Anorexia Research Paper

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Are you struggling to write your thesis on anorexia? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis on such a

complex and sensitive topic can be incredibly challenging. From gathering relevant research to
forming a coherent argument, the process can be overwhelming. Many students find themselves
stuck, unsure of where to begin or how to proceed.

Anorexia nervosa is a serious mental health condition that requires careful research and understanding
to address effectively. Delving into the intricacies of this disorder demands time, effort, and
expertise. From analyzing the underlying causes to exploring potential treatments, there's a vast
amount of information to sift through.

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Also with jobs like modeling and acting can lead someone to anorexia because eyes are always on
them and they are willing to do whatever to look good and stay relevant. Usually, when a person
starts to loose weight, physiological mechanisms conserve energy and increase the desire for food.
Development of insomnia, erectile dysfunction in males, and swelling of extremities as a result of
fluid build-ups represent three common side effects of Olanzapine. Frude (1998) argues that such
seemingly minor events may act asa positive reinforcement of the dieting process. The events can
range from abuse, sexual assault, relationship problems, and even after moving or changing schools.
The extent to which a caregiver provides nurturing environments serves as a potential catalyst for
negative self-esteem development later in life and the ability to function successfully in social
environments. A university study that recruited 3,000 young females living in the United Kingdom
discovered that the most significant contributor to the development of eating disorders was media
representation of underweight female models (LSE, 2012). Infact, adolescents are challenged with
these conditions and the etiological factors for development of problems at such an young age appear
to be a interplay of several factors like media projection of thin personality, eating and exercise
patterns in the family and surplus availability of tasty, but non-nutritious food. It was once argued
that anorexia was most common in upper-middle-class white girls due to Western culture’s emphasis
on thinness (Romero, 1984). As women, our voices are already suppressed, instead of individuals we
are viewed as starving, and empty bodies. However, as Frudepoints out, what is ultimately being
reinforced, either through the behaviour of others, or. Hence, many individuals seek this treatment
option to restore the body to a more healthy physical condition. Participation in support groups are
also known to be rather effective as treatment options for this mental disorder. Compared to the
average model who weighs 115 pounds, is 5 foot and 9 inches, models are 23% thinner than the
average women in the United States. As a branch of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy induces hypnosis
and the trained professional begins altering behavioral patterns and thought patterns related to
anxiety reduction, stress reduction, and removal of dysfunctional behaviors that contribute to
psychological maladjustment. Individuals who are suffering with anorexia often display behaviors
that indicate to others in their social and familial environments that the person sustains a dangerous
mental disorder. Psychologists also engaged the participants in pep talks that aimed at boosting their
level of confidence. Some treatment developments include medication, while others are adapting a
neurobiological approach. Although Anorexia Nervosa mostly affects female population aged 15 -
30, girls under 15 and women above 30 can suffer from this disorder as well. Online interaction and
the construction of new discursive objects David Giles Download Free PDF View PDF Free DOCX
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Losing
weight attempts are often associated with different behavioral changes like alterations in the regular
eating habits and change in the frequency of exercising. That was the fundamental reason behind the
therapies. Hence, in an effort to improve emotional well-being, the individual begins to identify
potential methods to achieve the ideal characteristics of the figure by which they compared
themselves, which can potentially lead to development of anorexia. Here given is a plagiarism free
essay sample on the topic of anorexia Don t hesitate to use this proofread paper if you want to create
a good medical paper. Parents especially have a tremendous responsibility to educate themselves and
their children about this disorder and raise their children in a healthy and supportive environment.
Having read through a few case studies and having studied the problem and its causes and
symptoms properly, I feel that I am equipped to handle someone suffering from the problem and
would even like to help out at a counselling centre to help someone get through the issue. This has
fear-inducing implications that are beneficial in changing attitudes about food consumption. In
addition to this, it is not possible to define a cause and effect; does the disruption in serotonin levels
cause the vulnerability to the eating disorder. Children and adolescents who are at risk of suffering
from irreversible developmental damage due to malnourishment are also recommended inpatient
treatment even if they have not reached the 15% weight-loss criteria (Harvard Medical School,
2009). They were able to participate in physical activities, which increased their general body
demand leading to increase in body intake and energy.
Models, dancers, gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status have been seen as the key propellants
into anorexia amongst children and teenagers in the western world (Abbate, Gramaglia and Fassino,
2006:68). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. For this
reason, most women have refused to believe that they can get old and engage in facial make up in
order to look good. It becomes, therefore, a primary goal of the individual suffering from body
dysmorphia to fix their perceived deformities which ultimately leads to obsessive-compulsive
behaviors toward that end. Damages done may not be curable even if the disorder is under control.
So, even though they are already skinny, they think they’re never thin enough. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. When writing an anorexia essay, it s important to define the
condition, present the main consequences as well as present solid treatment solutions. This hastens
the process of weight loss and starvation. Awareness of this causal influence can help treatment, and
encourage parents top be more compassionate towards an anorexic child. She is also of the argument
that women are highly faced with cultural devaluing. Hence, sexism and chauvinism could be direct
catalysts for the development of anorexia in male populations due to the esteem problems that occur
as a result of not attaining an idealized male body form. Free Anorexia papers, essays, and research
papers Information - This paper was designed to discuss several basic topics regarding anorexia
nervosa. Mothers, in order to develop fully functional and well-adjusted daughters, need to provide
adequate emotional responses to the child’s needs. This is because of the psychological
differentiation about eating. People experiencing through anorexia Nervosa feel themselves cooler
due to loss in temperature of body. CBT typically consists of a series of face-to-face interventions
between counselor and patient, inclusive of approximately 15 different sessions with a gap of only
one week between interventions. Several consequences of anorexia exists and it is yet unclear
whether the disease itself causes the problems or the malnutrition contributes to the symptoms. Of all
the pathogenetic mechanisms which have been proposed for the development of anorexia nervosa,
neuronal modulation of 5-HT is said the predate the onset of anorexia nervosa and contribute to
various premorbid symptoms of anxiety and inhibition. It is very unfortunate that there is
overemphasis of thinness among youngsters, because of which they equate thinness and beauty with
success and health. Hence, in an environment where the social environment maintains similar values
and attitudes about the importance of maintaining a slender figure, youths learn from their important
reference group figures about how to consume low-calorie foods and consume a variety of diet pills.
Biological factors such as genetics may be one of the causes of anorexia nervosa. Many clothing
designers do not design high end fashion and clothes for women that are beyond a size two; this
being another issue for young women to be skinnier. While it can be argued that this increased
likelihood is due to environmental influences, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh believe
otherwise (sciencemag). Such causes of the disease are known to be attributed to body dysmorphia,
an unreasonable and rather perverse sense of the self as it pertains to body image as well as youth
caregiver attachment problem (to name only two potential causes). It is for this reason that a research
was carried on to justify the importance of cognitive therapy on people suffering form eating
disorders. One of the most respected and fundamental treatment options is a psychological
counseling approach known as cognitive behavioral therapy. More specifically, these trends have been
identified in patients with anorexia nervosa. As a consequence of this application, the article argues
that these universal patterns of behavior and attitudes to food, weight and body image, expressed
uniquely by each person, are expressions, images and ideas of a specific form of an archetype, with
each. School teachers see kids more often and during meals, and can pick up on abnormal behaviors.
LSE. (2012). Anorexia Study backs Government Ban on Underweight Models, The London.
Some treatment developments include medication, while others are adapting a neurobiological
approach. Moreover, in many young girls, an irregular menstrual cycle or an absence of the same can
be a characteristic of anorexia or even reduced appetite and eating. Custom Written Essay Example
On The Topic Of Anorexia. Anorexia, when it is simply a physical symptom, can be caused by a
range of problems, not necessarily psychological, which is why when it is part of an eating disorder,
it is often called Anorexia Nervosa, in order to distinguish it. Sexism is defined as discriminatory
attitudes and prejudices regarding a person’s gender. Among anorexic victims, stress can be caused
by both environmental and social factors. From the research, we conclude that cognitive therapy help
in encouraging physical activities, which later lead to, increased demand for food. Failure to achieve
this early-age attachment leads to social and psychological maladjustment. Adolescent girls who are
dissatisfied with their image and are overweight are likely to resort to dieting. Children and
adolescents who are at risk of suffering from irreversible developmental damage due to
malnourishment are also recommended inpatient treatment even if they have not reached the 15%
weight-loss criteria (Harvard Medical School, 2009). Also, having high levels of anxiety can play a
part, so they restrict they’re eating to help reduce it. The symptoms are often puzzling with motor
restlessness and excessive exercise. However, the fact thatrelatives of anorexics run a higher risk than
the general population of also becominganorexic does not, according to Frude (1998), suggest that a
firm genetic link for anorexiacan be inferred. Free Essay: Many young women suffer from eating
disorders Criticized and shamed by the many for their body, weight, and looks, insecurities are
abundant in. This mental disturbance manifests itself as extreme preoccupation about their physical
appearance. The hypothalamus regulates hungersensation and instigates the eating impulse, however,
animal studies have shown thatwhen the hypothalamus is in some way damaged, this process is
disrupted. Treating anorexia is difficult because it is highly comorbid with anxiety disorders and has
complex biological and psychological dimensions. This proposes that the typical AN symptoms of
food restriction, hyperactivity and the denial of starvation, reflect the operation of adaptive
mechanisms that once caused migrated because of local famine conditions. Recurrent use of this
pharmaceutical often leads to higher levels of blood cholesterol and increases the volume of natural
insulin in the body that could lead to moderate diabetic development. In a study of semistarvation in
maleconscientious objectors, Franklin et al. (1948), noted that all the men became obsessedwith food
and displayed higher than normal levels of fatigue, irritability and moodiness,they also had poor
concentration levels and reported a loss of interest in sex. Many of the physical and social
developments taking place during middle school can become risk factors for anorexia or cause side-
effects that are risk factors for anorexia nervosa development (citation). By using our site, you agree
to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Article:2 Kaye, W. (2007). Neurobiology
of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Purdue Ingestive Behavior Research Center Symposium Influences
on Eating and Body Weight over the Lifespan: Children and Adolescents. Most individuals suffering
from anorexia remain in denial unless they are treated properly and carefully and are brought to
admit to themselves that they have a problem that needs solving. The problem can also be solved
through encouraging the affected people to develop self-confidence and right attitude to prevent
them from deterring their self-image. However, medical experts believe that there are several factors
that may work together and lead to this eating disorder. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The pathway analysis found enrichment
for regulation of transcription, mRNA splicing, pathways in cance. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Their diet was sampled and weight recorded every day.
Social factors include the pressure to have the “”perfect body. Whether driven by emotional or social
maladjustment and abnormality or whether biological factors are constructing anorexia development,
there are a variety of treatment options available, some with high success rates, which would provide
a theoretical foundation for recovery of this difficult disorder. Custom Written Essay Example On
The Topic Of Anorexia. Some of the common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia
nervosa. Those that have been diagnosed with anorexia often maintain an irrational obsession with
maintaining a thin body figure and become preoccupied and often fanatical about ensuring the
individual does not put on weight. Medication options: Although there is little evidence that
medications promote weight gain during the initial phase of treatment, the APA practice guidelines
strongly recommend the use of antidepressants to treat depression, anxiety or obsessive thinking in
some patients after they have gained weight. The participants were selected randomly within Indiana
State. The patients tend to be vegetarians, have monotonous choices regarding food intake and
select unusual food combinations. More specifically, these trends have been identified in patients
with anorexia nervosa. Furthermore, a 2010 study indicated that sexism and chauvinism are still
legitimate phenomenons that exist in developed societies even today. Helping the victim understand
the source of the pain can help with eating disorder recovery. Reasons for stress can range from
normal daily things such as work, school, and even relationships. Functioning on low “”fuel for
extended periods of time causes our bodies to degrade. Nutritional deficiencies such as lack of
sufficient food and lack of balanced diet may also cause anorexia nervosa. Hormonal balances also
lead to a change in mood and may even cause depression in a person. This is 100% legal. You may
not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. There may be a role of
inherent dysregulation of reward and emotional pathways which can also get involved in the
hedonic aspects of feeding, thus making individuals vulnerable to appetitive behaviors that are
disturbing. Having read through a few case studies and having studied the problem and its causes
and symptoms properly, I feel that I am equipped to handle someone suffering from the problem and
would even like to help out at a counselling centre to help someone get through the issue. In a
medical environment, the patient is given an initial 1200 calorie diet regimen to accustom the patient
to consuming higher volumes of food and adjust the body to a more sufficient daily consumption
level. Ranging from more in-depth counseling to more radical procedures such as psychotherapy, it
appears that there is some form of valid and reliable option for addressing recovery that would be
available to a diverse group of sufferers of this disease, regardless of its severity or the causes that
drove its development. After 8 weeks of the study the following results were given. 60% of the
outpatient participants who had clinical signs of anorexia nervosa normally possessing a basal
metabolic rate of between 15.0-17.5 had shown significant improvement. Amphetamines are also a
treatment of choice in narcolepsy. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers.
Their self-confidence increased and their participation in social and physical activities increased. The
purpose of this strategy is to have both the patient and counselor work on potential solutions to the
problem whilst also rehearsing a series of positive thoughts that ultimately leads to a change from
negative thinking to more appropriate, positive thought processes. There have been numerous studies
revealing the prevalence of eating disorders in minority populations. Published research of lived
experiences of persons who exhibit patterns of behavior and attitudes towards food, weight, body
shape and size, that are deemed to be diagnostic criteria of anorexia nervosa, provides evidence that
those patterns of behavior serve as coping mechanisms against the suffocating forces of unwanted,
specific, and personal discourses in their lives. Such individuals find themselves in a position not
being able to fully engage in particular activities and consistently avoiding friends. See other similar
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Some treatment developments include medication, while others are adapting a neurobiological
In the case of genetic factors contributing to development of anorexia, rational treatment options
would involve surgical procedures or medicinal strategies as this type of irregularity or imbalance is
independent of socio-psychological considerations as catalysts, thereby complicating offering
assistance to the anorexia sufferer. Furthermore, a 2010 study indicated that sexism and chauvinism
are still legitimate phenomenons that exist in developed societies even today. According to the NEDA
website, as many as 65 percent of people with eating disorders say bullying contributed to their
condition. For this paper, I would give myself at least 80 out of 100 because I feel I have carefully
dissected the topic and analyzed all parts of the problem. However in the case of Anorexia Nervosa,
one just does not satisfy their appetit due to the fears mentioned below. Free Essay: Many young
women suffer from eating disorders Criticized and shamed by the many for their body, weight, and
looks, insecurities are abundant in. In a medical environment, the patient is given an initial 1200
calorie diet regimen to accustom the patient to consuming higher volumes of food and adjust the
body to a more sufficient daily consumption level. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. One of the objectives
of using cognitive therapy in treating the eating disorder will help in boosting self-image and
confidence amongst the youths who are suffering from peer influence. There are societies where it is
alright to be thin and anorexia as an eating disorder is not given much thought to because parents
think it alright for their children to lose weight and look good in society, however this is not the way
to deal with one’s body as it causes problems in adolescents. Susan's point of view is that all of these
philosophers encouraged the use of body dualism. The figure below explains the results of cognitive
therapy for anorexics. Dry skin, dehydration, intolerance towards cold weather indicating a loss of
iron in the body along with excessive exercising which may be understood by irregular heart rates are
all causes of this eating disorder, a very harmful disorder that people should stay away from. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. With this, we saw the
increased prevalence of anorexia and other eating disorders. People suffering from Anorexia
Nervosa have hypersensitivity towards their looks. Anorexia nervosa essaysAnorexia Nervosa is one
of the most commonly known and yet least recognized eating disorders Anorexia is a mental illness,
which. Functioning on low “”fuel for extended periods of time causes our bodies to degrade. We
expect that use of cognitive therapy is going to help the affected people to change their attitude and
consequently increase weight to desired standard, which will help them, carry their daily physical
activities without fatigue. Participants placed under cognitive received counseling therapies from
nutritionist, peer educators, and sports specialists. Discuss the Behavioural Approach to Treating
Phobias. Inpatient treatment is typically recommended when an adult patient loses 15% or more of
their ideal body weight (Harvard Medical School, 2009). A character named Emma was trying to
lose weight so she would barely eat and sometimes would make herself throw up. CBT typically
consists of a series of face-to-face interventions between counselor and patient, inclusive of
approximately 15 different sessions with a gap of only one week between interventions. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Infact,
women are willing to both endure pain and sacrifice comfort. However, this particular drug has been
illustrated to be highly effective in improving the body mass index of patients and has become
highly affordable in recent years as a result of the availability of a generic version on the
pharmaceutical market. Yet another treatment option for anorexia is implementing clinical
interventions. The patient is monitored closely to make sure that they eat the food given to them and
their body weight is also checked regularly. Though the most common effect of this drug is rapid
weight gain, there are drawbacks to this treatment option.
More specifically, middle school girls who are psychologically vulnerable to anorexia development
(Romero, 1984) are perfectionists, praise-seeking, and overachievers. The worst part of anorexia is
the determination of factors that causes the disorder. Water intoxication: Anorexics drink a
significant amount of water which can lead to water intoxication. People that are afflicted with body
dysmorphia often find a perceived, minor defect in their physical appearance and greatly inflate
negative emotional responses to the imperfection which causes impaired psychological and social
functioning. However, hypnotherapy and its productive implications are often contested by many in
the research and medical communities regarding its viability and reliability in improving behavioral
and emotional outcomes of the patient. This trait is recognized in a patient’s intense, all-consuming
focus on food and strict control over their energy consumption. However, family involvement has
been found to be extremely important in treating this disorder especially when children and
adolescents are dealing with this disorder. Over-exercising: If the exercising regimen of an individual
is turning into compulsive behavior, it is an indicator of Anorexia Nervosa. She also goes ahead to
give a brief description of other philosophers namely Augustine, Plato and Descartes. For gay men,
the problem may even be worse because of their sense of minority and low self esteem derived from
the non acceptance of their sexuality. They were choosy in their food and showed signs of anxiety
and fear. Article:2 Kaye, W. (2007). Neurobiology of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Purdue
Ingestive Behavior Research Center Symposium Influences on Eating and Body Weight over the
Lifespan: Children and Adolescents. Zinc deficiencies are also a common feature of
anorexicpatients, and it has been suggested that symptoms of anorexia, such as weight loss
anddepression, could be due to a low level of zinc in the body (Bakan et al., 1993). Someresearch
suggests that endogenous opioids are also released during periods of starvation.The release of opioid
chemicals may produce a feeling of elation and. Anorexia has many different causes and can affect
people in horrible ways. In addition, people with Anorexia Nervosa have pressures from society
about being thin, have a perfectionist trait, and may have difficulty with parents and finding their
own autonomy. If n individual gins to adopt a very high diet and lurk long the extreme lines of not
eating they may even suffer from an extreme case of malnutrition later in life, making it very
difficult to sustain their health. Participation was voluntary and ethics was observed. This thesis
discusses the eating disorders with regard to the relationship between foods related disorders and
personality traits, the effectiveness of traditional foods in regulating the development of eating
disorders in human beings especially the younger generation, the Government efforts, and
international policies on fighting eating disorders. So, even though they are already skinny, they
think they’re never thin enough. The authors state how that they are perceptions and is biased on the
individual’s belief. Support groups are established with other individuals in the same demographic
category that are suffering from anorexia who can discuss their concerns, fears and aggravations of
the disease. Many people suffering from anorexia eat in front of other people in order to not let their
problem out in the open, but often vomit out their food, exhibiting signs of bulimia, or abuse
themselves by taking laxatives to take out the food from their body. First and of lecturer March 26,
Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a multifaceted psychiatric disorder which centers on
regulating food intake and controlling weight in order to look perfect. He then compared both of the
levels in these types with healthy controls. It is more common in young girls than boys, and
especially in countries of America and Europe where high fashion and societal pressure is far more
rampant as compared to other countries around the world. Victims of bullying can face feelings such
as low self-esteem, depression, shame, guilt, fear, PTSD symptoms, and even suicide. Their findings
showed “little support for the hypothesized ethnic differences in eating disturbances and suggested
“that ethnic minority groups have achieved parity with Whites in this domain” (Shaw et. al, 2004).
These studies raise awareness of the prevalence of eating disorders in groups once presumed to be
less affected. However, this particular drug has been illustrated to be highly effective in improving
the body mass index of patients and has become highly affordable in recent years as a result of the
availability of a generic version on the pharmaceutical market. Free Anorexia papers, essays, and
research papers Information - This paper was designed to discuss several basic topics regarding
anorexia nervosa. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you.
Other gastrointestinal complications include abnormal muscle activity in the esophagus and feeling
bloated. Later studies in self-psychology prove that disorders like Anorexia Nervosa are caused by
the parents' inability to developing a healthy affectionate relationship with their daughters (Canetti et
al. When writing an anorexia essay, it s important to define the condition, present the main
consequences as well as present solid treatment solutions. This paper assesses several websites
discussing anorexia, including some pro- anorexia websites. Also with jobs like modeling and acting
can lead someone to anorexia because eyes are always on them and they are willing to do whatever
to look good and stay relevant. Physical and nutritional therapies help in boosting self-esteem hence
avoiding stress, which has a positive impact on human growth and development. Losing weight
attempts are often associated with different behavioral changes like alterations in the regular eating
habits and change in the frequency of exercising. Their weight increased gradually as they reacted to
nutritionist’s therapies and physicians. Free Anorexia papers, essays, and research papers Information
- This paper was designed to discuss several basic topics regarding anorexia nervosa. Or is it the
eating disorder and the starvation that causes there to be a change in levels of the neurotransmitters.
The thin hair begins to grow healthy while the pale skin changes. Most individuals suffering from
anorexia remain in denial unless they are treated properly and carefully and are brought to admit to
themselves that they have a problem that needs solving. Disorder Psychopathology, Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 64(6), pp.703-716. Abnormal levels of ghrelin indicates that the human body is
frantic in an effort to indicate that the body is hungry, however people with anorexia become
extremely adept in suppressing these sensations and refusing to ingest all but infinitesimal volumes
of food. The net result is that several adolescents feel the cultural pressure for becoming thinner,
more than that required for optimum health and they attempt to fit into this through nutritional
choices that are either poor or dangerous or both. The true occurrence of anorexia may be times
higher if one takes into consideration unreported or undiagnosed cases (Misra et al, 2004). Different
treatment options are available, with some of them combining several approaches all in one. Upward
social comparisons create the incentive to make radical body image changes when an individual
making the comparisons believes that an aspirational figure maintains better and more appropriate
physical characteristics than the self. In a controlled environment, patients are offered nutritional
counseling services that emphasize the importance of sustaining a well-balanced diet, providing
knowledge about the risks of sustaining such a complex eating disorder, and performing a rigorous
physical examination to illustrate how the body sustainability is being eroded by malnutrition. The
only way to deal with the problem is to help the individual understand that he is not pressured from
any member of the family to remain thin and he must undergo an intervention helping him
understand that he has the support from all his family and friends to start getting better. Your
research should include a description of the mental illness, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and
treatment. She also goes an extra mile to explain that historically, males were fully associated with
aspects to do with the mind, which she added entailed logic, knowledge, and reason. Such as, the
view of thin models portrayed on magazine covers and television and the drive for thinness in
Western teenage girls. The study involved celebrities, college students, working class, models and
other randomly selected people in Indiana State who were anorexic. An individual might
psychologically think him or herself to be putting on weight and as a result, force the mind to stop
thinking about eating due to pressure from society or in built pressure of looking thin and maintain a
certain body type; an idea emanating from a low self esteem. Beautiful people are treated differently,
such is the society that we live in, driving young women to pressure of being skinny and thin and
thus attract better social opportunities towards themselves. New research show that lack of support
after traumatic life events can lead to anorexia in adolescents. If you want a unique paper, order it
from our professional writers. Weight loss: Significant loss of weight without any associated medical
reason is one of the primary indicators of Anorexia Nervosa. As noted in the beginning, perfection is
in the eye of the beholder but it does depend on what 'eye' it is as to how any person with anorexia
or bulimia determines how to achieve the ideal body.

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