Migration of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) (PET) Oligomers From PET Plastics Into Foods During Microwave and Conventional Cooking and Into Bottled Beverage

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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 52, No. 5, Pages 337-342 (May 1989)
Copyright© International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians

Migration of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) Oligomers from

PET Plastics into Foods during Microwave and Conventional
Cooking and into Bottled Beverages

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Science

Laboratory, Haldin House, Queen Street, Norwich NR2 4SX (U.K.)

(Received for publication November 9, 1988)

ABSTRACT has been tested with global migration procedures using olive
oil as a food simulant, values have generally been low; ranging
The migration of total levels of poly(ethylene terephthalate) from 0.7 mg/dm 2 after 10 d at 40°C to 4.0 mg/dm 2 after 2 h at
(PET) oligomers into a diverse range of foods has been determined 175°C (I). The presence of minor constituents in PET plastics
using an analytical approach that involves hydrolysis of oligomers which may give rise to migration have however been scruti-
to terephthalic acid, methylation, and analysis as dimethyl tereph-
nized in some depth. Acetaldehyde can be formed by thermal
thalate by stable isotope dilution GC/MS. Aspects of use of PET
degradation of PET during polycondensation and melt proc-
materials examined in this study include roasting bags, PET trays
(for conventional and microwave oven use), and "susceptor pads" essing, and levels are closely monitored in the plastic (6,15) as
for microwave browning applications. Total levels of migration of trace amounts migrating can adversely affect the taste of cola
PET oligomers were found to range from 0.02 to 2.73 mg/kg and other beverages. Migration of ethylene glycol from PET
depending on the foodstuff and the temperature attained during bottles into 3% acetic acid food simulant stored for 6 months
cooking. On repeated-use of PET trays for heating olive oil there was showed levels of about 0.1 mg/kg (8), which are insignificant
a decline in migration of oligomers from the first to second and in relation to the likely maximum level of 30 mg/kg of this
subsequent uses of the container. Migration of oligomers was found compound permitted in foods in the European Community by
to occur at only very low levels from PET bottles into alcoholic and migration from plastic materials and articles (7). Residual
carbonated beverages. monomer levels of 1.5 and 1.7 mg/kg terephthalic acid have
been found in PET film and bottles respectively (14), but
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a copolymer of eth- migration into food simulants was found to be <0.01 mg/kg for
ylene glycol with either terephthalic acid or dimethyl tereph- water, acetic acid and 15% ethanol, and 0.02 and 0.03 mg/kg
thalate. It is used in the form of trays and dishes for microwave for migration into 50% ethanol and into olive oil (14).
and conventional cooking where the polymer will not ther- PET is also known to contain small amounts of low
mally deform below about 220°C, and in the form of a film for molecular weight oligomers which mainly consist of cyclic
oven roasting bags. PET also forms the food contact surface compounds ranging from dimer to pentamer (11). The levels
layer in a new form of microwave packaging where the of these oligomers extractable from the polymer with meth-
polyester is metallized with vacuum deposited aluminium ylene dichloride range from 0.06 to 1.0% w/w depending on
which in turn is bonded to a board substrate. These materials the type of PET (9). For solid-phase polymerized PET resin
are termed "active" packaging or "susceptors," and are containing the lowest amounts of extractable oligomers, 81 %
intended for microwave use where high temperatures are of the extract comprised cyclic trimer with the other compo-
required locally for browning applications such as pastries, nents being lower molecular weight linear oligomers. Meth-
potato fries, and popcorn. The most widespread application of ods of analysis of oligomers both in the PET resin and in
PET has, however, been in the form of stretchblown bottles for materials such as refrigeration oils have been reported (11,12)
carbonated beverages where the copolymer provides an effec- and employ adsorption and gel permeation chromatography
tive barrier against carbon dioxide loss. PET miniature bottles as the basis of separating and monitoring the individual
(50 ml) have also found use for packaging spirits for airlines components. Although the major constituents which are likely
where a particular attraction has been the low weight of the to migrate from PET into foods are the oligomers, there are no
PET material compared to glass. published reports of attempts to measure the migration of
In addition to the physical properties that have made PET these species. Due to the difficulties of developing analytical
desirable as a food contact material, it is also relatively free of procedures for measuring individual oligomers we report here
additives and adventitious low molecular weight constituents a method which involves conversion of all the oligomers
and so has intrinsic low migration characteristics. When PET present in a food extract to the monomer terephthalic acid.



This method has the disadvantage that oligomers are meas- cooked by visual inspection. Microwave cooked foods were pre-
ured as total levels together with any monomer that may be pared in a Sharp Carousel Model R-7400 oven with a nominal output
present, although published data suggests the monomer con- of 600W on high power.
tribution will be low (14). We have previously used with some
success this approach of degrading polydisperse migration Repeat-use experiments with PET trays
Pre-heated olive oil (30 g) was poured into PET trays giving a
species to common low molecular weight units for the deter-
depth of oil of about 1 cm and the sample was heated for 2 hat 175°C.
mination of polymeric plasticizers (3) and epoxidized soya
The oil was then removed by pipette for analysis, before performing
bean oil in foods (2). Prior experience with the use of stable a repeat treatment on the tray. The experiment was repeated imme-
isotope-labelled internal standards both for determining the diately using the same tray a total of 5 times before a resting period
above analytes, as well as for monomeric plasticizers (4,5,13) of 3 weeks followed by a further 3 migration exposures.
and employing GC/MS for the determinative stage has dem-
onstrated the advantages of specificity and precision that can Analysis
be achieved. In the method reported in this paper we have The analytical method was based on the alkaline hydrolysis of
chosen accordingly to employ deuterated terephthalic acid as all PET oligomers to terephthalic acid. Deuterated terephthalic acid
internal standard, and with GC/MS this has enabled a precise was added as internal standard and, after methylation, the total
and specific analysis of PET oligomers in a diverse range of oligomer concentration was determined as dimethylterephthalate by
stable isotope dilution GC/MS. Beverage samples were initially con-
centrated by evaporation prior to hydrolysis, while for composite
food samples lipid extraction was carried out. In both instances the
MATERIALS AND METHODS deuterated internal standard was added immediately after the alka-
Chemicals line hydrolysis. Composite food samples received an additional
Potassium hydroxide (Analar grade) and sulphuric acid (Aris- clean-up stage after methylation to remove lipid components prior to
tar grade) were obtained from BDH Chemicals Ltd. (Poole, Dorset, GC/MS analysis.
U.K.). Boron trifluorideetherate (re-distilled grade) was from Sigma
Chemical Co. (Poole, Dorset, U.K.), isophthalic acid (98% pure), Sample preparation for composite foods
terephthalic acid (98% pure), and deuterated (d4-) terephthalic acid All glassware and materials in contact with solvents during the
(98% deuterium incorporation) were from Aldrich Chemical Co. assay were carefully washed with acetone prior to use. Food samples
(Gillingham, U.K.). All solvents (HPLC grade) were from Rathburn after cooking were blended to a slurry in a domestic food processor
Chemicals Ltd. (Walkerburn, Scotland, U.K.). and sub-samples (30 g) were taken for analysis. Acetone/hexane (1:1
v/v,approx. 150 ml) and concentrated hydrochloric acid (1 ml) were
Calibration standards added to the food sample in a beaker and the mixture homogenized
A calibration standard comprising a mixture of PET oligomers with a Ultra-Turrax homogenizer for 2 min. The supernatant liquid
was prepared by chloroform reflux of 'Melinex' (Type 851 I) film. was decanted from the residue, which was then extracted twice with
After removal of the chloroform on the rotary evaporator the residual further portions of solvent (150 ml). The extracts were combined and
solid was used for gravimetric preparation of calibration solutions. dried over sodium sulphate. After gravimetric evaporation to dry-
For spiking into foods an oligomer mixture in olive oil was obtained ness, an accurately weighed portion (ca. 1 g) of the lipid extract was
by extraction from PET trays at 175°C for 2 h. The concentration of transferred to a 24 ml crimp-top glass vial (F42 Perkin Elmer,
oligomers in the oil (ca. 60 mg/kg) was determined by the described Beaconsfield, U.K.) and hydrolysed overnight by treatment with 0.2
total digestion method using the chloroform extract for calibration. M potassium hydroxide in methanol (4 ml). Extracts of foods
The oil was employed for spiking experiments to establish the yielding less than 1 gof lipid, were transferred in their entirety to the
oligomer recovery of the method for foods. hydrolysis vial (containing from 1 to 20 |ig of d4-terephthalic acid)
using acetone, which was subsequently removed under nitrogen.
Samples This was followed by 1 ml of boron trifluoride etherate, and the
PET roasting bags and trays appropriate to household usage mixture was heated for 3 h at 60"C. After quenching with 2M
were purchased from retail outlets. Susceptor materials were ob- aqueous sodium chloride solution (2 ml) the product was extracted
tained in the form of retail packaging containing pre-packed foods into diethyl ether, centrifuged and the upper phase transferred to a 4
as supplied for use in microwave cooking. PET bottles containing ml screw-capped vial (Chromacol Ltd. London, U.K.). After blow-
carbonated beverages were retail samples, and spirit miniatures were ing down the extract to dryness under a stream of nitrogen, the
obtained as airline purchases. All foods intended for cooking in residue was taken up in dichloromethane/cyclohexane (1:1 v/v) to
contact with PET were purchased from local retail outlets, where it give a solution containing about 0.3 g/ml of sample extract.
was established that the products had not previously been in contact Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) was carried out as de-
with plastic materials. Olive oil was a rectified grade complying with scribed elsewhere (10) using a 50 X 2.5 cm bed of Bio-Beads SX-3
the specification for use as a food simulant for EC overall migration (Bio-Rad, Watford, U.K.) operated at a flowrate of 0.5 ml/min of
testing. dichloromethane/cyclohexane as eluent. Injections of 250 ul of
sample extracts were made and the fraction containing dimethyl
Use of PET materials during microwave and conventional cooking terephthalate (d - and d4-) was collected, evaporated to about 0.5 ml
Foods that had not previously been in contact with plastic- and transferred to a small vial. Samples were stored at -20°C prior to
materials were placed in roasting bags or in trays and heated on the GC/MS analysis.
middle shelf of a conventional domestic electric oven. The pre-
warmed oven was nominally set at 204"C (temperature measure- Sample preparation for beverages
ment revealed that the oven cycled between 190 and 210°C) and the All glassware and materials in contact with solvents during the
foods were heated according to the recipes or until sufficiently assay were carefully washed with acetone prior to use.



A sample of the beverage (10.0 g) was poured from the PET RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
bottle into a 24 ml crimp-top vial and reduced in volume to around
2 ml under a stream of nitrogen at 80-90"C. Potassium hydroxide Performance of the analytical methods
(0.6g) was then added and the sample capped and hydroly sed at 95°C Preliminary experiments with a chloroform extract from
for 48 h with occasional shaking (Caution: gloves are required). The
PET showed that the theoretical yield of terephthalic acid,
following were then added to the vial: 6 M sulphuric acid (2 ml,
based on the weight of oligomers taken, could be obtained on
drop wise), d4-terephthalic acid 50 u.1 of 100 U-g/ml in aqueous
hydrolysis. This demonstrated firstly, that no other species
potassium hydroxide), and diethyl ether (12 ml). The vial was
capped, shaken to effect partitioning, and the lower aqueous phase had been extracted from the PET and secondly, the effective-
removed by pipette. The organic phase was dried over sodium ness of the procedure in completely converting all the oligom-
sulphate, decanted into a 24-ml vial, and evaporated almost to ers to the parent acid. For calibration purposes this chloroform
dryness under a stream of nitrogen at room temperature (Caution: it oligomer extract was employed throughout, except for spik-
was important not to prolong nitrogen evaporation past dryness). ing into foods where due to problems of solubility, an olive oil
The residue was methylated by the addition of 2 ml of 10% boron extract containing PET oligomers was employed. The con-
trifluoride (prepared from boron trifluoride etherate in methanol) centration of oligomers in this oil was directly determined
with reaction at 65°C for 3 h. The methylated solution was then using the chloroform extract as a standard. All results are
quenched by the addition of water (2 ml) and extracted with diethyl expressed as mg/kg of total PET oligomers.
ether (12 ml). The aqueous phase was removed from the vial by
For the analysis of composite foods where a preliminary
pipette, the ether phase dried over sodium sulphate and evaporated
to around 0.5 ml under a nitrogen stream at room temperature. The extraction stage was employed, the deuterated internal stan-
solution was stored at -20°C prior to GC/MS analysis. dard was not added until after both the extraction and alkaline
hydrolysis. This step in the analysis was shown by spiking
Sample preparation for olive oil various foods with oligomers at levels from 0.08 to 0.8 mg/kg
A sub-sample of the oil (3.0 g) along with isophthalic acid to have a mean recovery of 90%, and this figure was accord-
internal standard (10 u.1 of a 20 mg/ml solution in aqueous potassium
ingly used to correct subsequent data. After correction for this
hydroxide) was hydrolysed with 0.2"M potassium hydroxide in
initial recovery loss, the total assay for a variety of spiked
methanol (10 ml) at 65°C in a 24-ml crimp-capped vial. The reaction
period was for 3 h after homogeneity was attained (4-5 h in total). foods gave a found/added ratio of 98 + 8%. Reagent blanks for
Boron trifluoride etherate was added (2 ml) followed by a further the assay were <0.01 mg/kg and for each of the 12 food types
period of heating at 65°C for 5 h. examined in the cooking experiments, blanks were in the
The methylation mixture was added to diethyl ether (40 ml) and range <0.01 to 0.04 mg/kg with the exception of one sample
extracted with water (2 x 50 ml)-followed by aqueous sodium of lasagna which gave a blank value of 0.07 mg/kg. Blank
sulphate solution (50 ml of a half-saturated solution). The organic values were thus insignificant in relation to the measured
phase was dried over sodium sulphate and evaporated to dryness levels of oligomers in these composite foods.
under vacuum. The residue was dissolved in acetonitrile (50 ml) and For the analysis of beverages spiked at 0.1 mg/kg the
washed with hexane (3 X 50 ml). The acetonitrile phase was evapo-
found/added ratio was 98 + 8%. Blank samples of water and
rated to a small volume, made up to around 1 ml with chloroform, and
of beverages packed in glass showed levels <0.05 mg/kg.
stored at -20°C until analysis by GC with an FID.
Olive oil samples spiked at 10 mg/kg with oligomers and
Selected ion monitoring GC/MS and GC (FID) analysis analysed by the GC (flame ionization) approach gave found/
GC/MS analysis was carried out on a Carlo Erba 4160 gas added values of 97 + 6%, with blank values below 0.5 mg/kg
chromatograph (MSE Instruments, Crawley, U.K.) directly coupled (<0.02 mg/dm 2 ) the nominal limit of detection of the assay.
to a VG 7070H mass spectrometer with a VG 11/250 data system
The mass spectrum of dimethyl terephthalate showed a
(VG Analytical Ltd. Manchester). Analysis was using a 30 m X 0.25
base peak at m/z 163 and a molecular ion at m/z 194 (25%),
mm ID DB5 fused silica column (J & W Scientific Inc. Fulsom, CA
USA) operated isofhermally at 160"C with a helium carrier gas with the deuterated internal standard showing analogous ions
flowrate of 1 ml/min using split injection (20:1). The mass spec- at m/z 167 and 198. Although blank materials were generally
trometer was operated in an electron ionization mode at a resolution available, an additional confirmation of the specificity of the
of 500 (10% valley definition). Ions at m/z 163 and 194 were assay was made by checking the ratio in each case of the two
monitored for dimethyl terephthalate and the corresponding ions at respective ions. In no instance was there any evidence of
m/z 167 and 198 for the d,- internal standard. Dwell times were 80 interference from co-extracted components from the foods in
msec per mass and a settling time of 20 msec to give a total cycle time their determination of the PET oligomers. Typical selected ion
of 400 msec. Quantification was on the basis of peak areas. Calibra-
chromatograms for a sample of French fries heated in contact
tion was carried out constructing a curve of the ratio of m/z 163/167
with PET in a susceptor and for a sample of vodka from an
versus weight ratio of PET oligomers/internal standard.
airline spirit miniature PET bottle are shown in Fig. 1. Calibra-
GC analysis with an FID was carried out using a Carlo Erba
tion curves were linear with a correlation coefficient of 0.9992
4160 gas chromatograph (MSE Instruments, Crawley, U.K.). The
and did not differ in slope whether prepared directly from
column was a 25 m x 0.22 mm ID CP SIL 5CB (0.12 u.m film
thickness) fused silica column (Chrompack International B.V.) standards or from spiking into food, thereby demonstrating
operated at a hydrogen carrier gas flowrate of 2 ml/min. The tem- that no matrix effects were evident.
perature was programmed from 120°C at 3"C/min to 130°C and then
held isothermally for 5 min; baking out the column at 250"C between Migration of PET oligomers into foods
analyses. Injections (1 u.1) were made in the split mode with a 20:1 The results in Table 1 show migration levels of PET
split ratio. oligomers in the range 0.02 to 2.73 mg/kg for a variety of foods



TABLE 1. Migration of PET oligomers into foods during microwave and conventional cooking.
Food Type Cooking Article Cooking Conditions PET Oligomers*
Lasagne ~PET tray 80 min at 204°C 0.78, 1.47
Sausages PET tray 60 min at 204°C 0.40, 0.44
French fries PET tray 40 min at 204°C 0.35,0.27
Baked beans PET tray 30 min at 204°C 0.12,0.20
Stewed apple PET tray 40 min at 204°C 0.19,0.21
Stewed cherries PET tray 40 min at 204°C 0.11,0.10

Roast beef PET roasting bag 90 min at 204°C 0.82, 0.79

Roast pork PET roasting bag 90 min at 204°C 0.38,0.80

Lasagne PET tray Microwave 3 min high 0.18,0.07

Chicken curry PET tray Microwave 3 min high 0.08, 0.07
Peanut brittle PET tray Microwave 15 min high 0.06, 0.05

Pizza Susceptor pad Microwave 1.5 min high 0.96, 0.43

French fries Susceptor carton Microwave 3 min high 1.47,2.73
Popcorn Susceptor carton Microwave 5 min high 0.02, 0.02
*Results for duplicate cooking experiments.

under different heating conditions. The levels observed were migration is either not detectable or barely above the limit of
influenced by the temperature and time of exposure, the extent detection. Slightly higher levels of oligomers were found in
of contact with the food, and the nature of the food surface. the samples of alcoholic beverages as might be expected for a
Results are reported for levels in duplicate migration experi- more aggressive extraction medium, and the higher surface
ments. Where the food was homogeneous, such as for stewed area to volume ratio of the miniature bottles which favors
apple, the replication was good, but for composite heterogene- higher migration values. Some differences in replicate results
ous foods such as lasagna, more significant differences were for individual samples of the same beverage were observed,
observed reflecting the difficulties of preparing identical reflecting possible differences in storage times and prior
replicate samples. Although the higher levels of migration history for these survey samples.
were observed for fatty foods, migration nevertheless still
occurred into aqueous foods such as stewed apple and baked Migration of PET oligomers into olive oil on repeated-use of
beans. Temperatures and times of exposure do appear for the PET trays
PET oligomers to be the dominant factors influencing migra- As PET domestic oven-ware trays sold for conventional
tion, with the higher levels being observed after conventional or microwave cooking are intended for repeat-use, it was of
cooking at oven temperatures of 204°C for periods from 30 to interest to examine the migration behaviour for this applica-
90 min, as opposed to somewhat lower migration levels tion. Proposed EC regulations allow for the expected decline
observed in microwave cooking in PET trays. For example, in overall migration from the first to subsequent uses of the
for lasagna a ten-fold higher level of PET oligomer migration article by accepting the migration value obtained after 3
was observed after conventional as opposed to microwave consecutive tests on the same article using fresh simulant on
cooking. In the latter case the cooking time was only 3 min and each occasion, as that pertaining to the test limit. As it is not
the temperature in the food probably did not exceed 120°C possible to carry out actual overall migration experiments into
(unpublished data). For the examples of foods heated in pack- olive oil in this fashion on the same article, this approach was
aging including susceptor materials, although again the expo- of necessity decided by the Commission on the basis of only
sure times were short, very high local temperatures were limited supporting experimental data. For PET articles the
generated as evidenced by charring of the paperboard sub- oligomer migration gives a good measure of the total migra-
strate. Although the layer of PET exposed to the food is very tion from this material and thus successive measurements of
thin in these susceptor applications, a level of oligomer the migration of these species can be used as a basis for
migration of 2.73 mg/kg was nevertheless observed in the case measuring the actual reduction in migration that occurs in
of French fries microwaved in susceptor-carton, as opposed to practice on repeat-use.
levels ten-fold lower for the same food heated in a conven- The results shown in Table 3 for migration experiments
tional oven in a PET tray. For popcorn in a susceptor-carton into olive oil were carried out under test conditions of 2 h at
the temperatures generated were again relatively high and 175°C representing an extreme test compared with likely
sustained for a longer period, but in this application the contact practical applications. Migration was measured into a rela-
time of the individual kernels of corn with the PET surface was tively small volume of oil and therefore data are expressed in
small, and the migration observed was accordingly low. mg/dm 2 i.e. calculated as loss of oligomers from the tray rather
In Table 2 the results are presented for the migration of than as a level of contamination in the oil. Under these test
PET oligomers into a variety of beverages including airline conditions it can be seen that oligomer migration drops from
spirit miniatures. For the aqueous beverages the oligomer an initial level of 1.71 -1.79 mg/dm 2 to 0.34 - 0.35 mg/dm 2



TABLE 2. Migration of PET oligomers from PET bottles into beverages

Beverage type Bottle volume No. PET oligomers (mg/kg)*
(ml) samples Mean
Gin 50 2 0.12,0.47 0.29
Rum 50 3 0.06, <0.05, <0.05 <0.05
Vodka 50 3 0.07, 0.14, <0.05 0.08
Whisky 50 2 0.08, 0.08 0.08

Cola 250 3 <0.05, <0.05, <0.05 <0.05

Ginger Ale 500 4 0.08, <0.05, 0.14, 0.06 0.08
Soda water 500 1 <0.05 <0.05
Tonic water 500 1 <0.05 <0.05
Bitter lemon 500 1 0.05 0.05
Limeade 250 1 <0.05 <0.05
*Replicate results for individually purchased samples.

TABLE 3. Migration of PET oligomers from trays into olive oil on Testing of PET trays from different manufacturers for oli-
repeat-use, (migration experiments for 2 h at 175V). gomer migration
Number of successive PET oligomer migration
Tn order to examine whether the type of PET cookware or
exposures (rr g/dm-)
Tray A TrayB the manufacturer would lead to any differences in oligomer
1 1.71 1.79 migration levels, a number of trays from different sources
2 0.86 0.82 were tested with olive oil for 2 h at 175°C. These test condi-
3 0.64 0.51 tions were used for comparative purposes only and were
4 0.53 0.50 accepted as being extreme in relation to normal use. The
5 0.64 0.46 results are shown in Table 4 for duplicate tests of 5 different
Three week resting period
6 0.60 0.51
7 0.49 0.40
8 0.34 0.35 1BL (a )
Mean of tests 1-8 0.72 0.66

m / z 16 3

after 8 successive tests. The three week resting period after test
5 was to examine for re-equilibration of oligomers within the
PET tray i.e. to see whether oligomer diffusion within the
plastic to the surface was becoming rate-limiting on succes- m / z 16 7

sive repeat-use. An effect, although not particularly signifi-

4 . 0 4.5
cant, of this resting period was observed in that oligomer
T i m e (m i n)
levels for test 5 and 6 are about equivalent, prior to a continued
drop in migration on subsequent testing.
The most significant drop in migration was observed in 1BBL, (b)

going from test 1 to test 2, and thereafter a steady reduction SB

was observed. The mean values for oligomer migration are
shown in Table 3 calculated on the basis of all 8 test results. m / z 16 3
The result of using test 3 for checking for compliance with the
proposed regulations means that oligomer levels of 0.64 and lBBL
0.51 mg/kg would be the values selected for trays A and B Be
respectively. Tt can be seen that for these PET trays the values ee
obtained by using this third test are in both cases lower than the
mean of 8 successive repeat tests. However, this latter mean m / z 16 7

would be expected to decline as the number of repeat tests was

successively increased. In this particular example the migra- Time ( m i n )
tion values are far lower than the proposed limit of 10 mg/dm 2 ,
so the choice of the particular test for repeat-use is not critical. Figure 1. Selected Jon Monitoring Chromatograms illustrating PET
However in other cases where the material is much closer to oligomers in (a) Sample of French fries heated in microwave
the tolerance limit, the basis for selection of the value for susceptor carton (containing 2.73 mg/kg total PET oligomers), (b)
repeat-use could be far more crucial in determining a pass or Sample of vodka in an airline PET bottle (containing 0.J 4 mg/kg
failure in the global migration test. total PET oligomers).



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