP‬‬ ‫‪21‬‬ ‫كيف تكون مواطن جيد‬


‫المواطنة‬ ‫‪21‬‬ ‫تجربتك في عمل تطوعي شاركت فيه‬
‫‪22‬‬ ‫مع أو ضد العمل النصف يومي‬
‫‪22‬‬ ‫كيف يمكن جعل منطقتك افضل‬
‫‪22‬‬ ‫كيف يمكن المحافظة على البيئة‬
‫‪23‬‬ ‫أسباب و حلول هجرة األدمغة‬
‫‪23‬‬ ‫اتمام الدراسة في المغرب أو في الخارج‬
‫‪BRAIN DRAIN‬‬ ‫‪24‬‬ ‫نتائج و حلول الهجرة من القرى إلى المدن‬
‫هجرة االدمغة‬
‫‪24‬‬ ‫أين ستكمل تعليمك العالي‬
‫‪25‬‬ ‫إيجابيات و سلبيات العيش بالخارج‬
‫‪INTERNATIONAL‬‬ ‫‪26‬‬ ‫دور الجمعيات المدنية في تنمية المجتمع‬
‫المنضمات الدولية‬

‫مواضيع االمتحانات الوطنية من ‪ 2020‬الى ‪2023‬‬

‫‪REFERENCE‬‬ ‫‪PAGE‬‬ ‫المواضيع‬
‫‪2020 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪28‬‬ ‫اسباب الهجرة من القرى الى المدن‬
‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪28‬‬ ‫مقترحات لتنظيف الحي‬
‫‪2020 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪28‬‬ ‫وصف تجربة صعبة‬
‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪29‬‬ ‫اختيار مشروع لصالح منطقتك‬
‫‪2020 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪29‬‬ ‫وصف مكان‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬ ‫وصف شخص‬
‫‪2020 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬ ‫اهمية المشاركة في االنشطة المدرسية‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬ ‫فوائد ممارسة الرياضة‬
‫‪2020 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬ ‫وصف حفل زفاف‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬ ‫كيف يمكن ان تكون مواطن جيد‬
‫‪2020 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬ ‫ايجابيات الدراسة بالخارج‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪32‬‬ ‫دوافع نشر الفيديوهات و الصور على السوشل ميديا‬

‫‪2021 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪33‬‬ ‫بعض فوائد التكنولوجيا‬

‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪33‬‬ ‫االسباب التي تدفع السياح لزيارة المغرب‬
‫‪2021 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪33‬‬ ‫النتائج االجتماعية و االقتصادية لوباء كوفيد ‪19‬‬
‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪34‬‬ ‫كيف تجعل المدرسة افضل‬
‫‪2021 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪34‬‬ ‫تجربتك في المدرسة االبتدائية‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪35‬‬ ‫طلب عمل في مطعم‬
‫‪2021 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪35‬‬ ‫خصائص االستاذ الجيد‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪35‬‬ ‫اسباب زيادة الطلب على المأكوالت الجاهزة‬
‫‪2021 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪36‬‬ ‫ايجابيات مشاهدة فلم وثائقي‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪xxx‬‬ ‫طلب عمل في مطعم‬
‫‪2021 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪36‬‬ ‫استعماالت الواتساب‬


‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪xxx‬‬ ‫اسباب زيادة الطلب على المأكوالت الجاهزة‬

‫‪2022 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪37‬‬ ‫تقلص المساحات الخضراء اسباب نتائج و حلول‬

‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪37‬‬ ‫االحتفال باليوم العالمي للمرأة بالمدرسة‬
‫‪2022 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪37‬‬ ‫بعض التغيرات التي تحتاجها المدرسة‪.‬‬
‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫هل تفضل السفر مع األصدقاء ام افراد االسرة‬
‫‪2022 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫االعتذار لصديق و اخباره ببرنامجك العطلة المقبلة‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫بعض العادات السيئة يجب االقالع عنها‬
‫‪2022 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫اهمية الصداقة في حياتك‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫الخدمات التي يحتاجها الشباب في منطقتك‬
‫‪2022 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫اسباب عدم النوم عند المراهقين‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪40‬‬ ‫مقترحات لصديق سيزورالمغرب‬
‫‪2022 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪40‬‬ ‫بعض مظاهر نمط حياة المراهقين‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪41‬‬ ‫بعض التغيرات التي تحتاجها المدرسة‪.‬‬

‫‪2023 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪42‬‬ ‫فوائد استعمال كاميرات المراقبة بالمدرسة‬

‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪42‬‬ ‫الضغوطات التي يعيشها الناس في المدن الكبرى‬
‫‪2023 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪42‬‬ ‫كيف يجب على اآلباء مراقبة أبناهم لتجنب اإلدمان على ألعاب الفيديو‬
‫‪SCIENCE‬‬ ‫‪43‬‬ ‫قصة مضحكة‬
‫‪2023 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪43‬‬ ‫ماذا استفدت من تجربتك في التعليم الثانوي‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪43‬‬ ‫بعض النصائح لصديق سيقوم برحلة الى الجبل‬
‫‪2023 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪44‬‬ ‫العديد من الناس يفضلون العمل من المنزل لعدة أسباب‪.‬‬
‫‪S.HUMAN‬‬ ‫‪44‬‬ ‫القوانين التي تقبل و التي ترفض في المدرسة‬
‫‪2023 / NORM‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬ ‫كيف سيصبح نمط العيش في المستقبل‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬ ‫تقديم نصيحة لشخص لديه مشكل في عمله‬
‫‪2023 / RATTR‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬ ‫معلومات حول منطقتك لجلب انتباه السياح‬
‫‪LETTRE‬‬ ‫‪46‬‬ ‫هناك بعض األشياء يجب عليك تغييرها‬

‫‪SCHEMES‬‬ ‫‪48‬‬ ‫منهجبات كتابة الرايتين‬

‫مواهب الشباب ‪UNIT: GIFTS OF YOUTH -‬‬


‫ وصف شخص‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬
Describe a person :
___I have a friend called Omar. I have met him since we were in the primary
school. In appearance, he is not short. He has got black hair and brown eyes. He
usually wears casual garments. In character, he is quiet calm and well-organized.
Omar is not very sociable but he is friendly and funny sometimes. Everybody
likes him because he is tru stworthy and helpful. In brief, Omar is my closer friend
and i enjoy his company a lot.

‫ كيف يمكن لآلباء و التربويين تشجيع الشباب لتطوير مواهبهم في عدة‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬
How can parents and educators encourage youths to
develop their talents in different fields?
___Parents and educators can encourage talented young people in different
ways. About parents, they should communicate with their children perfectly since
the early age so that they can know well about their talents and interests.
Moreover, it is really efficient to take them to clubs to practise their favorite sport
or art in good conditions. Concerning educators, they have to organize
successive scientific, athletic and artistic competitions. This will give students an
opportunity to develop their talents .In addition; schools need to sign
partnerships with many NGOs which are concerned with youths' interests. In
short, there are various ways to encourage gifted young people.

‫ أهم القيم التي يجب على الشباب اكتسابها‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Give at least three necessary qualities that young people
should acquire to lead a better life.
___In my opinion, young people should acquire at least three main qualities to
lead a successful life. First of all, if a person in ambitious, he becomes time in
silly things. Second when we are cooperative we get chance to learn from each
other. Third, self-quality is very important to develop our mistakes this quality is
very important to develop our personality in short, there are many other qualities
which can let us lead a better life.

.‫الحلول‬ ‫أبرز بعض األسباب و النتائج صراع األجيال و اقترح بعض‬ : 4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬


Write a short article about some causes and consequences
of generation gap. Give some suggestions to reduce from
this issue.
Generation gap
___Generation gap is the different attitudes and lack of understanding between
young and old people. This issue is due to many social reasons. Initially, parents
grew up in social strict background surrounded by traditions and customs, in
contrast to children who want to be autonomous at early age. Moreover, the use
of the internet contributes in adopting new eating, entertaining and clothing
habits among children which is unacceptable by parents.
___Generation gap brings about many serious effects. For example, children
usually avoid family meetings and discussion because they think it is the source
of conflicts. What's more, when children refuse their parents' control, they
become exposed to addiction and bad habits. In short, i think that school and
media should take action and sensitize both parents and children how to avoid
the negative effects of generation gap.

‫ اقترح بعض الحلول لهذا‬.‫ أبرز بعض أسباب و نتائج التدخين بين التالميذ‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬
Write a short article about some causes and consequences
of smoking among students. Suggest some solutions.
Smoking among students
___Smoking among students is not a recent habit. It is very widespread in many
countries and it is due to several reasons. To start with, a bad company usually
drives many students to take up smoking. Moreover, lack of parents' control
gives children opportunity to experience a lot of bad habits like smoking.
Consequently, most teenagers who are smoking can't do their best at school and
their scores get lower. In addition, they always get into troubles with teachers or
other students because they are going cold turkey. In short, both parents and
educators have to join efforts to save those teenagers career. They have to
convince them to give up smoking because it is very harmful.


UNIT: HUMOUR - ‫الفكاهة‬
.‫ بعض إيجابيات الفكاهة‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬
Write a paragraph about some advantages of humour.
___Humour can bring about several benefits in our life. First of all, it helps us get
rid of boredom and stress caused by daily routine effort. Second, it is good to
keep healthy and energetic so that we can restart our work with renew energy and
passion. Third, humour makes our social relationship better. For example, when
we watch a comedy film or sitcom together with friends or family members, we
become more sociable and closer to each other. In brief, humour is very
necessary in our life for many reasons.

.‫ مع أو ضد الفكاهة داخل الفصل‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your school magazine say whether you are
for or against humour at school.
Dear editor,
___It is really to email you again. I would like to mention some advantages and
disadvantages of humour at school. On the one hand, some people think that it
would lead to a better communication between students and teachers so most
students become more emancipated and curious to ask questions far way from
timidity or fear. Moreover, both teachers and students can work away from
boredom and stress. On the other hand, others say that it is just a waste of time
as well as it is a source of disturbance and noise. Worse, humour during the
class can lead to misconstrue bad behaviours by some trouble making students.
In short, despite some disadvantages of humour, it is very necessary in our life.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

‫ قصة مضحكة‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about a funny story you have experienced.
___Everyone has been into a funny silly story in her/life. For me, i can never


forget when i have invited all my friends to watch a comedy play in the theater. Of
course i had not booked the tickets in advance because they would be available
there. I had been encouraging my friends to accept my invitation and i made them
so excited to enjoy the play. The day of the meeting, we met very early we took a
taxi to the theater. I was shocked, i found no one there, no booking place. My
friends were asking what was going on. Finally, i recognized that the date was
wrong and the show was the previous Tuesday. It was really embarrassing and
silly in front of my friends.

.‫ إيجابيات مشاهدة األفالم الكوميدية‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend; try to convince him/her to
watch comedy films.
Dear friend,
___I 'm really glad to email you again. I would like to tell you about some benefits
of watching comedy films. To start with, humour helps us get rid of stress caused
by daily routine efforts. Moreover, you can be well informed about a lot of topics
easily and amusingly. As well as you can pick up useful expressions and worlds
while watching a foreign comedy movie. Most importantly, watching a comedy
film with friends or family members strengthens our social relationships.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

‫ ملخص فلم‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

___The best film i have ever watched titled OKEY LIFE ‫عنوان الفلم‬. The director
named Robert Allan ‫إسم المخرج‬. It was broadcasted in 2013 ‫السنة‬. The film was in
English ‫اللغة‬. It was an action movie ‫ نوعية الفلم‬and it lasted for two hours and a half.
The movie took place in Los Angeles and Boston ‫المكان‬. The main characters
involved James Rick and Catherin Dublin ‫األبطال‬. The story was about ‫مقتط ف من القصة‬a
big family who were living together but when their grandfather was assassinated,
everything got worse since they decided to revenge. They face a lot of challenges
and difficulties. In short, I enjoyed a lot this movie because it was full of moral
lessons as well as i have picked up a lot of useful English expressions. I advise


everyone to watch it.

UNIT: EDUCATION- ‫التعليم‬/‫التربية‬

.‫ اهم وسيلة للتعلم بالنسبة لك‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about the most useful mean of learning
(internet, books, TV …etc.)For you and give reasons.
___Nowadays, there are a lot of means of learning. For me, the internet is the best
one for many reasons. First of all, it is available wherever i am; I don’t need to
bother myself to go to a specific place to learn so o can learn from home, club,
school …etc. Second, the internet includes a lot of web site me with different
languages that’s why i can never feel confused or worried about looking for any
topic i want to know about .everything is ready thanks to the internet. Third, what
i like lost is that it gives me access to watch documentaries, movies, lives
concerned with my school program. In short, the internet has become the most
useful and efficient source of information for both students and researchers.

.‫ أسباب و حلول الهدر المدرسي‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a short article about some reasons for dropping out of
school and suggest some solutions.
Dropping out of school
___Dropping out of school is still a very common problem in many societies. It is
due to many reasons,. First of all, poor families can't afford their children's
schooling expenses. Second, some stereotypes and traditions are still affecting
on some parents to prevent girls at a certain age to go to school. Third, some
parents don't believe in the importance of education in life. They say that
schooling can never assure their children's future so they offer to send their
children to work at early age.
___As a result, there should be some solutions to limit this issue. Initially, poor


children must be supported financially to complete their education. Moreover
both NGOs and media have to sensitize families about the importance of
___In short, we all should join effort to avoid the negative effects of dropping out
of school at early age.

‫ أسباب و نتائج و حلول األمية‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an article about some causes, consequences and
solutions for illiteracy.
___Illiteracy is inability to read and write and it is still widespread in many
underdeveloped countries. Illiteracy is due to many reasons. First of all, poverty
doesn’t let parents to send their children to school so literacy is not priority for
them. Second, some families especially in rural areas think that being literate is
not necessary to have a job and gain an income so they prefer to send boys to
workshops and girls to learn how to take care of their families. As a result, Most
illiterate people find a lot of difficulties to integrate in society in perfect way; they
always feel inferior and ignorant. Moreover, even if they are skilled in a certain art
craft, they are always limited and can’t go ahead. As far as I’m concerned, we all
should join efforts to fight illiteracy. For example, both NGOs and media have to
launch a successive sensitizing compaigns to make people aware of how much it
is important to be illiterate. In short, illiteracy is very serious hindrance that
prevents most societies from getting developed.

.‫ بعض إيجابيات التعلم‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about some advantages of literacy.

---Literacy is very important in our life because of several advantages. First of all,
literacy gives one opportunity to develop his/her personality and also know about
different issues. Second, literacy makes us ambitious to go ahead in life and lead
a successful career. Third, no one can deny that educated parents are
expectantly capable of raising good future generation. In brief, literacy has a
great impact on both individuals and society


‫ إيجابيات تعلم اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬
Write an email to your friend tell him about some benefits of
learning English.
Dear friend,
---I’m really happy to email you again. I would like to tell you about some benefits
of learning English. First of all, as a researcher or a student, you can benefit from
so many sources of information especially in the fields of economics and
sciences. Second, speaking English fluently can help one get a better job with a
higher salary whether in the home country or overseas. Third, we can
communicate with people from all over the world and know about their customs,
traditions and cultures. In short, learning English has become very necessary to
lead a successful career.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

UNIT : SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – ‫التنمية المستدامة‬

‫ نتائج و حلول قلة المياه‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a short article discussing some consequences of water

shortage and suggest some solutions.
‫ العنوان‬: water shortage
___-Water shortage is a very serious problem in many parts of the world. It brings
about a lot of negative effects. First of all, people will suffer from nigh prices of
vegetables and fruits because the products are very limited. Second, drinking
water will be very rare and expensive. This will affect negatively people’s health.
That’s why there should be some suggestion to save water as much as possible
.initially people should use water all the day. They must use it for a few hours a


day moreover, government has to control strictly all the factories that depend
fully on water in their industry. In short we all should join efforts to face this big
issue and avoid more negative effects.

‫ أسباب و حلول التلوث‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a short article about some cause of pollution and

suggest few solutions.
‫ العنوان‬: pollution
---Pollution is a very serious problem all over the world it is due to many reasons.
First of all, some people are not aware of its dangers they get rid of their house
waste everywhere. Second a lot of factories use toxic products to increase their
industry. They also throw away their wastes in rivers and seas carelessly.
Therefore, there should be serious actions to encounter this problem. Initially,
both NGOs and media have to sensitize people about the importance of
environment protection. Moreover * government must in pose strict sanctions
against factories which don’t respect environment. In short, we all should join
efforts to avoid more negative effects of pollution.

.‫ تجربة شخص التحق بدروس محو األمية‬3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your school magazine. Talk about the

experience of a person who joined literacy classes. How did
his life change?
Dear editor,
___It is really interesting to email you again. I would like to share with you the
experience of my friend Omar who joined literacy classes. Years ago, Omar was
illiterate, he could not read or write. He was feeling hopeless and usually
embarrassed among his friends. So he decided to take up literacy classes and
also learn some of English expressions. After that experience, Omar becomes
very ambitious and self-confident. What was amazing, he has started his own


business on the internet and led a successful career.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

.‫ كيف يمكن تنمية المناطق القروية‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph to give some suggestion to make rural

areas a better place for living.
---Rural areas need many improvements to be a good place for living. First, there
should be enough means of transportation which help the inhabitants move
whenever they need. Second, authorities have to set up some entertaining place
to help young people benefit from their free time. Third, most importantly, if there
is no way to build some factories which can provide job opportunities, at least the
authorities have to support financially young people to set up their own micro
projects. In brief, rural areas can never r be a convenient place to settle down
unless there are some main life facilities.

.‫ دور الجمعيات في دمج الشباب في تنمية المجتمع‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your school magazine to show the role of
NGOs in involving young people in society development.
Dear editor,
---It is really interesting to email you again. I would like to show the important role
of NGOs in encouraging young people to participate in society development. First
of all, they offer young people a good opportunity to improv e their talents in
different fields such as art, sport and science. This will drive them to represent
their country in the international competitions. Second, young people get more
confident to have a say concerning different issues. Third, NGOs have efficient
methods to make young people aware of their duties toward the society. For
example, they usually participate in voluntary work and several nonprofit
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,


UNIT : WOMAN & POWER – ‫المرأة و القوة‬

.‫ مساهمة المرأة اقتصاديا سياسيا و اجتماعيا في تنمية المجتمع‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a short article about how women participate in society
Women's role in society.
---Nowadays, women can participate in society development throughout many
fields. Economically, there are women with high leadership styles. They can run
big companies successfully as well as some of them set up their own micro
projects which help them be financially independent. Socially, civic associations
run by women play an important role in defending children's and women's rights
beside they usually encourage talented young people to achieve their dreams.
Politically, women become well-represented in political parties and parliament. In
brief, women have become an essential partner in society development
throughout several roles and posts

.‫ إيجابيات و سلبيات عمل المرأة خارج البيت‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your school magazine. Mention some
benefits and drawbacks of working women.
Dear editor,
---It is really interesting to email you again. I would like to talk about some
benefits and drawbacks of working women. On the one hand, having a job can
help women to invest their skills and competences for the favor of society
development. Moreover, they can be financially independent to buy whatever they
need. On the other hand, it can be a serious barrier to rear their children properly.
What's more, when they have long hours' work outside home, it will negatively
effect on their family relationship. To sum up, working women have to be more
eclectic to avoid several family problems.


I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

‫ المرأة بين الحاضر و الماضي‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about woman's situation between the past
and present.
---In contrast to the past when the role of women was restricted in raising
children, managing family affairs and working in the fields, Nowadays they
become able to attend schools and get higher diplomas which push them to take
big responsibilities in society. In addition to the rights they are enjoying after
reforming family code. In brief, along with the recent changes, we all should
encourage women for a better status because they can take part in our
community development.

.‫ إيجابيات تعلم المرأة‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write some benefits of educated women.
---When women are well educated, the whole society gain a lot of benefits. First of
all, they adopt perfect ways to raise children who can be good citizens in the
future. Second, they are highly aware of their rights and responsibilities toward
their families. Third, educated women are usually enough clever to manage their
family affairs and achieve family prosperity. In short, most educated women are
succeeful in both family life and personal achievements.

.‫ قصة مرأة ناجحة‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a successful story of a woman you have known.
---Every one of us can be a witness of a successful story of someone. For me, i
still remember our neighbor named chaimae who was in her thirties. She was
illiterate. But soon she joined literacy classes, and started learning reading and
writing. She also learns how to deal with social media and different Apps. By the
way she was a talented cooker especially traditional Moroccan dishes. One day
she started her YouTube channel which soon becomes very popular and followed
by thousands of people. Chaimae has made a fortune and expanded her project.
Now, she is leading a successful life.


UNIT: CULTURAL VALUES- ‫القيم الثقافية‬

.‫ وصف مناسبة احتفالية‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend tell him/her about an occasion,
you celebrate in your country.
Dear friend,
___I m really happy to email you again. I would like to tell you how we celebrate
Eid Elfiter in my family. First of all. Eid elfiter comes after the holly Month
Ramadan; my family usually prepares a lot of delicious Moroccan traditional
cookie and also a big breakfast for that day. Before we have breakfast, we go to
the mosque to pray. After that, we visit 0our relatives and family members with
whom we have lunch together. In short, apart from the ceremonial activities, Eid
elfiter is an occasion to renew a lot of values such as tolerance, cooperation and
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

‫ وصف حفل زفاف‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend about a wedding party you
attended last weekend.
Dear friend,
---I’m really happy to email you again. I would like to tell you about the wedding
party that i attended last weekend. The occasion was a great moment to enjoy a
lot of traditional and cultural aspects. About clothing, most guests were wearing
antique Moroccan garments like caftans for women but young people were
wearing smart clothes. Concerning food, they served many delicious with tea and
juices in addition to various main dishes. For music, the band played a lot of
musical tracks but the guests enjoyed a lot Moroccan popular songs. In brief, the


wedding party was a great occasion to meet new people and enjoy our Moroccan
traditions and cultures.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

.‫ دعوة صديق لزيارة المغرب‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend invite him/her to visit Morocco.
Dear friend,
---I am really happy to email you again. I would like to invite you to visit Morocco
on holiday. First of all, concerning the accommodation, you don't have to book in
a hotel. You can stay with me at my house. There is an empty room for guests.
Moreover, there are many place, we are going to visit together. You will enjoy a
lot of monuments, nature and cultural activities. What's more, you are going to try
a lot of delicious Morocco Moroccan dishes like Couscous and Tagine.
Furthermore, people are very tolerant, generous and hospitable. Don't forget the
way of greeting. It is very simple; you will just shake the right hand and say
"Salam". In short, I'm certain that you will enjoy your holiday in Morocco.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

.‫ وصف مكان‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about the best place you have ever visited.
___The best place i have ever visited is Tangier city for many reasons. First of all,
it is a coastal city with a wonderful climate along the year. It has some long
seaside in addition to an amazing nature with mountains, hills, forests and rivers.
Second, as a tourist, you never feel bored because you can do a lot of activities
like shopping, sightseeing and having picnics as well as there are a lot of pubs,
parks, hotels and restaurants. Third, population is very generous, open minded
and hospitable. They are deeply rooted to the local traditions and customs at the
level of clothing, music and food. In brief, Tangier is a very beautiful city which
worth frequent visits.

.‫ األماكن و األنشطة التي يمكن االستمتاع بها خالل العطلة بالمغرب‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬


Write an email to your friend give him/her about places to
visit and activities to do during the holiday in Morocco.
Dear friend,
---I’m really happy to email you again. I would like to suggest some activities to
do and places to visit during your holiday in Morocco. First of all, don't miss the
opportunity to visit some beautiful cities like Tangier, Rabat, Marrakesh and
Dakhla. Through these cities, you can enjoy the cultural diversity of the country.
Second, it is really necessary to taste some local delicious dishes like Tagine,
Tangiya and couscous. Most importantly, it will be very amazing if you attend the
Gnawa festival in Essaouira city which is concerned with afro-Moroccan music.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards

UNIT: ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY- ‫التكنولوجيا الحديثة‬

‫ إيجابيات و سلبيات التكنولوجيا الحديثة‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a short article about some advantages of Modern
Modern technology:‫العنوان‬
---People have different opinions about advantages and disadvantages of modern
technology. On the one hand, it helps us with doing different work and tasks
easily and quickly. For example, there are a lot of house work machines and
robots like vacuum cleaners, microwaves and dish washers which make our
households easy and perfect. Moreover, Mobile phones become very necessary
for communication. On the other hand, advanced technology is used in
producing some dangerous weapons which bring about a great number of
victims. What's more, the internet becomes a way to spread/launch bad habits
and ideas among young people and children which can destroy the cultural and


social values of any society. In short, Modern technology can be both negative
and positive in our life depending on our aims.

‫ موقع التواصل االجتماعي المفضل عندك‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

write a paragraph talk about your favourite website.
---Instagram is my favourite social website for many reasons. First, it is a good
app to meet and make new friends from different places with various cultures.
Second, I can use it to learn and study because I usually benefit from watching
lives by competent teachers .this helps me prepare well for my exams at school.
Third, it is a good platform to start my e-business since I can post my products
and attract millions of customers. In brief, I can't stop using Instagram for many

‫ نصيحة لصديق مدمن على اإلنترنت‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend who is addicted to surfing the
net and he is wasting a lot of time .give him/her piece of
Dear friend,
---I'm really happy to email you again. I would like to give some advice which may
help you stop being addicted to the internet. First, you have to know that the
internet has a lot of advantages and disadvantages so you should be well
organized, smart and responsible while using it. Second, you ought to find other
interesting activities like art and sport ones to do. This will make you well-
balanced and not wasting all of your free time in front of the screen. Third, try to
delete a huge number of apps that you are using and keep just few of them then
you can be away from annoying notifications
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon
My regards,

‫ إيجابيات و سلبيات الدراسة عن بعد‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an article about some advantages and disadvantages
of online classes .


Online classes :‫العنوان‬
---Views are different concerning the advantages and disadvantages of online
classes. On the one hand, some people think that they are good especially they
don't waste time in moving or taking transportation to the place of classes.
Second, when a person enrolls in online classes, he/she can study in calm place
far away from the noise of other students. On the other hand, others say that they
are not efficient because teachers don't reply or answer their question at the right
moment so it prevents from understanding the lesson well. Moreover, sometimes
the internet connection gets very weak so students miss their classes. In short,
even if online classes have some negatives, they help us a lot to learn and study
in good conditions.

‫ أفضل إختراع بالنسبة لك و لماذا‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about an invention that you admire a lot
and tell why.
---Nowadays, there are a lot of technological inventions that make our life easier.
For me, I think that mobile phones are the best ones for many reasons. First of
all, they are very useful to communicate with people wherever they are and of
course they are very helpful especially during urgent moments. Second, they give
us access to the internet wherever we are. That’s very important criteria. Third,
they can be good tools of entertainment. We can play online games, take photos
or create videos. In short, Mobile phones are the most important technological
device in our life.



‫ كيف تكون مواطن جيد‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬
Write an email to your editor, mention how a person can be a
good citizen.
Dear editor,
___It is really interesting to email you again. I would like to suggest some acts to
follow for being a good citizen. First of all, everyone must respect environment. A
person mustn’t throw wastes everywhere or smoke in public places. Second,
voting in elections is very necessary to choose the right mayor who can manage
local affairs properly. Third, participating in voluntary work is very efficient for
community development. In short, there are so many simple actions and habits
that make us seem good citizens.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

.‫ تجربتك في عمل تطوعي شاركت فيه‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend tell him/her about a voluntary
work that you have recently participated in.
Dear friend,
___I’m really glad to email you again. I would like to tell you about the voluntary
work that did last weekend with our local association. It was concerned with
cleaning our area. In the early morning, all members met and they were divided
into two groups. I was in the group which was responsible for collecting the
rubbish, cleaning the street and painting the path. It was a very interesting
experience which let me learn a lot if skills and acquire several values like
cooperation, patience and responsibility. At the end of the day, the are became
very clean and beautiful, the inhabitants appreciate a lot our initiative.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

.‫ مع أو ضد العمل النصف يومي‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend to tell him/her your opinion


about having a part time job.
Dear friend,
___I’m really glad to email you again. I would like to tell you about some
advantaged and disadvantages of having a part time job. On the one hand, it is a
good way to earn some money and become financially independent. Moreover, it
is a good opportunity to learn different practical skills. On the other hand, this
type of job can be a waste of time for students especially during the period of
exams preparation. What's more, you can be exposed to a serious accident with
bad side effects. In short, a person who needs to have a part time job should be
so careful.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

‫ كيف يمكن جعل منطقتك أفضل ؟‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about some improvements that your area
needs to be better
___Our area needs some necessary improvements to be better. First of all, there
should be more public places to practise sport which will certainly encourage
young people to benefit from their free time. Second, the city council have to take
care of green areas because they are very important to make our neighborhood
clean, beautiful and less polluted. Third, people need more means of
transportation to move without difficulties. In short, means of transportation,
green space and sport gounds are very necessary to make our area better.

‫ كيف يمكن المحافظة على البيئة‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph to make some suggestion how to keep the
environment clean in your neighborhood.
___There are many ways to keep our environment clean in our neighborhood.
First, the inhabitants must get rid of their house waste in the right place as well
as they should always keep their front doors clean. Second, the local association
has to organize successive campaigns to sensitize people about the importance


of environment preservation. Third, people have to reduce from using cars and
replace it with bikes because it is very efficient to fight air pollution. In short,
environment protection is a duty that all inhabitants in my neighborhood must

UNIT: BRAIN DRAIN- ‫هجرة االدمغة‬

‫ أسباب و حلول هجرة األدمغة‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an article about some causes of brain drain and
suggest few solutions
Brain drain
___Brain drain is a very common phenomenon in the world. It is concerned with
the emigration of highly skilled people to develop countries for many reasons.
First, most competent people don't gain better salaries as much as they expect as
well as they are facing a very weak working conditions. Some of them have jobs
which are far from their fields of studies. As a result, they prefer to search for a
better life in other countries. So, there should be some urgent suggestions to
reduce from this movement. Initially, highly skilled people must be given
tempting wages and perfect working conditions so that they can be more creative
and productive. Moreover, they deserve some necessary life facilities like
housing and entertaining. In short, the government and private sectors have to be
aware of bad side effects of brain drain.

‫ اتمام الدراسة في المغرب أو في الخارج‬:2 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend, give him /her some advice
whether to study abroad or in Morocco
Dear friend,
___ I'm really happy to email you again. I would like to give you some advice
concerning completing your studies in Morocco or abroad. About studying in


Morocco, the language of your studies will not be a barrier anymore, as well as
Moroccan universities and high institutes include all specialties and fields of
study that you may/want to study. And don't forget you are going to be guided by
competent tutors. Most importantly, the expenses of higher education in Morocco
are affordable. For studying abroad, of course no one can deny that you will find
a higher quality of educational system but you need to be ready for culture shock,
the life style, costumes and social habits are different .so I advise you to be more
flexible so that you can avoid all factors that may affect your career negatively.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon
My regards,

‫ نتائج و حلول الهجرة من القرى إلى المدن‬:3 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about some consequences of moving from
countrysides to cities and suggest some solutions.
___Huge numbers of people are moving to live and work in the cities .this brings
about many serious effects. First of all, the cities become very crowded and it
gets very difficult to find a place for renting or buying because the demands are
very high. This certainly makes shanty towns expand. Second, rate of
joblessness gets increased because there are not enough job offers for a lot of
people which leads to poverty, drafting and crimes. In short, responsible must
take action to make countrysides better place to settle down and avoid moving to

‫ أين ستكمل تعليمك العالي‬:4 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend and tell him/her where you will
complete your education and why.
Dear friend,
___I'm really glad to email you again. I would like to tell you about my decision
concerning my higher education. At last, I convinced my parents to carry on my
studies in China.it is my dream for many years. I will study business there; I have
just enrolled in an international university in china. I took this decision because I


would like to know about other cultures and I like to lead my studies in English
Language. What about you?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

‫ إيجابيات و سلبيات العيش بالخارج‬:5 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write an email to your friend. tell him/her about some

advantages and disadvantages of living and working abroad.
Dear friend,
___I'm really glad to email you again. I would like to tell you about some
advantages and disadvantages of living and working abroad. On the on hand, you
can find a lot of job offers with satisfying salaries especially in some countries as
well as a respectable health care system. Most importantly, you or your children
will receive a good educational program at schools .on the other hand, if you are
not flexible, you will always feel homesick and bored .moreover, your language
must be good or you can't integrate as better as it should. Furthermore, you have
to be very careful about raising your children because you can't trust outside
reactions and behaviours.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon
My regards,


. ‫ دور الجمعيات الغير حكومية في تنمية المجتمع‬:1 ‫الموضوع رقم‬

Write a paragraph about the role of NGOs in society
___NGOs can play an important role in society development. First of all, they
frequently run sensitizing campaigns to raise people's awareness about different


issues. Second, they are able to involve young people in voluntary work and
community services activities. Third, they make young people active in politics
and decision-making. In brief, NGOs' role is very necessary for our community


‫تصحيح مواضيع االمتحانات‬
‫الدورة العادية و االستدراكية‬

‫من ‪ 2020‬الى ‪2023‬‬


- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ اسباب الهجرة من القرى الى المدن‬:‫الموضوع‬
____Many people leave country sides to live in the city for several reasons. First,
job opportunities are very rare so the inhabitants are usually in bad financial
conditions. Second, many country sides don't have high schools for students to
complete their education and families are willing to help their children get higher
degrees. Third, most young people find countryside life style boring, they can't
enjoy their free time and know about things. In short, living in the countryside
makes some people's life limited and underground.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ تنظيف الحي‬:‫الموضوع‬
Clean neighborhood
___In order the keep our neighborhood clean, we all should join efforts and follow
some simple habits and actions. To start with, the in habitants should take care of
their front doors by decorating them and putting some plants and flowers. What's
more, local associations have to encourage the population in the area to engage
in a regular voluntary work concerned with cleaning our neighborhood. In
addition, people must get rid of their house waste in the right place and garbage
collectors have to do their work properly. Furthermore, the local authority must
put some signs which remind people of respecting the environment. In short, our
area can be clean and not polluted all the time if we all are responsible for
environment protection

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ تجربة صعبة مررت بها‬:‫الموضوع‬
___The worse experience i have ever had in my life is when i was on holiday in
Agadir. It was really a terrible experience for the following reasons. First, when i
arrived for the first time, i could not find a hotel reservation. All hotels were
occupied. I felt very frustrated; i had to spend the night in my car. Second, The


weather in the morning got windy and rainy even if it was summer that made my
day started difficultly. Third, my car broke down so i had to look for a mechanic in
the area which was really exhausting. Finally, i had spent difficult moments
before i booked in a hotel just for two days because i lost desire to stay there.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ اختيار مشروع من اجل الساكنة‬:‫الموضوع‬
Dear sir/madam,
___I’m really glad to email you. I would like to say that creating a sport center in
my area is a better project for many reasons. First of all, this initiative will give
chance to all gifted young people to improve thier talents and one day they can
be champions. Second, it will be a one the best place to go for the local
population during their free time because they are lacking from entertaining
places. Third, practising sport is very important to avoid drafting and addiction
among young people as well it is a good activity to acquire necessary values.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My sincerely,

- ‫ الدورة العادية –علوم انسانية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ شخص مثالي بالنسبة لك‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Everyone has a model character who you want to pursue. My elder brother
has been graduated from the university of business. He has built his career by
himself. When he was at school, he was hard working, well organized and
responsible. He always knows how to tackle his problems; he was never careless
about his dreams and goals. My elder brother was a talented person in running
his personal matters. He is also very smart and gifted in leading his business. I
consider him my model in life i want to pursue the way he is leading his life.


- ‫ الدورة العادية –علوم انسانية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ وصف رحلة مدرسية‬:‫الموضوع‬
___On a school excursion, i would like to go to the Rays lake. The place worth a
visit for the following reasons. First of all, the place includes all wonderful natural
components a lake, mountains, forest and a river. The view is really amazing.
Second, the authorities have provided the place with all equipments which
visitors need like sanitation facilities, shops and hostels. In brief, the place is very
beautiful along with a nice weather especially in spring.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ فوائد ممارسة الرياضة‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Doing sport has a lot of advantages. First of all, one will keep healthy and
avoid some serious problems. Second, athletic people are rarely label to
addiction and bad daily habits. Third, it is an opportunity while practising sport to
meet new people from whom we lean lot of positive things. In brief, practising
sport gives us chance to gain so many benefits.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ المشاركة في االنشطة المدرسية‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Participating in school activities is a very advantageous act for students. To
start with, it gives us chance to learn so many skills that are useful in our life as
well as acquire some necessary values like cooperation and responsibility.
Second, school activities can be regarded as a duty to involve students in what
we call community service because we have to be good citizen who care of place
where we study and build our personalities. Third, these activities can make our
relationships teacher, students and administrators get stronger and join for a
better future. In short, involving in school activities can be regarded as a duty for
many reasons.


- ‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ وصف حفل الزفاف‬:‫الموضوع‬
dear friend,
___I’m really glad to email you again. i would like to tell you about the last
wedding party, i have attended last weekend.
___The party was really amazing. i have enjoyed a lot of tradition and customs.
About clothing, most people were wearing luxurious Moroccan traditional clothes
like caftans for women. Concerning food, they served a lot of delicious Moroccan
cookies with tea and juices. For music, the band played plenty of songs but the
guest enjoyed a lot popular Moroccan music. In short, the party was full of
cultural aspect that i liked a lot. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
my regards,

- ‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ واجبات المواطن الجيد‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There are many things we can do to be good citizens. For example. We should
keep our front doors clean and put some decorations and plants. Beside, we have
to be aware of the importance of voting in elections to choose the right person
who can lead our local affairs. What's more, drives must respect driving
regulation so that we will avoid road accidents. Furthermore, people ought to
participate in voluntary work because it is really necessary for our community
development. In short, we can follow some few simple and easy actions to
achieve a good citizenship

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ فوائد الدراسة في الخارج‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There are many benefits of studying abroad. To start with, more fields of
study are available with different languages. In addition, the higher education
system offers students continuous practical training classes which will help
students to be both well informed and skilled. What's more, international


diplomas are usually accepted for great number of job offers. Last and not least,
studying abroad brings about a lot of benefits.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ استعمال اليوتوب و التكتوك‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Nowadays, there are many reasons for posting videos and photos on
YOUTUBE and TIKTOK among young people in particular. Initially, it has become
a free time activity to share one's personal life with others. Moreover, some
people are taking this activity as a kind of job to earn money so the more likes
and comments they receive, the more money they earn. In addition, some people
are very shy, they can never be courageous to get in to face to face discussion
and talk about their personal secrets so they prefer to hide behind screens and
express themselves. In short, this habit or activity can be positive and negative at
the same time depending on one's characters.


-‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ االسباب التي تدفع السياح لزيارة المغرب‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Many tourists like to visit Morocco for many reasons. First, the country
includes several touristic cities with all facilities that the tourists need to enjoy
their holidays like hotels, clubs, restaurants and all means of transportation.
Second, the country has a lot of amazing historical monuments and plenty of
attractive traditions and customs related to food, clothing and music. Third, the
weather is really amazing tourist can live and enjoy various types of climate
depending on the region they are from the north to south. In short, Morocco has
interesting cultural and social characteristics that attract tourists from all over the

- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ بعض فوائد التكنولوجيا‬:‫الموضوع‬
The benefits of advanced technology
___Nowadays, people all over the world have been affected by the new
technology which makes their life easier than before at all levels. Initially, most
house chores have been easy because of different new machines like microwave
ovens, smart dishwashers, and vacuum cleaners. Moreover, the internet makes
communication among people illimitably as well as it is an important source of
information for both students and researchers. Most importantly, the new
technology plays a great for the medicine progress. People become able to be
cured from some chronic diseases. In short, advanced technology has become
very necessary in our life.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

19 ‫ النتائج االجتماعية و االقتصادية لوباء كوفيد‬:‫الموضوع‬
Social and economic effects of the epidemic
___Nowadays, most people have been affected by some serious social and


economic effects of the pandemic Covid 19. First of all, People who were sick, got
vey frustrated and frightened, they could not keep on working or studying. That
affected negatively on their mental and psychological health. Second, most
people who did not have a permanent job, lost their revenue so they ran into a
serious financial crisis. Third, most social relationships have been broken up.
People were on confinement so as to avoid getting sick. In short, The pandemic
brings about a lot of daily habits changes.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ كيف تجعل المدرسة افضل‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There are many things we can do to make our school beautiful and clean.
Initially, there is a large empty space which can use it for a school garden with
plants and flowers. Moreover, Students have to gather at least once month to
clean and decorate our classrooms. Most importantly, we have a big room which
will be very convenient to make it as theather and conference room. In brief,
these simple suggestions can make our school more beautiful and attractive.

- ‫ الدورة العادية – علوم انسانية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ تجربتك في المدرسة االبتدائية‬:‫الموضوع‬
---I still remember lot of things about my primary school. First of all, i can never
forget my first day then when i was very frightened and shocked, i refused to get
into the classroom till the head master came and convinced me. I was very shy
but soon i could keep up because i met a lot of new nice kids who were really
funny. Moreover, my last day at primary school was when i finished my 6th grade.
After the school party i could not stop crying, i knew that i would not meet my
friends again because my family would move to another city. Anyway, my primary
school experience was full of joy and happiness, i can never forget it.


- ‫ الدورة العادية –اداب & علوم انسانية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ طلب عمل في مطعم‬:‫الموضوع‬
Dear Mr Najji,
___It is really honorable to email you, i would like to apply for a post of the waiter.
I have seen this job offer while checking your official website.
I’m karim jamal, i m 18 years old, i live in the capital city Rabat. By the end of
June, i will have got my Bac in computer science. I speak fluently three languages
Spanish, English and Chinese.
Honest, i m really interested in this post as a part time job. I have already worked
in a restaurant so i have learnt a lot of skills especially dealing with customers.
I’m responsible, punctual and cooperative. I always try to do my best in the
I'm looking forward to being accepted.
My sincerely,

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ خصائص االستاذ الجيد‬:‫الموضوع‬
___I think that a good teacher should have some qualities. First, he/she should be
patient and open minded because our generation is accustomed to different
habits and discourse. Second, he she has to be fair. The teacher must avoid all
forms of discrimination and give students equal opportunities in the classroom.
Third, a teacher ought to have a sense of humour. Sometimes, he/she make fun
with their students so as to avoid boredom. In brief, teachers need to have some
qualities to make their classes interesting and adorable.

-- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –اداب & علوم انسانية‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ اسباب زيادة الطلب على المأكوالت الجاهزة‬:‫الموضوع‬
Fast food
___Nowadays, many people are consuming fast food much more than before for
many reasons. First of all, most of them are very busy at work or at school. They


don't have enough time to prepare their meals at home so they find fast food
available anytime they want. Second, others prefer fast food because there are
different plates and sandwiches to eat in contrast to homemade food which is
usually one or just two kinds. Third, picky eater find fast food very delicious and
tasty but homemade food is boring for them. In short, eating fast food is a very
common habit especially among young people.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ ايجابيات مشاهدة فلم وثائقي‬:‫الموضوع‬
---I like watching documentary films for many reasons. First of all, they are a very
reliable source of information so one can be well informed about a lot of
information from various fields. Second, some people can consider it as an
entertaining activity during their free time in order to get rid of boredom and daily
stress as well as get into interesting discussion with friends or . In short,
watching a documentary movie is really advantageous for people from all ages.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2021 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ استعماالت الواتساب‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There a lot of thing i can share with my friends on WHATSAPP. First of all, as
students we create groups to send and receive all what is concerned with our
lessons, test and school activities. Second, we can share conversations, photos
and videos in our free time. Third, WHATSAPP is very efficient especially in
urgent moments, i can even call a friend and ask for a help. In short, this App has
been very necessary to complete our daily tasks.


- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ االحتفال باليوم العالمي للمرأة بالمدرسة‬:‫الموضوع‬
___On March, our school celebrated woman's day, in the morning, the school
club organized a welcoming ceremony for mothers, teachers and other working
women. After, the headmaster made a speech to thank all mothers and teachers
fir their great efforts. In the afternoon, the club organized many artistic and
cultural activities. At the end of the event, they delivered prizes for some
outstanding women in society. In brief, the event was really fruitful and
interesting despite some disagreeing points.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ تقلص المساحات الخضراء اسباب نتائج و حلول‬:‫الموضوع‬
Green space
___The fast disappearance of green areas, forests and parks have become very
fast in many regions due to some reasons. First of all, there a lot of construction
companies which use extensively green areas to put up buildings. Second, water
shortage is also a big problem which doesn't help to plant and save more grass
and trees,. Consequently, the air is getting polluted, people especially children
get exposed to dangerous breathing diseases. What are worse, people don't have
a health space with fresh air to relax o practise sport. As a result, both NGOs and
city council should make efforts to save green space and they have to impose
strict measures on some factories and companies which threaten the

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

.‫ بعض التغيرات التي تحتاجها المدرسة‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There are many things i would like my school to change. First of all, the time
table is very tiring, we study almost six hours a day and it is very exhausting
especially when we have scientific subjects. Second, i hate wearing the uniform, i
feel that i can't enjoy my personal freedom. Third, P.E hours are not enough, we


have just two hours a week. We also need free WIFI service to have access to the
internet. In short, the administration should take action to make the school a
convenient place to study.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ هل تفضل السفر مع األصدقاء ام افراد االسرة‬:‫الموضوع‬
Travelling with friends.
___Everyone enjoys his/her vacation while travelling with friends or family
members. For me, i enjoy travelling with friends for many reasons. First of all, the
trip become very adventurours, we usually experience a lot of amazing activities
or we we go to places that we did not expect before. Second, travelling with
friends is not restricted with rules and plans as well as we talk the same language
and we share the same interests. Third, it is cheaper because we are a group of
friends and the contribution is very convenient. In short, travelling with friends is
better than travelling with family for many motives

- ‫ الدورة العادية –علوم انسانية‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ بعض العادات السيئة يجب االقالع عنها‬:‫الموضوع‬
___My best friend has some bad habits whish i would like him to change them.
First, he is usually stuck to his mobile phone. He is wasting a lot of time in silly
things. Second, he is not self-receptive so he should accept others' advice to
make progress. Third, my friend doesn't practise sport anymore. This will affect
his health negatively. In brief, despite some of his bad habits, he is still my close
friend for many reasons.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –علوم انسانية‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ االعتذار لصديق و اخباره ببرنامجك العطلة المقبلة‬:‫الموضوع‬
Hello my friend,
___I am really glad to email you again. First of all, i would like to apologize for not


contacting you long ago since i was really busy with my studies this year.
Anyway, i will tell you about my plans for my next summer holiday. Initially, I am
going to prepare for my driving license because I have to use my car's dad to
attend the college. Moreover, I will take fifteen days tripping with my friends in the
south of Morocco. We are really excited to discover traditions and customs there.
Finally, i will grasp the opportunity to start some English classes to improve my
Language. How about you?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ الخدمات التي يحتاجها الشباب‬:‫الموضوع‬
Dear sir/madam,
___It is really honorable to email you. I would like to request for some services
and facilities that young people need in our neighborhood. First of all, most
working people and students suffer from the lack of transportation. Second, the
inhabitants need green spaces to relax, refresh and have a walk in a clean air.
Most importantly, young people are really in need of sport and artistic clubs
where they can improve their talents.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ اهمية الصداقة في حياتك‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Having a friend is very important for me. First, i can share a lot of things with
him as well as I usually need some advice and suggestions from him especially
during difficult moments. Second, I am a sociable person so I can't stay alone. I
need to have fun with my close friend and spend amazing moments together.
Most importantly, a good friend can help you learn from your mistakes and have a
lot of experience. In brief, friendship is very necessary for me to lead an exciting



- ‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ اسباب عدم النوم عند المراهقين‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Nowadays, teenagers don't sleep well for many reasons. First, most of them
are addicted to going through social media like INSTAGRAM and TIKTOK.
Second, playing video games drives students to spend long hours playing with
others. Third, drinking a lot of coffee and soda doesn't help them sleep on time. In
brief, both parents and educators should advise those teenagers regularly to stop
some bad habits that prevent them from sleeping on time.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2022 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ مقترحات لصديق سيزورالمغرب‬:‫الموضوع‬
Dear friend,
___I am really happy to email you again. I would like to give you some advice that
can be useful for you. First of all, you should make up your mind to visit Morocco
this summer holiday during this period, you can meet all friends and family
members because most of them are on holiday too. Second, you should make a
good plan to visit different cities and enjoy nature, traditions and celebrations.
Most importantly, don't miss opportunity to attend the festival of Gnawa in
Essaouira. Certainly, you will enjoy it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ بعض نمط مظاهر نمط حياة المراهقين‬:‫الموضوع‬
Teenagers lifestyle
___Nowadays, most teenagers have a new life style. Concerning food, they are
stuck to fast food, they are often picky eaters. They like eating hamburgers,


sandwiches and pizza with a lot of soda. About music, they are listening to rap,
pop and house music. For clothing, most of them are mad about fashion. In short,
teenagers have a lifestyle differently from adults.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2020 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

.‫ بعض التغيرات يجب التي تحتاجها المدرسة‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There are many things i would like my school to change. First of all, the time
table is very tiring, we study almost six hours a day and it is very exhausting
especially when we have scientific subjects. Second, i hate wearing the uniform; i
feel that i can't enjoy my personal freedom. Third, P.E hours are not enough, we
have just two hours a week. We also need free WIFI service to have access to the
internet. In short, the administration should take action to make the school a
convenient place to study.


- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬
‫ فوائد كاميرات المراقبة بالمدرسة‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Using surveillance cameras at school have a lot of benefits. First of all, this
will help the administration know about all what happens at school especially
during the break time. Second, cheating and bad behaviours will be avoided by
many students because they have no way to deny their acts. In short, cameras at
school are very necessary to keep both educators and students far away from
getting into silly reactions.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –الشعب العلمية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ كيف يعيش الناس في المدن الكبرى‬:‫الموضوع‬
Living in big cities.
___Nowadays and worse than before, people who are living in big cities face a lot
of problems. To start with, many cities lack safety. There are many criminals who
threaten people by stealing their properties or committing violence against them
without any reason. In addition, noise of traffic jam and public daily reparations
make people feel stressed and nervous all the day and this affect negatively on
their mental health. What's more, pollution is a very dangerous problem which
brings about serious long term health effects especially on children. In short,
even if living in cities provides somehow a satisfying financial stability for the
inhabitants, they are suffering from several bad side effects

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ كيف يجب على اآلباء مراقبة أبناهم لتجنب اإلدمان على ألعاب الفيديو‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Parents can do many things to protect their children from addiction to online
games. First, they should tightly control them while using their phones or tablets.
Second, they have to sensitize them successively at early age of the danger of
much online gaming. Third, they should drive them to make their free time full of
sport or art activities. In brief, parents can save their children from the online


gaming dangers if they are goot at rearing children.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –الشعب العلمية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫قصة مضحكة‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Once upon time, there was a poor man walking down the street. He looked
very tired, frustrated and hungry. When he reached a man who was preparing
street food, he asked him how much was a sandwich. The man answered him. But
the poor old man did not have enough money just few pennies. The man did not
want to give him something to eat with those few pennies. The poor man took out
a piece of bread from his pocket and turn it around the pot from which a delicious
steam was getting out. Then he gave him the few pennies he had and he told him"
it's for the steam"

- ‫ الدورة العادية –علوم انسانية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ ماذا استفدت من تجربتك في التعليم الثانوي‬:‫الموضوع‬
___I have benefited a lot from my high school. First, i have made a lot of friends
with whom i used to prepare for exams and share different free time activities.
Second, throughout that period, i have been will-informed about a lot of topics; i
have also developed my skills and talent in different fields’ art, science and
literature. Most importantly, i have acquired some necessary values to lead a
successful life. In brief, my high school period was the moment in my life for
many reasons.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –علوم انسانية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ بعض النصائح لصديق سيقوم برحلة في الجبل‬:‫الموضوع‬
Hi bob,
___I m really glad to email you again. I would like to give you some advice
concerning you camping in the mountains. First of all, don't forget to take all


necessary equipments like Tent, sleeping Bag, Water, fire starter, pocket Knife,
First aid kit and camping stove. Second, try to be careful while moving around
because it can be sometimes unsafe. Most importantly don't forget your power
bank to charge your phones. Of course, you are going to enjoy the wonderful
nature there especially if you install near the waterfall.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

.‫ العديد من الناس يفضلون العمل من المنزل لعدة أسباب‬:‫الموضوع‬
___Nowadays, many people prefer to work from home for many reasons. First,
people don't waste time in taking means of transportation and move to work.
Second, working from home is very comfortable so it makes a person more
energetic and productive. Third, online job is better for some people who can't
work in noisy and stressful places. In brief, most people will work from home
because of several advantages.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –علوم انسانية‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ القوانين التي تقبل و التي ترفض في المدرسة‬:‫الموضوع‬
The rules in my school
___My school has a lot of rules. Some of them are acceptable but others are not.
First of all, wearing a uniform is a good thing because it makes all students equal
no one can determine your social class. Second, students who get late or absent
from a class must call their parent for a justification before the student attend the
next class. This rule is practical to make students more responsible. However, i
don't accept some of my school's rules. For example, i physical education
classes are obligatory, for me i hate that. What's more, using mobile phones
during the breaks is forbidden, that's really boring. In brief, my school's rules
need some modification to make our schooling hours more enjoyable and



‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2023 ‫ االمتحان الوطني‬-

‫ كيف سيصبح نمط العيش في المستقبل‬:‫الموضوع‬
___I think the world will be different 30 years from now. For example, all jobs will
be done by robot. Another example, students will not attend classes at school,
everyone will study online throughout various highly developed platforms.
Moreover, online shopping will be dominated over whole. People will not need to
create shops or stores for their clients. In brief, the future generation will depend
fully on technology and artificial intelligence to do all daily tasks.

- ‫ الدورة العادية –آداب‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ تقديم نصيحة لشخص لديه مشكل في عمله‬:‫الموضوع‬
Hi Kamal,
___I’m glad to email you again. I would like to make some suggestion for you
about your problem. Your situation is not really complicated. If you think that the
positive communication with your boss will be efficient to make you working
conditions better, i advise to have a discussion with him. But if you are certain
there is no way to make things better, you should resign and i m sure you won't
find any difficulties to get a better post in another company of course it is thanks
to your competences, experience and reliability.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ هناك بعض األشياء يجب عليك تغييرها‬:‫الموضوع‬
___There are a lot of things i want to change about myself. First, I must stop
being lazy and spending my free time just surfing the internet. i have to take up


sport because it will help me get healthier. Second, some of my friends are very
silly and careless so have stop going with them because they are affecting me
negatively. Third, my method of exams' preparation is not efficient; i should be
well-organized and punctual. In short, if i follow good habits, I will make progress
in my life.

- ‫ الدورة االستدراكية –آداب‬2023 ‫االمتحان الوطني‬

‫ معلومات حول منطقتك لجلب إنتباه السياح‬:‫الموضوع‬
One of the best place to visit is Rabat
Geographical characteristics.
It is a coastal city with a very cool weather all the day even in the summer season.
It is includes a large distance of forests with let the air less polluted. It is very
near to the capital city Rabat.
The city includes a lot of luxurious pubs, restaurant and hotels which offer all
facilities for an amazing vacation.
The inhabitants are very hospitable, generous and open minded. They are from
different races and roots which make the city rich of cultural characteristics.
___In short, Rabat city is one of the best Moroccan cities that provides all needs
and facilities for its tourists to enjoy their holiday.


‫اهم المنهجيات لكتابة الرايتين‬
Article/Short article: consequences & causes & solutions
‫نتائج و أسباب و حلول‬
___ ......‫ القضية أو المشكلة‬has been very widespread in many societies. It is due to
various reasons. First of all, ‫السبب األول‬.Second, ‫السبب الثاني‬. As a result, this issue
brings about many serious bad effects. Initially...... ‫النتيجة األولى‬....... Moreover,.....
‫النتيجة الثانية‬....... . In short, there should be some serious solutions for this problem.
‫الحل األول‬...... In short, we all should join efforts to avoid more negative effects of

Article/Short article: benefits & drawbacks

‫السلبيات و اإليجابيات‬
___Views are very different about ‫القضية أو المشكلة‬. On the one hand,...... ‫اإليجابي واحد‬......
Moreover, ....‫اإليجابي ثاني‬....... On the other hand,..... ‫السلبي واحد‬.......... Furthermore,....
‫السلبي الثاني‬....... In short, Despite some disadvantages of this ‫القضية‬, it can be very
necessary / useful in our life.

Write a report
‫كتابة تقرير‬
___On... Date/‫التاريخ‬.... There was... Event/‫الحدث‬.... It was about... Topic/‫الموضوع‬.... It
was organized by.... Organizers/‫المنضمين‬.... In... Place/‫المكان‬.... The participants
included.... Participants/‫المشاركين‬.... They were almost about.... Number/‫العدد‬....
person. The discussed some main.... Ideas/‫األفكار‬.... like ....‫ مثال‬and ..... ‫ مثال‬The
activities involved.... Activity 1.... and... Activity 2... in the morning but in the
afternoon there were.... Activity 1... and... Activity 2.... At the end of the event, they
delivered awards and prizes. In short, the event was very fruitful and interesting
despite some disagreeing points.


Application email
‫إيمايل من أجل طلب عمل أو طلب إكمال الدراسة‬
DATE …………….
Dear Sir/Madam,
___I am sending this email fir the grant of joining ‫اسم الجامعة‬....... /applying for the
post of ‫ نوع العمل‬....... I have known about it throughout your official website.
___I am......‫ اسم مستعار‬I am Moroccan. I am 18 years old and i live in ..... ‫ المدينة‬By the
end of this school year, i will get my Bac degree in the branch of science. I speak
fluently three languages French, English and Spanish in addition to Arabic and
Tamazight. I have recently learned some of necessary computer skills.
___Honestly, i have a great willingness to join......... ‫ اسم الجامعة‬because it is well
known for its competence, legibility and good disciplinary. I am really interested
in getting this post .... ‫ نوع العمل‬because it is my dream post and i can do my best
and be very active in the work team.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My sincerely,

Personal email (friend / school magazine …etc.)

‫إيمايل شخصي‬
Dear friend,
___I'm really glad to email you again. I would like to tell you about …. / give you
some … / talk about ….

‫حسب الموضوع‬
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

Formal email to the local authorities / city council …etc.

‫إيمايل الى جهة رسمية‬
Dear Sir / Madam,
___It is really interesting to email you. I would like to talk about …. / mention
some …

‫حسب الموضوع‬
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My sincerely,


Film review
‫ملخص فلم‬
___The best film i have ever watched titled …………………. ‫عنوان الفلم‬. The director
named …………………. ‫إسم المخرج‬. It was broadcasted in …………………. ‫السنة‬. The
film was in …………………. ‫اللغة‬. It was …………………. movie ‫ نوعية الفلم‬and it lasted
for two hours and a half. The movie took place in …………………. ‫المكان‬. The main
characters involved …………………. ‫األبطال‬. The story was about ‫مقتطف من القصة‬
………... In short, I enjoyed a lot this movie because it was full of moral lessons as
well as i have picked up a lot of useful English expressions. I advise everyone to
watch it.
Book review
‫ملخص كتاب‬
___The best book i have ever read titled …………………. ‫عنوان الكتاب‬. The author
named …………………. ‫إسم الكاتب‬. It was launched in …………………. ‫السنة‬. The book
was in …………………. ‫اللغة‬. it contains 250 pages. The book took place in
…………………. ‫المكان‬. The main characters involved …………………. ‫األبطال‬. The
story was about ‫…………………………………مقتطف من القصة‬In short, I like a lot this
book because it was full of moral lessons as well as i have picked up a lot of
useful English expressions. I advise everyone to read it.

Online blog post

‫فلوغ مكتوب‬
‫ العنوان الرئيسي‬- TITLE
Sub-title 1 ‫عنوان صغير‬
………………………………….‫………………………………… حسب الموضوع‬.
Sub-title 2 ‫عنوان صغير‬
………………………………….‫………………………………… حسب الموضوع‬.
Sub-title 3 ‫عنوان صغير‬
………………………………….‫………………………………… حسب الموضوع‬.
___In short, ………………‫………………خاتمة‬





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