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Writing a thesis can be an incredibly challenging task, especially when tackling complex topics like

racial profiling. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and coherent argumentation to
produce a high-quality paper that meets academic standards. Many students find themselves
struggling with the demands of such an undertaking, often feeling overwhelmed by the amount of
work involved.

Racial profiling is a sensitive and multifaceted issue that requires careful examination from various
perspectives. Crafting a thesis on this topic entails delving into historical contexts, legal frameworks,
social dynamics, and ethical considerations. It necessitates gathering and synthesizing a vast array of
sources, ranging from scholarly articles and legal documents to empirical studies and personal

Moreover, formulating a clear and compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the
research while addressing the complexities of racial profiling can be particularly challenging. It
requires precision in language and thought, as well as the ability to navigate nuanced arguments and

Given the difficulties inherent in writing a thesis on racial profiling, it's understandable that many
students may seek assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution for those grappling with the
complexities of this task. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of
academic research and writing, ⇒ ⇔ provides customized support tailored to the
specific needs of each client.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty
associated with the writing process. Their professional writers will work closely with you to develop
a well-researched and meticulously crafted thesis that meets your requirements and exceeds your
expectations. With their expertise and guidance, you can confidently tackle even the most
challenging topics, including racial profiling, and produce a thesis that is both academically rigorous
and intellectually compelling.

Don't let the difficulty of writing a thesis on racial profiling deter you from pursuing your academic
goals. With the support of ⇒ ⇔, you can navigate this complex terrain with
confidence and produce a thesis that makes a meaningful contribution to the discourse on this
important issue.
In this situation, harsher laws should exist especially for this case. A significant part to continuing
momentum is to meet with Police Departments throughout the United States to provide information
about racial and cultural sensitivity and why it is important to not stereotype by race or religion.
Practical implications this paper shows the utility of applying focal concerns theory as a theoretical
explanation for police officer decision making on consent searches and how the effects of focal. Let
us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Therefore, students should ensure that the body
paragraphs are informative with a good outline that is flexible; also it should relay information in
order from the main point to the least important point. Try to find some statistical data to include in
your essay on racial profiling. Racial Profiling by the Police Racism has been prevailing for centuries,
and despite the fact that it is frowned upon, it has not been eradicated from society. We consider not
only racial or ethnic profiling as such but also the use of other profiling factors that correlate highly
with race or ethnicity so that minorities are singled out disproportionately when the profile is used
(disparate impact discrimination). Teachers utilize these harsh punitive techniques to construct “safe”
and “secure” environments for their pupils to learn within, excluding those who they feel pose a
threat to their authority or ethical character. I believe this is a strong strategy and would continue
doing this in the other 19 states that do not have any laws against racial profiling (NAACP, 2014).
Police stopped bailey four times between 2008 through 2010 while he was driving his Range Rover.
At the end of the paper the reader will agree or disagree on matter involving RACIAL PROFILING
against African American in policing procedures and insurance policies. WriteMyEssay can provide
well-written essays and papers on a wide range of topics. Racism over the years has been one of the
reasons behind poverty and lack of access to social mobility in the United States. But a second life
story shows how common the problem is in everyday life and how minor traffic stops based off of
racial profiling can be detrimental as well. For the duration of the semester, we briefly touched on
racial profiling and split second decision cases. Also, provide a varying level that commences from
generalization to detailed description and then back to generalization. Discuss the causes and
ehhects of racism in America. Americans are infuriated by the injustices by police officers towards
minorities, occuring on a daily basis, and rightfully so. At this stage, it’s also essential that you think
about composing a racial profiling thesis statement. The consideration of race, ethnicity, or national
origin by an officer of the law in deciding when and how to intervene in an enforcement capacity.
Several months later, the police officers were cleared of criminal charges in this case. Johnson, who
was known signing legislation in support of the Civil Rights Movement, passed the Law
Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965, that declared its purpose is “to provide assistance in training
state and local law enforcement officers and other personnel and in improving capabilities,
techniques, and practices in, State and local law enforcement and prevention and control of crime,
and for other purposes” (S., 89th Cong., 1965, p. 1). However, police informs that among individuals
place in jail on drug accusations, 27% are white-colored people, 47% are black people, and 20% are
Latino. RACIAL PROFILING is one of the most frequently debated topics in the U. The perception
that crime is rampant in today's society or national security is under attack does not justify
ineffective and irrational tactics by law enforcement and security agencies which disregard human
rights, violate the Charter and erode civil liberties. There are so many more topic ideas, but if you’re
feeling stuck, go ahead to the article’s next sections. While the bulk of police officers aid their
societies in a proficient and principled custom, the argument over the authenticity of racial profiling
as a practice in law enforcement is flashiest on the side of its presence on a national level. One of the
options is expressing your opinion through writing. Lamberth (1994) obtained similar results in his
New Jersey study.
These types of reforms have already been tested and initiated in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Practical implications this paper shows the utility of applying focal concerns theory as a theoretical
explanation for police officer decision making on consent searches and how the effects of focal. It
goes as the last sentence of the introduction and becomes the focal point of your whole writing. It is,
however, imperative that the origins of racial profiling by the police force and criminal investigators
are highlighted. Ever since the early civilization man has always discriminated fellow men on the
basis of their color, age this research paper on racial profiling was written and submitted by your
fellow student. Ever since the early civilization man has always discriminated fellow men on the
basis of their color, age this research paper on racial profiling was written and submitted by your
fellow student. 100%(1)100% found this document useful (1 vote). We do not talk about the
benefits and costs of free speech; instead, we say there is a right to free expression that continues to
exist even when that free expression poses costs to others. Yet another cost could be possible
retaliation (e.g., future terrorist acts) by individuals driven by anger and resentment for being
wrongly targeted. Following the King incident new awareness had been raised. Furthermore, the
student should shift the essay from the detailed perspective to generalization aspect with the course
of action at the end of the essay. First of all, it can be as simple as expressing your feelings about it.
It requires expertise in the topic of racial profiling. What predisposed issues were there that caused
them to stop King at the particular time. It is within this context that some individuals would support
racial profiling. Victims of racial profiling will continue to distrust law enforcement, present
themselves in an image not representative of their community as a whole, and imbue a sense of
endangerment in their own communities. Foolish ideologies that are used to maintain the continual
mistreatment of minority youth such as the “culture of poverty”, violate students’ human right to
accessible quality education. In this nation people assume that they have equal rights, but do they.
Unfortunately, this issue has become even greater throughout recent years and I have heard countless
stories in the media of unarmed black teens being killed by police officers. Describe and characterize
the main types of modern racism. This text is free, available online and used for guidance and
inspiration. In a matter of minutes, Magnified lay motionless on the ground with his head split open.
However, even the easiest tasks require some experience and practice. There is no process from
which one can infer that such characteristics as wearing torn clothing or a turban or appearing to be
of Arab origin are related causally to terrorist behavior; one can only hope to identify factors that
have a high correlation with terrorist behavior, which is rare in any case. Some racially blabs police
could be bias against a black man who has a white wife, with a great career a nice car. RACIAL
PROFILING is one of the most frequently debated topics in the U. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our cookie policy. Racial stereotypes in Disney films. Examine the problem of
workplace racism. They review various studies that use these strategies to construct baseline measures
for traffic stops and describe the strengths and limitations of each. Racial profiling is an issue that a
variety of civil rights movements in the united states have continued to condemn. As a result, not
only will these individuals experience hassles and delays, they will also likely feel angry, humiliated,
and stigmatized.
In that context, racial profiling is considered statistical discrimination and therefore wrong under any
circumstances, whether or not it could be proven that there are costs associated with not profiling.
Despite this, there has been an increase in RACIAL PROFILING and the study also showed that
states law does not provide sufficient and consistent protection against profiling. Practical
implications this paper shows the utility of applying focal concerns theory as a theoretical
explanation for police officer decision making on consent searches and how the effects of focal. You
can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new
topic for yourself. Racial profiling,the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of
having committed an offense, is very common in the united states. Many states, including Maryland,
New Jersey, and North Carolina, have enacted legislation for the collection of detailed data on stops
and have mandated studies of racial profiling. 4 Despite these efforts, however, relatively few data
sets are complete, accurate, and available for analysis (Glaser, 2003; Harris, 1999b). In my opinion,
eliminating racial profiling is impossible without the aggressive enforcement of civil rights laws,
which will encourage local police chiefs and employers to monitor and address discrimination inside
their organizations. The purpose of this research paper is to reveal the influences that race has on the
criminal justice system. Try to find some statistical data to include in your essay on racial profiling.
The police and other law enforcement agencies must have an Incorporating strategy, data assortment
and investigation, communal outreach and responsibility centered administrative system that clasps
constables accountable for their behavior, and a resident complaint procedure represents essential
implementation that a police administrator must use to successfully diminish occurrences and limit
public charge related with the practice of racial profiling. Thus, it is essential for students to discover
the researchable topic on racial profiling, narrow and focus the topic to give clear information.
Rodney King was the first time it was actually brought to the attention of the world or at least that I
can recall. Some people may think that racism ended once slavery was abolished, but that was not
the case. For example, you might consider pointing out how unfair and unjustified those actions are.
Racial profiling within the criminal justice system. These procedures have spread fear in the air and
wrongly expanded the distrust in the local law enforcing bodies which has led to an intense increase
in rate of hate crimes towards the racial profilers. Our deliberations were concerned with the general
issue of racial or ethnic profiling—how to determine when and whether it occurs in situations when
one would want to prevent it and what considerations might need to be taken into account if one
wanted to implement it even though it is, by our definition, discriminatory. As in the case of The
Arthur Magnified case, an African American was riding his motorcycle on the streets of Miami,
Florida. The term ' RACIAL PROFILING ' is typically applied in the enforcement arena, but can be
equally applied in the social realm. Split second decision and racial profiling are closely associated
because research shows that police officers typically make decisions based off of appearance. Some
police administrators and many campaigners on both sides of the racial profiling deliberation settle
that data gathering and examination is a vital phase in the method of defining whether racial
profiling prevails in law enforcement agencies. Practical implications this paper shows the utility of
applying focal concerns theory as a theoretical explanation for police officer decision making on
consent searches and how the effects of focal. In this situation, the officer would more than likely
feel that he was Justified In being a racially biased officer. Racial Profiling Essay Conclusion In
conclusion, you should summarize your arguments and paraphrase your racial profiling thesis
statement. References to the term racialized communities conveys that it is a social construct to view
persons or groups who share or are perceived to share a given ancestry as different and unequal in
ways that matter to economic, political and social life, and that this view is not based in
reality.Victims of racial profiling have their liberty interests taken from them. Pedro Soto, 734 A.2d
350, 1996; Smith and Petrocelli, 2001; Spitzer, 1999; Verniero and Zoubek, 1999). 8 However, these
studies have been criticized for not having the right type of data to rule out other explanations for the
disparities. Instead of following predetermined mindset on race or ethnic prejudice to arrest
suspects. The relationship between police officers and ethnicity Community’s citizen’s racial groups
by different groups and how they interact. It is a type of academic writing where the author develops
an opinion relying on secondary resources. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with
any deadline and requirements from scratch.
As a result, not only will these individuals experience hassles and delays, they will also likely feel
angry, humiliated, and stigmatized. For example, an individual from a minority race or ethnic
community is more likely to be stopped on the highway while driving not because he is a crime
suspect but because of. Furthermore, some incidents of racial profiling have led to more significant
matters, such as arrests and even death. For example, people who purchase one-way airline tickets
using cash on the day of their flight may be selected for further scrutiny by airport personnel based
on an assumption or empirical evidence that they are more likely than others to pose a risk of
premeditated violence to passengers. But racial profiling opponents cite research they say proves the
practice is ineffective. Me being Hispanic I get it all the time, whether it be Jokes about citizenship
or stereotyping about certain Jobs. Split second decision and racial profiling are closely associated
because research shows that police officers typically make decisions based off of appearance. Racial
stereotypes in Disney films. Examine the problem of workplace racism. In order to avoid being
harassed, beaten or even killed, slaves were required to carry papers saying they could be off their
plantations. Although racial profiling has been accepted by many people, using racial profiling has
disastrous effects on the victims that go through being criminalized everyday. The main demographic
at risk are young minority men, as statistics show that this group is vulnerable to stops and searches
by police officers at an alarmingly higher rate. Racial or ethnic profiling is the act of suspecting or
targeting a person on the basis of assumed characteristics or behavior of a racial or ethnic group,
rather than on individual suspicion..crash data in racial profiling research, paper presented at
confronting racial profiling in the 21st century: The consideration of race, ethnicity, or national origin
by an officer of the law in deciding when and how to intervene in an enforcement capacity. He died
four days later because of police-inflicted injuries. Thus, our earlier discussion of statistical
discrimination based on race also applies to racial profiling. Some issues are technical, involving how
or whether one could determine the potential effectiveness of race, ethnicity, and other
characteristics as profiling factors. Thus, if a terrorist group were able to identify the kinds of
characteristics that result in being pulled aside (or not) for additional investigation, it could enlist a
person without those characteris-. In conclusion, I feel that this problem requires the examination of
individuals from all races and beliefs to eliminate it. It makes you more likely to be stopped by a law
enforcement officer, more likely to be searched, and more likely to be arrested and imprisoned.
Nevertheless, the application of profiling becomes limited in counteracting threat to national security
therefore; more intensive and detailed investigational methods should be used when fighting
international crimes. This diversity could be part of the solutions or part of the problems. In the past,
some black officers treat black people worse than white officer. Is racial profiling a discrimination or
a necessary evil. It may be possible for researchers to collaborate with officers in the field to elicit
information on what factors they take into account as. The African-Americans are the largest racial
minority at 13. The data categories will be necessary be included into the date for efficient analysis.
Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from
scratch. By the definition of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, “ RACIAL PROFILING is any
action undertaken for reasons of safety, security or public protection, that relies on stereotypes about
race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, or place of origin, or a combination of these, rather than on a
reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment” (Ontario
Human Rights Commission). Racism over the years has been one of the reasons behind poverty and
lack of access to social mobility in the United States. Despite this, there has been an increase in
Racial Profiling and the study also showed that states law does not provide sufficient and consistent
protection against profiling. We are sure this unusual approach will impress your teacher. Every
statement you include in the main body of the writing should be supported by evidence.
Stereotypes exist in society that it become the norm, which creates the one of the most dangerous
behavior which is racial profiling. Debbie Schlussel stated, “Racial profiling is necessary, if evil, to
combat terrorist activities against Americans” (Why We Need Racial Profiling). Racial profiling is
the consideration of race early on in criminal investigations. A documented essay can be assigned in
school or college. Besides, find the sources for information and select those that are updated with
current information that is relevant. However, even the easiest tasks require some experience and
practice. In 2 reforming criminal justice: Abstract there are many different reasons for people to
engage in criminal activities. The cases where they did not answer their questions appropriately or in
an adequate manner, the youngsters, without having a proof of being in possession of drugs, were
arrested and sent to jail.” (Nittle) As a part of the research conducted by the criminology students at
the Northeastern University in 2006, the New York Police Department was made to carry out
random checks on passers-by and pedestrians. Ever since the September 11th attacks on the World
Trade Center, America has been on high alert because of terrorists. Explain why racism is a persistent
problem in modern society. Read the full text Example: Racial identity and racial socialization are
proposed to promote the improvement of African American adolescents in the aspect of race-related
difficulties. We are sure this unusual approach will impress your teacher. Or having to worry and
pray that the said child makes it to their destinations safely without being pulled over in the fears of
them being arrested or worst killed. The focus of my research paper is the issue of profiling and
college students. The researcher of this essay analyzes the racial issue in criminal justice field
regarding racial profiling by police. Similarly, most observers believe it is wrong for domestic law
enforcement personnel to base their routine treatment of individuals on the average behaviors of
racial groups. Before you get down to writing your essay on racial profiling, try to answer the
following questions: Get an originally-written paper according to your instructions. Racial profiling
encourages police to stop, frisk, or investigate people based on their race, ethnicity, or nationality.
When most people see a cop on the highway, they slow down, look at the speedometer, and then go
on with their drive with very little worry. Racial or ethnic profiling is the act of suspecting or
targeting a person on the basis of assumed characteristics or behavior of a racial or ethnic group,
rather than on individual suspicion..crash data in racial profiling research, paper presented at
confronting racial profiling in the 21st century: The consideration of race, ethnicity, or national origin
by an officer of the law in deciding when and how to intervene in an enforcement capacity. Racial
Profiling Essay Conclusion In conclusion, you should summarize your arguments and paraphrase
your racial profiling thesis statement. Racial stereotypes in Disney films. Examine the problem of
workplace racism. In fact, Schlussel fails to provide any statistics or hard evidence to support her
claim. His findings were that only 15 percent of the people observed speeding in the violator survey
were black, yet blacks were 46.2 percent of those that received traffic citations, a disparity of
roughly 30 percent (Dunn, 2009). Our legal system, yet are promoted by even the Supreme Court
when used by law enforcement in the practice of racial profiling. Thus, the act is immoral and
violates a person’s freedom and in the long run, does not benefit even the law enforcers. Today I am
going to be talking about the hard, but the truth of racial profiling done through law enforcement.
Police stopped bailey four times between 2008 through 2010 while he was driving his Range Rover.
Source: The process of developing descriptions of the traits and characteristics of
unknown offenders in specific criminal cases has become known as profiling. This sample racial
profiling research paper is published for educational and informational purposes only.
This will allow for people to see the campaign at the forefront on Social Media, YouTube and
possibly television that is making positive change for the United States as a whole. For example, if
the police tend to stop cars with broken tail lights more frequently and if disadvantaged racial groups
are more likely to drive older cars, then the profile—stop cars with broken fixtures—will result in a
higher stop rate for these groups. There are no sure ways to know exactly why some police are
racially biased. The Japanese-Americans or immigrants had no breaches of the law. Such profiling is
conceptually no different from the kinds of discrimination previously discussed in this report (see
Chapter 4 ); it is simply one instance of the more general phenomenon we have termed statistical
discrimination. If it provides any value, which is not 100% true, it expedites responses to dangerous
situations. For my campaign, I want to make it as easy as possible for activists to find data and
information about racial profiling, scheduled events or which petitions to sign that support anti racial
profiling laws. This essay discusses the issue of racial profiling, that should be deemed
unconstitutional even when there is a statistically valid basis for believing that it will help catch more
criminals. These guidelines have caused havoc in communities, families and individuals shredding
them apart. Truly, profiling-based searches result in less drug and contraband seizures (Warren,
2009). As well, the hiring process needs to be more based on the values and the morals of the
applicant for the position. It is frequently understood as being the unfair targeting of members of
minority groups (Criminal Justice, 2019). For these reasons, many civil rights organizations have
spoken out against the practice. Source: Get your custom essay on. The reason
in upholding racial profiling out of sight of criminal investigation can develop the likelihood of
capturing offenders. Furthermore, some incidents of racial profiling have led to more significant
matters, such as arrests and even death. But in new york city, there's been a great deal of public
outcry about officers stopping. Practical implications this paper shows the utility of applying focal
concerns theory as a theoretical explanation for police officer decision making on consent searches
and how the effects of focal. Which are continually discouraged and condemned throughout.
Current studies pointed out that discrimination is a condition that has harmful effects on the mental
health of African Americans. Racial profiling is the consideration of race early on in criminal
investigations. An issue discussed in nearly every contemporary research paper within civil rights
related to race is that of racial profiling. Racial profiling has and will always be a problem especially
for minority groups. Bush has promised that he would end Racial Profiling shortly after taking office
but there has been no improvement. This practice can be conducted with routine traffic stops, or can
be completely random based on the car that is driven, or the number of people in the car and the race
of the driver and the passengers. Students can find guides on how to improve their writing and
academic performance in general, get useful tips on making their study process more efficient, or
learn how to deal with particular issues. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie
policy. For example, police records on stops may not include the race of those individuals stopped
but not cited or arrested by police, and there may be little consistency in reporting race for a variety
of reasons. Stereotypes exist in society that it become the norm, which creates the one of the most
dangerous behavior which is racial profiling. Profiling is also used to link cases that have been
committed by the same individual.

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