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Mie Cae Barc pebeagse a | Marketing is a social process by whi A market consists of all individual groups obtain what they need customers who have both ac ae willingness to buy a product or ser satisfy their needs or wants + Piaeeeap ecin oy * It seeks to provide what individuals o * Product foals groups need or want © Price ieee ariel offering is created by the * Place * Promotion elt aa value toa product by increasing | its utility | * It is facilitated through the exchange | * Physical product * Services * Ideas * Persons * Place * Experience * Properties * Events * Infomation © Organisations 312 pb Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies i 7 of Marketing : : onto and analysing market information is done to know the taste and preference of the snering, ‘ ket. wget planning is needed to meet the marketing objectives of the firm effectively and arketin’ MARKETING ding helps to createa unique identity of the products. « Bran¢ veromer suppor services help to create a good image of the marketer in the eyes of consumers: : i ; sping of product isa crucial decision as it may greatly influence the demand for a product. » Promotion helps to boost the sales of a product. «+ physical distribution ensures the availability of the product at the right place, at the right time and in right condition so as to facilitate its purchase. « Transportation creates place utility through movement of goods from the production of goods to the place of distribution. + Warehousing creates time utility by providing for the storage during the time gap between the production and distribution of goods. « Standardisation helps to produce goods as per predetermined specifications and grading facilitates their classification into groups on the basis of some criterion like quality, size etc. MARKETING MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES/CONCEPTS The ‘ The The Societal ee Pevtacton eee ee cept’ Marketing Marketing Concept i Concept Concept Starting Factory Factory Factory Market Market and point society a Quantity of Quality Existing ‘Customer Customer focus product performance, product. needs needs and features of society's product welfare Means Availability Product Selling and Integrated Integrated and improvements —_ promoting marketing market affordability of product E P, . Profit through Profit through Profit, Profit Profit through volume of Product quality through sales through customer's Production volume customer’s _ satisfaction satisfaction _and social welfare Marketing Management » 313 a , Product: Definition A product is anything of value ie. a Product or service offered to a market to Satisfy needs or wants. Important product decisions include * Determining its layout, features, quality, i y A product includes * Physical product « After sale services © Handiing grievances * Replacementt of parts ete, Types of utilities offereg bya Prog design etc. + Functional utility s * Branding + Psychological utility * Labelling * Social utility * Packaging ' ts ’ aeee emer Levels of Packaging Packaging is the proces of desiging « Primary package refers tothe a suitable wrapper or container for a product. Importance of Packaging * Rising standards of health and sanitation © Useful in self service outlets Innovative packaging adds value to a product * Facilitates product differentiation 314 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-Xil immedi container of a product. = * Secondary packaging refers to ty additional protection provided besita primary package * Transportation packaging refers furhe packaging that helps in storag, identification of transportation of te product. Functions of Packaging * Helps in product identification * Provides protection to the product * Facilitates the use of product * Assists in promotion of the product y a Branding: Definition Advantages of branding to the customers | ig the process of assigning a * Supports in product identification ge ame), sign or symbol (orand « Cetifes quality (brat ombination of all to identify ertifies q pth aslo a group of sles * Considered to bea status symbol se Pa inguish them from those ofthe i sh ea itors. ° . competitor * Facilitates product differentiation : * Assists in advertising and display Brand Mark: Definition programmes and mark is that part of a brand can be <7 °* Facilitates differential pricing - vsed but is not utterable. « Ease in the launching of new products Qualities of a good brand name Brand Name: Definition * Shot and eay to pronounce, spell and remem Aranda that part ofa brand which 1 Reflects the functions of the product can be spoken * Distinctive /easily identifiable * Adaptable can be used in labelling or ‘Trade Mark: Definition packaging * Versatile can be used for brand extension is i text of i nai a is used in context of a registered » Shes apt became outdated soon * Capable of being registered Labelling: Definition Functions of labelling, Labelling refers to the process of « Describes the product and specifies its contents designing a label for a product © Helps in identification of the product or brand which may vary from a simple tag toa complex graphic. a nee Ses Pane * Assists in promotion of products * Provides information required by law i —_ 7 Price: Definition Factors affecting price determination Price is the monetary value paid * Cost of product - consideration for purchase ofa © The utility and demand uct fale Peter iceloy ebayer toi « Extent of competition in the market * Government and legal regulations * Pricing objectives * Marketing methods used Marketing Management » 315 mga , Physical Distribution: Definition Physical distribution includes all those activities that ensure the availability of the product at the right place, at the right time and in right condition so as to facilitate its purchase. be | | | Oo” a eNOS Ue ] y ‘Two main decisions involved j distribution" PAYSicay « Physical movement of goods from to consumers Producers * Choice of channels of distribution Channel of Distribution: Definition Channels of distribution refers to the g individuals and firms that act as interme in the form of agents, wholesalers, retaigg®> , Tetal that help to transfer the title of owne a Iship t the buyer and also facilitate physical morse of the products, * Types of channels of distribution Direct channel: * Manufacturer ~ consumer (zero level) Indirect channels: ‘+ Manufacturer - retailer ~ consum channel) “Manufacturer - wholesaler — retailer — consumer (two level channel) * Manufacturer ~ agent - wholesaler retailer - consumer (three level channel) ier (one level —— ny + Promotion: Definition Promotion refers to the set of activities undertaken by a marketer to inform the prospective buyers about the product and persuading them to make a purchase. 316 P Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-Kii Promotion mix * Advertising * Personal selling * Sales promotion * Public relations at a ‘Advertising: Definition ang is a paid form of non- personal et undertaken by the marketers ol : ie sale of a product or a service. | Features of Advertising * Paid form * Impersonality * Identified sponsor erste PERSONAL SELLING Personal Selling: Definition selling refers to a personal form of Fonmunication between the seller and the pnspective buyer. SALES PROMOTION Sales promotion: Definition Sales promotion refers to the short term incentives offered by the marketers to promote the sale of their products. Features of Personal selling * Involves personal form of communication * May lead to the development of long term relationship between the company and a buyer PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Relations: Definition Public relations refers to the practice of managing communication between an organisation and its public in order to create and maintain a positive image about itself and its products. Marketing Management > 317 MIND MAP sdaouos Sumoyseur [€321205 2H, + | £ adsouos Sunayrey ay, «| E (uonowoug) { aeia | [ua | [ Pnposg | = tL : z + ae t adaouo> jonposg UL + ydaouo> uonenporg ay], i pue spoo8 jo a8ueyxo saree; piu sontatioe Jo josiuo> pue——) Sunooup Burswuess0 Bumueyd oy _/ suayau juouiadeuews Sune” ( 7 « | afiueyaxo ajdoad Kqaxoym -ess20ud topos 54 BUN UEW | \ » Sursnoyauem 40 aSexars > uonenodsuey, 7 \ » wonnquasiq [e14Yd = \ |» uonowoig soem « o 8 > Sn de any voneuuosuy « suong < Pa w > Surpueg sonsodoig < 8 wsjuvypou afueyoxg + 4) > Sumage, pur Surierpey pond st 4 ome i > Suypesd pur vojesipaepuns < juyayo yaw v Buy «| 20814 119990 19% mwas juauidojaaap suosiog « sjuum puv spoon, + © puv Surutisop pnpaig . inal 2 © Sujuueyd Sunoxsey voreunojuy TUL sonposd jeryshyd + © Sursdjwuy pu Funawpes 318 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-Xi \ uoReurUeX” [Z0Z UP PAUTUeXa aq OF JON y | onporg Jo worrmponuy ut ase Sur joquids smivig 4 Sursmuaapy ur sdiory + | vvonenuaia, yonposd ut onposg Sunpeus saiqeuy + | | sroworsn9 aup o1, esensey aun OL * ‘ Sursnoyarem < | ’ uoueyodsueay + jonuo> Laojuaauy + saflequeapy Burssanoug 19p1O + * * | > yeu apeat > yew pura Surpuerg uo > aureu pura jouueyp [aaa] aa. . < josd "at syuauajasnowes — | suoys}9p pes Jauueyp [aaa] ML. pavepas 23¢1d yo sisisuos xtw SunayzeW —-“——_payepar onpord jouueyp [942] 240. —~ jouueyp paNpUT (1aaat 0322) suonenuazayip woRrnpod + uonowoud yonpor + sae hq pauinbas jauuryp Pag + Aynunyioddo jeuoyeaouuy +— sonpord ayy jo asn SuneITPed + uoneuuoput Surpracsg + | ‘sjapino 231A198 s195 | uonsajord ionpold + 0 wonnqunsia so s1auuey 30 S244, woneues pur ee pore ——+ upreau jo sprepuers Suterd | woweoyquaprpnpold + uonoword ut sdiaH + r 7 —raauna) | djo Supery + 2 a woumueduy_| | suonoung cnenaniiemene (| S - oe jonpasd ayn jo uoneoguuapl + F 7 ae 3 = _—_—_ {|__| yuaquo> sy goods * a jpnpord e 20} saddesa 20 pure jonpoud ays aques9 + > Bunfeyseg KAePUOIS +} gigqgq | 7HUTENUOD ages © SunUsisyP | an = saepeg Ascutid + yo ssavoid ayn st Suiseped + sueaet Marketing Management » 319 MIND MAP Features * Penonal Selling J > Personal form i > Development of Relationship Promotion mix refers to Element {combination of promotional \ Element ,/ Sales Promotion tools used by an organisation 0, Public Relation achieve its communication objectives | Advertising PREFACE TO MNEMONICS Mr. Henry is here to help in memorising and easy recalling of the points related to key Happy Learaiagt I! Concep! 1: Features of Marketing Cro. Creating a market offering English Needs and wants News Exchange mechanism Channel Customer value B20 © Cave usties Meerncn vn bussraers Sustinry Eh Concept 2: Functions of Marketing Good Calbering an Ary Morning Mat ering Planing Market Information Boss ‘int Vlease - Product desi ing and dew : Cal a ening sn developmen Police Peking suppor To ls tion a Vackaging and labeling Prime Promen, Paepest ~ Standardization and Gradi with = ~ Warehousing Grading Proof ~ Physica dicribution Concept 3: Advantages of Branding to the: Manufacture Enjoy Fase in the launching of new products Full Facilitates product differentiation Action Assists in advertising and display programmes Film Facilitates differential pricing Concept 4: Advantages of Branding to the Customers Chit Certifies quality Chat = Considered tobe a status symbol Session = Supports in product identification Concept 5: Qualities of a Good Brand Kame Can Capable of being registered Do Distinctive Very Versatile “imple Short and Simple Steps Suggestive At Adaptable Sixty Staying Power Concept 6: Levels of Packaging Primary package Secondary packaging Transportation packaging aif Concept 7: Factors Affecting Price Determination Can Cost of product vu Utility and demand Get Government and legal regulations My Marketing methods used far Extent of competition in the market Phone Pricing objectives Concept 6: Promotion Mix Start Sales Promotion As Advertising Per Personal Selling Plan Public Relations 322 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-xil — OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS jous Year's CBSE Board Questions prev scale production done to reduce the average cost of production is the essence of 4, LaBe ... concept of Marketing management. : ) Product (b) Selling (0) Production (@) Marketing @ (CBSE, Sample Paper 2019) mya decided to start a business of selling dress material from her house. She did 2,Sauitys online surveys to find out about the preferences of prospective customers. Based vatthis, she prepared a detailed analysis of the business. She then made important decisions onfiding deciding about the features, quality, packaging, labelling and branding of the ifess material. Identify the element of Marketing Mix discussed above. (a) Promotion (b) Market (c) Product (@) Place (CBSE, Sample Paper 2019) s.qTomato Ltd., a food delivery service app has recently faced criticism for the tampering of "their product, by their delivery boys. Tomato Ltd. decided to put a hologram seal on the food packets in order to protect the contents from spoilage, leakage, pilferage, damage, along with a tag with a safety warming for the consumers to check the seal. Which concept of marketing discussed above is performing the important function of communicating with the potential buyer and promoting the sale. (a) Branding (b) Product designing and development (0) Labelling (@) Packaging (CBSE, Sample Paper 2019) Il, Additional Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is a feature of marketing process? (a) Satisfying needs and wants of the consumers (6) Creating a market offering (0) Developing an exchange mechanism (@ All of the above 2.Which of the following statements does not reflect a condition to be satisfied for an exchange to take place? (a) Involvement of at least two parties-namely; the buyer and the seller is mandatory. (b) Each party should be capable of offering something of value to the other. (©) Exchange can take place if the buyers and sellers are not able to communicate with each other. (d) Each party should have freedom to accept or reject other party’s offer. 3. In order to promote the habit of health and hygiene among weaker sections of the society, Abhyas Limited has launched low cost packs of hand wash. Identify the type of marketing Philosophy being adopted by the company. (4) Product concept (b) Production concept (¢) Marketing concept (d) Societal marketing concept 4 Madhubala is planning to launch an online education portal. In order to understand the needs of the students, she conducted an online survey. Based on the feedback of Marketing Management > 323 rin the survey, she has decided to offer educational packages to the prospe, ctve 5 Identify the type of marketing concept being described in the given lines, LY ers (a) Product concept (b) Production concept (c) Marketing, concept (@) Societal marketing concept iti shboo Limited h, In order to improve upon its competitive edge, Khushb 2S chan Packaging of it har ue papain They are now available ina consumer friendly $a the which has a nozzle attached to the lid so that atthe time of usage, the consumer fin, Need to open the cap of the bottle. Name the marketing function being w explained mt given lines. the (2) Product designing and development (b) Customer support services (©) Promotion (@ Physical distribution 6 Gabbar is a wholesaler of food grains. He categorises his stock into different the basis of their quality and also fixes up the prices accordingly. Identify yee pen marketing function being mentioned in the given line. : (@) Physical distribution (b) Transportation (©) Warehousing (@ Standardisation and grading 7 Keeping in view the recent trends of sales regression, Sona Limited has decided to 2 flat 15% discount on all its products. Identify the related function of marketing fied described in the given lines. 6 (a) Packaging and labelling (b) Branding (©) Pricing (@ Promotion 8. Be Cool Limited has decided to market its products through the conventional Network of manufacturer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer. Identify the function of marketing being described in the above line. (@) Physical distribution (b) Transportation (©) Warehousing (d) Standardisation and grading 9 Ranjan‘s business is being adversely affected due to the delay in delivery on account of Poor weather conditions. Identify the marketing function whi ich will be helpful to him in this regard (a) Physical distribution (b) Standardisation and grading (¢) Transportation (d) Warehousing 10. In order to promote the sales of the company, Mukund Limited has decided to offer consumer durable products at 0% finance. Identify the type of marketing factor being described in the above line. (a) Controllable factor (c) Environmental factor IL Pranav has decided to start a business (6) Non-controllable factor (d) None of the above of manufacturing crockery and cutlery items. 4 his products, he has decided to assign the bran name ‘Elegan’ as it will enable the firm to secure and control the market for its products Identify the relative advantage of branding to the marketers being described in the above Case. (a) Facilitates differential pricing (b) Ease in the launching of new products (c) Facilitates product differentiation (d) Assists in advertising and display programmes 324 P Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies ti “a a smo ta an: yi ta i ad yn onery Pl 2 ed to make a close inspecti ionerY : spection of that product. Idi ta cltive advantage of branding to the customers being described in the ven pod iaysupports in product identification (6) Certifies quality ‘ UN Considered t De a status symbol (2) None of he above Play School from her resid i anya runs a T residence. Recently, she placed an order online f B ‘00 chalk boxes. The boxes were delivered to her in a corrugated box. Identify this evel 2 packaging which facilitated movement of the product. (a Primary package c : (b) Secondary packaging oO Jransportation packaging (d) None of the above 1g. When Reema had sent her servant to the market to buy a pack of chips, she asked him specifically to bring the yellow coloured packet of chips of a particular brand. Identify the function of packaging being described in the above line. (a) Helps in product identification (b) Provides protection to the product (0) Facilitates the use of product (@ Assists in promotion of the product tg The labelling of pack of oats cookies explains how the product is beneficial in adding fibre to the diet and the other related health benefits. Identify the related function of labelling being described in the given case. (@) Describes the product and specifies its content (6) Identification of the product or brand () Grading of products (@ Helps in promotion of the products 16, Identify the component of promotion mix being described in the given exhibit? Bes (a) Advertising (b) Sales Promotion —(c) Public relation (d) Personal selling 17. Asalesman of a company dealing in pet foods is paid a fixed salary of 720000 per month and furthermore, 220 extra per unit of the product sold beyond the target sales. Identify the type of cost being described in the given example. (a) Fixed cost (b) Variable cost _(¢) Semi-variable cost (4) None of the above 18. Under which of the following situations is a company not likely to fix a lower price for its product? (@) When the competition has introduced a substitute product (b)If the demand for a product is inelastic (6) When the company wants iv attain market share leadership (4) When the demand for the product is low 19. Kannu has decided to sell her range of organic focd products through her own retail outlets. Identify the channel of distribution being adopted by the company. (a) Zero level channel (b) One level channel (c) Two level channel (d) Three level channel 20.Srijan Limited sells its products through the company approved retailers. Identify the channel of distribution being adopted by the company. (a) Zero level channel (b) One level channel (©) Two level channel (d) Three level channel Marketing Management ® 325 fn ee 21, Mehak Limited has hired 300 salesmen who will be assigned the task of Prospective buyers and creating awareness about the new range of or, Conta, : Banic ing ting introduced by the company. Identify the element of promotion been described jn theses lines. A iv (a) Advertising (b) Sales promotion (c) Personal selling (4) Public "elation M1. Fill in the blanks LA. . ccsssssssss Consists of all the potential customers who have both the aby and willingness to buy a product. lity LA sateen refers to an individual or organisation that Plays More act tole in the process of exchange. tive 3. The aabisosieerta concept of marketing holds that consumers wit, P products that are widely available and inexpensive. rete Bec cccsssssessseseeeseeceee Refers to the combination of four marketing variables which, controllable by a firm. we BoA voccsccsseee is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature tha differentiates an organisation or product from its competitors in the eyes of the Prosp ectne buyers. 6. : cvs fens to the act of designing and producing the container g wrapper of a product. 7. Besides a seller, in certain cases a persuasive a marketer. BTR ooo ecsseeesssessssesesss iS Concerned with making the goods and services available at the right place at the right time and in the right condition so as to enable the to make a purchase. + May also be called People 9. sss Refers to the set of firms and individuals that take title or ecb ees Sea help in the process of transferring the title to particular products or services as it moves from the producers to the consumers. MO. .crceccenssensevensnssousesnesies refers to the set of activities undertaken by a marketer to inform about the product and persuading them to make a purchase WV. State whether true or false. (Give reason in support of your answer). 1. According to the modem Marketing concept, market refers to the group of people who do not have the ability but willingness to buy a particular product 2 The concept of product is confined to physical product 3. The marketing concept holds that the consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization's products 4. A brand name refers to that part of a brand which cannot be uttered. 5. The additional layers of protection that are kept till the product is ready for use is know” as transportation packaging. 7 6. When a brand or a part of a brand is given legal protection, it is referred to as ge"*™ mark. 13 7. According to the law of demand, consumer is likely to buy more units of a product low price of vice versa 326 DP Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies xi ~~ y aff the ita jower level OF higher limit. e firm deci limit. ting mix refers to combination of promotional tools namely; Advertising, Personal el of competition is high, the firm is likely to fix the prices of its products on ides to maximise profits in the long run, it is likely to fix the prices on the 10. a Sales Promotion, and Public Relation. V. match the following by choosing the correct option. Column A Column B (i Social process (a) Market (ii Set of potential customers (b) Marketing (ii) Controllable variables (c) Functions of marketing (jo) Marketing activities (@) Marketing mix (a) (0-(@; (ii)-(0); (ti)-{a); (iv)() (b) (i)-(b); (ii)-(a); (iti)-(@); (iv){0) (0) (0: i)-(a); (iii)-(a); (iv)-(b) (d) ()-(d); (ii)-(0); (ii)-(b); (iv)-(a) 1 Column A Column B (i) Finding wants and filling them (a) Production concept (ii) Supremacy of the product quality (b) Selling concept (iii) Aggressive sales promotion (c) Product concept (iv) Easy availability and affordability of products (uj Marketing concept (a) (#)-(a); (i)-(d); (itt)-(c); (io)-(b) () (1)-(6); (i); (iii)-(d); (F)-(0) (0) (i-(0); (H)-(); Gii)-(a); (iv)-(b) (A) (-(A); (iO); (itf}-); (i”)(a) 3 Column A Column B (i Name of the whole class of the product (a) Brand mark (ii) A part of brand which can be spoken (b) Trademark (iii) A part of brand which cannot be spoken (©) Generic name (iv) A registered brand name (@ Brand name (2) (i)-(0); (ia); (ii) -(a); (v)-(0) (b) (i)-(6); (i-(a); (ii}-(a); (i0)-(6) (©) (Cd; (HC); (iia); (v0) 4€) ()-@); (iC); (it-(0); (Ho)-(a) ‘ Column A Column B () Potential satisfiers of needs (a) Standardisation (i) Comprehensive blueprint (b) Warehousing, (iii) Establishing uniformity and (©) Wants consistency in the product (iv) Creates time utility (d) Market planning (2) (H}- (4); (iC; (it) -(a; (iv) Qh) (b) (-(b); (ida); (ii-(a); (Fo) CC) (0) (4c); (nya; (ii); (iv)-(b) (d) (i); (id-(0); (iti); (iv)-(@) | Marketing Management ® 327 st = | — Column A Column B (a) Price is like (i) Immediate container of a product a limit 'Y to be Set ay (b) Pri (ii) Attaining product quality leadership () Price i (iii) Obtaining market share leadership (©) Primary package (4) Price is Ii (io) Value of a product in monetary terms @ inde lia *0 be seta (a) (40); (A; (iD-{a); (o)-6) (©) (+0) (0; U-();(io}-(¢ (0) (40; (ia); (id-(); Go)}6) (€) (40); (HO (H-(0}; (io)-(a) . ~ Column A : Column b> (@ Paid form of non personal communication (a) Public Telation, (ii) Face to face interaction between seller and Prospective buyer (i) Short term incentives to promote sales (8) Sales promotion (© Personal seing (i) Create and maintain a positive image about (@) Advertising the company and its products (a) (4); (i+); (ii) (a); (i0)-(0) (b) (i)-(b); (ii)-(a); (iti)-(d); (iv)-(c) () (HO); (tM); (ii) (a); (i0)-{b) (A) (0-(d); (i)-(0); (iti)-(0); (iv)-(@) ANSWERS 1. Previous Year’s CBSE Board Questions 1. (c) Production concept of Marketing management aims at large scale production to reduce the average cost of production. 2 (0) Product is the element of Marketing Mix discussed in the given case. 5. (6 labelling isthe concept of marketing discussed in given case is performing the importa function of communicating with the potential buyer and promoting the sale. Il. Additional Multiple Choice Questions | 1L@ 20 3. (b) 4(c) 5. (a) 6.(d) 9. (d) 10. (a) It is promotion 11. } 12. (a) 13. (c) 16.6) 17) 18.) 19.) 20.) 7.) &(@) w@) 15.) 21. (c) UL. Fill in the blanks 1. Market 2. Marketer 3. Production 4. Marketing mix 5. Brand 6. Packaging 7. Buyer 8. Physical distribution 9. Channels of distribution 10. Promotion IV. True or false 1 False (have both willingness and ability) 2 Fale (includes services also) 328 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies (ling concept) 4. False (brand mark) i ae (eco dary packaging) 6. False (trade mark) ‘ oe 8. False (lower limit) i 10. False (Promotion mix) in * auch the following ‘ 7 20 3@ 40 5&0 6() te _ LATEST CBSE QUESTIONS questION 1 ample think that itis the “Product only that can be marketed. But something else can also fem reted, 8; Visit Kerala for Health Tourism’. Identify what is being marketed here. (CBSE, OD 2019) ANSWER: APlace is being marketed i.e. persuading people to visit Kerala for health tourism QUESTION 2: Kumar wanted to purchase a fuel efficient car having the latest standards regarding minimization of Pollution. He saw an Advertisement offering such a car and visited the ‘howroom of the company, wherein the car was displayed. In his discussion, the Marketing Manager told him that the company is providing credit facilities, maintenance services and many other effective services which are helping in bringing repeat sales and developing brand loyalty. Identify the marketing function which the Marketing Manager was discussing with Kumar. (CBSE, OD 2019) ANSWER: The marketing function which the Marketing Manager was discussing with Kumar is Customer support services. QUESTION 3: ‘Nayan Medicare Equipment Ltd.’ manufactures equipment for surgeons having a unique laser technique. The equipment can be used by the surgeons only after proper training. Even theit maintenance requires guidance of specialised engineers. Because of this, the equipment is used in a limited number of hospitals. The company wants to increase the sale of the ®quipment, Suggest the promotion tool to be used by the company giving reason in support of your answer (CBSE, OD 2019) ANSWER: D i Fersonal selling should be used as a promotional tool by the company. Personal selling Pl the advantage of specifically targeting a set of prospective buyers it is considered to th aN economical method of promoting sales as it helps to av vic! wastage in terms of time ‘ort and money. Marketing Management ® 329 QUESTION 4: Tapas Sen, a manufacturer, redesigned his existing aoan geen oS smal Portable machine. For selling the machine he entered in des re ae f his uncle agreed to finance the project with a 50% share in the P ed the venting Ching Mo decided to start with direct channels of distribution. They nam Th ture as ‘Cy, Sy In the first year their main objective was profit oeinni ; ey “PPointed 39 trai? salesmen for distribution of the machines across the country They offered incentives Nd awards to salesmen for achieving their sales targets. ang (a) Identify the marketing philosophy used by ‘Cup-aSoup’ () Identify the tool of promotion used by ‘Cup-a-Soup’. ANSWER: ‘BSE, Op 2 (a) Production concept is the marketing philosophy used by ‘Cup-a-Soup’, (©) Personal selling is the tool of promotion used by ‘Cup-a-Soup’, QUESTION 5: The Research and Development department of Healthy Production Ltd. has decideg diversify from manufacturing health drinks to cereals made from millets. They are wel, a of the fact that the company will have to communicate to the People the benefits of €ating millets. For this purpose, they plan to sponsor various events like marathons and encourage People to switch to healthy eating through newsletters. (@) Identify and briefly explain the promotional tool being discussed above, (#) Also explain any two other promotional tool that can be used by the company, apan from the one discussed above. ANSWER: (a) The promotional tool being discussed in the given Paragraph is Public Relations, Public relations refers to the practice of managing co mmunication between an organisation in a positive image about itself and it: Products (®) The other two tools that can be used by the company besides Public relation are outline below (0) Personal selling: Personal selling refers to the process of making verbal presentation of message in the form of interaction with one or more prospective customers for the purpose of making sales (1) Sales promotion: Sales promotion refers to the various short term incentive which are designed to persuade the prospective buyers to make a purchase of a product OF service immediately like discounts, refund, rebate etc., QUESTION 6: “Pushpanjali Ltd.” is manufacturing chocolates, biscuits, cakes and other similar products. The company is not generating enough profits. Saurabh, the Marketing Manager of the compa") got a survey conducted to The findings of the survey revealed bias able to distinguish the products of the compan from its competitors. Though the customers wanted to buy the products of “Pushpani Ltd.” again and again beca quality, but they were not able to identify Because of this, the S: find out the reasons, spite of better quality, the customers were not 330 > Case Studies Mentor in Busines Studies > Marketing Manger now realised that “Pushpanj: i the Ma er panjali Ltd.” had forgotten to take «gratin Ist important decisions to the product, What decision should “Pushparial Ltd.” one i that the customers are able to identify its products in the market. Explain the benefits we may result to ‘Pushpanjali Ltd.” and its customers, if the above decision is taken. the (CBSE, OD 2019) ySWER: eet A xpaiall should undertake Branding of its products so that the customers are able to nay its products in the market. Branding is considered to be one of the most important id “tact decisions in the process of successful marketing. fer following benefits to “Pushpanjali Ltd.”: ponding will off a) Enables Marking, Product Differentiation: In order to create demand for this product itis very essential for a marketer to distinguish its product from that of its competitors. (b) Helps in Advertising and Display Programmes: Without a brand name, the promotional techniques like advertising and product displays cannot be used by a marketer to inform and persuade is prospective customers. Therefore, use of a brand name over a generic name of the product is indispensable for successful marketing. (c) Differential Pricing: Branding enables a firm to take advantage of Differential pricing. The products which have highest brand value also carry high price tags. The value of a brand is determined on the basis of the perception that a consumer hold about it in terms of its features, quality etc., against the competitor's products. (@) Ease in Introduction of New Product: Establishing a place for itself is one of toughest job for any marketer. But when a new product launched under a well known brand name, it is ready accepted because the brand loyalty already exists amongst the customers. Branding will offer following benefits to its customers: (@) Helps in Product Identification: As an everyday practice we as consumers identify the products of our use of a used primarily on the basis of their brand name Branding helps to promote loyalty of the consumer and encourage repeated sales (& Ensures Quality: Branding in reality is much more then a name or a symbol, it is actually the perception that a consumer holds about a particular product or service. A brand name is considered to be good only if it meets certain predetermined standards in terms of consumer expectation from the product. Thus, good brand names helps to developed the confidence ‘of the customer and also enhances the level of customer satisfaction. (o) Status Symbol: In our present day 5 because of their quality. If a consum them feel proud of using them and satisfaction. QUESTION 7: JTM Ltd. launched ‘Buddyline’, an exercise book and comprehensive stationery brand name comprising of ball pens, gel pens and geometry boxes after identifying the target makret and understanding the needs and wants of the consumers of the market. All their products were of good quality and eco-friendly but expensive. They wanted to distinguish their products from that of their competitors. The spent lot of efforts, time an. money is creating the brand Name, as they knew that without a brand name, they can only create awareness for the Beneric products and can never be sure of the sale of their products. The effort paid off and ‘ciety brands are considered to be a status symbol er uses products of high brand value, it makes adds to their level of social and psychological Marketing Management > 331 il > the demand for the products started growing, The customers thee i brand ANd deca, habital to it. They did not mind paying a higher price. Over a Period of time, it be ame status symbol to buy ‘Buddyline’ brand because of its quality. The consumers fey, Pri et using them. : in () Identify the marketing management philosophy followed by JTM Itd. (ii) Explain the advantages of branding to the marketers highlighted in the above (CBSE, Deini, ANSWER: (a) Societal marketing concept is being followed by JTM Ltd. : (b) The various advantages of branding to the marketeers highlighted in the above given case are described below: (i) Enables Marking Product Differentiation: In order to create demand product it is very essential for a marketer to distinguish its product from, at of its competitors. In the absence of effective branding, it will be difficult for the market to create and maintain a reasonable market share. le (ii) Differential Pricing: Branding enables a firm to take advantage of differential pricing. This is because the products which have highest brand value also ca high price tags. The value of a brand is determined on the basis of the Perception that a consumer hold about it in terms of its features, quality ete., against the competitor's products. QUESTION 8: Since childhood Niru and Janak had been watching their grandmother procuring what from the market, washing it well, drying it and getting it converted into atta. They conducted a survey to collect data to identify whether there is demand for readymade atta and realised that with the growing number of working women, it is the need of the hour to manufacture high quality atta. They named their product ‘Srijan’ and set up ‘Srijan Atta Factory’ at Jaunput Village. To penetrate in the market, they decided to keep the price low. For maintaining smooth flow of their product into the market and avoiding delays in delivery, it was decided to store what at SKM Services which had scientific processes and logistics facilitating quick delivery: They also set up an online complaint portal to take care of consumer grievances. By quoting the lines from the above paragraph, state five marketing functions undertaken by Niru and Janak for successful marketing of ‘Srijan’ atta. (CBSE OD, 2019) ANSWER: The five marketing functions undertaken by Neeru and Janet for successful marketing of Srijan ata are stated below: in the for this (a) Gathering and Analysing Market Information: The basic purpose of market research is to facilitate the decision making process for successful marketing of goods and services of a business enterprise. The marketing research may be conducted 0 evaluate any problem in the field of marketing like, likability of a product, pricing Policy, effectiveness of promotional techni Proposition of a product etc. Line from paragraph ~ “They conducted a survey to collect data to identify whet there is a demand for readymade atta and realise that with the growing number of WOrkiNS women it is a need of the hour to manufacture high quality atta.” ling ques consumer preferences, unique selling 332 Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies x 7 _— ee “ 1 Branding: The process of assigning a brand name to a product is known as branding. ( pranding, offers many advantages over the option of marketing the products on the generic name both to the marketers and the customers ne from para} Jaunpur villoge ah pricing of Products: Pricing refers to the process of fixing the price of a product. It is (Mery crucial decisions in the successful marketing of a product graph ~ “The named their products within and set up Srijani atta factory ine from paragraph ~ “To penetrate in the market they decided to keep the price low.” (d) Storage OF warehousing: Warehousing creates time utility by providing for storage of goods from the time they are produced till the time they are sold or consumed Line from paragraph - “For maintaining smooth flow of their product into the market d avoiding delays in delivery it was decided to store wheat at SKMS services which are Matic processes and logistics facilitating quick delivery.” (e) Customer support services: In the present times, it is very essential for every market to offer suitable customer support services after sale services, maintenance services, handling consumer complaints and grievances, technical services, consumer information etc. These services play a very vital role in developing brand loyalty and ensuring repeated sales. Line from paragraph - “ They also set up an online complaint portal to take care of consumer grievances.” QUESTION 9: ‘Buy one get one free’ is printed on the label of the package of a mosquito repellant. State the labelling function being performed by this statement. (CBSE, Delhi 2018) ANSWER: The labelling function being performed by the above statement is Help in Promotion of Products. QUESTION 10: After acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills on starting an Aloevera Farm, Ashok Wanted to be the leading manufacturer of Aloevera products worldwide. He observed that the Products were expensive as the demand of the products was more than the supply. He was also keen to promote methods and practices that were economically viable, environmentally sound and at the same time protecting public health. Ashok’s main consideration was about the amount of money paid by the consumers in consideration of the purchase of Aloevera Products. He also thought that competitors prices and their anticipated reactions must also be considered for this. After gathering and analysing information and doing correct marketing Planning, he came to know that the consumers compare the value of a product to the value of money which they are required to pay. The consumers will be teady to buy a product when they perceived that the value of the product is at least equal to the value of money which they would Pay: Since he was entering into a new market, he felt that he may not be able to cover all costs, He na knew that in the long run the business will not be able to survive ane all costs are covered in addition to a minimum. profit. He examined the quality and 7 ures of the products of the competitors i sand the anticipated reactions of the consumers. dene the same he decided to add some unique features to the packaging and also led to provide free home delivery of the products. The above case relates to a concept Marketing Management & 333 ve marketing weapon. In conditig, Which is considered to be an effective competi pies we this eee in the en Petfoc, Sompetition most of the firms compete with eac! eting fe goods and services, (@) Identity the concept. " is ibove case related to th (t) Explain briefly any four factors discussed in the a (CBSE. foot sy identified. Delhi 2075) ANSWER: te) The ; described in the above case study is Pricing/ price mix, (6) The four factors discussed in the above case related to crby adding a Peo . luct is determined by adding the desireg Oo Retest the prc of he pr ee eating. The cost can be Pest margin to the cost of production, selling ‘d ¢ broadly ‘fied into three namely; fxed cost, variable cost and semi-variabie cost Sometimes, a firm may not be able to cover all its cost in the short run, howey, in order to survive in the long run it must ensure that all its costs are Covered aca f competition in the . (ui) Degree of competition: The nature and extent o! Market , another key factor relating to the pricing decision. If the firm faces free competition in the market it is likely to fix the price of the product at lower levels. But if it enjoys monopoly, then the price of the product is likely to be fixed at higher level, (ai) Utility and demand of Product A prudent consumer will be willing to buy a Product at a price which at least equals to the utility of the Product being Perceived by him. On the other hand, the demand for a product is inversely related to its Price. But if the demand for a product is elastic in nature, even a slight Variation in price is likely to have an adverse effect on its demand. However, a firm enjoys liberty in fixing the price of a product with inelastic demand. (') Marketing Methods Used: The kind of marketing methods being used by a firm has an important bearing on its price. This includes channel of distribution bein, adopted, advertising and sales Promotion budget, type of Packaging, credit Policy, quality of customer amenities provided etc. A firm is likely to fix higher price for its products in case there is exclusiveness with Tegard to any of these aspects, QUESTION 11: Malaysian budget airline ting as low as 21,099 for domestic destinations operated by its Indian Joint Venture carrier and 22,099 for ition which can be used by the firm to inform a large number of people about the new fares (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2018) ANSWER: Advertising is the medium of communication which can be used by the firm to inform a large number of People about the new fares, QUESTION 12: R&T Reality, the Property development arm of the Construction and engineering giant R&T in 2 recent report to the media shared tha itis betting on bigger and better projects providing greater benefits to the customers, lower Prices and faster execution to boost its growth. spokesperson of the company informed the media that besides the innovative features, quality and brand, the fair pricing followed by t the company is also a hit with the buyers. He said tha! 334 D Case Studies Mentor n Business Studies xh js also focusing on accurate, speedy and tir i ; using on imely delivery. Prope icati if ‘ mark Me ti tal through advertising. Even deslics Were tie oles (ir es tO Pee ve para describes the nati 7 : | combination of v. s elit? to prepare its market offering. Identify and explain the veel leit x (CBSE, Delhi, 2018) WER: variabl > fllowing are the variables used by R&T Reality to prepare its market offering: (a) Product: A product is anything of value ie. a product or service offered to a market to satisfy its needs or wants. A product includes physical product, after sale service, handling, grievances etc. Every marketer needs to constantly review and revise its products in order to enhance customer's satisfaction and have a competitive edge. (ty Price: Price is the monetary value paid in consideration for purchase of a product or service by a buyer to its seller. It is a very crucial decision for the marketers as consumers are very sensitive to the pricing. The factors affecting price determination are cost of product, the utility and demand, extent of competition in the market, government and legal regulations, pricing objectives and marketing methods used. (0) Place: It is considered an important element of marketing mix because it includes all those activities that help in making the goods and services available to the prospective buyers in the right quantity, at the right time and in right condition. The two main decisions involved in physical distribution are physical movement of goods from producers to consumers and choice of channels of distribution. (@) Promotion: Promotion refers to the set of activities undertaken by a marketer to inform the prospective buyers about the product and persuading them to make a purchase. The various components of promotion mix are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relation. QUESTION 13: Ginika, Tanish and Rohit were friends from college days and now they are doing different kinds of business. They regularly meet and discuss their business ideas and exchange notes on customer satisfaction, marketing efforts, product designing, selling techniques, social concerns etc. In one of such meetings, Ginika drew the attention of Tanish and Rohit towards the exploitation of consumers. She told that most of the sellers were exploiting the consumers in various ways and were not paying attention towards the social, ethical and ecological aspects of marketing, whereas she was not doing so. Tanish told that they were under pressure to satisfy the consumers, but stated that the consumers would not buy or not buy enough unless they were adequately convinced and Motivated for the same. Rohit stressed that a company cannot achieve its objectives without understanding the needs of the customers, It was the duty of the businessmen to keep consumer satisfaction in mind because business is run by the resources made available to them by the society. He further stated that he himself was taking into consideration the needs of the customers. Identify the various types of thinking that guided Ginika, Tanish and Rohit in the Marketing efforts of their business. Also, state one more feature of the various types of thinking identified that is not given in the above para (CBSE, Delhi 2017) Marketing Management » 335 > ivgaabate ka, Tanish and Rohit in the marketin 'B effon The various types of thinking that guided Gini of their business are described below: (a) (Ginika) Societal marketing concept: needs of the potential buyers as wel include profit maximisation through custom aa : (b) (Tanish) Selling concept: The main focus of this are is on existing pro, clits i ends include profit maximisation through sales vo . cs : 0 “ t; The main focus of this pl losophy is on customers i Tweaks seine profit ‘maximisation through customer’s satisfaction, Reeds The main focus of this philosophy is ak II as concern for the society at large, Oth the ier satisfaction and social welfare le end QUESTION 14: : “Time Line” watch manufacturing company is a renowned company marketing Watches It performs various activities like, market analysis, product designing or merchandisi, packaging, warehousing, branding, pricing, promotion and selling. The company Maintain, good customer relations through various follow up activities. This helps the Company in procuring repeat sales orders. (a) Name the concept related to the activities mentioned in the above Paragraph (b) Explain any two features of the concept identified in part (a) (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2017 ANSWER: (a) Marketing is the concept related to the activities mentioned in the above Paragraph, (b) The two features of marketing are described below: (i) Needs and wants: Marketing is a social process that seeks to satisfy the needs and wants of individuals and organisations. Needs are basic to human beings like food, clothing and shelter and do not relate to a particular product. Whereas wants are culturally defined human needs which are shaped by multiple factors like Personality, religion, culture etc. Needs are limited whereas wants are unlimited. Therefore, the success of marketing lies in the competence of the marketer to identify needs of target customers and develop products to satisfy such needs effectively. (ii) Creating a market offering: The complete offer for a product or service possessing certain specific features like size, quality, colour etc. is known as a market offering, Thus, the success of the marketers lies in their proficiency to create a market offering in accordance with the needs and wants of the target market. For example a pack of 100 ml of mango juice is available for 220. QUESTION 15: Good Living Ltd. manufactures mosquito repellent tablets tables. These tablets are packed in strips of 12 tablets each. Each of these strips is packed in a cardboard box, 48 such boxes are then placed in a big corrugated box and delivered to various retailers for sale. State the Purpose of packaging the tablets in a corrugated box. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016) ANSWER: The Purpose of packaging the tablets in a corrugated box is to facilitate their transportatio" warehousing and easy identification 336 D Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies Ki r 6: TION 1 ; ques aya Hotel in Indore was facing a problem of low d svt The Managing Director (MD) of the hotel, Mrs. Sak 880F e marketing Manager, Mr. Kapoor for his advice. He su, ested that the hotel W a an offer of ‘3 Days and 2 nights hotel Stay package’ th fee breakfast and one oes anus visit to Omkareshwar and Mahakaleshwar Temples. The MD liked the suggestion eligi ch. Identify the promotional tool which can be used by the hotel through which large 7 mu i : che of prospective pilgrimage tourists all over the country and abroad can be reached, (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016) nd persuaded to use the incentive lemand for its rooms due to off- ina was very worried. She called a informed 2 ANSWER: advertising is the promotion tool that can be used by the hotel. QUESTION 17: Maruti Vega Ltd. entered into the market with coloured televisions and have now introduced products like audio systems, air-conditioners, washing machines, ete. The company is not only offering the products but also handling complaints and offering after-sales services. Identify the element of marketing mix discussed here. (CBSE, OD 2015) ANSWER: Product is the element of marketing mix discussed here. QUESTION 18: Radhika was a student of Business Studies of Class XII. Her father was a farmer who grew different varieties of rice and was well-versed in the various aspects of rice cultivation. He was also selected by the government for a pilot-project on rice cultivation. As a project work in Business Studies, she decided to study the feasibility of marketing good quality rice at a reasonable price. Her father suggested her to use the Internt to gather customers’ views and opinions. She found that there was a huge demand for packaged organic rice. She knew that there were no predetermined specifications in case of rice because of which it was difficult to achieve uniformity in the output. To differentiate the product from its competitors, she gave it the name of ‘Malabari Organic Rice’ and classified it into three different varieties, namely — Popular, Classic and Supreme, based on the quality. She felt that these names would help her in product differentiation. Explain the three functions of marketing with reference to the above paragraph (CBSE, OD 2015) ANSWER: The three functions of marketing with reference to the above paragraph are described below: (@) Gathering and analyzing market information: The prime focus of marketing is to ‘find Wants and fill them’, Therefore, it is absolutely essential for a company to study the needs and preferences of its target market in order to satisfy their needs and wants optimally. (6) Standardisation and grading: Standardisation refers to the process of manufacturing 800ds as per predetermined specifications. Grading refers to the process of classifying 800ds on the basis of certain criteria like quality, size etc. Usually, agricultural products are subject to grading. Marketing Management » 337 fe > (©) Branding: Branding is the process of assigning a name (brand name), sign or (brand mark) or a combination of all to a product. It is considered fg ha SYmboy important decision by the marketers because i falitates product ditferenygt * Vey helps the company to obtain a desirable market share. ". This QUESTION 19: Beauty Products Ltd. is a natural and ethical beauty brand famous for offering organ, b Products for men and women. The company uses plant-based materials for its te “ality 's the Nol beauty brand in the country. It not only satisfies its customers but aig aM in the overall protection of the planet. sieves Identify the marketing management philosophy being followed by ‘Beauty Prog, Uct Lege (CBSE, Denys mnt ANSWER: Societal Marketing Concept is being followed by ‘Beauty Product Ltd’, QUESTION 20: Radha found a worm crawling out of newly opened tetra pack of juice manu; @ reputed company, Zest Ltd. She went back to the shopkeeper from whom ¢} es Purchased who directed her to call up the customer care centre. When all her efforts fel] free she went to a consumer activist, group to seek advice. The group decided to help Radh; and take measures to impose restrictions onthe sales of the frm’s products ofthe partiat batch and urge customers to refrain from buying the products of the company. Zest Ltd. los, its image in the market. The CEO gave the responsibility of bringing back the lost image of the company to the Manager. (CBSE, Sample Question Paper 2015) Identify the concept of marketing management which will help the Manager to get th firm out of the above crisis. ANSWER: Public relations will help the manager to get the firm out of the above crisis, QUESTION 21: Crackers Ltd., a fire-cracker manufacturing company launched some new products on eve of Diwali which attracted many buyers, To meet the increased demand, the company employed children from nearby villages. Although the product was in great demand, appropriate safety warnings for use were not mentioned on the packets that led to many accidents. (a) Identify and explain the important product-related decision that was not taken into consideration by the company. (b) Also, identify any two values which were violated by the company. (CBSE, Annual 2014) factured he pac ANSWER: (a) The company has ignored ‘Labelling’. It is an important product-related decision Labelling refers to the process of designing a label for a product containing produ! description and other relevant information which is likely to affect a prospective ot decision in making a purchase. It may vary from a simple tag to a complex grPh (b) The two values being violated by the company are (i) Abiding by law as child labour has been employed f (ii) Concern for human life as appropriate warnings were not placed on the abe 338 pm Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-xi! _ > nN oe a fire-cracker manufacturing company, launched some new products on ia Ji in the market which attracted many buyers. To meet the increasing demand, eof Die, plo ed people from nearby villages where there was a lot of unemployment. camParY good behaviour of the management with the employees, more and more “use of red to join the company. ‘As the products were in great demand in the market, a wif waniMtated the products, The products of the competitor were not accepted by the soa imt was a status symbol to buy the products of ABC Crackers Ltd. because of nt _ ual ; ; / : ify and explain the product-related decision because of which consumers preferre veeproducts of ABC Crackers Ltd. Also, identify any two values which ABC Crackers Ltd. wanted to communicate to ) o the society: (CBSE, OD 2014) ANSWER: a : a (a) Branding is the product-related decision because of which consumers preferred the products of ABC Crackers Ltd. Branding is the process of assigning a name (brand name), sign or symbol (brand mark) or a combination of all to a product. Branding facilitates product differentiation, assists in advertising and display programmes, facilitates differential pricing , promotes consumers loyalty etc. (0) The two values that ABC Crackers Ltd. wants to communicate to the society are: () Generating employment opportunities (ii) Providing, good working environment. QUESTION 23. As a project work in Business Studies, the Commerce students of Himachal Public School, Himachal Pradesh thought of preparing apple jam from the apples grown in their school premises and sell it in the school annual fete. They approached the Principal who not only appreciated the students but also gave her consent for the same. The school decided to donate 50% of the revenue generated from the sale to a nearby orphanage. After the school fete, the school also decided to extend this project by providing employment to visually challenged and disadvantaged sections of society on regular basis. (@) Explain any two product-related decisions which the students had to take. (b) Suggest any two functions that the ‘label’ of the jam-bottle must perform. (©) Identify two values communicated to society by this project of Himachal Public School, Himachal Pradesh. (CBSE, OD 2013) ANSWER: (@) The two product-related decisions which the students had to take are branding and Packaging, (b) The two important functions that the label of the jam -bottle must perform are: (1) Describe the product and specify its contents: The label on the jam bottle must provide information about the core function of the product i.e. how and why is the product is likely to be beneficial to the prospective buyer. It should educate them about the usage and precautions related to the product. It also gives detailed information about the ingredients of the product. Marketing Management ® 339 ia a Oo’ (ii) Helps in identification of the product or brand: The label should contain the lo, name, tagline, name and address of the manufacturer etc. of the Product brand ae ag , sy (6) The two values communicated to the society by the project of Himachal pay, are Shag (i) Generating employment opportunities (ii) Humanity QUESTION 24: Ajay was appointed as the marketing head of Alfa Enterprise, a manufacturer oj ed Coton te ceca 2000 units a month. Apart from thinking a Past, channels of distribution to achieve the target, he himself started visiting schools in baci areas. He found that even after taking various steps and counselling, some schoo} qi had not started brushing their teeth. He investigated and found that they cout, id nee brushing their teeth. He investigated and found that they could not afford to buy too ta and toothpaste. So with due permission, he started donating 200 toothbrushes and toothy every month to the school. i (@) Identify the channel of distribution Ajay would adopt for the distribution of toothy and toothbrushes and justify it by giving one reason. ste (b) State any two values which Ajay ants to communicate to society. (CBSE, Delhi 213, ANSWER: (a) Ajay would adopt indirect channels of distribution for marketing of toothpaste and tooth brushes because it is a consumer product. It can be easily marketed through longer channels, for example (Manufacturer - Wholesaler ~ Retailer ~ Consumer) (b) The two values that Ajay wants to communicate to the society are: (}) Good health (ii) Social welfare. QUESTION 25: ‘Amar is engaged in the manufacturing of refrigerators. He surveyed the market and found that customers need a refrigerator with a separate provision of water cooler in it. He decided and launched the same refrigerator in the market. Identify and explain the marketing philosophy involved. (CBSE, Delhi 2012) ANSWER: Amar is following the philosophy of marketing concept. The prime focus of marketing concept is to ‘find wants and fill them’, Therefore, the marketer first assesses the needs a! preferences of its target market and manufactures products accordingly in order to satisfy their needs and wants optimally. It aims at profit maximization through customer satisfaction QUESTION 26: ‘An important tak in the marketing of goods rates to designing a label a it POY useful and detailed information about a product.’ In the light of the above statement a label for a ‘liquid soap’ and highlight the important information to be provided 0” (CBSE, Dell 2 340 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-¥i ag

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