Question Bank UNIT 1 KCS 403

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Question Bank UNIT-1

Short Answer type questions (2 Marks)
1. How does a microprocessor differentiate a signal between address & data?
2. What are the different components of microprocessor?
3. Differentiate opcode and operand.
4. What is machine cycle and T state?
5. What is the function of control bus?
6. What are the different types of buses used in microprocessor?
7. How many address lines will be required to access 64 KB memory?
8. Differentiate serial and parallel communication.
9. Why latches and buffers are used during interfacing.
10. What are vectored and non-vectored interrupts?
11. What are the different steps of execution of an instruction?
12. Why we use decoder in processor.
13. What is the function of bidirectional octal latch(74LS373)?
14. What is the function of assembler in microprocessor?
Long Answer type questions
1. Explain components of any microprocessor-based system.
2. Describe the various addressing modes of microprocessor.
3. Explain the evolution of microprocessors in brief.
4. What are interrupts. Explain types of interrupts.
5. Explain the different interfacing devices used in processor?
6. Discuss about RISC and CISC processors.
7. How instruction cycle, machine cycle & clock cycle are related? Explain them with
proper sketches.
8. What are the different techniques of data transfer in any processor?
9. Explain different types of buses used in processor. (Address, Data and
Control Bus)

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